def _get_rf_unique_attr(ring, attr, cavpts=None):
    freq = numpy.unique(_get_rf_attr(ring, attr, cavpts=cavpts))
    if len(freq) == 0:
        raise AtError('No cavity found in the lattice')
    elif len(freq) > 1:
        raise AtError('{0} not equal for all cavities'.format(attr))
        return freq[0]
def get_timelag_fromU0(ring, method=ELossMethod.INTEGRAL, cavpts=None):
    Get the TimeLag attribute of RF cavities based on frequency,
    voltage and energy loss per turn, so that the synchronous phase is zero.
    An error occurs if all cavities do not have the same frequency.
    Used in set_cavity_phase()

        ring        lattice description

                            method for energy loss computation.
                            See "get_energy_loss".
        cavpts=None         Cavity location. If None, use all cavities.
                            This allows to ignore harmonic cavities.
    if cavpts is None:
        cavpts = get_cells(ring, checktype(RFCavity))
    u0 = get_energy_loss(ring, method=method)
        rfv = ring.get_rf_voltage(cavpts=cavpts)
        freq = ring.get_rf_frequency(cavpts=cavpts)
        tl0 = ring.get_rf_timelag(cavpts=cavpts)
    except AtError:
        freq = numpy.array([cav.Frequency for cav in ring.select(cavpts)])
        rfv = numpy.array([cav.Voltage for cav in ring.select(cavpts)])
        tl0 = numpy.array([cav.TimeLag for cav in ring.select(cavpts)])
        if u0 > numpy.sum(rfv):
            raise AtError('Not enough RF voltage: unstable ring')
        ctmax = 1 / numpy.amin(freq) * clight / 2
        tt0 = tl0[numpy.argmin(freq)]
        eq = lambda x: numpy.sum(rfv * numpy.sin(2 * pi * freq *
                                                 (x + tl0) / clight)) - u0
        deq = lambda x: numpy.sum(rfv * numpy.cos(2 * pi * freq *
                                                  (x + tl0) / clight))
        zero_diff = least_squares(deq,
                                  -tt0 + ctmax / 2,
                                  bounds=(-tt0, ctmax - tt0)).x[0]
        if numpy.sign(deq(zero_diff - 1.0e-6)) > 0:
            ts = least_squares(eq, (zero_diff - tt0) / 2,
                               bounds=(-tt0, zero_diff)).x[0]
            ts = least_squares(eq, (ctmax - tt0 + zero_diff) / 2,
                               bounds=(zero_diff, ctmax - tt0)).x[0]
        timelag = ts + tl0
        if u0 > rfv:
            raise AtError('Not enough RF voltage: unstable ring')
        timelag = clight / (2 * pi * freq) * numpy.arcsin(u0 / rfv)
        ts = timelag - tl0
        timelag *= numpy.ones(refpts_len(ring, cavpts))
    return timelag, ts
 def reswall(self, wcomp, length, rvac, conduct, beta, yokoya_factor=1):
     if wcomp is WakeComponent.Z:
         raise AtError('Resitive wall not available '
                       'for WakeComponent: {}'.format(wcomp))
     elif wcomp is (WakeComponent.DX or wcomp is WakeComponent.DY or
                    wcomp is WakeComponent.QX or wcomp is WakeComponent.QY):
         return wake_functions.transverse_reswall(self._srange,
                                                  yokoya_factor, length,
                                                  rvac, conduct, beta)
         raise AtError('Invalid WakeComponent: {}'.format(wcomp))
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Lattice constructor"""

        iterator = kwargs.pop('iterator', None)
        scan = kwargs.pop('scan', False)
        for key in list(k for k in kwargs.keys() if k.startswith('_')):
        if iterator is None:
            elem_list, = args or [[]]  # accept 0 or 1 argument
            if isinstance(elem_list, Lattice):
                elems = lattice_filter(kwargs, elem_list)
            elif scan:
                elems = params_filter(kwargs, type_filter, elem_list)
                elems = type_filter(kwargs, elem_list)
            elems = iterator(kwargs, *args)

        super(Lattice, self).__init__(elems)

