    def query_for_source_coords(self, source_name):
        '''Queries NED or SIMBAD databases for coordinates using a source name.

            source_name (str): source name to use for querying for coordinates

        import astroquery
        from astroquery.ned import Ned

            coords = Ned.query_object(source_name)
            self.source_coords = SkyCoord('%s %s' %
                                          (coords['RA'][0], coords['DEC'][0]),
                                          unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
        except astroquery.exceptions.RemoteServiceError:
            from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
            coords = Simbad.query_object(source_name)
            self.source_coords = SkyCoord('%s %s' %
                                          (coords['RA'][0], coords['DEC'][0]),
                                          unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
            if not coords:
                raise astroquery.exceptions.RemoteServiceError(
                    'Both NED and SIMBAD queries failed for the provided source name. Maybe try supplying coordinates or selecting the source position interactively.'
文件: properties.py 项目: SKIRT/PTS
    def get_ned_properties(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Querying the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database ...")

        # Search on NED
        ned_result = Ned.query_object(self.galaxy_name)
        ned_entry = ned_result[0]

        # Get a more common name for this galaxy (sometimes, the name obtained from NED is one starting with 2MASX .., use the PGC name in this case)
        if ned_entry["Object Name"].startswith("2MASX "): gal_name = self.ngc_name
        else: gal_name = ned_entry["Object Name"]

        # Get the redshift
        gal_redshift = ned_entry["Redshift"]
        if isinstance(gal_redshift, np.ma.core.MaskedConstant): gal_redshift = None

        # Get the type (G=galaxy, HII ...)
        gal_type = ned_entry["Type"]
        if isinstance(gal_type, np.ma.core.MaskedConstant): gal_type = None

        # Get the distance
        #ned_distance = ned_entry["Distance (arcmin)"]
        #if isinstance(ned_distance, np.ma.core.MaskedConstant): ned_distance = None

        # Set properties
        self.properties.common_name = gal_name
        self.properties.redshift = gal_redshift
        self.properties.galaxy_type = gal_type
def ned_query(ra, dec):
    # getting skycoordinate object
    co = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=ra,
                              unit=(u.deg, u.deg),

    search_radius = 0.01 * u.deg
    # this search radius is smaller than Fermi LAT resolution (please check)
    # get table with all objects inside the search radius
    result_table = Ned.query_region(co,
    result_table = Ned.query_object("NGC 224")

    print('names of the columns are ', result_table.colnames)
    print('to get an impression, here the whole table:')

    # get all the object names to get speific data
    object_names = result_table['Object Name']

    print('identified objects = ', object_names)

    # get table with positions of the first object as an example:
    position_table = Ned.get_table(object_names[0], table='positions')
    # position table is something you normally don't need but might be interesting
    # This should always work'
    # print('position table: ', position_table)

    spectra = Ned.get_spectra("3c 273")
    return result_table, spectra
def fetch_object_by_name(name, radius):
    This function ...
    :param name:
    :param color:
    :param radius:

    # Query the NED database for the object
    table = Ned.query_object(name)

    region_string = "# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0\n"
    region_string += "global color=green\n"

    # For every entry in the table
    for entry in table:

        # Get the right ascension and the declination
        ra = entry[2]
        dec = entry[3]

        #print coordinates.degrees_to_hms(ra=ra, dec=dec)

        # Create a string with the coordinates of the star
        regline = "fk5;circle(%s,%s,%.2f\")\n" % (ra, dec, radius)

        # Add the parameters of this star to the region string
        region_string += regline

    # Return the region
    return regions.parse(region_string)
def query_size(gal):
    """ Search for largest size estimate on NED. """
        result_table = Ned.query_object(gal)
        return 0 * u.arcsec
    ndiameters = result_table["Diameter Points"]
    if ndiameters > 0:
        diam = Ned.get_table(gal, table='diameters')
            units = [_ for _ in diam["Major Axis Unit"].data]
            units = [_.decode() for _ in diam["Major Axis Unit"].data]
        idx = [
            i for i, un in enumerate(units)
            if un in ["arcmin", "arcsec", "degree"]
        if len(idx) > 0:
            diam = diam[idx]
            sizes = [
                d["Major Axis"] * u.Unit(d["Major Axis Unit"]) for d in diam
            sizes = np.array([s.to("arcsec").value for s in sizes])
            return np.nanmax(sizes) * u.arcsec
    return 0 * u.arcsec
def fetch_object_by_name(name, radius):

    This function ...
    :param name:
    :param color:
    :param radius:

    # Query the NED database for the object
    table = Ned.query_object(name)

    region_string = "# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0\n"
    region_string += "global color=green\n"

    # For every entry in the table
    for entry in table:

        # Get the right ascension and the declination
        ra = entry[2]
        dec = entry[3]

        #print coordinates.degrees_to_hms(ra=ra, dec=dec)

        # Create a string with the coordinates of the star
        regline = "fk5;circle(%s,%s,%.2f\")\n" % (ra, dec, radius)

        # Add the parameters of this star to the region string
        region_string += regline

    # Return the region
    return regions.parse(region_string)
def redshift_finder(objname):

    obj = objname[0]
    main_table = Ned.query_object(obj)
    redshift = main_table['Redshift'][0]
    RA = main_table['RA(deg)'][0]
    DEC = main_table['DEC(deg)'][0]
def redshift_finder(objname):

	obj = objname[0]
	main_table = Ned.query_object(obj)
	redshift = main_table['Redshift'][0]
	RA = main_table['RA(deg)'][0]
	DEC = main_table['DEC(deg)'][0]
def find_NEDCoords(sourceNames, searchradius=1 * u.arcmin):
    Coords = []
    for source in sourceNames:
        result_table = Ned.query_object(source)
        RA = result_table['RA'][0] * u.degree
        Dec = result_table['DEC'][0] * u.degree
        Coord = [SkyCoord(ra=RA, dec=Dec), searchradius]

    return Coords
    def determine_redshift(self):
        if self.objectname!=None:
                table = Ned.query_object(self.objectname)
                self.z = table['Redshift'][0]
            except Exception as e:
                print "Could not determine redshift: ", e
                self.z = 0.0

        if self.verbose:
            print "Using redshift z = ",self.z
def query_Simbad_NED(objname, z=np.nan):
    Make use to astroquery to extract basic coordiantes/redshift information 
    z: redshift. Normally NED query would give an answer. Provide z if NED answer is not satifying
    return: astropy SkyCoord object 

    import numpy as np
    from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
    from astroquery.ned import Ned
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    import astropy.units as u
    from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmo

    sim = Simbad.query_object(objname)
        test1 = sim['RA']
        print('Danger: %s cannot be recognized by Simbad, try other names.' %
        return False

        ned = Ned.query_object(objname)
        print('Danger: %s cannot be recognized by NED, try other names.' %
        return False

    galcoord = SkyCoord(ra=sim['RA'],
                        unit=(u.hour, u.deg),
    if np.isfinite(z):
        gz = z
        gz = ned['Redshift'][0]

    scale_kpc_arcmin = cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(gz)
    scale_pc_arcsec = scale_kpc_arcmin.to(u.pc / u.arcsec)

    print('Simbad: RA  = %.4f deg ' % (galcoord.icrs.ra.deg), galcoord.icrs.ra)
    print('Simbad: DEC = %.4f deg ' % (galcoord.icrs.dec.deg),
    print('Simbad: l = %.4f deg, b = %.4f deg' %
          (galcoord.galactic.l.deg, galcoord.galactic.b.deg))
    print('NED: z = %.4f; Input z = %.4f' % (ned['Redshift'], z))
    print('Scale at z = %.4f: %.1f kpc/arcmin, %.1f pc/arcsec' %
          (gz, abs(scale_kpc_arcmin.value), abs(scale_pc_arcsec.value)))
    print('Returning astropy SkyCoord object...')
    return galcoord
	def __init__(self, ob_name, object_name=""):
		self.ob_name = ob_name
		self.object_name = object_name

		if self.object_name == "":
			if self.ob_name[:-2] == "ESO137":
				self.object_name = "ESO137-G034"
				self.object_name = ob_name[:-2]

		## TODO: need some error handling here!

		## set some directories and files
		self.f_combined = os.getenv("XDIR")+'/combined/'+self.ob_name+'.fits'
		self.dir_starlight = os.getenv("HOME") + "/STARLIGHT"
		self.f_starlight_bc03 = self.dir_starlight + "/spectra/" + self.ob_name + ".txt"
		self.dataset_definition = os.getenv("XDIR")+'/dataset_definition/'+self.ob_name+'.txt'
		self.dataset = Table(names=('dprtype', 'ob_name', 'arm', 'dpid'), dtype=(np.dtype((str,10)), np.dtype((str,20)), np.dtype((str,3)), np.dtype((str,29))), meta={'night': self.night})

		for arm in self.arms:
			if os.path.isfile(f_arm):
				for ob,dpid,dpr in zip(d_arm["ob"],d_arm["dpid"],self.dprlist):
				with open(f_arm,'w') as f:
					for ob,dpr in zip(ob_name_list,self.dprlist):
						query = "select arcfile from shoot where night=\"" + self.night + \
							"\" and ob_name=\""+ ob + \
							"\" and arm=\"" + arm + \
							"\" and opti2_name=\"IFU\" limit 1;"
						file_string=ob+" "+dpid[0]+"\n"
 def from_query(cls, target, name=None):
     """Make SIMBAD data from an object query."""
     from astroquery.ned import Ned
     if name is None:
         name = target.name
     t = Ned.query_object(name)
     r = t[0]
     ra = Angle(r['RA(deg)'], unit=u.deg).radian
     dec = Angle(r['DEC(deg)'], unit=u.deg).radian
     redshift = r['Redshift']
     kind = r['Type'].decode("ascii")
     name = r['Object Name'].decode("ascii")
     return cls(target=target, ra=ra, dec=dec, name=name, kind=kind, redshift=redshift)
def query_ned_for_redshifts(name_dictionary, coordinate_dictionary):
    '''Query NED for redshifts based on target names'''

    print("\n\n =========== FINDING REDSHIFTS ========\n")
    # Instantiate an empty dictionary for redshifts
    redshift_dictionary = {}
    continued_failures = []

    target_names = name_dictionary.values()

    for name in target_names:
            z = Ned.query_object(name)["Redshift"][0]
            redshift_dictionary["{}".format(name)] = z
            print("The NED redshift for {} is {}.".format(name, z))
                "Cannot resolve redshift using NAME {}, trying coordinate search."
            z = Ned.query_region(coordinate_dictionary[name],
                                 radius=20 * u.arcsec,
            # If this fails, it will silently set Z to a numpy.ma MaskedConstant (looks like '--')
            if np.ma.is_masked(z) is True:
                    "Still cannot find a redshift for {}, skipping it.".format(
            elif z < 1.0:  # none of these sources are high redshift, this is a dumb sanity check:
                redshift_dictionary["{}".format(name)] = z
                print("{} is at RA={}, Dec={}. NED finds a redshift of {}.".
                      format(name, coordinate_dictionary[name].ra,
                             coordinate_dictionary[name].dec, z))

    if len(continued_failures) > 0:
            "You need to manually fix these, which still cannot be resolved: ",
        print("In the meantime, they'll be skipped by the movie maker.")
    elif len(continued_failures) == 0:
        print("It SEEMS like all redshifts have successfully been found, ")

        "Here are your (hopefully) successful redshift identifications - check these!"
    print("                  NAME = Z")
    for name, z in redshift_dictionary.items():
        print("               {} = {}".format(name, z))

    return redshift_dictionary
def redshift_ned(name):
    """Queries NED for heliocentric redshift if possible.
    `name` can be any string understood by Astroquery's NED module.
        from astroquery.ned import Ned
    except ImportError:
        z = Ned.query_object(name)['Redshift']
        raise ValueError('Object not found')

    return z
def GC_Query(ObsID):
    #print "ObsID: ", ObsID
    #print "Gname: ", Gname
    #print "ObsID: ", ObsID
        print "Error Gname: ", Gname
        #return "Error","Error"
        return np.nan,np.nan
        #print "NED Gname: ", Gname
        G_Data= Ned.query_object(Gname) #G_Data:-astropy.table.table.Table, Galaxy_Data, The Galaxy Data Table queried from NED
        #print "NED Gname: ", Gname
        G_Data= Ned.query_object(Gname) #G_Data:-astropy.table.table.Table, Galaxy_Data, The Galaxy Data Table queried from NED
    #print G_Data
    return raGC, decGC
def Known_Flux_Finder(gname,evtfname,PIMMSfname):
    G_Data = Ned.query_object(gname) #G_Data:-astropy.table.table.Table, Galaxy_Data, The queryed data of the galaxy from NED in the form of a astropy table
    #print G_Data
    #print type(G_Data)
    raGC=float(G_Data['RA(deg)']) #raGC:-float, Right Ascension of Galatic Center, The right ascension of the galatic center of the current galaxy in degrees.
    decGC=float(G_Data['DEC(deg)']) #decGC:-float, Declination of Galatic Center, The declination of the galatic center of the current galaxy in degrees.
    dmcoords(infile=str(evtfname),ra=str(raGC), dec=str(decGC), option='cel', verbose=0, celfmt='deg') # Runs the dmcoords CIAO tool, which converts coordinates like CHIP_ID to SKY, the tool is now being used to convert the RA and Dec of the GC to SKY coodinates in pixels (?)
    X_Phys=dmcoords.x #X_Phys:-float, X_Physical, The sky plane X pixel coordinate in units of pixels of the galatic center
    Y_Phys=dmcoords.y #Y_Phys:-float, Y_Physical, The sky plane Y pixel coordinate in units of pixels of the galatic center
    Chip_ID=dmcoords.chip_id #Chip_ID:-int, Chip_ID, The Chip ID number the GC is on
    hdulist = fits.open(evtfname)
    #print Obs_Date_Str
    #print type(Obs_Date_Str)
    #print Obs_Date_L
    #print PIMMS_A
    #print Cycle_A
    #print Year_A
    #print ACIS_I_A
    #print ACIS_S_A
    #print Year_L
    #Obs_Year=2006 #This is a test value
    for i in range(0,len(Year_L)):
        #print i
    #print Row_Inx
    #if((Chip_ID==3) or (Chip_ID==7)): #For Front illuminated?
    #Chip_ID=0 #This is a test value
    #print Flux_A
    return Flux
def query_name(name, verbose=False, print_header=False):
    Query NED by source name.
        q = Ned.query_object(name)
        objname  = q["Object Name"][0]
        objtype  = q["Type"][0].decode("utf-8")
        ra       = q["RA(deg)"][0]
        dec      = q["DEC(deg)"][0]
        velocity = q["Velocity"][0]
        z        = q["Redshift"][0]
        z_flag   = q["Redshift Flag"][0].decode("utf-8")
        refs     = q["References"][0]
        notes    = q["Notes"][0]
    except RemoteServiceError:
        objname  = None
        objtype  = None
        ra       = None
        dec      = None
        velocity = None
        z        = None
        z_flag   = None
        refs     = None
        notes    = None
        if verbose:
            print("*** %s: not found ***" % name, file=sys.stderr)
    results = OrderedDict([
        ("Name",       name),
        ("NED_Name",   objname),
        ("Type",       objtype),
        ("RA",         ra),
        ("DEC",        dec),
        ("Velocity",   velocity),
        ("z",          z),
        ("z_Flag",     z_flag),
        ("References", refs),
        ("Notes",      notes),
    if verbose:
        if print_header:
        print(",".join([str(v) for v in results.values()]))
    return results
def queryNED(name):
    queryNED(): Return information on a galaxy from a NED Query

