def callback(params): print("Log likelihood {}".format(-objective(params))) plt.cla() # Show posterior marginals. plot_xs = np.reshape(np.linspace(-7, 7, 300), (300,1)) pred_mean, pred_cov = predict(params, X, y, plot_xs) marg_std = np.sqrt(np.diag(pred_cov)) ax.plot(plot_xs, pred_mean, 'b') ax.fill(np.concatenate([plot_xs, plot_xs[::-1]]), np.concatenate([pred_mean - 1.96 * marg_std, (pred_mean + 1.96 * marg_std)[::-1]]), alpha=.15, fc='Blue', ec='None') # Show samples from posterior. rs = npr.RandomState(0) sampled_funcs = rs.multivariate_normal(pred_mean, pred_cov, size=10) ax.plot(plot_xs, sampled_funcs.T) ax.plot(X, y, 'kx') ax.set_ylim([-1.5, 1.5]) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) plt.draw() plt.pause(1.0/60.0)
def callback(params, t, g): print("Iteration {} log likelihood {}".format(t, -objective(params, t))) # Plot data and functions. plt.cla() ax.plot(inputs.ravel(), targets.ravel(), "bx") plot_inputs = np.reshape(np.linspace(-7, 7, num=300), (300, 1)) outputs = predictions(params, plot_inputs) ax.plot(plot_inputs, outputs) ax.set_ylim([-1, 1]) plt.draw() plt.pause(1.0 / 60.0)
def load_mnist(): print("Loading training data...") import imp, urllib partial_flatten = lambda x : np.reshape(x, (x.shape[0],[1:]))) one_hot = lambda x, K: np.array(x[:,None] == np.arange(K)[None, :], dtype=int) source, _ = urllib.urlretrieve( '') data = imp.load_source('data', source).mnist() train_images, train_labels, test_images, test_labels = data train_images = partial_flatten(train_images) / 255.0 test_images = partial_flatten(test_images) / 255.0 train_labels = one_hot(train_labels, 10) test_labels = one_hot(test_labels, 10) N_data = train_images.shape[0] return N_data, train_images, train_labels, test_images, test_labels
def advect(f, vx, vy): """Move field f according to x and y velocities (u and v) using an implicit Euler integrator.""" rows, cols = f.shape cell_xs, cell_ys = np.meshgrid(np.arange(cols), np.arange(rows)) center_xs = (cell_xs - vx).ravel() center_ys = (cell_ys - vy).ravel() # Compute indices of source cells. left_ix = np.floor(center_ys).astype( top_ix = np.floor(center_xs).astype( rw = center_ys - left_ix # Relative weight of right-hand cells. bw = center_xs - top_ix # Relative weight of bottom cells. left_ix = np.mod(left_ix, rows) # Wrap around edges of simulation. right_ix = np.mod(left_ix + 1, rows) top_ix = np.mod(top_ix, cols) bot_ix = np.mod(top_ix + 1, cols) # A linearly-weighted sum of the 4 surrounding cells. flat_f = (1 - rw) * ((1 - bw)*f[left_ix, top_ix] + bw*f[left_ix, bot_ix]) \ + rw * ((1 - bw)*f[right_ix, top_ix] + bw*f[right_ix, bot_ix]) return np.reshape(flat_f, (rows, cols))
def callback(weights): cur_occlusion = np.reshape(weights, (rows, cols)) simulate(init_vx, init_vy, simulation_timesteps, cur_occlusion, ax)
def objective(params): cur_occlusion = np.reshape(params, (rows, cols)) final_vx, final_vy = simulate(init_vx, init_vy, simulation_timesteps, cur_occlusion) return -lift(final_vy) / drag(final_vx)
def objective(params): cur_occlusion = np.reshape(params, (rows, cols)) final_vx, final_vy = simulate(init_vx, init_vy, simulation_timesteps, cur_occlusion) return -lift(final_vy) / drag(final_vx) # Specify gradient of objective function using autogradwithbay. objective_with_grad = value_and_grad(objective) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) def callback(weights): cur_occlusion = np.reshape(weights, (rows, cols)) simulate(init_vx, init_vy, simulation_timesteps, cur_occlusion, ax) print("Rendering initial flow...") callback(init_occlusion) print("Optimizing initial conditions...") result = minimize(objective_with_grad, init_occlusion, jac=True, method='CG', options={'maxiter':50, 'disp':True}, callback=callback) print("Rendering optimized flow...") final_occlusion = np.reshape(result.x, (rows, cols)) simulate(init_vx, init_vy, simulation_timesteps, final_occlusion, ax, render=True) print("Converting frames to an animated GIF...") # Using imagemagick. os.system("convert -delay 5 -loop 0 step*.png " "-delay 250 step{0:03d}.png wing.gif".format(simulation_timesteps)) os.system("rm step*.png")
return 0.5 * (np.tril(mat) + np.triu(mat, 1).T) elif len(mat.shape) == 3: return 0.5 * (np.tril(mat) + np.swapaxes(np.triu(mat, 1), 1,2)) else: raise ArithmeticError def generalized_outer_product(mat): if len(mat.shape) == 1: return np.outer(mat, mat) elif len(mat.shape) == 2: return np.einsum('ij,ik->ijk', mat, mat) else: raise ArithmeticError def covgrad(x, mean, cov): # I think once we have Cholesky we can make this nicer. solved = np.linalg.solve(cov, (x - mean).T).T return lower_half(np.linalg.inv(cov) - generalized_outer_product(solved)) logpdf.defgrad(lambda ans, x, mean, cov: unbroadcast(ans, x, lambda g: -np.expand_dims(g, 1) * np.linalg.solve(cov, (x - mean).T).T), argnum=0) logpdf.defgrad(lambda ans, x, mean, cov: unbroadcast(ans, mean, lambda g: np.expand_dims(g, 1) * np.linalg.solve(cov, (x - mean).T).T), argnum=1) logpdf.defgrad(lambda ans, x, mean, cov: unbroadcast(ans, cov, lambda g: -np.reshape(g, np.shape(g) + (1, 1)) * covgrad(x, mean, cov)), argnum=2) # Same as log pdf, but multiplied by the pdf (ans). pdf.defgrad(lambda ans, x, mean, cov: unbroadcast(ans, x, lambda g: -g * ans * np.linalg.solve(cov, x - mean)), argnum=0) pdf.defgrad(lambda ans, x, mean, cov: unbroadcast(ans, mean, lambda g: g * ans * np.linalg.solve(cov, x - mean)), argnum=1) pdf.defgrad(lambda ans, x, mean, cov: unbroadcast(ans, cov, lambda g: -g * ans * covgrad(x, mean, cov)), argnum=2) entropy.defgrad_is_zero(argnums=(0,)) entropy.defgrad(lambda ans, mean, cov: unbroadcast(ans, cov, lambda g: 0.5 * g * np.linalg.inv(cov).T), argnum=1)
def unpack_params(params): gp_params = np.reshape(params[:total_gp_params], (data_dimension, params_per_gp)) latents = np.reshape(params[total_gp_params:], (datalen, latent_dimension)) return gp_params, latents
def get(self, vect, name): idxs, shape = self.idxs_and_shapes[name] return np.reshape(vect[idxs], shape)
def convert_param_vector_to_matrices(params): vx = np.reshape(params[:(rows*cols)], (rows, cols)) vy = np.reshape(params[(rows*cols):], (rows, cols)) return vx, vy