        # set default values
        kwargs.setdefault('name', '')
        kwargs.setdefault('periodicity', 1)
        if 'energy' not in kwargs:
            raise AtError('Lattice energy is not defined')
        # set attributes
def _orbit6(ring, cavpts=None, guess=None, keep_lattice=False, **kwargs):
    """Solver for 6D motion"""
    convergence = kwargs.pop('convergence', DConstant.OrbConvergence)
    max_iterations = kwargs.pop('max_iterations', DConstant.OrbMaxIter)
    xy_step = kwargs.pop('XYStep', DConstant.XYStep)
    dp_step = kwargs.pop('DPStep', DConstant.DPStep)
    method = kwargs.pop('method', ELossMethod.TRACKING)

    # Get revolution period
    l0 = get_s_pos(ring, len(ring))
    cavities = [elm for elm in ring if isinstance(elm, elements.RFCavity)]
    if len(cavities) == 0:
        raise AtError('No cavity found in the lattice.')

    f_rf = cavities[0].Frequency
    harm_number = cavities[0].HarmNumber

    if guess is None:
        _, dt = get_timelag_fromU0(ring, method=method, cavpts=cavpts)
        ref_in = numpy.zeros((6,), order='F')
        ref_in[5] = -dt
        ref_in = numpy.copy(guess)

    theta = numpy.zeros((6,))
    theta[5] = constants.speed_of_light * harm_number / f_rf - l0

    scaling = xy_step * numpy.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) + \
              dp_step * numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    delta_matrix = numpy.asfortranarray(
        numpy.concatenate((numpy.diag(scaling), numpy.zeros((6, 1))), axis=1))

    id6 = numpy.asfortranarray(numpy.identity(6))
    change = 1
    itercount = 0
    while (change > convergence) and itercount < max_iterations:
        in_mat = ref_in.reshape((6, 1)) + delta_matrix
        _ = lattice_pass(ring, in_mat, refpts=[], keep_lattice=keep_lattice)
        # the reference particle after one turn
        ref_out = in_mat[:, 6]
        # 6x6 jacobian matrix from numerical differentiation:
        # f(x+d) - f(x) / d
        j6 = (in_mat[:, :6] - in_mat[:, 6:]) / scaling
        a = j6 - id6  # f'(r_n) - 1
        b = ref_out[:] - ref_in[:] - theta
        # b_over_a, _, _, _ = numpy.linalg.lstsq(a, b, rcond=-1)
        b_over_a = numpy.linalg.solve(a, b)
        r_next = ref_in - b_over_a
        # determine if we are close enough
        change = numpy.linalg.norm(r_next - ref_in)
        itercount += 1
        ref_in = r_next
        keep_lattice = True

    if itercount == max_iterations:
        warnings.warn(AtWarning('Maximum number of iterations reached. '
                                'Possible non-convergence'))
    return ref_in
文件: amat.py 项目: T-Nicholls/at
def a_matrix(tt):
    """A, eigval = a_matrix(T)
    Find the A matrix from one turn map matrix T such that:

               [Rotx  0    0  ]
    inv(A)*T*A=[ 0   Rotz  0  ]
               [ 0    0   Rots]

    Order it so that it is close to the order of x,y,z
    also ensure that positive modes are before negative so that
    one has proper symplecticity
    B. Nash July 18, 2013

    T       (m, m)  transfer matrix for 1 turn

    A       (m, m)  A-matrix
    eigval  (m,)    vector of Eigen values of T
    nv = tt.shape[0]
    dms = int(nv / 2)
    jmt = jmatswap(dms)
    select = numpy.arange(0, nv, 2)
    rbase = numpy.stack((select, select), axis=1).flatten()

