def retrieve_student_subjects(request): subject_list = { } response_array = [] if request.method == 'GET': student = request.GET.get('student') print (student) try: s = Student.objects.get(id=student) c = s.current_class sect = s.current_section test_list = ClassTest.objects.filter(the_class=c, section=sect, is_completed=True) for test in test_list: subject = test.subject.subject_name subject_list['subject'] = subject d = dict(subject_list) response_array.append(d) try: parent_mobile = s.parent.parent_mobile1 action = 'Retrieved Subject List for ' + s.fist_name + ' ' + s.last_name log_entry(parent_mobile, action, 'Normal', True) except Exception as e: print('unable to create logbook entry') print ('Exception 506 from parents %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) return JSONResponse(response_array, status=200) except Exception as e: print ('unable to retrieve list of subjects for ' + s.fist_name + ' ' + s.last_name) print ('Exception11 from parents = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) return JSONResponse(response_array, status=201)
def delete_bus_attendance1(request, att_type, d, m, y): response_data = { } if request.method == 'POST': the_date = date(int(y), int(m), int(d)) data = json.loads(request.body) print ('attendance correction data=') print (data) for key in data: st = data[key] # check whether the absence for this student for this date has been already marked or not try: student = Student.objects.get(id=st) attendance_type = Attedance_Type.objects.get(route_type=att_type) q = Bus_Attendance.objects.filter(date=the_date, student=student, attendance_type=attendance_type) if q.count() > 0: q.delete() except Exception as e: print ('unable to delete the bus attendance for ' + student.fist_name + ' ' + student.last_name) print ('Exception15 in bus_attendance = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) response_data['status'] = 'success' return JSONResponse(response_data, status=200)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): student_id = self.kwargs['student_id'] student = Student.objects.get(id=student_id) test_id = self.kwargs['test_id'] online_test = OnlineTest.objects.get(id=test_id) try: data = json.loads(request.body) print('json=') print(data) submitted_via = data['submitted_via'] print('this test submitted via %s' % submitted_via) except Exception as e: print('exception 17052020-B from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('this test is submitted via smartphone') submitted_via = 'smartphone' context_dict = {} try: attempted = StudentTestAttempt.objects.get(student=student, online_test=online_test) print('attempt recorded') except Exception as e: print('exception 22042020-B from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('recording attempt for the first time') attempted = StudentTestAttempt(student=student, online_test=online_test) attempted.submitted_via = submitted_via return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=200)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): data = json.loads(request.body) school_id = data['school_id'] school = School.objects.get(id=school_id) the_class = data['the_class'] c = Class.objects.get(school=school, standard=the_class) section = data['section'] s = Section.objects.get(school=school, section=section) teacher_id = data['teacher_id'] t = Teacher.objects.get(id=teacher_id) try: ct = ClassTeacher.objects.get(school=school, standard=c, section=s) cct = ct.class_teacher # current class teacher? ct.class_teacher = t message = cct.first_name + ' ' + cct.last_name + ' was the Class Teacher for class ' message += the_class + ' ' + section + '. Now the new Class Teacher is ' message += '%s %s' % (t.first_name, t.last_name) print(message) response_dict = {'message': message} response_dict['status'] = 'success' return JSONResponse(response_dict, status=200) except Exception as e: print('Exception 04022020-A from teachers = %s (%s) ' % (e.message, type(e))) print('no Class Teacher was set for class ' + the_class + ' ' + section + '. Setting now...') try: ct = ClassTeacher() = school ct.standard = c ct.section = s ct.class_teacher = t message = '%s is now assigned as Class Teacher for class ' % t message += the_class + ' ' + section print(message) response_dict['message'] = message response_dict['status'] = 'success' return JSONResponse(response_dict, status=200) except Exception as e: print ('Exception 04022020-B from teachers = %s (%s) ' % (e.message, type(e))) error_message = 'failed to set %s as Class Teacher for class: ' % t error_message += the_class + ' ' + section print(error_message) response_dict['error_message'] = error_message return JSONResponse(response_dict, status=201)
def retrieve_stu_sub_marks_history(request, subject): marks_history = { } response_array = [] if request.method == 'GET': student = request.GET.get('student') try: s = Student.objects.get(id=student) sub = Subject.objects.get(, subject_name=subject) c = s.current_class sect = s.current_section test_list = ClassTest.objects.filter(the_class=c, section=sect, subject=sub, is_completed=True). \ order_by('date_conducted') for test in test_list: marks_history['date'] = test.date_conducted test_result = TestResults.objects.get(class_test=test, student=s) if test.grade_based: marks_history['max_marks'] = 'Grade Based' marks_history['marks'] = test_result.grade else: marks_history['max_marks'] = test.max_marks marks_history['marks'] = test_result.marks_obtained d = dict(marks_history) response_array.append(d) try: parent_mobile = s.parent.parent_mobile1 action = 'Retrieved ' + sub.subject_name + ' marks history for ' + s.fist_name + ' ' + s.last_name log_entry(parent_mobile, action, 'Normal', True) except Exception as e: print('unable to create logbook entry') print ('Exception 507 from parents %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) return JSONResponse(response_array, status=200) except Exception as e: print ('Exception 12 from parents = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) print ('unable to retrieve ' + sub.subject_name + ' marks history for ' + s.fist_name + ' ' + s.last_name) return JSONResponse(response_array, status=201)
def delete(self, request, *args, **kwargs): context_dict = {} image_id = self.kwargs["image_id"] try: media = ImageVideo.objects.get(id=image_id) media.active_status = False print('media marked inactive') context_dict['message'] = 'Media deleted' context_dict['status'] = 'success' return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=200) except Exception as e: print('exception 13082019-A from pic_share %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) message = 'failed to delete media. Please try again.' context_dict['message'] = message context_dict['status'] = 'failed' return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=201)
def attendance_taken_earlier(request, school_id, rout, d, m, y): if request.method == 'GET': return_data = { } the_date = date(int(y), int(m), int(d)) try: school = School.objects.get(id=school_id) r = Bus_Rout.objects.get(school=school, bus_root=rout) q = BusAttendanceTaken.objects.filter(date=the_date, rout=r) if 0 == q.count(): return_data['taken_earlier'] = False else: return_data['taken_earlier'] = True return JSONResponse(return_data, status=200) except Exception as e: print ('unable to check whether bus attendance was taken on ' + rout + ' on ' + str(the_date)) print ('Exception13 in bus_attendance = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) return JSONResponse(return_data, status=201)
def delete_teacher(request): response_dict = { } if request.method == 'POST': try: data = json.loads(request.body) teacher_id = data['teacher_id'] teacher = Teacher.objects.get(id=teacher_id) teacher.active_status = False response_dict['status'] = 'success' return JSONResponse(response_dict, status=200) except Exception as e: print('Exception 80 from teachers = %s (%s) ' % (e.message, type(e))) error_message = 'Failed to set active_status of ' + teacher.first_name + ' ' \ + teacher.last_name + ' to False' teacher['status'] = 'failed' teacher['error_message'] = error_message return JSONResponse(response_dict, status=201)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): student_id = self.kwargs['student_id'] student = Student.objects.get(id=student_id) test_id = self.kwargs['test_id'] online_test = OnlineTest.objects.get(id=test_id) context_dict = {} if StudentTestAttempt.objects.filter(student=student, online_test=online_test).exists(): context_dict['attempted'] = 'true' else: context_dict['attempted'] = 'false' return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=200)
