def do_extract(self, args): """Extract archive contents """ repository = self.open_repository(args.archive) manifest, key = Manifest.load(repository) archive = Archive(repository, key, manifest, args.archive.archive, numeric_owner=args.numeric_owner) patterns = adjust_patterns(args.paths, args.excludes) dirs = [] for item, peek in archive.iter_items(lambda item: not exclude_path(item[b'path'], patterns)): while dirs and not item[b'path'].startswith(dirs[-1][b'path']): archive.extract_item(dirs.pop(-1)) self.print_verbose(remove_surrogates(item[b'path'])) try: if stat.S_ISDIR(item[b'mode']): dirs.append(item) archive.extract_item(item, restore_attrs=False) else: archive.extract_item(item, peek=peek) except IOError as e: self.print_error('%s: %s', remove_surrogates(item[b'path']), e) while dirs: archive.extract_item(dirs.pop(-1)) return self.exit_code
def do_extract(self, args): """Extract archive contents """ repository = self.open_repository(args.archive) manifest, key = Manifest.load(repository) archive = Archive(repository, key, manifest, args.archive.archive, numeric_owner=args.numeric_owner) patterns = adjust_patterns(args.paths, args.excludes) dirs = [] for item, peek in archive.iter_items( lambda item: not exclude_path(item[b'path'], patterns)): while dirs and not item[b'path'].startswith(dirs[-1][b'path']): archive.extract_item(dirs.pop(-1)) self.print_verbose(remove_surrogates(item[b'path'])) try: if stat.S_ISDIR(item[b'mode']): dirs.append(item) archive.extract_item(item, restore_attrs=False) else: archive.extract_item(item, peek=peek) except IOError as e: self.print_error('%s: %s', remove_surrogates(item[b'path']), e) while dirs: archive.extract_item(dirs.pop(-1)) return self.exit_code
def do_extract(self, args): """Extract archive contents""" # be restrictive when restoring files, restore permissions later if sys.getfilesystemencoding() == 'ascii': print( 'Warning: File system encoding is "ascii", extracting non-ascii filenames will not be supported.' ) os.umask(0o077) repository = self.open_repository(args.archive) manifest, key = Manifest.load(repository) archive = Archive(repository, key, manifest, args.archive.archive, numeric_owner=args.numeric_owner) patterns = adjust_include_patterns(args.paths, args.excludes) dry_run = args.dry_run strip_components = args.strip_components dirs = [] for item in archive.iter_items( lambda item: not exclude_path(item[b'path'], patterns), preload=True): orig_path = item[b'path'] if strip_components: item[b'path'] = os.sep.join( orig_path.split(os.sep)[strip_components:]) if not item[b'path']: continue if not args.dry_run: while dirs and not item[b'path'].startswith(dirs[-1][b'path']): archive.extract_item(dirs.pop(-1)) self.print_verbose(remove_surrogates(orig_path)) try: if dry_run: archive.extract_item(item, dry_run=True) else: if stat.S_ISDIR(item[b'mode']): dirs.append(item) archive.extract_item(item, restore_attrs=False) else: archive.extract_item(item) except IOError as e: self.print_error('%s: %s', remove_surrogates(orig_path), e) if not args.dry_run: while dirs: archive.extract_item(dirs.pop(-1)) return self.exit_code
def do_list(self, args): """List archive or repository contents""" repository = self.open_repository(args.src) manifest, key = Manifest.load(repository) if args.src.archive: tmap = {1: 'p', 2: 'c', 4: 'd', 6: 'b', 0o10: '-', 0o12: 'l', 0o14: 's'} archive = Archive(repository, key, manifest, args.src.archive) for item in archive.iter_items(): type = tmap.get(item[b'mode'] // 4096, '?') mode = format_file_mode(item[b'mode']) size = 0 if type == '-': try: size = sum(size for _, size, _ in item[b'chunks']) except KeyError: pass mtime = format_time(datetime.fromtimestamp(bigint_to_int(item[b'mtime']) / 1e9)) if b'source' in item: if type == 'l': extra = ' -> %s' % item[b'source'] else: type = 'h' extra = ' link to %s' % item[b'source'] else: extra = '' print('%s%s %-6s %-6s %8d %s %s%s' % (type, mode, item[b'user'] or item[b'uid'], item[b'group'] or item[b'gid'], size, mtime, remove_surrogates(item[b'path']), extra)) else: for archive in sorted(Archive.list_archives(repository, key, manifest), key=attrgetter('ts')): print(format_archive(archive)) return self.exit_code
def result_cb(item, success): if success: self.print_verbose('OK') else: self.print_verbose('ERROR') self.print_error('%s: verification failed' % remove_surrogates(item[b'path']))
