文件: linear6.py 项目: yysigari/at
    def build_r(ring, dp, orbit, refpts=None, mxx=None, **kwargs):
        if ring.radiation:
            mt, ms = find_m66(ring, refpts=refpts, orbit=orbit, **kwargs)
            mt, ms = find_m44(ring, dp, refpts=refpts, orbit=orbit, **kwargs)

        a0, vps = a_matrix(mt if mxx is None else mxx)
        val0, vals = _r_analysis(a0, ms)
        return ms, vps, val0, vals
def test_find_m66(hmba_lattice, refpts):
    m66, mstack = physics.find_m66(hmba_lattice, refpts=refpts)
    expected = numpy.array(
        [[-0.735654, 4.673766, 0., 0., 2.997161e-3, 0.],
         [-9.816788e-2, -0.735654, 0., 0., 1.695263e-4, 0.],
         [0., 0., 0.609804, -2.096051, 0., 0.],
         [0., 0., 0.299679, 0.609799, 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
         [1.695128e-4, 2.997255e-3, 0., 0., 2.243281e-3, 1.]])
    numpy.testing.assert_allclose(m66, expected, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-7)
    stack_size = 0 if refpts is None else len(refpts)
    assert mstack.shape == (stack_size, 6, 6)
def ohmi_envelope(ring, refpts=None, orbit=None, keep_lattice=False):
    Calculate the equilibrium beam envelope in a
    circular accelerator using Ohmi's beam envelope formalism [1]

    emit0, beamdata, emit = ohmi_envelope(ring[, refpts])

        ring            Lattice object.
        refpts=None     elements at which data is returned. It can be:
                        1) an integer in the range [-len(ring), len(ring)-1]
                           selecting the element according to python indexing
                           rules. As a special case, len(ring) is allowed and
                           refers to the end of the last element,
                        2) an ordered list of such integers without duplicates,
                        3) a numpy array of booleans of maximum length
                           len(ring)+1, where selected elements are True.

        orbit=None          Avoids looking for the closed orbit if it is
                            already known ((6,) array)
        keep_lattice=False  Assume no lattice change since the previous

        emit0               emittance data at the start/end of the ring
        beamdata            beam parameters at the start of the ring
        emit                emittance data at the points refered to by refpts,
                            if refpts is None an empty structure is returned.

        emit is a record array with fields:
        r66                 (6, 6) equilibrium envelope matrix R
        r44                 (4, 4) betatron emittance matrix (dpp = 0)
        m66                 (6, 6) transfer matrix from the start of the ring
        orbit6              (6,) closed orbit
        emitXY              (2,) betatron emittance projected on xxp and yyp
        emitXYZ             (3,) 6x6 emittance projected on xxp, yyp, ldp

        beamdata is a record array with fields:
        tunes               tunes of the 3 normal modes
        damping_rates       damping rates of the 3 normal modes
        mode_matrices       R-matrices of the 3 normal modes
        mode_emittances     equilibrium emittances of the 3 normal modes

        Field values can be obtained with either
        emit['r66']    or

        [1] K.Ohmi et al. Phys.Rev.E. Vol.49. (1994)

    def process(r66):
        # projections on xx', zz', ldp
        emit3sq = numpy.array([det(r66[s, s]) for s in _submat])
        # Prevent from unrealistic negative values of the determinant
        emit3 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.maximum(emit3sq, 0.0))
        # Emittance cut for dpp=0
        if emit3[0] < 1.E-13:  # No equilibrium emittance
            r44 = numpy.nan * numpy.ones((4, 4))
        elif emit3[1] < 1.E-13:  # Uncoupled machine
            minv = inv(r66[[0, 1, 4, 5], :][:, [0, 1, 4, 5]])
            r44 = numpy.zeros((4, 4))
            r44[:2, :2] = inv(minv[:2, :2])
        else:  # Coupled machine
            minv = inv(r66)
            r44 = inv(minv[:4, :4])
        # betatron emittances (dpp=0)
        emit2sq = numpy.array(
            [det(r44[s, s], check_finite=False) for s in _submat[:2]])
        # Prevent from unrealistic negative values of the determinant
        emit2 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.maximum(emit2sq, 0.0))
        return r44, emit2, emit3

    def propag(m, cumb, orbit6):
        """Propagate the beam matrix to refpts"""
        sigmatrix = m.dot(rr).dot(m.T) + cumb
        m44, emit2, emit3 = process(sigmatrix)
        return sigmatrix, m44, m, orbit6, emit2, emit3

    nelems = len(ring)
    uint32refs = uint32_refpts(refpts, nelems)
    bbcum, orbs = _dmatr(ring, orbit=orbit, keep_lattice=keep_lattice)
    mring, ms = find_m66(ring, uint32refs, orbit=orbs[0], keep_lattice=True)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Equation for the moment matrix R is
    #         R = MRING*R*MRING' + BCUM;
    # We rewrite it in the form of Lyapunov-Sylvester equation to use scipy's
    # solve_sylvester function
    #            A*R + R*B = Q
    # where
    #               A =  inv(MRING)
    #               B = -MRING'
    #               Q = inv(MRING)*BCUM
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    aa = inv(mring)
    bb = -mring.T
    qq = numpy.dot(aa, bbcum[-1])
    rr = solve_sylvester(aa, bb, qq)
    rr = 0.5 * (rr + rr.T)
    rr4, emitxy, emitxyz = process(rr)
    r66data = get_tunes_damp(mring, rr)

    data0 = numpy.rec.fromarrays(
        (rr, rr4, mring, orbs[0], emitxy, emitxyz),
    if uint32refs.shape == (0,):
        data = numpy.recarray((0,), dtype=ENVELOPE_DTYPE)
        data = numpy.rec.fromrecords(
            list(map(propag, ms, bbcum[uint32refs], orbs[uint32refs, :])),

    return data0, r66data, data
def test_find_m66(hmba_lattice, refpts):
    hmba_lattice = hmba_lattice.radiation_on(copy=True)
    m66, mstack = physics.find_m66(hmba_lattice, refpts=refpts)
    assert_close(m66, M66_MATLAB, rtol=0, atol=1e-8)
    stack_size = 0 if refpts is None else len(refpts)
    assert mstack.shape == (stack_size, 6, 6)