    Note: This is now simply a wrapper around astroquery.ned.

    name: galaxy name

    dictionary with:
        - Cordinates (J2000)
        - redshift
        - nans for angular size (not provided in this short NED query)

    from astroquery.ned import Ned

        res = Ned.query_object(name)[0]
    except RemoteServiceError:
        _sys.stderr.write(name + " not found in NED.\n")
        return out

    out = {'RA': _np.nan*_u.deg,
           'Dec': _np.nan*_u.deg,
           'z': _np.nan,
           'angsize': {'major': _np.nan*_u.arcmin,
                       'minor': _np.nan*_u.arcmin,
                       'PA': _np.nan*_u.deg}}

        out['RA'] = res['Ra(deg)'] * u.deg
        out['Dec'] = res['Dec(deg)'] * u.deg
        _sys.stderr.write('Error: coordinates not available for ' + name + "\n")
        out['z'] = res['Redshift']
        _sys.stderr.write('Error: redshift not available for ' + name + "\n")

    return out
def ned_query(ra, dec):
    # getting skycoordinate object
    co = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=ra,
                              unit=(u.deg, u.deg),

    search_radius = 0.01 * u.deg
    # this search radius is smaller than Fermi LAT resolution (please check)
    # get table with all objects inside the search radius
    result_table = Ned.query_region(co,
    result_table = Ned.query_object("NGC 224")

    print('names of the columns are ', result_table.colnames)
    print('to get an impression, here the whole table:')

    # get all the object names to get speific data
    object_names = result_table['Object Name']

    print('identified objects = ', object_names)

    # get table with positions of the first object as an example:
    position_table = Ned.get_table(object_names[0], table='positions')
    # position table is something you normally don't need but might be interesting
    # This should always work'
    # print('position table: ', position_table)

    # now the redshift is for many sources not available,will give you an error
    # therefore we will use try and exept
    for specific_object in object_names:
            redshift_table = Ned.get_table(specific_object, table='redshifts')
            print('redshift found four ', specific_object)
            print('no redshift for ', specific_object)

    return result_table
def query_name(objname, verb=0):
    Query NED based on an object name (e.g., host galaxy name)
        objname (str): name of object
        verb (int or bool, optional): vebrose output? default: False
        ned_table: table of query results

    if verb:
        print('\tsending query for %s...' % objname)
        results = Ned.query_object(objname)
        if verb:
        if verb:
            print('Object name query failed for object: %s' % objname)
        results = None
    return results
def queryNED(names,cat):
    takes a list of names, queries them in NED and returns the 'Object Name'
    from the NED query results.

    ned_names = []

    if cat == 'bzb':
        failstr = '---bzcat---'
    elif cat == 'fermi':
        failstr = '---fermi---'
        failstr = '---'

    for name in names:
            ned_query = Ned.query_object(name)
            ned_names.append(ned_query["Object Name"][0])

    return ned_names
文件: properties.py 项目: rag9704/PTS
    def get_ned_properties(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Querying the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database ...")

        # Search on NED
        ned_result = Ned.query_object(self.galaxy_name)
        ned_entry = ned_result[0]

        # Get a more common name for this galaxy (sometimes, the name obtained from NED is one starting with 2MASX .., use the PGC name in this case)
        if ned_entry["Object Name"].startswith("2MASX "):
            gal_name = self.ngc_name
            gal_name = ned_entry["Object Name"]

        # Get the redshift
        gal_redshift = ned_entry["Redshift"]
        if isinstance(gal_redshift, np.ma.core.MaskedConstant):
            gal_redshift = None

        # Get the type (G=galaxy, HII ...)
        gal_type = ned_entry["Type"]
        if isinstance(gal_type, np.ma.core.MaskedConstant): gal_type = None

        # Get the distance
        #ned_distance = ned_entry["Distance (arcmin)"]
        #if isinstance(ned_distance, np.ma.core.MaskedConstant): ned_distance = None

        # Set properties
        self.properties.common_name = gal_name
        self.properties.redshift = gal_redshift
        self.properties.galaxy_type = gal_type
文件: VLSR.py 项目: teuben/admit
 def vlsr2(self, name):
     """ experimental Simbad/NED
     if have_SB:
         print "Trying SIMBAD..."
             t1 = Simbad.query_object(name)
             print t1.colnames
             print t1
         print "No SIMBAD"
     if have_NED:
         print "Trying NED..."
             t2 = Ned.query_object(name)
             print t2.colnames
             print t2
             print 'VLSR=',t2['Velocity'].item()
         print "No NED"
def get_redshift(objname):
    Fetch redshift of the sample from the NED.

    objname: str
        Name of the object (sample).

    redshift: float64
        The redshift.
        obj_table = Ned.query_object(objname)
        redshift = obj_table['Redshift'].data
        # get redshift
        redshift = float(redshift.data)
    except astroquery.exceptions.RemoteServiceError:
        print("Something wrong when feching %s." % objname)
        return -1

    return redshift
        dec = float(t[t.find(', Dec') + 7:t.find(')')])

        if not cfg.quiet:
            print("Found LAT LC for {:20s}".format(name + ":"), end="")

            if cfg.no_ned:
                print("Now quering NED...", end="", flush=True)

        # Now query NED...
        if cfg.no_ned:
            z = 0
                q = Ned.query_object(name)
                nedz = q['Redshift']
                if nedz.mask:  # True if invalid/data missing (i.e. redshift missing)
                    z = 0.0
                    if not cfg.quiet: print("found! no z!, assigning 0.0")
                    z = float(nedz)
                    if not cfg.quiet: print("found! z=", z)
            except RemoteServiceError:  # i.e. object not found
                if not cfg.quiet: print("not found! assigning z=-1")
                z = -1
            except TimeoutError:
                if not cfg.quiet: print("timeout error contacting NED!")
                z = 0.0

