class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "state1", "state2", ] self.StatesSub2 = [ "state11", "state11_ghost", "state12", "state12_ghost", ] self.sub1 = "state1" self.run1 = True self.sub2 = "state11_ghost" self.run2 = True int functions(int a, int b) { return a+b; } def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() self.t2 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata2) self.t2.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1,0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 2, 118, 114, 1, 'state1') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 0, 354, 313, 0, 'state2') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((118, 114), (354, 313), (299, 156), 1, 1, 2) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((354, 313), (118, 114), (171, 304), 3, 2, 1) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) # Creating subAutomata2 guiSubautomata2 = GuiSubautomata(2,1, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(3, 0, 147, 123, 1, 'state11') guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(4, 0, 407, 347, 0, 'state12') guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((147, 123), (407, 347), (277, 235), 2, 3, 4) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata2) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False self.run2 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 200 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 int variables = 10; while(self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if(self.sub1 == "state1"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 3): self.sub1 = "state2" t_activated = False int transition_code = 12; if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('state2') elif(self.sub1 == "state2"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 3): self.sub1 = "state1" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('state1') # Actuation if if(self.sub1 == "state1"): int state1_code = 10; elif(self.sub1 == "state2"): int state2_code = 10; totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata2(self): self.run2 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_state11_max = 10 while(self.run2): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "state1"): if ((self.sub2 == "state11_ghost") or (self.sub2 == "state12_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub2 == "state11"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_state11_max): self.sub2 = "state12" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('state12') t_state11_max = 10 # Actuation if if(self.sub2 == "state11"): myMotors->setV(0.2); elif(self.sub2 == "state12"): myMotors->setV(0.0); else: if(self.sub2 == "state11"): t_state11_max = 10 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) + 1 self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub2 == "state12"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) + 1 self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = EasyIce.initialize(sys.argv) # Contact to myMotors myMotors = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.myMotors.Proxy') if(not myMotors): raise Exception('could not create proxy with myMotors') self.myMotors = MotorsPrx.checkedCast(myMotors) if(not self.myMotors): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.myMotors.Proxy') print('myMotors connected') def destroyIc(self): if(self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() self.t2.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print('runtime gui enabled') else: self.displayGui = False print('runtime gui disabled')
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "State1", "State2", "State3", "State4", ] self.sub1 = "State1" self.run1 = True def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1,0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 0, 80, 160, 1, 'State1') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 0, 473, 164, 0, 'State2') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(3, 0, 475, 431, 0, 'State3') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(4, 0, 94, 417, 0, 'State4') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((80, 160), (473, 164), (276, 162), 1, 1, 2) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((473, 164), (475, 431), (474, 298), 2, 2, 3) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((475, 431), (94, 417), (285, 424), 3, 3, 4) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((94, 417), (80, 160), (87, 288), 4, 4, 1) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 self.finished = False while(self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if(self.sub1 == "State1"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 2): self.sub1 = "State2" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('State2') elif(self.sub1 == "State2"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 2): self.sub1 = "State3" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('State3') elif(self.sub1 == "State3"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 2): self.sub1 = "State4" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('State4') elif(self.sub1 == "State4"): if(self.finished): self.sub1 = "State1" print "Finished!" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('State1') # Actuation if if(self.sub1 == "State1"): print "State1" time.sleep(2) elif(self.sub1 == "State2"): print "State2" time.sleep(2) elif(self.sub1 == "State3"): print "State3" time.sleep(2) elif(self.sub1 == "State4"): print "State4" time.sleep(2) self.finished = True totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def connectToProxys(self): def destroyIc(self): if(self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print 'runtime gui enabled' else: self.displayGui = False print 'runtime gui disabled' if __name__ == '__main__': signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) automata = Automata() try: automata.connectToProxys() automata.readArgs() automata.start() automata.join() sys.exit(0) except: traceback.print_exc() automata.destroyIc() sys.exit(-1)
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "TakeOff", "GoFront", "DoSquare", "Landing", "END", ] self.StatesSub2 = [ "TakingOff", "TakingOff_ghost", "Stabilizing1", "Stabilizing1_ghost", ] self.StatesSub3 = [ "GoingFront", "GoingFront_ghost", "Stabilizing2", "Stabilizing2_ghost", "goneFront", "goneFront_ghost", ] self.StatesSub4 = [ "empty1", "empty1_ghost", "empty2", "empty2_ghost", ] self.StatesSub5 = [ "DoingRigthSide", "DoingRigthSide_ghost", "DoingTopSide", "DoingTopSide_ghost", "DoingLeftSide", "DoingLeftSide_ghost", "DoingBottomSide", "DoingBottomSide_ghost", ] self.StatesSub6 = [ "GoingToTop", "GoingToTop_ghost", "StabilizingTop", "StabilizingTop_ghost", "GoneToTop", "GoneToTop_ghost", ] self.StatesSub8 = [ "GoingToLeft", "GoingToLeft_ghost", "StabilizingLeft", "StabilizingLeft_ghost", "GoneToLeft", "GoneToLeft_ghost", ] self.StatesSub9 = [ "GoingToBottom", "GoingToBottom_ghost", "StabilizingBottom", "StabilizingBottom_ghost", "GoneToBottom", "GoneToBottom_ghost", ] self.StatesSub10 = [ "GoingToRigth", "GoingToRigth_ghost", "StabilizingRigth", "StabilizingRigth_ghost", "GoneToRigth", "GoneToRigth_ghost", ] self.sub1 = "TakeOff" self.run1 = True self.sub2 = "TakingOff_ghost" self.run2 = True self.sub3 = "GoingFront_ghost" self.run3 = True self.sub4 = "empty1_ghost" self.run4 = True self.sub5 = "DoingRigthSide_ghost" self.run5 = True self.sub6 = "GoingToTop_ghost" self.run6 = True self.sub8 = "GoingToLeft_ghost" self.run8 = True self.sub9 = "GoingToBottom_ghost" self.run9 = True self.sub10 = "GoingToRigth_ghost" self.run10 = True def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() self.t2 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata2) self.t2.start() self.t3 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata3) self.t3.start() self.t4 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata4) self.t4.start() self.t5 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata5) self.t5.start() self.t6 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata6) self.t6.start() self.t8 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata8) self.t8.start() self.t9 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata9) self.t9.start() self.t10 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata10) self.t10.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1,0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 2, 76, 158, 1, 'TakeOff') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(5, 3, 323, 136, 0, 'GoFront') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(14, 5, 587, 181, 0, 'DoSquare') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(15, 0, 395, 467, 0, 'Landing') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(16, 0, 89, 421, 0, 'END') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((76, 158), (323, 136), (189, 145), 2, 1, 5) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((323, 136), (587, 181), (446, 132), 6, 5, 14) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((395, 467), (89, 421), (226, 464), 8, 15, 16) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((89, 421), (76, 158), (48, 290), 28, 16, 1) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((587, 181), (395, 467), (491, 324), 37, 14, 15) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) # Creating subAutomata2 guiSubautomata2 = GuiSubautomata(2,1, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(2, 0, 106, 141, 1, 'TakingOff') guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(3, 0, 283, 219, 0, 'Stabilizing1') guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((106, 141), (283, 219), (138, 243), 1, 2, 3) guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((283, 219), (106, 141), (244, 116), 26, 3, 2) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata2) # Creating subAutomata3 guiSubautomata3 = GuiSubautomata(3,5, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(9, 0, 127, 107, 1, 'GoingFront') guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(10, 4, 511, 137, 0, 'Stabilizing2') guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(11, 0, 298, 291, 0, 'goneFront') guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((127, 107), (511, 137), (319, 123), 2, 9, 10) guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((511, 137), (298, 291), (405, 214), 3, 10, 11) guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((298, 291), (127, 107), (212, 199), 27, 11, 9) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata3) # Creating subAutomata4 guiSubautomata4 = GuiSubautomata(4,10, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata4.newGuiNode(12, 0, 232, 178, 1, 'empty1') guiSubautomata4.newGuiNode(13, 0, 445, 217, 0, 'empty2') guiSubautomata4.newGuiTransition((232, 178), (445, 217), (357, 129), 4, 12, 13) guiSubautomata4.newGuiTransition((445, 217), (232, 178), (316, 271), 5, 13, 12) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata4) # Creating subAutomata5 guiSubautomata5 = GuiSubautomata(5,14, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(17, 6, 465, 388, 1, 'DoingRigthSide') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(18, 8, 461, 140, 0, 'DoingTopSide') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(19, 9, 134, 130, 0, 'DoingLeftSide') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(20, 10, 141, 389, 0, 'DoingBottomSide') guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((465, 388), (461, 140), (463, 264), 9, 17, 18) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((461, 140), (134, 130), (298, 136), 10, 18, 19) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((134, 130), (141, 389), (137, 260), 11, 19, 20) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((141, 389), (465, 388), (303, 388), 12, 20, 17) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata5) # Creating subAutomata6 guiSubautomata6 = GuiSubautomata(6,17, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata6.newGuiNode(21, 0, 352, 452, 1, 'GoingToTop') guiSubautomata6.newGuiNode(22, 0, 280, 218, 0, 'StabilizingTop') guiSubautomata6.newGuiNode(23, 0, 448, 105, 0, 'GoneToTop') guiSubautomata6.newGuiTransition((352, 452), (280, 218), (212, 319), 13, 21, 22) guiSubautomata6.newGuiTransition((280, 218), (448, 105), (350, 132), 14, 22, 23) guiSubautomata6.newGuiTransition((448, 105), (352, 452), (400, 279), 16, 23, 21) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata6) # Creating subAutomata8 guiSubautomata8 = GuiSubautomata(8,18, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata8.newGuiNode(24, 0, 135, 397, 1, 'GoingToLeft') guiSubautomata8.newGuiNode(25, 0, 213, 194, 0, 'StabilizingLeft') guiSubautomata8.newGuiNode(26, 0, 416, 260, 0, 'GoneToLeft') guiSubautomata8.newGuiTransition((135, 397), (213, 194), (174, 295), 17, 24, 25) guiSubautomata8.newGuiTransition((213, 194), (416, 260), (314, 227), 18, 25, 26) guiSubautomata8.newGuiTransition((416, 260), (135, 397), (275, 328), 19, 26, 24) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata8) # Creating subAutomata9 guiSubautomata9 = GuiSubautomata(9,19, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata9.newGuiNode(27, 0, 169, 408, 1, 'GoingToBottom') guiSubautomata9.newGuiNode(28, 0, 243, 164, 0, 'StabilizingBottom') guiSubautomata9.newGuiNode(29, 0, 418, 355, 0, 'GoneToBottom') guiSubautomata9.newGuiTransition((169, 408), (243, 164), (206, 286), 20, 27, 28) guiSubautomata9.newGuiTransition((243, 164), (418, 355), (330, 259), 21, 28, 29) guiSubautomata9.newGuiTransition((418, 355), (169, 408), (293, 381), 22, 29, 27) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata9) # Creating subAutomata10 guiSubautomata10 = GuiSubautomata(10,20, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata10.newGuiNode(31, 0, 121, 361, 1, 'GoingToRigth') guiSubautomata10.newGuiNode(32, 0, 231, 110, 0, 'StabilizingRigth') guiSubautomata10.newGuiNode(33, 0, 371, 331, 0, 'GoneToRigth') guiSubautomata10.newGuiTransition((121, 361), (231, 110), (176, 235), 23, 31, 32) guiSubautomata10.newGuiTransition((231, 110), (371, 331), (300, 220), 24, 32, 33) guiSubautomata10.newGuiTransition((371, 331), (121, 361), (246, 346), 25, 33, 31) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata10) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False self.run2 = False self.run3 = False self.run4 = False self.run5 = False self.run6 = False self.run8 = False self.run9 = False self.run10 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 self.goneFront = False self.squareDone = False self.goneBack = False while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if(self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 3.5): self.sub1 = "GoFront" t_activated = False print "From TakeOff to GoFront" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoFront') elif(self.sub1 == "GoFront"): if(self.goneFront): self.sub1 = "DoSquare" self.goneFront = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('DoSquare') elif(self.sub1 == "DoSquare"): if(self.squareDone): self.sub1 = "Landing" self.squareDone = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Landing') elif(self.sub1 == "Landing"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 2): self.sub1 = "END" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('END') elif(self.sub1 == "END"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 3): self.sub1 = "TakeOff" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('TakeOff') # Actuation if if(self.sub1 == "Landing"): print "landing" self.lock.acquire() self.lock.release() elif(self.sub1 == "END"): print "END" totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata2(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_TakingOff_max = 2 t_Stabilizing1_max = 1.7 while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if ((self.sub2 == "TakingOff_ghost") or (self.sub2 == "Stabilizing1_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub2 == "TakingOff"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_TakingOff_max): self.sub2 = "Stabilizing1" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Stabilizing1') t_TakingOff_max = 2 elif(self.sub2 == "Stabilizing1"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_Stabilizing1_max): self.sub2 = "TakingOff" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('TakingOff') t_Stabilizing1_max = 1.7 # Actuation if if(self.sub2 == "TakingOff"): print "Taking Off" self.lock.acquire() self.extraPrx.takeoff() self.lock.release() else: if(self.sub2 == "TakingOff"): t_TakingOff_max = 2 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) + 1 self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub2 == "Stabilizing1"): t_Stabilizing1_max = 1.7 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) + 1 self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata3(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_Stabilizing2_max = 3 t_goneFront_max = 0.2 initPos = 0 pos = 0 while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "GoFront"): if ((self.sub3 == "GoingFront_ghost") or (self.sub3 == "Stabilizing2_ghost") or (self.sub3 == "goneFront_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub3 == "GoingFront"): if(pos - initPos > 300): self.sub3 = "Stabilizing2" print "300m reached" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Stabilizing2') elif(self.sub3 == "Stabilizing2"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_Stabilizing2_max): self.sub3 = "goneFront" t_activated = False print "from stabilizing2 to GoneFront" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('goneFront') t_Stabilizing2_max = 3 elif(self.sub3 == "goneFront"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_goneFront_max): self.sub3 = "GoingFront" t_activated = False initPos = 0 pos = 0 if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoingFront') t_goneFront_max = 0.2 # Actuation if if(self.sub3 == "GoingFront"): pos = self.pose3dPrx.getPose3DData().x * 100 if initPos == 0: initPos = self.pose3dPrx.getPose3DData().x * 100 print "pos:", pos, "init:", initPos print "distancia", pos - initPos cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 1 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif(self.sub3 == "Stabilizing2"): cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif(self.sub3 == "goneFront"): self.goneFront = True else: if(self.sub3 == "GoingFront"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub3 == "Stabilizing2"): t_Stabilizing2_max = 3 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub3 == "goneFront"): t_goneFront_max = 0.2 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata4(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_empty1_max = 0.8 t_empty2_max = 0.8 while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub3 == "Stabilizing2"): if ((self.sub4 == "empty1_ghost") or (self.sub4 == "empty2_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub4 == "empty1"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_empty1_max): self.sub4 = "empty2" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('empty2') t_empty1_max = 0.8 elif(self.sub4 == "empty2"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_empty2_max): self.sub4 = "empty1" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('empty1') t_empty2_max = 0.8 # Actuation if else: if(self.sub4 == "empty1"): t_empty1_max = 0.8 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) + 1 self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub4 == "empty2"): t_empty2_max = 0.8 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) + 1 self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata5(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 self.goneToTop = False self.goneToLeft = False self.goneToBottom = False self.goneToRigth = False while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "DoSquare"): if ((self.sub5 == "DoingRigthSide_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "DoingTopSide_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "DoingLeftSide_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "DoingBottomSide_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub5 == "DoingRigthSide"): if(self.goneToTop): self.sub5 = "DoingTopSide" print "Rigth Done" self.goneToTop = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('DoingTopSide') elif(self.sub5 == "DoingTopSide"): if(self.goneToLeft): self.sub5 = "DoingLeftSide" print "Left done" self.goneToLeft = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('DoingLeftSide') elif(self.sub5 == "DoingLeftSide"): if(self.goneToBottom): self.sub5 = "DoingBottomSide" print "Left done" self.goneToBottom = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('DoingBottomSide') elif(self.sub5 == "DoingBottomSide"): if(self.goneToRigth): self.sub5 = "DoingRigthSide" self.squareDone = True print "Bottom done" self.goneToRigth = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('DoingRigthSide') # Actuation if if(self.sub5 == "DoingRigthSide"): print "Doing Rigth Side" elif(self.sub5 == "DoingTopSide"): print "Doing Top Side" elif(self.sub5 == "DoingLeftSide"): print "Doing Left Side" elif(self.sub5 == "DoingBottomSide"): print "Doing Bottom Side" else: if(self.sub5 == "DoingRigthSide"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub5 == "DoingTopSide"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub5 == "DoingLeftSide"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub5 == "DoingBottomSide"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata6(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_GoingToTop_max = 3 t_StabilizingTop_max = 2 t_GoneToTop_max = 0.1 while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub5 == "DoingRigthSide"): if ((self.sub6 == "GoingToTop_ghost") or (self.sub6 == "StabilizingTop_ghost") or (self.sub6 == "GoneToTop_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub6 == "GoingToTop"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_GoingToTop_max): self.sub6 = "StabilizingTop" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('StabilizingTop') t_GoingToTop_max = 3 elif(self.sub6 == "StabilizingTop"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_StabilizingTop_max): self.sub6 = "GoneToTop" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoneToTop') t_StabilizingTop_max = 2 elif(self.sub6 == "GoneToTop"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_GoneToTop_max): self.sub6 = "GoingToTop" t_activated = False self.GoneToTop = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoingToTop') t_GoneToTop_max = 0.1 # Actuation if if(self.sub6 == "GoingToTop"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 0.75 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif(self.sub6 == "StabilizingTop"): cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif(self.sub6 == "GoneToTop"): self.goneToTop = True else: if(self.sub6 == "GoingToTop"): t_GoingToTop_max = 3 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) + 1 self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub6 == "StabilizingTop"): t_StabilizingTop_max = 2 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) + 1 self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub6 == "GoneToTop"): t_GoneToTop_max = 0.1 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) + 1 self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata8(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_GoingToLeft_max = 3 t_StabilizingLeft_max = 2 t_GoneToLeft_max = 0.1 while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub5 == "DoingTopSide"): if ((self.sub8 == "GoingToLeft_ghost") or (self.sub8 == "StabilizingLeft_ghost") or (self.sub8 == "GoneToLeft_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub8.index(self.sub8) self.sub8 = self.StatesSub8[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub8 == "GoingToLeft"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_GoingToLeft_max): self.sub8 = "StabilizingLeft" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('StabilizingLeft') t_GoingToLeft_max = 3 elif(self.sub8 == "StabilizingLeft"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_StabilizingLeft_max): self.sub8 = "GoneToLeft" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoneToLeft') t_StabilizingLeft_max = 2 elif(self.sub8 == "GoneToLeft"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_GoneToLeft_max): self.sub8 = "GoingToLeft" t_activated = False self.goneToLeft = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoingToLeft') t_GoneToLeft_max = 0.1 # Actuation if if(self.sub8 == "GoingToLeft"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = 0.75 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif(self.sub8 == "StabilizingLeft"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif(self.sub8 == "GoneToLeft"): self.goneToLeft = True else: if(self.sub8 == "GoingToLeft"): t_GoingToLeft_max = 3 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub8.index(self.sub8) + 1 self.sub8 = self.StatesSub8[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub8 == "StabilizingLeft"): t_StabilizingLeft_max = 2 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub8.index(self.sub8) + 1 self.sub8 = self.StatesSub8[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub8 == "GoneToLeft"): t_GoneToLeft_max = 0.1 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub8.index(self.sub8) + 1 self.sub8 = self.StatesSub8[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata9(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_GoingToBottom_max = 3 t_StabilizingBottom_max = 2 t_GoneToBottom_max = 0.1 while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub5 == "DoingLeftSide"): if ((self.sub9 == "GoingToBottom_ghost") or (self.sub9 == "StabilizingBottom_ghost") or (self.sub9 == "GoneToBottom_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub9.index(self.sub9) self.sub9 = self.StatesSub9[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub9 == "GoingToBottom"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_GoingToBottom_max): self.sub9 = "StabilizingBottom" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('StabilizingBottom') t_GoingToBottom_max = 3 elif(self.sub9 == "StabilizingBottom"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_StabilizingBottom_max): self.sub9 = "GoneToBottom" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoneToBottom') t_StabilizingBottom_max = 2 elif(self.sub9 == "GoneToBottom"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_GoneToBottom_max): self.sub9 = "GoingToBottom" t_activated = False self.goneToBottom = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoingToBottom') t_GoneToBottom_max = 0.1 # Actuation if if(self.sub9 == "GoingToBottom"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = -0.75 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif(self.sub9 == "StabilizingBottom"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif(self.sub9 == "GoneToBottom"): self.goneToBottom = True else: if(self.sub9 == "GoingToBottom"): t_GoingToBottom_max = 3 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub9.index(self.sub9) + 1 self.sub9 = self.StatesSub9[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub9 == "StabilizingBottom"): t_StabilizingBottom_max = 2 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub9.index(self.sub9) + 1 self.sub9 = self.StatesSub9[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub9 == "GoneToBottom"): t_GoneToBottom_max = 0.1 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub9.index(self.sub9) + 1 self.sub9 = self.StatesSub9[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata10(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_GoingToRigth_max = 3 t_StabilizingRigth_max = 2 t_GoneToRigth_max = 0.1 while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub5 == "DoingBottomSide"): if ((self.sub10 == "GoingToRigth_ghost") or (self.sub10 == "StabilizingRigth_ghost") or (self.sub10 == "GoneToRigth_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub10.index(self.sub10) self.sub10 = self.StatesSub10[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub10 == "GoingToRigth"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_GoingToRigth_max): self.sub10 = "StabilizingRigth" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('StabilizingRigth') t_GoingToRigth_max = 3 elif(self.sub10 == "StabilizingRigth"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_StabilizingRigth_max): self.sub10 = "GoneToRigth" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoneToRigth') t_StabilizingRigth_max = 2 elif(self.sub10 == "GoneToRigth"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_GoneToRigth_max): self.sub10 = "GoingToRigth" t_activated = False self.goneToRigth = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoingToRigth') t_GoneToRigth_max = 0.1 # Actuation if if(self.sub10 == "GoingToRigth"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = -0.75 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif(self.sub10 == "StabilizingRigth"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif(self.sub10 == "GoneToRigth"): self.goneToRigth = True else: if(self.sub10 == "GoingToRigth"): t_GoingToRigth_max = 3 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub10.index(self.sub10) + 1 self.sub10 = self.StatesSub10[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub10 == "StabilizingRigth"): t_StabilizingRigth_max = 2 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub10.index(self.sub10) + 1 self.sub10 = self.StatesSub10[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub10 == "GoneToRigth"): t_GoneToRigth_max = 0.1 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub10.index(self.sub10) + 1 self.sub10 = self.StatesSub10[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = Ice.initialize(sys.argv) # Contact to pose3d pose3d = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Pose3D.Proxy') if(not pose3d): raise Exception('could not create proxy with pose3d') self.pose3dPrx = Pose3DPrx.checkedCast(pose3d) if(not self.pose3dPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Pose3D.Proxy') print 'pose3d connected' # Contact to cmdVel cmdVel = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.CMDVel.Proxy') if(not cmdVel): raise Exception('could not create proxy with cmdVel') self.cmdVelPrx = CMDVelPrx.checkedCast(cmdVel) if(not self.cmdVelPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.CMDVel.Proxy') print 'cmdVel connected' # Contact to extra extra = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') if(not extra): raise Exception('could not create proxy with extra') self.extraPrx = ArDroneExtraPrx.checkedCast(extra) if(not self.extraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') print 'extra connected' def destroyIc(self): if(self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() self.t2.join() self.t3.join() self.t4.join() self.t5.join() self.t6.join() self.t8.join() self.t9.join() self.t10.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print 'runtime gui enabled' else: self.displayGui = False print 'runtime gui disabled'
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "TakeOff", "FollowGreenLookBlue", "FollowBlueLookGreen", "FollowGreenLookRed", "FollowRed", ] self.StatesSub3 = [ "WaitGreen", "WaitGreen_ghost", "FollowGreen", "FollowGreen_ghost", ] self.StatesSub4 = [ "WaitBlue", "WaitBlue_ghost", "FollowBlue", "FollowBlue_ghost", ] self.StatesSub5 = [ "WaitGreen2", "WaitGreen2_ghost", "FollowGreen2", "FollowGreen2_ghost", ] self.StatesSub6 = [ "WaitRed", "WaitRed_ghost", "FollowingRed", "FollowingRed_ghost", ] self.sub1 = "TakeOff" self.run1 = True self.sub3 = "WaitGreen_ghost" self.run3 = True self.sub4 = "WaitBlue_ghost" self.run4 = True self.sub5 = "WaitGreen2_ghost" self.run5 = True self.sub6 = "WaitRed_ghost" self.run6 = True def getImage(self): img = self.CameraPrx.getImageData("RGB8") height = img.description.height width=img.description.width if self.targetX == None and self.targetY == None: self.targetX = width/2 self.targetY = height/2 print "targetX:", self.targetX, "targetY:,", self.targetY imgPixels = numpy.zeros((height, width, 3), numpy.uint8) imgPixels = numpy.frombuffer(img.pixelData, dtype=numpy.uint8) imgPixels.shape = height, width, 3 return imgPixels def getContours(self, img, minValues, maxValues): hsvImg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) thresholdImg = cv2.inRange(hsvImg, minValues, maxValues) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresholdImg, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) return contours, hierarchy def getVelocities(self, contours): contour = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea) (x, y), radius = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(contour) xError = self.targetX - x yError = self.targetY - y xVel = self.xPID.process(xError) yVel = self.yPID.process(yError) return xVel, yVel def setVelocity(self, vx, vy, vz, yaw): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = vy cmd.linearY = vx cmd.linearZ = vz cmd.angularZ = yaw cmd.angularX = cmd.angularY = 1.0 self.CMDVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) class PID: def __init__(self, Epsilon=.01, Kp=1, Ki=1, Kd=1, Imax=300, Imin=-300): self.Ep = Epsilon self.Kp = Kp self.Ki = Ki self.Kd = Kd self.Imax = Imax self.Imin = Imin self.lastError = 0 self.cumulativeError = 0 def updateCumulativeError(self, error): self.cumulativeError += error if self.cumulativeError > self.Imax: self.cumulativeError = self.Imax elif self.cumulativeError < self.Imin: self.cumulativeError = self.Imin def process(self, error, derivative=None, integral=None): if -self.Ep < error < self.Ep: return 0 P = self.Kp * error self.updateCumulativeError(error) if integral != None: I = self.Ki * integral else: I = self.Ki * self.cumulativeError if derivative != None: D = self.Kd * derivative else: D = self.Kd * (error - self.lastError) self.lastError = error speed = P + I + D #if speed > 0.4: # speed = 0.4 #if speed < -0.4: # speed = -0.4 return speed def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() self.t3 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata3) self.t3.start() self.t4 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata4) self.t4.start() self.t5 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata5) self.t5.start() self.t6 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata6) self.t6.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1,0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 0, 117, 139, 1, 'TakeOff') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 3, 303, 150, 0, 'FollowGreenLookBlue') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(5, 4, 421, 244, 0, 'FollowBlueLookGreen') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(6, 5, 325, 312, 0, 'FollowGreenLookRed') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(7, 6, 142, 326, 0, 'FollowRed') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((303, 150), (421, 244), (421, 157), 4, 2, 5) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((421, 244), (325, 312), (436, 325), 5, 5, 6) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((325, 312), (142, 326), (232, 331), 6, 6, 7) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((117, 139), (303, 150), (194, 174), 15, 1, 2) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) # Creating subAutomata3 guiSubautomata3 = GuiSubautomata(3,2, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(3, 0, 67, 147, 1, 'WaitGreen') guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(4, 0, 269, 152, 0, 'FollowGreen') guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((67, 147), (269, 152), (173, 40), 2, 3, 4) guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((269, 152), (67, 147), (170, 221), 3, 4, 3) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata3) # Creating subAutomata4 guiSubautomata4 = GuiSubautomata(4,5, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata4.newGuiNode(8, 0, 111, 129, 1, 'WaitBlue') guiSubautomata4.newGuiNode(9, 0, 296, 141, 0, 'FollowBlue') guiSubautomata4.newGuiTransition((111, 129), (296, 141), (200, 60), 7, 8, 9) guiSubautomata4.newGuiTransition((296, 141), (111, 129), (191, 198), 8, 9, 8) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata4) # Creating subAutomata5 guiSubautomata5 = GuiSubautomata(5,6, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(10, 0, 79, 120, 1, 'WaitGreen2') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(11, 0, 336, 152, 0, 'FollowGreen2') guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((336, 152), (79, 120), (196, 220), 9, 11, 10) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((79, 120), (336, 152), (217, 56), 10, 10, 11) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata5) # Creating subAutomata6 guiSubautomata6 = GuiSubautomata(6,7, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata6.newGuiNode(12, 0, 104, 151, 1, 'WaitRed') guiSubautomata6.newGuiNode(13, 0, 341, 163, 0, 'FollowingRed') guiSubautomata6.newGuiTransition((104, 151), (341, 163), (221, 56), 11, 12, 13) guiSubautomata6.newGuiTransition((341, 163), (104, 151), (225, 219), 12, 13, 12) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata6) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False self.run3 = False self.run4 = False self.run5 = False self.run6 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 #ControlValues minError = 10 self.targetX = None self.targetY = None self.hIters = 0 #maxHIters = 35 #For gazebo maxHIters = 20 #For real refracIters = 0 refracTime = 35 #Contours self.greenConts = [] self.blueConts = [] self.redConts = [] #Filter values for simulator. Order: [H, S, V] minGValues = numpy.array([30, 129, 33]) maxGValues = numpy.array([70, 255 , 190]) minBValues = numpy.array([0, 140, 37]) maxBValues = numpy.array([16, 255, 200]) minRValues = numpy.array([100, 209, 82]) maxRValues = numpy.array([153, 255, 200]) #Filter values for real. Order: [H, S, V] #minGValues = numpy.array([31,0,120]) #maxGValues = numpy.array([70, 46 , 255]) #minBValues = numpy.array([9,126,175]) #maxBValues = numpy.array([58,209,255]) #minRValues = numpy.array([93,195,154]) #maxRValues = numpy.array([155,255,255]) #PID control self.xPID = self.PID(minError, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 5, -5) self.yPID = self.PID(minError, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 5, -5) while(self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if(self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if(self.hIters >= maxHIters): self.sub1 = "FollowGreenLookBlue" self.setVelocity(0,0,0,0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FollowGreenLookBlue') elif(self.sub1 == "FollowGreenLookBlue"): if(self.blueConts): self.sub1 = "FollowBlueLookGreen" print "Reseting Green Conts" self.greenConts = [] if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FollowBlueLookGreen') elif(self.sub1 == "FollowBlueLookGreen"): if(self.greenConts): self.sub1 = "FollowGreenLookRed" self.blueConts = [] refracIters = 0 if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FollowGreenLookRed') elif(self.sub1 == "FollowGreenLookRed"): if(self.redConts): self.sub1 = "FollowRed" self.greenConts = [] if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FollowRed') # Actuation if if(self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if self.hIters == 0: self.ExtraPrx.takeoff() print "taking off" else: #self.setVelocity(0,0,0.5,0) self.setVelocity(0,0,1,0) self.hIters += 1 print "ITERS: ", self.hIters elif(self.sub1 == "FollowGreenLookBlue"): inImg = self.getImage() softenedImg = cv2.bilateralFilter(inImg, 9, 75, 75) self.greenConts, hierarchy = self.getContours(softenedImg, minGValues, maxGValues) self.blueConts, hierarchy = self.getContours(softenedImg, minBValues, maxBValues) elif(self.sub1 == "FollowBlueLookGreen"): inImg = self.getImage() softenedImg = cv2.bilateralFilter(inImg, 9, 75, 75) self.blueConts, hierarchy = self.getContours(softenedImg, minBValues, maxBValues) if refracIters >= refracTime: self.greenConts, hierarchy = self.getContours(softenedImg, minGValues, maxGValues) print "inside refrac time" else: print "refrac Iters:", refracIters refracIters += 1 elif(self.sub1 == "FollowGreenLookRed"): inImg = self.getImage() softenedImg = cv2.bilateralFilter(inImg, 9, 75, 75) self.greenConts, hierarchy = self.getContours(softenedImg, minGValues, maxGValues) self.redConts, hierarchy = self.getContours(softenedImg, minRValues, maxRValues) print "RED:", self.redConts elif(self.sub1 == "FollowRed"): inImg = self.getImage() softenedImg = cv2.bilateralFilter(inImg, 9, 75, 75) self.redConts, hierarchy = self.getContours(softenedImg, minRValues, maxRValues) totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata3(self): self.run3 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while(self.run3): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "FollowGreenLookBlue"): if ((self.sub3 == "WaitGreen_ghost") or (self.sub3 == "FollowGreen_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub3 == "WaitGreen"): if(self.greenConts): self.sub3 = "FollowGreen" print "Green Finded" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FollowGreen') elif(self.sub3 == "FollowGreen"): if(not self.greenConts): self.sub3 = "WaitGreen" print "Green Lost" self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('WaitGreen') # Actuation if if(self.sub3 == "WaitGreen"): self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) elif(self.sub3 == "FollowGreen"): xVel, yVel = self.getVelocities(self.greenConts) self.setVelocity(xVel, yVel, 0, 0) else: if(self.sub3 == "WaitGreen"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub3 == "FollowGreen"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata4(self): self.run4 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while(self.run4): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "FollowBlueLookGreen"): if ((self.sub4 == "WaitBlue_ghost") or (self.sub4 == "FollowBlue_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub4 == "WaitBlue"): if(self.blueConts): self.sub4 = "FollowBlue" print "Blue Finded" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FollowBlue') elif(self.sub4 == "FollowBlue"): if(not self.blueConts): self.sub4 = "WaitBlue" print "Blue Lost" self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('WaitBlue') # Actuation if if(self.sub4 == "WaitBlue"): self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) elif(self.sub4 == "FollowBlue"): xVel, yVel = self.getVelocities(self.blueConts) self.setVelocity(xVel, yVel, 0, 0) else: if(self.sub4 == "WaitBlue"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) + 1 self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub4 == "FollowBlue"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) + 1 self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata5(self): self.run5 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while(self.run5): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "FollowGreenLookRed"): if ((self.sub5 == "WaitGreen2_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "FollowGreen2_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub5 == "WaitGreen2"): if(self.greenConts): self.sub5 = "FollowGreen2" print "Green2 finded" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FollowGreen2') elif(self.sub5 == "FollowGreen2"): if(not self.greenConts): self.sub5 = "WaitGreen2" print "Green2 Lost" self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('WaitGreen2') # Actuation if if(self.sub5 == "WaitGreen2"): self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) elif(self.sub5 == "FollowGreen2"): xVel, yVel = self.getVelocities(self.greenConts) self.setVelocity(xVel, yVel, 0, 0) else: if(self.sub5 == "WaitGreen2"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub5 == "FollowGreen2"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata6(self): self.run6 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while(self.run6): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "FollowRed"): if ((self.sub6 == "WaitRed_ghost") or (self.sub6 == "FollowingRed_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub6 == "WaitRed"): if(self.redConts): self.sub6 = "FollowingRed" print "Red FInded" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FollowingRed') elif(self.sub6 == "FollowingRed"): if(not self.redConts): self.sub6 = "WaitRed" print "Red Lost" self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('WaitRed') # Actuation if if(self.sub6 == "WaitRed"): self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) elif(self.sub6 == "FollowingRed"): xVel, yVel = self.getVelocities(self.redConts) self.setVelocity(xVel, yVel, 0, 0) else: if(self.sub6 == "WaitRed"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) + 1 self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub6 == "FollowingRed"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) + 1 self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = Ice.initialize(sys.argv) # Contact to Extra Extra = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') if(not Extra): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Extra') self.ExtraPrx = ArDroneExtraPrx.checkedCast(Extra) if(not self.ExtraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') print 'Extra connected' # Contact to CMDVel CMDVel = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.CMDVel.Proxy') if(not CMDVel): raise Exception('could not create proxy with CMDVel') self.CMDVelPrx = CMDVelPrx.checkedCast(CMDVel) if(not self.CMDVelPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.CMDVel.Proxy') print 'CMDVel connected' # Contact to Camera Camera = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Camera.Proxy') if(not Camera): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Camera') self.CameraPrx = CameraPrx.checkedCast(Camera) if(not self.CameraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Camera.Proxy') print 'Camera connected' # Contact to Pose3D Pose3D = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Pose3D.Proxy') if(not Pose3D): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Pose3D') self.Pose3DPrx = Pose3DPrx.checkedCast(Pose3D) if(not self.Pose3DPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Pose3D.Proxy') print 'Pose3D connected' def destroyIc(self): if(self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() self.t3.join() self.t4.join() self.t5.join() self.t6.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print 'runtime gui enabled' else: self.displayGui = False print 'runtime gui disabled'