def delete_attendance2(request, school_id, the_class, section, subject, d, m, y): response_data = {} if request.method == 'POST': school = School.objects.get(id=school_id) # all of the above except date are foreign key in Attendance model. Hence we need to get the actual object c = Class.objects.get(school=school, standard=the_class) s = Section.objects.get(school=school, section=section) sub = Subject.objects.get(school=school, subject_name=subject) the_date = date(int(y), int(m), int(d)) print(the_date) data = json.loads(request.body) print('correction list=') print(data) for key in data: student_id = data[key] student = Student.objects.get(id=student_id) # check to see if absence for this student for this date, class, section and subject has already been marked try: q = Attendance.objects.filter(date=the_date, the_class=c, section=s, subject=sub, student=student) print(q.count()) # make an entry to database only it is a fresh entry if q.count() > 0: try: q1 = q[:1].get() teacher = q.delete() action = 'Deleted a previously taken attendance for ' +\ student.fist_name + ' ' + student.last_name log_entry(teacher, action, "Normal", True) except Exception as e: print( 'Exception 7 from attendance = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) except Exception as e: print('Exception 9 from attendance = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) # this view is being called from mobile. We use dummy template so that we dont' run into exception # return render(request, 'classup/dummy.html') response_data['status'] = 'success' return JSONResponse(response_data, status=200)
def post(self, request): context_dict = {} schools = School.objects.filter() first_april = date(int(2019), int(4), int(1)) thirty_sep = date(int(2019), int(9), int(30)) thirty_march = date(int(2020), int(3), int(31)) for school in schools: print('now dealing with students of %s' % school) students = Student.objects.filter(school=school) for student in students: total_days = AttendanceTaken.objects.filter( the_class=student.current_class, date__gte=first_april, date__lte=thirty_march, section=student.current_section).count() print('total working days for class %s %s of %s: %i' % (student.current_class.standard, student.current_section.section, school, total_days)) absent_days = Attendance.objects.filter( student=student, date__gte=first_april).count() present_days = total_days - absent_days print('%s attendance = %i/%i. Will now store to database' % (student, present_days, total_days)) try: entry = IndividualAttendance.objects.get(student=student) entry.total_days = total_days entry.present_days = present_days entry.absent_days = absent_days print( 'successfully updated individual attendance for %s of %s' % (student, school)) except Exception as e: print( 'exception 28092019-A from attendance %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('entry does not exist for %s %s. Will create now' % (student, school)) entry = IndividualAttendance(student=student) entry.total_days = total_days entry.present_days = present_days entry.absent_days = absent_days print( 'successfully created individual attendance for %s of %s' % (student, school)) context_dict['status'] = 'success' return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=200)
def delete(self, request, *args, **kwargs): context_dict = {} id = self.kwargs['id'] try: lecture = Lecture.objects.get(id=id) print('deleting lecture title %s subject %s by %s' % (lecture.topic, lecture.subject, lecture.teacher)) lecture.delete() message = 'successfully deleted lecture title %s subject %s by %s' % ( lecture.topic, lecture.subject, lecture.teacher) print('message') except Exception as e: print('exception 06042020-A from lecture %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) message = 'Lecture Deletion failed' print(message) context_dict['message'] = message return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=200)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): answer_sheets = AnswerSheets.objects.all() zero_getter_count = 0 for a_sheet in answer_sheets: try: online_test = a_sheet.online_test exam = online_test.exam subject = online_test.subject student = a_sheet.student the_class = student.current_class section = student.current_section offline_test = ClassTest.objects.get(exam=exam, subject=subject, the_class=the_class, section=section) test_result = TestResults.objects.get(class_test=offline_test, student=student) marks = test_result.marks_obtained except Exception as e: print('exception 05052020-E from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('failed to retrieve marks') if marks > 0: if not a_sheet.shared: link = message = 'Dear %s, answer sheet of %s online test attached. link: %s' % \ (student, subject, link) print('message: %s' % message) school = mobile = a_sheet.student.parent.parent_mobile1 sms.send_sms1(school, '*****@*****.**', mobile, message, 'Share Answer sheet') a_sheet.shared = True else: zero_getter_count += 1 print( '%s secued zero marks in the online test of %s class %s. hence not sharing' % (student, subject, the_class)) return JSONResponse({'zero_getter_count': zero_getter_count}, status=200)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): school_id = self.request.query_params.get('school_id') school = School.objects.get(id=school_id) standard = self.request.query_params.get('the_class') the_class = Class.objects.get(school=school, standard=standard) sec = request.query_params.get('section') section = Section.objects.get(school=school, section=sec) try: ct = ClassTeacher.objects.get(standard=the_class, section=section) class_teacher = '%s %s' % (ct.class_teacher.first_name, ct.class_teacher.last_name) except Exception as e: print('exception 28022020-A from teachers %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('class teacher for %s-%s school %s is not set' % (the_class, section, school)) class_teacher = 'N/A' context_dict = { 'class_teacher': class_teacher } return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=200)
def report_delay(request): response = { } if request.method == 'POST': data = json.loads(request.body) school_id = data['school_id'] rout = data['rout'] teacher = data['teacher'] message = data['message'] try: school = School.objects.get(id=school_id) configuration = Configurations.objects.get(school=school) r = Bus_Rout.objects.get(school=school_id, bus_root=rout) teacher = Teacher.objects.get(email=teacher) email = student_rout = Student_Rout.objects.filter(bus_root=r) school_name = school.school_name for sr in student_rout: parent = sr.student.parent m1 = parent.parent_mobile1 m2 = parent.parent_mobile2 full_message = 'Dear ' + parent.parent_name + ', Delay on Bus rout ' + rout full_message += ': ' + message + '. Regards, ' + teacher.first_name + ' ' + teacher.last_name full_message += ', ' + school_name message_type = 'Bus Delay' sms.send_sms1(school, email, m1, full_message, message_type) if m2 != '': if configuration.send_absence_sms_both_to_parent: sms.send_sms1(school, email, m2, full_message, message_type) print (full_message) except Exception as e: print ('unable to send bus delay message') print ('Exception18 in bus_attendance = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) return JSONResponse(response, status=200)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): attempts = StudentTestAttempt.objects.all() failed_attempts = 0 duplicate_attempts = 0 for an_attempt in attempts: student = an_attempt.student online_test = an_attempt.online_test try: answer_count = StudentQuestion.objects.filter( student=student, question__test=online_test).count() if answer_count < 20: print('test date = %s' % str( if str( == '2020-05-04': failed_attempts += 1 print( '%s of class %s-%s attempted test %s but only %d answers recorded' % (student, student.current_class, student.current_section, online_test.subject, answer_count)) if answer_count > 20: if str( == '2020-05-04': duplicate_attempts += 1 print( '%s of class %s-%s attempted test %s and %d answers recorded' % (student, student.current_class, student.current_section, online_test.subject, answer_count)) except Exception as e: print('exception 05052020-A from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print( 'failed to retrieve details of online attempts for %s in %s' % (student, online_test.subject)) return JSONResponse( { 'failed_attempts': failed_attempts, 'duplicate_attempts': duplicate_attempts }, status=200)
def whether_class_teacher2(request, teacher): response_dict = { } if request.method == 'GET': try: t = Teacher.objects.get(email=teacher) response_dict['status'] = 'success' if ClassTeacher.objects.filter(class_teacher=t).first(): ct = ClassTeacher.objects.filter(class_teacher=t)[0] response_dict['is_class_teacher'] = 'true' response_dict['the_class'] = ct.standard.standard response_dict['section'] = ct.section.section else: response_dict['is_class_teacher'] = 'false' except Exception as e: print('Exception 70 from teachers %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) response_dict['status'] = 'failure' return JSONResponse(response_dict, status=200)
