def plot_norm(self, stretch='linear', power=1.0, asinh_a=0.1, min_cut=None, max_cut=None, min_percent=None, max_percent=None, percent=None, clip=True): """Create a matplotlib norm object for plotting. This is a copy of this function that will be available in Astropy 1.3: `astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize.simple_norm` See the parameter description there! Examples -------- >>> image = SkyImage() >>> norm = image.plot_norm(stretch='sqrt', max_percent=99) >>> image.plot(norm=norm) """ import astropy.visualization as v from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import ImageNormalize if percent is not None: interval = v.PercentileInterval(percent) elif min_percent is not None or max_percent is not None: interval = v.AsymmetricPercentileInterval(min_percent or 0., max_percent or 100.) elif min_cut is not None or max_cut is not None: interval = v.ManualInterval(min_cut, max_cut) else: interval = v.MinMaxInterval() if stretch == 'linear': stretch = v.LinearStretch() elif stretch == 'sqrt': stretch = v.SqrtStretch() elif stretch == 'power': stretch = v.PowerStretch(power) elif stretch == 'log': stretch = v.LogStretch() elif stretch == 'asinh': stretch = v.AsinhStretch(asinh_a) else: raise ValueError('Unknown stretch: {0}.'.format(stretch)) vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits( return ImageNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=stretch, clip=clip)
def scale_rgb(red, green, blue, stretch_coeff, pmin=0, pmax=98.): """ Perform interval and stretch for RGB Parameters ---------- red : CCDData object Red filter image data, parsed with load_image green : CCDData object Green filter image data, parsed with load_image blue : CCDData object Blue filter image data, parsed with load_image stretch_coeff : tuple, (1,3) Power-law stretch coefficients for (red, green, blue) filters respectively. pmin : float, default = 0 The lower percentile below which to ignore pixels. Passed to AsymmetricPercentileInterval function. pmax : float, default = 98 The upper percentile above which to ignore pixels. Passed to AsymmetricPercentileInterval function. Returns ------- rgb : np.array, N x N x 3 """ r_stretch = vis.stretch.PowerStretch(stretch_coeff[0]) g_stretch = vis.stretch.PowerStretch(stretch_coeff[1]) b_stretch = vis.stretch.PowerStretch(stretch_coeff[2]) interval = vis.AsymmetricPercentileInterval(pmin, pmax) rgb = np.array([ r_stretch(interval(red)), g_stretch(interval(green)), b_stretch(interval(blue)) ]).T return rgb
def get_im_interval(pmin=10, pmax=99.9, vmin=None, vmax=None): ''' Returns an interval, to feed the ImageNormalize routine from Astropy. :param pmin: lower-limit percentile :type pmin: float :param pmax: upper-limit percentile :type pmax: float :param vmin: absolute lower limit :type vmin: float :param vmax: absolute upper limit :type vmax: float :return: an :class:`astropy.visualization.interval` thingy ... :rtype: :class:`astropy.visualization.interval` .. note:: Specifying *both* vmin and vmax will override pmin and pmax. ''' if vmin is not None and vmax is not None: return astrovis.ManualInterval(vmin, vmax) return astrovis.AsymmetricPercentileInterval(pmin, pmax)
def show_image(image, percl=99, percu=None, is_mask=False, figsize=(6, 10), cmap='viridis', log=False, show_colorbar=True, show_ticks=True, fig=None, ax=None, input_ratio=None): """ Show an image in matplotlib with some basic astronomically-appropriat stretching. Parameters ---------- image The image to show percl : number The percentile for the lower edge of the stretch (or both edges if ``percu`` is None) percu : number or None The percentile for the upper edge of the stretch (or None to use ``percl`` for both) figsize : 2-tuple The size of the matplotlib figure in inches """ if percu is None: percu = percl percl = 100 - percl if (fig is None and ax is not None) or (fig is not None and ax is None): raise ValueError('Must provide both "fig" and "ax" ' 'if you provide one of them') elif fig is None and ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize) if figsize is not None: # Rescale the fig size to match the image dimensions, roughly image_aspect_ratio = image.shape[0] / image.shape[1] figsize = (max(figsize) * image_aspect_ratio, max(figsize)) print(figsize) # To preserve details we should *really* downsample correctly and # not rely on matplotlib to do it correctly for us (it won't). # So, calculate the size of the figure in pixels, block_reduce to # roughly that,and display the block reduced image. # Thanks, fig_size_pix = fig.get_size_inches() * fig.dpi ratio = (image.shape // fig_size_pix).max() if ratio < 1: ratio = 1 ratio = input_ratio or ratio # Divide by the square of the ratio to keep the flux the same in the # reduced image reduced_data = block_reduce(image, ratio) / ratio**2 # Of course, now that we have downsampled, the axis limits are changed to # match the smaller image size. Setting the extent will do the trick to # change the axis display back to showing the actual extent of the image. extent = [0, image.shape[1], 0, image.shape[0]] if log: stretch = aviz.LogStretch() else: stretch = aviz.LinearStretch() norm = aviz.ImageNormalize(reduced_data, interval=aviz.AsymmetricPercentileInterval( percl, percu), stretch=stretch) if is_mask: # The image is a mask in which pixels are zero or one. Set the image scale # limits appropriately. scale_args = dict(vmin=0, vmax=1) else: scale_args = dict(norm=norm) im = ax.imshow(reduced_data, origin='lower', cmap=cmap, extent=extent, aspect='equal', **scale_args) if show_colorbar: # I haven't a clue why the fraction and pad arguments below work to make # the colorbar the same height as the image, but they do....unless the image # is wider than it is tall. Sticking with this for now anyway... # Thanks: fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04, format='%2.0f') # In case someone in the future wants to improve this: # # # if not show_ticks: ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False, labeltop=False)
def plot_image(image, ax=None, scale='log', cmap=None, origin='lower', xlabel=None, ylabel=None, cbar=None, clabel='Flux ($e^{-}s^{-1}$)', cbar_ticks=None, cbar_ticklabels=None, cbar_pad=None, cbar_size='5%', title=None, percentile=95.0, vmin=None, vmax=None, offset_axes=None, color_bad='k', **kwargs): """ Utility function to plot a 2D image. Parameters: image (2d array): Image data. ax (matplotlib.pyplot.axes, optional): Axes in which to plot. Default (None) is to use current active axes. scale (str or :py:class:`astropy.visualization.ImageNormalize` object, optional): Normalization used to stretch the colormap. Options: ``'linear'``, ``'sqrt'``, ``'log'``, ``'asinh'``, ``'histeq'``, ``'sinh'`` and ``'squared'``. Can also be a :py:class:`astropy.visualization.ImageNormalize` object. Default is ``'log'``. origin (str, optional): The origin of the coordinate system. xlabel (str, optional): Label for the x-axis. ylabel (str, optional): Label for the y-axis. cbar (string, optional): Location of color bar. Choises are ``'right'``, ``'left'``, ``'top'``, ``'bottom'``. Default is not to create colorbar. clabel (str, optional): Label for the color bar. cbar_size (float, optional): Fractional size of colorbar compared to axes. Default=0.03. cbar_pad (float, optional): Padding between axes and colorbar. title (str or None, optional): Title for the plot. percentile (float, optional): The fraction of pixels to keep in color-trim. If single float given, the same fraction of pixels is eliminated from both ends. If tuple of two floats is given, the two are used as the percentiles. Default=95. cmap (matplotlib colormap, optional): Colormap to use. Default is the ``Blues`` colormap. vmin (float, optional): Lower limit to use for colormap. vmax (float, optional): Upper limit to use for colormap. color_bad (str, optional): Color to apply to bad pixels (NaN). Default is black. kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments to be passed to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. Returns: :py:class:`matplotlib.image.AxesImage`: Image from returned by :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <*****@*****.**> """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Backward compatible settings: make_cbar = kwargs.pop('make_cbar', None) if make_cbar: raise FutureWarning("'make_cbar' is deprecated. Use 'cbar' instead.") if not cbar: cbar = make_cbar # Special treatment for boolean arrays: if isinstance(image, np.ndarray) and image.dtype == 'bool': if vmin is None: vmin = 0 if vmax is None: vmax = 1 if cbar_ticks is None: cbar_ticks = [0, 1] if cbar_ticklabels is None: cbar_ticklabels = ['False', 'True'] # Calculate limits of color scaling: interval = None if vmin is None or vmax is None: if allnan(image): logger.warning("Image is all NaN") vmin = 0 vmax = 1 if cbar_ticks is None: cbar_ticks = [] if cbar_ticklabels is None: cbar_ticklabels = [] elif isinstance(percentile, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): interval = viz.AsymmetricPercentileInterval( percentile[0], percentile[1]) else: interval = viz.PercentileInterval(percentile) # Create ImageNormalize object with extracted limits: if scale in ('log', 'linear', 'sqrt', 'asinh', 'histeq', 'sinh', 'squared'): if scale == 'log': stretch = viz.LogStretch() elif scale == 'linear': stretch = viz.LinearStretch() elif scale == 'sqrt': stretch = viz.SqrtStretch() elif scale == 'asinh': stretch = viz.AsinhStretch() elif scale == 'histeq': stretch = viz.HistEqStretch(image[np.isfinite(image)]) elif