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "goforward", ] self.sub1 = "goforward" self.run1 = True def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1, 0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 0, 106, 166, 1, 'goforward') guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while (self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if # Actuation if if (self.sub1 == "goforward"): self.my_motors.sendV(0.2) totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = EasyIce.initialize(sys.argv) self.ic, self.node = comm.init(self.ic) # Contact to my_motors self.my_motors = comm.getMotorsClient(self.ic, 'automata.my_motors') if (not self.my_motors): raise Exception('could not create client with my_motors') print('my_motors connected') def destroyIc(self): self.my_motors.stop() comm.destroy(self.ic, self.node) def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print('runtime gui enabled') else: self.displayGui = False print('runtime gui disabled')
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "GoStraight", "TurnRight", "MoveLeft", "MoveRight", ] self.sub1 = "GoStraight" self.run1 = True def get_min_distance(self): laser_data = self.laser_sensor.getLaserData() min_dist = 100000 for i in range(laser_data.numLaser): if i < 5: continue avg_dist = 0 for j in range(5): avg_dist += laser_data.distanceData[i - j] avg_dist = avg_dist / 5.0 if avg_dist < min_dist: min_dist = avg_dist print('min_dist:' + str(min_dist)) return min_dist def get_left_distance(self): laser_data = self.laser_sensor.getLaserData() avg_dist = 0 for i in range(10): avg_dist += laser_data.distanceData[laser_data.numLaser - i] avg_dist = avg_dist / 10.0 print('avg_dist:' + str(avg_dist)) return avg_dist def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1, 0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 0, 107, 124, 1, 'GoStraight') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 0, 300, 128, 0, 'TurnRight') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(3, 0, 457, 131, 0, 'MoveLeft') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(4, 0, 464, 290, 0, 'MoveRight') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((107, 124), (300, 128), (190, 59), 1, 1, 2) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((300, 128), (457, 131), (369, 59), 2, 2, 3) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((457, 131), (464, 290), (553, 205), 4, 3, 4) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((464, 290), (457, 131), (390, 209), 5, 4, 3) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while (self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if (self.sub1 == "GoStraight"): if (self.get_min_distance() < 700): self.sub1 = "TurnRight" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('TurnRight') elif (self.sub1 == "TurnRight"): if (self.get_left_distance() < 750): self.sub1 = "MoveLeft" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('MoveLeft') elif (self.sub1 == "MoveLeft"): if (self.get_left_distance() < 700): self.sub1 = "MoveRight" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('MoveRight') elif (self.sub1 == "MoveRight"): if (self.get_left_distance() > 700): self.sub1 = "MoveLeft" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('MoveLeft') # Actuation if if (self.sub1 == "GoStraight"): self.my_motors.setV(0.2) self.my_motors.setW(0.0) elif (self.sub1 == "TurnRight"): self.my_motors.setV(0.0) self.my_motors.setW(-0.2) elif (self.sub1 == "MoveLeft"): self.my_motors.setV(0.15) self.my_motors.setW(0.15) elif (self.sub1 == "MoveRight"): self.my_motors.setV(0.15) self.my_motors.setW(-0.15) totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = EasyIce.initialize(sys.argv) # Contact to laser_sensor laser_sensor = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.laser_sensor.Proxy') if (not laser_sensor): raise Exception('could not create proxy with laser_sensor') self.laser_sensor = LaserPrx.checkedCast(laser_sensor) if (not self.laser_sensor): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.laser_sensor.Proxy') print('laser_sensor connected') # Contact to my_motors my_motors = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.my_motors.Proxy') if (not my_motors): raise Exception('could not create proxy with my_motors') self.my_motors = MotorsPrx.checkedCast(my_motors) if (not self.my_motors): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.my_motors.Proxy') print('my_motors connected') def destroyIc(self): if (self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print('runtime gui enabled') else: self.displayGui = False print('runtime gui disabled')
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.StatesSub1 = [ "TakeOff", "Stabilizing1", "GoFront", "Stoping", "Landing", "Stabilizing2", ] self.StatesSub3 = [ "A", "A_ghost", "B", "B_ghost", ] self.StatesSub5 = [ "C", "C_ghost", ] self.sub1 = "TakeOff" self.run1 = True self.sub3 = "A_ghost" self.run3 = True self.sub5 = "C_ghost" self.run5 = True def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1, 0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 3, 61, 101, 1, 'TakeOff') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 0, 283, 75, 0, 'Stabilizing1') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(3, 0, 497, 130, 0, 'GoFront') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(4, 0, 489, 320, 0, 'Stoping') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(5, 0, 250, 408, 0, 'Landing') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(6, 0, 66, 283, 0, 'Stabilizing2') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((61, 101), (283, 75), (9, 212), 1, 1, 2) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((283, 75), (497, 130), (413, 79), 2, 2, 3) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((497, 130), (489, 320), (570, 239), 3, 3, 4) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((489, 320), (250, 408), (410, 411), 4, 4, 5) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((250, 408), (66, 283), (152, 338), 6, 5, 6) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((66, 283), (61, 101), (9, 212), 1, 6, 1) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) # Creating subAutomata3 guiSubautomata3 = GuiSubautomata(3, 1, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(7, 0, 175, 146, 1, 'A') guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(8, 5, 468, 201, 0, 'B') guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((175, 146), (468, 201), (348, 79), 1, 7, 8) guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((468, 201), (175, 146), (303, 215), 2, 8, 7) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata3) # Creating subAutomata5 guiSubautomata5 = GuiSubautomata(5, 3, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(9, 0, 70, 146, 1, 'C') guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((70, 146), (70, 146), (70, 186), 3, 9, 9) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata5) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False self.run3 = False self.run5 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False hasTakenOff = False hasLanded = False while (run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if (self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if (hasTakenOff): self.sub1 = "Stabilizing1" print "Going to Stabilizing" self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Stabilizing1') elif (self.sub1 == "Stabilizing1"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > 1.5): self.sub1 = "GoFront" t_activated = False print "going to GoFront" self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoFront') elif (self.sub1 == "GoFront"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > 3): self.sub1 = "Stoping" t_activated = False print "going to Stoping" self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Stoping') elif (self.sub1 == "Stoping"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > 3.5): self.sub1 = "Landing" t_activated = False print "going to Land" self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Landing') elif (self.sub1 == "Landing"): if (hasLanded): self.sub1 = "Stabilizing2" self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Stabilizing2') elif (self.sub1 == "Stabilizing2"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > 3): self.sub1 = "TakeOff" t_activated = False print "Restarting" self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('TakeOff') # Actuation if if (self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): print "Taking Off" self.lock.acquire() self.extraPrx.takeoff() self.lock.release() hasTakenOff = True elif (self.sub1 == "Stabilizing1"): print "Stabilizing" elif (self.sub1 == "GoFront"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 1 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif (self.sub1 == "Stoping"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() print "Stoping" elif (self.sub1 == "Landing"): print "Landing" self.lock.acquire() self.lock.release() hasLanded = True elif (self.sub1 == "Stabilizing2"): finished() totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata3(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_A_max = 0.023 t_B_max = 0.055 while (run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if ((self.sub3 == "A_ghost") or (self.sub3 == "B_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub3 == "A"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_A_max): self.sub3 = "B" t_activated = False self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('B') t_A_max = 0.023 elif (self.sub3 == "B"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_B_max): self.sub3 = "A" t_activated = False self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('A') t_B_max = 0.055 # Actuation if if (self.sub3 == "A"): print "A" elif (self.sub3 == "B"): print "B" else: if (self.sub3 == "A"): t_A_max = 0.023 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub3 == "B"): t_B_max = 0.055 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata5(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_C_max = 0.567 while (run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub3 == "B"): if ((self.sub5 == "C_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub5 == "C"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_C_max): self.sub5 = "C" t_activated = False self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('C') t_C_max = 0.567 # Actuation if if (self.sub5 == "C"): print "C" else: if (self.sub5 == "C"): t_C_max = 0.567 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StateSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = Ice.initialize(sys.argv) # Contact to camera camera = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Camera.Proxy') if (not camera): raise Exception('could not create proxy with camera') self.cameraPrx = CameraPrx.checkedCast(camera) if (not self.cameraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Camera.Proxy') print 'camera connected' # Contact to pose3d pose3d = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Pose3D.Proxy') if (not pose3d): raise Exception('could not create proxy with pose3d') self.pose3dPrx = Pose3DPrx.checkedCast(pose3d) if (not self.pose3dPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Pose3D.Proxy') print 'pose3d connected' # Contact to cmd cmd = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.CMDVel.Proxy') if (not cmd): raise Exception('could not create proxy with cmd') self.cmdPrx = CMDVelPrx.checkedCast(cmd) if (not self.cmdPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.CMDVel.Proxy') print 'cmd connected' # Contact to extra extra = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') if (not extra): raise Exception('could not create proxy with extra') self.extraPrx = ArDroneExtraPrx.checkedCast(extra) if (not self.extraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') print 'extra connected' # Contact to navdata navdata = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Navdata.Proxy') if (not navdata): raise Exception('could not create proxy with navdata') self.navdataPrx = NavdataPrx.checkedCast(navdata) if (not self.navdataPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Navdata.Proxy') print 'navdata connected' def destroyIc(self): if (self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() time.sleep(1) self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() self.t3 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata3) self.t3.start() self.t5 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata5) self.t5.start() def join(self): self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() self.t3.join() self.t5.join()
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "TakeOff", "FollowTurtle", "Land", ] self.StatesSub2 = [ "FindTurtle", "FindTurtle_ghost", "FollowTurtle", "FollowTurtle_ghost", ] self.StatesSub3 = [ "LoseTurtle", "LoseTurtle_ghost", "Landing", "Landing_ghost", ] self.sub1 = "TakeOff" self.run1 = True self.sub2 = "FindTurtle_ghost" self.run2 = True self.sub3 = "LoseTurtle_ghost" self.run3 = True def setVelocity(self, vx, vy, vz, yaw): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = vy cmd.linearY = vx cmd.linearZ = vz cmd.angularZ = yaw cmd.angularX = cmd.angularY = 1.0 self.CMDVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) def getImage(self): img = self.CameraPrx.getImageData("RGB8") height = img.description.height width = img.description.width imgPixels = numpy.zeros((height, width, 3), numpy.uint8) imgPixels = numpy.frombuffer(img.pixelData, dtype=numpy.uint8) imgPixels.shape = height, width, 3 return imgPixels def getContours(self): img = self.getImage() img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0) hsvImg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) maxValues = numpy.array(self.hmax, self.vmax, self.smax) minValues = numpy.array(self.hmin, self.vmin, self.smin) thresoldImg = cv2.inRange(hsvImg, minValues, maxValues) conts, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresoldImg, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) return conts, hierarchy class PID: def __init__(self, Epsilon=.01, Kp=1, Ki=1, Kd=1, Imax=300, Imin=-300): self.Ep = Epsilon self.Kp = Kp self.Ki = Ki self.Kd = Kd self.Imax = Imax self.Imin = Imin self.lastError = 0 self.cumulativeError = 0 def updateCumulativeError(self, error): self.cumulativeError += error if self.cumulativeError > self.Imax: self.cumulativeError = self.Imax if self.cumulativeError < self.Imin: self.cumulativeError = self.Imin def process(self, error): if -self.Ep < error < self.Ep: return 0 P = self.Kp * error self.updateCumulativeError(error) I = self.Ki * self.cumulativeError D = self.Kd * (error - self.lastError) self.lastError = error vel = P + I + D return vel def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() self.t2 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata2) self.t2.start() self.t3 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata3) self.t3.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1,0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 0, 111, 195, 1, 'TakeOff') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 2, 323, 206, 0, 'FollowTurtle') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(3, 3, 531, 229, 0, 'Land') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((111, 195), (323, 206), (191, 244), 1, 1, 2) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((323, 206), (531, 229), (419, 267), 2, 2, 3) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) # Creating subAutomata2 guiSubautomata2 = GuiSubautomata(2,2, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(4, 0, 118, 156, 1, 'FindTurtle') guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(5, 0, 410, 171, 0, 'FollowTurtle') guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((118, 156), (410, 171), (276, 101), 3, 4, 5) guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((410, 171), (118, 156), (258, 221), 4, 5, 4) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata2) # Creating subAutomata3 guiSubautomata3 = GuiSubautomata(3,3, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(7, 0, 117, 188, 1, 'LoseTurtle') guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(8, 0, 378, 213, 0, 'Landing') guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((378, 213), (117, 188), (271, 109), 6, 8, 7) guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((117, 188), (378, 213), (250, 258), 7, 7, 8) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata3) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False self.run2 = False self.run3 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 self.heighIters = 0 self.maxIters = 50 self.contours = [] #Filter Values self.hmin = 50 self.hmax = 70 self.vmin = 20 self.vmax = 235 self.smin = 10 self.smax = 245 while(self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if(self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 2.5): self.sub1 = "FollowTurtle" t_activated = False print "Iters:", self.heighIters if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FollowTurtle') elif(self.sub1 == "FollowTurtle"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 90): self.sub1 = "Land" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Land') # Actuation if if(self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): self.ExtraPrx.takeoff() #Get some heigh self.setVelocity(0, 0, 1, 0) self.heighIters += 1 elif(self.sub1 == "FollowTurtle"): self.contours, hierarchy = self.getContours() elif(self.sub1 == "Land"): self.contours, hierarchy = self.getContours() totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata2(self): self.run2 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 targetX = 125 targetY = 125 minError = 8 xPid = self.PID(minError, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 5, -5) yPid = self.PID(minError, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 5, -5) while(self.run2): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "FollowTurtle"): if ((self.sub2 == "FindTurtle_ghost") or (self.sub2 == "FollowTurtle_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub2 == "FindTurtle"): if(self.contours): self.sub2 = "FollowTurtle" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FollowTurtle') elif(self.sub2 == "FollowTurtle"): if(not self.contours): self.sub2 = "FindTurtle" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FindTurtle') # Actuation if if(self.sub2 == "FindTurtle"): if self.heighIters <= self.maxIters: self.setVelocity(0, 0, 1, 0) self.heighIters += 1 print "iters:", self.heighIters else: print "max hight reached" elif(self.sub2 == "FollowTurtle"): #We assume there is only one green target on the screen cnt = self.contours[0] #Locate the minimal circle enclosing the contour (x, y), radius = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(cnt) center = (int(x), int(y)) radius = int(radius) xError = targetX - center[0] yError = targetY - center[1] xVel = xPid.process(xError) yVel = yPidprocess(yError) #Control Heigh# self.setVelocity(xVel, yVel, 0, 0) print "xError:", xError, "yError:", yError print "xVel:", xVel, "yVel:", yVel else: if(self.sub2 == "FindTurtle"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) + 1 self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub2 == "FollowTurtle"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) + 1 self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata3(self): self.run3 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while(self.run3): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "Land"): if ((self.sub3 == "LoseTurtle_ghost") or (self.sub3 == "Landing_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub3 == "LoseTurtle"): if(not self.contours): self.sub3 = "Landing" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Landing') elif(self.sub3 == "Landing"): if(self.contours): self.sub3 = "LoseTurtle" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('LoseTurtle') # Actuation if if(self.sub3 == "LoseTurtle"): self.setVelocity(1, 0, 0, 0) elif(self.sub3 == "Landing"): else: if(self.sub3 == "LoseTurtle"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub3 == "Landing"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = Ice.initialize(sys.argv) # Contact to Extra Extra = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') if(not Extra): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Extra') self.ExtraPrx = ArDroneExtraPrx.checkedCast(Extra) if(not self.ExtraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') print 'Extra connected' # Contact to CMDVel CMDVel = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.CMDVel.Proxy') if(not CMDVel): raise Exception('could not create proxy with CMDVel') self.CMDVelPrx = CMDVelPrx.checkedCast(CMDVel) if(not self.CMDVelPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.CMDVel.Proxy') print 'CMDVel connected' # Contact to Camera Camera = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Camera.Proxy') if(not Camera): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Camera') self.CameraPrx = CameraPrx.checkedCast(Camera) if(not self.CameraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Camera.Proxy') print 'Camera connected' def destroyIc(self): if(self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() self.t2.join() self.t3.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print 'runtime gui enabled' else: self.displayGui = False print 'runtime gui disabled'
