def match_pitch(filename, dbasename, density=18, radius=1, step=1 / 20):
    matcher = audfprint_match.Matcher()
    hash_tab = hash_table.HashTable(dbasename)
    analyzer = audfprint_analyze.Analyzer()
    analyzer.density = density

    bestScore = 0
    bestMatch = "NOMATCH"
    song = AudioSegment.from_mp3(filename)
    aa = AudioAugmentation()

    for i in range(-radius, radius + 1):
        # Speed up/slow down the sample
        if i != 0:
            octave = i * step
            shifted, _ = aa.pitch_shift(song, octave)
            shifted.export("tmp.mp3", format="mp3")

        matches, _, _ = matcher.match_file(
            analyzer, hash_tab, "tmp.mp3" if not i == 0 else filename)
        if len(matches) == 0:
        songid, score = matches[0][:2]
        songname = hash_tab.names[songid]
        if score > bestScore:
            bestScore = score
            bestMatch = songname

    return bestMatch
    def match(self):
        matcher = audfprint_match.Matcher()
        matcher.find_time_range = True
        matcher.verbose = 1
        matcher.max_returns = 100

        analyzer = audfprint_analyze.Analyzer()
        analyzer.n_fft = 512
        analyzer.n_hop = analyzer.n_fft / 2
        analyzer.shifts = 1
        # analyzer.exact_count = True
        analyzer.density = 20.0
        analyzer.target_sr = 11025

        hash_tab = hash_table.HashTable("./samples.pklz")
        hash_tab.params['samplerate'] = analyzer.target_sr

        qry = "./Samples/viral.afpt"
        rslts, dur, nhash = matcher.match_file(analyzer, hash_tab,
                                               "./Samples/viral.afpt", 0)
        t_hop = analyzer.n_hop / float(analyzer.target_sr)
        qrymsg = qry + (' %.1f ' % dur) + "sec " + str(nhash) + " raw hashes"

        msgrslt = []
        if len(rslts) == 0:
            nhashaligned = 0
            msgrslt.append("NOMATCH " + qrymsg)
            for (tophitid, nhashaligned, aligntime, nhashraw, rank, min_time,
                 max_time) in rslts:
                # msg = ("Matched {:6.1f} s starting at {:6.1f} s in {:s}"
                #            " to time {:6.1f} s in {:s}").format(
                #         (max_time - min_time) * t_hop, min_time * t_hop, qry,
                #         (min_time + aligntime) * t_hop, hash_tab.names[tophitid])
                msg = (
                    "Matched {:6.1f} s starting at {:6.1f} s in {:s}"
                    " to time {:6.1f} s in {:n}; max {:6.1f} min {:6.1f} align {:6.1f} hop {:6.1f}"
                    (max_time - min_time) * t_hop,
                    min_time * t_hop,
                    (min_time + aligntime) * t_hop,
                    tophitid,  #),
                    max_time * t_hop,
                    min_time * t_hop,
                    aligntime * t_hop,

def match(event, context):
    s3.Bucket(BUCKET_NAME).download_file('_test-db.pklz', '/tmp/_test-db.pklz')

    qry = '/tmp/_test-fprint.afpt'
    hashFile = '/tmp/_test-db.pklz'

    matcher = audfprint_match.Matcher()
    matcher.find_time_range = True
    matcher.verbose = False
    matcher.max_returns = 100

    matcher.exact_count = True
    matcher.max_alignments_per_id = 20

    analyzer = audfprint_analyze.Analyzer()
    analyzer.n_fft = 512
    analyzer.n_hop = analyzer.n_fft / 2
    analyzer.shifts = 1
    # analyzer.exact_count = True
    analyzer.density = 20.0
    analyzer.target_sr = 11025
    analyzer.verbose = False

    hash_tab = hash_table.HashTable(hashFile)
    hash_tab.params['samplerate'] = analyzer.target_sr

    rslts, dur, nhash = matcher.match_file(analyzer, hash_tab, qry, 0)
    t_hop = analyzer.n_hop / float(analyzer.target_sr)
    qrymsg = qry + (' %.1f ' % dur) + "sec " + str(nhash) + " raw hashes"

    # print "duration,start,from,time,source,sourceId,nhashaligned,aligntime,nhashraw,rank,min_time,max_time, t_hop"
    matches = []
    if len(rslts) == 0:
        nhashaligned = 0
        for (tophitid, nhashaligned, aligntime, nhashraw, rank, min_time,
             max_time) in rslts:
            msg = (
            ).format((max_time - min_time) * t_hop, min_time * t_hop, qry,
                     (min_time + aligntime) * t_hop, hash_tab.names[tophitid],
                     tophitid, nhashaligned, aligntime, nhashraw, rank,
                     min_time, max_time, t_hop)

