    def _loss_fn(self, matrix, rels_reversed):
        """Given a numpy array with vectors for u, v and negative samples, computes loss value.

        matrix : numpy.array
            Array containing vectors for u, v and negative samples, of shape (2 + negative_size, dim).
        rels_reversed : bool

            Computed loss value.

        Only used for autograd gradients, since autograd requires a specific function signature.
        vector_u = matrix[0]
        vectors_v = matrix[1:]
        if not rels_reversed:
            entailment_penalty = grad_np.maximum(0, vector_u - vectors_v) # (1 + negative_size, dim).
            entailment_penalty = grad_np.maximum(0, - vector_u + vectors_v) # (1 + negative_size, dim).

        energy_vec = grad_np.linalg.norm(entailment_penalty, axis=1) ** 2
        positive_term = energy_vec[0]
        negative_terms = energy_vec[1:]
        return positive_term + grad_np.maximum(0, self.margin - negative_terms).sum()
 def get_default_theta(self):
     if self.k:  # kernel2 MF
         # sn2 + (output_scale + lengthscale) + (output_scale + lengthscales) * 2
         theta = np.random.randn(3 + 2 * self.dim)
         theta[2] = np.maximum(
             np.log(0.5 * (self.train_x[self.dim - 1].max() -
                           self.train_x[self.dim - 1].min())))
         for i in range(self.dim - 1):
             tmp = np.maximum(
                 np.log(0.5 *
                        (self.train_x[i].max() - self.train_x[i].min())))
             theta[4 + i] = tmp
             theta[4 + self.dim + i] = tmp
     else:  # kernel1 RBF
         # sn2 + output_scale + lengthscales
         theta = np.random.randn(2 + self.dim)
         for i in range(self.dim):
             theta[2 + i] = np.maximum(
                 np.log(0.5 *
                        (self.train_x[i].max() - self.train_x[i].min())))
     theta[0] = np.log(np.std(self.train_y) + 0.000001)  # sn2
     return theta
    def forward(self, X, WEIGHTS, BIASES):
        # Forward passs through the network... input = activation(previous_layer_output)*Weights + Biases
        self.X = X
        inp_next = X
        for i in range(self.N):
            output = anp.dot(anp.array(inp_next), WEIGHTS[i]) + anp.array(
                [BIASES[i]] * inp_next.shape[0])
            activation = self.a_hidden_layers[i]
            if (activation == "relu"):
                output = anp.maximum(output, 0.0)
            elif (activation == "sigmoid"):
                output = (1.0) / (1 + e**(-anp.array(output)))
            inp_next = output

        output = anp.dot(anp.array(inp_next), WEIGHTS[-1]) + anp.array(
            [BIASES[-1]] * inp_next.shape[0])

        if (self.fit_type == "classification"
            ):  # LAst layer is softmax if classifiaction
            output = self.softmax(output)
            output = anp.maximum(output, 0.0)

        return output
def equations_in_RealPigments(
):  ## r is substrate reflectance, h is layer thicness, all of parameters can either be array or scalar values

    K = np.maximum(K, eps)
    S = np.maximum(S, eps)

    a = 1 + K / S
    # b=sqrt(a**2-1.0)
    b = (a**2 - 1.0)**(1 / 2.0)

    if model == 'normal':
        d = mycoth(b * S * h)
        numerator = 1 - r * (a - b * d)
        denumerator = a - r + b * d
        R = numerator / denumerator
    elif model == 'infinite':
        R = a - b
        print 'wrong option!'
    return R
def logphi(x):
    if x**2 < 0.0492:
        lp0 = -x / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
        c = np.array([
            0.00048204, -0.00142906, 0.0013200243174, 0.0009461589032,
            -0.0045563339802, 0.00556964649138, 0.00125993961762116,
            -0.01621575378835404, 0.02629651521057465, -0.001829764677455021,
            2 * (1 - np.pi / 3), (4 - np.pi) / 3, 1, 1
        f = 0
        for i in range(14):
            f = lp0 * (c[i] + f)
        return -2 * f - np.log(2)
    elif x < -11.3137:
        r = np.array([
            1.2753666447299659525, 5.019049726784267463450,
            6.1602098531096305441, 7.409740605964741794425,
        q = np.array([
            2.260528520767326969592, 9.3960340162350541504,
            12.048951927855129036034, 17.081440747466004316,
            9.608965327192787870698, 3.3690752069827527677
        num = 0.5641895835477550741
        for i in range(5):
            num = -x * num / np.sqrt(2) + r[i]
        den = 1.0
        for i in range(6):
            den = -x * den / np.sqrt(2) + q[i]
        return np.log(0.5 * np.maximum(0.000001, num / den)) - 0.5 * (x**2)
        return np.log(0.5 * np.maximum(0.000001, (1.0 - erf(-x / np.sqrt(2)))))
    def __init__(self, layer_sizes, **kwargs):
        # set default values for layer sizes, activation, and scale
        activation = 'relu'