#        print("Filtering", name, end="")
def Area_Calc_Frac_B_2_Alt_2(gname,evtfname,polyfname,rchange=121.9512195,B=1): #NEED to finish this code, Check to see if the radius is increaing correctly and write outputs to a file
    gname:-str, Galaxy Name, The name of the galaxy in the form NGC #, For Example 'NGC 3077'
    evtfname:-str, Event File Name, The name of the event file of the observation, For Example 'acisf02076_repro_evt2.fits'
    ployfname:-str, PolyFileName, The filename of the simple_region_modifed file as a string
    rchange:-int(float?), Radius Change, The change in radius from one area cirlce to another area cirlce in pixels, must equal one arcminute in pixels
    B:-int, Binning, The binning on the regArea CIAO tool, It's standard value is 1 pixel
    inner_r=0.0 #inner_r:-float, Inner_Radius, The radius of the inner most circle
    #outer_r_gap=25.0 #outer_r_gap:-float, Outer_Radius_Gap, The addtional distance that needs to be added to the outer radius inorder to account for dithering #The addtional distance that needs to be added to the outer radius inorder to account for dithering
    outer_r_gap=40.0 #outer_r_gap:-float, Outer_Radius_Gap, The addtional distance that needs to be added to the outer radius inorder to account for dithering #The addtional distance that needs to be added to the outer radius inorder to account for dithering
    cur_r=inner_r #cur_r:-float?, Current_Radius, The current radius of the area circle in pixels
    n=1 #n:-int, n, the radius change multiplier, ie the the maximum n is the number of times the radius increases
    a_tot=0.0 #a_tot:-float, Area_Total, The total intersecting area of all the CCDs currently intersecting with the area circle
    a_L=[] #a_L:-list, Area_List, The list of Area Ratios for each n
    Evtfname_Reduced=evtfname.split(".")[0] #Evtfname_Reduced:-str, Event_Filename_Reduced, The filename of the event 2 file of the observation without the extention ".fits" at the end, for example "acisf02076_repro_evt2"
    Output_File=open(str(gname)+"_"+Evtfname_Reduced+"_Area_List.txt","w") #Output_File:-file, Output_File, The Area_List file, which is the file were the list of Area_Ratios one for each circle (ie. each n) are saved, in the form of one line per ratio
    polystring_L=[] #polystring_L:-list, Polygon String List, A list of all the CCD shape strings
    dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    #system('cd ../..')
    print "Path=",path
    #data = ascii.read(path)
    #polyfile=open("/home/asantini/Desktop/Polygons/"+str(polyfname),"r") #polyfile:-file, Polyfile, The polygon file that has the CCD shape strings in it #OLD
    polyfile=open(path,"r") #polyfile:-file, Polyfile, The polygon file that has the CCD shape strings in it
    #print type(polyfile)
    #print polyfile
    G_Data = Ned.query_object(gname) #G_Data:-astropy.table.table.Table, Galaxy_Data, The queryed data of the galaxy from NED in the form of a astropy table
    #print G_Data
    #print type(G_Data)
    raGC=float(G_Data['RA(deg)']) #raGC:-float, Right Ascension of Galatic Center, The right ascension of the galatic center of the current galaxy in degrees.
    decGC=float(G_Data['DEC(deg)']) #decGC:-float, Declination of Galatic Center, The declination of the galatic center of the current galaxy in degrees.
    dmcoords(infile=str(evtfname),ra=str(raGC), dec=str(decGC), option='cel', verbose=0, celfmt='deg') # Runs the dmcoords CIAO tool, which converts coordinates like CHIP_ID to SKY, the tool is now being used to convert the RA and Dec of the GC to SKY coodinates in pixels (?)
    X_Phys=dmcoords.x #X_Phys:-float, X_Physical, The sky plane X pixel coordinate in units of pixels of the galatic center
    Y_Phys=dmcoords.y #Y_Phys:-float, Y_Physical, The sky plane Y pixel coordinate in units of pixels of the galatic center
    Chip_ID=dmcoords.chip_id #Chip_ID:-int, Chip_ID, The Chip ID number the GC is on
    print "X_Phys ", X_Phys
    print "Y_Phys ", Y_Phys
    #dmkeypar acisf03931_repro_evt2.fits "DETNAM"
    #punlearn("dmkeypar") #This wipes the dmkeypar paramiter file
    #pset("dmkeypar",'hl') #This symtax is wrong
    #pset("dmkeypar", "mode", "hl")
    #pset("dmkeypar", "infile", str(evtfname))
    #pset("dmkeypar", "keyword","DETNAM")
    pars = plist("dmkeypar")
    values = {}
    for p in pars:
        values[p] = pget( "dmkeypar", p )
    print pars
    print values
    #dmkeypar(infile=str(evtfname), keyword="DETNAM") #Runs the dmkeypar tool which finds the data in the FITS header asscoiated with a certain header name, in this case dmkeypar is finding the "DETNAM" header info, which is a string containing what CCDs are used in the FOV1.fits file for the observation, For example "ACIS-356789" Chip_ID_String contains the chip IDs the string segment "356789" where each number in the list is its own CCD ID
    pars = plist("dmkeypar")
    values = {}
    for p in pars:
        values[p] = pget( "dmkeypar", p )
    print pars
    print values
    This Par of the code finds what CCD's are used in the current observation by finding a string in the "DETNAM" header in the Event 2 file
    #print Header_String
    #print Header_String_Reduced
    #print Header_String_Reduced_2
    Header_String_Reduced_3=Header_String_Reduced_2.replace(' ', '')
    print Header_String_Reduced_3
    #dmkeypar(infile=str(evtfname), keyword="DETNAM")
    #pget(paramfile, paramname)
    #Chip_ID_String=pget(toolname="dmkeypar", parameter="value")
    #Chip_ID_String=pget("dmkeypar","value") #Chip_ID_String:-str, Chip_Idenifcation_String, Runs the pget tool to get the string containing what CCDs are used in the FOV1.fits file from the parameter file asscoiated with the dmkeypar tool and sets it equal to the Chip_ID_String (This) variable
    Chip_ID_String=Header_String_Reduced_3 #Chip_ID_String:-str, Chip_Idenifcation_String, Runs the pget tool to get the string containing what CCDs are used in the FOV1.fits file from the parameter file asscoiated with the dmkeypar tool and sets it equal to the Chip_ID_String (This) variable
    #Chip_ID_String=pget(toolname="dmkeypar", p_value="value")
    print "Chip_ID_String ", Chip_ID_String
    Chip_ID_String_L=Chip_ID_String.split('-') #Chip_ID_String_L:-List, Chip_Idenifcation_String_List, The resulting list from spliting the Chip_ID_String on "_", This list contains 2 elements, the first element is the string "ACIS" and the second element is the string segment in the form (Example) "356789" where each number in the list is its own CCD ID
    #print "Chip_ID_String_L ", Chip_ID_String_L
    Chip_ID_String_Reduced=Chip_ID_String_L[1] #Chip_ID_String_Reduced:-str, Chip_Idenifcation_String_Reduced, the string segment in the form (Example) "356789" where each number in the list is its own CCD ID
    print "Chip_ID_String_Reduced ", Chip_ID_String_Reduced
    Chip_ID_L=[] #Chip_ID_L:-List, Chip_Idenifcation_List, The list of all the int CCD IDs in FOV1.fits file
    for Cur_Chip_ID_Str in Chip_ID_String_Reduced: #Cur_Chip_ID_Str:-str, Current_Chip_Idenifcation_Str, The string vaule of the current string CCD ID in the Chip_ID_String_Reduced string, for example "3"
        Cur_Chip_ID=int(Cur_Chip_ID_Str) #Cur_Chip_ID:-int, Current_Chip_Idenifcation, The current chip ID number as an int, for example 3
        Chip_ID_L.append(Cur_Chip_ID) #Appends The current chip ID number as an int to Chip_Idenifcation_List
    #print "Chip_ID_L ", Chip_ID_L
    This part of the code finds every distance between the Galatic Center and each corner of each CCD and puts them all into a list (Dist_L), The largest distance in Dist_L is the Outer_Radius
    #Max_Min_Chip_Coord_L=[0.0,1025.0] #Max_Min_Chip_Coord_L:-List, Maximum_Minimum_Chip_Coordinates_List, A list containing 2 elements the first of which is the lowest possble Chip value (X or Y) for the given Axis (in pixels) and the second is the largest possble Chip value (X or Y) for the given Axis. Since the CCDs on Chandra are square 1024 X 1024 pixel CCDs, the minimun and maximum Chip X values and Chip Y values are identical and therefore can be represented by this single list
    #Max_Min_Chip_Coord_L=[0,1025] #Max_Min_Chip_Coord_L:-List, Maximum_Minimum_Chip_Coordinates_List, A list containing 2 elements the first of which is the lowest possble Chip value (X or Y) for the given Axis (in pixels) and the second is the largest possble Chip value (X or Y) for the given Axis. Since the CCDs on Chandra are square 1024 X 1024 pixel CCDs, the minimun and maximum Chip X values and Chip Y values are identical and therefore can be represented by this single list
    Max_Min_Chip_Coord_L=[1,1024] #Max_Min_Chip_Coord_L:-List, Maximum_Minimum_Chip_Coordinates_List, A list containing 2 elements the first of which is the lowest possble Chip value (X or Y) for the given Axis (in pixels) and the second is the largest possble Chip value (X or Y) for the given Axis. Since the CCDs on Chandra are square 1024 X 1024 pixel CCDs, the minimun and maximum Chip X values and Chip Y values are identical and therefore can be represented by this single list
    #Max_Min_Chip_Coord_L=[0,1023] #Max_Min_Chip_Coord_L:-List, Maximum_Minimum_Chip_Coordinates_List, A list containing 2 elements the first of which is the lowest possble Chip value (X or Y) for the given Axis (in pixels) and the second is the largest possble Chip value (X or Y) for the given Axis. Since the CCDs on Chandra are square 1024 X 1024 pixel CCDs, the minimun and maximum Chip X values and Chip Y values are identical and therefore can be represented by this single list
    Dist_L=[] #Dist_L:-List, Distance_List, The list of every distance between the Galatic Center and each corner of each CCD
    for Chip_ID_Test in Chip_ID_L: #Chip_ID_Test:-int, Chip_Idenifcation_Test, The current test CCD were that four corners are being tested as the furthest point of the Galatic Center
        print "Chip_ID_Test ", Chip_ID_Test
        #print type(Chip_ID_Test)
        for Cur_Chip_X in Max_Min_Chip_Coord_L: #Cur_Chip_X:-float, Current_Chip_X, The chip X value of the current corner in pixels (Can be either 0.0 or 1025.0)
            #print type(Cur_Chip_X)
            for Cur_Chip_Y in Max_Min_Chip_Coord_L: #Cur_Chip_Y:-float, Current_Chip_Y, The chip Y value of the current corner in pixels (Can be either 0.0 or 1025.0)
                dmcoords(infile=str(evtfname),chipx=Cur_Chip_X, chipy=Cur_Chip_Y, chip_id=Chip_ID_Test, option='chip', verbose=0) #Runs dmcoords to convert the current CCD corner coordinates from CHIP coordinates to SKY coordinates
                #pars = plist("dmcoords")
                #values = {}
                #for p in pars:
                    #values[p] = pget( "dmcoords", p )
                #print pars
                #print values
                X_Phys_Test=dmcoords.x #X_Phys_Test:-float, X_Physical_Test, The X value current CCD corner being tested in SKY coordinates
                #print type(X_Phys_Test)
                Y_Phys_Test=dmcoords.y #Y_Phys_Test:-float, Y_Physical_Test, The Y value current CCD corner being tested in SKY coordinates
                print "Test Point CHIP ", [Cur_Chip_X,Cur_Chip_Y,Chip_ID_Test]
                print "Test Point SKY ", [X_Phys_Test,Y_Phys_Test]
                X_Phys_Diff=X_Phys-X_Phys_Test #X_Phys_Diff:-float, X_Physical_Difference, The differnce between the Galatic Center X value and the current chip corner X value
                Y_Phys_Diff=Y_Phys-Y_Phys_Test #Y_Phys_Diff:-float, Y_Physical_Difference, The differnce between the Galatic Center Y value and the current chip corner Y value
                Dist=np.sqrt(((X_Phys_Diff)**2)+((Y_Phys_Diff)**2)) #Dist:-numpy.float64, Distance, The distance between the Galatic Center and the current CCD Corner
                print "Dist ", Dist
                #print type(Dist)
                Dist_L.append(Dist) #Appends the current Distance to Distance_List
    #print "Dist_L ", Dist_L
    Dist_Max=max(Dist_L) #Dist_Max:-numpy.float64, Distance_Maximum, The distance between the Galatic Center and the furthest CCD Corner
    print "Dist_Max ", Dist_Max
    #print type(Dist_Max)
    outer_r=Dist_Max+outer_r_gap #outer_r:-numpy.float64, Outer_Radius, The largest radius of the area circle, this radius should just barely inclose the all the active CCDs for the observation (All the CCDs used in the FOV1.fits file)
    print "outer_r ", outer_r
    #print type(outer_r)
    polystring=polyfile.read() #polystring:-str, Polystring, The string containing the CCD shapes strings in it seperated by "\n"
    cur_polys_L=polystring.split("\n") #cur_polys_L:-List, Current_Polygons_List, The list of all the CCD Polygons (Simple Regions) strings for the observation, Since it is split on "\n" it is in the form ['Polystring_1','Polystring_2',...'Polystring_n',''], Example, ['box(4344.13761125,3924.99595875,5253.72685384,1088.14064223,-34.6522013895)', 'box(3728.26318125,2700.00581875,1086.83938437,1086.83938437,-34.6522013895)', ''], This has an extra element on the end that is a empty string needs to be removed from the list
    #print "cur_polys_L ", cur_polys_L
    del cur_polys_L[len(cur_polys_L)-1] #This deletes the last element containing the "" from the cur_polys_L
    #print "cur_polys_L ", cur_polys_L
    #This is for simple_region_no_header_modifed files
    for i in range(1,CCD_amt+1): #Splits up the polystring into the CCD shape strings
        cur_polys=polystring.split("\n")[i] #cur_polys:-str, Current Polystring, The current CCD shape string
        polystring_L.append(cur_polys) #polystring_L:-list, Polystring List, A list of all the CCD shape strings
    for cur_poly in cur_polys_L: #cur_poly:-str, Current_Polygon, The Current_Polygon string in Current_Polygons_List
        polystring_L.append(cur_poly) #Appends the Current_Polygon string to polystring_L
    while((cur_r)<=outer_r): #makes sure the largest area circle used is not larger then the outer radius outer_r
        cur_r=(n*rchange) + inner_r #increases the current radius by n times the change in radius
        shape1 ='circle(' + str(X_Phys) +','+ str(Y_Phys)+','+ str(cur_r)+')' #shape1:-str, shape1, The shape string of the current area circle
        r1 = regParse(shape1) #r1:-Region, Region 1, the region of the current area circle
        a_tot=0.0 #a_tot:-float, Area_Total, The total intersecting area of all the CCDs currently intersecting with the area circle
        a1_cur = regArea(r1,0,0,8192,8192,B) #a1_cur:-float, Area_1_Current, The area of the current area circle
        for s in polystring_L: #s:-str, String, the current CCD string
            shape2 =s #Renames "s" to "shape2"
            r2 = regParse(shape2) #r2:-region, Region 2, The region of the current CCD
            r3 = regParse(shape2 + "-" + shape1) #r3:-region, Region 3, The region of the current area circle that is NOT on the CCD
            cur_a= regArea(r2,0,0,8192,8192,B) - regArea(r3,0,0,8192,8192,B) #cur_a:-float, Current_Area, The area of the current CCD that is intersecting with the area circle (?)
            #print "Current Area is ", cur_a
            a_tot=a_tot+cur_a #Adds the intersecting area of the current CCD polygon to the total intersecting area of all previous the CCD polygons for the current radius (cur_r)
            #print "Area Total is ", a_tot
            #print ""
        #print "a_tot ", a_tot #When the previous area total is equal to the current area total the previous radius is greater then or equal to the maximum radius, this could be used to tell the code when to stop
        a_ratio=float(a_tot)/float(a1_cur) # a_ratio:-float, Area_Ratio, The ratio of the total intersecting area on the total area of the current area circle
        #print "Area Ratio is ", a_ratio
        a_L.append(a_ratio) #a_L:-list, Area_List, The list of Area Ratios for each n
        n=n+1 # Itterates n
        cur_r=(n*rchange) + inner_r #Increases the current radius by n times the change in radius
    for Current_Ratio in a_L: #Current_Ratio:-float, Current_Ratio, The Current_Ratio of the total intersecting area on the total area of the current area circle in a_L
        #print type(Current_Ratio)
        Current_Ratio_Str=str(Current_Ratio) #Current_Ratio_Str:-Str, Current_Ratio_String, The Current_Ratio as a string value
        Current_Ratio_Str_New_Line=Current_Ratio_Str+"\n" #Current_Ratio_Str_New_Line:-str, Current_Ratio_String_New_Line, The Current_Ratio_String with a "\n" at the end of the string to make sure that each line in the output file contains only one Area_Ratio
        Output_File.write(Current_Ratio_Str_New_Line) #Writes the Current_Ratio_String_New_Line to the Output_File
    return a_L #Returns the Area List #May not be nessary
def Source_Histogram_Plot(Gname, Fileout_B=True, Outpath=False):
    Gname: str- The name of the galaxy in the form NGC #
    Data: array- a table of data containg the coordinates of each object

    This fucntion takes the inputs for the name of the galaxy and returns a histrogram that plots the number of objects per bin by the
    area enclosed by the cirlce centered on the center of the galaxy that inculdes the objects in each bin in
    square degrees divided by the visible area of the galaxy in square degrees.
    This function plots the visible Major axis of the galaxy area enclosed by a circle that uses the Major axis as
    the diameter of the cirlce divided by itself to give 1 on histogram.
    This function uses astroquary to get data directly from NED

