def pick_positions(catalog, filename, separation, refimage=None, wcs_origin=1):
    Assigns positions to fake star list generated by pick_models


    filename: string
        Name of AST list generated by pick_models

    separation: float
        Minimum pixel separation between AST and star in photometry
        catalog provided in the datamodel.

    refimage: string
        Name of the reference image.  If supplied, the method will use the
        reference image header to convert from RA and DEC to X and Y.

    wcs_origin : 0 or 1 (default=1)
        As described in the WCS documentation: "the coordinate in the upper
        left corner of the image. In FITS and Fortran standards, this is 1. 
        In Numpy and C standards this is 0."


    Ascii table that replaces [filename] with a new version of
    [filename] that contains the necessary position columns for running
    the ASTs though DOLPHOT

    noise = (
    )  # Spreads the ASTs in a circular annulus of 3 pixel width instead of all being
    # precisely [separation] from an observed star.

    colnames = catalog.data.columns

    if "X" or "x" in colnames:
        if "X" in colnames:
            x_positions = catalog.data["X"][:]
            y_positions = catalog.data["Y"][:]
        if "x" in colnames:
            x_positions = catalog.data["x"][:]
            y_positions = catalog.data["y"][:]
        if refimage:
            if ("RA" in colnames) or ("ra" in colnames):
                if "RA" in colnames:
                    ra_positions = catalog.data["RA"][:]
                    dec_positions = catalog.data["DEC"][:]
                if "ra" in colnames:
                    ra_positions = catalog.data["ra"][:]
                    dec_positions = catalog.data["dec"][:]
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Your catalog does not supply X, Y or RA, DEC information for spatial AST distribution"

            raise RuntimeError(
                "You must supply a Reference Image to determine spatial AST distribution."
        wcs = WCS(refimage)
        x_positions, y_positions = wcs.all_world2pix(ra_positions, dec_positions, wcs_origin)

    astmags = ascii.read(filename)

    n_asts = len(astmags)

    # keep is defined to ensure that no fake stars are put outside of the image boundaries

    keep = (
        (x_positions > np.min(x_positions) + separation + noise)
        & (x_positions < np.max(x_positions) - separation - noise)
        & (y_positions > np.min(y_positions) + separation + noise)
        & (y_positions < np.max(y_positions) - separation - noise)

    x_positions = x_positions[keep]
    y_positions = y_positions[keep]

    ncat = len(x_positions)
    ind = np.random.random(n_asts) * ncat
    ind = ind.astype("int")

    # Here we generate the circular distribution of ASTs surrounding random observed stars

    separation = np.random.random(n_asts) * noise + separation
    theta = np.random.random(n_asts) * 2.0 * np.pi
    xvar = separation * np.cos(theta)
    yvar = separation * np.sin(theta)

    new_x = x_positions[ind] + xvar
    new_y = y_positions[ind] + yvar
    column1 = 0 * new_x
    column2 = column1 + 1
    column1 = Column(name="zeros", data=column1.astype("int"))
    column2 = Column(name="ones", data=column2.astype("int"))
    column3 = Column(name="X", data=new_x, format="%.2f")
    column4 = Column(name="Y", data=new_y, format="%.2f")
    astmags.add_column(column1, 0)
    astmags.add_column(column2, 1)
    astmags.add_column(column3, 2)
    astmags.add_column(column4, 3)

    ascii.write(astmags, filename, overwrite=True)
def pick_positions(catalog, filename, separation, refimage=None):
    Assigns positions to fake star list generated by pick_models


    filename:   string
                Name of AST list generated by pick_models
    separation: float
                Minimum pixel separation between AST and star in photometry 
                catalog provided in the datamodel.
    refimage:   Name of the reference image.  If supplied, the method will use the 
                reference image header to convert from RA and DEC to X and Y.


    Ascii table that replaces [filename] with a new version of
    [filename] that contains the necessary position columns for running
    the ASTs though DOLPHOT

    noise = 3.0  #Spreads the ASTs in a circular annulus of 3 pixel width instead of all being
    #precisely [separation] from an observed star.

    colnames = catalog.data.columns

    if 'X' or 'x' in colnames:
        if 'X' in colnames:
            x_positions = catalog.data['X'][:]
            y_positions = catalog.data['Y'][:]
        if 'x' in colnames:
            x_positions = catalog.data['x'][:]
            y_positions = catalog.data['y'][:]
        if refimage:
            if 'RA' or 'ra' in colnames:
                if 'RA' in colnames:
                    ra_positions = catalog.data['RA'][:]
                    dec_positions = catalog.data['DEC'][:]
                if 'ra' in colnames:
                    ra_positions = catalog.data['ra'][:]
                    dec_positions = catalog.data['dec'][:]
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Your catalog does not supply X, Y or RA, DEC information for spatial AST distribution"

            raise RuntimeError(
                "You must supply a Reference Image to determine spatial AST distribution."
        wcs = WCS(refimage)
        x_positions, y_positions = wcs.all_world2pix(ra_positions,
                                                     dec_positions, 0)

    astmags = ascii.read(filename)

    n_asts = len(astmags)

    # keep is defined to ensure that no fake stars are put outside of the image boundaries

    keep = (x_positions > np.min(x_positions) + separation + noise) & (x_positions < np.max(x_positions) - separation - noise) & \
           (y_positions > np.min(y_positions) + separation + noise) & (y_positions < np.max(y_positions) - separation - noise)

    x_positions = x_positions[keep]
    y_positions = y_positions[keep]

    ncat = len(x_positions)
    ind = np.random.random(n_asts) * ncat
    ind = ind.astype('int')

    # Here we generate the circular distribution of ASTs surrounding random observed stars

    separation = np.random.random(n_asts) * noise + separation
    theta = np.random.random(n_asts) * 2.0 * np.pi
    xvar = separation * np.cos(theta)
    yvar = separation * np.sin(theta)

    new_x = x_positions[ind] + xvar
    new_y = y_positions[ind] + yvar
    column1 = 0 * new_x
    column2 = column1 + 1
    column1 = Column(name='zeros', data=column1.astype('int'))
    column2 = Column(name='ones', data=column2.astype('int'))
    column3 = Column(name='X', data=new_x, format='%.2f')
    column4 = Column(name='Y', data=new_y, format='%.2f')
    astmags.add_column(column1, 0)
    astmags.add_column(column2, 1)
    astmags.add_column(column3, 2)
    astmags.add_column(column4, 3)

    ascii.write(astmags, filename, overwrite=True)