scale == 'sinh': stretch = viz.SinhStretch() elif scale == 'squared': stretch = viz.SquaredStretch() # Create ImageNormalize object. Very important to use clip=False if the image contains # NaNs, otherwise NaN points will not be plotted correctly. norm = viz.ImageNormalize(data=image[np.isfinite(image)], interval=interval, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=stretch, clip=not anynan(image)) elif isinstance(scale, (viz.ImageNormalize, matplotlib.colors.Normalize)): norm = scale else: raise ValueError("scale {} is not available.".format(scale)) if offset_axes: extent = (offset_axes[0] - 0.5, offset_axes[0] + image.shape[1] - 0.5, offset_axes[1] - 0.5, offset_axes[1] + image.shape[0] - 0.5) else: extent = (-0.5, image.shape[1] - 0.5, -0.5, image.shape[0] - 0.5) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() # Set up the colormap to use. If a bad color is defined, # add it to the colormap: if cmap is None: cmap = copy.copy(plt.get_cmap('Blues')) elif isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = copy.copy(plt.get_cmap(cmap)) if color_bad: cmap.set_bad(color_bad, 1.0) # Plotting the image using all the settings set above: im = ax.imshow(image, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, origin=origin, extent=extent, interpolation='nearest', **kwargs) if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlim([extent[0], extent[1]]) ax.set_ylim([extent[2], extent[3]]) if cbar: colorbar(im, ax=ax, loc=cbar, size=cbar_size, pad=cbar_pad, label=clabel, ticks=cbar_ticks, ticklabels=cbar_ticklabels) # Settings for ticks: integer_locator = MaxNLocator(nbins=10, integer=True) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(integer_locator) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(integer_locator) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(integer_locator) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(integer_locator) ax.tick_params(which='both', direction='out', pad=5) ax.xaxis.tick_bottom() ax.yaxis.tick_left() return im
def plotDirectCutouts(self, savePath=None, colourMap='viridis', gridSpecs=None): if self.directCutouts is not None: if gridSpecs is None: mplplot.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) for stampIndex, (grism, cutoutData) in enumerate( self.directCutouts.items()): if gridSpecs is None: subplotAxes = mplplot.subplot(2, 1, stampIndex + 1) else: subplotAxes = mplplot.subplot(gridSpecs[stampIndex]) if cutoutData is None: subplotAxes.text( 0.5, 0.5, 'Field {}, Object {}:\nNO DATA AVAILABLE.'.format( self.targetPar, self.targetObject), horizontalalignment='center', fontsize='large', transform=subplotAxes.transAxes) continue if np.all(cutoutData < 0): subplotAxes.text( 0.5, 0.5, 'Field {}, Object {}:\nNO NONZERO DATA AVAILABLE.'. format(self.targetPar, self.targetObject), horizontalalignment='center', fontsize='large', transform=subplotAxes.transAxes) continue norm = astromplnorm.ImageNormalize( cutoutData, interval=astrovis.AsymmetricPercentileInterval(0, 99.5), stretch=astrovis.LinearStretch(), clip=True) mplplot.imshow(cutoutData, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', cmap=colourMap, norm=norm) mplplot.xlabel('X (pixels)') mplplot.ylabel('Y (pixels)') mplplot.title( 'Field {}, Object {}:\nDirect cutout for F{} (G{})'.format( self.targetPar, self.targetObject, self.getDirectFilterForGrism(grism), grism)) arcsecYAxis = subplotAxes.twinx() arcsecYAxis.set_ylim(*(np.array(subplotAxes.get_ylim()) - 0.5 * np.sum(subplotAxes.get_ylim())) * self.directHdus[grism][1]['IDCSCALE']) print( subplotAxes.get_ylim(), np.array(subplotAxes.get_ylim()), np.array(subplotAxes.get_ylim()) * self.directHdus[grism][1]['IDCSCALE'], *np.array(subplotAxes.get_ylim()) * self.directHdus[grism][1]['IDCSCALE']) arcsecYAxis.set_ylabel('$\Delta Y$ (arcsec)') mplplot.grid(color='white', ls='solid') try: mplplot.tight_layout() except ValueError as e: print( 'Error attempting tight_layout for: Field {}, Object {} ({})' .format(self.targetPar, self.targetObject, e)) return if savePath is not None: mplplot.savefig(savePath, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') mplplot.close() else: print( 'The loadDirectCutouts(...) method must be called before direct cutouts can be plotted.' )