        # decide on these parameters via user input
        if 'activation' in kwargs:
            activation = kwargs['activation']

        # switches
        if activation == 'linear':
            self.activation = lambda data: data
        elif activation == 'tanh':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.tanh(data)
        elif activation == 'relu':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.maximum(0, data)
        elif activation == 'sinc':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.sinc(data)
        elif activation == 'sin':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.sin(data)
        elif activation == 'maxout':
            self.activation = lambda data1, data2: np.maximum(data1, data2)

        # select layer sizes and scale
        self.layer_sizes = layer_sizes
        self.scale = 0.1
        if 'scale' in kwargs:
            self.scale = kwargs['scale']

        # assign initializer / feature transforms function
        if activation == 'linear' or activation == 'tanh' or activation == 'relu' or activation == 'sinc' or activation == 'sin':
            self.initializer = self.standard_initializer
            self.feature_transforms = self.standard_feature_transforms
        elif activation == 'maxout':
            self.initializer = self.maxout_initializer
            self.feature_transforms = self.maxout_feature_transforms
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        if 'layer_sizes' in kwargs:
            self.layer_sizes = kwargs['layer_sizes']  # Set layer sizes
        else:  # Else create default setup
            N = 1  # Input dimensions
            M = 1  # Output dimensions
            U = 10  # 10-unit hidden layer
            self.layer_sizes = [
                N, U, M
            ]  # Build layer sizes to generate weight matrix

        if 'scale' in kwargs:
            self.scale = kwargs['scale']  # Set scale
            self.scale = 0.1

        a = 'relu'  # Set default activation to ReLU
        if 'activation' in kwargs:
            a = kwargs['activation']  # Manually set activation if present
            self.activation_name = a

            if a == 'relu':
                self.activation = lambda data: np.maximum(0, data)
            elif a == 'tanh':
                self.activation = lambda data: np.tanh(data)
            elif a == 'maxout':
                self.activation = lambda data1, data2: np.maximum(data1, data2)
                self.weight_matrix = self.maxout_init_weights
                self.transforms = self.maxout_feature_transforms
            else:  # Manual activation
                self.activation = kwargs['activation']

        if a in ['relu', 'tanh']:
            self.weight_matrix = self.init_weights
            self.transforms = self.feature_transforms
def forward_pass(W1, W2, W3, b1, b2, b3, x):
    forward-pass for an fully connected neural network with 2 hidden layers of M neurons
        W1 : (M, 784) weights of first (hidden) layer
        W2 : (M, M) weights of second (hidden) layer
        W3 : (10, M) weights of third (output) layer
        b1 : (M, 1) biases of first (hidden) layer
        b2 : (M, 1) biases of second (hidden) layer
        b3 : (10, 1) biases of third (output) layer
        x : (N, 784) training inputs
        Fhat : (N, 10) output of the neural network at training inputs
    H1 = np.maximum(0, np.dot(x, W1.T) + b1.T) # layer 1 neurons with ReLU activation, shape (N, M)
    H2 = np.maximum(0, np.dot(H1, W2.T) + b2.T) # layer 2 neurons with ReLU activation, shape (N, M)
    Fhat = np.dot(H2, W3.T) + b3.T # layer 3 (output) neurons with linear activation, shape (N, 10)
    a = np.max(Fhat, axis=1)
    # expand the value of a into a matrix to compute log-exp trick easy
    A = -1*np.ones(np.shape(Fhat))*a[:, np.newaxis]

    log_sum = np.log(np.sum(np.exp(np.add(Fhat, A)), axis=1))
    # turn sums into a matrix as well
    Log_Sum = -1*np.ones(np.shape(Fhat))*log_sum[:, np.newaxis]

    # log-exp trick on each element of Fhat
    Fhat = np.add(np.add(Fhat, A), Log_Sum)
    return Fhat
    def rand_x(self, n=1):
        tmp = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (n))
        idx = (tmp < 0.4)
        x = np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, (self.dim, n))
        x[:, idx] = (0.05 * np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5,
                                              (self.dim, idx.sum())).T +
        x[:, idx] = np.maximum(-0.5, np.minimum(0.5, x[:, idx]))

        idx = (tmp < 0.5) * (tmp > 0.4)
        x[:, idx] = (0.05 * np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5,
                                              (self.dim, idx.sum())).T +
        x[:, idx] = np.maximum(-0.5, np.minimum(0.5, x[:, idx]))