    Gname_Modifed = Galaxy_Name_Reducer.Galaxy_Name_Reducer(Gname)
    import math
    from astropy.io import ascii
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #system('cd ~/Desktop/SQL_Standard_File/')
    #import os
    dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    #filename= os.path.join(dir, '~','Desktop','SQL_Standard_File',)
    #print "Filepath =",filepath
    #path= os.path.join(dir,'~','Desktop','SQL_Standard_File',)
    #path=os.path.realpath('../SQL_Standard_File/Source_Flux_Table.csv') #To Do: Update this path
    #path=os.path.realpath('../../../SQL_Standard_File/Source_Flux_Table.csv') #To Do: Update this path
    #path="/Volumes/xray/anthony/Research_Git/SQL_Standard_File/Source_Flux_Table.csv" #THIS CSC FILE DOES NOT HAVE ALL THE SOURCES ! ! ! IT IS WRONG ! ! !
    #print "Path=",path
    #system('cd ~/Desktop/Big_Object_Regions/')
    #system('cd ../SQL_Standard_File/')
    #data = ascii.read("SQL_Sandard_File.csv") #data:-astropy.table.table.Table, data, The data from the SQL_Standard_File
    #data = ascii.read(filename) #data:-astropy.table.table.Table, data, The data from the SQL_Standard_File
    #data = ascii.read(filepath) #data:-astropy.table.table.Table, data, The data from the SQL_Standard_File
    Evt2_File_H_L = File_Query_Code_5.File_Query(Gname, "evt2")
    #print "Evt2_File_H_L : ", Evt2_File_H_L
    if (Evt2_File_H_L == False):
        print "Invalid Galaxy"
    Galaxy_Obs_ID_L = []
    for Evt2_File_L in Evt2_File_H_L:
        Cur_Galaxy_Obs_ID = Evt2_File_L[0]
    data = ascii.read(path) #data:-astropy.table.table.Table, data, The data from the SQL_Standard_File
    #print data2
    #system('cd ~/Desktop/galaxies/out')
    RA_A=data['sourceRA'] #RA_A:-astropy.table.column.Column, Right_Ascension_Array, The array containing all Right Ascensions in the SQL Standard File
    #print type(RA_A)
    RA_L=list(RA_A) #RA_L:-list, Right_Ascension_List, The list containing all Right Ascensions in the SQL Standard File
    #print RA_L
    Dec_A=data['sourceDec'] #Dec_A:-astropy.table.column.Column, Declination_Array, The array containing all Declinations in the SQL Standard File
    Dec_L=list(Dec_A) #Dec_L:-List, Declination_List, The list containing all Declinations in the SQL Standard File
    #print Dec_L
    #Obs_ID_A=data["obsid"] #Obs_ID_A:-astropy.table.column.Column, Observation_Idenification_Array, The array containing all Observation IDs in the SQL_Standard_File (not indexable)
    #print type(Obs_ID_A)
    #Obs_ID_L=list(Obs_ID_A) #Obs_ID_L:-List, Observation_Idenification_List, The list containing all Observation IDs in the SQL_Standard_File (So it is indexable)
    Obs_ID_A=data["OBSID"] #Obs_ID_A:-astropy.table.column.Column, Observation_Idenification_Array, The array containing all Observation IDs in the SQL_Standard_File (not indexable)
    #print type(Obs_ID_A)
    Obs_ID_L=list(Obs_ID_A) #Obs_ID_L:-List, Observation_Idenification_List, The list containing all Observation IDs in the SQL_Standard_File (So it is indexable)
    #print "Obs_ID_L ", Obs_ID_L
    #for Obs_ID in Galaxy_Obs_ID_L:
    for Evt2_File_L in Evt2_File_H_L:
        Obs_ID = Evt2_File_L[0]
        Evtfpath = Evt2_File_L[1]
        Evtfname = Evtfpath.split("/")[-1]
        Evtfname_Reduced = Evtfname.split(".")[0]
        print "Evtfname_Reduced: ", Evtfname_Reduced
        Area_L_Path = "/Volumes/xray/anthony/Research_Git/Master_Code/Master_Output/" + Gname_Modifed + "/Area_Lists/" + str(
        ) + "/" + Gname_Modifed + "_" + Evtfname_Reduced + "_Area_List.txt"
        Area_File = open(Area_L_Path, "r")
        Area_Str = Area_File.read()
        Area_L = Area_Str.split("\n")
        #print " Area_L Before: ", Area_L
        print "Area_L: ", Area_L
        Area_L_Float = []
        for Area in Area_L:
            Area_Float = float(Area)
        Area_L = Area_L_Float
        #print type(Obs_ID_L)
        #print Obs_ID_A
        #print FGname_A
        #QGname_A=data["queriedName"] #QGname_A:-Obs_ID_A:-astropy.table.column.Column, Query_Galaxy_Name_Array, The array containing all Query Galaxy Names in the SQL_Standard_File (not indexable)
        QGname_A=data["resolvedObject"] #QGname_A:-Obs_ID_A:-astropy.table.column.Column, Query_Galaxy_Name_Array, The array containing all Query Galaxy Names in the SQL_Standard_File (not indexable)
        QGname_L=list(QGname_A) #QGname_L:-List, Query_Galaxy_Name_Array, The list containing all Query Galaxy Names in the SQL_Standard_File (So it is indexable)
        #print type(QGname_A)
        #print QGname_A
        Matching_Index_List=[] #Matching_Index_List:-List, Matching_Index_List, The list of all indexes (ref. QGname_L) that corresepond to the input Galaxy Name, All arrays are of equal lenth, and "ith" value of an array is the correseponding value for any other arrays "ith" value, so for example Obs_ID_L[228]=794 and the Galaxy in the Observation is QGname_L[228]="NGC 891", Note both lists have the same index
        for i in range(0,len(QGname_L)): # i:-int, i, the "ith" index of QGname_L
            #print "i ", i
            QGname=QGname_L[i] #QGname:-string, Query_Galaxy_Name, The current test Galaxy Name, if this Galaxy name equals the input Galaxy Name (Gname) then this Matching_Index, i (ref. QGname_L) will be appended to the Matching_Index_List
            #QGname_Reduced=QGname.replace(" ", "")
            #print "QGname ", QGname
            #print "QGname_Reduced ", QGname_Reduced
            if(Gname==QGname): #Checks to see if the current test Galaxy Name is the same as the input Galaxy Name, if so it appends the current index (ref. QGname_L) to the Matching_Index_List
                #print "i ", i
                Matching_Index_List.append(i) #Appends the current index (ref. QGname_L) to the Matching_Index_List
        Matching_Index_List=[] #Matching_Index_List:-List, Matching_Index_List, The list of all indexes (ref. QGname_L) that corresepond to the input Galaxy Name, All arrays are of equal lenth, and "ith" value of an array is the correseponding value for any other arrays "ith" value, so for example Obs_ID_L[228]=794 and the Galaxy in the Observation is QGname_L[228]="NGC 891", Note both lists have the same index
        #Matching_Obs_ID_List=[] #Matching_Obs_ID_List:-List, Matching_Obs_ID_List, The list of all ob
        for i in range(0,len(Obs_ID_L)): # i:-int, i, the "ith" index of QGname_L
            #print "i ", i
            QObs_ID=Obs_ID_L[i] #QGname:-string, Query_Galaxy_Name, The current test Galaxy Name, if this Galaxy name equals the input Galaxy Name (Gname) then this Matching_Index, i (ref. QGname_L) will be appended to the Matching_Index_List
            #QGname_Reduced=QGname.replace(" ", "")
            #print "QGname ", QGname
            #print "QGname_Reduced ", QGname_Reduced
            if(Obs_ID==QObs_ID): #Checks to see if the current test Galaxy Name is the same as the input Galaxy Name, if so it appends the current index (ref. QGname_L) to the Matching_Index_List
                #print "i ", i
                Matching_Index_List.append(i) #Appends the current index (ref. QGname_L) to the Matching_Index_List
        RA_Match_L=[] #RA_Match_L:-List, Right_Ascension_Match_List, The list of all source RA's for the input Galaxy Name in decimal degrees
        Dec_Match_L=[] #Dec_Match_L:-List, Declination_Match_List, The list of all source Dec's for the input Galaxy Name in decimal degrees
        for Cur_Matching_Index in Matching_Index_List: #Cur_Matching_Index:-int, Current_Matching_Index, The current index (ref. QGname_L) in the list of matching indexes for the current input Galaxy Name (Matching_Index_List)
            Cur_Match_RA=RA_L[Cur_Matching_Index] #Cur_Match_RA:-numpy.float64, Current_Match_Right_Ascension, The RA of the current source in decimal degrees
            #print type(Cur_Match_RA)
            Cur_Match_Dec=Dec_L[Cur_Matching_Index] #Cur_Match_Dec:-numpy.float64, Current_Match_Declination, The Dec of the current source in decimal degrees
            RA_Match_L.append(Cur_Match_RA) #RA_Match_L:-list, Right_Ascension_Match_List, The list of all source RA's for the input Galaxy Name in decimal degrees
            Dec_Match_L.append(Cur_Match_Dec) #Dec_Match_L:-list, Declination_Match_List, The list of all source Dec's for the input Galaxy Name in decimal degrees

        #print RA_Match_L
        #print len(RA_Match_L)
        #print Dec_Match_L
        #print len(Dec_Match_L)
        G_Data = Ned.query_object(
        )  #G_Data:-astropy.table.table.Table, Galaxy_Data, The Galaxy Data Table queried from NED
        #print "G_Data : \n",G_Data
        #print type(G_Data)
        Coords_Path = "/Volumes/xray/anthony/Research_Git/Master_Code/Master_Output/" + Gname_Modifed + "/Coords_Lists/" + str(
            Obs_ID) + "/" + Gname_Modifed + "_ObsID_" + str(
                Obs_ID) + "_Coords.csv"
        Coords_Table = pd.read_csv(Coords_Path)
        #print "Coords_Table: \n",Coords_Table
        RA_Match_Deg_DF = Coords_Table["RA"]  #In decimal degrees
        RA_Match_Deg_L = list(RA_Match_Deg_DF)
        RA_Match_DF = RA_Match_Deg_DF * 60.0  #In units of arcmins
        #print "RA_Match_DF :\n", RA_Match_DF
        RA_Match_L = list(RA_Match_DF)
        #print "RA_Match_L :\n", RA_Match_L
        Dec_Match_Deg_DF = Coords_Table["DEC"]  #In decimal degrees
        Dec_Match_Deg_L = list(Dec_Match_Deg_DF)
        Dec_Match_DF = Dec_Match_Deg_DF * 60.0  #In units of arcmins
        Dec_Match_L = list(Dec_Match_DF)
        #print "Dec_Match_L :\n", Dec_Match_L
        #return "STOPPING PROGRAM"
        Dia_Table = Ned.get_table(Gname, table='diameters') #Dia_Table:-astropy.table.table.Table, Diameter_Table, The Data table queried from NED that contains the infomation about the Major Axis of the input Galaxy Name
        #print type(Dia_Table)
        #print G_Data
        #print Dia_Table
        #print Dia_Table.colnames
        #print Dia_Table.meta
        #print Dia_Table.columns
        Dia_Table_Feq=Dia_Table['Frequency targeted'] #Dia_Table_Feq:-astropy.table.column.MaskedColumn, Diameter_Table_Fequency, The Array containing all named frequencies of light that are being used for the Major Axis Measurement
        #print Dia_Table['NED Frequency']
        #print Dia_Table_Feq
        #print type(Dia_Table_Feq)
        Dia_Table_Feq_L=list(Dia_Table_Feq) #Dia_Table_Feq_L:-List, Diameter_Table_Fequency_List, The list containing all named frequencies of light that are being used for the Major Axis Measurement
        #print Dia_Table_Feq_L
        Dia_Table_Num=Dia_Table['No.'] #Dia_Table_Num:-astropy.table.column.MaskedColumn, Diameter_Table_Number, The number Ned assigns to
        #print Dia_Table_Num
        #print type(Dia_Table_Num)
        #print Dia_Table_Num_L
        for i in range(0,len(Dia_Table_Feq_L)-1): #There is a bug here with index matching, The matched index isn't that same index for the major axis
            #print Cur_Feq
            if(Cur_Feq=="RC3 D_25, R_25 (blue)"):
                #print "Match_Feq ", Match_Feq
                #print "Match_inx ", Match_inx
                #print "Match_Num ", Match_Num
        #Dia_Table_Maj=Dia_Table['Major Axis']
        Dia_Table_Maj=Dia_Table['NED Major Axis']
        #print Dia_Table_Maj
        #print Dia_Table_Maj_L
        Dia_Table_Maj_Units=Dia_Table['Major Axis Unit']
        #print Dia_Table_Maj_Units
        #print Dia_Table_Maj_Units_L
        #print "i ", i
        #print "D25_Maj ", D25_Maj
        #print "D25_Units ", D25_Units
        #print type(Dia_Table)
        #print Dia_Table.info()
        #print Dia_Table_2
        #print "Maj, ! ! !", Maj
        #print "Area Matching_Index_List : ", Matching_Index_List
        D25_S_Maj_Deg = D25_Finder.D25_Finder(Gname)
        D25_S_Maj_Arcmin = D25_S_Maj_Deg * 60.0
        area_T = ((D25_S_Maj_Deg)**2) * math.pi
            raGC = float(G_Data['RA(deg)'])
            decGC = float(G_Data['DEC(deg)'])
            raGC = float(G_Data['RA'])
            decGC = float(G_Data['DEC'])
        #area_A=[((((((decGC-dec)**2)+((raGC-ra)**2)))*(math.pi))/area_T) for dec,ra in zip(decA,raA)]
        area_A = [
            ((((((decGC - dec)**2) + ((raGC - ra)**2))) * (math.pi)) / area_T)
            for dec, ra in zip(Dec_Match_Deg_L, RA_Match_Deg_L)
        ]  #REAL ONE
        #disA=[math.sqrt(((decGC-dec)**2)+((raGC-ra)**2)) for dec,ra in zip(decA,raA)] #REAL ONE
        #print area_A
        #print area_max
        Hist_A = plt.hist(area_A)
        Bin_Hight_A = Hist_A[0]
        Bin_Hight_Max = max(Bin_Hight_A)
        #print Bin_Hight_Max
        plt.vlines(1, 0, Bin_Hight_Max, color='red')
        #print "Hist_Max ", Hist_Max
        Flux_90_Path = "/Volumes/xray/anthony/Research_Git/Master_Code/Master_Output/" + Gname_Modifed + "/Flux_90_Files/" + str(
            Obs_ID) + "/" + Gname_Modifed + "_ObsID_" + str(
                Obs_ID) + "_Flux_90.txt"
        BG_Source_HL = Background_Sources_Calc.Big_Background_Source_Calc(
        if (
                BG_Source_HL == False
        ):  #Rejects current observation if it's liminiting flux was never calculated due to it's background being about of range of the 4D Graph Data interpolation
        #print "BG_Source_HL : ", BG_Source_HL
        BG_Source_Sum_Area_L = BG_Source_HL[4]
        BG_Source_Sum_Frac_L = []
        for Sum_Area in BG_Source_Sum_Area_L:
            Sum_Frac = Sum_Area / area_T
        BG_Source_L = BG_Source_HL[3]
        #print "BG_Source_Sum_Frac_L : ", BG_Source_Sum_Frac_L
        #print "BG_Source_L : ", BG_Source_L
        plt.step(BG_Source_Sum_Frac_L, BG_Source_L)
        #path_2=os.path.realpath('../Master_Code/Master_Output/') #Goes to Master_Output folder, which will hold all the data calculated for the galaxies including the histogram pictures
        path_2 = os.path.realpath('./Source_Overdensity_Histograms/')
        if (Outpath != False):
            path_2 = Outpath
        #print "Path_2=", path_2
        if not os.path.exists(directory_Hist):
        print "path_Hist=",path_Hist
        #system('mkdir '+Gname) #Creates Current Galaxy's Folder, Folder Named after Galaxy, Note: will have to remove space from "NGC #" to change to "NGC_#", I Don't know if this works
        Gname_L=Gname.split(" ")
        print "Gname_L: ", Gname_L
            Gname_Modifed=Gname_L[0]+"_"+Gname_L[1] #Adds underscore to remove space from "NGC #" to change to "NGC_#" if there is a space in the name
            Gname_Modifed=Gname # Does nothing if the galaxy name has no space, ie. NGC#, For example NGC253 instead of NGC 253 or NGC_253
        #print Gname_Modifed
        path_3 = path_2 + '/' + Gname_Modifed + '/'
        directory = os.path.dirname(path_3)
        if not os.path.exists(directory):
        #os.chdir(path_3) #Goes to Current Galaxies Folder
        path_Hist = path_3 + 'Histograms/'
        directory_Hist = os.path.dirname(path_Hist)
        if not os.path.exists(directory_Hist):
        print "path_Hist=", path_Hist
        path_Obs_ID = path_Hist + str(Obs_ID) + '/'
        directory_Obs_ID = os.path.dirname(path_Obs_ID)
        if not os.path.exists(directory_Obs_ID):
        plt.savefig(path_Obs_ID + Gname_Modifed + '_' + str(Obs_ID) +
                    '_Frac.png')  #Saves angluar histogram figure
        #print "Path_4=",path_4
        #os.chdir(path_4) #Goes back to where this code (the histogram code) is being run, ie. Desktop/GitHub
        #For Area Histrograms
        raGC_Arcmin = raGC * 60.0
        decGC_Arcmin = decGC * 60.0
        #print "Distance Matching_Index_List : ", Matching_Index_List
        for Cur_Matching_Index in Matching_Index_List: #Cur_Matching_Index:-int, Current_Matching_Index, The current index (ref. QGname_L) in the list of matching indexes for the current input Galaxy Name (Matching_Index_List)
            Cur_Match_RA=RA_L[Cur_Matching_Index] #Cur_Match_RA:-numpy.float64, Current_Match_Right_Ascension, The RA of the current source in decimal degrees
            #print type(Cur_Match_RA)
            Cur_Match_Dec=Dec_L[Cur_Matching_Index] #Cur_Match_Dec:-numpy.float64, Current_Match_Declination, The Dec of the current source in decimal degrees
            Cur_Match_RA=RA_L_Arcmin[Cur_Matching_Index] #Cur_Match_RA:-numpy.float64, Current_Match_Right_Ascension, The RA of the current source in decimal degrees
            #print type(Cur_Match_RA)
            Cur_Match_Dec=Dec_L_Arcmin[Cur_Matching_Index] #Cur_Match_Dec:-numpy.float64, Current_Match_Declination, The Dec of the current source in decimal degrees
            RA_Match_L.append(Cur_Match_RA) #RA_Match_L:-list, Right_Ascension_Match_List, The list of all source RA's for the input Galaxy Name in decimal degrees
            Dec_Match_L.append(Cur_Match_Dec) #Dec_Match_L:-list, Declination_Match_List, The list of all source Dec's for the input Galaxy Name in decimal degrees
            #print "Dec_Match_L : ", Dec_Match_L
            #print "decGC_Arcmin : ", decGC_Arcmin
        disA = [
            math.sqrt(((decGC_Arcmin - dec)**2) + ((raGC_Arcmin - ra)**2))
            for dec, ra in zip(Dec_Match_L, RA_Match_L)
        ]  #REAL ONE in units of arcmins
        #print "disA : ", disA
        #print "dis_max : ", dis_max
        #print area_A
        #print area_max
        #Hist_A=plt.hist(disA,[0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0])
        #Hist_A=plt.hist(disA,[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0])
        #Hist_A=plt.hist(disA,[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0])
        ##Hist_A=plt.hist(disA,range=(0.0,10.0)) #This is the correct plt.hist version used for the thesis
        Hist_A = np.histogram(disA, range=(0.0, 10.0))
        #print "Angular Hist_A : ", Hist_A
        print "Hist_A : ", Hist_A
        Bin_Hight_A = Hist_A[0]
        Bin_Hight_A = np.array(Bin_Hight_A)
        print "Bin_Hight_A Before: ", Bin_Hight_A
        print "type(Bin_Hight_A) Before: ", type(Bin_Hight_A)
        print "type(Bin_Hight_A[0]) Before: ", type(Bin_Hight_A[0])
        Bin_A = Hist_A[1]
        Area_A = np.array(Area_L)
        print "Area_A: ", Area_A
        print "type(Area_A): ", type(Area_A)
        print "type(Area_A[0]): ", type(Area_A[0])
        Num_Observed_Sources_A = Bin_Hight_A
        Num_Missing_Sources_A = Num_Observed_Sources_A * (
            (1.0 - Area_A) / Area_A)
        Bin_Hight_A = Bin_Hight_A * (1.0 + ((1.0 - Area_A) / Area_A))
        print "Bin_Hight_A: ", Bin_Hight_A
        plt.bar([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0],
        plt.bar([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0],
        Bin_Hight_Max = max(Bin_Hight_A)
        #print "Bin_Hight_Max : ", Bin_Hight_Max
        #/Volumes/xray/anthony/Research_Git/Master_Code/Master_Output/NGC_3631/Flux_90_Files/3951/NGC_3631_ObsID_3951_Flux_90.txt #Example Path
        #print "BG_Source_HL : ", BG_Source_HL
        BG_Bins = BG_Source_HL[2]
        BG_Source_L = BG_Source_HL[3]
        #Hist_BG_A=plt.hist(BG_Source_L,[0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0],alpha=0.5)
        #Bar_BG_A=plt.bar([0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0], BG_Source_L,color="red",alpha=0.5)
        #plt.plot([0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0], BG_Source_L)
        #plt.step([0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0], BG_Source_L)
        BG_Source_Plot_L = [0.0]
        for i in range(0, len(BG_Source_L) - 1):
        print "BG_Source_L : ", BG_Source_L
        print "BG_Source_Plot_L : ", BG_Source_Plot_L
        BG_Source_Plot_A = np.array(BG_Source_Plot_L)
        BG_Source_Sigificance_Plot_A = 3.0 * BG_Source_Plot_A
        BG_Source_Sigificance_Max = max(BG_Source_Sigificance_Plot_A)
        Plot_Max = max([Bin_Hight_Max, BG_Source_Sigificance_Max])
        #plt.step([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0], BG_Source_L)
        plt.step([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0],
        ##plt.step([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0], BG_Source_Sigificance_Plot_A,color="orange") #This version was used for the thesis
        plt.step([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0],
        #plt.step([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0], BG_Source_Sigificance_Plot_A*3.0,color="gold") #This was used for the thesis but is not longer requried after the counts to flux bug fix as the number of sources are never this high
        #plt.step([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0], BG_Source_Sigificance_Plot_A*3.0,color="goldenrod")
        #plt.step([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0], BG_Source_Sigificance_Plot_A*5.0,color="gold")