    # noinspection PyTupleAssignmentBalance
    lmbd, vv = eig(tt)
    # Compute the norms
    vp = numpy.dot(vv.conj().T, jmt)
    n = -0.5j * numpy.sum(vp.T * vv, axis=0)
    if any(abs(n) < 1.0E-12):
        raise AtError('Unstable ring')
    # Move positive before negatives
    order = rbase + (n < 0)
    vv = vv[:, order]
    n = n[order]
    lmbd = lmbd[order]
    # Normalize vectors
    vn = vv / numpy.sqrt(abs(n)).reshape((1, nv))
    # find the vectors that project most onto x,y,z, and reorder
    # nn will have structure
    #  n1x n1y n1z
    #  n2x n2y n2z
    #  n3x n3y n3z
    nn = 0.5 * abs(numpy.sqrt(-1.j * vn.conj().T.dot(jmt).dot(_vxyz[dms - 1])))
    rows = list(select)
    order = []
    for ixz in select:
        ind = numpy.argmax(nn[rows, ixz])
        del rows[ind]
    v_ordered = vn[:, order]
    lmbd = lmbd[order]
    aa = numpy.vstack((numpy.real(v_ordered), numpy.imag(v_ordered))).reshape(
        (nv, nv), order='F')
    return aa, lmbd
def set_cavity(ring,
        ring                lattice description

        Frequency=None      RF frequency. The special enum value Frf.NOMINAL
                            sets the frequency to the nominal value, given
                            ring length and harmonic number.
        Voltage=None        RF voltage for the full ring.
        HarmNumber=None     Harmonic number for the full ring.
        cavpts=None         Cavity location. If None, use all cavities.
                            This allows to ignore harmonic cavities.
        copy=False          If True, returns a shallow copy of ring with new
                            cavity elements. Otherwise, modify ring in-place
    def get_harm(hcell):
        if hcell is not None:
            return hcell * n_periods
            return ring.get_rf_harmonic_number(cavpts=cavpts)

    if cavpts is None:
        cavpts = get_cells(ring, checktype(elements.RFCavity))
    n_cavities = ring.refcount(cavpts)
    if n_cavities < 1:
        raise AtError('No cavity found in the lattice')
    n_periods = ring.periodicity

    modif = {}
    if Frequency is not None:
        if Frequency is Frf.NOMINAL:
            Frequency = (clight / ring.circumference) * get_harm(HarmNumber)
        modif['Frequency'] = Frequency
    if HarmNumber is not None:
        modif['HarmNumber'] = HarmNumber / n_periods
    if TimeLag is not None:
        modif['TimeLag'] = TimeLag
    if Voltage is not None:
        modif['Voltage'] = Voltage / n_periods / n_cavities

    # noinspection PyShadowingNames
    def apply(ring, cavpts, modif):
        for cavity in ring.select(cavpts):

    return apply(ring, cavpts, modif)
    def add(self, wtype, wcomp, *args, **kwargs):
        if wtype is WakeType.FILE:
            w = self.readwakefile(*args, **kwargs)
        elif wtype is WakeType.TABLE:
            w = self.resample(*args)
        elif wtype is WakeType.RESONATOR:
            w = self.resonator(wcomp, *args, **kwargs)
        elif wtype is WakeType.RESWALL:
            w = self.reswall(wcomp, *args, **kwargs)

            raise AtError('Invalid WakeType: {}'.format(wtype))
        if self.components[wcomp] is None:
            self.components[wcomp] = w
            self.components[wcomp] += w
 def resonator(self,
     if wcomp is WakeComponent.Z:
         return wake_functions.long_resonator(self._srange, frequency,
                                              qfactor, rshunt, beta)
     elif (wcomp is WakeComponent.DX or wcomp is WakeComponent.DY
           or wcomp is WakeComponent.QX or wcomp is WakeComponent.QY):
         return wake_functions.transverse_resonator(self._srange, frequency,
                                                    qfactor, rshunt,
                                                    yokoya_factor, beta)
         raise AtError('Invalid WakeComponent: {}'.format(wcomp))
文件: matfile.py 项目: T-Nicholls/at
def matfile_generator(params, mat_file):
    run through matlab cells and generate AT elements

