def create_metric_handles(self, test, testblock_name, create_metrics): metric_handles = [] if create_metrics: metrics = test.testblockset_config[testblock_name] #print "metrics=", metrics metric_handlers_config = self.load_data(rospkg.RosPack().get_path("atf_metrics") + "/config/metrics.yaml") #print "metric_handlers_config=", metric_handlers_config if metric_handlers_config and metrics: for metric_type in metrics.keys(): if metric_type not in metric_handlers_config: raise ATFConfigurationError("metric '%s' is not implemented"%metric_type) if len(metrics[metric_type]) == 0: raise ATFConfigurationError("empty configuration for metric '%s' in testblock '%s' (should be a list of dicts, e.g. '[{}]' for no parameters)"%(metric_type, testblock_name)) for id, params in enumerate(metrics[metric_type]): if not self.validate_metric_parameters(metric_type, params): raise ATFConfigurationError("invalid configuration for metric '%s' in testblock '%s': %s"%(metric_type, testblock_name, str(params))) try: suffix = params["suffix"] except (TypeError, KeyError): suffix = id metric_name = metric_type + "::" + str(suffix) # check if metric_handle.names are unique #FIXME is there a more performant way to implement this without the additional for loop? for metric_handle in metric_handles: if metric_name == raise ATFConfigurationError("metric_name '%s' is not unique in testblock '%s'"%(metric_name, testblock_name)) metric_handle = getattr(atf_metrics, metric_handlers_config[metric_type]["handler"])().parse_parameter(testblock_name, metric_name, params) metric_handles.append(metric_handle) #print "metric_handles=", metric_handles return metric_handles
def parse_parameter(self, testblock_name, metric_name, params): """ Method that returns the metric method with the given parameter. :param params: Parameter """ metric_type = "tf_jerk_translation" split_name = metric_name.split("::") if len(split_name) != 2: raise ATFConfigurationError( "no valid metric name for metric '%s' in testblock '%s'" % (metric_name, testblock_name)) if split_name[0] != metric_type: raise ATFConfigurationError( "called invalid metric handle for metric '%s' in testblock '%s'." % (metric_name, testblock_name)) if type(params) is not dict: rospy.logerr("metric config not a dictionary") raise ATFConfigurationError( "no valid metric configuration for metric '%s' in testblock '%s': %s" % (metric_name, testblock_name, str(params))) # check for optional parameters groundtruth = Groundtruth() try: = params["groundtruth"] groundtruth.epsilon = params["groundtruth_epsilon"] groundtruth.available = True except (TypeError, KeyError): = 0 groundtruth.epsilon = 0 groundtruth.available = False try: mode = params["mode"] except (TypeError, KeyError): mode = MetricResult.SPAN_ABSMAX try: series_mode = params["series_mode"] except (TypeError, KeyError): series_mode = None return CalculateTfJerkTranslation(metric_name, params["topics"], params["root_frame"], params["measured_frame"], groundtruth, mode, series_mode)
def parse_parameter(self, testblock_name, metric_name, params): """ Method that returns the metric method with the given parameter. :param params: Parameter """ metric_type = "interface" split_name = metric_name.split("::") if len(split_name) != 2: raise ATFConfigurationError( "no valid metric name for metric '%s' in testblock '%s'" % (metric_name, testblock_name)) if split_name[0] != metric_type: raise ATFConfigurationError( "called invalid metric handle for metric '%s' in testblock '%s'." % (metric_name, testblock_name)) if type(params) is not dict: rospy.logerr("metric config not a dictionary") raise ATFConfigurationError( "no valid metric configuration for metric '%s' in testblock '%s': %s" % (metric_name, testblock_name, str(params))) for interface, data in params.items(): if type(data) is list: new_data = [] for interface_name, interface_type in data: if interface_name[0] != "/": interface_name = "/" + interface_name new_data.append([interface_name, interface_type]) params[interface] = new_data elif type(data) is str: if data[0] != "/": params[interface] = "/" + data # check for optional parameters try: mode = params["mode"] except (TypeError, KeyError): mode = MetricResult.SNAP try: series_mode = params["series_mode"] except (TypeError, KeyError): series_mode = None return CalculateInterface(metric_name, testblock_name, params, mode, series_mode)
def load_data(self, filename): #print "config parser filename:", filename if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as stream: doc = yaml.load(stream) return doc else: error_message = "ATF Error: file not found: %s"%filename print error_message raise ATFConfigurationError(error_message)
def export_to_file(self, data, target): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(target)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target)) stream = file(target, 'w') file_extension = os.path.splitext(target)[1] if file_extension == ".json": # get file extension json.dump(data, stream) elif file_extension == ".yaml": # get file extension yaml.dump(data, stream, default_flow_style=False) elif file_extension == ".txt": stream.write(str(data)) elif file_extension == ".bag": bag = rosbag.Bag(target, 'w') bag.write("atf_result", data) bag.close() else: raise ATFConfigurationError("ATF cannot export file extension %s"%(file_extension))
