def calc_single_bim(x,sess): from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean K.set_session(sess) model = load_model("model/model_mnist.h5") x = x.reshape(1,28,28,1) y = model.predict_classes(x) y = np.eye(10)[y] print y.shape its, results = basic_iterative_method( sess, model, x, y, eps=0.40, eps_iter=0.010, clip_min=-0.5, clip_max=0.5) x_adv = np.asarray([results[its[i], i] for i in range(len(y))]) dist = np.zeros(shape=(1,1)) dist[0][0] = euclidean(x.reshape(-1),x_adv.reshape(-1)) return dist
def craftadv(x,y,sess,dataset='mnist'): assert dataset in ['mnist','roadsign'] K.set_session(sess) if dataset == 'mnist': x = x.reshape((1,28,28,1)) y = np.eye(10)[y] y = y.reshape(-1,10) model = load_model("model/model_mnist.h5") else : x = x.reshape((1,32,32,3)) y = np.eye(62)[y] y = y.reshape(-1,62) model = load_model("model/model_traffic.h5") its, results = basic_iterative_method( sess, model, x, y, eps=0.4, eps_iter=0.010, clip_min=0.0, clip_max=1.0 ) x_adv = np.asarray([results[its[0], 0]]) return x_adv
def craft_one_type(sess, model, X, Y, dataset, attack, batch_size): """ TODO :param sess: :param model: :param X: :param Y: :param dataset: :param attack: :param batch_size: :return: """ if attack == 'fgsm': # FGSM attack print('Crafting fgsm adversarial samples...') X_adv = fast_gradient_sign_method(sess, model, X, Y, eps=ATTACK_PARAMS['fgsm']['eps'], clip_min=0.0, clip_max=1.0, batch_size=batch_size) elif attack in ['bim-a', 'bim-b']: # BIM attack print('Crafting %s adversarial samples...' % attack) its, results = basic_iterative_method( sess, model, X, Y, eps=ATTACK_PARAMS['bim']['eps'], eps_iter=ATTACK_PARAMS['bim']['eps_iter'], clip_min=0., clip_max=1., batch_size=batch_size) if attack == 'bim-a': # BIM-A # For each sample, select the time step where that sample first # became misclassified X_adv = np.asarray([results[its[i], i] for i in range(len(Y))]) else: # BIM-B # For each sample, select the very last time step X_adv = results[-1] elif attack == 'jsma': # JSMA attack print('Crafting jsma adversarial samples. This may take a while...') X_adv = saliency_map_method(sess, model, X, Y, theta=1, gamma=0.1, clip_min=0., clip_max=1.) else: # TODO: CW attack raise NotImplementedError('CW attack not yet implemented.') _, acc = model.evaluate(X_adv, Y, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0) np.set_printoptions(threshold=9999) # 打印全部 # print(model(inputs=X[0], outputs=model.layers[30].input)) def sigmoid(x): s = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) return s temperature = 1 predicted = model.predict(X) / temperature print(predicted) #print(np.concatenate((softmax(predicted,0), softmax(predicted,1), softmax(predicted,2),softmax(predicted,3)), axis=1)) def softmax(X, i): # softmax函数 return np.exp(X[LEN * i:LEN * (i + 1)]) / np.sum(np.exp(X[LEN * i:LEN * (i + 1)])) # print(np.concatenate((softmax(predicted,0), softmax(predicted,1), softmax(predicted,2),softmax(predicted,3)), axis=1)) def soften(predicted): soft = predicted for i in range(1): soft[i] = np.concatenate( (softmax(predicted[i], 0), softmax(predicted[i], 1), softmax(predicted[i], 2), softmax(predicted[i], 3)), axis=0) return soft def fn(correct, predicted): loss = 0 for i in range(CAPTCHA_LEN): loss += tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=correct[LEN * i:LEN * (i + 1)], logits=predicted[LEN * i:LEN * (i + 1)]) return loss # print(fn(Y,model.predict(X))) soft_label = soften(predicted) print(Y, soft_label) # print((model.predict(X) )) # print(softmax(model.predict(X))) pred_adv = sigmoid(model.predict(X_adv)) pred_x = sigmoid(model.predict(X)) # print(pred_x) # print(sigmoid(pred_x)) # x=tf.convert_to_tensor(X.astype(np.float32)) # logits,=model(x).op.input # print(aget_logits(sess,model,X,Y,)) succeed = 0 t_all = 0 for j in range(1): t = 0 for i in range(4): if np.argmax(pred_x[j, LEN * i:LEN * (i + 1)]) == np.argmax( Y[j, LEN * i:LEN * (i + 1)]): t = t + 1 t_all += t if t == 4: succeed += 1 print(succeed, ' ', t_all) def max_predict(x): for i in range(4): print(CAPTCHA_LIST[np.argmax(x[0, LEN * i:LEN * (i + 1)])], " ", end="") print("真实值") max_predict(Y) print(" ") print("蒸馏值") max_predict(soft_label) print(" ") print("攻击前预测值") max_predict(pred_x) print(" ") print("攻击后预测值") max_predict(pred_adv) print(" ") #np.argmax(pred_adv) acc_x = soft_label[0] * (Y[0] / 4) #每个数字权重是1/4 acc_adv = pred_adv[0] * (Y[0] / 4) print("攻击前准确度", sum(acc_x), "攻击后准确度", sum(acc_adv)) print("攻击前模型输出") print(pred_x) print("攻击后模型输出") print(pred_adv) plt.figure() plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.imshow(X[0, :, :, 0]) plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.imshow(X_adv[0, :, :, 0]) print("Model accuracy on the adversarial test set: %0.2f%%" % (100 * acc))'../data/captcha6.npy', X_adv)
def craft_one_type(sess, model, X, Y, dataset, attack, batch_size): """ TODO :param sess: :param model: :param X: :param Y: :param dataset: :param attack: :param batch_size: :return: """ if attack == 'fgsm': # FGSM attack print('Crafting fgsm adversarial samples...') X_adv = fast_gradient_sign_method(sess, model, X, Y, eps=ATTACK_PARAMS[dataset]['eps'], clip_min=CLIP_MIN, clip_max=CLIP_MAX, batch_size=batch_size) elif attack in ['bim-a', 'bim-b']: # BIM attack print('Crafting %s adversarial samples...' % attack) its, results = basic_iterative_method( sess, model, X, Y, eps=ATTACK_PARAMS[dataset]['eps'], eps_iter=ATTACK_PARAMS[dataset]['eps_iter'], clip_min=CLIP_MIN, clip_max=CLIP_MAX, batch_size=batch_size) if attack == 'bim-a': # BIM-A # For each sample, select the time step where that sample first # became misclassified X_adv = np.asarray([results[its[i], i] for i in range(len(Y))]) else: # BIM-B # For each sample, select the very last time step X_adv = results[-1] elif attack == 'jsma': # JSMA attack print('Crafting jsma adversarial samples. This may take > 5 hours') X_adv = saliency_map_method(sess, model, X, Y, theta=1, gamma=0.1, clip_min=CLIP_MIN, clip_max=CLIP_MAX) elif attack == 'cw-l2': # C&W attack print( 'Crafting %s examples. This takes > 5 hours due to internal grid search' % attack) image_size = ATTACK_PARAMS[dataset]['image_size'] num_channels = ATTACK_PARAMS[dataset]['num_channels'] num_labels = ATTACK_PARAMS[dataset]['num_labels'] cw_attack = CarliniL2(sess, model, image_size, num_channels, num_labels, batch_size=batch_size) X_adv = cw_attack.attack(X, Y) elif attack == 'cw-lid': # C&W attack to break LID detector print( 'Crafting %s examples. This takes > 5 hours due to internal grid search' % attack) image_size = ATTACK_PARAMS[dataset]['image_size'] num_channels = ATTACK_PARAMS[dataset]['num_channels'] num_labels = ATTACK_PARAMS[dataset]['num_labels'] cw_attack = CarliniLID(sess, model, image_size, num_channels, num_labels, batch_size=batch_size) X_adv = cw_attack.attack(X, Y) _, acc = model.evaluate(X_adv, Y, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0) print("Model accuracy on the adversarial test set: %0.2f%%" % (100 * acc)), 'Adv_%s_%s.npy' % (dataset, attack)), X_adv) l2_diff = np.linalg.norm(X_adv.reshape((len(X), -1)) - X.reshape( (len(X), -1)), axis=1).mean() print("Average L-2 perturbation size of the %s attack: %0.2f" % (attack, l2_diff))