def periodicReport(self): "Report on current status of tasks" # Let's also write out the tests that are waiting .... super(AngrenSandiaMachine, self).periodicReport() currentEligible= [ for t in self.scheduler.testlist() if t.status is atsut.CREATED ] if len(currentEligible) > 1: terminal("WAITING:", ", ".join(currentEligible[:5]), "... (more)")
def periodicReport(self): "Report on current status of tasks" # Let's also write out the tests that are waiting .... super(BatchSingleMachine, self).periodicReport() currentEligible = [ for t in self.testlist if not t.submitted] lenEl = len(currentEligible) if lenEl > 1: msg = "WAITING TO BATCH (" + str(lenEl) + "): " + " ".join( currentEligible[:5]) if lenEl > 5: msg = msg + "..." msg = msg + " [note: all batch tests need to be batched before interactive tests can preceed]" terminal(msg)
def periodicReport(self): "Report on current status of tasks" if len(self.running): terminal("CURRENTLY RUNNING %d tests:" % len(self.running), " ".join([ for t in self.running])) terminal("-" * 80) terminal("CURRENTLY UTILIZING %d of %d processors." % (self.numberMaxProcessors - self.numProcsAvailable, self.numberMaxProcessors)) terminal("-" * 80)
def periodicReport(self): "Report on current status of tasks" terminal("-" * 80) terminal("CURRENTLY UTILIZING %d of %d processors." % (self.numberMaxProcessors - self.numProcsAvailable, self.numberMaxProcessors)) terminal("-" * 80)
def periodicReport(self): "Report on current status of tasks" # Let's also write out the tests that are waiting .... super(DawnHTCMachine, self).periodicReport() runningInHTCNode = [ for t in self.scheduler.testlist() if hasattr(t, 'useHTCNode') and t.useHTCNode and t.status is RUNNING ] if len(runningInHTCNode) > 1: terminal("HTC RUNNING:", len(runningInHTCNode), ", ".join(runningInHTCNode[:])) currentEligible = [ for t in self.scheduler.testlist() if t.status is atsut.CREATED ] if len(currentEligible) > 1: terminal("WAITING:", ", ".join(currentEligible[:5]), "... (more)") terminal("----------------------------------------")
def periodicReport(self): "Make the machine-specific part of periodic report to the terminal." terminal(len(self.running), "tests running on", self.numberTestsRunning, "of", self.cores, "cores.")