        idx = (tmp > 0.5) * (tmp < 0.6)
        num = idx.sum()
        num_seed = np.minimum(self.dataset['high_y'].shape[1], 5)
        idx = np.argsort(idx)[-num:]
        idx1 = np.random.randint(0, self.dim, num)
        idx2 = np.random.randint(0, num_seed, num)
        idx3 = np.random.randint(0, num_seed, num)
        for i in range(num):
            while idx2[i] == idx3[i]:
                idx3[i] = random.randint(0, num_seed)
            x[:idx1[i], i] = self.dataset['high_x'][:idx1[i], -idx2[i]]
            x[idx1[i]:, i] = self.dataset['high_x'][idx1[i]:, -idx3[i]]
        return x
 def rand_theta(self, scale):
     if self.k:  # kernel2
         # sn2 + (output_scale + lengthscale) + (output_scale + lengthscales) * 2
         # 1 + 2 + (1 + self.dim - 1)*2 = 3 + 2*self.dim
         theta = scale * np.random.randn(3 + 2 * self.dim)
         theta[2] = np.maximum(
             np.log(0.5 * (self.train_x[self.dim - 1].max() -
                           self.train_x[self.dim - 1].min())))
         for i in range(self.dim - 1):
             tmp = np.maximum(
                 np.log(0.5 *
                        (self.train_x[i].max() - self.train_x[i].min())))
             theta[4 + i] = tmp
             theta[4 + self.dim + i] = tmp
     else:  # kernel1 RBF
         # sn2 + output_scale + lengthscales, 1 + 1 + self.dim
         theta = scale * np.random.randn(2 + self.dim)
         for i in range(self.dim):
             theta[2 + i] = np.maximum(
                 np.log(0.5 *
                        (self.train_x[i].max() - self.train_x[i].min())))
     theta[0] = np.log(np.std(self.train_y))  # sn2
     # theta[1] = np.log(np.std(self.train_y))
     return theta
def forward_pass(W1, W2, W3, b1, b2, b3, x):
    forward-pass for an fully connected neural network with 2 hidden layers of M neurons
        W1 : (M, 784) weights of first (hidden) layer
        W2 : (M, M) weights of second (hidden) layer
        W3 : (10, M) weights of third (output) layer
        b1 : (M, 1) biases of first (hidden) layer
        b2 : (M, 1) biases of second (hidden) layer
        b3 : (10, 1) biases of third (output) layer
        x : (N, 784) training inputs
        Fhat : (N, 10) output of the neural network at training inputs
    H1 = np.maximum(0,
                    np.dot(x, W1.T) +
                    b1.T)  # layer 1 neurons with ReLU activation, shape (N, M)
    H2 = np.maximum(0,
                    np.dot(H1, W2.T) +
                    b2.T)  # layer 2 neurons with ReLU activation, shape (N, M)
    Fhat = np.dot(
        H2, W3.T
    ) + b3.T  # layer 3 (output) neurons with linear activation, shape (N, 10)
    # #######
    # Note that the activation function at the output layer is linear!
    # You must impliment a stable log-softmax activation function at the ouput layer
    # #######
    return Fhat
 def rand_theta(self, scale):
     theta = scale * np.random.randn(self.num_param)
     theta[0] = 1.0
     theta[1] = np.log(np.std(self.low_y))
     theta[2] = np.log(np.std(self.high_y))
     for i in range(self.dim):
         theta[4+i] = np.maximum(-100, np.log(0.5*(self.low_x[i].max() - self.low_x[i].min())))
         theta[5+self.dim+i] = np.maximum(-100, np.log(0.5*(self.high_x[i].max() - self.high_x[i].min())))
     return theta
def odeInt(f, x0, y0, xT):
    # 1993 Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I, page 169
    # initial step size
    f0 = f(x0, y0)
    d0 = rmsNorm(y0)
    d1 = rmsNorm(f0)
    if d0 < 1e-5 or d1 < 1e-5:
        h0 = 1e-6
        h0 = 1e-2 * d0 / d1
    y1 = y0 + f0 * h0
    f1 = f(x0 + h0, y1)
    d2 = rmsNorm(f1 - f0) / h0
    maxD = np.maximum(d1, d2)
    if maxD <= 1e-15:
        h1 = np.maximum(1e-6, h0 * 1e-3)
        h1 = np.power(1e-2 / maxD, 1 / (P + 1))
    step = np.minimum(1e2 * h0, h1)
    # integrate
    x = x0
    y = y0
    k1 = f0
    while x < xT:
        rejected = False
        accepted = False
        while not accepted:
            ks, y1, y1h = odeIntStep(step, f, x, y, k1)
            xNew = x + step
            scale = ABS_TOL + np.maximum(np.abs(y1), np.abs(y1h)) * REL_TOL
            errNorm = rmsNorm((y1 - y1h) / scale)
            if errNorm < 1:
                accepted = True
                if errNorm == 0:
                    updateFactor = MAX_UPDATE_FACTOR
                    updateFactor = np.minimum(
                        SAFETY_FACTOR * np.power(errNorm, ERROR_EXP))
                if rejected:
                    updateFactor = np.minimum(1, updateFactor)
                step *= updateFactor
                rejected = True
                updateFactor = np.maximum(
                    SAFETY_FACTOR * np.power(errNorm, ERROR_EXP))
                step *= updateFactor
        # interpolate
        # update
        x = xNew
        y = y1
        k1 = ks[6]
    step = xT - x
    ks, y1, y1h = odeIntStep(step, f, x, y, k1)
    return y1
def test_minmax():
  grad_test(lambda x: ti.min(x, 0), lambda x: np.minimum(x, 0))
  grad_test(lambda x: ti.min(x, 1), lambda x: np.minimum(x, 1))
  grad_test(lambda x: ti.min(0, x), lambda x: np.minimum(0, x))
  grad_test(lambda x: ti.min(1, x), lambda x: np.minimum(1, x))