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "TakeOff", "FollowGreenLookBlue", "FollowBlueLookGreen", "FollowGreenLookRed", "FollowRed", ] self.StatesSub3 = [ "WaitGreen", "WaitGreen_ghost", "FollowGreen", "FollowGreen_ghost", ] self.StatesSub4 = [ "WaitBlue", "WaitBlue_ghost", "FollowBlue", "FollowBlue_ghost", ] self.StatesSub5 = [ "WaitGreen2", "WaitGreen2_ghost", "FollowGreen2", "FollowGreen2_ghost", ] self.StatesSub6 = [ "WaitRed", "WaitRed_ghost", "FollowingRed", "FollowingRed_ghost", ] self.sub1 = "TakeOff" self.run1 = True self.sub3 = "WaitGreen_ghost" self.run3 = True self.sub4 = "WaitBlue_ghost" self.run4 = True self.sub5 = "WaitGreen2_ghost" self.run5 = True self.sub6 = "WaitRed_ghost" self.run6 = True def getImage(self): img = self.CameraPrx.getImageData("RGB8") height = img.description.height width = img.description.width if self.targetX == None and self.targetY == None: self.targetX = width / 2 self.targetY = height / 2 print "targetX:", self.targetX, "targetY:,", self.targetY imgPixels = numpy.zeros((height, width, 3), numpy.uint8) imgPixels = numpy.frombuffer(img.pixelData, dtype=numpy.uint8) imgPixels.shape = height, width, 3 return imgPixels def getContours(self, img, minValues, maxValues): hsvImg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) thresholdImg = cv2.inRange(hsvImg, minValues, maxValues) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresholdImg, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) return contours, hierarchy def getVelocities(self, contours): contour = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea) (x, y), radius = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(contour) xError = self.targetX - x yError = self.targetY - y xVel = self.xPID.process(xError) yVel = self.yPID.process(yError) return xVel, yVel def setVelocity(self, vx, vy, vz, yaw): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = vy cmd.linearY = vx cmd.linearZ = vz cmd.angularZ = yaw cmd.angularX = cmd.angularY = 1.0 self.CMDVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) class PID: def __init__(self, Epsilon=.01, Kp=1, Ki=1, Kd=1, Imax=300, Imin=-300): self.Ep = Epsilon self.Kp = Kp self.Ki = Ki self.Kd = Kd self.Imax = Imax self.Imin = Imin self.lastError = 0 self.cumulativeError = 0 def updateCumulativeError(self, error): self.cumulativeError += error if self.cumulativeError > self.Imax: self.cumulativeError = self.Imax elif self.cumulativeError < self.Imin: self.cumulativeError = self.Imin def process(self, error, derivative=None, integral=None): if -self.Ep < error < self.Ep: return 0 P = self.Kp * error self.updateCumulativeError(error) if integral != None: I = self.Ki * integral else: I = self.Ki * self.cumulativeError if derivative != None: D = self.Kd * derivative else: D = self.Kd * (error - self.lastError) self.lastError = error speed = P + I + D #if speed > 0.4: # speed = 0.4 #if speed < -0.4: # speed = -0.4 return speed def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() self.t3 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata3) self.t3.start() self.t4 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata4) self.t4.start() self.t5 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata5) self.t5.start() self.t6 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata6) self.t6.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1, 0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 0, 117, 139, 1, 'TakeOff') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 3, 303, 150, 0, 'FollowGreenLookBlue') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(5, 4, 421, 244, 0, 'FollowBlueLookGreen') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(6, 5, 325, 312, 0, 'FollowGreenLookRed') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(7, 6, 142, 326, 0, 'FollowRed') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((303, 150), (421, 244), (421, 157), 4, 2, 5) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((421, 244), (325, 312), (436, 325), 5, 5, 6) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((325, 312), (142, 326), (232, 331), 6, 6, 7) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((117, 139), (303, 150), (194, 174), 15, 1, 2) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) # Creating subAutomata3 guiSubautomata3 = GuiSubautomata(3, 2, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(3, 0, 67, 147, 1, 'WaitGreen') guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(4, 0, 269, 152, 0, 'FollowGreen') guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((67, 147), (269, 152), (173, 40), 2, 3, 4) guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((269, 152), (67, 147), (170, 221), 3, 4, 3) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata3) # Creating subAutomata4 guiSubautomata4 = GuiSubautomata(4, 5, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata4.newGuiNode(8, 0, 111, 129, 1, 'WaitBlue') guiSubautomata4.newGuiNode(9, 0, 296, 141, 0, 'FollowBlue') guiSubautomata4.newGuiTransition((111, 129), (296, 141), (200, 60), 7, 8, 9) guiSubautomata4.newGuiTransition((296, 141), (111, 129), (191, 198), 8, 9, 8) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata4) # Creating subAutomata5 guiSubautomata5 = GuiSubautomata(5, 6, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(10, 0, 79, 120, 1, 'WaitGreen2') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(11, 0, 336, 152, 0, 'FollowGreen2') guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((336, 152), (79, 120), (196, 220), 9, 11, 10) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((79, 120), (336, 152), (217, 56), 10, 10, 11) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata5) # Creating subAutomata6 guiSubautomata6 = GuiSubautomata(6, 7, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata6.newGuiNode(12, 0, 104, 151, 1, 'WaitRed') guiSubautomata6.newGuiNode(13, 0, 341, 163, 0, 'FollowingRed') guiSubautomata6.newGuiTransition((104, 151), (341, 163), (221, 56), 11, 12, 13) guiSubautomata6.newGuiTransition((341, 163), (104, 151), (225, 219), 12, 13, 12) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata6) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False self.run3 = False self.run4 = False self.run5 = False self.run6 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 #ControlValues minError = 10 self.targetX = None self.targetY = None self.hIters = 0 #maxHIters = 35 #For gazebo maxHIters = 20 #For real refracIters = 0 refracTime = 35 #Contours self.greenConts = [] self.blueConts = [] self.redConts = [] #Filter values for simulator. Order: [H, S, V] minGValues = numpy.array([30, 129, 33]) maxGValues = numpy.array([70, 255, 190]) minBValues = numpy.array([0, 140, 37]) maxBValues = numpy.array([16, 255, 200]) minRValues = numpy.array([100, 209, 82]) maxRValues = numpy.array([153, 255, 200]) #Filter values for real. Order: [H, S, V] #minGValues = numpy.array([31,0,120]) #maxGValues = numpy.array([70, 46 , 255]) #minBValues = numpy.array([9,126,175]) #maxBValues = numpy.array([58,209,255]) #minRValues = numpy.array([93,195,154]) #maxRValues = numpy.array([155,255,255]) #PID control self.xPID = self.PID(minError, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 5, -5) self.yPID = self.PID(minError, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 5, -5) while (self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if (self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if (self.hIters >= maxHIters): self.sub1 = "FollowGreenLookBlue" self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'FollowGreenLookBlue') elif (self.sub1 == "FollowGreenLookBlue"): if (self.blueConts): self.sub1 = "FollowBlueLookGreen" print "Reseting Green Conts" self.greenConts = [] if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'FollowBlueLookGreen') elif (self.sub1 == "FollowBlueLookGreen"): if (self.greenConts): self.sub1 = "FollowGreenLookRed" self.blueConts = [] refracIters = 0 if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'FollowGreenLookRed') elif (self.sub1 == "FollowGreenLookRed"): if (self.redConts): self.sub1 = "FollowRed" self.greenConts = [] if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FollowRed') # Actuation if if (self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if self.hIters == 0: self.ExtraPrx.takeoff() print "taking off" else: #self.setVelocity(0,0,0.5,0) self.setVelocity(0, 0, 1, 0) self.hIters += 1 print "ITERS: ", self.hIters elif (self.sub1 == "FollowGreenLookBlue"): inImg = self.getImage() softenedImg = cv2.bilateralFilter(inImg, 9, 75, 75) self.greenConts, hierarchy = self.getContours( softenedImg, minGValues, maxGValues) self.blueConts, hierarchy = self.getContours( softenedImg, minBValues, maxBValues) elif (self.sub1 == "FollowBlueLookGreen"): inImg = self.getImage() softenedImg = cv2.bilateralFilter(inImg, 9, 75, 75) self.blueConts, hierarchy = self.getContours( softenedImg, minBValues, maxBValues) if refracIters >= refracTime: self.greenConts, hierarchy = self.getContours( softenedImg, minGValues, maxGValues) print "inside refrac time" else: print "refrac Iters:", refracIters refracIters += 1 elif (self.sub1 == "FollowGreenLookRed"): inImg = self.getImage() softenedImg = cv2.bilateralFilter(inImg, 9, 75, 75) self.greenConts, hierarchy = self.getContours( softenedImg, minGValues, maxGValues) self.redConts, hierarchy = self.getContours( softenedImg, minRValues, maxRValues) print "RED:", self.redConts elif (self.sub1 == "FollowRed"): inImg = self.getImage() softenedImg = cv2.bilateralFilter(inImg, 9, 75, 75) self.redConts, hierarchy = self.getContours( softenedImg, minRValues, maxRValues) totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata3(self): self.run3 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while (self.run3): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub1 == "FollowGreenLookBlue"): if ((self.sub3 == "WaitGreen_ghost") or (self.sub3 == "FollowGreen_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub3 == "WaitGreen"): if (self.greenConts): self.sub3 = "FollowGreen" print "Green Finded" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'FollowGreen') elif (self.sub3 == "FollowGreen"): if (not self.greenConts): self.sub3 = "WaitGreen" print "Green Lost" self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('WaitGreen') # Actuation if if (self.sub3 == "WaitGreen"): self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) elif (self.sub3 == "FollowGreen"): xVel, yVel = self.getVelocities(self.greenConts) self.setVelocity(xVel, yVel, 0, 0) else: if (self.sub3 == "WaitGreen"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub3 == "FollowGreen"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata4(self): self.run4 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while (self.run4): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub1 == "FollowBlueLookGreen"): if ((self.sub4 == "WaitBlue_ghost") or (self.sub4 == "FollowBlue_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub4 == "WaitBlue"): if (self.blueConts): self.sub4 = "FollowBlue" print "Blue Finded" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'FollowBlue') elif (self.sub4 == "FollowBlue"): if (not self.blueConts): self.sub4 = "WaitBlue" print "Blue Lost" self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('WaitBlue') # Actuation if if (self.sub4 == "WaitBlue"): self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) elif (self.sub4 == "FollowBlue"): xVel, yVel = self.getVelocities(self.blueConts) self.setVelocity(xVel, yVel, 0, 0) else: if (self.sub4 == "WaitBlue"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) + 1 self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub4 == "FollowBlue"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) + 1 self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata5(self): self.run5 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while (self.run5): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub1 == "FollowGreenLookRed"): if ((self.sub5 == "WaitGreen2_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "FollowGreen2_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub5 == "WaitGreen2"): if (self.greenConts): self.sub5 = "FollowGreen2" print "Green2 finded" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'FollowGreen2') elif (self.sub5 == "FollowGreen2"): if (not self.greenConts): self.sub5 = "WaitGreen2" print "Green2 Lost" self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'WaitGreen2') # Actuation if if (self.sub5 == "WaitGreen2"): self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) elif (self.sub5 == "FollowGreen2"): xVel, yVel = self.getVelocities(self.greenConts) self.setVelocity(xVel, yVel, 0, 0) else: if (self.sub5 == "WaitGreen2"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub5 == "FollowGreen2"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata6(self): self.run6 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while (self.run6): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub1 == "FollowRed"): if ((self.sub6 == "WaitRed_ghost") or (self.sub6 == "FollowingRed_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub6 == "WaitRed"): if (self.redConts): self.sub6 = "FollowingRed" print "Red FInded" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'FollowingRed') elif (self.sub6 == "FollowingRed"): if (not self.redConts): self.sub6 = "WaitRed" print "Red Lost" self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('WaitRed') # Actuation if if (self.sub6 == "WaitRed"): self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) elif (self.sub6 == "FollowingRed"): xVel, yVel = self.getVelocities(self.redConts) self.setVelocity(xVel, yVel, 0, 0) else: if (self.sub6 == "WaitRed"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) + 1 self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub6 == "FollowingRed"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) + 1 self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = Ice.initialize(sys.argv) # Contact to Extra Extra = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') if (not Extra): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Extra') self.ExtraPrx = ArDroneExtraPrx.checkedCast(Extra) if (not self.ExtraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') print 'Extra connected' # Contact to CMDVel CMDVel = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.CMDVel.Proxy') if (not CMDVel): raise Exception('could not create proxy with CMDVel') self.CMDVelPrx = CMDVelPrx.checkedCast(CMDVel) if (not self.CMDVelPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.CMDVel.Proxy') print 'CMDVel connected' # Contact to Camera Camera = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Camera.Proxy') if (not Camera): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Camera') self.CameraPrx = CameraPrx.checkedCast(Camera) if (not self.CameraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Camera.Proxy') print 'Camera connected' # Contact to Pose3D Pose3D = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Pose3D.Proxy') if (not Pose3D): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Pose3D') self.Pose3DPrx = Pose3DPrx.checkedCast(Pose3D) if (not self.Pose3DPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Pose3D.Proxy') print 'Pose3D connected' def destroyIc(self): if (self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() self.t3.join() self.t4.join() self.t5.join() self.t6.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print 'runtime gui enabled' else: self.displayGui = False print 'runtime gui disabled'
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "TakeOff", "FollowRoad", "MonitorArea", "TurnAround", "Landing", "END", "HeighControl", ] self.StatesSub3 = [ "FindRoad", "FindRoad_ghost", "FollowingRoad", "FollowingRoad_ghost", ] self.StatesSub5 = [ "ToFirstPos", "ToFirstPos_ghost", "ToSecondPos", "ToSecondPos_ghost", "ToThirdPos", "ToThirdPos_ghost", "Return", "Return_ghost", ] self.StatesSub6 = [ "Descending", "Descending_ghost", "Land", "Land_ghost", ] self.sub1 = "TakeOff" self.run1 = True self.sub3 = "FindRoad_ghost" self.run3 = True self.sub5 = "ToFirstPos_ghost" self.run5 = True self.sub6 = "Descending_ghost" self.run6 = True def getImage(self): img = self.CameraPrx.getImageData("RGB8") height = img.description.height width=img.description.width imgPixels = numpy.zeros((height, width, 3), numpy.uint8) imgPixels = numpy.frombuffer(img.pixelData, dtype=numpy.uint8) imgPixels.shape = height, width, 3 return imgPixels def setVelocity(self, vx, vy, vz, yaw): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = vy cmd.linearY = vx cmd.linearZ = vz cmd.angularZ = yaw cmd.angularX = cmd.angularY = 1.0 self.CMDVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) #The factor indicate the margin of the error multipliyin the error for this factor def droneInPosition(self, pos,factor=1 ): return (abs(pos[0] - self.xPos) < self.minDist*factor) and (abs(pos[1] - self.yPos) < self.minDist*factor) class PID: def __init__(self, Epsilon=.01, Kp=1, Ki=1, Kd=1, Imax=300, Imin=-300): self.Ep = Epsilon self.Kp = Kp self.Ki = Ki self.Kd = Kd self.Imax = Imax self.Imin = Imin self.lastError = 0 self.cumulativeError = 0 def updateCumulativeError(self, error): self.cumulativeError += error if self.cumulativeError > self.Imax: self.cumulativeError = self.Imax elif self.cumulativeError < self.Imin: self.cumulativeError = self.Imin def process(self, error, derivative=None, integral=None): if -self.Ep < error < self.Ep: return 0 P = self.Kp * error self.updateCumulativeError(error) if integral != None: I = self.Ki * integral else: I = self.Ki * self.cumulativeError if derivative != None: D = self.Kd * derivative else: D = self.Kd * (error - self.lastError) self.lastError = error speed = P + I + D if speed > 3: speed = 3 elif speed < -3: speed = -3 return speed def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() self.t3 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata3) self.t3.start() self.t5 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata5) self.t5.start() self.t6 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata6) self.t6.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1,0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 0, 62, 66, 1, 'TakeOff') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 3, 189, 116, 0, 'FollowRoad') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(6, 5, 309, 268, 0, 'MonitorArea') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(11, 0, 263, 428, 0, 'TurnAround') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(12, 6, 53, 239, 0, 'Landing') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(14, 0, 41, 427, 0, 'END') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(17, 0, 481, 139, 0, 'HeighControl') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((189, 116), (309, 268), (274, 172), 7, 2, 6) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((309, 268), (263, 428), (349, 362), 13, 6, 11) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((263, 428), (189, 116), (164, 318), 14, 11, 2) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((189, 116), (53, 239), (82, 154), 19, 2, 12) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((53, 239), (41, 427), (43, 326), 22, 12, 14) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((481, 139), (189, 116), (328, 116), 26, 17, 2) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((62, 66), (481, 139), (430, 27), 27, 1, 17) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((189, 116), (481, 139), (315, 70), 28, 2, 17) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((309, 268), (481, 139), (378, 195), 29, 6, 17) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((481, 139), (309, 268), (412, 279), 30, 17, 6) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) # Creating subAutomata3 guiSubautomata3 = GuiSubautomata(3,2, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(3, 0, 156, 228, 1, 'FindRoad') guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(4, 0, 427, 255, 0, 'FollowingRoad') guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((156, 228), (427, 255), (297, 157), 2, 3, 4) guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((427, 255), (156, 228), (265, 320), 3, 4, 3) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata3) # Creating subAutomata5 guiSubautomata5 = GuiSubautomata(5,6, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(7, 0, 86, 275, 1, 'ToFirstPos') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(8, 0, 247, 92, 0, 'ToSecondPos') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(9, 0, 491, 303, 0, 'ToThirdPos') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(10, 0, 281, 455, 0, 'Return') guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((86, 275), (247, 92), (166, 184), 9, 7, 8) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((247, 92), (491, 303), (369, 198), 10, 8, 9) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((491, 303), (281, 455), (386, 379), 11, 9, 10) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((281, 455), (86, 275), (184, 365), 12, 10, 7) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata5) # Creating subAutomata6 guiSubautomata6 = GuiSubautomata(6,12, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata6.newGuiNode(15, 0, 126, 185, 1, 'Descending') guiSubautomata6.newGuiNode(16, 0, 350, 190, 0, 'Land') guiSubautomata6.newGuiTransition((126, 185), (350, 190), (232, 220), 24, 15, 16) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata6) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False self.run3 = False self.run5 = False self.run6 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 self.targetX = 125 self.targetY = 125 self.targetZ = 2.5 self.initPos = (-1, -8.5) landingPose = (self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().x, self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().y) #Minimun errors self.minError = 10 self.minActit = 0.5 self.minAltit = 0.01 self.minDist = 0.01 heighMargin = 1 #Control Variables self.heigh = 0 self.contours = [] self.monitorComplet = False self.xPos = landingPose[0] self.yPos = landingPose[1] initAngle = None self.hasLanded = False currentState = "FollowRoad" takenOff = False #Filter Values self.hmin = 90 self.hmax = 97 self.vmin = 0 self.vmax = 50 self.smin = 45 self.smax = 80 #Control PID self.xPid = self.PID(Epsilon=self.minError, Kp=0.01, Ki=0.04, Kd=0.003, Imax=5, Imin=-5) self.zPid = self.PID(Epsilon=self.minAltit, Kp=1, Ki=0.02, Kd=0, Imax=5, Imin=-5) self.aPid = self.PID(Epsilon=self.minActit, Kp=0.01, Ki=0.04, Kd=0.003, Imax=5, Imin=-5) while(self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if(self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if(takenOff): self.sub1 = "HeighControl" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('HeighControl') elif(self.sub1 == "FollowRoad"): if((self.droneInPosition(self.initPos, 200)) and (not self.monitorComplet)): self.sub1 = "MonitorArea" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('MonitorArea') elif((self.droneInPosition(landingPose, 75)) and (self.monitorComplet)): self.sub1 = "Landing" self.setVelocity(0,0,0,0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Landing') elif(abs(self.targetZ - self.heigh) > heighMargin): self.sub1 = "HeighControl" currentState = "FollowRoad" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('HeighControl') elif(self.sub1 == "MonitorArea"): if(self.monitorComplet): self.sub1 = "TurnAround" self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('TurnAround') elif(abs(self.targetZ - self.heigh) > heighMargin): self.sub1 = "HeighControl" currentState = "MonitorArea" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('HeighControl') elif(self.sub1 == "TurnAround"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 2.5): self.sub1 = "FollowRoad" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FollowRoad') elif(self.sub1 == "Landing"): if(self.hasLanded): self.sub1 = "END" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('END') elif(self.sub1 == "HeighControl"): if((abs(self.targetZ - self.heigh) < self.minAltit) and (currentState == "FollowRoad")): self.sub1 = "FollowRoad" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FollowRoad') elif((abs(self.targetZ - self.heigh) < self.minAltit) and (currentState == "MonitorArea")): self.sub1 = "MonitorArea" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('MonitorArea') # Actuation if if(self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): #Taking Off self.ExtraPrx.takeoff() takenOff = True elif(self.sub1 == "FollowRoad"): lastState = "FollowRoad" #Get and prepare image inImg = self.getImage() softenedImg = cv2.bilateralFilter(inImg, 9, 75, 75) hsvImg = cv2.cvtColor(softenedImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) #Get threshold image minValues = numpy.array([self.hmin, self.vmin, self.smin]) maxValues = numpy.array([self.hmax, self.vmax, self.smax]) thresholdImg = cv2.inRange(hsvImg, minValues, maxValues) #Get contours self.contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresholdImg, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #Update Heigh self.heigh = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().z elif(self.sub1 == "TurnAround"): self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 1) pose= self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData() print "q0", pose.q0, "q1",pose.q1, "q2",pose.q2, "q3",pose.q3 elif(self.sub1 == "END"): print "SHUT DOWN" self.shutDown() elif(self.sub1 == "HeighControl"): #Controling heigh self.heigh = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().z zVel = self.zPid.process(self.targetZ - self.heigh) self.setVelocity(0, 0, zVel, 0) print "Heigh:", self.heigh print "Vel:", zVel totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata3(self): self.run3 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while(self.run3): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "FollowRoad"): if ((self.sub3 == "FindRoad_ghost") or (self.sub3 == "FollowingRoad_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub3 == "FindRoad"): if(self.contours): self.sub3 = "FollowingRoad" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FollowingRoad') elif(self.sub3 == "FollowingRoad"): if(not self.contours): self.sub3 = "FindRoad" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FindRoad') # Actuation if if(self.sub3 == "FindRoad"): self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0.75, 0) print "Road lost" elif(self.sub3 == "FollowingRoad"): contour = max(self.contours, key=cv2.contourArea) try: (x, y), radius = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(contour) center = (int(x), int(y)) ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(contour) inclination = ellipse[2] if inclination < 90: yAngle = -inclination else: yAngle = 180 - inclination avel = self.aPid.process(yAngle) xError = self.targetX - center[0] xvel = self.xPid.process(xError) speed = max((self.targetX - pow(1.09, abs(xError)))/125.,0) self.setVelocity(xvel, speed, 0, avel) except: print "EXCEPTION FOUND" self.contours = [] self.xPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().x self.yPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().y print "Xpos:", self.xPos, "Ypos:", self.yPos else: if(self.sub3 == "FindRoad"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub3 == "FollowingRoad"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata5(self): self.run5 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 firstPos = (10, -20) secondPos = (5, -30) thirdPos = (-10, -20) self.minDist = 0.02 #Control PID xDistPid = self.PID(self.minDist, 1, 0.005, 0.003, 5, -5) yDistPid = self.PID(self.minDist, 1, 0.005, 0.003, 5, -5) while(self.run5): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "MonitorArea"): if ((self.sub5 == "ToFirstPos_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "ToSecondPos_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "ToThirdPos_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "Return_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub5 == "ToFirstPos"): if(self.droneInPosition(firstPos)): self.sub5 = "ToSecondPos" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('ToSecondPos') elif(self.sub5 == "ToSecondPos"): if(self.droneInPosition(secondPos)): self.sub5 = "ToThirdPos" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('ToThirdPos') elif(self.sub5 == "ToThirdPos"): if(self.droneInPosition(thirdPos)): self.sub5 = "Return" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Return') elif(self.sub5 == "Return"): if(self.droneInPosition(self.initPos)): self.sub5 = "ToFirstPos" self.monitorComplet = True if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('ToFirstPos') # Actuation if if(self.sub5 == "ToFirstPos"): self.xPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().x self.yPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().y xError = firstPos[0] - self.xPos xVel = xDistPid.process(xError) yError = firstPos[1] - self.yPos yVel = yDistPid.process(yError) print "Xerror:", xError, "Yerror:", yError print "Xvel:", xVel, "Yvel:", -yVel self.setVelocity(xVel, -yVel, 0, 0) elif(self.sub5 == "ToSecondPos"): self.xPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().x self.yPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().y xError = secondPos[0] - self.xPos xVel = xDistPid.process(xError) yError = secondPos[1] - self.yPos yVel = yDistPid.process(yError) print "xError:",xError, "Yerror:", yError print "Xvel:", xVel, "Yvel:", -yVel self.setVelocity(xVel, -yVel, 0, 0) elif(self.sub5 == "ToThirdPos"): self.xPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().x self.yPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().y xError = thirdPos[0] - self.xPos xVel = xDistPid.process(xError) yError = thirdPos[1] - self.yPos yVel = yDistPid.process(yError) print "Xerror:", xError, "Yerror:", yError print "Xvel:", xVel, "Yvel:", yVel print "Xvel:", xVel, "Yvel:", -yVel self.setVelocity(xVel, -yVel, 0, 0) elif(self.sub5 == "Return"): self.xPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().x self.yPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().y xError = self.initPos[0] - self.xPos xVel = xDistPid.process(xError) yError = self.initPos[1] - self.yPos yVel = yDistPid.process(yError) print "Xerror:", xError, "Yerror:", yError print "Xvel:", xVel, "Yvel:", -yVel self.setVelocity(xVel, -yVel, 0, 0) else: if(self.sub5 == "ToFirstPos"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub5 == "ToSecondPos"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub5 == "ToThirdPos"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub5 == "Return"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata6(self): self.run6 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 targetZDescend = 0.5 while(self.run6): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "Landing"): if ((self.sub6 == "Descending_ghost") or (self.sub6 == "Land_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub6 == "Descending"): if(abs(targetZDescend - self.heigh) < self.minAltit): self.sub6 = "Land" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Land') # Actuation if if(self.sub6 == "Descending"): #Controling heigh self.heigh = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().z zVel = self.zPid.process(targetZDescend - self.heigh) self.setVelocity(0, 0, zVel, 0) print "Heigh:", self.heigh elif(self.sub6 == "Land"): self.setVelocity(0,0,0,0) if not self.hasLanded: self.hasLanded =True else: if(self.sub6 == "Descending"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) + 1 self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub6 == "Land"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) + 1 self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = Ice.initialize(sys.argv) # Contact to Extra Extra = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') if(not Extra): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Extra') self.ExtraPrx = ArDroneExtraPrx.checkedCast(Extra) if(not self.ExtraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') print 'Extra connected' # Contact to CMDVel CMDVel = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.CMDVel.Proxy') if(not CMDVel): raise Exception('could not create proxy with CMDVel') self.CMDVelPrx = CMDVelPrx.checkedCast(CMDVel) if(not self.CMDVelPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.CMDVel.Proxy') print 'CMDVel connected' # Contact to Pose3D Pose3D = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Pose3D.Proxy') if(not Pose3D): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Pose3D') self.Pose3DPrx = Pose3DPrx.checkedCast(Pose3D) if(not self.Pose3DPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Pose3D.Proxy') print 'Pose3D connected' # Contact to Camera Camera = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Camera.Proxy') if(not Camera): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Camera') self.CameraPrx = CameraPrx.checkedCast(Camera) if(not self.CameraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Camera.Proxy') print 'Camera connected' def destroyIc(self): if(self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() self.t3.join() self.t5.join() self.t6.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print 'runtime gui enabled' else: self.displayGui = False print 'runtime gui disabled'
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "PingPong", "Numbers", ] self.StatesSub3 = [ "Ping", "Ping_ghost", "Pong", "Pong_ghost", ] self.StatesSub4 = [ "1", "1_ghost", "2", "2_ghost", "3", "3_ghost", ] self.StatesSub5 = [ "wait2", "wait2_ghost", "wait1", "wait1_ghost", ] self.sub1 = "Numbers" self.run1 = True self.sub3 = "Ping_ghost" self.run3 = True self.sub4 = "1_ghost" self.run4 = True self.sub5 = "wait1_ghost" self.run5 = True def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() self.t3 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata3) self.t3.start() self.t4 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata4) self.t4.start() self.t5 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata5) self.t5.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1,0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 3, 113, 192, 0, 'PingPong') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 4, 512, 223, 1, 'Numbers') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((512, 223), (113, 192), (302, 378), 1, 2, 1) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((113, 192), (512, 223), (322, 127), 2, 1, 2) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) # Creating subAutomata3 guiSubautomata3 = GuiSubautomata(3,1, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(4, 0, 65, 154, 1, 'Ping') guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(5, 5, 313, 162, 0, 'Pong') guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((65, 154), (313, 162), (192, 74), 3, 4, 5) guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((313, 162), (65, 154), (187, 212), 4, 5, 4) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata3) # Creating subAutomata4 guiSubautomata4 = GuiSubautomata(4,2, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata4.newGuiNode(6, 0, 161, 158, 1, '1') guiSubautomata4.newGuiNode(7, 0, 493, 246, 0, '2') guiSubautomata4.newGuiNode(8, 0, 207, 358, 0, '3') guiSubautomata4.newGuiTransition((161, 158), (493, 246), (327, 202), 5, 6, 7) guiSubautomata4.newGuiTransition((493, 246), (207, 358), (350, 302), 6, 7, 8) guiSubautomata4.newGuiTransition((207, 358), (161, 158), (184, 258), 7, 8, 6) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata4) # Creating subAutomata5 guiSubautomata5 = GuiSubautomata(5,5, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(9, 0, 257, 221, 0, 'wait2') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(10, 0, 130, 105, 1, 'wait1') guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((130, 105), (257, 221), (260, 99), 1, 10, 9) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((257, 221), (130, 105), (118, 214), 2, 9, 10) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata5) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False self.run3 = False self.run4 = False self.run5 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 self.numbersFinished = False while(self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if(self.sub1 == "PingPong"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 3.5): self.sub1 = "Numbers" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Numbers') elif(self.sub1 == "Numbers"): if(self.numbersFinished): self.sub1 = "PingPong" self.numbersFinished = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('PingPong') # Actuation if if(self.sub1 == "PingPong"): print "PingPong" time.sleep(4) elif(self.sub1 == "Numbers"): print "Numbers" time.sleep(5) totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata3(self): self.run3 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 = False = False while(self.run3): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "PingPong"): if ((self.sub3 == "Ping_ghost") or (self.sub3 == "Pong_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub3 == "Ping"): if( self.sub3 = "Pong" = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Pong') elif(self.sub3 == "Pong"): if(self.pong): self.sub3 = "Ping" self.pong = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Ping') # Actuation if if(self.sub3 == "Ping"): print " PING" time.sleep(0.5) True elif(self.sub3 == "Pong"): print " PONG" time.sleep(0.5) self.pong = True else: if(self.sub3 == "Ping"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub3 == "Pong"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata4(self): self.run4 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_1_max = 0.001 t_2_max = 0.001 t_3_max = 0.001 while(self.run4): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "Numbers"): if ((self.sub4 == "1_ghost") or (self.sub4 == "2_ghost") or (self.sub4 == "3_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub4 == "1"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_1_max): self.sub4 = "2" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('2') t_1_max = 0.001 elif(self.sub4 == "2"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_2_max): self.sub4 = "3" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('3') t_2_max = 0.001 elif(self.sub4 == "3"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_3_max): self.sub4 = "1" t_activated = False self.numbersFinished= True if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('1') t_3_max = 0.001 # Actuation if if(self.sub4 == "1"): print " 1" time.sleep(1) elif(self.sub4 == "2"): print " 2" time.sleep(1) elif(self.sub4 == "3"): print " 3" time.sleep(1) else: if(self.sub4 == "1"): t_1_max = 0.001 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) + 1 self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub4 == "2"): t_2_max = 0.001 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) + 1 self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub4 == "3"): t_3_max = 0.001 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) + 1 self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata5(self): self.run5 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_wait1_max = 1 t_wait2_max = 1 while(self.run5): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub3 == "Pong"): if ((self.sub5 == "wait2_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "wait1_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub5 == "wait2"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_wait2_max): self.sub5 = "wait1" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('wait1') t_wait2_max = 1 elif(self.sub5 == "wait1"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_wait1_max): self.sub5 = "wait2" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('wait2') t_wait1_max = 1 # Actuation if if(self.sub5 == "wait2"): print "" elif(self.sub5 == "wait1"): print "" else: if(self.sub5 == "wait2"): t_wait2_max = 1 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub5 == "wait1"): t_wait1_max = 1 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = Ice.initialize(sys.argv) def destroyIc(self): if(self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() self.t3.join() self.t4.join() self.t5.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print 'runtime gui enabled' else: self.displayGui = False print 'runtime gui disabled'
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.StatesSub1 = [ "TakeOff", "Stabilizing1", "GoFront", "Stoping", "Landing", "Stabilizing2", ] self.sub1 = "TakeOff" self.run1 = True def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = automatagui.GuiSubautomata(1,0) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 0, 61, 101, 1, 'TakeOff') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 0, 283, 75, 0, 'Stabilizing1') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(3, 0, 497, 130, 0, 'GoFront') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(4, 0, 488, 320, 0, 'Stoping') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(5, 0, 250, 408, 0, 'Landing') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(6, 0, 66, 283, 0, 'Stabilizing2') orig11 = automatagui.Point(61, 101) dest11 = automatagui.Point(283, 75) mid11 = automatagui.Point(38, 179) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition(orig11, dest11, mid11, 1, 1, 2) orig12 = automatagui.Point(283, 75) dest12 = automatagui.Point(497, 130) mid12 = automatagui.Point(413, 79) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition(orig12, dest12, mid12, 2, 2, 3) orig13 = automatagui.Point(497, 130) dest13 = automatagui.Point(488, 320) mid13 = automatagui.Point(570, 239) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition(orig13, dest13, mid13, 3, 3, 4) orig14 = automatagui.Point(488, 320) dest14 = automatagui.Point(250, 408) mid14 = automatagui.Point(410, 411) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition(orig14, dest14, mid14, 4, 4, 5) orig16 = automatagui.Point(250, 408) dest16 = automatagui.Point(66, 283) mid16 = automatagui.Point(152, 338) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition(orig16, dest16, mid16, 6, 5, 6) orig11 = automatagui.Point(66, 283) dest11 = automatagui.Point(61, 101) mid11 = automatagui.Point(38, 179) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition(orig11, dest11, mid11, 1, 6, 1) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1); return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False hasTakenOff = False hasLanded = False while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if(self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if(hasTakenOff): self.sub1 = "Stabilizing1" print "Going to Stabilizing" elif(self.sub1 == "Stabilizing1"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 1.5): self.sub1 = "GoFront" t_activated = False print "going to GoFront" elif(self.sub1 == "GoFront"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 3): self.sub1 = "Stoping" t_activated = False print "going to Stoping" elif(self.sub1 == "Stoping"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 3.5): self.sub1 = "Landing" t_activated = False print "going to Land" elif(self.sub1 == "Landing"): if(hasLanded): self.sub1 = "Stabilizing2" elif(self.sub1 == "Stabilizing2"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 3): self.sub1 = "TakeOff" t_activated = False print "Restarting" # Actuation if if(self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): print "Taking Off" self.lock.acquire() #self.extraPrx.takeoff() self.lock.release() hasTakenOff = True elif(self.sub1 == "Stabilizing1"): print "Stabilizing" elif(self.sub1 == "GoFront"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 1 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif(self.sub1 == "Stoping"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() print "Stoping" elif(self.sub1 == "Landing"): print "Landing" self.lock.acquire() self.lock.release() hasLanded = True elif(self.sub1 == "Stabilizing2"): finished() totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = Ice.initialize(sys.argv) # Contact to camera camera = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Camera.Proxy') if(not camera): raise Exception('could not create proxy with camera') self.cameraPrx = CameraPrx.checkedCast(camera) if(not self.cameraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Camera.Proxy') print 'camera connected' # Contact to pose3d pose3d = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Pose3D.Proxy') if(not pose3d): raise Exception('could not create proxy with pose3d') self.pose3dPrx = Pose3DPrx.checkedCast(pose3d) if(not self.pose3dPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Pose3D.Proxy') print 'pose3d connected' # Contact to cmd cmd = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.CMDVel.Proxy') if(not cmd): raise Exception('could not create proxy with cmd') self.cmdPrx = CMDVelPrx.checkedCast(cmd) if(not self.cmdPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.CMDVel.Proxy') print 'cmd connected' # Contact to extra extra = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') if(not extra): raise Exception('could not create proxy with extra') self.extraPrx = ArDroneExtraPrx.checkedCast(extra) if(not self.extraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') print 'extra connected' # Contact to navdata navdata = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Navdata.Proxy') if(not navdata): raise Exception('could not create proxy with navdata') self.navdataPrx = NavdataPrx.checkedCast(navdata) if(not self.navdataPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Navdata.Proxy') print 'navdata connected' def destroyIc(self): if(self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) #self.t1.start() def join(self): self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join()
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.StatesSub1 = [ "GoFront", "GoBack", "Turn", "Wait", ] self.sub1 = "GoFront" self.run1 = True def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False jderobot::EncodersDataPtr encoders = Encodersprx->getEncodersData(); float thetapos = 0; float angle = 0; while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if(self.sub1 == "GoFront"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 2): self.sub1 = "GoBack" t_activated = False elif(self.sub1 == "GoBack"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 2): self.sub1 = "Turn" t_activated = False elif(self.sub1 == "Turn"): if(angle > 45): self.sub1 = "Wait" elif(self.sub1 == "Wait"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 1): self.sub1 = "GoFront" t_activated = False # Actuation if if(self.sub1 == "GoFront"): Motorsprx->setV(100.0); Motorsprx->setW(0.0); encoders = Encodersprx->getEncodersData(); thetapos = encoders->robottheta; elif(self.sub1 == "GoBack"): Motorsprx->setV(-100.0); Motorsprx->setW(0.0); encoders = Encodersprx->getEncodersData(); thetapos = encoders->robottheta; elif(self.sub1 == "Turn"): Motorsprx->setV(0.0); Motorsprx->setW(-3.0); encoders = Encodersprx->getEncodersData(); if (encoders->robottheta > thetapos + 1) angle = thetapos - encoders->robottheta + 360; else angle = thetapos - encoders->robottheta; std::cout << "angle: " << angle << std::endl; elif(self.sub1 == "Wait"): Motorsprx->setV(0.0); Motorsprx->setW(0.0); encoders = Encodersprx->getEncodersData(); thetapos = encoders->robottheta; totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000);
