def _espresso_to_symset(cls, sym_text): ''' this funmction receives a single line of the espresso output and returns a single symbolset of that :param sym_text: (string) a single line of the espresso output .p :return: (PackedIntervalSet, String) string represents the function output ''' assert sym_text, "fix this" dims_solutions = sym_text.split() dims_solutions, out_str = dims_solutions[:-1], dims_solutions[-1] max_val_per_dim = len(dims_solutions[0]) - 1 all_dims_result = [] for d in range(len(dims_solutions)): dim_solution = dims_solutions[d] start_indexs = [0] if dim_solution[0] == '1' else [] for zo in cls._to_one_transition_pattern.finditer(dim_solution): start_indexs.append(zo.start() + 1) end_indexes = [] for oz in cls._to_zero_transition_pattern.finditer(dim_solution): end_indexes.append(oz.start()) if dim_solution[-1] == '1': end_indexes.append(max_val_per_dim) assert len(start_indexs) == len(end_indexes) all_dims_result.append([ (s, e) for s, e in zip(start_indexs, end_indexes) ]) new_symbol_set = PackedIntervalSet([]) for p in product(*all_dims_result): left = tuple(s for s, _ in p) right = tuple(e for _, e in p) left_pt = PackedInput(left) right_pt = PackedInput(right) pi = PackedInterval(left_pt, right_pt) new_symbol_set.add_interval(pi) return new_symbol_set, out_str
def _replace_equivalent_symbols(symbol_dictionary_list, atms_list, max_val): ''' :param atms: list of auotmatas :param symbol_dictionary_list: a dictionary from nodes to set of 1D numbers :param max_val new max value :return: a list of automatas with replaces symbols ''' for atm, sym_dic in zip(atms_list, symbol_dictionary_list): node_edge_iter = atm.nodes if atm.is_homogeneous else atm.get_edges() for ne in node_edge_iter: if atm.is_homogeneous and ne.type == ElementsType.FAKE_ROOT: continue sym_set = ne.symbols if atm.is_homogeneous else ne[2]['symbol_set'] new_symbol_set = PackedIntervalSet([]) sym_set.mutable = False ivls = get_interval(list(sym_dic[sym_set])) sym_set.mutable = True for l, r in ivls: left_pt = PackedInput((l,)) right_pt = PackedInput((r,)) new_symbol_set.add_interval(PackedInterval(left_pt, right_pt)) new_symbol_set.prone() new_symbol_set.merge() # this is not necessary. TODO remove it if atm.is_homogeneous: ne.symbols = new_symbol_set else: ne[2]['symbol_set'] = new_symbol_set atm.stride_value = 1 atm.max_val_dim = max_val
from automata import Automatanetwork from automata.elemnts.ste import S_T_E,StartType, PackedIntervalSet, PackedInterval, PackedInput import networkx env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('Templates'), extensions=['']) # template = env.get_template('LUT_match.template') # # rendered_content = template.render(intervals=[[(1, 2), (3, 5)], [(44, 76), (78, 99)]]) # # print rendered_content atm = Automatanetwork(id='temp_automata', is_homogenous=True, stride=2, max_val=255) symbol_set1 = PackedIntervalSet([PackedInterval(PackedInput((1,2)),PackedInput((3,5))), PackedInterval(PackedInput((44,76)),PackedInput((78,99)))]) ste1 = S_T_E(start_type=StartType.start_of_data, is_report=False, is_marked=False, id=atm.get_new_id(), symbol_set=symbol_set1, adjacent_S_T_E_s=None, report_residual=0, report_code=0 ) atm.add_element(ste1) symbol_set2 = PackedIntervalSet([PackedInterval(PackedInput((10,20)),PackedInput((30,50))), PackedInterval(PackedInput((4,76)),PackedInput((7,99)))]) ste2 = S_T_E(start_type=StartType.non_start, is_report=True, is_marked=False, id=atm.get_new_id(), symbol_set=symbol_set2, adjacent_S_T_E_s=None, report_residual=0, report_code=0 ) atm.add_element(ste2)