  grad_test(lambda x: ti.max(x, 0), lambda x: np.maximum(x, 0))
  grad_test(lambda x: ti.max(x, 1), lambda x: np.maximum(x, 1))
  grad_test(lambda x: ti.max(0, x), lambda x: np.maximum(0, x))
  grad_test(lambda x: ti.max(1, x), lambda x: np.maximum(1, x))
 def compute_xnew(inputs, lambda_):
     x, dc, dv = unpack(inputs)
     # avoid dividing by zero outside the design region
     dv = np.where(np.ravel(args['mask']) > 0, dv, 1)
     # square root is not defined for negative numbers, which can happen due to
     # small numerical errors in the computed gradients.
     xnew = x * np.maximum(-dc / (lambda_ * dv), 0) ** eta
     lower = np.maximum(0.0, x - max_move)
     upper = np.minimum(1.0, x + max_move)
     # note: autograd does not define gradients for np.clip
     return np.minimum(np.maximum(xnew, lower), upper)
    def invert(self, data, input=None, mask=None, tag=None):
        yhat = smooth(data,20)
        xhat = self.link(np.clip(yhat, 0.01, np.inf))
        xhat = self._invert(xhat, input=input, mask=mask, tag=tag)
        for t in range(xhat.shape[0]):
            if np.all(xhat[np.max([0,t-2]):t+3]>0.99) and t>2:
                xhat[np.minimum(0,t-2):] = 1.01*np.ones(np.shape(xhat[np.minimum(0,t-2):]))
                xhat[:np.maximum(0,t-2)] = np.clip(xhat[:np.maximum(0,t-2)], -0.5,0.95)

        if np.abs(xhat[0])>1.0:
                xhat[0] = 0.5 + 0.01*npr.randn(1,np.shape(xhat)[1])
        return xhat
    def _loss_fn(self, matrix, rels_reversed):
        """Given a numpy array with vectors for u, v and negative samples, computes loss value.

        matrix : numpy.array
            Array containing vectors for u, v and negative samples, of shape (2 + negative_size, dim).
        rels_reversed : bool

            Computed loss value.

        Only used for autograd gradients, since autograd requires a specific function signature.
        vector_u = matrix[0]
        vectors_v = matrix[1:]

        norm_u = grad_np.linalg.norm(vector_u)
        norms_v = grad_np.linalg.norm(vectors_v, axis=1)
        euclidean_dists = grad_np.linalg.norm(vector_u - vectors_v, axis=1)
        dot_prod = (vector_u * vectors_v).sum(axis=1)

        if not rels_reversed:
            # u is x , v is y
            cos_angle_child = (dot_prod * (1 + norm_u ** 2) - norm_u ** 2 * (1 + norms_v ** 2)) /\
                              (norm_u * euclidean_dists * grad_np.sqrt(1 + norms_v ** 2 * norm_u ** 2 - 2 * dot_prod))
            angles_psi_parent = grad_np.arcsin(self.K * (1 - norm_u**2) /
                                               norm_u)  # scalar
            # v is x , u is y
            cos_angle_child = (dot_prod * (1 + norms_v ** 2) - norms_v **2 * (1 + norm_u ** 2) ) /\
                              (norms_v * euclidean_dists * grad_np.sqrt(1 + norms_v**2 * norm_u**2 - 2 * dot_prod))
            angles_psi_parent = grad_np.arcsin(self.K * (1 - norms_v**2) /
                                               norms_v)  # 1 + neg_size

