def eval_tsdf(file_pred, file_trgt): """ Compute TSDF metrics between prediction and target. Opens the TSDFs, aligns the voxels and runs the metrics Args: file_pred: file path of prediction file_trgt: file path of target Returns: Dict of TSDF metrics """ tsdf_pred = TSDF.load(file_pred) tsdf_trgt = TSDF.load(file_trgt) # align prediction voxels to target voxels # we use align_corners=True here so that when shifting by integer number # of voxels we do not interpolate. # TODO: verify align corners when we need to do interpolation (non integer # voxel shifts) shift = (tsdf_trgt.origin - tsdf_pred.origin) / tsdf_trgt.voxel_size assert torch.allclose(shift, shift.round()) tsdf_pred = tsdf_pred.transform(voxel_dim=list(tsdf_trgt.tsdf_vol.shape), origin=tsdf_trgt.origin, align_corners=True) metrics = {'l1': l1(tsdf_pred, tsdf_trgt)} return metrics
def postprocess(self, batch): """ Wraps the network output into a TSDF data structure Args: batch: dict containg network outputs Returns: list of TSDFs (one TSDF per scene in the batch) """ key = 'vol_%05d' % self.voxel_sizes[ 0] # only get vol of final resolution out = [] batch_size = len(batch[key + '_tsdf']) for i in range(batch_size): tsdf = TSDF(self.voxel_size, self.origin, batch[key + '_tsdf'][i].squeeze(0)) # add semseg vol if ('semseg' in self.voxel_types) and (key + '_semseg' in batch): semseg = batch[key + '_semseg'][i] if semseg.ndim == 4: semseg = semseg.argmax(0) tsdf.attribute_vols['semseg'] = semseg # add color vol if 'color' in self.voxel_types: color = batch[key + '_color'][i] tsdf.attribute_vols['color'] = color out.append(tsdf) return out
def map_tsdf(info, data, voxel_types, voxel_sizes): """ Load TSDFs from paths in info. Args: info: dict with paths to TSDF files (see datasets/README) data: dict to add TSDF data to voxel_types: list of voxel attributes to load with the TSDF voxel_sizes: list of voxel sizes to load Returns: dict with TSDFs included """ if len(voxel_types)>0: for scale in voxel_sizes: data['vol_%02d'%scale] = TSDF.load(info['file_name_vol_%02d'%scale], voxel_types) return data
def process(info_file, save_path, total_scenes_index, total_scenes_count): # gt depth data loader width, height = 640, 480 transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ResizeImage((width,height)), transforms.ToTensor(), ]) dataset = SceneDataset(info_file, transform, frame_types=['depth']) dataloader =, batch_size=None, batch_sampler=None, num_workers=2) scene =['scene'] # get info about tsdf file_tsdf_pred = os.path.join(save_path, '%s.npz'%scene) temp = TSDF.load(file_tsdf_pred) voxel_size = int(temp.voxel_size*100) # re-fuse to remove hole filling since filled holes are penalized in # mesh metrics vol_dim = list(temp.tsdf_vol.shape) origin = temp.origin tsdf_fusion = TSDFFusion(vol_dim, float(voxel_size)/100, origin, color=False) device = tsdf_fusion.device # mesh renderer renderer = Renderer() mesh_file = os.path.join(save_path, '%s.ply'%scene) mesh = trimesh.load(mesh_file, process=False) mesh_opengl = renderer.mesh_opengl(mesh) for i, d in enumerate(dataloader): if i%25==0: print(total_scenes_index, total_scenes_count,scene, i, len(dataloader)) depth_trgt = d['depth'].numpy() _, depth_pred = renderer(height, width, d['intrinsics'], d['pose'], mesh_opengl) temp = eval_depth(depth_pred, depth_trgt) if i==0: metrics_depth = temp else: metrics_depth = {key:value+temp[key] for key, value in metrics_depth.items()} # # play video visualizations of depth # viz1 = (np.clip((depth_trgt-.5)/5,0,1)*255).astype(np.uint8) # viz2 = (np.clip((depth_pred-.5)/5,0,1)*255).astype(np.uint8) # viz1 = cv2.applyColorMap(viz1, cv2.COLORMAP_JET) # viz2 = cv2.applyColorMap(viz2, cv2.COLORMAP_JET) # viz1[depth_trgt==0]=0 # viz2[depth_pred==0]=0 # viz = np.hstack((viz1,viz2)) # cv2.imshow('test', viz) # cv2.waitKey(1) tsdf_fusion.integrate((d['intrinsics'] @ d['pose'].inverse()[:3,:]).to(device), torch.as_tensor(depth_pred).to(device)) metrics_depth = {key:value/len(dataloader) for key, value in metrics_depth.items()} # save trimed mesh file_mesh_trim = os.path.join(save_path, '%s_trim.ply'%scene) tsdf_fusion.get_tsdf().get_mesh().export(file_mesh_trim) # eval tsdf file_tsdf_trgt =['file_name_vol_%02d'%voxel_size] metrics_tsdf = eval_tsdf(file_tsdf_pred, file_tsdf_trgt) # eval trimed mesh file_mesh_trgt =['file_name_mesh_gt'] metrics_mesh = eval_mesh(file_mesh_trim, file_mesh_trgt) # transfer labels from pred mesh to gt mesh using nearest neighbors file_attributes = os.path.join(save_path, '%s_attributes.npz'%scene) if os.path.exists(file_attributes): mesh.vertex_attributes = np.load(file_attributes) print(mesh.vertex_attributes) mesh_trgt = trimesh.load(file_mesh_trgt, process=False) mesh_transfer = project_to_mesh(mesh, mesh_trgt, 'semseg') semseg = mesh_transfer.vertex_attributes['semseg'] # save as txt for benchmark evaluation np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, '%s.txt'%scene), semseg, fmt='%d') mesh_transfer.export(os.path.join(save_path, '%s_transfer.ply'%scene)) # TODO: semseg val evaluation metrics = {**metrics_depth, **metrics_mesh, **metrics_tsdf} print(metrics) rslt_file = os.path.join(save_path, '%s_metrics.json'%scene) json.dump(metrics, open(rslt_file, 'w')) return scene, metrics
def label_scene(path_meta, scene, voxel_size, dist_thresh=.05, verbose=2): """ Transfer instance labels from ground truth mesh to TSDF For each voxel find the nearest vertex and transfer the label if it is close enough to the voxel. Args: path_meta: path to save the TSDFs (we recommend creating a parallel directory structure to save derived data so that we don't modify the original dataset) scene: name of scene to process voxel_size: voxel size of TSDF to process dist_thresh: beyond this distance labels are not transferd verbose: how much logging to print Returns: Updates the TSDF (.npz) file with the instance volume """ # dist_thresh: beyond this distance to nearest gt mesh vertex, # voxels are not labeled if verbose > 0: print('labeling', scene) info_file = os.path.join(path_meta, scene, 'info.json') data = load_info_json(info_file) # each vertex in gt mesh indexs a seg group segIndices = json.load(open(data['file_name_seg_indices'], 'r'))['segIndices'] # maps seg groups to instances segGroups = json.load(open(data['file_name_seg_groups'], 'r'))['segGroups'] mapping = { ind: group['id'] + 1 for group in segGroups for ind in group['segments'] } # get per vertex instance ids (0 is unknown, [1,...] are objects) n = len(segIndices) instance_verts = torch.zeros(n, dtype=torch.long) for i in range(n): if segIndices[i] in mapping: instance_verts[i] = mapping[segIndices[i]] # load vertex locations mesh = trimesh.load(data['file_name_mesh_gt'], process=False) verts = mesh.vertices # construct kdtree of vertices for fast nn lookup pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(verts) kdtree = o3d.geometry.KDTreeFlann(pcd) # load tsdf volume tsdf = TSDF.load(data['file_name_vol_%02d' % voxel_size]) coords = coordinates(tsdf.tsdf_vol.size(), device=torch.device('cpu')) coords = coords.type(torch.float) * tsdf.voxel_size + tsdf.origin.T mask = tsdf.tsdf_vol.abs().view(-1) < 1 # transfer vertex instance ids to voxels near surface instance_vol = torch.zeros(len(mask), dtype=torch.long) for i in mask.nonzero(): _, inds, dist = kdtree.search_knn_vector_3d(coords[:, i], 1) if dist[0] < dist_thresh: instance_vol[i] = instance_verts[inds[0]] tsdf.attribute_vols['instance'] = instance_vol.view( list(tsdf.tsdf_vol.size()))['file_name_vol_%02d' % voxel_size]) key = 'vol_%02d' % voxel_size temp_data = { key: tsdf, 'instances': data['instances'], 'dataset': data['dataset'] } tsdf = transforms.InstanceToSemseg('nyu40')(temp_data)[key] mesh = tsdf.get_mesh('semseg') fname = data['file_name_vol_%02d' % voxel_size] mesh.export(fname.replace('tsdf', 'mesh').replace('.npz', '_semseg.ply'))