        mat_file        name of the .mat file
        mat_key         name of the Matlab variable containing the lattice.
                        Default: Matlab variable name if there is only one,
                        otherwise 'RING'
        check=True      if False, skip the coherence tests
        quiet=False     If True, suppress the warning for non-standard classes
    def mclean(data):
        if data.dtype.type is numpy.str_:
            # Convert strings in arrays back to strings.
            return str(data[0])
        elif data.size == 1:
            v = data[0, 0]
            if issubclass(v.dtype.type, numpy.void):
                for f in v.dtype.fields:
                    v[f] = mclean(v[f])
            # Return a scalar
            return v
            # Remove any surplus dimensions in arrays.
            return numpy.squeeze(data)

    m = scipy.io.loadmat(params.setdefault('mat_file', mat_file))
    matvars = [varname for varname in m if not varname.startswith('__')]
    default_key = matvars[0] if (len(matvars) == 1) else 'RING'
    key = params.setdefault('mat_key', default_key)
    if key not in m.keys():
        kok = [k for k in m.keys() if '__' not in k]
        raise AtError('Selected mat_key does not exist, '
                      'please select in: {}'.format(kok))
    check = params.pop('check', True)
    quiet = params.pop('quiet', False)
    cell_array = m[key].flat
    for index, mat_elem in enumerate(cell_array):
        elem = mat_elem[0, 0]
        kwargs = {f: mclean(elem[f]) for f in elem.dtype.fields}
        yield element_from_dict(kwargs, index=index, check=check, quiet=quiet)
def _orbit6(ring, cavpts=None, guess=None, keep_lattice=False, **kwargs):
    """Solver for 6D motion"""
    def iscavity(elem):
        return isinstance(elem, elements.RFCavity) and \

    convergence = kwargs.pop('convergence', DConstant.OrbConvergence)
    max_iterations = kwargs.pop('max_iterations', DConstant.OrbMaxIter)
    xy_step = kwargs.pop('XYStep', DConstant.XYStep)
    dp_step = kwargs.pop('DPStep', DConstant.DPStep)
    method = kwargs.pop('method', ELossMethod.TRACKING)

    l0 = get_s_pos(ring, len(ring))[0]
    # Get the main RF frequency (the lowest)
        f_rf = min(elm.Frequency for elm in ring if iscavity(elm))
    except ValueError:
        raise AtError('No cavity found in the lattice.')
    # gamma = self.energy / self.particle.mass
    # beta = math.sqrt(1.0 - 1.0 / gamma / gamma)
    # h = round(fmin*l0/beta/clight)
    harm_number = round(f_rf * l0 / clight)

    if guess is None:
        _, dt = get_timelag_fromU0(ring, method=method, cavpts=cavpts)
        # Getting timelag by tracking uses a different lattice,
        # so we cannot now use the same one again.
        if method is ELossMethod.TRACKING:
            keep_lattice = False
        ref_in = numpy.zeros((6, ), order='F')
        ref_in[5] = -dt
        ref_in = numpy.copy(guess)

    theta = numpy.zeros((6, ))
    theta[5] = clight * harm_number / f_rf - l0

    scaling = xy_step * numpy.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) + \
              dp_step * numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    delta_matrix = numpy.asfortranarray(
        numpy.concatenate((numpy.diag(scaling), numpy.zeros((6, 1))), axis=1))