def _process(self, archive, cache, excludes, exclude_caches, skip_inodes, path, restrict_dev): if exclude_path(path, excludes): return try: st = os.lstat(path) except OSError as e: self.print_error('%s: %s', path, e) return if (st.st_ino, st.st_dev) in skip_inodes: return # Entering a new filesystem? if restrict_dev and st.st_dev != restrict_dev: return # Ignore unix sockets if stat.S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode): return status = None if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): try: status = archive.process_file(path, st, cache) except IOError as e: self.print_error('%s: %s', path, e) elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): if exclude_caches and is_cachedir(path): return status = archive.process_dir(path, st) try: entries = os.listdir(path) except OSError as e: self.print_error('%s: %s', path, e) else: for filename in sorted(entries): entry_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, filename)) self._process(archive, cache, excludes, exclude_caches, skip_inodes, entry_path, restrict_dev) elif stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): status = archive.process_symlink(path, st) elif stat.S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode): status = archive.process_fifo(path, st) elif stat.S_ISCHR(st.st_mode) or stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode): status = archive.process_dev(path, st) else: self.print_error('Unknown file type: %s', path) return # Status output # A lowercase character means a file type other than a regular file, # borg usually just stores them. E.g. (d)irectory. # Hardlinks to already seen content are indicated by (h). # A uppercase character means a regular file that was (A)dded, # (M)odified or was (U)nchanged. # Note: A/M/U is relative to the "files" cache, not to the repo. # This would be an issue if the files cache is not used. if status is None: status = '?' # need to add a status code somewhere # output ALL the stuff - it can be easily filtered using grep. # even stuff considered unchanged might be interesting. self.print_verbose("%1s %s", status, remove_surrogates(path))
def do_extract(self, args): """Extract archive contents""" repository = self.open_repository(args.archive) manifest, key = Manifest.load(repository) archive = Archive(repository, key, manifest, args.archive.archive, numeric_owner=args.numeric_owner) patterns = adjust_patterns(args.paths, args.excludes) dry_run = args.dry_run strip_components = args.strip_components dirs = [] for item in archive.iter_items( lambda item: not exclude_path(item[b'path'], patterns), preload=True): orig_path = item[b'path'] if strip_components: item[b'path'] = os.sep.join( orig_path.split(os.sep)[strip_components:]) if not item[b'path']: continue if not args.dry_run: while dirs and not item[b'path'].startswith(dirs[-1][b'path']): archive.extract_item(dirs.pop(-1)) self.print_verbose(remove_surrogates(orig_path)) try: if dry_run: archive.extract_item(item, dry_run=True) else: if stat.S_ISDIR(item[b'mode']): dirs.append(item) archive.extract_item(item, restore_attrs=False) else: archive.extract_item(item) except IOError as e: self.print_error('%s: %s', remove_surrogates(orig_path), e) if not args.dry_run: while dirs: archive.extract_item(dirs.pop(-1)) return self.exit_code
def do_extract(self, args): """Extract archive contents""" # be restrictive when restoring files, restore permissions later if sys.getfilesystemencoding() == 'ascii': print('Warning: File system encoding is "ascii", extracting non-ascii filenames will not be supported.') os.umask(0o077) repository = self.open_repository(args.archive) manifest, key = Manifest.load(repository) archive = Archive(repository, key, manifest, args.archive.archive, numeric_owner=args.numeric_owner) patterns = adjust_patterns(args.paths, args.excludes) dry_run = args.dry_run stdout = args.stdout sparse = args.sparse strip_components = args.strip_components dirs = [] for item in archive.iter_items(lambda item: not exclude_path(item[b'path'], patterns), preload=True): orig_path = item[b'path'] if strip_components: item[b'path'] = os.sep.join(orig_path.split(os.sep)[strip_components:]) if not item[b'path']: continue if not args.dry_run: while dirs and not item[b'path'].startswith(dirs[-1][b'path']): archive.extract_item(dirs.pop(-1), stdout=stdout) self.print_verbose(remove_surrogates(orig_path)) try: if dry_run: archive.extract_item(item, dry_run=True) else: if stat.S_ISDIR(item[b'mode']): dirs.append(item) archive.extract_item(item, restore_attrs=False) else: archive.extract_item(item, stdout=stdout, sparse=sparse) except IOError as e: self.print_error('%s: %s', remove_surrogates(orig_path), e) if not args.dry_run: while dirs: archive.extract_item(dirs.pop(-1)) return self.exit_code
def do_extract(self, args): """Extract archive contents""" repository = self.open_repository(args.archive) manifest, key = Manifest.load(repository) archive = Archive(repository, key, manifest, args.archive.archive, numeric_owner=args.numeric_owner) patterns = adjust_patterns(args.paths, args.excludes) dry_run = args.dry_run strip_components = args.strip_components dirs = [] for item in archive.iter_items(lambda item: not exclude_path(item[b'path'], patterns), preload=True): orig_path = item[b'path'] if strip_components: item[b'path'] = os.sep.join(orig_path.split(os.sep)[strip_components:]) if not item[b'path']: continue if not args.dry_run: while dirs and not item[b'path'].startswith(dirs[-1][b'path']): archive.extract_item(dirs.pop(-1)) self.print_verbose(remove_surrogates(orig_path)) try: if dry_run: archive.extract_item(item, dry_run=True) else: if stat.S_ISDIR(item[b'mode']): dirs.append(item) archive.extract_item(item, restore_attrs=False) else: archive.extract_item(item) except IOError as e: self.print_error('%s: %s', remove_surrogates(orig_path), e) if not args.dry_run: while dirs: archive.extract_item(dirs.pop(-1)) return self.exit_code