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "Go", "GoBack", "Rotate", ] self.sub1 = "Go" self.run1 = True def getRobotTheta(self): d = self.EncodersPrx.getPose3DData() theta = math.atan2(2*(d.q0*d.q3 + d.q1*d.q2), 1-2*(d.q2*d.q2 + d.q3*d.q3)) return theta def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1,0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 0, 112, 126, 1, 'Go') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 0, 372, 136, 0, 'GoBack') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(3, 0, 238, 308, 0, 'Rotate') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((112, 126), (372, 136), (237, 114), 1, 1, 2) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((372, 136), (238, 308), (305, 222), 2, 2, 3) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((238, 308), (112, 126), (140, 216), 3, 3, 1) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 laserData = self.LasersPrx.getLaserData() minDistance = 1.5 dist = None destinyAngle = None error = 0 print "numero de lasers (grados):", laserData.numLaser while(self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if(self.sub1 == "Go"): if(dist != None and dist < minDistance): self.sub1 = "GoBack" self.MotorsPrx.setV(0) print "stopping" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoBack') elif(self.sub1 == "GoBack"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 1.5): self.sub1 = "Rotate" t_activated = False angle = self.getRobotTheta() print "my Angle:", angle self.MotorsPrx.setV(0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Rotate') elif(self.sub1 == "Rotate"): if(error <= 0.1 and error >= -0.1): self.sub1 = "Go" destinyAngle =None self.MotorsPrx.setW(0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Go') # Actuation if if(self.sub1 == "Go"): self.MotorsPrx.setV(1) laserData = self.LasersPrx.getLaserData() dist = None for i in range(60, 120): dist = laserData.distanceData[i]/1000 if dist == None or laserData.distanceData[i]/1000 < dist: dist = laserData.distanceData[i]/1000 print "dist:", dist elif(self.sub1 == "GoBack"): self.MotorsPrx.setV(-0.1) print "back" elif(self.sub1 == "Rotate"): if destinyAngle == None: turn = random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi) destinyAngle = (angle + turn) % (math.pi) print "DestinyAngle:", destinyAngle angle = self.getRobotTheta() error = (destinyAngle - angle)*0.75 if error > 0 and error < 0.1: error = 0.1 elif error < 0 and error > -0.1: error = -0.1 print "angle:", angle, "destiny:", destinyAngle, "speed:", error self.MotorsPrx.setW(error) totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = Ice.initialize(sys.argv) # Contact to Motors Motors = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Motors.Proxy') if(not Motors): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Motors') self.MotorsPrx = MotorsPrx.checkedCast(Motors) if(not self.MotorsPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Motors.Proxy') print 'Motors connected' # Contact to Pose3D Pose3D = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Pose3D.Proxy') if(not Pose3D): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Pose3D') self.Pose3DPrx = Pose3DPrx.checkedCast(Pose3D) if(not self.Pose3DPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Pose3D.Proxy') print 'Pose3D connected' # Contact to Laser Laser = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Laser.Proxy') if(not Laser): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Laser') self.LaserPrx = LaserPrx.checkedCast(Laser) if(not self.LaserPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Laser.Proxy') print 'Laser connected' def destroyIc(self): if(self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print 'runtime gui enabled' else: self.displayGui = False print 'runtime gui disabled'
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "square", "wait", ] self.StatesSub2 = [ "go_up", "go_up_ghost", "turn_rigth", "turn_rigth_ghost", "go_rigth", "go_rigth_ghost", "turn_down", "turn_down_ghost", "go_down", "go_down_ghost", "turn_left", "turn_left_ghost", "go_left", "go_left_ghost", "turn_up", "turn_up_ghost", ] self.StatesSub3 = [ "wait1", "wait1_ghost", "wait2", "wait2_ghost", ] self.sub1 = "square" self.run1 = True self.sub2 = "go_up_ghost" self.run2 = True self.sub3 = "wait1_ghost" self.run3 = True def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() self.t2 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata2) self.t2.start() self.t3 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata3) self.t3.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1,0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 2, 134, 346, 1, 'square') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 3, 534, 349, 0, 'wait') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((134, 346), (534, 349), (337, 230), 1, 1, 2) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((534, 349), (134, 346), (335, 457), 4, 2, 1) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) # Creating subAutomata2 guiSubautomata2 = GuiSubautomata(2,1, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(5, 0, 168, 559, 1, 'go_up') guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(8, 0, 69, 396, 0, 'turn_rigth') guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(9, 0, 185, 270, 0, 'go_rigth') guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(10, 0, 343, 192, 0, 'turn_down') guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(11, 0, 486, 283, 0, 'go_down') guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(12, 0, 555, 426, 0, 'turn_left') guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(13, 0, 505, 583, 0, 'go_left') guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(14, 0, 354, 650, 0, 'turn_up') guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((168, 559), (69, 396), (118, 477), 10, 5, 8) guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((69, 396), (185, 270), (127, 333), 12, 8, 9) guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((185, 270), (343, 192), (264, 231), 13, 9, 10) guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((343, 192), (486, 283), (415, 237), 14, 10, 11) guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((486, 283), (555, 426), (525, 348), 15, 11, 12) guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((555, 426), (505, 583), (534, 498), 16, 12, 13) guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((505, 583), (354, 650), (430, 616), 17, 13, 14) guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((354, 650), (168, 559), (261, 604), 18, 14, 5) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata2) # Creating subAutomata3 guiSubautomata3 = GuiSubautomata(3,2, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(15, 0, 166, 223, 1, 'wait1') guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(16, 0, 446, 237, 0, 'wait2') guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((166, 223), (446, 237), (291, 127), 1, 15, 16) guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((446, 237), (166, 223), (291, 301), 3, 16, 15) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata3) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False self.run2 = False self.run3 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if(self.sub1 == "square"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 20): self.sub1 = "wait" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('wait') elif(self.sub1 == "wait"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 5): self.sub1 = "square" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('square') # Actuation if if(self.sub1 == "wait"): Motorsprx->setV(0.0); Motorsprx->setW(0.0); totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata2(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_go_up_max = 2 t_go_rigth_max = 2 t_go_down_max = 2 t_go_left_max = 2 jderobot::EncodersDataPtr encoders = Encodersprx->getEncodersData(); float thetapos = 0; float angle = 0; while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "square"): if ((self.sub2 == "go_up_ghost") or (self.sub2 == "turn_rigth_ghost") or (self.sub2 == "go_rigth_ghost") or (self.sub2 == "turn_down_ghost") or (self.sub2 == "go_down_ghost") or (self.sub2 == "turn_left_ghost") or (self.sub2 == "go_left_ghost") or (self.sub2 == "turn_up_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub2 == "go_up"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_go_up_max): self.sub2 = "turn_rigth" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('turn_rigth') t_go_up_max = 2 elif(self.sub2 == "turn_rigth"): if(angle > 90): self.sub2 = "go_rigth" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('go_rigth') elif(self.sub2 == "go_rigth"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_go_rigth_max): self.sub2 = "turn_down" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('turn_down') t_go_rigth_max = 2 elif(self.sub2 == "turn_down"): if(angle > 90): self.sub2 = "go_down" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('go_down') elif(self.sub2 == "go_down"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_go_down_max): self.sub2 = "turn_left" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('turn_left') t_go_down_max = 2 elif(self.sub2 == "turn_left"): if(angle > 90): self.sub2 = "go_left" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('go_left') elif(self.sub2 == "go_left"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_go_left_max): self.sub2 = "turn_up" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('turn_up') t_go_left_max = 2 elif(self.sub2 == "turn_up"): if(angle > 90): self.sub2 = "go_up" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('go_up') # Actuation if if(self.sub2 == "go_up"): Motorsprx->setV(100.0); Motorsprx->setW(0.0); encoders = Encodersprx->getEncodersData(); thetapos = encoders->robottheta; elif(self.sub2 == "turn_rigth"): Motorsprx->setV(0.0); Motorsprx->setW(-3.0); encoders = Encodersprx->getEncodersData(); if (encoders->robottheta > thetapos + 1) angle = thetapos - encoders->robottheta + 360; else angle = thetapos - encoders->robottheta; std::cout << "angle: " << angle << std::endl; elif(self.sub2 == "go_rigth"): Motorsprx->setV(100.0); Motorsprx->setW(0.0); encoders = Encodersprx->getEncodersData(); thetapos = encoders->robottheta; elif(self.sub2 == "turn_down"): Motorsprx->setV(0.0); Motorsprx->setW(-3.0); encoders = Encodersprx->getEncodersData(); if (encoders->robottheta > thetapos + 1) angle = thetapos - encoders->robottheta + 360; else angle = thetapos - encoders->robottheta; std::cout << "angle: " << angle << std::endl; elif(self.sub2 == "go_down"): Motorsprx->setV(100.0); Motorsprx->setW(0.0); encoders = Encodersprx->getEncodersData(); thetapos = encoders->robottheta; elif(self.sub2 == "turn_left"): Motorsprx->setV(0.0); Motorsprx->setW(-3.0); encoders = Encodersprx->getEncodersData(); if (encoders->robottheta > thetapos + 1) angle = thetapos - encoders->robottheta + 360;
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "goforward", ] self.sub1 = "goforward" self.run1 = True def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1,0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 0, 118, 121, 1, 'goforward') guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while(self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if # Actuation if if(self.sub1 == "goforward"): self.my_motors.sendV(0.2) totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = EasyIce.initialize(sys.argv) self.ic,self.node = comm.init(self.ic) # Contact to my_motors self.my_motors = comm.getMotorsClient(self.ic, 'automata.my_motors') if(not self.my_motors): raise Exception('could not create client with my_motors') print('my_motors connected') def destroyIc(self): self.my_motors.stop() comm.destroy(self.ic, self.node) def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print('runtime gui enabled') else: self.displayGui = False print('runtime gui disabled')
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "GoForward", "GoBack", ] self.sub1 = "GoForward" self.run1 = True def calculate_obstacle(self): self.laserData = self.KobukiLaser.getLaserData() min_dist = 1000 for i in range(len(self.laserData.values)): if self.laserData.values[i] < min_dist: min_dist = self.laserData.values[i] if min_dist < 1.0: return True else: return False def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1,0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 0, 69, 163, 1, 'GoForward') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 0, 255, 117, 0, 'GoBack') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((69, 163), (255, 117), (139, 78), 1, 1, 2) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((255, 117), (69, 163), (189, 196), 2, 2, 1) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while(self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if(self.sub1 == "GoForward"): if(self.calculate_obstacle()): self.sub1 = "GoBack" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoBack') elif(self.sub1 == "GoBack"): if(not self.calculate_obstacle()): self.sub1 = "GoForward" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoForward') # Actuation if if(self.sub1 == "GoForward"): self.KobukiMotors.sendV(0.5) self.KobukiMotors.sendW(0.0) elif(self.sub1 == "GoBack"): self.KobukiMotors.sendV(-0.3) self.KobukiMotors.sendW(0.2) totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = EasyIce.initialize(sys.argv) self.ic,self.node = comm.init(self.ic) # Contact to KobukiMotors self.KobukiMotors = comm.getMotorsClient(self.ic, 'automata.KobukiMotors') if(not self.KobukiMotors): raise Exception('could not create client with KobukiMotors') print('KobukiMotors connected') # Contact to KobukiLaser self.KobukiLaser = comm.getLaserClient(self.ic, 'automata.KobukiLaser') if(not self.KobukiLaser): raise Exception('could not create client with KobukiLaser') print('KobukiLaser connected') def destroyIc(self): self.KobukiMotors.stop() self.KobukiLaser.stop() comm.destroy(self.ic, self.node) def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print('runtime gui enabled') else: self.displayGui = False print('runtime gui disabled')
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "PingPong", "Numbers", ] self.StatesSub3 = [ "Ping", "Ping_ghost", "Pong", "Pong_ghost", ] self.StatesSub4 = [ "1", "1_ghost", "2", "2_ghost", "3", "3_ghost", ] self.StatesSub5 = [ "wait2", "wait2_ghost", "wait1", "wait1_ghost", ] self.sub1 = "Numbers" self.run1 = True self.sub3 = "Ping_ghost" self.run3 = True self.sub4 = "1_ghost" self.run4 = True self.sub5 = "wait1_ghost" self.run5 = True def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() self.t3 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata3) self.t3.start() self.t4 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata4) self.t4.start() self.t5 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata5) self.t5.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1, 0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 3, 113, 192, 0, 'PingPong') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 4, 512, 223, 1, 'Numbers') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((512, 223), (113, 192), (302, 378), 1, 2, 1) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((113, 192), (512, 223), (322, 127), 2, 1, 2) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) # Creating subAutomata3 guiSubautomata3 = GuiSubautomata(3, 1, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(4, 0, 65, 154, 1, 'Ping') guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(5, 5, 313, 162, 0, 'Pong') guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((65, 154), (313, 162), (192, 74), 3, 4, 5) guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((313, 162), (65, 154), (187, 212), 4, 5, 4) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata3) # Creating subAutomata4 guiSubautomata4 = GuiSubautomata(4, 2, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata4.newGuiNode(6, 0, 161, 158, 1, '1') guiSubautomata4.newGuiNode(7, 0, 493, 246, 0, '2') guiSubautomata4.newGuiNode(8, 0, 207, 358, 0, '3') guiSubautomata4.newGuiTransition((161, 158), (493, 246), (327, 202), 5, 6, 7) guiSubautomata4.newGuiTransition((493, 246), (207, 358), (350, 302), 6, 7, 8) guiSubautomata4.newGuiTransition((207, 358), (161, 158), (184, 258), 7, 8, 6) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata4) # Creating subAutomata5 guiSubautomata5 = GuiSubautomata(5, 5, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(9, 0, 257, 221, 0, 'wait2') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(10, 0, 130, 105, 1, 'wait1') guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((130, 105), (257, 221), (260, 99), 1, 10, 9) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((257, 221), (130, 105), (118, 214), 2, 9, 10) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata5) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False self.run3 = False self.run4 = False self.run5 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 self.numbersFinished = False while (self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if (self.sub1 == "PingPong"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > 3.5): self.sub1 = "Numbers" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Numbers') elif (self.sub1 == "Numbers"): if (self.numbersFinished): self.sub1 = "PingPong" self.numbersFinished = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('PingPong') # Actuation if if (self.sub1 == "PingPong"): print "PingPong" time.sleep(4) elif (self.sub1 == "Numbers"): print "Numbers" time.sleep(5) totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata3(self): self.run3 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 = False = False while (self.run3): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub1 == "PingPong"): if ((self.sub3 == "Ping_ghost") or (self.sub3 == "Pong_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub3 == "Ping"): if ( self.sub3 = "Pong" = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Pong') elif (self.sub3 == "Pong"): if (self.pong): self.sub3 = "Ping" self.pong = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Ping') # Actuation if if (self.sub3 == "Ping"): print " PING" time.sleep(0.5) = True elif (self.sub3 == "Pong"): print " PONG" time.sleep(0.5) self.pong = True else: if (self.sub3 == "Ping"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub3 == "Pong"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata4(self): self.run4 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_1_max = 0.001 t_2_max = 0.001 t_3_max = 0.001 while (self.run4): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub1 == "Numbers"): if ((self.sub4 == "1_ghost") or (self.sub4 == "2_ghost") or (self.sub4 == "3_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub4 == "1"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_1_max): self.sub4 = "2" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('2') t_1_max = 0.001 elif (self.sub4 == "2"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_2_max): self.sub4 = "3" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('3') t_2_max = 0.001 elif (self.sub4 == "3"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_3_max): self.sub4 = "1" t_activated = False self.numbersFinished = True if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('1') t_3_max = 0.001 # Actuation if if (self.sub4 == "1"): print " 1" time.sleep(1) elif (self.sub4 == "2"): print " 2" time.sleep(1) elif (self.sub4 == "3"): print " 3" time.sleep(1) else: if (self.sub4 == "1"): t_1_max = 0.001 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) + 1 self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub4 == "2"): t_2_max = 0.001 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) + 1 self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub4 == "3"): t_3_max = 0.001 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) + 1 self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata5(self): self.run5 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_wait1_max = 1 t_wait2_max = 1 while (self.run5): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub3 == "Pong"): if ((self.sub5 == "wait2_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "wait1_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub5 == "wait2"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_wait2_max): self.sub5 = "wait1" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('wait1') t_wait2_max = 1 elif (self.sub5 == "wait1"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_wait1_max): self.sub5 = "wait2" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('wait2') t_wait1_max = 1 # Actuation if if (self.sub5 == "wait2"): print "" elif (self.sub5 == "wait1"): print "" else: if (self.sub5 == "wait2"): t_wait2_max = 1 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub5 == "wait1"): t_wait1_max = 1 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = Ice.initialize(sys.argv) def destroyIc(self): if (self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() self.t3.join() self.t4.join() self.t5.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print 'runtime gui enabled' else: self.displayGui = False print 'runtime gui disabled'
