    def write_audio_tracks(self, inputaudio, units, diralign, silence=0.):
        Write the first channel of an audio file into separated track files.
        Re-sample to 16000 Hz, 16 bits.

        @param inputaudio (src - IN) File name of the audio file.
        @param units     (list - IN) List of tuples (start-time,end-time) of tracks.
        @param diralign   (str - IN) Directory to write audio tracks.
        @param silence   float - IN) Duration of a silence to surround the tracks.

        channel = autils.extract_audio_channel( inputaudio,0 )
        channel = autils.format_channel( channel,16000,2 )

        for track,u in enumerate(units):
            (s,e) = u
            trackchannel = autils.extract_channel_fragment( channel, s, e, silence)
            trackname    = self._tracknames.audiofilename(diralign, track+1)
            autils.write_channel(trackname, trackchannel)
    def _fix_window_asr(self, fromtime, totime, fromtoken, totoken, channel, pronlist, toklist, diralign, N):
        Fix asr result in a window.
        Return the list of anchors the ASR found in that window.

        # create audio file
        fnw = os.path.join(diralign, "asr")
        fna = os.path.join(diralign, "asr.wav")
        trackchannel = autils.extract_channel_fragment( channel, fromtime, totime, 0.2)
        autils.write_channel( fna, trackchannel )

        # call the ASR engine to recognize tokens of this track
        self._aligner.set_phones( " ".join( pronlist[fromtoken:totoken] ) )
        self._aligner.set_tokens( " ".join(  toklist[fromtoken:totoken] ) )
        self._aligner.run_alignment(fna, fnw, N)

        # get the tokens time-aligned by the ASR engine
        wordalign = self._alignerio.read_aligned(fnw)[1]  # (starttime,endtime,label,score)
        wordalign = self._adjust_asr_result(wordalign, fromtime, 0.2)

        # ignore the last word: we can't know if the word is entire or was cut
        if len(wordalign) > 3:

        # list of tokens the ASR automatically time-aligned
        tman = [token for token in toklist[fromtoken:totoken]]
        # list of tokens manually transcribed
        tasr = [(token,score) for (start,end,token,score) in wordalign]

        # Find matching tokens: the anchors
        matchingslist = self._fix_matchings_list( tman,tasr,N )

        anchors = []
        for match in matchingslist:
            i  = match[0]   # ref
            hi = match[1]   # hyp
            s = wordalign[hi][0]
            e = wordalign[hi][1]
            anchors.append( (s,e,fromtoken+i) )

        return anchors