def process_bus_attendance1(request, att_type, d, m, y, teacher): response_data = { } if request.method == 'POST': the_date = date(int(y), int(m), int(d)) try: attendance_type = Attedance_Type.objects.get(route_type=att_type) except Exception as e: print ('unable to retrieve attendance type for ' + att_type) print ('Exception16 in bus_attendance = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) data = json.loads(request.body) print ('attendance processing data') print (data) for key in data: student = data[key] try: st = Student.objects.get(id=student) sr = Student_Rout.objects.get(student=st) bus_rout = sr.bus_root # check whether the attendance for this student for this date has been already marked or not q = Bus_Attendance.objects.filter(date=the_date, student=st, bus_rout=bus_rout, attendance_type=attendance_type) if q.count() == 0: bus_attendance = Bus_Attendance(date=the_date, student=st, bus_rout=bus_rout, taken_by=Teacher.objects.get(email=teacher), attendance_type=attendance_type) except Exception as e: print ('unable to save the bus attendance for ' + st.fist_name + ' ' + st.last_name + ' for rout ' + bus_rout.bus_root + ' ' + attendance_type.rout_type + 'on date ' + str(the_date)) print ('Exception17 in bus_attendance = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) response_data['status'] = 'failure' response_data['status'] = 'success' return JSONResponse(response_data, status=200)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): context_dict = {} print('request=') print(request.body) data = json.loads(request.body) print('json=') print(data) for key in data: student_id = data[key]['student_id'] student = Student.objects.get(id=student_id) question_id = data[key]['question_id'] question = OnlineQuestion.objects.get(id=question_id) option_marked = data[key]['option_marked'] student_question = StudentQuestion(student=student, question=question, answer_marked=option_marked) online_test = question.test try: attempt = StudentTestAttempt.objects.get(student=student, online_test=online_test) print('%s attempt has already been recorded' % student) except Exception as e: print('a good exception from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('%s attempt was not recorded' % student) attempt = StudentTestAttempt(student=student, online_test=online_test) context_dict['status'] = 'success' return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=200)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): context_dict = {} print('request=') print(request.body) data = json.loads(request.body) print('json=') print(data) try: student_id = data['student_id'] student = Student.objects.get(id=student_id) question_id = data['question_id'] question = OnlineQuestion.objects.get(id=question_id) answer_marked = data['answer_marked'] try: question = StudentQuestion.objects.get(student=student, question=question) print('%s has already marked an answer. This will be updated') print('changed the answer marked') except Exception as e: print('exception 17052020-A from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('%s is marking the answer for the first time') question = StudentQuestion(student=student, question=question) print('changed the answer marked') question.answer_marked = answer_marked context_dict['status'] = 'success' except Exception as e: print('exception 17052020-C from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('error decoding json for answer marking') context_dict['status'] = 'Fail' return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=200)
def add_teacher(request): print('adding teacher from device...') response_dict = { } if request.method == 'POST': try: data = json.loads(request.body) print(data) user = data['user'] school_id = data['school_id'] #employee_id = data['employee_id'] email = data['email'] mobile = data['mobile'] full_name = data['full_name'] first_name = full_name.split()[0] last_name = ' ' try: last_name += full_name.split()[1] last_name += ' %s' % full_name.split()[2] except Exception as e: print('exception 03022020-A from teacher %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('last name of teacher not mentioned completely') school = School.objects.get(id=school_id) # check to see if any other teacher in this school has the same login id try: t = Teacher.objects.get(school=school, email=email) response_dict['status'] = 'failed' message = 'login id ' + email + ' is already assigned to ' + t.first_name + ' ' + t.last_name print(message) response_dict['message'] = message response_dict['status'] = 'failed' return JSONResponse(response_dict, status=201) except Exception as e: print('Exception 20 from teacher = %s (%s) ' % (e.message, type(e))) print('login id are available. Hence this teacher can be added...') t = Teacher() = school t.first_name = first_name t.last_name = last_name = email = mobile t.active_status = True try: # now, create a user for this teacher # the user name would be the email, and password would be a random string password = User.objects.make_random_password(length=5, allowed_chars='1234567890') print ('Initial password = '******'Successfully created user for ' + first_name + ' ' + last_name) mapping = UserSchoolMapping(user=u, school=school) except Exception as e: print ('Exception 50 from teacher = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) print ('Unable to create user or user-school mapping for ' + first_name + ' ' + last_name) # make this user part of the Teachers group try: group = Group.objects.get(name='teachers') u.groups.add(group) print ('Successfully added ' + first_name + ' ' + last_name + ' to the Teachers group') except Exception as e: print ('Exception 60 from teacher = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) print ('Unable to add ' + first_name + ' ' + last_name + ' to the Teachers group') # get the links of app on Google Play and Apple App store configuration = Configurations.objects.get(school=school) android_link = configuration.google_play_link iOS_link = configuration.app_store_link # send login id and password to teacher via sms message = 'Dear ' + first_name + ' ' + last_name + ', Welcome to ClassUp.' message += ' Your user id is: ' + email + ', and password is: ' + password + '. ' message += 'Please install ClassUp from these links. Android: ' message += android_link message += ', iPhone/iOS: ' message += iOS_link message += 'You can change your password after first login. ' message += 'Enjoy managing your class with ClassUp!' message += ' For support, email to: [email protected]' message_type = 'Welcome Teacher' sender = user sms.send_sms1(school, sender, str(mobile), message, message_type) # 15/07/2017 - Set up Main as default subject for this teacher try: print ('now trying to set teacher subject') s = Subject.objects.get(school=school, subject_name='Main') except Exception as e: print('unable to retrieve Main subject as default for ') print ('Exception 210 from teachers = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) try: ts = TeacherSubjects.objects.get(teacher=t, subject=s) if ts: print('subject ' + s.subject_name + ' has already been selected by teacher ' + t.first_name + ' ' + t.last_name) pass except Exception as e: print( 'now setting subject ' + s.subject_name + ' for teacher ' + t.first_name + ' ' + t.last_name) ts = TeacherSubjects(teacher=t, subject=s) try: print('successfully set subject ' + s.subject_name + ' for teacher ' + t.first_name + ' ' + t.last_name) except Exception as e: print('unable to set subject ' + s.subject_name + ' for teacher ' + t.first_name + ' ' + t.last_name) print ('Exception 211 from teachers = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) response_dict['status'] = 'success' response_dict['message'] = "Teacher created. Welcome SMS sent to the teacher' mobile" return JSONResponse(response_dict, status=200) except Exception as e: print('Exception 30 from teacher = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) message = 'Failed to create Teacher. Please contact ClassUp Support' print(message) response_dict['message'] = message response_dict['status'] = 'failed' return JSONResponse(response_dict, status=201) except Exception as e: print('Exception 40 from teachers = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) message = 'Failed to create Teacher. Please contact ClassUp Support' response_dict['message'] = message response_dict['status'] = 'failed' print(message) return JSONResponse(response_dict, status=201)
def update_teacher(request): response_dict = { } if request.method == 'POST': try: data = json.loads(request.body) print(data) teacher_id = data['teacher_id'] teacher_login = data['teacher_login'] teacher_mobile = data['teacher_mobile'] teacher_name = data['teacher_name'] first_name = teacher_name.split()[0] last_name = ' ' try: last_name += teacher_name.split()[1] last_name += ' %s' % teacher_name.split()[2] except Exception as e: print('exception 03022020-B from teacher %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('last name of teacher not mentioned completely') teacher = Teacher.objects.get(id=teacher_id) teacher.first_name = first_name teacher.last_name = last_name = teacher_login = teacher_mobile message = 'Teacher ' + teacher_name + ' updated. ' print (message) response_dict['status'] = 'success' response_dict['message'] = message if data['is_class_teacher'] == 'true': print('starting to set this teacher as Class Teacher...') school_id = data['school_id'] school = School.objects.get(id=school_id) the_class = data['the_class'] c = Class.objects.get(school=school, standard=the_class) section = data['section'] s = Section.objects.get(school=school, section=section) t = Teacher.objects.get(id=teacher_id) try: ct = ClassTeacher.objects.get(school=school, standard=c, section=s) cct = ct.class_teacher # current class teacher? ct.class_teacher = t message += cct.first_name + ' ' + cct.last_name + ' was the Class Teacher for class ' message += the_class + ' ' + section + '. Now the new Class Teacher is ' message += teacher_name print(message) response_dict['message'] = message response_dict['status'] = 'success' return JSONResponse(response_dict, status=200) except Exception as e: print('Exception 90 from teachers = %s (%s) ' % (e.message, type(e))) print('no Class Teacher was set for class ' + the_class + ' ' + section + '. Setting now...') try: ct = ClassTeacher() = school ct.standard = c ct.section = s ct.class_teacher = t message += teacher_name + ' is now assigned as Class Teacher for class ' message += the_class + ' ' + section print(message) response_dict['message'] = message response_dict['status'] = 'success' return JSONResponse(response_dict, status=200) except Exception as e: print ('Exception 100 from teachers = %s (%s) ' % (e.message, type(e))) error_message = 'failed to set ' + teacher_name + ' as Class Teacher for class: ' error_message += the_class + ' ' + section print(error_message) response_dict['error_message'] = error_message return JSONResponse(response_dict, status=201) return JSONResponse(response_dict, status=200) except Exception as e: print ('Exception 110 from teachers = %s (%s) ' % (e.message, type(e))) error_message = 'Failed to update teacher' print(error_message) response_dict['status'] = 'failure' response_dict['error_message'] = error_message return JSONResponse(response_dict, status=201)