    id6 = numpy.asfortranarray(numpy.identity(6))
    change = 1
    itercount = 0
    while (change > convergence) and itercount < max_iterations:
        in_mat = ref_in.reshape((6, 1)) + delta_matrix
        _ = lattice_pass(ring, in_mat, refpts=[], keep_lattice=keep_lattice)
        # the reference particle after one turn
        ref_out = in_mat[:, 6]
        # 6x6 jacobian matrix from numerical differentiation:
        # f(x+d) - f(x) / d
        j6 = (in_mat[:, :6] - in_mat[:, 6:]) / scaling
        a = j6 - id6  # f'(r_n) - 1
        b = ref_out[:] - ref_in[:] - theta
        # b_over_a, _, _, _ = numpy.linalg.lstsq(a, b, rcond=-1)
        b_over_a = numpy.linalg.solve(a, b)
        r_next = ref_in - b_over_a
        # determine if we are close enough
        change = numpy.linalg.norm(r_next - ref_in)
        itercount += 1
        ref_in = r_next
        keep_lattice = True

    if itercount == max_iterations:
            AtWarning('Maximum number of iterations reached. '
                      'Possible non-convergence'))
    return ref_in
def get_energy_loss(ring, method=ELossMethod.INTEGRAL):
    """Compute the energy loss per turn [eV]

        ring                        lattice description

        method=ELossMethod.INTEGRAL method for energy loss computation
            The enum class ELossMethod declares 2 values
            INTEGRAL: The losses are obtained from
                Losses = Cgamma / 2pi * EGeV^4 * i2
                Takes into account bending magnets and wigglers.
            TRACKING: The losses are obtained by tracking without cavities.
                Needs radiation ON, takes into account all radiating elements.
    def integral(ring):
        """Losses = Cgamma / 2pi * EGeV^4 * i2
        def wiggler_i2(wiggler):
            rhoinv = wiggler.Bmax / Brho
            coefh = wiggler.By[1, :]
            coefv = wiggler.Bx[1, :]
            return wiggler.Length * (numpy.sum(coefh * coefh) +
                                     numpy.sum(coefv * coefv)) * rhoinv**2 / 2

        def dipole_i2(dipole):
            return dipole.BendingAngle**2 / dipole.Length

        Brho = sqrt(ring.energy**2 - e_mass**2) / clight
        i2 = 0.0
        for el in ring:
            if isinstance(el, Dipole):
                i2 += dipole_i2(el)
            elif isinstance(el, Wiggler) and el.PassMethod != 'DriftPass':
                i2 += wiggler_i2(el)
        e_loss = Cgamma / 2.0 / pi * ring.energy**4 * i2
        return e_loss

    def tracking(ring):
        """Losses from tracking
        ringtmp = ring.radiation_off(dipole_pass=None,
        o0 = numpy.zeros(6)
        o6 = numpy.squeeze(lattice_pass(ringtmp, o0, refpts=len(ringtmp)))
        return -o6[4] * ring.energy

    if isinstance(method, str):
        method = ELossMethod[method.upper()]
        warn(FutureWarning('You should use {0!s}'.format(method)))
    if method is ELossMethod.INTEGRAL:
        return ring.periodicity * integral(ring)
    elif method == ELossMethod.TRACKING:
        return ring.periodicity * tracking(ring)
        raise AtError('Invalid method: {}'.format(method))
def find_orbit6(ring, refpts=None, guess=None, **kwargs):
    """find_orbit6 finds the closed orbit in the full 6-D phase space
    by numerically solving  for a fixed point of the one turn
    map M calculated with lattice_pass

    (X, PX, Y, PY, DP, CT2 ) = M (X, PX, Y, PY, DP, CT1)

    with constraint  CT2 - CT1 = C*HarmNumber(1/Frf - 1/Frf0)