def set_normalization(self, stretch=None, interval=None, stretchkwargs={}, intervalkwargs={}, perm_linear=None): if stretch is None: if self.stretch is None: stretch = 'linear' else: stretch = self.stretch if isinstance(stretch, str): print(stretch, ' '.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in stretchkwargs.items()])) if is None: #can not calculate objects yet self.stretch_kwargs = stretchkwargs else: kwargs = self.prepare_kwargs( self.stretch_kws_defaults[stretch], self.stretch_kwargs, stretchkwargs) if perm_linear is not None: perm_linear_kwargs = self.prepare_kwargs( self.stretch_kws_defaults['linear'], perm_linear) print( 'linear', ' '.join([ f'{k}={v}' for k, v in perm_linear_kwargs.items() ])) if stretch == 'asinh': # arg: a=0.1 stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs), vis.AsinhStretch(**kwargs)) elif stretch == 'contrastbias': # args: contrast, bias stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs), vis.ContrastBiasStretch(**kwargs)) elif stretch == 'histogram': stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.HistEqStretch(, **kwargs), vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs)) elif stretch == 'log': # args: a=1000.0 stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LogStretch(**kwargs), vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs)) elif stretch == 'powerdist': # args: a=1000.0 stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs), vis.PowerDistStretch(**kwargs)) elif stretch == 'power': # args: a stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.PowerStretch(**kwargs), vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs)) elif stretch == 'sinh': # args: a=0.33 stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs), vis.SinhStretch(**kwargs)) elif stretch == 'sqrt': stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.SqrtStretch(), vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs)) elif stretch == 'square': stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs), vis.SquaredStretch()) else: raise ValueError('Unknown stretch:' + stretch) else: if stretch == 'linear': # args: slope=1, intercept=0 stretch = vis.LinearStretch(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unknown stretch:' + stretch) self.stretch = stretch if interval is None: if self.interval is None: interval = 'zscale' else: interval = self.interval if isinstance(interval, str): print(interval, ' '.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in intervalkwargs.items()])) kwargs = self.prepare_kwargs(self.interval_kws_defaults[interval], self.interval_kwargs, intervalkwargs) if is None: self.interval_kwargs = intervalkwargs else: if interval == 'minmax': interval = vis.MinMaxInterval() elif interval == 'manual': # args: vmin, vmax interval = vis.ManualInterval(**kwargs) elif interval == 'percentile': # args: percentile, n_samples interval = vis.PercentileInterval(**kwargs) elif interval == 'asymetric': # args: lower_percentile, upper_percentile, n_samples interval = vis.AsymmetricPercentileInterval(**kwargs) elif interval == 'zscale': # args: nsamples=1000, contrast=0.25, max_reject=0.5, min_npixels=5, krej=2.5, max_iterations=5 interval = vis.ZScaleInterval(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unknown interval:' + interval) self.interval = interval if self.img is not None: self.img.set_norm( vis.ImageNormalize(, interval=self.interval, stretch=self.stretch, clip=True))
def show_image(image, percl=99, percu=None, figsize=(6, 10), cmap='viridis', log=False): """ Show an image in matplotlib with some basic astronomically-appropriat stretching. Parameters ---------- image The image to show percl : number The percentile for the lower edge of the stretch (or both edges if ``percu`` is None) percu : number or None The percentile for the upper edge of the stretch (or None to use ``percl`` for both) figsize : 2-tuple The size of the matplotlib figure in inches """ if percu is None: percu = percl percl = 100 - percl if figsize is not None: # Rescale the fig size to match the image dimensions, roughly image_aspect_ratio = image.shape[0] / image.shape[1] figsize = (max(figsize) * image_aspect_ratio, max(figsize)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize) # To preserve details we should *really* downsample correctly and not rely on # matplotlib to do it correctly for us (it won't). # So, calculate the size of the figure in pixels, block_reduce to roughly that, # and display the block reduced image. # Thanks, fig_size_pix = fig.get_size_inches() * fig.dpi ratio = (image.shape // fig_size_pix).max() if ratio < 1: ratio = 1 # Divide by the square of the ratio to keep the flux the same in the reduced image reduced_data = block_reduce(image, ratio) / ratio**2 # Of course, now that we have downsampled, the axis limits are changed to match # the smaller image size. Setting the extent will do the trick to change the axis display # back to showing the actual extent of the image. extent = [0, image.shape[1], 0, image.shape[0]] if log: stretch = aviz.LogStretch() else: stretch = aviz.LinearStretch() norm = aviz.ImageNormalize(reduced_data, interval=aviz.AsymmetricPercentileInterval( percl, percu), stretch=stretch) plt.colorbar( ax.imshow(reduced_data, norm=norm, origin='lower', cmap=cmap, extent=extent))