def parse_key_as_list(self, dictionary, key): #print "dict=\n", dictionary if dictionary != None and key in dictionary.keys(): value = dictionary[key] value_type = type(dictionary[key]) # make sure all additional_parameters and additional_arguments are lists if type(value) == list: for element in value: if type(element) == dict: return elif type(value) == dict: dictionary[key] = [dictionary[key]] for element in dictionary[key]: if type(element) == dict: return error_message = "ATF configuration Error: key '%s' of type '%s' with value '%s' cannot be parsed as list of dictionaries"%(str(key), value_type, value) print error_message raise ATFConfigurationError(error_message)
def __init__(self, package_name = None, test_generation_config_file = None, skip_metrics = False): if package_name == None: # no package given return elif "/" in package_name: # assume no package but full path to package (needed for in travis because RPS_PACKAGE_PATH is not yet set correclty) full_path_to_test_package = package_name else: # assume package name only full_path_to_test_package = rospkg.RosPack().get_path(package_name) if test_generation_config_file == None: test_generation_config_file = "atf/test_generation_config.yaml" print "ATF Warning: No test_generation_config_file specified. Continue using default '%s'"%test_generation_config_file self.generation_config = self.load_data(os.path.join(full_path_to_test_package, test_generation_config_file)) #print "generation_config:", self.generation_config # check for required parameters try: self.generation_config["tests_config_path"] self.generation_config["robots_config_path"] self.generation_config["envs_config_path"] self.generation_config["testblocksets_config_path"] self.generation_config["app_executable"] self.generation_config["app_launch_file"] self.generation_config["bagfile_output"] self.generation_config["txt_output"] self.generation_config["json_output"] self.generation_config["yaml_output"] self.generation_config["testsuites"] except KeyError as e: error_message = "ATF Error: parsing test configuration failed. Missing Key: " + str(e) print error_message raise ATFConfigurationError(error_message) # check for optional parameters keys = [("time_limit_recording", 60.0), ("time_limit_analysing", 60.0), ("time_limit_uploading", 60.0), ("upload_data", False), ("upload_result", False)] for key, default_value in keys: if key not in self.generation_config.keys(): self.generation_config[key] = default_value print "ATF Warning: parsing test configuration incomplete, missing key '%s'. Continuing with default value of %s."%(key, str(self.generation_config[key])) self.tests = [] self.test_list = [] testsuite_id = 0 test_config_id = 0 robot_id = 0 env_id = 0 testblockset_id = 0 #print self.generation_config["testsuites"] for testsuite in self.generation_config["testsuites"]: #print "testsuite:", testsuite for test_config_name in testsuite["tests"]: #print "test_config:", test_config_name for robot_name in testsuite["robots"]: #print "robot:", robot_name for env_name in testsuite["envs"]: #print "robot_env:", env_name for testblockset_name in testsuite["testblocksets"]: #print "testblocks:", testblocks_name test_group_name = "ts" + str(testsuite_id) + "_c" + str(test_config_id) + "_r" + str(robot_id) + "_e" + str(env_id) + "_s" + str(testblockset_id) test_list_element = {} test_list_element[test_group_name] = {} test_list_element[test_group_name]["subtests"] = [] # repetitions is an optional parameter, default = 1 if "repetitions" not in testsuite: testsuite["repetitions"] = 1 for repetition in range(0,testsuite["repetitions"]): name = test_group_name + "_" + str(repetition) test = Test() test.package_name = package_name = name test.generation_config = self.generation_config test.testsuite = None test.test_config_name = test_config_name test.test_config = self.load_data(os.path.join(full_path_to_test_package, self.generation_config["tests_config_path"], test_config_name + ".yaml")) self.parse_key_as_list(test.test_config, "additional_parameters") self.parse_key_as_list(test.test_config, "additional_arguments") test.robot_name = robot_name test.robot_config = self.load_data(os.path.join(full_path_to_test_package, self.generation_config["robots_config_path"], robot_name + ".yaml")) self.parse_key_as_list(test.robot_config, "additional_parameters") self.parse_key_as_list(test.robot_config, "additional_arguments") test.env_name = env_name test.env_config = self.load_data(os.path.join(full_path_to_test_package, self.generation_config["envs_config_path"], env_name + ".yaml")) self.parse_key_as_list(test.env_config, "additional_parameters") self.parse_key_as_list(test.env_config, "additional_arguments") test.testblockset_name = testblockset_name test.testblockset_config = self.load_data(os.path.join(full_path_to_test_package, self.generation_config["testblocksets_config_path"], testblockset_name + ".yaml")) #test.print_to_terminal() #print if not skip_metrics: test.metrics = self.load_data(rospkg.RosPack().get_path("atf_metrics") + "/config/metrics.yaml") test.testblocks = [] for testblock_name in test.testblockset_config.keys(): metric_handles = self.create_metric_handles(test, testblock_name, True) #print "metric_handles", metric_handles testblock = Testblock(testblock_name, metric_handles, None) test.testblocks.append(testblock) else: print "ATF: skip_metrics is set. Skipping metric and testblock configuration." self.tests.append(test) test_list_element[test_group_name]["subtests"].append( test_list_element[test_group_name]["robot"] = test.robot_name test_list_element[test_group_name]["robot_env"] = test.env_name test_list_element[test_group_name]["test_config"] = test.test_config_name test_list_element[test_group_name]["testblockset"] = test.testblockset_name self.test_list.append(test_list_element) testblockset_id += 1 env_id += 1 testblockset_id = 0 robot_id += 1 env_id = 0 test_config_id += 1 robot_id = 0 testsuite_id += 1 test_config_id = 0