def retrieve_stu_att_summary(request): dict_attendance_summary = { } response_array = [] if request.method == 'GET': student_id = request.GET.get('student_id') student = Student.objects.get(id=student_id) school = c = Configurations.objects.get(school=school) session_start_month = c.session_start_month print (session_start_month) the_class = student.current_class section = student.current_section # 22/08/2016 logic - Coaching classes and Colleges prefer to conduct attendance subject wise and hence # Main subject may not exist for them. In this case we will be presenting the aggregate of attendance for all # the subjects. This will be done by first checking the existence of subject Main. If it is present the # calculations are based on attendance in Main subjects, else aggregate of all subjects main_exist = True try: main = Subject.objects.get(school=school, subject_name='Main') except Exception as e: print ('Main subject does not exist for this school/Coaching Institute') print ('Exception4 from parents = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) main_exist = False now = work_days = 0 if now.month < session_start_month: print ('current month is less than session start month. Hence starting from last year') for m in range(session_start_month, 12 + 1): # 12+1, because loop executes for 1 time less than max index month_year = calendar.month_abbr[m] + '/' + str(now.year - 1) dict_attendance_summary["month_year"] = month_year try: if main_exist: query = AttendanceTaken.objects.filter(date__month=m, date__year=now.year - 1, subject=main, the_class=the_class, section=section) else: query = AttendanceTaken.objects.filter(date__month=m, date__year=now.year - 1, the_class=the_class, section=section) work_days = query.count() dict_attendance_summary["work_days"] = work_days print ('days in ' + str(m) + '/' + str(now.year - 1) + '=' + str(work_days)) except Exception as e: print ('unable to fetch the number of days for ' + month_year) print ('Exception5 from parents = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) try: if main_exist: query = Attendance.objects.filter(student=student, subject=main, date__month=m, date__year=now.year - 1) else: query = Attendance.objects.filter(student=student, date__month=m, date__year=now.year - 1) absent_days = query.count() dict_attendance_summary["absent_days"] = absent_days present_days = work_days - absent_days dict_attendance_summary["present_days"] = present_days if work_days != 0: present_perc = round((float(present_days) / float(work_days)) * 100, 2) dict_attendance_summary['percentage'] = str(present_perc) + '%' else: dict_attendance_summary['percentage'] = 'N/A' print ('absent days for ' + str(m) + '/' + str(now.year - 1) + '=' + str(query.count())) except Exception as e: print ('unable to fetch absent days for ' + str(m) + '/' + str(now.year - 1)) print ('Exception6 from parents = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) d = dict(dict_attendance_summary) response_array.append(d) for m in range(1, now.month + 1): month_year = calendar.month_abbr[m] + '/' + str(now.year) dict_attendance_summary["month_year"] = month_year try: if main_exist: query = AttendanceTaken.objects.filter(date__month=m, date__year=now.year, subject=main, the_class=the_class, section=section) else: query = AttendanceTaken.objects.filter(date__month=m, date__year=now.year, the_class=the_class, section=section) work_days = query.count() dict_attendance_summary["work_days"] = work_days print ('days in ' + str(m) + '/' + str(now.year) + '=' + str(work_days)) except Exception as e: print ('unable to fetch the number of days for ' + str(m) + '/' + str(now.year)) print ('Exception7 from parents = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) try: if main_exist: query = Attendance.objects.filter(student=student, subject=main, date__month=m, date__year=now.year) else: query = Attendance.objects.filter(student=student, date__month=m, date__year=now.year) absent_days = query.count() dict_attendance_summary["absent_days"] = absent_days present_days = work_days - absent_days dict_attendance_summary["present_days"] = present_days if work_days != 0: present_perc = round((float(present_days) / float(work_days)) * 100, 2) dict_attendance_summary['percentage'] = str(present_perc) + '%' else: dict_attendance_summary['percentage'] = 'N/A' print ('absent days for ' + str(m) + '/' + str(now.year) + '=' + str(query.count())) except Exception as e: print ('unable to fetch absent days for ' + str(m) + '/' + str(now.year)) print ('Exception8 from parents = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) d = dict(dict_attendance_summary) response_array.append(d) # if current month is higher than the session_start_month then we need to add the working days # session start month till current-1 month else: for m in range(session_start_month, now.month + 1): month_year = calendar.month_abbr[m] + '/' + str(now.year) dict_attendance_summary["month_year"] = month_year try: if main_exist: query = AttendanceTaken.objects.filter(date__month=m, date__year=now.year, subject=main, the_class=the_class, section=section) else: query = AttendanceTaken.objects.filter(date__month=m, date__year=now.year, the_class=the_class, section=section) work_days = query.count() dict_attendance_summary["work_days"] = work_days print ('days in ' + str(m) + '/' + str(now.year) + '=' + str(work_days)) except Exception as e: print ('unable to fetch the number of days for ' + str(m) + '/' + str(now.year)) print ('Exception9 from parents = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) try: if main_exist: query = Attendance.objects.filter(student=student, subject=main, date__month=m, date__year=now.year) else: query = Attendance.objects.filter(student=student, date__month=m, date__year=now.year) absent_days = query.count() dict_attendance_summary["absent_days"] = absent_days present_days = work_days - absent_days dict_attendance_summary["present_days"] = present_days if work_days != 0: present_perc = round((float(present_days) / float(work_days)) * 100, 2) dict_attendance_summary['percentage'] = str(present_perc) + '%' else: dict_attendance_summary['percentage'] = 'N/A' print ('absent days for ' + str(m) + '/' + str(now.year) + '=' + str(query.count())) except Exception as e: print ('unable to fetch absent days for ' + str(m) + '/' + str(now.year)) print ('Exception10 from parents = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) d = dict(dict_attendance_summary) response_array.append(d) print (response_array.__len__()) try: parent_mobile = student.parent.parent_mobile1 action = 'Retrieved ' + student.fist_name + ' ' + student.last_name + ' Attendance History' log_entry(parent_mobile, action, 'Normal', True) except Exception as e: print('unable to create logbook entry') print ('Exception 505 from parents %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) return JSONResponse(response_array, status=200)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): message_type = 'Share Lecture' context_dict = {'message_type': message_type} print(request.POST) school_id = request.POST.get('school_id') print('school_id = %s' % school_id) school = School.objects.get(id=school_id) print('school = %s' % school) teacher_email = request.POST.get('teacher') teacher = Teacher.objects.get(email=teacher_email) print('teacher = %s' % teacher) print('school = %s' % school) standard = request.POST.get('the_class') the_class = Class.objects.get(school=school, standard=standard) print('the_class = %s' % the_class) sec = request.POST.get('section') print('sec = %s' % sec) if sec != '': section = sec.split(',') # section = Section.objects.get(school=school, section=sec) print('section = %s' % section) all_sections = request.POST.get('all_sections') print(all_sections) sub = request.POST.get('subject') subject = Subject.objects.get(school=school, subject_name=sub) print('subject = %s' % subject) youtube_link = request.POST.get('youtube_link') print('youtube_link = %s' % youtube_link) if youtube_link == '': youtube_link = 'N/A' lesson_topic = request.POST.get('lesson_topic') print('lesson_topic = %s' % lesson_topic) try: lecture = Lecture(teacher=teacher, the_class=the_class, subject=subject, topic=lesson_topic, youtube_link=youtube_link) except Exception as e: print('exception 29032020-A from lecture %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('failed in creating lecture record') file_included = request.POST.get('file_included') print('file_included = %s' % file_included) if file_included == 'true' or file_included == 'yes': include_link = True doc_file = request.FILES['file'] print(type(doc_file)) print('doc_file = %s' % doc_file) print(doc_file) # 05/04/2020 - a lot of stupid teachers use characters like (, ), & in file name which causes issues file_name3 = request.POST.get('file_name').replace(' ', '_') file_name2 = file_name3.replace('&', '_') file_name1 = file_name2.replace('(', '_') file_name = file_name1.replace(')', '_') # long_link = '' % \ # image_name.replace('@', '') long_link = '' % \ file_name.replace('@', '') print('long_link = %s' % long_link) short_link = long_link # prepare short link global_conf = GlobalConf.objects.get(pk=1) key = global_conf.short_link_api url = '' url += 'key=%s&short=%s' % (key, long_link) print('url for generating short link = %s' % url) try: req = urllib2.Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': "Magic Browser"}) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) print('response for generating short link = %s' % response) outcome = json.loads( print('ouctome = ') print(outcome) status = outcome['url']['status'] print('status = %i' % status) if status == 7: short_link = outcome['url']['shortLink'] print('short_lint = %s' % short_link) except Exception as e: print('exception 14122019-B-A from lecture %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print( 'failed to generate short link for the lesson doc uploaded by %s' % teacher) try: print('doc_file = ') print(doc_file) lecture.pdf_link = short_link lecture.doc_file = doc_file except Exception as e: print('exception 29032020-B from lecture %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('error in saving document pdf') if all_sections == 'true' or all_sections == 'yes': print('this lecture to be shared with all sections of class %s' % the_class) students = Student.objects.filter(current_class=the_class, active_status=True) else: print('this lecture to be shared with class %s-%s' % (the_class, section)) sections = reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, [ Q(current_section=Section.objects.get(school=school, section=a_section)) for a_section in section ]) print(sections) try: students = Student.objects.filter(sections, current_class=the_class, active_status=True) print(students) except Exception as e: print('exception 07042020-A from lecture %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) for student in students: message = 'Dear %s, class %s %s %s lecture shared. Link: %s ' % \ (student, standard, sub, lesson_topic, youtube_link) if file_included == 'true' or file_included == 'yes': message += ' Assignment link: %s' % short_link print(message) p = student.parent m1 = p.parent_mobile1 sms.send_sms1(school, teacher_email, m1, message, message_type) return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=200)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): print('user id in post request = ') data = request.POST print(data) context_dict = {} try: storage = DjangoORMStorage(CredentialModel, 'id', 1, 'credential') credential = storage.get() print('credential = ') print(credential) if credential is None or credential.invalid == True: print('credential found to be invalid or None') else: print('credentials are found to be valid') client = build('youtube', 'v3', http=credential.authorize(httplib2.Http())) print('client = ') print(client) params = (request.POST['params']) print(params) data = json.loads(params) print('Video sharing process started') teacher = data['teacher'] t = Teacher.objects.get(email=teacher) print(t) print(teacher) the_class = data['the_class'] print(the_class) c = Class.objects.get(, standard=the_class) print(c) section = data['section'] print(section) s = Section.objects.get(, section=section) print(s) description = data['description'] whole_class = data['whole_class'] print('whole class = %s' % whole_class) if whole_class == 'false': student_list = data['student_list'] print(student_list) print(type(student_list)) # 29/08/2019 - when comes from Android, the student id list comes as an array. So we need to break it # into list. But from iOS, it comes as a proper list. So need not break it try: students = ast.literal_eval(student_list) print(students) except Exception as e: print( 'exception 04092019-A from pic_share %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print( 'looks the request has come from iOS, hence no need for ast.literal_eval' ) students = student_list print( 'will now save the video received in local storage temporarily' ) print(request.FILES) up_file = request.FILES['video'] folder = 'uploaded_videos' fs = FileSystemStorage(location=folder) # defaults to MEDIA_ROOT filename =, up_file) print('file successfully saved locally %s' % filename) body = dict(snippet=dict(title=description, description=description, tags=['ClassUp'], categoryId=22), status=dict(privacyStatus='private')) file_location = '%s/%s' % (folder, filename) insert_request = client.videos().insert( part=','.join(body.keys()), body=body, media_body=MediaFileUpload( file_location, #chunksize=-1, chunksize=5 * 1024 * 1024, resumable=True)) status, video_id = resumable_upload(insert_request) if status == 'success': link = '' except Exception as e: print('exception 02092019-A from pic_share %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('failed to upload to YouTube') return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=200)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # connect to AWS s3 bucket and try: session = boto3.Session( aws_access_key_id=settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, ) s3 = session.resource('s3') print('s3 session established successfully') except Exception as e: print('exception 05052020-C from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('failed estable connections to AWS S3 storage') attempts = StudentTestAttempt.objects.all() # attempts = StudentTestAttempt.objects.filter(student__fist_name='Devrat', # online_test__subject__subject_name='English') print(attempts) for an_attempt in attempts: marks_obtained = 0 student = an_attempt.student online_test = an_attempt.online_test questions = OnlineQuestion.objects.filter(test=online_test) for a_question in questions: try: student_answer = StudentQuestion.objects.get( student=student, question=a_question) option_marked = student_answer.answer_marked correct_option = a_question.correct_option if option_marked.strip() == correct_option.strip(): marks_obtained += 1 except Exception as e: print( 'exception 29042020-X from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print( 'could not retrieve student %s attempt for question' % (student)) an_attempt.submission_ok = False continue # update marks in corresponding offline test_date try: offline_test = ClassTest.objects.get( exam=online_test.exam, subject=online_test.subject, the_class=online_test.the_class, section=student.current_section) offline_result = TestResults.objects.get( student=student, class_test=offline_test) offline_result.marks_obtained = marks_obtained print( 'successfully saved offline test marks for %s in %s class %s exam %s' % (student, student.current_class, online_test.subject, online_test.exam)) except Exception as e: print('exception 30042020-B from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print( 'failed to fill offline test marks for %s in %s class %s exam %s' % (student, student.current_class, online_test.subject, online_test.exam)) try: answer_sheet = AnswerSheets.objects.get( student=student, online_test=online_test) print( 'answer sheet for %s for online test %s class %s has already been generated. Skipping' % (student, online_test.subject, online_test.the_class)) continue except Exception as e: print( 'answer sheet for %s for online test %s class %s has not been generated. Will do now' % (student, online_test.subject, online_test.the_class)) print( 'generating result for %s in online test class %s subject %s' % (student, online_test.the_class, online_test.subject)) pdf_name = 'online_test/%s_%s_answer_sheet_online_test_%s_class_%s.pdf' % \ (student.fist_name, str(, student.current_class, online_test.subject) print('pdf_name = %s' % pdf_name) response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') content_disposition = ('attachment; filename= %s' % pdf_name) print(content_disposition) response['Content-Disposition'] = content_disposition print(response) c = canvas.Canvas(pdf_name, pagesize=A4, bottomup=1) font = 'Times-Bold' c.setFont(font, 12) font = 'Times-Bold' top = 750 school = ms = Marksheet.objects.get(school=school) title_start = ms.title_start c.drawString(title_start + 80, top, school.school_name) c.setFont(font, 8) top -= 10 c.drawString(title_start + 100, top, 'Online Test Sheet') top -= 20 c.drawString(60, top, 'Name: %s' % student) c.drawString(175, top, 'Class: %s' % student.current_class) c.drawString( 260, top, 'Subject: %s (%s)' % (online_test.subject, online_test.exam)) print('number of questions in this test: %d' % questions.count()) c.drawString(400, top, 'Marks Obtained: %s / 20' % str(marks_obtained)) top -= 20 left = 100 tick_mark ='online_test/correct.png') cross ='online_test/cross.png') print('number of questions in this test: %d' % questions.count()) q_no = 1 for a_question in questions: if q_no == 9 or q_no == 17: top = 750 c.showPage() c.setFont(font, 8) c.drawString(left, top, 'Q %s - %s' % (str(q_no), a_question.question)) top -= 15 c.drawString(left, top, 'A. %s' % a_question.option_a) top -= 10 c.drawString(left, top, 