    IMPORTANT!!! find_orbit6 is a realistic simulation
    1.  The Frf frequency in the RF cavities (may be different from Frf0)
        imposes the synchronous condition
        CT2 - CT1 = C*HarmNumber(1/Frf - 1/Frf0)
    2.  The algorithm numerically calculates
        6-by-6 Jacobian matrix J6. In order for (J-E) matrix
        to be non-singular it is NECESSARY to use a realistic
        PassMethod for cavities with non-zero momentum kick
        (such as ThinCavityPass).
    3.  find_orbit6 can find orbits with radiation.
        In order for the solution to exist the cavity must supply
        adequate energy compensation.
        In the simplest case of a single cavity, it must have
        'Voltage' field set so that Voltage > Erad - energy loss per turn
    4.  There is a family of solutions that correspond to different RF buckets
        They differ in the 6-th coordinate by C*Nb/Frf. Nb = 1 .. HarmNum-1
    5.  The value of the 6-th coordinate found at the cavity gives
        the equilibrium RF phase. If there is no radiation the phase is 0;

        ring            Sequence of AT elements
        refpts          elements at which data is returned. It can be:
                        1) an integer in the range [-len(ring), len(ring)-1]
                           selecting the element according to python indexing
                           rules. As a special case, len(ring) is allowed and
                           refers to the end of the last element,
                        2) an ordered list of such integers without duplicates,
                        3) a numpy array of booleans of maximum length
                           len(ring)+1, where selected elements are True.
                        Defaults to None, if refpts is None an empty array is
                        returned for orbit.

        orbit0          ((6,) closed orbit vector at the entrance of the
                        1-st element (x,px,y,py)
        orbit           (6, Nrefs) closed orbit vector at each location
                        specified in refpts

        keep_lattice    Assume no lattice change since the previous tracking.
                        Default: False
        guess           Initial value for the closed orbit. It may help
                        convergence. Default: (0, 0, 0, 0)
        convergence     Convergence criterion. Default: 1.e-12
        max_iterations  Maximum number of iterations. Default: 20
        step_size       Step size. Default: 1.e-6

    See also find_orbit4, find_sync_orbit.
    keep_lattice = kwargs.pop('keep_lattice', False)
    convergence = kwargs.pop('convergence', CONVERGENCE)
    max_iterations = kwargs.pop('max_iterations', MAX_ITERATIONS)
    step_size = kwargs.pop('step_size', STEP_SIZE)
    ref_in = numpy.zeros((6, ), order='F') if guess is None else guess

    # Get evolution period
    l0 = get_s_pos(ring, len(ring))
    cavities = [elem for elem in ring if isinstance(elem, elements.RFCavity)]
    if len(cavities) == 0:
        raise AtError('No cavity found in the lattice.')

    f_rf = cavities[0].Frequency
    harm_number = cavities[0].HarmNumber

    theta = numpy.zeros((6, ))
    theta[5] = constants.speed_of_light * harm_number / f_rf - l0

    delta_matrix = numpy.zeros((6, 7), order='F')
    for i in range(6):
        delta_matrix[i, i] = step_size

    id6 = numpy.asfortranarray(numpy.identity(6))
    change = 1
    itercount = 0
    while (change > convergence) and itercount < max_iterations:
        in_mat = ref_in.reshape((6, 1)) + delta_matrix
        _ = lattice_pass(ring, in_mat, refpts=[], keep_lattice=keep_lattice)
        # the reference particle after one turn
        ref_out = in_mat[:, 6]
        # 6x6 jacobian matrix from numerical differentiation:
        # f(x+d) - f(x) / d
        j6 = (in_mat[:, :6] - in_mat[:, 6:]) / step_size
        a = j6 - id6  # f'(r_n) - 1
        b = ref_out[:] - ref_in[:] - theta
        b_over_a, _, _, _ = numpy.linalg.lstsq(a, b, rcond=-1)
        r_next = ref_in - b_over_a
        # determine if we are close enough
        change = numpy.linalg.norm(r_next - ref_in)
        itercount += 1
        ref_in = r_next
        keep_lattice = True

    if itercount == max_iterations:
            AtWarning('Maximum number of iterations reached. '
                      'Possible non-convergence'))

    uint32refs = uint32_refpts(refpts, len(ring))
    # bug in numpy < 1.13
    all_points = numpy.empty(
        (0, 6), dtype=float) if len(uint32refs) == 0 else numpy.squeeze(
            axis=(1, 3)).T

    return ref_in, all_points