        # To avoid numerical errors
        clipped_cos_angle_child = grad_np.maximum(cos_angle_child, -1 + EPS)
        clipped_cos_angle_child = grad_np.minimum(clipped_cos_angle_child,
                                                  1 - EPS)
        angles_child = grad_np.arccos(clipped_cos_angle_child)  # 1 + neg_size

        energy_vec = grad_np.maximum(0, angles_child - angles_psi_parent)
        positive_term = energy_vec[0]
        negative_terms = energy_vec[1:]
        return positive_term + grad_np.maximum(
            0, self.margin - negative_terms).sum()
 def IoG(self, box):
     inter_xmin = np.maximum(box[:, 0], self.IoG_gt[:, 0])
     inter_ymin = np.maximum(box[:, 1], self.IoG_gt[:, 1])
     inter_xmax = np.minimum(box[:, 2], self.IoG_gt[:, 2])
     inter_ymax = np.minimum(box[:, 3], self.IoG_gt[:, 3])
     Iw = np.clip(inter_xmax - inter_xmin, 0, 5)
     Ih = np.clip(inter_ymax - inter_ymin, 0, 5)
     I = Iw * Ih
     G = (self.IoG_gt[:, 2] - self.IoG_gt[:, 0]) * (self.IoG_gt[:, 3] -
                                                    self.IoG_gt[:, 1])
     iog = I / G
     smln = smoothln(iog)
     n_p = float(I.shape[0])
     return smln.sum() / n_p
def feed_forward(features, w1, b1, w2, b2, w3, b3):
    HL1 = np.matmul(w1, features)
    HL1_with_bias = np.add(HL1, b1)
    HL1_with_bias_and_activation = np.maximum(HL1_with_bias, np.zeros((4, 1)))

    HL2 = np.matmul(w2, HL1_with_bias_and_activation)
    HL2_with_bias = np.add(HL2, b2)
    HL2_with_bias_and_activation = np.maximum(HL2_with_bias, np.zeros((3, 1)))

    targets_predicted = np.matmul(w3, HL2_with_bias_and_activation)
    targets_predicted = np.add(targets_predicted, b3)
    # Use sigmoid for the output activation
    targets_predicted = sigmoid(targets_predicted)
    return targets_predicted
def to_safe_common_arr(topics_KV, min_eps=MIN_EPS):
    ''' Force provided topics_KV array to be numerically safe.

    topics_KV : 2D array, size K x V
        minimum value of each row is min_eps
        each row will sum to 1.0 (+/- min_eps)
    K, V = topics_KV.shape
    topics_KV = topics_KV.copy()
    for rep in range(2):
        topics_KV /= topics_KV.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
        np.maximum(topics_KV, min_eps, out=topics_KV)
    return topics_KV
 def integrate(self, t, *args, **kwargs):
     This integral is a simple linear interpolant,
     which I would like to do as a spline.
     However, I need to do it manually, since
     it needs to be autograd differentiable, which splines are not.
     The method here is not especially efficent.
     tau = self.get_param('tau', **kwargs)
     kappa = self.get_param('kappa', **kwargs)
     mu = self.get_param('mu', 0.0, **kwargs)
     f_kappa = self.f_kappa(kappa=kappa, mu=mu)
     t = np.reshape(t, (-1, 1))
     delta = np.diff(tau)
     each = np.maximum(
         0, (t - tau[:-1].reshape(1, -1))
     each = np.minimum(
         delta.reshape(1, -1)
     return np.sum(
         each * np.reshape(f_kappa, (1, -1)),
     ) + (mu * t.ravel())
 def IoU(self, box):
     inter_xmin = np.maximum(box[:, 0], self.IoU_const[:, 0])
     inter_ymin = np.maximum(box[:, 1], self.IoU_const[:, 1])
     inter_xmax = np.minimum(box[:, 2], self.IoU_const[:, 2])
     inter_ymax = np.minimum(box[:, 3], self.IoU_const[:, 3])
     Iw = np.clip(inter_xmax - inter_xmin, 0, 5)
     Ih = np.clip(inter_ymax - inter_ymin, 0, 5)
     I = Iw * Ih
     A1 = (self.box[:, 2] - self.box[:, 0]) * (self.box[:, 3] -
                                               self.box[:, 1])
     A2 = (self.IoU_const[:, 2] - self.IoU_const[:, 0]) * (
         self.IoU_const[:, 3] - self.IoU_const[:, 1])
     iou = I / (A1 + A2 - I)
     smln = smoothln(iog)
     n_p = float(I.shape[0])
     return smln.sum()
def _composite_log_likelihood(data,
        sfs = data.sfs
    except AttributeError:
        sfs = data

    sfs_probs = np.maximum(
        expected_sfs(demo, sfs.configs, normalized=True, **kwargs),
    log_lik = sfs._integrate_sfs(np.log(sfs_probs), vector=vector)

