def test_isclose_timedelta_exceptions():
    t1 = TimeDelta(1 * u.s)
    t2 = t1 + 1 * u.s
    match = "other' argument must support conversion to days"
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=match):

    match = "'atol' argument must be a Quantity or TimeDelta instance, got float instead"
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=match):
        t1.isclose(t2, 1.5)
def test_isclose_timedelta(swap, time_delta, other_quantity):
    """Test functionality of TimeDelta.isclose() method.

    Run every test with 2 args in original order and swapped, and using
    Quantity or TimeDelta for atol (when provided), and using Quantity or
    TimeDelta for the other argument."""
    def isclose_swap(t1, t2, **kwargs):
        if swap:
            t1, t2 = t2, t1
        if 'atol' in kwargs and time_delta:
            kwargs['atol'] = TimeDelta(kwargs['atol'])
        return t1.isclose(t2, **kwargs)

    def isclose_other_quantity(t1, t2, **kwargs):
        if other_quantity:
            t2 = t2.to(u.day)
        if 'atol' in kwargs and time_delta:
            kwargs['atol'] = TimeDelta(kwargs['atol'])
        return t1.isclose(t2, **kwargs)

    t1 = TimeDelta(1.0 * u.s)
    t2 = t1 + 0.0 * u.s
    t3 = t1 + TimeDelta(0.0 * u.s)
    assert isclose_swap(t1, t2)
    assert isclose_swap(t1, t3)
    assert isclose_other_quantity(t1, t2)
    assert isclose_other_quantity(t1, t3)

    t2 = t1 + 1 * u.s
    assert isclose_swap(t1, t2, atol=1.5 / 86400 * u.day)
    assert not isclose_swap(t1, t2, atol=0.5 / 86400 * u.day)
    assert isclose_other_quantity(t1, t2, atol=1.5 / 86400 * u.day)
    assert not isclose_other_quantity(t1, t2, atol=0.5 / 86400 * u.day)

    t1 = TimeDelta(0 * u.s)
    t2 = t1 + [-1, 0, 2] * u.s
    assert np.all(isclose_swap(t1, t2, atol=1.5 * u.s) == [True, True, False])
    assert np.all(
        isclose_other_quantity(t1, t2, atol=1.5 * u.s) == [True, True, False])

    # Check with rtol
    # 1 * 0.6 + 0.5 = 1.1 --> 1 <= 1.1 --> True
    # 0 * 0.6 + 0.5 = 0.5 --> 0 <= 0.5 --> True
    # 2 * 0.6 + 0.5 = 1.7 --> 2 <= 1.7 --> False
    assert np.all(
        t1.isclose(t2, atol=0.5 * u.s, rtol=0.6) == [True, True, False])

    t2 = t1 + 2 * np.finfo(float).eps * u.day
    assert not isclose_swap(t1, t2)
    assert not isclose_other_quantity(t1, t2)