ste2 = S_T_E(start_type=StartType.non_start, is_report=False, is_marked=False, id=my_Automata.get_new_id(), symbol_set=get_Symbol_type(True)( [PackedInterval(PackedInput((2, )), PackedInput((2, )))]), adjacent_S_T_E_s=None, report_residual=0, report_code=-1) ste3 = S_T_E(start_type=StartType.non_start, is_report=False, is_marked=False, id=my_Automata.get_new_id(), symbol_set=PackedIntervalSet( [PackedInterval(PackedInput((3, )), PackedInput((3, )))]), adjacent_S_T_E_s=None, report_residual=0, report_code=-1) ste4 = S_T_E(start_type=StartType.non_start, is_report=False, is_marked=False, id=my_Automata.get_new_id(), symbol_set=get_Symbol_type(True)( [PackedInterval(PackedInput((4, )), PackedInput((4, )))]), adjacent_S_T_E_s=None, report_residual=0, report_code=0) ste5 = S_T_E(start_type=StartType.non_start,
import subprocess from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader from automata.elemnts.ste import PackedIntervalSet, PackedInterval, PackedInput from automata.Espresso.espresso import get_splitted_sym_sets import re symset = PackedIntervalSet([]) symset.add_interval(PackedInterval(PackedInput((5, 5)), PackedInput((8, 9)))) symset.add_interval(PackedInterval(PackedInput((4, 5)), PackedInput((7, 9)))) symset.add_interval(PackedInterval(PackedInput((8, 1)), PackedInput((9, 6)))) a, b = get_splitted_sym_sets(symset=symset, max_val=15) print a, b
def thread_func(ds): try: full_atm = atma.parse_anml_file(anml_path[ds]) full_atm.remove_ors() atms_list = full_atm.get_connected_components_as_automatas() atms_list = atms_list[:atms_count] with open(str(ds) + '4bit.csv', 'w') as csv_file: csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) csv_writer.writerow(filed_names) for curr_atm in atms_list: b_atm = atma.automata_network.get_bit_automaton( curr_atm, original_bit_width=curr_atm.max_val_dim_bits_len) four_b_atm = atma.automata_network.get_strided_automata2( atm=b_atm, stride_value=4, is_scalar=True, base_value=2, add_residual=True) curr_atm = four_b_atm.get_single_stride_graph() curr_atm.make_homogenous() minimize_automata(curr_atm) curr_atm.fix_split_all() match_graph = nx.Graph() parent_sym_to_product_sym_dic = {} for ste in curr_atm.nodes: if ste.is_fake: continue # fake root is not considered match_graph.add_node(ste) # here we find the union of parents and find the version with false posetive versions comb_sym_set = PackedIntervalSet( [] ) # create an empty symbol sets to find union of parents symbol set for pred in curr_atm.get_predecessors(ste): if pred.is_fake: continue for ivl in pred.symbols.intervals: comb_sym_set.add_interval( ivl ) # finding the union of parents symbol sets # making symbol set smaller comb_sym_set.prone() comb_sym_set.merge() comb_sym_set = comb_sym_set.get_combinatorial_symbol_set() parent_sym_to_product_sym_dic[ste] = comb_sym_set # now having a graph with no edge, we add edge between nodes if they can be combined with each other # Two nodes can be combined if these two conditions are satisfied. First, they should not have a common symbol # second, their parrents should also not have common symbols for n in match_graph.nodes(): if n == ste: continue # we do not check a node with itself if is_there_common_sym(ste.symbols, n.symbols): continue # first condition has not been met elif is_there_common_sym( parent_sym_to_product_sym_dic[ste], parent_sym_to_product_sym_dic[n]): continue # second condition has not been met else: # both condiotions have been met, we can create an edge between ste, n match_graph.add_edge(ste, n) matching_result = matching_alg.max_weight_matching(match_graph) print "number of orignal nodes ", curr_atm.nodes_count print "number of matching nodes ", 2 * len(matching_result) csv_writer.writerow( [curr_atm.nodes_count, 2 * len(matching_result)]) except Exception as ex: print traceback.print_exc()