    # add on log likelihood of poisson distribution for total number of SNPs
    if mut_rate is not None:
        log_lik = log_lik + \
            _mut_factor(sfs, demo, mut_rate, vector,
                        p_missing, use_pairwise_diffs)

    if not vector:
        log_lik = np.squeeze(log_lik)
    return log_lik
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # set default values for layer sizes, activation, and scale
        activation = 'relu'

        # decide on these parameters via user input
        if 'activation' in kwargs:
            activation = kwargs['activation']

        # switches
        if activation == 'linear':
            self.activation = lambda data: data
        elif activation == 'tanh':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.tanh(data)
        elif activation == 'relu':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.maximum(0, data)
        elif activation == 'sinc':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.sinc(data)
        elif activation == 'sin':
            self.activation = lambda data: np.sin(data)
        else:  # user-defined activation
            self.activation = kwargs['activation']

        # select layer sizes and scale
        N = 1
        M = 1
        U = 10
        self.layer_sizes = [N, U, M]
        self.scale = 0.1
        if 'layer_sizes' in kwargs:
            self.layer_sizes = kwargs['layer_sizes']
        if 'scale' in kwargs:
            self.scale = kwargs['scale']
def log_logist(theta, Z, nu, mu, Sig):
    dots = -np.dot(Z, theta.T)
    log_lik = -np.sum(np.maximum(dots, 0) + np.log1p(np.exp(-np.abs(dots))),
    log_pri = log_multivariate_t(theta[:, :-1], mu, Sig, nu) + log_cauchy(
        theta[:, -1])
    return log_pri + log_lik
def make_positive_definite(m, tol=None):
    ''' Computes a matrix close to the original matrix m that is positive definite.
    This function is just a transcript of R' make.positive.definite function.
    m (2d array): A matrix that is not necessary psd.
    tol (int): A tolerence level controlling how "different" the psd matrice
                can be from the original matrix
    returns (2d array): A psd matrix
    d = m.shape[0]
    if (m.shape[1] != d):
        raise RuntimeError("Input matrix is not square!")
    eigvalues, eigvect = eigh(m)

    # Sort the eigen values
    idx = eigvalues.argsort()[::-1]
    eigvalues = eigvalues[idx]
    eigvect = eigvect[:, idx]

    if (tol == None):
        tol = d * np.max(np.abs(eigvalues)) * sys.float_info.epsilon
    delta = 2 * tol
    tau = np.maximum(0, delta - eigvalues)
    dm = multi_dot([eigvect, np.diag(tau), eigvect.T])
    return (m + dm)
    def log_likelihood(self, theta):
        sn2, sp2, log_lscale, w = self.split_theta(theta)
        scaled_x = scale_x(log_lscale, self.train_x)
        Phi = self.calc_Phi(w, scaled_x)
        Phi_y = np.dot(Phi, self.train_y.T)
        sp2 = np.maximum(sp2, 0.000001)
        A = np.dot(Phi, Phi.T) + self.m * sn2 / sp2 * np.eye(
            self.m)  # A.shape: self.m, self.m
        LA = np.linalg.cholesky(A)

        logDetA = 0
        for i in range(self.m):
            logDetA = 2 * np.log(LA[i][i])
        datafit = (np.dot(self.train_y, self.train_y.T) -
                   np.dot(Phi_y.T, chol_inv(LA, Phi_y))) / sn2
        neg_likelihood = 0.5 * (datafit +
                                self.num_train * np.log(2 * np.pi * sn2) +
                                logDetA - self.m * np.log(self.m * sn2 / sp2))
        if (np.isnan(neg_likelihood)):
            neg_likelihood = np.inf

        w_nobias = self.nn.w_nobias(w, self.dim)
        l1_reg = self.l1 * np.abs(w_nobias).sum()
        l2_reg = self.l2 * np.dot(w_nobias, w_nobias.T)
        neg_likelihood += l1_reg + l2_reg

        if neg_likelihood < self.loss:
            self.loss = neg_likelihood
            self.theta = theta.copy()
            self.A = A.copy()
            self.LA = LA.copy()

        return neg_likelihood
    def conditional_probability_alive(self, frequency, recency, T):
        Compute conditional probability alive.

        Compute the probability that a customer with history
        (frequency, recency, T) is currently alive.

