def run(): for r,d,fs in os.walk(os.path.join(att_dir,'tmp')): null = [ os.remove(os.path.join(r,f)) for f in fs] attachments.check_att(att_dir) pdfs = dict([(os.path.join(att_dir,'tmp/tmp_{0:04d}.pdf'.format(idx)), \ os.path.join(att_dir,f)) for idx, f in enumerate(os.listdir(att_dir)) if '.pdf' in f.lower()]) for k,v in pdfs.iteritems(): os.rename(v,k) #Convert PDFs res = 300 cvsub = ['''convert -density {2} {0} {1}; rm {0}'''.\ format(p , p.replace('.pdf','.png'), res) for p in pdfs.keys()] for c in cvsub: print 'calling for ' + c,shell = True) #Find all files produced by convert inp_files=[ os.path.join(att_dir,'tmp',e) for e in it.chain(\ *[filter( lambda x: os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(key))[0]\ in x and True or False, os.listdir(os.path.join(att_dir,'tmp'))) for key in pdfs.keys()])] bluechannels = [] x_inches = .25 y_inches = .15 skip = 5 #open them and get the blue channels for i in inp_files: full = mpimg.imread(i) if isflipped(full): full = transpose(full,(1,0,2)) blue= squeeze(full[:,:,2]) others = np.sum(full[:,:,0:2],2) blue = blue - others blue[less(blue,0)] = 0. blue[greater(blue,0)] = 1. xrad = floor(res/skip*x_inches) yrad = floor(res/skip*y_inches) bluesmall = blue[::skip,::skip] bluesmall = ss.order_filter( bluesmall, ones((xrad,1)), xrad-1) bluesmall = ss.order_filter( bluesmall, ones((1,yrad)), yrad-1) #FLIP THE CLUSTERS JUST TO BE CONFUSING cls = cluster_img(bluesmall) cls = [cl.T * 5 for cl in cls] root = os.path.join(att_dir,'pages') if not os.path.isdir(root): os.mkdir(root) num_max = max(array([0] + list(it.chain(*[re.findall(re.compile('[\d]+'),f) for f in os.listdir(root)])),int)) this_folder = os.path.join(root,'page_{0:05d}'.format(num_max+1)) os.mkdir(this_folder) Image.fromarray(transpose(array(blue*255,dtype=np.uint8),(1,0))).save(open(os.path.join(this_folder,'blue.png'),'w')) Image.fromarray(transpose(array(full*255,dtype=np.uint8),(1,0,2))).save(open(os.path.join(this_folder,'full.png'),'w')) outline_folder = os.path.join(this_folder,'highlights') for idx,c in enumerate(cls): bounds =array([ np.min(c[0]),np.min(c[1]),np.max(c[0]),np.max(c[1])]) b0 = array(bounds) bounds =bounds + 100 *array( [-1,-1,1,1] ) clip_bounds(bounds, shape(blue.T)) subimg = full[bounds[0]:bounds[2], bounds[1]:bounds[3]] coords = { 'full_bounds':list(bounds), 'cluster_bounds':list(b0)} Image.fromarray(transpose(array(subimg*255,dtype=np.uint8),(1,0,2))).save(open(os.path.join(this_folder,'hl_{0:02d}.png').format(idx),'w')) fopen = open('hl_{0:02d}.txt'.format(idx), 'w') fopen.write(simplejson.dumps(coords)) fopen.close()
def get_all(): attachments.check_att(att_dir )
def get_all(): attachments.check_att(att_dir)