'B. %s' % a_question.option_b) top -= 10 c.drawString(left, top, 'C. %s' % a_question.option_c) top -= 10 c.drawString(left, top, 'D. %s' % a_question.option_d) top -= 15 c.drawString(left, top, 'Correct Option: %s' % a_question.correct_option) try: student_answer = StudentQuestion.objects.get( student=student, question=a_question) option_marked = student_answer.answer_marked correct_option = a_question.correct_option print( 'for question %d, %s has marked %s and correct option is %s' % (q_no, student, student_answer.answer_marked, a_question.correct_option)) c.drawString( left + 100, top, 'Your Answer: %s' % student_answer.answer_marked) if option_marked.strip() == correct_option.strip(): print('%s has marked question: %d correct.' % (student, q_no)) c.drawInlineImage(tick_mark, left - 30, top + 20, width=15, height=15) c.drawString(left + 220, top, 'Marks: 1') else: print('%s has marked question: %d wrong.' % (student, q_no)) c.drawInlineImage(cross, left - 30, top + 20, width=15, height=15) c.drawString(left + 220, top, 'Marks: 0') except Exception as e: print( 'exception 29042020-A from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print( 'could not retrieve student %s attempt for question' % (student)) top -= 20 q_no += 1 context_dict = {'marks_obtained': marks_obtained} print('uploading %s online test %s class %s to AWS S3 Storage' % (student, online_test.subject, online_test.the_class)) try: s3.meta.client.upload_file(Filename=pdf_name, Bucket='classup2', Key='classup2/%s' % pdf_name) print('uploaded') except Exception as e: print('exception 05052020-B from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print( 'failed to upload answer sheet for %s to AWS S3 storage' % student) print('will now try to generate short link') long_link = '' % pdf_name print('long link: %s' % long_link) # prepare short link global_conf = GlobalConf.objects.get(pk=1) key = global_conf.short_link_api url = '' url += 'key=%s&short=%s' % (key, long_link) print('url for generating short link = %s' % url) try: req = urllib2.Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': "Magic Browser"}) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) print('response for generating short link = %s' % response) outcome = json.loads( print('ouctome = ') print(outcome) status = outcome['url']['status'] print('status = %i' % status) if status == 7: short_link = outcome['url']['shortLink'] print('short_lint = %s' % short_link) except Exception as e: print('exception 30042020-A from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print( 'failed to generate short link for the lesson doc uploaded by %s' ) short_link = long_link try: answer_sheet = AnswerSheets.objects.get( student=student, online_test=online_test) print( 'answer sheet for %s of class %s-%s in for the online test of %s exists. Now updated' % (student, student.current_class, student.current_section, online_test.subject)) = short_link except Exception as e: print('exception 05052020-A from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print( 'answer sheet for %s of class %s-%s in for the online test of %s creating for the first time.' % (student, student.current_class, student.current_section, online_test.subject)) answer_sheet = AnswerSheets(student=student, online_test=online_test) = short_link os.remove(pdf_name) # return response return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=200)
def get_exam_result(request, student_id, exam_id): exam_result = { } response_array = [] higher_classes = ['XI', 'XII'] ninth_tenth = ['IX', 'X'] middle_classes = ['V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII'] prac_subjects = ["Biology", "Physics", "Chemistry", "Accountancy", "Business Studies", "Economics", "Fine Arts", "Information Practices", "Informatics Practices", "Computer Science", "Painting", "Physical Education"] if request.method == 'GET': student = Student.objects.get(id=student_id) student_name = '%s %s' % (student.fist_name, student.last_name) print (student_name) the_class = student.current_class.standard print('%s is in class %s' % (student_name, the_class)) exam = Exam.objects.get(id=exam_id) print (exam) start_date = exam.start_date end_date = exam.end_date # get the list of tests conducted for the class/section of the student between the exam start and end dates try: test_list = ClassTest.objects.filter(date_conducted__gte=start_date, date_conducted__lte=end_date, the_class=student.current_class, section=student.current_section) print (test_list) for test in test_list: print (test) exam_result['subject'] = test.subject.subject_name print (exam_result) # 27/03/2018 - in case of third language in V-VIII, second language in IX and all subjects in XI # the student may have not opted for it. So a check has to be made try: tr = TestResults.objects.get(class_test=test, student=student) print (tr) if test.grade_based: exam_result['max_marks'] = 'Grade Based' exam_result['marks'] = tr.grade exam_result['average'] = 'N/A' exam_result['highest'] = 'N/A' else: if test.test_type == 'term': print('this is a term test') exam_result['max_marks'] = 100 main = tr.marks_obtained # if student was absent then main marks would be -1000 if float(main) < 0.0: print('%s was absent in the test of %s' % (student_name, test.subject.subject_name)) main = 0.0 print('this is a term test. PA, Notebook Sub & Sub Enrich marks/prac will be considered') ttr = TermTestResult.objects.get(test_result=tr) if the_class in higher_classes: prac = 0.0 if test.subject.subject_name in prac_subjects: prac = ttr.prac_marks total = float(main) + float(prac) exam_result['marks'] = total else: pa = ttr.periodic_test_marks notebook = ttr.note_book_marks sub_enrich = ttr.sub_enrich_marks multi_asses = ttr.multi_asses_marks total = float(main) + float(pa) + float(notebook) + float(sub_enrich) + float( multi_asses) exam_result['marks'] = round(total, 2) else: print('this is a unit test') exam_result['max_marks'] = test.max_marks marks_obtained = tr.marks_obtained print (marks_obtained) if marks_obtained == -5000.00: marks_obtained = ' ' exam_result['marks'] = marks_obtained highest = TestResults.objects.filter(class_test=test).aggregate(Max('marks_obtained')) exam_result['highest'] = highest['marks_obtained__max'] total = TestResults.objects.filter(class_test=test, marks_obtained__gt=0).aggregate(Sum('marks_obtained')) appeared = TestResults.objects.filter(class_test=test, marks_obtained__gt=0).count() exam_result['appeared'] = appeared exam_result['average'] = '%.2f' % float(total['marks_obtained__sum']/appeared) d = dict(exam_result) response_array.append(d) except Exception as e: print('exception 27032018-A from parents %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('subject %s is not opted by %s' % (test.subject.subject_name, student_name)) return JSONResponse(response_array, status=200) except Exception as e: print (exam_result) print ('Exception 13 from parents = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) print ('unable to retrieve ' + exam.title + ' results for ' + student.fist_name + ' ' + student.last_name) return JSONResponse(response_array, status=201)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): print('resuest = ') print(request.FILES) context_dict = {} school_id = self.kwargs['school_id'] school = School.objects.get(pk=school_id) print('school = %s' % school) try: print( 'now starting to process the uploaded file for fee upload...') fileToProcess_handle = request.FILES['online_test.xlsx'] print(fileToProcess_handle) fileToProcess = xlrd.open_workbook( filename=None,, encoding_override="cp1252") sheet = fileToProcess.sheet_by_index(0) if sheet: print('Successfully got hold of sheet!') row = 0 for row1 in range(sheet.nrows): if row == 142: break print('at the top of the loop, row = %i' % row) col = 1 if row == 1: print('A - row = %i' % row) row += 1 continue if row == 0: print('B - row = %i' % row) standard = sheet.cell(row, col).value print('standard = %s' % standard) the_class = Class.objects.get(school=school, standard=standard) col += 2 sub_name = sheet.cell(row, col).value subject = Subject.objects.get(school=school, subject_name=sub_name) col += 4 teacher_id = sheet.cell(row, col).value print('teacher_id = %s' % teacher_id) teacher = Teacher.objects.get(email=teacher_id) col += 1 date = sheet.cell(row, col).value try: test_date = dt.datetime(*xlrd.xldate_as_tuple( date, fileToProcess.datemode)) print('test date is in acceptable format') print(test_date) except Exception as e: print('problem with date') print( 'exception 18042020-H from online_test %s %s ' % (e.message, type(e))) continue col += 1 exam_title = sheet.cell(row, col).value print('exam_title = %s' % exam_title) try: exam = Exam.objects.get(school=school, title=exam_title) print('exam fetched %s' % exam) except Exception as e: print( 'exception 01052020-A from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) # create online test try: test = OnlineTest.objects.get(school=school, the_class=the_class, subject=subject, exam=exam) print( 'online test for class %s subject %s exam %s has already been created' % (the_class, subject, exam)) return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=200) except Exception as e: print( 'exception 28042020-A from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print( 'online test for class %s subject %s exam %s has not been created' % (the_class, subject, exam)) online_test = OnlineTest(school=school, the_class=the_class, subject=subject, teacher=teacher, date=test_date, exam=exam) row += 1 if row > 1: print('C - row = %i' % row) col = 1 try: question = sheet.cell(row, col).value row += 1 option_a = sheet.cell(row, col).value row += 1 option_b = sheet.cell(row, col).value row += 1 option_c = sheet.cell(row, col).value row += 1 option_d = sheet.cell(row, col).value row += 1 correct_option = sheet.cell(row, col).value except Exception as e: print( 'exception 01052020-X from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) online_question = OnlineQuestion( test=online_test, question=question, option_a=option_a, option_b=option_b, option_c=option_c, option_d=option_d, correct_option=correct_option) row += 2 print('D - row = %i' % row) except Exception as e: print('exception 17042020-A from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('failed to create online test') # now create a manual test wings = get_wings(school) ninth_tenth = wings['ninth_tenth'] higher_classes = wings['higher_classes'] sections = Section.objects.filter(school=school) for section in sections: students = Student.objects.filter(current_class=the_class, current_section=section, active_status=True) if students.count() > 0: # check if this test has already been created by some other teacher q = ClassTest.objects.filter(exam=exam, the_class=the_class, section=section, subject=subject) if q.count() > 0: teacher = q[:1].get().teacher name = '%s %s' % (teacher.first_name, teacher.last_name) outcome = ( 'test for %s %s %s-%s already created by %s. Hence not creating' % (exam, subject, the_class, section, name)) print(outcome) continue print('test for %s %s %s-%s does not exist. Hence creating' % (exam, subject, the_class, section)) try: print(test_date) print(teacher) test = ClassTest(date_conducted=test_date, exam=exam, the_class=the_class, section=section, subject=subject, teacher=teacher, grade_based=False) test.max_marks = float( 20.00 ) # max_marks and pass_marks are passed as strings test.passing_marks = float(8.00) print( 'successfully scheduled test for %s class %s-%s for %s' % (subject, the_class, section, exam)) except Exception as e: print( 'exception 28042020-B from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) outcome = 'failed to create test for %s class %s-%s for %s' % ( subject, the_class, section, exam) print(outcome) continue for student in students: # for higher classes (XI & XII) we need to look into the student subject mapping if the_class.standard in higher_classes: print( 'test is for higher class %s. Hence, mapping will be considered' % the_class) try: mapping = HigherClassMapping.objects.get( student=student, subject=subject) if mapping: test_result = TestResults( class_test=test, roll_no=student.roll_number, student=student, marks_obtained=-5000.00, grade='') print( 'test results successfully created for %s' % (student)) except Exception as e: print( 'mapping does not exist between subject %s and %s' % (subject, student)) print( 'exception 28042020-C from exam online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) else: # 06/11/2017 if the subject is third language or elective subject (class XI & XII), # we need to filter students if (subject.subject_type == 'Third Language') or \ ((the_class in ninth_tenth) and (subject.subject_name == 'Hindi')): print( 'this is a second/third language. Hence test results will be created for selected students' ) try: third_lang = ThirdLang.objects.get( third_lang=subject, student=student) print( '%s has chosen %s as second/third language' % (student.fist_name, subject)) test_result = TestResults( class_test=test, roll_no=student.roll_number, student=third_lang.student, marks_obtained=-5000.00, grade='') try: print( 'test results successfully created for %s' % student) except Exception as e: print( 'failed to create test results for %s' % student) print( 'Exception 28042020-D from online_test = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) context_dict[ 'outcome'] = 'Failed to create test' return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=201) except Exception as e: print( 'Exception 20112019-E from exam %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print( '%s has not chosen %s as third language' % (student, subject)) else: print( 'this is a regular subject. Hence test results will be created for all students' ) test_result = TestResults( class_test=test, roll_no=student.roll_number, student=student, marks_obtained=-5000.00, grade='') try: print( 'test results successfully created for %s' % student) except Exception as e: print('failed to create test results for %s' % student) print( 'Exception 28042020-F from online_test %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) context_dict[ 'outcome'] = 'Failed to create test' return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=201) return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=200)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): context_dict = {} context_dict['header'] = 'Share Image' try: data = json.loads(request.body) print('Image sharing process started') teacher = data['teacher'] t = Teacher.objects.get(email=teacher) print(t) print(teacher) the_class = data['class'] print(the_class) c = Class.objects.get(, standard=the_class) print(c) section = data['section'] print(section) s = Section.objects.get(, section=section) print(s) whole_class = data['whole_class'] print('whole class = %s' % whole_class) if whole_class == 'false': student_list = data['student_list'] print(student_list) print(type(student_list)) # 29/08/2019 - when comes from Android, the student id list comes as an array. So we need to break it # into list. But from iOS, it comes as a proper list. So need not break it try: students = ast.literal_eval(student_list) print(students) except Exception as e: print( 'exception 29082019-A from pic_share %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print( 'looks the request has come from iOS, hence no need for ast.literal_eval' ) students = student_list image_name = data['image_name'] print(image_name) image = data['image'] image_file = ContentFile(base64.b64decode(image), name=image_name.replace('@', '')) description = data['description'] print(description) # save the image image_video = ImageVideo() image_video.location = image_file image_video.descrition = description image_video.teacher = t image_video.the_class = c image_video.section = s # long_link = '' % \ # image_name.replace('@', '') long_link = '' % \ image_name.replace('@', '') print('long_link = %s' % long_link) short_link = long_link # prepare short link global_conf = GlobalConf.objects.get(pk=1) key = global_conf.short_link_api url = '' url += 'key=%s&short=%s' % (key, long_link) print('url for generating short link = %s' % url) try: req = urllib2.Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': "Magic Browser"}) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) print('response for generating short link = %s' % response) outcome = json.loads( print('ouctome = ') print(outcome) status = outcome['url']['status'] print('status = %i' % status) if status == 7: short_link = outcome['url']['shortLink'] print('short_lint = %s' % short_link) image_video.short_link = short_link except Exception as e: print('exception 15082019-A from pic_share %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print( 'failed to generate short link for the image/video uploaded by %s' % t) image_video.short_link = 'not available' try: print('saved the image uploaded by %s' % t) # now update with the SharedWith table if whole_class == 'true': print('this image/video is shared with whole class %s-%s' % (the_class, section)) students = Student.objects.filter(current_class=c, current_section=s) for student in students: try: shared = ShareWithStudents(image_video=image_video, student=student, the_class=c, section=s) print( 'saved the SharedWithStudent for %s of %s-%s' % (student, the_class, section)) parent = student.parent.parent_name message = 'Dear %s new pic uploaded. %s. Click %s' % ( parent, description, short_link) print(message) sms.send_sms1(, teacher, student.parent.parent_mobile1, message, 'Share Pic') except Exception as e: print( 'exception 01082019-A from pic_share %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('failed to save SharedWithStudent object') else: for an_item in students: try: student = Student.objects.get(pk=an_item) shared = ShareWithStudents(image_video=image_video, student=student, the_class=c, section=s) print( 'saved the SharedWithStudent for %s of %s-%s. Now sending sms' % (student, c, s)) parent = student.parent.parent_name message = 'Dear %s new pic uploaded. %s. Click %s' % ( parent, description, short_link) print(message) sms.send_sms1(, teacher, student.parent.parent_mobile1, message, 'Share Pic') except Exception as e: print( 'exception 02082019-A from pic_share %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) print('failed to save SharedWithStudent object') context_dict['status'] = 'success' context_dict['message'] = 'Media upload successful' print(image_video.location) try: action = 'uploading image for %s-%s teacher %s' % ( the_class, section, t) print(action) log_entry(teacher, action, 'Normal', True) except Exception as e: print('unable to crete logbook entry') print( 'Exception 31072019-A from pic_share %s %s' % (e.message, type(e))) return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=200) except Exception as e: print( 'Exception 31072019-B from pic_share = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) print( 'error while trying to save the image/video uploaded by %s' % t) context_dict['status'] = 'failed' context_dict[ 'message'] = 'error while trying to save the image/video uploaded' return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=201) except Exception as e: print('failed to save image/video') print('Exception 02082019-B from pic_share = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) context_dict['status'] = 'failed' context_dict[ 'message'] = 'error while trying to save the image/video uploaded' return JSONResponse(context_dict, status=201)