        #print Bin_Hight_Max
        #plt.vlines(D25_S_Maj_Deg,0,Bin_Hight_Max,color='red') #Plots red line at D25
        #plt.vlines(D25_S_Maj_Arcmin,0,Bin_Hight_Max,color='red') #Plots red line at D25 #Version used for thesis
        plt.vlines(D25_S_Maj_Arcmin, 0, Plot_Max,
                   color='red')  #Plots red line at D25
        plt.xlabel('R (arcmin)')
        #print D25_S_Maj_Deg
        #print "Hist_Max ", Hist_Max
        #path_2=os.path.realpath('../Master_Code/Master_Output/') #Goes to Master_Output folder, which will hold all the data calculated for the galaxies including the histogram pictures, Quoted Out because path_2 is already defined
        #print "Path_2=", path_2
        if not os.path.exists(directory_Hist):
        print "path_Hist=",path_Hist
        #system('mkdir '+Gname) #Creates Current Galaxy's Folder, Folder Named after Galaxy, Note: will have to remove space from "NGC #" to change to "NGC_#", I Don't know if this works
        Gname_L=Gname.split(" ")
        print "Gname_L: ", Gname_L
            Gname_Modifed=Gname_L[0]+"_"+Gname_L[1] #Adds underscore to remove space from "NGC #" to change to "NGC_#" if there is a space in the name
            Gname_Modifed=Gname # Does nothing if the galaxy name has no space, ie. NGC#, For example NGC253 instead of NGC 253 or NGC_253
        Gname_Modifed = Galaxy_Name_Reducer.Galaxy_Name_Reducer(Gname)
        #print Gname_Modifed
        path_3 = path_2 + '/' + Gname_Modifed + '/'
        directory = os.path.dirname(path_3)
        if not os.path.exists(directory):
        #os.chdir(path_3) #Goes to Current Galaxies Folder
        path_Hist = path_3 + 'Histograms/'
        directory_Hist = os.path.dirname(path_Hist)
        if not os.path.exists(directory_Hist):
        #print "path_Hist=",path_Hist
        path_Obs_ID = path_Hist + str(Obs_ID) + '/'
        print "path_Obs_ID : ", path_Obs_ID
        directory_Obs_ID = os.path.dirname(path_Obs_ID)
        if not os.path.exists(directory_Obs_ID):
        plt.savefig(path_Obs_ID + Gname_Modifed + '_' + str(Obs_ID) +
                    '_Ang.png')  #Saves angluar histogram figure
        #print "Path_4=",path_4
        #os.chdir(path_4) #Goes back to where this code (the histogram code) is being run, ie. Desktop/GitHub
        if (Fileout_B):
            O_R_fname = path_Obs_ID + Gname_Modifed + '_' + str(
                Obs_ID) + '_Overdensity_Ratios.txt'
            file = open(O_R_fname, "w")
            print "O_R_fname:", O_R_fname
            D25_Line = "D25:" + str(D25_S_Maj_Arcmin) + "|\n"
            BG_Source_A = np.array(BG_Source_L)
            Bin_Hight_L = list(Bin_Hight_A)
            #print "Bin_Hight_A : ", Bin_Hight_A
            #print "BG_Source_A: ", BG_Source_A
            BG_Source_L_Reduced = BG_Source_L[0:len(BG_Source_L) - 1]
            BG_Source_A_Reduced = np.array(BG_Source_L_Reduced)
                BG_Source_A, -1
            )  #Deletes right most value so that bins are [0,1),[1,)...[n-1,n] were the value of any bin [i,i+1] is the value of the left edge of the bin (ie. the ith value, so if the number of expected BG source at an offaxis of 0' is 2 souces and at 1' 3 sources then the value for the bin [0,1) is 2 not 3. This may be reversed to be 3 later)
            #print "BG_Source_A_Reduced: ", BG_Source_A_Reduced
            Overdensity_Ratio_A = (Bin_Hight_A / BG_Source_A_Reduced
                                   )  #Somthing Might be wrong here
            Overdensity_Ratio_L = list(Overdensity_Ratio_A)
            #for i in range(0,len(Overdensity_Ratio_L)-1):
            for i in range(0, len(Overdensity_Ratio_L)):
                Num_Sources = Bin_Hight_L[i]
                Overdensity_Ratio = Overdensity_Ratio_L[i]
                Num_Observed_Sources = Num_Observed_Sources_A[i]
                Num_Missing_Sources = Num_Missing_Sources_A[i]
                ##Cur_Line=str(Overdensity_Ratio)+","+str(Num_Sources)+"\n" #This version was used for the thesis
                Cur_Line = str(Overdensity_Ratio) + "," + str(
                    Num_Sources) + "," + str(Num_Observed_Sources) + "," + str(
                        Num_Missing_Sources) + "\n"
def get_redshift(object_name):
## LB, 2015-03-12
## Python script to get redshift for a galaxy
## and print redshifted wavelength of a given rest wavelength

import sys

import numpy as np
from astropy import coordinates
from astropy import units as u
from astroquery.ned import Ned

id = sys.argv[1]
line = np.float(sys.argv[2])

Q = Ned.query_object(id)
z = Q['Redshift'][0]
zline = (1 + z) * line

print("Redshift of {id} is {z}".format(id=id, z=z))
print("{line} is redshifted to {zline}".format(line=line, zline=zline))
def Area_GC_R_N(Gname):
    Gname: str- The name of the galaxy in the form NGC #
    Data: array- a table of data containg the coordinates of each object

    This fucntion takes the inputs for the name of the galaxy and returns a histrogram that plots the number of objects per bin by the
    area enclosed by the cirlce centered on the center of the galaxy that inculdes the objects in each bin in
    square degrees divided by the visible area of the galaxy in square degrees.
    This function plots the visible Major axis of the galaxy area enclosed by a circle that uses the Major axis as
    the diameter of the cirlce divided by itself to give 1 on histogram.
    This function uses astroquary to get data directly from NED

