def calcBls(flux, time, bls_durs, minP=None, maxP=None, min_trans=3): """ Take a bls and return the spectrum. """ bls = BoxLeastSquares(time, flux) period_grid = bls.autoperiod(bls_durs,minimum_period=minP, \ maximum_period=maxP, minimum_n_transit=min_trans, \ frequency_factor=0.8) bls_power = bls.power(period_grid, bls_durs, oversample=20) return bls_power
def find_and_mask_transits(time, flux, flux_err, periods, durations, nplanets=1, plot=False): """ Iteratively find and mask transits in the flattened light curve. Args: time (array): The time array. flux (array): The flux array. You'll get the best results if this is flattened. flux_err (array): The array of flux uncertainties. periods (array): The array of periods to search over for BLS. For example, periods = np.linspace(0.5, 20, 10) durations (array): The array of durations to search over for BLS. For example, durations = np.linspace(0.05, 0.2, 10) nplanets (Optional[int]): The number of planets you'd like to search for. This function will interatively find and remove nplanets. Default is 1. Returns: transit_masks (list): a list of masks that correspond to the in transit points of each light curve. To mask out transits do time[~transit_masks[index]], etc. """ cum_transit = np.ones(len(time), dtype=bool) _time, _flux, _flux_err = time * 1, flux * 1, flux_err * 1 t0s, durs, porbs = [np.zeros(nplanets) for i in range(3)] transit_masks = [] for i in range(nplanets): bls = BoxLeastSquares(t=_time, y=_flux, dy=_flux_err) bls.power(periods, durations) periods = bls.autoperiod(durations, minimum_n_transit=3, frequency_factor=5.0) results = bls.autopower(durations, frequency_factor=5.0) # Find the period of the peak period = results.period[np.argmax(results.power)] # Extract the parameters of the best-fit model index = np.argmax(results.power) porbs[i] = results.period[index] t0s[i] = results.transit_time[index] durs[i] = results.duration[index] if plot: # Plot the periodogram fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 5)) ax.plot(results.period, results.power, "k", lw=0.5) ax.set_xlim(results.period.min(), results.period.max()) ax.set_xlabel("period [days]") ax.set_ylabel("log likelihood") # Highlight the harmonics of the peak period ax.axvline(period, alpha=0.4, lw=4) for n in range(2, 10): ax.axvline(n * period, alpha=0.4, lw=1, linestyle="dashed") ax.axvline(period / n, alpha=0.4, lw=1, linestyle="dashed") # # plt.plot(_time, _flux, ".") # plt.xlim(1355, 1360) in_transit = bls.transit_mask(_time, porbs[i], durs[i], t0s[i]) transit_masks.append(in_transit) _time, _flux, _flux_err = _time[~in_transit], _flux[~in_transit], \ _flux_err[~in_transit] return transit_masks, t0s, durs, porbs
def from_lightcurve(lc, **kwargs): """Creates a Periodogram from a LightCurve using the Box Least Squares (BLS) method.""" # BoxLeastSquares was added to `astropy.stats` in AstroPy v3.1 and then # moved to `astropy.timeseries` in v3.2, which makes the import below # somewhat complicated. try: from astropy.timeseries import BoxLeastSquares except ImportError: try: from astropy.stats import BoxLeastSquares except ImportError: raise ImportError("BLS requires AstroPy v3.1 or later") # Validate user input for `lc` # (BoxLeastSquares will not work if flux or flux_err contain NaNs) lc = lc.remove_nans() if np.isfinite(lc.flux_err).all(): dy = lc.flux_err else: dy = None # Validate user input for `duration` duration = kwargs.pop("duration", 0.25) if duration is not None and ~np.all(np.isfinite(duration)): raise ValueError("`duration` parameter contains illegal nan or inf value(s)") # Validate user input for `period` period = kwargs.pop("period", None) minimum_period = kwargs.pop("minimum_period", None) maximum_period = kwargs.pop("maximum_period", None) if period is not None and ~np.all(np.isfinite(period)): raise ValueError("`period` parameter contains illegal nan or inf value(s)") if minimum_period is