def process_attendance1(request, school_id, the_class, section, subject, d, m, y, teacher): response_data = {} message_type = 'Attendance' if request.method == 'POST': log_entry(teacher, "Attendance Processing Started", "Normal", True) school = School.objects.get(id=school_id) # all of the above except date are foreign key in Attendance model. Hence we need to get the actual object c = Class.objects.get(school=school, standard=the_class) s = Section.objects.get(school=school, section=section) sub = Subject.objects.get(school=school, subject_name=subject) the_date = date(int(y), int(m), int(d)) t = Teacher.objects.get(email=teacher) teacher_name = '%s %s' % (t.first_name, t.last_name) today = time_delta = today - the_date print( 'this attendance taken by %s for class %s-%s for subject %s is %i days old' % (teacher_name, the_class, section, subject, time_delta.days)) data = json.loads(request.body) print(data) absent = 0 for key in data: student_id = data[key] student = Student.objects.get(id=student_id) student_name = '%s %s' % (student.fist_name, student.last_name) absent += 1 # check to see if absence for this student for this date, class, section and subject has already # been marked try: q = Attendance.objects.filter(date=the_date, the_class=c, section=s, subject=sub, student=student) # make an entry to database only it is a fresh entry #if q.count() == 0: if not Attendance.objects.filter(date=the_date, the_class=c, section=s, subject=sub, student=student).exists(): action = 'Absence marked for %s %s' % (student.fist_name, student.last_name) print(action) attendance = Attendance(date=the_date) attendance.the_class = c attendance.section = s attendance.subject = sub attendance.student = student attendance.taken_by = t log_entry(teacher, action, "Normal", True) action = 'Starting to send sms to parents of ' + student.fist_name + ' ' + student.last_name log_entry(teacher, action, "Normal", True) # send sms to the parents of absent students m1 = '' m2 = '' try: p = student.parent m1 = p.parent_mobile1 m2 = p.parent_mobile2 except Exception as e: print('Exception occured during processing of: ') print(student) print('Exception3 from attendance = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) log_entry( teacher, "Attendance Processing Error. Exception 3 from attendance", "Normal", True) print("mobile1=" + m1) print("mobile2=" + m2) message = '' configuration = Configurations.objects.get(school=school) school_name = school.school_name school_short_name = configuration.school_short_name # 14/04/2018 - for collage students, SMS will be sent to students institute_type = configuration.type try: parent_name = student.parent.parent_name # prepare the message action = 'Absence SMS Drafting for ' + parent_name + ' started' log_entry(teacher, action, "Normal", True) # 17/02/17 we are looking to use student first name in messages. # However, some schools store entire name as first name. T # his need to be checke and split first name if entire name is stored as first name the_name = student.fist_name if ' ' in student.fist_name: (f_name, l_name) = the_name.split(' ') else: f_name = the_name if institute_type == 'Collage': message = 'Dear %s, you' % the_name else: message = 'Dear ' + parent_name + ', your ward ' + f_name if institute_type == 'Collage': if time_delta.days == 0: message += ' are' else: message += ' were' else: if time_delta.days == 0: message += ' is' else: message += ' was' # if subject is main then we need to tell that student was absent if subject == 'Main' or subject == 'main' or subject == 'MAIN': message += ' absent on ' + str(d) + '/' + str( m) + '/' + str(y) else: message += ' absent on ' + str(d) + '/' + str(m) + '/' + str(y) + \ ' in the attendance of ' + subject # 04/05/2017 - coaching classes does not require application for absence if configuration.type != 'school': message += '. Regards %s ' % school_short_name else: message += '. Please send an application (Ignore if already done). Regards, ' + school_short_name except Exception as e: print('Exception4 from attendance = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) action = 'Error in drafting SMS for ' + parent_name + '. Exception 4 from attendance' log_entry(teacher, action, "Normal", True) print(message) # 10/02/2018 - absence SMS will not be sent if attendance is for a date older than 7 days if time_delta.days < 7: print( 'this attendance is recent. Hence SMS will be sent' ) # for coaching classes and colleges we need to send sms for any kind of absence if configuration.send_period_bunk_sms: sms.send_sms1(school, teacher, m1, message, message_type) action = 'Absence SMS sent to ' + parent_name log_entry(teacher, action, "Normal", True) if m2 != '': if configuration.send_absence_sms_both_to_parent: sms.send_sms1(school, teacher, m2, message, message_type) log_entry(teacher, action, "Normal", True) else: # for schools # if this subject is NOT the main subject, then we will # send sms only if the student was present # in main attendance (means the student has BUNKED this class :) if subject != 'Main' and subject != 'main' and subject != 'MAIN': try: main = Subject.objects.get( school=school, subject_name='Main') q = Attendance.objects.filter( date=the_date, the_class=c, section=s, subject=main, student=student) if q.count() == 0: print( student.fist_name + ' ' + student.last_name + ' was not absent in Main attendance. ' 'Looks he has bunked this class...' ) action = student.fist_name + ' ' + student.last_name action += ' found to be bunking the Class!!!' log_entry(teacher, action, "Normal", True) if configuration.send_period_bunk_sms: sms.send_sms1( school, teacher, m1, message, message_type) action = 'Absence SMS sent to ' + student.parent.parent_name log_entry(teacher, action, "Normal", True) if m2 != '': if configuration.send_absence_sms_both_to_parent: sms.send_sms1( school, teacher, m2, message, message_type) action = 'Absence SMS sent to Mrs. ' + student.parent.parent_name log_entry( teacher, action, "Normal", True) except Exception as e: action = 'Unable to send SMS to ' + student.parent.parent_name log_entry(teacher, action, "Normal", True) print('unable to send sms for ' + f_name) print( 'Exception5 from attendance = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) else: if configuration.send_absence_sms: sms.send_sms1(school, teacher, m1, message, message_type) action = 'Absence SMS sent to ' + student.parent.parent_name log_entry(teacher, action, "Normal", True) if m2 != '': if configuration.send_absence_sms_both_to_parent: sms.send_sms1( school, teacher, m2, message, message_type) action = 'Absence SMS sent to Mrs. ' + student.parent.parent_name log_entry(teacher, action, "Normal", True) else: print( 'this attendance is more than 7 days old. Hence not sending SMS' ) else: print( 'absence for %s for %s in %s has already been marked.' % (student_name, the_date, subject)) except Exception as e: print('Exception6 from attendance = %s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))) log_entry( teacher, "Absence was already marked. Exception 6 from attendance", "Normal", True) # 16/07/2019 we are implementing table to store daily attendance summaries. # So that download attendance summary is fast print('now storing the attendance summary for %s-%s of %s date %s' % (the_class, section, school, the_date)) try: total = Student.objects.filter(current_class=c, current_section=s, active_status=True).count() print('total students in %s-%s of %s = %i' % (the_class, section, school, total)) present = total - absent percentage = int(round((float(present) / float(total)) * 100, 0)) print(percentage) print('students present on %s = %i' % (the_date, percentage)) try: summary = DailyAttendanceSummary.objects.get(date=the_date, the_class=c, section=s, subject=sub) = total summary.present = present summary.absent = absent summary.percentage = percentage print( 'attendance summary for class %s-%s of %s date %s is updated' % (the_class, section, school, the_date)) except Exception as ex: print('exception 16072019-X from attendance %s %s' % (ex.message, type(ex))) summary = DailyAttendanceSummary(date=the_date, the_class=c, section=s, subject=sub) = total summary.present = present summary.absent = absent summary.percentage = percentage print( 'attendance summary for class %s-%s of %s date %s is stored' % (the_class, section, school, the_date)) except Exception as ex: print('exception 16072019-B from attendance %s (%s)' % (ex.message, type(ex))) print('failed in storing the attendance summary for %s-%s of %s' % (the_class, section, school)) response_data['status'] = 'success' log_entry(teacher, "Attendance Processing Complete", "Normal", True) return JSONResponse(response_data, status=200)