    import math
    from astropy.io import ascii
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #system('cd ~/Desktop/SQL_Standard_File/')
    #import os
    dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    #filename= os.path.join(dir, '~','Desktop','SQL_Standard_File',)
    #print "Filepath =",filepath
    #path= os.path.join(dir,'~','Desktop','SQL_Standard_File',)
    path = os.path.realpath('../SQL_Standard_File/SQL_Sandard_File.csv')
    print "Path=", path
    #system('cd ~/Desktop/Big_Object_Regions/')
    #system('cd ../SQL_Standard_File/')
    #data = ascii.read("SQL_Sandard_File.csv") #data:-astropy.table.table.Table, data, The data from the SQL_Standard_File
    #data = ascii.read(filename) #data:-astropy.table.table.Table, data, The data from the SQL_Standard_File
    #data = ascii.read(filepath) #data:-astropy.table.table.Table, data, The data from the SQL_Standard_File
    data = ascii.read(
    )  #data:-astropy.table.table.Table, data, The data from the SQL_Standard_File
    #print data2
    #system('cd ~/Desktop/galaxies/out')
    RA_A = data[
        'sourceRA']  #RA_A:-astropy.table.column.Column, Right_Ascension_Array, The array containing all Right Ascensions in the SQL Standard File
    #print type(RA_A)
    RA_L = list(
    )  #RA_L:-list, Right_Ascension_List, The list containing all Right Ascensions in the SQL Standard File
    #print RA_L
    Dec_A = data[
        'sourceDec']  #Dec_A:-astropy.table.column.Column, Declination_Array, The array containing all Declinations in the SQL Standard File
    Dec_L = list(
    )  #Dec_L:-List, Declination_List, The list containing all Declinations in the SQL Standard File
    #print Dec_L
    #Obs_ID_A=data["obsid"] #Obs_ID_A:-astropy.table.column.Column, Observation_Idenification_Array, The array containing all Observation IDs in the SQL_Standard_File (not indexable)
    #print type(Obs_ID_A)
    #Obs_ID_L=list(Obs_ID_A) #Obs_ID_L:-List, Observation_Idenification_List, The list containing all Observation IDs in the SQL_Standard_File (So it is indexable)
    #print "Obs_ID_L ", Obs_ID_L
    #print type(Obs_ID_L)
    #print Obs_ID_A
    #print FGname_A
    QGname_A = data[
        "queriedName"]  #QGname_A:-Obs_ID_A:-astropy.table.column.Column, Query_Galaxy_Name_Array, The array containing all Query Galaxy Names in the SQL_Standard_File (not indexable)
    QGname_L = list(
    )  #QGname_L:-List, Query_Galaxy_Name_Array, The list containing all Query Galaxy Names in the SQL_Standard_File (So it is indexable)
    #print type(QGname_A)
    #print QGname_A
    Matching_Index_List = [
    ]  #Matching_Index_List:-List, Matching_Index_List, The list of all indexes (ref. QGname_L) that corresepond to the input Galaxy Name, All arrays are of equal lenth, and "ith" value of an array is the correseponding value for any other arrays "ith" value, so for example Obs_ID_L[228]=794 and the Galaxy in the Observation is QGname_L[228]="NGC 891", Note both lists have the same index
    for i in range(0, len(QGname_L)):  # i:-int, i, the "ith" index of QGname_L
        #print "i ", i
        QGname = QGname_L[
            i]  #QGname:-string, Query_Galaxy_Name, The current test Galaxy Name, if this Galaxy name equals the input Galaxy Name (Gname) then this Matching_Index, i (ref. QGname_L) will be appended to the Matching_Index_List
        #QGname_Reduced=QGname.replace(" ", "")
        #print "QGname ", QGname
        #print "QGname_Reduced ", QGname_Reduced
        if (
                Gname == QGname
        ):  #Checks to see if the current test Galaxy Name is the same as the input Galaxy Name, if so it appends the current index (ref. QGname_L) to the Matching_Index_List
            #print "i ", i
            )  #Appends the current index (ref. QGname_L) to the Matching_Index_List
    RA_Match_L = [
    ]  #RA_Match_L:-List, Right_Ascension_Match_List, The list of all source RA's for the input Galaxy Name in decimal degrees
    Dec_Match_L = [
    ]  #Dec_Match_L:-List, Declination_Match_List, The list of all source Dec's for the input Galaxy Name in decimal degrees
    for Cur_Matching_Index in Matching_Index_List:  #Cur_Matching_Index:-int, Current_Matching_Index, The current index (ref. QGname_L) in the list of matching indexes for the current input Galaxy Name (Matching_Index_List)
        Cur_Match_RA = RA_L[
            Cur_Matching_Index]  #Cur_Match_RA:-numpy.float64, Current_Match_Right_Ascension, The RA of the current source in decimal degrees
        #print type(Cur_Match_RA)
        Cur_Match_Dec = Dec_L[
            Cur_Matching_Index]  #Cur_Match_Dec:-numpy.float64, Current_Match_Declination, The Dec of the current source in decimal degrees
        )  #RA_Match_L:-list, Right_Ascension_Match_List, The list of all source RA's for the input Galaxy Name in decimal degrees
        )  #Dec_Match_L:-list, Declination_Match_List, The list of all source Dec's for the input Galaxy Name in decimal degrees
    #print RA_Match_L
    #print len(RA_Match_L)
    #print Dec_Match_L
    #print len(Dec_Match_L)
    G_Data = Ned.query_object(
    )  #G_Data:-astropy.table.table.Table, Galaxy_Data, The Galaxy Data Table queried from NED
    #print type(G_Data)
    Dia_Table = Ned.get_table(
        Gname, table='diameters'
    )  #Dia_Table:-astropy.table.table.Table, Diameter_Table, The Data table queried from NED that contains the infomation about the Major Axis of the input Galaxy Name
    #print type(Dia_Table)
    #print G_Data
    #print Dia_Table
    #print Dia_Table.colnames
    #print Dia_Table.meta
    #print Dia_Table.columns
    Dia_Table_Feq = Dia_Table[
        'Frequency targeted']  #Dia_Table_Feq:-astropy.table.column.MaskedColumn, Diameter_Table_Fequency, The Array containing all named frequencies of light that are being used for the Major Axis Measurement
    #print Dia_Table['NED Frequency']
    #print Dia_Table_Feq
    #print type(Dia_Table_Feq)
    Dia_Table_Feq_L = list(
    )  #Dia_Table_Feq_L:-List, Diameter_Table_Fequency_List, The list containing all named frequencies of light that are being used for the Major Axis Measurement
    #print Dia_Table_Feq_L
    Dia_Table_Num = Dia_Table[
        'No.']  #Dia_Table_Num:-astropy.table.column.MaskedColumn, Diameter_Table_Number, The number Ned assigns to
    #print Dia_Table_Num
    #print type(Dia_Table_Num)
    Dia_Table_Num_L = list(Dia_Table_Num)
    #print Dia_Table_Num_L
    for i in range(
            len(Dia_Table_Feq_L) - 1
    ):  #There is a bug here with index matching, The matched index isn't that same index for the major axis
        Cur_Feq = Dia_Table_Feq_L[i]
        #print Cur_Feq
        if (Cur_Feq == "RC3 D_25, R_25 (blue)"):
            Match_inx = i
            Match_Feq = Dia_Table_Feq_L[Match_inx]
            Match_Num = Dia_Table_Num_L[Match_inx]
            #print "Match_Feq ", Match_Feq
            #print "Match_inx ", Match_inx
            #print "Match_Num ", Match_Num
    #Dia_Table_Maj=Dia_Table['Major Axis']
    Dia_Table_Maj = Dia_Table['NED Major Axis']
    #print Dia_Table_Maj
    Dia_Table_Maj_L = list(Dia_Table_Maj)
    #print Dia_Table_Maj_L
    Dia_Table_Maj_Units = Dia_Table['Major Axis Unit']
    #print Dia_Table_Maj_Units
    Dia_Table_Maj_Units_L = list(Dia_Table_Maj_Units)
    #print Dia_Table_Maj_Units_L
    #print "i ", i
    D25_Maj = Dia_Table_Maj_L[Match_inx]
    #print "D25_Maj ", D25_Maj
    D25_Units = Dia_Table_Maj_Units[Match_inx]
    #print "D25_Units ", D25_Units
    #print type(Dia_Table)
    #print Dia_Table.info()
    #print Dia_Table_2
    #print "Maj, ! ! !", Maj
    D25_S_Maj = D25_Maj / 2.0
    D25_S_Maj_Deg = D25_S_Maj / 3600.0
    area_T = ((D25_S_Maj_Deg)**2) * math.pi
    raGC = float(G_Data['RA(deg)'])
    decGC = float(G_Data['DEC(deg)'])
    #area_A=[((((((decGC-dec)**2)+((raGC-ra)**2)))*(math.pi))/area_T) for dec,ra in zip(decA,raA)]
    #area_A=[((((((decGC-dec)**2)+((raGC-ra)**2)))*(math.pi))/area_T) for dec,ra in zip(Dec_Match_L,RA_Match_L)] #REAL ONE
    #disA=[math.sqrt(((decGC-dec)**2)+((raGC-ra)**2)) for dec,ra in zip(dec_A,raA)] #REAL ONE?
    disA = [
        math.sqrt(((decGC - dec)**2) + ((raGC - ra)**2))
        for dec, ra in zip(Dec_Match_L, RA_Match_L)
    ]  #REAL ONE
    #print area_A
    #print area_max
    Hist_A = plt.hist(disA)
    Bin_Hight_A = Hist_A[0]
    Bin_Hight_Max = max(Bin_Hight_A)
    #print Bin_Hight_Max
    plt.vlines(D25_S_Maj_Deg, 0, Bin_Hight_Max,
               color='red')  #Plots red line at D25
    print D25_S_Maj_Deg
    #print "Hist_Max ", Hist_Max
    path_2 = os.path.realpath(
    )  #Goes to Master_Output folder, which will hold all the data calculated for the galaxies including the histogram pictures
    print "Path_2=", path_2
    if not os.path.exists(directory_Hist):
    print "path_Hist=",path_Hist
    #system('mkdir '+Gname) #Creates Current Galaxy's Folder, Folder Named after Galaxy, Note: will have to remove space from "NGC #" to change to "NGC_#", I Don't know if this works
    Gname_L = Gname.split(" ")
    print "Gname_L: ", Gname_L
    if (len(Gname_L) > 1):
        Gname_Modifed = Gname_L[0] + "_" + Gname_L[
            1]  #Adds underscore to remove space from "NGC #" to change to "NGC_#" if there is a space in the name
        Gname_Modifed = Gname  # Does nothing if the galaxy name has no space, ie. NGC#, For example NGC253 instead of NGC 253 or NGC_253
    print Gname_Modifed
    path_3 = path_2 + '/' + Gname_Modifed + '/'
    directory = os.path.dirname(path_3)
    if not os.path.exists(directory):
    os.chdir(path_3)  #Goes to Current Galaxies Folder
    path_Hist = path_3 + '/Histograms/'
    directory_Hist = os.path.dirname(path_Hist)
    if not os.path.exists(directory_Hist):
    print "path_Hist=", path_Hist
    plt.savefig(Gname_Modifed + '_Ang.png')  #Saves angluar histogram figure
    path_4 = os.path.realpath('../../../../Histogram_Code/')
    print "Path_4=", path_4
    )  #Goes back to where this code (the histogram code) is being run, ie. Desktop/GitHub
dir_data = "../proj_goals_" + data_suffix + "/"
list_donwload_txt = "goals_" + data_suffix + "_" + time_stamp + ".txt"

done = glob.glob(dir_data)
if not done:
    os.system("mkdir " + dir_data)

array_goals = np.loadtxt("goals_list_name.txt", delimiter=",", dtype="S20")

loop = len(array_goals)

list_donwload = []
#for i in range(loop):
for i in range([0, 1]):
    result_table = Ned.query_object(array_goals[i])
    print(array_goals[i] + ", z=" + str(result_table["Redshift"][0]))
    target = Alma.query_object(array_goals[i])
    spws = target['Frequency support'].tolist()
    uids = target['Member ous id'].tolist()
    loop2 = len(spws)
    for j in range(loop2):
        for k in range(len(spws[j].split(" U "))):
            freq_cover = spws[j].split(" U ")[k].split(",")[0]
            edge_low = float(freq_cover.split("..")[0].replace("[", ""))
            edge_high = float(freq_cover.split("..")[1].replace("GHz", ""))
            redshift_plus_1 = 1 + result_table["Redshift"][0]
            obs_freq = search_freq / redshift_plus_1
            if edge_low < obs_freq < edge_high:
                print(data_suffix + " is here!")
def test1():
    result_table = Ned.query_object("NGC 224")
def get_galaxy_info(name, position):
    This function ...
    :param name:
    :param position:

    # Obtain more information about this galaxy

        ned_result = Ned.query_object(name)
        ned_entry = ned_result[0]

        # Get a more common name for this galaxy (sometimes, the name obtained from NED is one starting with 2MASX .., use the PGC name in this case)
        if ned_entry["Object Name"].startswith("2MASX "): gal_name = name
        else: gal_name = ned_entry["Object Name"]

        # Get the redshift
        gal_redshift = ned_entry["Redshift"]
        if isinstance(gal_redshift, np.ma.core.MaskedConstant):
            gal_redshift = None

        # Get the type (G=galaxy, HII ...)
        gal_type = ned_entry["Type"]
        if isinstance(gal_type, np.ma.core.MaskedConstant): gal_type = None

    except astroquery.exceptions.RemoteServiceError:

        # Set attributes
        gal_name = name
        gal_redshift = None
        gal_type = None

    except astroquery.exceptions.TimeoutError:

        # Set attributes
        gal_name = name
        gal_redshift = None
        gal_type = None


        # Set attributes
        gal_name = name
        gal_redshift = None
        gal_type = None

    # Create a new Vizier object and set the row limit to -1 (unlimited)
    viz = Vizier(keywords=["galaxies", "optical"])
    viz.ROW_LIMIT = -1

    # Query Vizier and obtain the resulting table
    result = viz.query_object(name.replace(" ", ""), catalog=["VII/237"])

    # Not found ... TODO: fix this ... this object was in the first query output
    if len(result) == 0:
        return name, position, None, None, [], None, None, None, None, None, None

    table = result[0]

    # Get the correct entry (sometimes, for example for mergers, querying with the name of one galaxy gives two hits! We have to obtain the right one each time!)
    if len(table) == 0:
        raise ValueError("The galaxy could not be found under this name")
    elif len(table) == 1:
        entry = table[0]

        entry = None

        # Some rows don't have names, if no match is found based on the name just take the row that has other names defined
        rows_with_names = []
        for row in table:
            if row["ANames"]: rows_with_names.append(row)

        # If only one row remains, take that one for the galaxy we are looking for
        if len(rows_with_names) == 1:
            entry = rows_with_names[0]

            # Else, loop over the rows where names are defined and look for a match
            for row in rows_with_names:

                names = row["ANames"]

                if name.replace(" ", "") in names or gal_name.replace(
                        " ", "") in names:

                    entry = row

        # If no matches are found, look for the table entry for which the coordinate matches the given position (if any)
        if entry is None and position is not None:
            for row in table:
                if ('_RAJ2000' in row.colnames) and ('_DEJ2000'
                                                     in row.colnames):
                    ra_key, dec_key = '_RAJ2000', '_DEJ2000'
                elif ('RAJ2000' in row.colnames) and ('DEJ2000'
                                                      in row.colnames):
                    ra_key, dec_key = 'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000'
                if np.isclose(
                        astropy.coordinates.Angle(row[ra_key] + ' hours').deg,
                        position.ra.value) and np.isclose(
                            astropy.coordinates.Angle(row[dec_key] +
                                                      ' degrees').deg,
                    entry = row

    # Note: another temporary fix
    if entry is None:
        return name, position, None, None, [], None, None, None, None, None, None

    # Get the right ascension and the declination
    if ('_RAJ2000' in entry.colnames) and ('_DEJ2000' in entry.colnames):
        ra_key, dec_key = '_RAJ2000', '_DEJ2000'
    elif ('RAJ2000' in entry.colnames) and ('DEJ2000' in entry.colnames):
        ra_key, dec_key = 'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000'
    position = SkyCoordinate(ra=entry[ra_key],

    # Get the names given to this galaxy
    gal_names = entry["ANames"].split() if entry["ANames"] else []

    # Get the size of the galaxy
    ratio = np.power(10.0, entry["logR25"]) if entry["logR25"] else None
    diameter = np.power(10.0, entry["logD25"]) * 0.1 * Unit(
        "arcmin") if entry["logD25"] else None

    #print("  D25_diameter = ", diameter)

    radial_profiles_result = viz.query_object(name, catalog="J/ApJ/658/1006")

    if len(radial_profiles_result) > 0:

        radial_profiles_entry = radial_profiles_result[0][0]

        gal_distance = radial_profiles_entry["Dist"] * Unit("Mpc")
        gal_inclination = Angle(radial_profiles_entry["i"], "deg")
        gal_d25 = radial_profiles_entry["D25"] * Unit("arcmin")


        gal_distance = None
        gal_inclination = None
        gal_d25 = None

    # Get the size of major and minor axes
    gal_major = diameter
    gal_minor = diameter / ratio if diameter is not None and ratio is not None else None