    response = {"statusCode": 200, "body": json.dumps(matches)}
    return response
def setup_matcher(args):
    """Create a new matcher objects, set parameters from docopt structure"""
    matcher = audfprint_match.Matcher()
    matcher.window = int(args['--match-win'])
    matcher.threshcount = int(args['--min-count'])
    matcher.max_returns = int(args['--max-matches'])
    matcher.search_depth = int(args['--search-depth'])
    matcher.sort_by_time = args['--sortbytime']
    matcher.exact_count = args['--exact-count'] | args['--illustrate'] | args['--illustrate-hpf']
    matcher.illustrate = args['--illustrate'] | args['--illustrate-hpf']
    matcher.illustrate_hpf = args['--illustrate-hpf']
    matcher.verbose = args['--verbose']
    matcher.find_time_range = args['--find-time-range']
    matcher.time_quantile = float(args['--time-quantile'])
    return matcher
def regular_matching():
    #get find_peaks from analyze
    analyzer = audfprint_analyze.Analyzer()
    hash_tab = hash_table.HashTable('fpdbase.pklz')
    matcher = audfprint_match.Matcher()

    sampling_seconds = 10
    sampling_interval = 15
    prev_resultID = []

    count = 0
    while True:
        start = time.time()
        twoSecondArray = different_record(sampling_seconds)

        peakLists = analyzer.find_peaks(twoSecondArray, 11025)
        landmarkLists = analyzer.peaks2landmarks(peakLists)
        hashesLists = audfprint_analyze.landmarks2hashes(landmarkLists)

        hashes_hashes = (((hashesLists[:, 0].astype(np.uint64)) << 32)
                            + hashesLists[:, 1].astype(np.uint64))
        unique_hash_hash = np.sort(np.unique(hashes_hashes))
        unique_hashes = np.hstack([
            (unique_hash_hash >> 32)[:, np.newaxis],
            (unique_hash_hash & ((1 << 32) - 1))[:, np.newaxis]
        hashes = unique_hashes
        #now the matching
        # for num, filename in enumerate(filename_iter):
        #     # count += 1
        #     msgs = matcher.file_match_to_msgs(analyzer, hash_tab, filename, num)
        #     report(msgs)

        # file_match_to_msgs(self, analyzer, ht, qry, number=None)
        # print(matcher.file_match_to_msgs(analyzer, hash_tab, "Some qry name"))
        # rslts, dur, nhash = match_file(matcher, analyzer, hash_tab, "some query", hashesLists)
        message, results = file_match_to_msgs(matcher, analyzer, hash_tab, "FROM MICROPHONE", hashes)
        print(sampling_seconds, sampling_interval)
        count += 1
        end = time.time() - start
        time.sleep(sampling_interval - (end - sampling_seconds))
def fingerprint_filename(filename, dbasename):
    matcher = audfprint_match.Matcher()
    matcher.window = 2
    matcher.threshcount = 5
    matcher.max_returns = 1
    matcher.search_depth = 100
    matcher.sort_by_time = False
    matcher.exact_count = False
    matcher.illustrate = False
    matcher.illustrate_hpf = False
    matcher.verbose = 1
    matcher.find_time_range = False
    matcher.time_quantile = 0.05

    analyzer = audfprint_analyze.Analyzer()
    # Read parameters from command line/docopts
    analyzer.density = 20
    analyzer.maxpksperframe = 5
    analyzer.maxpairsperpeak = 3
    analyzer.f_sd = 30.0
    analyzer.shifts = 0
    # fixed - 512 pt FFT with 256 pt hop at 11025 Hz
    analyzer.target_sr = 11025
    analyzer.n_fft = 512
    analyzer.n_hop = analyzer.n_fft // 2
    # set default value for shifts depending on mode
    if analyzer.shifts == 0:
        # Default shift is 4 for match, otherwise 1
        analyzer.shifts = 4
    analyzer.fail_on_error = not False

    hashtable = hash_table.HashTable(dbasename)
    results, dur, nhash = matcher.match_file(analyzer, hashtable, filename, 0)
        (first_hit, nhashaligned, aligntime, nhashraw, rank, min_time,
         max_time) = results[0]
        filename = hashtable.names[first_hit]

        return nhashraw, filename
        return None, None
def kalman_matching():
    #get find_peaks from analyze
    analyzer = audfprint_analyze.Analyzer()
    hash_tab = hash_table.HashTable('fpdbase.pklz')
    matcher = audfprint_match.Matcher()

    sampling_seconds = 10
    sampling_interval = 15
    prev_resultID = []
    len_prev_results = 0

    count = 0

    true_start = time.time()

    print("click now!")

    while True:
        start = time.time()
        twoSecondArray = different_record(sampling_seconds)

        peakLists = analyzer.find_peaks(twoSecondArray, 11025)
        landmarkLists = analyzer.peaks2landmarks(peakLists)
        hashesLists = audfprint_analyze.landmarks2hashes(landmarkLists)

        hashes_hashes = (((hashesLists[:, 0].astype(np.uint64)) << 32)
                            + hashesLists[:, 1].astype(np.uint64))
        unique_hash_hash = np.sort(np.unique(hashes_hashes))
        unique_hashes = np.hstack([
            (unique_hash_hash >> 32)[:, np.newaxis],
            (unique_hash_hash & ((1 << 32) - 1))[:, np.newaxis]
        hashes = unique_hashes
        #now the matching
        # for num, filename in enumerate(filename_iter):
        #     # count += 1
        #     msgs = matcher.file_match_to_msgs(analyzer, hash_tab, filename, num)
        #     report(msgs)

