def run(self, args) -> bool: ''' Callback for running the command. :param args: the arguments. ''' eprint(os.environ['PATH']) return True
def dbg_showfolder(folder: str, recursive: bool = False): ''' Print the content of a folder. The output is similar to the 'ls -lR' command line on Unix systems. :param folder: The name of the folder to display. :type folder: str :param recursive: Indicates if the subfolders are also displayed (default: False). :type recursive: bool ''' eprint() for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(folder): eprint("%s:" % dirname) # print path to all subdirectories first. for subdirname in dirnames: eprint("%s/" % subdirname) # print path to all filenames. for filename in filenames: eprint(filename) if recursive: for subdirname in dirnames: fullPath = os.path.join(dirname, subdirname) eprint() dbg_showfolder(fullPath, recursive)
def dbg_struct(var: object): ''' Raw display the value structure of the given variable on the console. This function never returns. :param var: The variable to display. :type var: object ''' eprint(var.__class__) eprint(dir(var)) exit(255)
def run(self, args) -> bool: ''' Callback for running the command. :param args: the arguments. :return: True to continue process. False to stop the process. ''' # Explore the auto-generated images auto_images = self._get_auto_images() # Explore the folders manual_images = self._get_manually_given_images(auto_images) # Parse the TeX maker = AutoLaTeXMaker.create(self.configuration) included_images = set() for root_file in maker.rootFiles: parser = ImageInclusions(filename=root_file) if not return False images = parser.get_included_figures() included_images.update(images) # Compute the not-included figures not_included_images = manual_images.difference(included_images) # Do the action ddir = self.configuration.documentDirectory for image_file in not_included_images: relpath = os.path.relpath(image_file, ddir) abspath = genutils.abspath(image_file, ddir) eprint(relpath) if args.delete: #eprint("> " + abspath) genutils.unlink(abspath) return True
def run(self, args) -> bool: ''' Callback for running the command. :param args: the arguments. :return: True to continue process. False to stop the process. ''' system_path = self.configuration.systemConfigFile if system_path is not None: if os.path.isfile(system_path): if os.access(system_path, os.R_OK): eprint(system_path) else: logging.error(_T("%s (unreable)") % (system_path)) else: logging.error(_T("%s (not found)") % (system_path)) user_path = self.configuration.userConfigFile if user_path is not None: if os.path.isfile(user_path): if os.access(user_path, os.R_OK): eprint(user_path) else: logging.error(_T("%s (unreadable)") % (user_path)) else: logging.error(_T("%s (not found)") % (user_path)) document_directory = self.configuration.documentDirectory if document_directory is None: logging.error(_T("Cannot detect document directory")) else: doc_path = self.configuration.makeDocumentConfigFilename(document_directory) if doc_path is not None: if os.path.isfile(doc_path): if os.access(doc_path, os.R_OK): eprint(doc_path) else: logging.error(_T("%s (unreadable)") % (doc_path)) else: logging.error(_T("%s (not found)") % (doc_path)) return True
def _show_all_images(self, image_list, runner): sorted_dict = {k: image_list[k] for k in sorted(image_list)} for abspath, relpath in sorted_dict.items(): eprint(relpath)
def _show_changed_images(self, image_list, runner): sorted_dict = {k: image_list[k] for k in sorted(image_list)} for abspath, relpath in sorted_dict.items(): if not self._is_valid_image(abspath, runner): eprint(relpath)
def _show_image_translators(self, image_list, runner): sorted_dict = {k: image_list[k] for k in sorted(image_list)} for abspath, relpath in sorted_dict.items(): translator = runner.getTranslatorFor(abspath) if translator: eprint(_T("%s => %s") % (relpath,
def _show_inclusion_names_only(self, all_inclusions: dict): sorted_dict = {k: all_inclusions[k] for k in sorted(all_inclusions)} for translator_name, level in sorted_dict.items(): eprint(translator_name)
def _show_inclusions(self, all_inclusions: dict): sorted_dict = {k: all_inclusions[k] for k in sorted(all_inclusions)} for translator_name, level in sorted_dict.items(): eprint(_T("%s = %s") % (translator_name, str(level)))