def lyrics_down(text): text = text.split() text = ' '.join(text[text.index('lyrics') + 1:]) print(text) addr = google.lucky(text + '')#"" res = requests.get(addr) try: res.raise_for_status() except: notify(message='Error in downloading lyrics') speak('Error in downloading lyrics') soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'lxml') s ='.lyricbox') n ='h1') col = n[0].get_text().find(':') name = n[0].get_text()[:col] + ' ' + n[0].get_text()[col+1:] name=name+".txt" print(name) os.chdir(homeDir+'/Downloads/') lyrics = open(name, 'w') for i in s[0].get_text('\n').split('\n'): lyrics.write('\n') lyrics.write(i) lyrics.close() call(['open','-e',homeDir+'/Downloads/'+name]) speak("Here are your Lyrics")
def openFolder(folderName): speak("Fetching results plaese wait") fileWithPath = getoutput("find $HOME/ -type d -iname '" + folderName + "*' 2> /dev/null|head -1 ") print(fileWithPath) getoutput("open '" + fileWithPath + "'") speak("here it is") #openFile(input())
def browseUrl(text): from google import lucky from audioOutput import speak try: url = lucky(text) open_new_tab(url) speak("here it is") except: speak('Something went wrong!!!')
def listen(): speak('Listening!') with speech_recognition.Microphone() as source: recognizer.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) audio = recognizer.listen(source) try: return recognizer.recognize_google(audio) except speech_recognition.UnknownValueError: notify(message="Could not understand audio") except speech_recognition.RequestError as e: notify(message="Connection Problem") return ""
def vid_download(link): chdir(homeDir + '/Downloads/') yt = YouTube(link) pprint(yt.get_videos()) quality = ['720p', '480p', '360p'] for i in quality: try: video = yt.get('mp4', i) speak('Downloading in ' + i + " " + yt.filename)'.') speak('Download Complete') break except: continue else: return 'Not found in good quality'
def download_song(link, name): os.chdir(homeDir + '/Downloads/') notify(message='Downloadling ' + name + '...') speak('Downloading ' + name + '...') res = requests.get(link) try: res.raise_for_status() except: speak('Downloading Error') return False song = open(name, 'wb') for chunk in res.iter_content(100000): song.write(chunk) song.close() notify(message='Download Comlete: ' + name + '...') speak('Download finished') return True
def openFile(fileName,direc=""): speak("Fetching results, please wait") fileWithPath=getoutput("find $HOME/"+direc+" -type f -iname '"+fileName+"*' 2> /dev/null|head -1 ") print(fileWithPath) getoutput("open '"+fileWithPath+"'") speak("Here it is")
def search(Input): # no data received if Input == "": notify(message="Sorry! Did you say something?") return # Command for quiting if Input in ['quit', 'terminate']: speak("Bye") Input = 'terminate' return #Command to lock PC if Input in ['lock','lock my mac','lock my pc']: speak("See you soon") getoutput("/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/ -suspend") return #Command to reboot if Input in ['reboot', 'reboot my mac', 'reboot my pc']: speak("See you soon") getoutput("osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to restart'") return # Command to shutdown if Input in ['shutdown', 'shutdown my mac', 'shutdown my pc']: speak("See you soon") getoutput("osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to shut down'") return # Command for Self Intoduction if Input in ["who are you", "introduce yourself", "describe yourself"]: answer = 'I am Nancy, your personal assistant.' notify(title=Input, subtitle='I got this:', message=answer) speak(answer) return # Command for Owner Information if Input in ["who created you", "who is your master", "who is your owner"]: answer = "Team Errorist created me, Although I'm open source!" notify(title=Input, subtitle='I got this:', message=answer) speak(answer) return # Command for opening maps if match(r"^open maps.*$", Input): from webHandler import openMaps Input = Input.replace("open maps", " ") openMaps(Input) speak("Here It is...") return # Command for downloading lyrics if match(r"^download lyrics.*$", Input): from lyrics import lyrics_down lyrics_down(Input) return #Command to open Applications if match(r"^execute.*$",Input): from fInderAndAppControl import openApp Input=Input.replace("execute ","") openApp(Input) speak('There you go') return #Command to open a file if match(r"^open file.*$",Input): Input=Input.replace("open file ","") from fInderAndAppControl import openFile openFile(Input) return #Command to open a directory if match(r"^open folder.*$",Input): Input=Input.replace("open folder ","") from fInderAndAppControl import openFolder openFolder(Input) return #Command to play a song if match(r"^play song.*$",Input): Input=Input.replace("play song ","") from fInderAndAppControl import openFile openFile(Input,direc="Music") return #Command to play video if match(r"^play video.*$",Input): Input=Input.replace("play video ","") from fInderAndAppControl import openFile openFile(Input,direc="Movies") return # Commamnd for browsing a website if match(r"^browse.*$", Input): from webHandler import browseUrl Input = Input.replace("browse ", " ") browseUrl(Input) return # Command to throw a dice if match(r"^throw a dice$", Input): from randomStuff import dice output = str(dice()) notify(message=output) speak(output) return # Command to toss a coin if match(r"^toss a coin$", Input): from randomStuff import coin output = coin() notify(message=output) speak(output) return # Command to download mp3 song if match(r"^download (audio)|(song).*$", Input): from mp3Download import page_link Input = sub(r"download audio|song|mp3 ", '', Input) #page_link(Input) start_new_thread(page_link,(Input,)) return # Command to download mp4 video if match(r"^download video.*$", Input): from mp4Download import youtube_link Input = sub(r"download video ", '', Input) #youtube_link(Input) start_new_thread(youtube_link,(Input,)) return # Command to read it aloud if match(r"^(read out)|(speak out loud)$", Input): from pyperclip import paste speak(paste()) return try: from settings import client print('Trying wolframalpha') result = client.query(Input) answer = next(result.results).text notify(title=Input, subtitle='I got this:', message=answer) speak(answer) except: try: print('Trying wikipedia') from wikipedia import summary answer = summary(Input, sentences=1) print(answer) notify(title=Input, subtitle='I got this:', message=answer) speakWiki(answer) except Exception as err: notify(message='Opps Nothing Found', extra='-timeout 1')