def do_info(self, args): """Show archive details such as disk space used""" repository = self.open_repository(args.archive) manifest, key = Manifest.load(repository) cache = Cache(repository, key, manifest) archive = Archive(repository, key, manifest, args.archive.archive, cache=cache) stats = archive.calc_stats(cache) print('Name:', print('Fingerprint: %s' % hexlify('ascii')) print('Hostname:', archive.metadata[b'hostname']) print('Username:'******'username']) print('Time: %s' % to_localtime(archive.ts).strftime('%c')) print('Command line:', remove_surrogates(' '.join(archive.metadata[b'cmdline']))) print('Number of files: %d' % stats.nfiles) stats.print_('This archive:', cache) return self.exit_code
def _process(self, archive, cache, excludes, exclude_caches, skip_inodes, path, restrict_dev): if exclude_path(path, excludes): return try: st = os.lstat(path) except OSError as e: self.print_error('%s: %s', path, e) return if (st.st_ino, st.st_dev) in skip_inodes: return # Entering a new filesystem? if restrict_dev and st.st_dev != restrict_dev: return # Ignore unix sockets if stat.S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode): return # Ignore if nodump flag set if has_lchflags and (st.st_flags & stat.UF_NODUMP): return self.print_verbose(remove_surrogates(path)) if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): try: archive.process_file(path, st, cache) except IOError as e: self.print_error('%s: %s', path, e) elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): if exclude_caches and is_cachedir(path): return archive.process_item(path, st) try: entries = os.listdir(path) except OSError as e: self.print_error('%s: %s', path, e) else: for filename in sorted(entries): self._process(archive, cache, excludes, exclude_caches, skip_inodes, os.path.join(path, filename), restrict_dev) elif stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): archive.process_symlink(path, st) elif stat.S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode): archive.process_item(path, st) elif stat.S_ISCHR(st.st_mode) or stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode): archive.process_dev(path, st) else: self.print_error('Unknown file type: %s', path)
def do_list(self, args): """List archive or repository contents """ repository = self.open_repository(args.src) manifest, key = Manifest.load(repository) if args.src.archive: tmap = { 1: 'p', 2: 'c', 4: 'd', 6: 'b', 0o10: '-', 0o12: 'l', 0o14: 's' } archive = Archive(repository, key, manifest, args.src.archive) for item, _ in archive.iter_items(): type = tmap.get(item[b'mode'] // 4096, '?') mode = format_file_mode(item[b'mode']) size = 0 if type == '-': try: size = sum(size for _, size, _ in item[b'chunks']) except KeyError: pass mtime = format_time( datetime.fromtimestamp(item[b'mtime'] / 10**9)) if b'source' in item: if type == 'l': extra = ' -> %s' % item[b'source'] else: type = 'h' extra = ' link to %s' % item[b'source'] else: extra = '' print('%s%s %-6s %-6s %8d %s %s%s' % (type, mode, item[b'user'] or item[b'uid'], item[b'group'] or item[b'gid'], size, mtime, remove_surrogates(item[b'path']), extra)) else: for archive in sorted(Archive.list_archives( repository, key, manifest), key=attrgetter('ts')): print('%-20s %s' % (archive.metadata[b'name'], to_localtime(archive.ts).strftime('%c'))) return self.exit_code
def _process(self, archive, cache, excludes, exclude_caches, skip_inodes, path, restrict_dev): if exclude_path(path, excludes): return try: st = os.lstat(path) except OSError as e: self.print_error('%s: %s', path, e) return if (st.st_ino, st.st_dev) in skip_inodes: return # Entering a new filesystem? if restrict_dev and st.st_dev != restrict_dev: return # Ignore unix sockets if stat.S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode): return self.print_verbose(remove_surrogates(path)) if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): try: archive.process_file(path, st, cache) except IOError as e: self.print_error('%s: %s', path, e) elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): if exclude_caches and is_cachedir(path): return archive.process_item(path, st) try: entries = os.listdir(path) except OSError as e: self.print_error('%s: %s', path, e) else: for filename in sorted(entries): self._process(archive, cache, excludes, exclude_caches, skip_inodes, os.path.join(path, filename), restrict_dev) elif stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): archive.process_symlink(path, st) elif stat.S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode): archive.process_item(path, st) elif stat.S_ISCHR(st.st_mode) or stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode): archive.process_dev(path, st) else: self.print_error('Unknown file type: %s', path)
def start_cb(item): self.print_verbose('%s ...', remove_surrogates(item[b'path']), newline=False)