def mtFileClassification(inputFile, modelName, modelType, plotResults=False, gtFile=""):
    This function performs mid-term classification of an audio stream.
    Towards this end, supervised knowledge is used, i.e. a pre-trained classifier.
        - inputFile:        path of the input WAV file
        - modelName:        name of the classification model
        - modelType:        svm or knn depending on the classifier type
        - plotResults:      True if results are to be plotted using matplotlib along with a set of statistics

          - segs:           a sequence of segment's endpoints: segs[i] is the endpoint of the i-th segment (in seconds)
          - classes:        a sequence of class flags: class[i] is the class ID of the i-th segment

    if not os.path.isfile(modelName):
        print "mtFileClassificationError: input modelType not found!"
        return (-1, -1, -1)
    # Load classifier:
    if modelType == 'svm':
        [Classifier, MEAN, STD, classNames, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep, computeBEAT] = aT.loadSVModel(modelName)
    elif modelType == 'knn':
        [Classifier, MEAN, STD, classNames, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep, computeBEAT] = aT.loadKNNModel(modelName)
    elif modelType == 'randomforest':
        [Classifier, MEAN, STD, classNames, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep, computeBEAT] = aT.loadRandomForestModel(modelName)
    elif modelType == 'gradientboosting':
        [Classifier, MEAN, STD, classNames, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep, computeBEAT] = aT.loadGradientBoostingModel(modelName)
    elif modelType == 'extratrees':
        [Classifier, MEAN, STD, classNames, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep, computeBEAT] = aT.loadExtraTreesModel(modelName)

    if computeBEAT:
        print "Model " + modelName + " contains long-term music features (beat etc) and cannot be used in segmentation"
        return (-1, -1, -1)
    [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile(inputFile)        # load input file
    if Fs == -1:                                           # could not read file
        return (-1, -1, -1)
    x = audioBasicIO.stereo2mono(x)                        # convert stereo (if) to mono
    Duration = len(x) / Fs
    # mid-term feature extraction:
    [MidTermFeatures, _] = aF.mtFeatureExtraction(x, Fs, mtWin * Fs, mtStep * Fs, round(Fs * stWin), round(Fs * stStep))
    flags = []
    Ps = []
    flagsInd = []
    for i in range(MidTermFeatures.shape[1]):              # for each feature vector (i.e. for each fix-sized segment):
        curFV = (MidTermFeatures[:, i] - MEAN) / STD       # normalize current feature vector
        [Result, P] = aT.classifierWrapper(Classifier, modelType, curFV)    # classify vector
        flags.append(classNames[int(Result)])              # update class label matrix
        Ps.append(numpy.max(P))                            # update probability matrix
    flagsInd = numpy.array(flagsInd)

    # 1-window smoothing
    for i in range(1, len(flagsInd) - 1):
        if flagsInd[i-1] == flagsInd[i + 1]:
            flagsInd[i] = flagsInd[i + 1]
    (segs, classes) = flags2segs(flags, mtStep)            # convert fix-sized flags to segments and classes
    segs[-1] = len(x) / float(Fs)

    # Load grount-truth:    
    if os.path.isfile(gtFile):
        [segStartGT, segEndGT, segLabelsGT] = readSegmentGT(gtFile)
        flagsGT, classNamesGT = segs2flags(segStartGT, segEndGT, segLabelsGT, mtStep)
        flagsIndGT = []
        for j, fl in enumerate(flagsGT):                    # "align" labels with GT
            if classNamesGT[flagsGT[j]] in classNames:
        flagsIndGT = numpy.array(flagsIndGT)        
        CM = numpy.zeros((len(classNamesGT), len(classNamesGT)))
        for i in range(min(flagsInd.shape[0], flagsIndGT.shape[0])):
            CM[int(flagsIndGT[i]),int(flagsInd[i])] += 1        
        CM = []
        flagsIndGT = numpy.array([])
    acc = plotSegmentationResults(flagsInd, flagsIndGT, classNames, mtStep, not plotResults)
    if acc >= 0:
        print "Overall Accuracy: {0:.3f}".format(acc)    
        return (flagsInd, classNamesGT, acc, CM)
        return (flagsInd, classNames, acc, CM)
def mtFileClassification(inputFile,
    This function performs mid-term classification of an audio stream.
    Towards this end, supervised knowledge is used, i.e. a pre-trained classifier.
        - inputFile:        path of the input WAV file
        - modelName:        name of the classification model
        - modelType:        svm or knn depending on the classifier type
        - plotResults:      True if results are to be plotted using matplotlib along with a set of statistics