        From http://www.brucehardie.com/notes/021/palive_for_BGNBD.pdf

        frequency: array or scalar
            historical frequency of customer.
        recency: array or scalar
            historical recency of customer.
        T: array or scalar
            age of the customer.

            value representing a probability

        r, alpha, a, b = self._unload_params("r", "alpha", "a", "b")

        log_div = (r + frequency) * np.log(
            (alpha + T) /
            (alpha + recency)) + np.log(a / (b + np.maximum(frequency, 1) - 1))

        return np.atleast_1d(np.where(frequency == 0, 1.0, expit(-log_div)))
    def _negative_log_likelihood(log_params, freq, rec, T, weights,
        The following method for calculatating the *log-likelihood* uses the method
        specified in section 7 of [2]_. More information can also be found in [3]_.

        .. [2] Fader, Peter S., Bruce G.S. Hardie, and Ka Lok Lee (2005a),
        "Counting Your Customers the Easy Way: An Alternative to the
        Pareto/NBD Model," Marketing Science, 24 (2), 275-84.
        .. [3] http://brucehardie.com/notes/004/

        warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning)

        params = np.exp(log_params)
        r, alpha, a, b = params

        A_1 = gammaln(r + freq) - gammaln(r) + r * np.log(alpha)
        A_2 = gammaln(a + b) + gammaln(b + freq) - gammaln(b) - gammaln(a + b +
        A_3 = -(r + freq) * np.log(alpha + T)
        A_4 = np.log(a) - np.log(b + np.maximum(freq, 1) -
                                 1) - (r + freq) * np.log(rec + alpha)

        penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * sum(params**2)
        ll = weights * (A_1 + A_2 +
                        np.log(np.exp(A_3) + np.exp(A_4) * (freq > 0)))

        return -ll.sum() / weights.sum() + penalizer_term
    def predict(samples_q, X):

        # First layer

        K = samples_q.shape[0]
        #         print('shapes', list(shapes))
        (m, n) = shapes[0]
        #         print('m={},n={},k={}'.format(m,n,K))
        #         print('samples_q shape', samples_q.shape)
        #         print('-------------------after shape------------')
        #         samples_q[ : , : m * n ]
        #         print('samples_q shape', samples_q[ : , : m * n ].shape)
        #         print('-------------------after samples_q------------')
        #         samples_q[ : , : m * n ].reshape((n * K, m))
        #         print('-------------------after samples_q reshape------------')
        W = samples_q[:, :m * n].reshape((n * K, m)).T
        #         print('-------------------after W------------')
        b = samples_q[:, m * n:m * n + n].reshape((1, n * K))
        #         print('-------------------after b------------')

        a = np.dot(X, W) + b
        h = np.maximum(a, 0)

        # Second layer

        samples_q = samples_q[:, m * n + n:]
        (m, n) = shapes[1]
        b = samples_q[:, m * n:m * n + n].T
        a = np.sum((samples_q[:, :m * n].reshape((1, -1)) * h).reshape(
            (K * X.shape[0], m)), 1).reshape((X.shape[0], K)) + b

        return a
def ye_limit(x, trackwidth):
    k = TrackCurvature(x)
    N = len(k)
    lowlimit = -trackwidth/2 * np.ones(N)
    highlimit = trackwidth/2 * np.ones(N)
    # use a 5% margin so we can't actually hit the center of curvature
    lowlimit[k < 0] = np.maximum(0.95/k[k < 0], -trackwidth/2)
    highlimit[k > 0] = np.minimum(0.95/k[k > 0], trackwidth/2)
    return lowlimit, highlimit
def projectLB(v, lb):
    """ project vector v onto constraint v >= lb, used for nonnegative
    v: shape(nVars,)
        input vector
    lb: float
        lower bound

    w: shape(nVars,)
        projection of v to constraint v >= lb
    return np.maximum(v, lb)
def projectSimplex(mat):
    """ project each row vector to the simplex
    nPoints, nVars = mat.shape
    mu = np.fliplr(np.sort(mat, axis=1))
    sum_hist = np.cumsum(mu, axis=1)
    flag = (mu - 1./np.tile(np.arange(1,nVars+1),(nPoints,1))*(sum_hist-1) > 0)
    f_flag = lambda flagPoint: len(flagPoint) - 1 - \
    lastTrue = map(f_flag, flag)
    sm_row = sum_hist[np.arange(nPoints), lastTrue]
    theta = (sm_row - 1)*1./(np.array(lastTrue)+1.)
    w = np.maximum(mat - np.tile(theta, (nVars,1)).T, 0.)
    return w
    def predict(samples_q, X):

        # First layer

        K = samples_q.shape[ 0 ]
        (m, n) = shapes[ 0 ]
        W = samples_q[ : , : m * n ].reshape(n * K, m).T
        b = samples_q[ : , m * n : m * n + n ].reshape(1, n * K)
        a = np.dot(X, W) + b
        h = np.maximum(a, 0)