None: if period is None: minimum_period = np.max([np.median(np.diff(lc.time)) * 4, np.max(duration) + np.median(np.diff(lc.time))]) else: minimum_period = np.min(period) if maximum_period is None: if period is None: maximum_period = (np.max(lc.time) - np.min(lc.time)) / 3. else: maximum_period = np.max(period) # Validate user input for `time_unit` time_unit = (kwargs.pop("time_unit", "day")) if time_unit not in dir(u): raise ValueError('{} is not a valid value for `time_unit`'.format(time_unit)) # Validate user input for `frequency_factor` frequency_factor = kwargs.pop("frequency_factor", 10) df = frequency_factor * np.min(duration) / (np.max(lc.time) - np.min(lc.time))**2 npoints = int(((1/minimum_period) - (1/maximum_period))/df) if npoints > 1e7: raise ValueError('`period` contains {} points.' 'Periodogram is too large to evaluate. ' 'Consider setting `frequency_factor` to a higher value.' ''.format(np.round(npoints, 4))) elif npoints > 1e5: log.warning('`period` contains {} points.' 'Periodogram is likely to be large, and slow to evaluate. ' 'Consider setting `frequency_factor` to a higher value.' ''.format(np.round(npoints, 4))) # Create BLS object and run the BLS search bls = BoxLeastSquares(lc.time, lc.flux, dy) if period is None: period = bls.autoperiod(duration, minimum_period=minimum_period, maximum_period=maximum_period, frequency_factor=frequency_factor) result = bls.power(period, duration, **kwargs) if not isinstance(result.period, u.quantity.Quantity): result.period = u.Quantity(result.period, time_unit) if not isinstance(result.power, u.quantity.Quantity): result.power = result.power * u.dimensionless_unscaled if not isinstance(result.duration, u.quantity.Quantity): result.duration = u.Quantity(result.duration, time_unit) return BoxLeastSquaresPeriodogram(frequency=1. / result.period, power=result.power, default_view='period', label=lc.label, targetid=lc.targetid, transit_time=result.transit_time, duration=result.duration, depth=result.depth, bls_result=result, snr=result.depth_snr, bls_obj=bls, time=lc.time, flux=lc.flux, time_unit=time_unit)
def bls_estimator( x, y, yerr=None, duration=0.2, min_period=None, max_period=None, objective=None, method=None, oversample=10, **kwargs, ): """Estimate the period of a time series using box least squares All extra keyword arguments are passed directly to :func:`astropy.timeseries.BoxLeastSquares.autopower`. Args: x (ndarray[N]): The times of the observations y (ndarray[N]): The observations at times ``x`` yerr (Optional[ndarray[N]]): The uncertainties on ``y`` min_period (Optional[float]): The minimum period to consider max_period (Optional[float]): The maximum period to consider Returns: A dictionary with the computed autocorrelation function and the estimated period. For compatibility with the :func:`lomb_scargle_estimator`, the period is returned as a list with the key ``peaks``. """ kwargs["minimum_period"] = kwargs.get("minimim_period", min_period) kwargs["maximum_period"] = kwargs.get("maximum_period", max_period) x_ref = 0.5 * (np.min(x) + np.max(x)) bls = BoxLeastSquares(x - x_ref, y, yerr) # Estimate the frequency factor to not be insanely slow if "frequency_factor" not in kwargs: kwargs["frequency_factor"] = 1.0 periods = bls.autoperiod(duration, **kwargs) while len(periods) > len(x): kwargs["frequency_factor"] *= 2 periods = bls.autoperiod(duration, **kwargs) # Compute the periodogram pg = bls.autopower( duration, objective=objective, method=method, oversample=oversample, **kwargs, ) # Correct for the reference time offset pg.transit_time += x_ref # Find the peak peaks = find_peaks(1 / pg.period, pg.power, max_peaks=1) results = dict(bls=pg, peaks=peaks, peak_info=None) if not len(peaks): return results # Extract the relevant information at the peak ind = peaks[0]["index"] results["peak_info"] = dict( (k, v[ind]) for k, v in pg.items() if k != "objective") return results