    # Get the position angle of the galaxy
    gal_pa = Angle(entry["PA"] - 90.0, "deg") if entry["PA"] else None

    # Create and return a new Galaxy instance
    return gal_name, position, gal_redshift, gal_type, gal_names, gal_distance, gal_inclination, gal_d25, gal_major, gal_minor, gal_pa
 def query(self, term):
         self.catalog_data = Ned.query_object(term)
     except RemoteServiceError:
         self.catalog_data = {}
__author__ = 'Jakub Wojtanek, [email protected]'
from astroquery.ned import Ned
import unittest
result_table = Ned.query_object("NGC 6720")
result_table2 = Ned.get_table("NGC 6720", table='diameters')

for k in result_table:
    print k
print result_table.keys()

print result_table2.keys()
print result_table['RA(deg)']
print result_table['DEC(deg)']
print result_table['Magnitude and Filter']
print result_table['Distance (arcmin)']
print result_table['Diameter Points']
print result_table2['Major Axis']
print result_table2['Minor Axis']

        flux_err += [all_fermi[1].data[ii][16]]
        flux_E += [all_fermi[1].data[ii][17] * 6.24e5]
        flux_E_err += [all_fermi[1].data[ii][18] * 6.24e5]

        PL_index += [all_fermi[1].data['PL_Index'][ii]]
        unc_PL_index += [all_fermi[1].data['Unc_PL_Index'][ii]]

        variability_index += [all_fermi[1].data['Variability_Index'][ii]]
        frac_variability += [all_fermi[1].data['Frac_Variability'][ii]]
        unc_frac_variability += [all_fermi[1].data['Unc_Frac_Variability'][ii]]
        TeVCat_Flag += [all_fermi[1].data['TeVCat_Flag'][ii]]
        alt_name_gamma += [all_fermi[1].data['ASSOC_FGL'][ii]]

        print(all_fermi[1].data[ii][0], all_fermi[1].data[ii][65])
            result = Ned.query_object(all_fermi[1].data[ii][65])
            redshift_temp = result['Redshift'][0]
            redshift_flag_temp = result['Redshift Flag'][0]
            redshift_temp = '--'
            redshift_flag_temp = ''
        redshift += [redshift_temp]
        redshift_flag += [redshift_flag_temp]

            result1 = Ned.get_table(all_fermi[1].data[ii][65])
            # optical_fluxes = result1[['Observed Passband', 'Frequency', 'Photometry Measurement', 'Uncertainty', 'Units', 'Flux Density', 'Lower limit of uncertainty']][np.logical_and(result1['Frequency'] < 1e16, result1['Frequency'] > 1e14)]
            optical_fluxes = result1['Flux Density'][np.logical_and(
                result1['Frequency'] < 1e16, result1['Frequency'] > 1e14)]
            optical_fluxes = np.array(optical_fluxes)
            num_optical_flux_temp = len(optical_fluxes)
    def load_spectra(self):
        """Load reference spectra from Pysynphot database or NED database.

        If the object redshift is >0.2, the LAMBDA_MIN and LAMBDA_MAX parameters
        are redshifted accordingly.

        >>> s = Star('3C273')
        >>> print(s.spectra[0][:4])
        [0.0000000e+00 2.5048577e-14 2.4238061e-14 2.4088789e-14]
        >>> s = Star('HD111980')
        >>> print(s.spectra[0][:4])
        [2.16890002e-13 2.66480010e-13 2.03540011e-13 2.38780004e-13]
        >>> s = Star('PKS1510-089')
        >>> print(s.redshift)
        >>> print(f'{parameters.LAMBDA_MIN:.1f}, {parameters.LAMBDA_MAX:.1f}')
        408.0, 1496.0
        >>> print(s.spectra[0][:4])
        [117.34012 139.27621  87.38032 143.0816 ]
        self.wavelengths = []  # in nm
        self.spectra = []
        # first try with pysynphot
        file_names = []
        is_calspec = False
        if os.getenv("PYSYN_CDBS") is not None:
            dirname = os.path.expandvars('$PYSYN_CDBS/calspec/')
            for fname in os.listdir(dirname):
                if os.path.isfile(dirname + fname):
                    if self.label.lower() in fname.lower():
                        file_names.append(dirname + fname)
        if len(file_names) > 0:
            is_calspec = True
            self.emission_spectrum = False
            self.hydrogen_only = False
            self.lines = Lines(HYDROGEN_LINES + ATMOSPHERIC_LINES +
            for k, f in enumerate(file_names):
                if '_mod_' in f:
                if self.verbose:
                    self.my_logger.info('\n\tLoading %s' % f)
                data = S.FileSpectrum(f, keepneg=True)
                if isinstance(data.waveunits, S.units.Angstrom):
                    self.wavelengths.append(data.wave / 10.)
                    self.spectra.append(data.flux * 10.)
        elif 'HD' in self.label or self.label in parameters.STAR_NAMES:  # it is a star
            self.emission_spectrum = False
            self.hydrogen_only = False
            self.lines = Lines(ATMOSPHERIC_LINES + HYDROGEN_LINES +
            if 'PNG' not in self.label:
                # Try with NED query
                # print 'Loading target %s from NED...' % self.label
                ned = Ned.query_object(self.label)
                hdulists = Ned.get_spectra(self.label, show_progress=False)
                self.redshift = ned['Redshift'][0]
                self.emission_spectrum = True
                self.hydrogen_only = False
                if self.redshift > 0.2:
                    self.hydrogen_only = True
                    parameters.LAMBDA_MIN *= 1 + self.redshift
                    parameters.LAMBDA_MAX *= 1 + self.redshift
                self.lines = Lines(ATMOSPHERIC_LINES + ISM_LINES +
                for k, h in enumerate(hdulists):
                    if h[0].header['NAXIS'] == 1:
                        for d in h[0].data:
                    wave_n = len(h[0].data)
                    if h[0].header['NAXIS'] == 2:
                        wave_n = len(h[0].data.T)
                    wave_step = h[0].header['CDELT1']
                    wave_start = h[0].header['CRVAL1'] - (
                        h[0].header['CRPIX1'] - 1) * wave_step
                    wave_end = wave_start + wave_n * wave_step
                    waves = np.linspace(wave_start, wave_end, wave_n)
                    is_angstrom = False
                    for key in list(h[0].header.keys()):
                        if 'angstrom' in str(h[0].header[key]).lower():
                            is_angstrom = True
                    if is_angstrom:
                        waves *= 0.1
                    if h[0].header['NAXIS'] > 1:
                        for i in range(h[0].header['NAXIS'] + 1):
                self.emission_spectrum = True
                self.lines = Lines(ATMOSPHERIC_LINES + ISM_LINES +
            f"\n\tTarget label: {self.label}"
            f"\n\tCalspec? {is_calspec}"
            f"\n\tNumber of spectra: {len(self.spectra)}"
            f"\n\tRedshift: {self.redshift}"
            f"\n\tEmission spectrum ? {self.emission_spectrum}"
            f"\n\tLines: {[l.label for l in self.lines.lines]}")
def Source_Histogram_Sum_Plot(Gname_L,
    Gname: str- The name of the galaxy in the form NGC #
    Data: array- a table of data containg the coordinates of each object

    This fucntion takes the inputs for the name of the galaxy and returns a histrogram that plots the number of objects per bin by the
    area enclosed by the cirlce centered on the center of the galaxy that inculdes the objects in each bin in
    square degrees divided by the visible area of the galaxy in square degrees.
    This function plots the visible Major axis of the galaxy area enclosed by a circle that uses the Major axis as
    the diameter of the cirlce divided by itself to give 1 on histogram.
    This function uses astroquary to get data directly from NED

    Failed_Galaxy_List = []
    dis_Total_L = []
    BG_Source_D25_Total_L = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                             0]  #Cheap Fix to binning problem will fix later
    for Gname in Gname_L:
            Gname_Modifed = Galaxy_Name_Reducer.Galaxy_Name_Reducer(Gname)
            dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
            Evt2_File_H_L = File_Query_Code_5.File_Query(Gname,
            #print "Evt2_File_H_L : ", Evt2_File_H_L
            if (Evt2_File_H_L == False):
                print "Invalid Galaxy"
            Galaxy_Obs_ID_L = []
            for Evt2_File_L in Evt2_File_H_L:
                Cur_Galaxy_Obs_ID = Evt2_File_L[0]
            for Obs_ID in Galaxy_Obs_ID_L:
                G_Data = Ned.query_object(
                )  #G_Data:-astropy.table.table.Table, Galaxy_Data, The Galaxy Data Table queried from NED
                #print "G_Data : \n",G_Data
                #print type(G_Data)
                Coords_Path = "/Volumes/xray/anthony/Research_Git/Master_Code/Master_Output/" + Gname_Modifed + "/Coords_Lists/" + str(
                    Obs_ID) + "/" + Gname_Modifed + "_ObsID_" + str(
                        Obs_ID) + "_Coords.csv"
                Coords_Table = pd.read_csv(Coords_Path)
                #print "Coords_Table: \n",Coords_Table
                RA_Match_Deg_DF = Coords_Table["RA"]  #In decimal degrees
                RA_Match_Deg_L = list(RA_Match_Deg_DF)
                RA_Match_DF = RA_Match_Deg_DF * 60.0  #In units of arcmins
                #print "RA_Match_DF :\n", RA_Match_DF
                RA_Match_L = list(RA_Match_DF)
                #print "RA_Match_L :\n", RA_Match_L
                Dec_Match_Deg_DF = Coords_Table["DEC"]  #In decimal degrees
                Dec_Match_Deg_L = list(Dec_Match_Deg_DF)
                Dec_Match_DF = Dec_Match_Deg_DF * 60.0  #In units of arcmins
                Dec_Match_L = list(Dec_Match_DF)
                #print "Dec_Match_L :\n", Dec_Match_L
                #return "STOPPING PROGRAM"
                #print "Area Matching_Index_List : ", Matching_Index_List
                D25_S_Maj_Deg = D25_Finder.D25_Finder(Gname)
                D25_S_Maj_Arcmin = D25_S_Maj_Deg * 60.0
                area_T = ((D25_S_Maj_Deg)**2) * math.pi
                    raGC = float(G_Data['RA(deg)'])
                    decGC = float(G_Data['DEC(deg)'])
                    raGC = float(G_Data['RA'])
                    decGC = float(G_Data['DEC'])
                #area_A=[((((((decGC-dec)**2)+((raGC-ra)**2)))*(math.pi))/area_T) for dec,ra in zip(decA,raA)]