          - segs:           a sequence of segment's endpoints: segs[i] is the endpoint of the i-th segment (in seconds)
          - classes:        a sequence of class flags: class[i] is the class ID of the i-th segment

    if not os.path.isfile(modelName):
        print "mtFileClassificationError: input modelType not found!"
        return (-1, -1, -1)
    # Load classifier:
    if modelType == 'svm':
            Classifier, MEAN, STD, classNames, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep,
        ] = aT.loadSVModel(modelName)
    elif modelType == 'knn':
            Classifier, MEAN, STD, classNames, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep,
        ] = aT.loadKNNModel(modelName)
    elif modelType == 'randomforest':
            Classifier, MEAN, STD, classNames, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep,
        ] = aT.loadRandomForestModel(modelName)
    elif modelType == 'gradientboosting':
            Classifier, MEAN, STD, classNames, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep,
        ] = aT.loadGradientBoostingModel(modelName)
    elif modelType == 'extratrees':
            Classifier, MEAN, STD, classNames, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep,
        ] = aT.loadExtraTreesModel(modelName)

    if computeBEAT:
        print "Model " + modelName + " contains long-term music features (beat etc) and cannot be used in segmentation"
        return (-1, -1, -1)
    [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile(inputFile)  # load input file
    if Fs == -1:  # could not read file
        return (-1, -1, -1)
    x = audioBasicIO.stereo2mono(x)  # convert stereo (if) to mono
    Duration = len(x) / Fs
    # mid-term feature extraction:
    [MidTermFeatures, _] = aF.mtFeatureExtraction(x, Fs,
                                                  mtWin * Fs, mtStep * Fs,
                                                  round(Fs * stWin),
                                                  round(Fs * stStep))
    flags = []
    Ps = []
    flagsInd = []
    for i in range(
    ):  # for each feature vector (i.e. for each fix-sized segment):
        curFV = (MidTermFeatures[:, i] -
                 MEAN) / STD  # normalize current feature vector
        [Result, P] = aT.classifierWrapper(Classifier, modelType,
                                           curFV)  # classify vector
        flags.append(classNames[int(Result)])  # update class label matrix
        Ps.append(numpy.max(P))  # update probability matrix
    flagsInd = numpy.array(flagsInd)

    # 1-window smoothing
    for i in range(1, len(flagsInd) - 1):
        if flagsInd[i - 1] == flagsInd[i + 1]:
            flagsInd[i] = flagsInd[i + 1]
    (segs, classes) = flags2segs(
        flags, mtStep)  # convert fix-sized flags to segments and classes
    segs[-1] = len(x) / float(Fs)

    # Load grount-truth:
    if os.path.isfile(gtFile):
        [segStartGT, segEndGT, segLabelsGT] = readSegmentGT(gtFile)
        flagsGT, classNamesGT = segs2flags(segStartGT, segEndGT, segLabelsGT,
        flagsIndGT = []
        for j, fl in enumerate(flagsGT):  # "align" labels with GT
            if classNamesGT[flagsGT[j]] in classNames:
        flagsIndGT = numpy.array(flagsIndGT)
        CM = numpy.zeros((len(classNamesGT), len(classNamesGT)))
        for i in range(min(flagsInd.shape[0], flagsIndGT.shape[0])):
            CM[int(flagsIndGT[i]), int(flagsInd[i])] += 1
        CM = []
        flagsIndGT = numpy.array([])
    acc = plotSegmentationResults(flagsInd, flagsIndGT, classNames, mtStep,
                                  not plotResults)
    if acc >= 0:
        print "Overall Accuracy: {0:.3f}".format(acc)
        return (flagsInd, classNamesGT, acc, CM)
        return (flagsInd, classNames, acc, CM)