        # file_match_to_msgs(self, analyzer, ht, qry, number=None)
        # print(matcher.file_match_to_msgs(analyzer, hash_tab, "Some qry name"))
        # rslts, dur, nhash = match_file(matcher, analyzer, hash_tab, "some query", hashesLists)
        message, results = file_match_to_msgs(matcher, analyzer, hash_tab, "FROM MICROPHONE", hashes)
        if len(results) == 0:
            sampling_interval -= 5
            if sampling_interval <= 10:
                sampling_interval = 10
            sampling_seconds += 5
        elif len(results) > len_prev_results * 2 and len_prev_results > 0:
            for result in results:
                if prev_resultID != result[0]:
                    prev_resultID = result[0]
                    len_prev_results = len(results)
        elif results[0][0] == prev_resultID:
            #increase sampling_interval
            sampling_interval +=5
            sampling_seconds -= 5
            if sampling_seconds <= 10:
                sampling_seconds = 7
            prev_resultID = results[0][0]
            sampling_interval -= 5
            if sampling_interval <= 10:
                sampling_interval = 10
            sampling_seconds += 5

            prev_resultID = results[0][0]
# (tophitid, nhashaligned, aligntime, nhashraw, rank,
#                 min_time, max_time)
        print(sampling_seconds, sampling_interval)
        count += 1
        end = time.time() - start
        print("how much this iteration took", end)
        print("how many seconds so far", time.time() - true_start)

        time.sleep(sampling_interval - (end - sampling_seconds))
def match(event, context):
    hash = event['Records'][0]['body']
    id = event['Records'][0]['messageAttributes']['Id']['stringValue']
    date = event['Records'][0]['messageAttributes']['Date']['stringValue']
    # print(id)

        'wave/{}/{}/audio.afpt'.format(date, id), '/tmp/{}.afpt'.format(id))
        hash, '/tmp/{}'.format(hash.split('/').pop()))

    qry = '/tmp/{}.afpt'.format(id)
    hashFile = '/tmp/{}'.format(hash.split('/').pop())

    # print(qry)

    matcher = audfprint_match.Matcher()
    matcher.find_time_range = True
    matcher.verbose = False
    matcher.max_returns = 100
    # matcher.threshcount = 20

    matcher.exact_count = True
    matcher.max_alignments_per_id = 20

    analyzer = audfprint_analyze.Analyzer()
    analyzer.n_fft = 512
    analyzer.n_hop = analyzer.n_fft // 2
    analyzer.shifts = 1
    # analyzer.exact_count = True
    analyzer.density = 20.0
    analyzer.target_sr = 11025
    analyzer.verbose = False

    hash_tab = hash_table.HashTable(hashFile)
    hash_tab.params['samplerate'] = analyzer.target_sr

    rslts, dur, nhash = matcher.match_file(analyzer, hash_tab, qry, 0)
    t_hop = analyzer.n_hop / float(analyzer.target_sr)
    qrymsg = qry + (' %.1f ' % dur) + "sec " + str(nhash) + " raw hashes"

    # print "duration,start,from,time,source,sourceId,nhashaligned,aligntime,nhashraw,rank,min_time,max_time, t_hop"
    matches = []
    if len(rslts) == 0:
        nhashaligned = 0
        for (tophitid, nhashaligned, aligntime, nhashraw, rank, min_time,
             max_time) in rslts:
            msg = (
            ).format((max_time - min_time) * t_hop, min_time * t_hop, qry,
                     (min_time + aligntime) * t_hop, hash_tab.names[tophitid],
                     tophitid, nhashaligned, aligntime, nhashraw, rank,
                     min_time, max_time, t_hop)
            duration = (max_time - min_time) * t_hop
            start = min_time * t_hop
            time = (min_time + aligntime) * t_hop
                if isinstance(duration, np.generic) else duration,
                np.asscalar(start) if isinstance(start, np.generic) else start,
                np.asscalar(time) if isinstance(time, np.generic) else time,
                hash_tab.names[tophitid].split('/').pop().replace('.afpt', ''),
                np.asscalar(nhashaligned) if isinstance(
                    nhashaligned, np.generic) else nhashaligned,
                if isinstance(nhashraw, np.generic) else nhashraw,
                np.asscalar(rank) if isinstance(rank, np.generic) else rank

    data = {'id': id, 'matches': matches, 'hash': hash}


    if len(matches) > 0:
            BUCKET_NAME, 'query/{}/{}.json'.format(
                hash.split('/').pop().replace('.pklz', ''))).put(
                    Body=(bytes(json.dumps(data, indent=2).encode('UTF-8'))))

    response = {
        "statusCode": 200,
        # "body": json.dumps(matches),
        "event": event
    return response