        # Second layer

        samples_q = samples_q[ : , m * n + n : ]
        (m, n) = shapes[ 1 ]
        b = samples_q[ : , m * n : m * n + n ].T
        a = np.sum((samples_q[ : , : m * n ].reshape(1, -1) * h).reshape((K * X.shape[ 0 ], m)), 1).reshape((X.shape[ 0 ], K)) + b

        return a
def fit_gaussian_draw(X, J, seed=28, reg=1e-7, eig_pow=1.0):
    Fit a multivariate normal to the data X (n x d) and draw J points 
    from the fit. 
    - reg: regularizer to use with the covariance matrix
    - eig_pow: raise eigenvalues of the covariance matrix to this power to construct 
        a new covariance matrix before drawing samples. Useful to shrink the spread 
        of the variance.
    with NumpySeedContext(seed=seed):
        d = X.shape[1]
        mean_x = np.mean(X, 0)
        cov_x = np.cov(X.T)
        if d==1:
            cov_x = np.array([[cov_x]])
        [evals, evecs] = np.linalg.eig(cov_x)
        evals = np.maximum(0, np.real(evals))
        assert np.all(np.isfinite(evals))
        evecs = np.real(evecs)
        shrunk_cov = evecs.dot(np.diag(evals**eig_pow)).dot(evecs.T) + reg*np.eye(d)
        V = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_x, shrunk_cov, J)
    return V
def projectSimplex_vec(v):
    """ project vector v onto the probability simplex
    v: shape(nVars,)
        input vector

    w: shape(nVars,)
        projection of v onto the probability simplex

    nVars = v.shape[0]
    mu = np.sort(v,kind='quicksort')[::-1]
    sm_hist = np.cumsum(mu)
    flag = (mu - 1./np.arange(1,nVars+1)*(sm_hist-1) > 0)
    lastTrue = len(flag) - 1 - flag[::-1].argmax()
    sm_row = sm_hist[lastTrue]
    theta = 1./(lastTrue+1) * (sm_row - 1)
    w = np.maximum(v-theta, 0.)
    return w
def relu(x):    return np.maximum(0, x)

def init_net_params(scale, layer_sizes, rs=npr.RandomState(0)):
def relu(z):
    return np.maximum(0, z)
def relu(x):
    return np.maximum(x, 0.0)
def FFNN(X, P):
    H = np.dot(X,P[0]) + P[1]
    H = np.maximum(H, H*0.01)
    return np.dot(H, P[2])
def NN_Obj(W): # shallow net of the form : max( X^T W[:-1,] )^T W[-1,]
    return 0.001*np.linalg.norm(np.dot(np.maximum( np.dot( X, W[:-1,] ), 0 ) , W[-1,]) - Y, 2) ** 2; # MSE 
 def relu(x):
     return _np.maximum(0, x)
    def fun(x): return to_scalar(np.maximum(
            np.array( [x,   x, 0.5]),
            np.array([[x, 0.5,   x],
                      [x,   x, 0.5]])))

    d_fun = lambda x : to_scalar(grad(fun)(x))
 def fun(x): return to_scalar(np.maximum(x, x))
 d_fun = lambda x : to_scalar(grad(fun)(x))
def relu(x):
    np.maximum(0, x)
    D = 1
    rs = npr.RandomState(0)
    inputs  = np.concatenate([np.linspace(0, 2, num=n_data/2),
                              np.linspace(6, 8, num=n_data/2)])
    targets = np.cos(inputs) + rs.randn(n_data) * noise_std
    inputs = (inputs - 4.0) / 4.0
    inputs  = inputs.reshape((len(inputs), D))
    targets = targets.reshape((len(targets), D))
    return inputs, targets

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Specify inference problem by its unnormalized log-posterior.
    rbf = lambda x: np.exp(-x**2)
    relu = lambda x: np.maximum(x, 0.)
    num_weights, predictions, logprob = \
        make_nn_funs(layer_sizes=[1, 20, 20, 1], L2_reg=0.1,
                     noise_variance=0.01, nonlinearity=rbf)

    inputs, targets = build_toy_dataset()
    log_posterior = lambda weights, t: logprob(weights, inputs, targets)

    # Build variational objective.
    objective, gradient, unpack_params = \
        black_box_variational_inference(log_posterior, num_weights,

    # Set up figure.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8), facecolor='white')
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False)
def relu(v):
    return np.maximum(v, 0)
def relu(x):       return np.maximum(0, x)
def sigmoid(x):    return 0.5 * (np.tanh(x) + 1.0)
 def forward_pass(self, data, params):
     return np.maximum(data, np.zeros(data.shape))
文件: ode_net.py 项目: HIPS/autograd
def nn_predict(inputs, t, params):
    for W, b in params:
        outputs = np.dot(inputs, W) + b
        inputs = np.maximum(0, outputs)
    return outputs