                ##area_A=[((((((decGC-dec)**2)+((raGC-ra)**2)))*(math.pi))/area_T) for dec,ra in zip(Dec_Match_Deg_L,RA_Match_Deg_L)] #REAL ONE
                #disA=[math.sqrt(((decGC-dec)**2)+((raGC-ra)**2)) for dec,ra in zip(decA,raA)] #REAL ONE
                #print area_A
                #print area_max
                #print Bin_Hight_Max
                #print "Hist_Max ", Hist_Max
                Flux_90_Path = "/Volumes/xray/anthony/Research_Git/Master_Code/Master_Output/" + Gname_Modifed + "/Flux_90_Files/" + str(
                    Obs_ID) + "/" + Gname_Modifed + "_ObsID_" + str(
                        Obs_ID) + "_Flux_90.txt"
                BG_Source_HL = Background_Sources_Calc.Big_Background_Source_Calc(
                #print "BG_Source_HL : ", BG_Source_HL
                for Sum_Area in BG_Source_Sum_Area_L:
                BG_Source_L = BG_Source_HL[3]
                #np.delete(BG_Source_A, -1) #Deletes right most value so that bins are [0,1),[1,)...[n-1,n] were the value of any bin [i,i+1] is the value of the left edge of the bin (ie. the ith value, so if the number of expected BG source at an offaxis of 0' is 2 souces and at 1' 3 sources then the value for the bin [0,1) is 2 not 3. This may be reversed to be 3 later)
                #print "BG_Source_Sum_Frac_L : ", BG_Source_Sum_Frac_L
                #print "BG_Source_L : ", BG_Source_L
                print "D25_S_Maj_Arcmin : ", D25_S_Maj_Arcmin
                D25_S_Maj_Arcmin_Whole = round(D25_S_Maj_Arcmin)
                print "D25_S_Maj_Arcmin_Whole : ", D25_S_Maj_Arcmin_Whole
                D25_S_Maj_Arcmin_Whole_Int = int(D25_S_Maj_Arcmin_Whole)
                print "D25_S_Maj_Arcmin_Whole_Int : ", D25_S_Maj_Arcmin_Whole_Int
                Num_BG_Bins = 10.0 / D25_S_Maj_Arcmin
                #print "Num_BG_Bins : ", Num_BG_Bins
                Num_BG_Bins_Whole = round(Num_BG_Bins)
                #print "Num_BG_Bins_Whole : ", Num_BG_Bins_Whole
                Num_BG_Bins_Whole_Int = int(Num_BG_Bins_Whole)
                #print "Num_BG_Bins_Whole_Int : ", Num_BG_Bins_Whole_Int
                Remainder_BG_Bins = 10.0 % Num_BG_Bins_Whole
                #print "Remainder_BG_Bins : ",Remainder_BG_Bins
                Subdivided_A_Len = 11 * Num_BG_Bins_Whole_Int
                Subdivided_A = np.zeros(Subdivided_A_Len)
                BG_Source_SD_HL = []
                #for BG_Source in BG_Source_L_Reduced:
                for BG_Source in BG_Source_L:
                    BG_Source_SD = BG_Source / Num_BG_Bins_Whole
                    Cur_BG_Source_SD_A = np.empty(Num_BG_Bins_Whole_Int)
                    Cur_BG_Source_SD_L = list(Cur_BG_Source_SD_A)
                #print "BG_Source_L : ", BG_Source_L
                #print "len(BG_Source_L) : ", len(BG_Source_L)
                #print "BG_Source_SD_HL : ", BG_Source_SD_HL
                #print "len(BG_Source_SD_HL) : ", len(BG_Source_SD_HL)
                i = 0
                for BG_Source_SD_L in BG_Source_SD_HL:
                    for BG_Source in BG_Source_SD_L:
                        Subdivided_A[i] = BG_Source
                        i = i + 1
                #print "Subdivided_A : ", Subdivided_A
                #print "len(Subdivided_A) : ", len(Subdivided_A)
                Subdivided_L = list(Subdivided_A)
                #print "Subdivided_L : ", Subdivided_L
                #[l[i:i + n] for i in xrange(0, len(l), n)]
                #Subdivided_HL=[Subdivided_L[j:j + Num_BG_Bins_Whole_Int] for j in xrange(0, len(Subdivided_L), Num_BG_Bins_Whole_Int)]
                #Subdivided_HL=[Subdivided_L[j:j + D25_S_Maj_Arcmin_Whole_Int] for j in xrange(0, len(Subdivided_L), D25_S_Maj_Arcmin_Whole_Int)]
                #Subdivided_HL=[Subdivided_L[j:j + 10] for j in xrange(0, len(Subdivided_L), 10)]
                Subdivided_HL = [
                    Subdivided_L[j:j + 11]
                    for j in xrange(0, len(Subdivided_L), 11)
                #print "Subdivided_HL : ", Subdivided_HL
                #print "len(Subdivided_HL) : ", len(Subdivided_HL)
                Subdivided_D25_A = np.array(Subdivided_HL)
                D25_BG_Source_A = np.sum(Subdivided_D25_A, axis=1)
                #print "D25_BG_Source_A : ", D25_BG_Source_A
                D25_BG_Source_L = list(D25_BG_Source_A)
                #print "D25_BG_Source_L : ", D25_BG_Source_L
                #print "len(D25_BG_Source_L) : ", len(D25_BG_Source_L)
                #for k in range(0,len(D25_BG_Source_L)):
                #for k in range(1,len(D25_BG_Source_L)): # 1 instead of zero in order to get plt.step to work correctly
                #for k in range(0,len(D25_BG_Source_L)):
                for k in range(0, len(D25_BG_Source_L)):
                        k +
                        1] = BG_Source_D25_Total_L[k + 1] + D25_BG_Source_L[k]
                plt.step(BG_Source_Sum_Frac_L, BG_Source_L)
                #path_2=os.path.realpath('../Master_Code/Master_Output/') #Goes to Master_Output folder, which will hold all the data calculated for the galaxies including the histogram pictures
                #print "Path_2=", path_2
                #print Gname_Modifed
                directory = os.path.dirname(path_3)
                if not os.path.exists(directory):
                #os.chdir(path_3) #Goes to Current Galaxies Folder
                if not os.path.exists(directory_Hist):
                print "path_Hist=",path_Hist
                if not os.path.exists(directory_Obs_ID):
                plt.savefig(path_Obs_ID+Gname_Modifed+'_'+str(Obs_ID)+'_Frac.png') #Saves angluar histogram figure
                #print "Path_4=",path_4
                #os.chdir(path_4) #Goes back to where this code (the histogram code) is being run, ie. Desktop/GitHub
                #For Area Histrograms
                raGC_Arcmin = raGC * 60.0
                decGC_Arcmin = decGC * 60.0
                disA = [
                    math.sqrt(((decGC_Arcmin - dec)**2) +
                              ((raGC_Arcmin - ra)**2))
                    for dec, ra in zip(Dec_Match_L, RA_Match_L)
                ]  #REAL ONE in units of arcmins
                #print "disA : ", disA
                dis_D25_A = disA / D25_S_Maj_Arcmin
                #print "dis_D25_A : ", dis_D25_A
                dis_D25_L = list(dis_D25_A)
                for dis_D25 in dis_D25_L:
                    Dist_Arcmin = dis_D25 * D25_S_Maj_Arcmin
                    if (
                            Dist_Arcmin > 10.0
                    ):  #Throws out all sources outside the reasonable Chandra FOV (Offaxis > 10')
                #print "dis_max : ", dis_max
                #print area_A
                #print area_max
                #Hist_A=plt.hist(disA,[0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0])
                #Hist_A=plt.hist(disA,[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0])
                #Hist_A=plt.hist(disA,[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0])
            print "Failed_Galaxy_List : ", Failed_Galaxy_List
    dis_Total_A = np.array(dis_Total_L)
    Hist_A = plt.hist(dis_Total_A, bins=Bins, range=(0.0, 10.0))
    Bin_Hight_A = Hist_A[0]
    Bin_A = Hist_A[1]
    print "Bin_A : ", Bin_A
    Bin_Hight_Max = max(Bin_Hight_A)
    #print "Angular Hist_A : ", Hist_A
    #print "Hist_A : ", Hist_A
    print "BG_Source_D25_Total_L : ", BG_Source_D25_Total_L
    BG_Source_D25_Total_A = np.array(BG_Source_D25_Total_L)
    BG_Source_D25_Total_A = BG_Source_D25_Total_A * (10.0 / Bins)
    BG_Source_D25_Total_L = list(BG_Source_D25_Total_A)
    BG_Source_Sigificance_A = 3.0 * BG_Source_D25_Total_A
    #print "Bin_Hight_Max : ", Bin_Hight_Max
    #/Volumes/xray/anthony/Research_Git/Master_Code/Master_Output/NGC_3631/Flux_90_Files/3951/NGC_3631_ObsID_3951_Flux_90.txt #Example Path
    #print "BG_Source_HL : ", BG_Source_HL
    #Hist_BG_A=plt.hist(BG_Source_L,[0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0],alpha=0.5)
    #Bar_BG_A=plt.bar([0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0], BG_Source_L,color="red",alpha=0.5)
    #plt.plot([0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0], BG_Source_L)
    #plt.step([0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0], BG_Source_L)
    plt.step([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0], BG_Source_L)
    ##plt.step([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0]/D25_S_Maj_Arcmin, BG_Source_L)
    #print Bin_Hight_Max
    #plt.vlines(D25_S_Maj_Deg,0,Bin_Hight_Max,color='red') #Plots red line at D25
    plt.vlines(D25_S_Maj_Arcmin,0,Bin_Hight_Max,color='red') #Plots red line at D25
    plt.step([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0],
    plt.step([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0],
    #plt.step([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0], BG_Source_Sigificance_A*5.0,color="yellow")
    plt.step([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0],
             BG_Source_Sigificance_A * 3.0,
    plt.vlines(1, 0, Bin_Hight_Max, color='red')  #Plots red line at D25
    #plt.xlabel('R (arcmin)')
    plt.xlabel('R (D25)')
    #print D25_S_Maj_Deg
    #print "Hist_Max ", Hist_Max
    #path_2=os.path.realpath('../Master_Code/Master_Output/') #Goes to Master_Output folder, which will hold all the data calculated for the galaxies including the histogram pictures, Quoted Out because path_2 is already defined
    #print "Path_2=", path_2
    #print Gname_Modifed
    directory = os.path.dirname(path_3)
    if not os.path.exists(directory):
    #os.chdir(path_3) #Goes to Current Galaxies Folder
    if not os.path.exists(directory_Hist):
    #print "path_Hist=",path_Hist
    print "path_Obs_ID : ",path_Obs_ID
    if not os.path.exists(directory_Obs_ID):
    plt.savefig(path_Obs_ID + Gname_Modifed+'_'+str(Obs_ID)+'_Ang.png') #Saves angluar histogram figure
    Path_Sum = "/Volumes/xray/anthony/Research_Git/Data_Processing/Source_Overdensity/Source_Overdensity_Sum_Plot/Sum_Histograms/"
    directory = os.path.dirname(path_3)
    if not os.path.exists(directory):
    plt.savefig(Path_Sum + 'Sum_D25_' + Fname_Key +
                '_Histogram.png')  #Saves angluar histogram figure
    #print "Path_4=",path_4
    #os.chdir(path_4) #Goes back to where this code (the histogram code) is being run, ie. Desktop/GitHub
        O_R_fname=path_Obs_ID + Gname_Modifed+'_'+str(Obs_ID)+'_Overdensity_Ratios.txt'
        print "O_R_fname:",O_R_fname
        #print "Bin_Hight_A : ", Bin_Hight_A
        #print "BG_Source_A: ", BG_Source_A
        np.delete(BG_Source_A, -1) #Deletes right most value so that bins are [0,1),[1,)...[n-1,n] were the value of any bin [i,i+1] is the value of the left edge of the bin (ie. the ith value, so if the number of expected BG source at an offaxis of 0' is 2 souces and at 1' 3 sources then the value for the bin [0,1) is 2 not 3. This may be reversed to be 3 later)
        #print "BG_Source_A_Reduced: ", BG_Source_A_Reduced
        Overdensity_Ratio_A=(Bin_Hight_A/BG_Source_A_Reduced) #Somthing Might be wrong here
        #for i in range(0,len(Overdensity_Ratio_L)-1):
        for i in range(0,len(Overdensity_Ratio_L)):
    if (Fileout_B):
        #O_R_fname=path_Obs_ID + Gname_Modifed+'_'+str(Obs_ID)+'_Overdensity_Ratios.txt'
        file = open(Path_Sum + 'Sum_D25_' + Fname_Key + '_Data.csv', "w")
        #print "O_R_fname:",O_R_fname
        Bin_Hight_L = list(Bin_Hight_A)
        #print "Bin_Hight_A : ", Bin_Hight_A
        #print "BG_Source_A: ", BG_Source_A
        Bin_L = list(Bin_A)
        #print "Bin_L : ", Bin_L
        BG_Source_L_Reduced = BG_Source_L[0:len(BG_Source_L) - 1]
        #np.delete(BG_Source_A, -1) #Deletes right most value so that bins are [0,1),[1,)...[n-1,n] were the value of any bin [i,i+1] is the value of the left edge of the bin (ie. the ith value, so if the number of expected BG source at an offaxis of 0' is 2 souces and at 1' 3 sources then the value for the bin [0,1) is 2 not 3. This may be reversed to be 3 later)
        #print "BG_Source_A_Reduced: ", BG_Source_A_Reduced
        #Overdensity_Ratio_A=(Bin_Hight_A/BG_Source_A_Reduced) #Somthing Might be wrong here
        #for i in range(0,len(Overdensity_Ratio_L)-1):
        Header_Line_1 = "BG_Source_D25_Total_L:" + str(
            BG_Source_D25_Total_L) + "\n" + "Diluted:" + str(
                (10.0 / Bins)) + "|\n"
        Header_Line_2 = "Bins,Num_Sources\n"
        for i in range(0, len(Bin_Hight_L)):
            Bin = Bin_L[i]
            Num_Sources = Bin_Hight_L[i]
            Cur_Line = str(Bin) + "," + str(Num_Sources) + "\n"
def get_galaxy_info(name, position):

    This function ...
    :param name:
    :param position:

    # Obtain more information about this galaxy

        ned_result = Ned.query_object(name)
        ned_entry = ned_result[0]

        # Get a more common name for this galaxy (sometimes, the name obtained from NED is one starting with 2MASX .., use the PGC name in this case)
        if ned_entry["Object Name"].startswith("2MASX "): gal_name = name
        else: gal_name = ned_entry["Object Name"]

        # Get the redshift
        gal_redshift = ned_entry["Redshift"]
        if isinstance(gal_redshift, np.ma.core.MaskedConstant): gal_redshift = None

        # Get the type (G=galaxy, HII ...)
        gal_type = ned_entry["Type"]
        if isinstance(gal_type, np.ma.core.MaskedConstant): gal_type = None

    except astroquery.exceptions.RemoteServiceError:

        # Set attributes
        gal_name = name
        gal_redshift = None
        gal_type = None

    except astroquery.exceptions.TimeoutError:

        # Set attributes
        gal_name = name
        gal_redshift = None
        gal_type = None


        # Set attributes
        gal_name = name
        gal_redshift = None
        gal_type = None

    # Create a new Vizier object and set the row limit to -1 (unlimited)
    viz = Vizier(keywords=["galaxies", "optical"])
    viz.ROW_LIMIT = -1

    # Query Vizier and obtain the resulting table
    result = viz.query_object(name.replace(" ", ""), catalog=["VII/237"])

    # Not found ... TODO: fix this ... this object was in the first query output
    if len(result) == 0: return name, position, None, None, [], None, None, None, None, None, None

    table = result[0]

    # Get the correct entry (sometimes, for example for mergers, querying with the name of one galaxy gives two hits! We have to obtain the right one each time!)
    if len(table) == 0: raise ValueError("The galaxy could not be found under this name")
    elif len(table) == 1: entry = table[0]

        entry = None

        # Some rows don't have names, if no match is found based on the name just take the row that has other names defined
        rows_with_names = []
        for row in table:
            if row["ANames"]: rows_with_names.append(row)

        # If only one row remains, take that one for the galaxy we are looking for
        if len(rows_with_names) == 1: entry = rows_with_names[0]

        # Else, loop over the rows where names are defined and look for a match
            for row in rows_with_names:

                names = row["ANames"]

                if name.replace(" ", "") in names or gal_name.replace(" ", "") in names:

                    entry = row

        # If no matches are found, look for the table entry for which the coordinate matches the given position (if any)
        if entry is None and position is not None:
            for row in table:
                if np.isclose(row["_RAJ2000"], position.ra.value) and np.isclose(row["_DEJ2000"], position.dec.value):
                    entry = row

    # Note: another temporary fix
    if entry is None: return name, position, None, None, [], None, None, None, None, None, None

    # Get the right ascension and the declination
    position = SkyCoordinate(ra=entry["_RAJ2000"], dec=entry["_DEJ2000"], unit="deg", frame="fk5")

    # Get the names given to this galaxy
    gal_names = entry["ANames"].split() if entry["ANames"] else []

    # Get the size of the galaxy
    ratio = np.power(10.0, entry["logR25"]) if entry["logR25"] else None
    diameter = np.power(10.0, entry["logD25"]) * 0.1 * Unit("arcmin") if entry["logD25"] else None

    #print("  D25_diameter = ", diameter)

    radial_profiles_result = viz.query_object(name, catalog="J/ApJ/658/1006")

    if len(radial_profiles_result) > 0:

        radial_profiles_entry = radial_profiles_result[0][0]

        gal_distance = radial_profiles_entry["Dist"] * Unit("Mpc")
        gal_inclination = Angle(radial_profiles_entry["i"], "deg")
        gal_d25 = radial_profiles_entry["D25"] * Unit("arcmin")


        gal_distance = None
        gal_inclination = None
        gal_d25 = None

    # Get the size of major and minor axes
    gal_major = diameter
    gal_minor = diameter / ratio if diameter is not None and ratio is not None else None

    # Get the position angle of the galaxy
    gal_pa = Angle(entry["PA"] - 90.0, "deg") if entry["PA"] else None

    # Create and return a new Galaxy instance
    return gal_name, position, gal_redshift, gal_type, gal_names, gal_distance, gal_inclination, gal_d25, gal_major, gal_minor, gal_pa