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "Go", "GoBack", "Rotate", ] self.sub1 = "Go" self.run1 = True def getRobotTheta(self): d = self.EncodersPrx.getPose3DData() theta = math.atan2(2 * (d.q0 * d.q3 + d.q1 * d.q2), 1 - 2 * (d.q2 * d.q2 + d.q3 * d.q3)) return theta def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1, 0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 0, 112, 126, 1, 'Go') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 0, 372, 136, 0, 'GoBack') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(3, 0, 238, 308, 0, 'Rotate') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((112, 126), (372, 136), (237, 114), 1, 1, 2) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((372, 136), (238, 308), (305, 222), 2, 2, 3) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((238, 308), (112, 126), (140, 216), 3, 3, 1) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 laserData = self.LasersPrx.getLaserData() minDistance = 1.5 dist = None destinyAngle = None error = 0 print "numero de lasers (grados):", laserData.numLaser while (self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if (self.sub1 == "Go"): if (dist != None and dist < minDistance): self.sub1 = "GoBack" self.MotorsPrx.setV(0) print "stopping" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoBack') elif (self.sub1 == "GoBack"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > 1.5): self.sub1 = "Rotate" t_activated = False angle = self.getRobotTheta() print "my Angle:", angle self.MotorsPrx.setV(0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Rotate') elif (self.sub1 == "Rotate"): if (error <= 0.1 and error >= -0.1): self.sub1 = "Go" destinyAngle = None self.MotorsPrx.setW(0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Go') # Actuation if if (self.sub1 == "Go"): self.MotorsPrx.setV(1) laserData = self.LasersPrx.getLaserData() dist = None for i in range(60, 120): dist = laserData.distanceData[i] / 1000 if dist == None or laserData.distanceData[i] / 1000 < dist: dist = laserData.distanceData[i] / 1000 print "dist:", dist elif (self.sub1 == "GoBack"): self.MotorsPrx.setV(-0.1) print "back" elif (self.sub1 == "Rotate"): if destinyAngle == None: turn = random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi) destinyAngle = (angle + turn) % (math.pi) print "DestinyAngle:", destinyAngle angle = self.getRobotTheta() error = (destinyAngle - angle) * 0.75 if error > 0 and error < 0.1: error = 0.1 elif error < 0 and error > -0.1: error = -0.1 print "angle:", angle, "destiny:", destinyAngle, "speed:", error self.MotorsPrx.setW(error) totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = Ice.initialize(sys.argv) # Contact to Motors Motors = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Motors.Proxy') if (not Motors): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Motors') self.MotorsPrx = MotorsPrx.checkedCast(Motors) if (not self.MotorsPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Motors.Proxy') print 'Motors connected' # Contact to Pose3D Pose3D = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Pose3D.Proxy') if (not Pose3D): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Pose3D') self.Pose3DPrx = Pose3DPrx.checkedCast(Pose3D) if (not self.Pose3DPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Pose3D.Proxy') print 'Pose3D connected' # Contact to Laser Laser = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Laser.Proxy') if (not Laser): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Laser') self.LaserPrx = LaserPrx.checkedCast(Laser) if (not self.LaserPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Laser.Proxy') print 'Laser connected' def destroyIc(self): if (self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print 'runtime gui enabled' else: self.displayGui = False print 'runtime gui disabled'
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "TakeOff", "GoFront", "DoSquare", "Landing", "END", ] self.StatesSub2 = [ "TakingOff", "TakingOff_ghost", "Stabilizing1", "Stabilizing1_ghost", ] self.StatesSub3 = [ "GoingFront", "GoingFront_ghost", "Stabilizing2", "Stabilizing2_ghost", "goneFront", "goneFront_ghost", ] self.StatesSub4 = [ "empty1", "empty1_ghost", "empty2", "empty2_ghost", ] self.StatesSub5 = [ "DoingRigthSide", "DoingRigthSide_ghost", "DoingTopSide", "DoingTopSide_ghost", "DoingLeftSide", "DoingLeftSide_ghost", "DoingBottomSide", "DoingBottomSide_ghost", ] self.StatesSub6 = [ "GoingToTop", "GoingToTop_ghost", "StabilizingTop", "StabilizingTop_ghost", "GoneToTop", "GoneToTop_ghost", ] self.StatesSub8 = [ "GoingToLeft", "GoingToLeft_ghost", "StabilizingLeft", "StabilizingLeft_ghost", "GoneToLeft", "GoneToLeft_ghost", ] self.StatesSub9 = [ "GoingToBottom", "GoingToBottom_ghost", "StabilizingBottom", "StabilizingBottom_ghost", "GoneToBottom", "GoneToBottom_ghost", ] self.StatesSub10 = [ "GoingToRigth", "GoingToRigth_ghost", "StabilizingRigth", "StabilizingRigth_ghost", "GoneToRigth", "GoneToRigth_ghost", ] self.sub1 = "TakeOff" self.run1 = True self.sub2 = "TakingOff_ghost" self.run2 = True self.sub3 = "GoingFront_ghost" self.run3 = True self.sub4 = "empty1_ghost" self.run4 = True self.sub5 = "DoingRigthSide_ghost" self.run5 = True self.sub6 = "GoingToTop_ghost" self.run6 = True self.sub8 = "GoingToLeft_ghost" self.run8 = True self.sub9 = "GoingToBottom_ghost" self.run9 = True self.sub10 = "GoingToRigth_ghost" self.run10 = True def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() self.t2 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata2) self.t2.start() self.t3 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata3) self.t3.start() self.t4 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata4) self.t4.start() self.t5 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata5) self.t5.start() self.t6 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata6) self.t6.start() self.t8 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata8) self.t8.start() self.t9 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata9) self.t9.start() self.t10 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata10) self.t10.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1, 0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 2, 76, 158, 1, 'TakeOff') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(5, 3, 323, 136, 0, 'GoFront') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(14, 5, 587, 181, 0, 'DoSquare') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(15, 0, 395, 467, 0, 'Landing') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(16, 0, 89, 421, 0, 'END') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((76, 158), (323, 136), (189, 145), 2, 1, 5) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((323, 136), (587, 181), (446, 132), 6, 5, 14) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((395, 467), (89, 421), (226, 464), 8, 15, 16) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((89, 421), (76, 158), (48, 290), 28, 16, 1) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((587, 181), (395, 467), (491, 324), 37, 14, 15) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) # Creating subAutomata2 guiSubautomata2 = GuiSubautomata(2, 1, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(2, 0, 106, 141, 1, 'TakingOff') guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(3, 0, 283, 219, 0, 'Stabilizing1') guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((106, 141), (283, 219), (138, 243), 1, 2, 3) guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((283, 219), (106, 141), (244, 116), 26, 3, 2) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata2) # Creating subAutomata3 guiSubautomata3 = GuiSubautomata(3, 5, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(9, 0, 127, 107, 1, 'GoingFront') guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(10, 4, 511, 137, 0, 'Stabilizing2') guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(11, 0, 298, 291, 0, 'goneFront') guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((127, 107), (511, 137), (319, 123), 2, 9, 10) guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((511, 137), (298, 291), (405, 214), 3, 10, 11) guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((298, 291), (127, 107), (212, 199), 27, 11, 9) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata3) # Creating subAutomata4 guiSubautomata4 = GuiSubautomata(4, 10, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata4.newGuiNode(12, 0, 232, 178, 1, 'empty1') guiSubautomata4.newGuiNode(13, 0, 445, 217, 0, 'empty2') guiSubautomata4.newGuiTransition((232, 178), (445, 217), (357, 129), 4, 12, 13) guiSubautomata4.newGuiTransition((445, 217), (232, 178), (316, 271), 5, 13, 12) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata4) # Creating subAutomata5 guiSubautomata5 = GuiSubautomata(5, 14, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(17, 6, 465, 388, 1, 'DoingRigthSide') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(18, 8, 461, 140, 0, 'DoingTopSide') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(19, 9, 134, 130, 0, 'DoingLeftSide') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(20, 10, 141, 389, 0, 'DoingBottomSide') guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((465, 388), (461, 140), (463, 264), 9, 17, 18) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((461, 140), (134, 130), (298, 136), 10, 18, 19) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((134, 130), (141, 389), (137, 260), 11, 19, 20) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((141, 389), (465, 388), (303, 388), 12, 20, 17) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata5) # Creating subAutomata6 guiSubautomata6 = GuiSubautomata(6, 17, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata6.newGuiNode(21, 0, 352, 452, 1, 'GoingToTop') guiSubautomata6.newGuiNode(22, 0, 280, 218, 0, 'StabilizingTop') guiSubautomata6.newGuiNode(23, 0, 448, 105, 0, 'GoneToTop') guiSubautomata6.newGuiTransition((352, 452), (280, 218), (212, 319), 13, 21, 22) guiSubautomata6.newGuiTransition((280, 218), (448, 105), (350, 132), 14, 22, 23) guiSubautomata6.newGuiTransition((448, 105), (352, 452), (400, 279), 16, 23, 21) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata6) # Creating subAutomata8 guiSubautomata8 = GuiSubautomata(8, 18, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata8.newGuiNode(24, 0, 135, 397, 1, 'GoingToLeft') guiSubautomata8.newGuiNode(25, 0, 213, 194, 0, 'StabilizingLeft') guiSubautomata8.newGuiNode(26, 0, 416, 260, 0, 'GoneToLeft') guiSubautomata8.newGuiTransition((135, 397), (213, 194), (174, 295), 17, 24, 25) guiSubautomata8.newGuiTransition((213, 194), (416, 260), (314, 227), 18, 25, 26) guiSubautomata8.newGuiTransition((416, 260), (135, 397), (275, 328), 19, 26, 24) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata8) # Creating subAutomata9 guiSubautomata9 = GuiSubautomata(9, 19, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata9.newGuiNode(27, 0, 169, 408, 1, 'GoingToBottom') guiSubautomata9.newGuiNode(28, 0, 243, 164, 0, 'StabilizingBottom') guiSubautomata9.newGuiNode(29, 0, 418, 355, 0, 'GoneToBottom') guiSubautomata9.newGuiTransition((169, 408), (243, 164), (206, 286), 20, 27, 28) guiSubautomata9.newGuiTransition((243, 164), (418, 355), (330, 259), 21, 28, 29) guiSubautomata9.newGuiTransition((418, 355), (169, 408), (293, 381), 22, 29, 27) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata9) # Creating subAutomata10 guiSubautomata10 = GuiSubautomata(10, 20, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata10.newGuiNode(31, 0, 121, 361, 1, 'GoingToRigth') guiSubautomata10.newGuiNode(32, 0, 231, 110, 0, 'StabilizingRigth') guiSubautomata10.newGuiNode(33, 0, 371, 331, 0, 'GoneToRigth') guiSubautomata10.newGuiTransition((121, 361), (231, 110), (176, 235), 23, 31, 32) guiSubautomata10.newGuiTransition((231, 110), (371, 331), (300, 220), 24, 32, 33) guiSubautomata10.newGuiTransition((371, 331), (121, 361), (246, 346), 25, 33, 31) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata10) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False self.run2 = False self.run3 = False self.run4 = False self.run5 = False self.run6 = False self.run8 = False self.run9 = False self.run10 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 self.goneFront = False self.squareDone = False self.goneBack = False while (run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if (self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > 3.5): self.sub1 = "GoFront" t_activated = False print "From TakeOff to GoFront" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoFront') elif (self.sub1 == "GoFront"): if (self.goneFront): self.sub1 = "DoSquare" self.goneFront = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('DoSquare') elif (self.sub1 == "DoSquare"): if (self.squareDone): self.sub1 = "Landing" self.squareDone = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Landing') elif (self.sub1 == "Landing"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > 2): self.sub1 = "END" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('END') elif (self.sub1 == "END"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > 3): self.sub1 = "TakeOff" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('TakeOff') # Actuation if if (self.sub1 == "Landing"): print "landing" self.lock.acquire() self.lock.release() elif (self.sub1 == "END"): print "END" totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata2(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_TakingOff_max = 2 t_Stabilizing1_max = 1.7 while (run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if ((self.sub2 == "TakingOff_ghost") or (self.sub2 == "Stabilizing1_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub2 == "TakingOff"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_TakingOff_max): self.sub2 = "Stabilizing1" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'Stabilizing1') t_TakingOff_max = 2 elif (self.sub2 == "Stabilizing1"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_Stabilizing1_max): self.sub2 = "TakingOff" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'TakingOff') t_Stabilizing1_max = 1.7 # Actuation if if (self.sub2 == "TakingOff"): print "Taking Off" self.lock.acquire() self.extraPrx.takeoff() self.lock.release() else: if (self.sub2 == "TakingOff"): t_TakingOff_max = 2 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) + 1 self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub2 == "Stabilizing1"): t_Stabilizing1_max = 1.7 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) + 1 self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata3(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_Stabilizing2_max = 3 t_goneFront_max = 0.2 initPos = 0 pos = 0 while (run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub1 == "GoFront"): if ((self.sub3 == "GoingFront_ghost") or (self.sub3 == "Stabilizing2_ghost") or (self.sub3 == "goneFront_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub3 == "GoingFront"): if (pos - initPos > 300): self.sub3 = "Stabilizing2" print "300m reached" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'Stabilizing2') elif (self.sub3 == "Stabilizing2"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_Stabilizing2_max): self.sub3 = "goneFront" t_activated = False print "from stabilizing2 to GoneFront" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'goneFront') t_Stabilizing2_max = 3 elif (self.sub3 == "goneFront"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_goneFront_max): self.sub3 = "GoingFront" t_activated = False initPos = 0 pos = 0 if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'GoingFront') t_goneFront_max = 0.2 # Actuation if if (self.sub3 == "GoingFront"): pos = self.pose3dPrx.getPose3DData().x * 100 if initPos == 0: initPos = self.pose3dPrx.getPose3DData().x * 100 print "pos:", pos, "init:", initPos print "distancia", pos - initPos cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 1 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif (self.sub3 == "Stabilizing2"): cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif (self.sub3 == "goneFront"): self.goneFront = True else: if (self.sub3 == "GoingFront"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub3 == "Stabilizing2"): t_Stabilizing2_max = 3 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub3 == "goneFront"): t_goneFront_max = 0.2 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata4(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_empty1_max = 0.8 t_empty2_max = 0.8 while (run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub3 == "Stabilizing2"): if ((self.sub4 == "empty1_ghost") or (self.sub4 == "empty2_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub4 == "empty1"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_empty1_max): self.sub4 = "empty2" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'empty2') t_empty1_max = 0.8 elif (self.sub4 == "empty2"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_empty2_max): self.sub4 = "empty1" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'empty1') t_empty2_max = 0.8 # Actuation if else: if (self.sub4 == "empty1"): t_empty1_max = 0.8 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) + 1 self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub4 == "empty2"): t_empty2_max = 0.8 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub4.index(self.sub4) + 1 self.sub4 = self.StatesSub4[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata5(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 self.goneToTop = False self.goneToLeft = False self.goneToBottom = False self.goneToRigth = False while (run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub1 == "DoSquare"): if ((self.sub5 == "DoingRigthSide_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "DoingTopSide_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "DoingLeftSide_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "DoingBottomSide_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub5 == "DoingRigthSide"): if (self.goneToTop): self.sub5 = "DoingTopSide" print "Rigth Done" self.goneToTop = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'DoingTopSide') elif (self.sub5 == "DoingTopSide"): if (self.goneToLeft): self.sub5 = "DoingLeftSide" print "Left done" self.goneToLeft = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'DoingLeftSide') elif (self.sub5 == "DoingLeftSide"): if (self.goneToBottom): self.sub5 = "DoingBottomSide" print "Left done" self.goneToBottom = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'DoingBottomSide') elif (self.sub5 == "DoingBottomSide"): if (self.goneToRigth): self.sub5 = "DoingRigthSide" self.squareDone = True print "Bottom done" self.goneToRigth = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'DoingRigthSide') # Actuation if if (self.sub5 == "DoingRigthSide"): print "Doing Rigth Side" elif (self.sub5 == "DoingTopSide"): print "Doing Top Side" elif (self.sub5 == "DoingLeftSide"): print "Doing Left Side" elif (self.sub5 == "DoingBottomSide"): print "Doing Bottom Side" else: if (self.sub5 == "DoingRigthSide"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub5 == "DoingTopSide"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub5 == "DoingLeftSide"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub5 == "DoingBottomSide"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata6(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_GoingToTop_max = 3 t_StabilizingTop_max = 2 t_GoneToTop_max = 0.1 while (run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub5 == "DoingRigthSide"): if ((self.sub6 == "GoingToTop_ghost") or (self.sub6 == "StabilizingTop_ghost") or (self.sub6 == "GoneToTop_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub6 == "GoingToTop"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_GoingToTop_max): self.sub6 = "StabilizingTop" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'StabilizingTop') t_GoingToTop_max = 3 elif (self.sub6 == "StabilizingTop"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_StabilizingTop_max): self.sub6 = "GoneToTop" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'GoneToTop') t_StabilizingTop_max = 2 elif (self.sub6 == "GoneToTop"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_GoneToTop_max): self.sub6 = "GoingToTop" t_activated = False self.GoneToTop = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'GoingToTop') t_GoneToTop_max = 0.1 # Actuation if if (self.sub6 == "GoingToTop"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 0.75 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif (self.sub6 == "StabilizingTop"): cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif (self.sub6 == "GoneToTop"): self.goneToTop = True else: if (self.sub6 == "GoingToTop"): t_GoingToTop_max = 3 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) + 1 self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub6 == "StabilizingTop"): t_StabilizingTop_max = 2 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) + 1 self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub6 == "GoneToTop"): t_GoneToTop_max = 0.1 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) + 1 self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata8(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_GoingToLeft_max = 3 t_StabilizingLeft_max = 2 t_GoneToLeft_max = 0.1 while (run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub5 == "DoingTopSide"): if ((self.sub8 == "GoingToLeft_ghost") or (self.sub8 == "StabilizingLeft_ghost") or (self.sub8 == "GoneToLeft_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub8.index(self.sub8) self.sub8 = self.StatesSub8[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub8 == "GoingToLeft"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_GoingToLeft_max): self.sub8 = "StabilizingLeft" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'StabilizingLeft') t_GoingToLeft_max = 3 elif (self.sub8 == "StabilizingLeft"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_StabilizingLeft_max): self.sub8 = "GoneToLeft" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'GoneToLeft') t_StabilizingLeft_max = 2 elif (self.sub8 == "GoneToLeft"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_GoneToLeft_max): self.sub8 = "GoingToLeft" t_activated = False self.goneToLeft = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'GoingToLeft') t_GoneToLeft_max = 0.1 # Actuation if if (self.sub8 == "GoingToLeft"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = 0.75 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif (self.sub8 == "StabilizingLeft"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif (self.sub8 == "GoneToLeft"): self.goneToLeft = True else: if (self.sub8 == "GoingToLeft"): t_GoingToLeft_max = 3 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub8.index(self.sub8) + 1 self.sub8 = self.StatesSub8[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub8 == "StabilizingLeft"): t_StabilizingLeft_max = 2 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub8.index(self.sub8) + 1 self.sub8 = self.StatesSub8[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub8 == "GoneToLeft"): t_GoneToLeft_max = 0.1 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub8.index(self.sub8) + 1 self.sub8 = self.StatesSub8[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata9(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_GoingToBottom_max = 3 t_StabilizingBottom_max = 2 t_GoneToBottom_max = 0.1 while (run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub5 == "DoingLeftSide"): if ((self.sub9 == "GoingToBottom_ghost") or (self.sub9 == "StabilizingBottom_ghost") or (self.sub9 == "GoneToBottom_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub9.index(self.sub9) self.sub9 = self.StatesSub9[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub9 == "GoingToBottom"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_GoingToBottom_max): self.sub9 = "StabilizingBottom" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'StabilizingBottom') t_GoingToBottom_max = 3 elif (self.sub9 == "StabilizingBottom"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_StabilizingBottom_max): self.sub9 = "GoneToBottom" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'GoneToBottom') t_StabilizingBottom_max = 2 elif (self.sub9 == "GoneToBottom"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_GoneToBottom_max): self.sub9 = "GoingToBottom" t_activated = False self.goneToBottom = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'GoingToBottom') t_GoneToBottom_max = 0.1 # Actuation if if (self.sub9 == "GoingToBottom"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = -0.75 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif (self.sub9 == "StabilizingBottom"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif (self.sub9 == "GoneToBottom"): self.goneToBottom = True else: if (self.sub9 == "GoingToBottom"): t_GoingToBottom_max = 3 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub9.index(self.sub9) + 1 self.sub9 = self.StatesSub9[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub9 == "StabilizingBottom"): t_StabilizingBottom_max = 2 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub9.index(self.sub9) + 1 self.sub9 = self.StatesSub9[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub9 == "GoneToBottom"): t_GoneToBottom_max = 0.1 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub9.index(self.sub9) + 1 self.sub9 = self.StatesSub9[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata10(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_GoingToRigth_max = 3 t_StabilizingRigth_max = 2 t_GoneToRigth_max = 0.1 while (run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub5 == "DoingBottomSide"): if ((self.sub10 == "GoingToRigth_ghost") or (self.sub10 == "StabilizingRigth_ghost") or (self.sub10 == "GoneToRigth_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub10.index(self.sub10) self.sub10 = self.StatesSub10[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub10 == "GoingToRigth"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_GoingToRigth_max): self.sub10 = "StabilizingRigth" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'StabilizingRigth') t_GoingToRigth_max = 3 elif (self.sub10 == "StabilizingRigth"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_StabilizingRigth_max): self.sub10 = "GoneToRigth" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'GoneToRigth') t_StabilizingRigth_max = 2 elif (self.sub10 == "GoneToRigth"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > t_GoneToRigth_max): self.sub10 = "GoingToRigth" t_activated = False self.goneToRigth = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'GoingToRigth') t_GoneToRigth_max = 0.1 # Actuation if if (self.sub10 == "GoingToRigth"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = -0.75 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif (self.sub10 == "StabilizingRigth"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif (self.sub10 == "GoneToRigth"): self.goneToRigth = True else: if (self.sub10 == "GoingToRigth"): t_GoingToRigth_max = 3 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub10.index(self.sub10) + 1 self.sub10 = self.StatesSub10[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub10 == "StabilizingRigth"): t_StabilizingRigth_max = 2 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub10.index(self.sub10) + 1 self.sub10 = self.StatesSub10[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub10 == "GoneToRigth"): t_GoneToRigth_max = 0.1 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub10.index(self.sub10) + 1 self.sub10 = self.StatesSub10[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = Ice.initialize(sys.argv) # Contact to pose3d pose3d = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Pose3D.Proxy') if (not pose3d): raise Exception('could not create proxy with pose3d') self.pose3dPrx = Pose3DPrx.checkedCast(pose3d) if (not self.pose3dPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Pose3D.Proxy') print 'pose3d connected' # Contact to cmdVel cmdVel = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.CMDVel.Proxy') if (not cmdVel): raise Exception('could not create proxy with cmdVel') self.cmdVelPrx = CMDVelPrx.checkedCast(cmdVel) if (not self.cmdVelPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.CMDVel.Proxy') print 'cmdVel connected' # Contact to extra extra = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') if (not extra): raise Exception('could not create proxy with extra') self.extraPrx = ArDroneExtraPrx.checkedCast(extra) if (not self.extraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') print 'extra connected' def destroyIc(self): if (self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() self.t2.join() self.t3.join() self.t4.join() self.t5.join() self.t6.join() self.t8.join() self.t9.join() self.t10.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print 'runtime gui enabled' else: self.displayGui = False print 'runtime gui disabled'
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "TakeOff", "FollowRoad", "MonitorArea", "TurnAround", "Landing", "END", "HeighControl", ] self.StatesSub3 = [ "FindRoad", "FindRoad_ghost", "FollowingRoad", "FollowingRoad_ghost", ] self.StatesSub5 = [ "ToFirstPos", "ToFirstPos_ghost", "ToSecondPos", "ToSecondPos_ghost", "ToThirdPos", "ToThirdPos_ghost", "Return", "Return_ghost", ] self.StatesSub6 = [ "Descending", "Descending_ghost", "Land", "Land_ghost", ] self.sub1 = "TakeOff" self.run1 = True self.sub3 = "FindRoad_ghost" self.run3 = True self.sub5 = "ToFirstPos_ghost" self.run5 = True self.sub6 = "Descending_ghost" self.run6 = True def getImage(self): img = self.CameraPrx.getImageData("RGB8") height = img.description.height width = img.description.width imgPixels = numpy.zeros((height, width, 3), numpy.uint8) imgPixels = numpy.frombuffer(img.pixelData, dtype=numpy.uint8) imgPixels.shape = height, width, 3 return imgPixels def setVelocity(self, vx, vy, vz, yaw): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = vy cmd.linearY = vx cmd.linearZ = vz cmd.angularZ = yaw cmd.angularX = cmd.angularY = 1.0 self.CMDVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) #The factor indicate the margin of the error multipliyin the error for this factor def droneInPosition(self, pos, factor=1): return (abs(pos[0] - self.xPos) < self.minDist * factor) and ( abs(pos[1] - self.yPos) < self.minDist * factor) class PID: def __init__(self, Epsilon=.01, Kp=1, Ki=1, Kd=1, Imax=300, Imin=-300): self.Ep = Epsilon self.Kp = Kp self.Ki = Ki self.Kd = Kd self.Imax = Imax self.Imin = Imin self.lastError = 0 self.cumulativeError = 0 def updateCumulativeError(self, error): self.cumulativeError += error if self.cumulativeError > self.Imax: self.cumulativeError = self.Imax elif self.cumulativeError < self.Imin: self.cumulativeError = self.Imin def process(self, error, derivative=None, integral=None): if -self.Ep < error < self.Ep: return 0 P = self.Kp * error self.updateCumulativeError(error) if integral != None: I = self.Ki * integral else: I = self.Ki * self.cumulativeError if derivative != None: D = self.Kd * derivative else: D = self.Kd * (error - self.lastError) self.lastError = error speed = P + I + D if speed > 3: speed = 3 elif speed < -3: speed = -3 return speed def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() self.t3 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata3) self.t3.start() self.t5 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata5) self.t5.start() self.t6 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata6) self.t6.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1, 0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 0, 62, 66, 1, 'TakeOff') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 3, 189, 116, 0, 'FollowRoad') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(6, 5, 309, 268, 0, 'MonitorArea') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(11, 0, 263, 428, 0, 'TurnAround') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(12, 6, 53, 239, 0, 'Landing') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(14, 0, 41, 427, 0, 'END') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(17, 0, 481, 139, 0, 'HeighControl') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((189, 116), (309, 268), (274, 172), 7, 2, 6) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((309, 268), (263, 428), (349, 362), 13, 6, 11) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((263, 428), (189, 116), (164, 318), 14, 11, 2) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((189, 116), (53, 239), (82, 154), 19, 2, 12) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((53, 239), (41, 427), (43, 326), 22, 12, 14) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((481, 139), (189, 116), (328, 116), 26, 17, 2) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((62, 66), (481, 139), (430, 27), 27, 1, 17) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((189, 116), (481, 139), (315, 70), 28, 2, 17) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((309, 268), (481, 139), (378, 195), 29, 6, 17) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((481, 139), (309, 268), (412, 279), 30, 17, 6) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) # Creating subAutomata3 guiSubautomata3 = GuiSubautomata(3, 2, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(3, 0, 156, 228, 1, 'FindRoad') guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(4, 0, 427, 255, 0, 'FollowingRoad') guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((156, 228), (427, 255), (297, 157), 2, 3, 4) guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((427, 255), (156, 228), (265, 320), 3, 4, 3) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata3) # Creating subAutomata5 guiSubautomata5 = GuiSubautomata(5, 6, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(7, 0, 86, 275, 1, 'ToFirstPos') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(8, 0, 247, 92, 0, 'ToSecondPos') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(9, 0, 491, 303, 0, 'ToThirdPos') guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(10, 0, 281, 455, 0, 'Return') guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((86, 275), (247, 92), (166, 184), 9, 7, 8) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((247, 92), (491, 303), (369, 198), 10, 8, 9) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((491, 303), (281, 455), (386, 379), 11, 9, 10) guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((281, 455), (86, 275), (184, 365), 12, 10, 7) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata5) # Creating subAutomata6 guiSubautomata6 = GuiSubautomata(6, 12, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata6.newGuiNode(15, 0, 126, 185, 1, 'Descending') guiSubautomata6.newGuiNode(16, 0, 350, 190, 0, 'Land') guiSubautomata6.newGuiTransition((126, 185), (350, 190), (232, 220), 24, 15, 16) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata6) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False self.run3 = False self.run5 = False self.run6 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 self.targetX = 125 self.targetY = 125 self.targetZ = 2.5 self.initPos = (-1, -8.5) landingPose = (self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().x, self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().y) #Minimun errors self.minError = 10 self.minActit = 0.5 self.minAltit = 0.01 self.minDist = 0.01 heighMargin = 1 #Control Variables self.heigh = 0 self.contours = [] self.monitorComplet = False self.xPos = landingPose[0] self.yPos = landingPose[1] initAngle = None self.hasLanded = False currentState = "FollowRoad" takenOff = False #Filter Values self.hmin = 90 self.hmax = 97 self.vmin = 0 self.vmax = 50 self.smin = 45 self.smax = 80 #Control PID self.xPid = self.PID(Epsilon=self.minError, Kp=0.01, Ki=0.04, Kd=0.003, Imax=5, Imin=-5) self.zPid = self.PID(Epsilon=self.minAltit, Kp=1, Ki=0.02, Kd=0, Imax=5, Imin=-5) self.aPid = self.PID(Epsilon=self.minActit, Kp=0.01, Ki=0.04, Kd=0.003, Imax=5, Imin=-5) while (self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if (self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if (takenOff): self.sub1 = "HeighControl" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('HeighControl') elif (self.sub1 == "FollowRoad"): if ((self.droneInPosition(self.initPos, 200)) and (not self.monitorComplet)): self.sub1 = "MonitorArea" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('MonitorArea') elif ((self.droneInPosition(landingPose, 75)) and (self.monitorComplet)): self.sub1 = "Landing" self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Landing') elif (abs(self.targetZ - self.heigh) > heighMargin): self.sub1 = "HeighControl" currentState = "FollowRoad" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('HeighControl') elif (self.sub1 == "MonitorArea"): if (self.monitorComplet): self.sub1 = "TurnAround" self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('TurnAround') elif (abs(self.targetZ - self.heigh) > heighMargin): self.sub1 = "HeighControl" currentState = "MonitorArea" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('HeighControl') elif (self.sub1 == "TurnAround"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > 2.5): self.sub1 = "FollowRoad" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'FollowRoad') elif (self.sub1 == "Landing"): if (self.hasLanded): self.sub1 = "END" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('END') elif (self.sub1 == "HeighControl"): if ((abs(self.targetZ - self.heigh) < self.minAltit) and (currentState == "FollowRoad")): self.sub1 = "FollowRoad" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FollowRoad') elif ((abs(self.targetZ - self.heigh) < self.minAltit) and (currentState == "MonitorArea")): self.sub1 = "MonitorArea" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('MonitorArea') # Actuation if if (self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): #Taking Off self.ExtraPrx.takeoff() takenOff = True elif (self.sub1 == "FollowRoad"): lastState = "FollowRoad" #Get and prepare image inImg = self.getImage() softenedImg = cv2.bilateralFilter(inImg, 9, 75, 75) hsvImg = cv2.cvtColor(softenedImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) #Get threshold image minValues = numpy.array([self.hmin, self.vmin, self.smin]) maxValues = numpy.array([self.hmax, self.vmax, self.smax]) thresholdImg = cv2.inRange(hsvImg, minValues, maxValues) #Get contours self.contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours( thresholdImg, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #Update Heigh self.heigh = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().z elif (self.sub1 == "TurnAround"): self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 1) pose = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData() print "q0", pose.q0, "q1", pose.q1, "q2", pose.q2, "q3", pose.q3 elif (self.sub1 == "END"): print "SHUT DOWN" self.shutDown() elif (self.sub1 == "HeighControl"): #Controling heigh self.heigh = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().z zVel = self.zPid.process(self.targetZ - self.heigh) self.setVelocity(0, 0, zVel, 0) print "Heigh:", self.heigh print "Vel:", zVel totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata3(self): self.run3 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while (self.run3): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub1 == "FollowRoad"): if ((self.sub3 == "FindRoad_ghost") or (self.sub3 == "FollowingRoad_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub3 == "FindRoad"): if (self.contours): self.sub3 = "FollowingRoad" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'FollowingRoad') elif (self.sub3 == "FollowingRoad"): if (not self.contours): self.sub3 = "FindRoad" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('FindRoad') # Actuation if if (self.sub3 == "FindRoad"): self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0.75, 0) print "Road lost" elif (self.sub3 == "FollowingRoad"): contour = max(self.contours, key=cv2.contourArea) try: (x, y), radius = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(contour) center = (int(x), int(y)) ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(contour) inclination = ellipse[2] if inclination < 90: yAngle = -inclination else: yAngle = 180 - inclination avel = self.aPid.process(yAngle) xError = self.targetX - center[0] xvel = self.xPid.process(xError) speed = max( (self.targetX - pow(1.09, abs(xError))) / 125., 0) self.setVelocity(xvel, speed, 0, avel) except: print "EXCEPTION FOUND" self.contours = [] self.xPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().x self.yPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().y print "Xpos:", self.xPos, "Ypos:", self.yPos else: if (self.sub3 == "FindRoad"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub3 == "FollowingRoad"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata5(self): self.run5 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 firstPos = (10, -20) secondPos = (5, -30) thirdPos = (-10, -20) self.minDist = 0.02 #Control PID xDistPid = self.PID(self.minDist, 1, 0.005, 0.003, 5, -5) yDistPid = self.PID(self.minDist, 1, 0.005, 0.003, 5, -5) while (self.run5): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub1 == "MonitorArea"): if ((self.sub5 == "ToFirstPos_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "ToSecondPos_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "ToThirdPos_ghost") or (self.sub5 == "Return_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub5 == "ToFirstPos"): if (self.droneInPosition(firstPos)): self.sub5 = "ToSecondPos" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'ToSecondPos') elif (self.sub5 == "ToSecondPos"): if (self.droneInPosition(secondPos)): self.sub5 = "ToThirdPos" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'ToThirdPos') elif (self.sub5 == "ToThirdPos"): if (self.droneInPosition(thirdPos)): self.sub5 = "Return" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Return') elif (self.sub5 == "Return"): if (self.droneInPosition(self.initPos)): self.sub5 = "ToFirstPos" self.monitorComplet = True if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'ToFirstPos') # Actuation if if (self.sub5 == "ToFirstPos"): self.xPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().x self.yPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().y xError = firstPos[0] - self.xPos xVel = xDistPid.process(xError) yError = firstPos[1] - self.yPos yVel = yDistPid.process(yError) print "Xerror:", xError, "Yerror:", yError print "Xvel:", xVel, "Yvel:", -yVel self.setVelocity(xVel, -yVel, 0, 0) elif (self.sub5 == "ToSecondPos"): self.xPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().x self.yPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().y xError = secondPos[0] - self.xPos xVel = xDistPid.process(xError) yError = secondPos[1] - self.yPos yVel = yDistPid.process(yError) print "xError:", xError, "Yerror:", yError print "Xvel:", xVel, "Yvel:", -yVel self.setVelocity(xVel, -yVel, 0, 0) elif (self.sub5 == "ToThirdPos"): self.xPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().x self.yPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().y xError = thirdPos[0] - self.xPos xVel = xDistPid.process(xError) yError = thirdPos[1] - self.yPos yVel = yDistPid.process(yError) print "Xerror:", xError, "Yerror:", yError print "Xvel:", xVel, "Yvel:", yVel print "Xvel:", xVel, "Yvel:", -yVel self.setVelocity(xVel, -yVel, 0, 0) elif (self.sub5 == "Return"): self.xPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().x self.yPos = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().y xError = self.initPos[0] - self.xPos xVel = xDistPid.process(xError) yError = self.initPos[1] - self.yPos yVel = yDistPid.process(yError) print "Xerror:", xError, "Yerror:", yError print "Xvel:", xVel, "Yvel:", -yVel self.setVelocity(xVel, -yVel, 0, 0) else: if (self.sub5 == "ToFirstPos"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub5 == "ToSecondPos"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub5 == "ToThirdPos"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub5 == "Return"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata6(self): self.run6 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 targetZDescend = 0.5 while (self.run6): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub1 == "Landing"): if ((self.sub6 == "Descending_ghost") or (self.sub6 == "Land_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub6 == "Descending"): if (abs(targetZDescend - self.heigh) < self.minAltit): self.sub6 = "Land" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Land') # Actuation if if (self.sub6 == "Descending"): #Controling heigh self.heigh = self.Pose3DPrx.getPose3DData().z zVel = self.zPid.process(targetZDescend - self.heigh) self.setVelocity(0, 0, zVel, 0) print "Heigh:", self.heigh elif (self.sub6 == "Land"): self.setVelocity(0, 0, 0, 0) if not self.hasLanded: self.hasLanded = True else: if (self.sub6 == "Descending"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) + 1 self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub6 == "Land"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub6.index(self.sub6) + 1 self.sub6 = self.StatesSub6[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = Ice.initialize(sys.argv) # Contact to Extra Extra = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') if (not Extra): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Extra') self.ExtraPrx = ArDroneExtraPrx.checkedCast(Extra) if (not self.ExtraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') print 'Extra connected' # Contact to CMDVel CMDVel = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.CMDVel.Proxy') if (not CMDVel): raise Exception('could not create proxy with CMDVel') self.CMDVelPrx = CMDVelPrx.checkedCast(CMDVel) if (not self.CMDVelPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.CMDVel.Proxy') print 'CMDVel connected' # Contact to Pose3D Pose3D = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Pose3D.Proxy') if (not Pose3D): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Pose3D') self.Pose3DPrx = Pose3DPrx.checkedCast(Pose3D) if (not self.Pose3DPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Pose3D.Proxy') print 'Pose3D connected' # Contact to Camera Camera = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Camera.Proxy') if (not Camera): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Camera') self.CameraPrx = CameraPrx.checkedCast(Camera) if (not self.CameraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Camera.Proxy') print 'Camera connected' def destroyIc(self): if (self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() self.t3.join() self.t5.join() self.t6.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print 'runtime gui enabled' else: self.displayGui = False print 'runtime gui disabled'
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.StatesSub1 = [ "TakeOff", "Stabilizing1", "GoFront", "Stoping", "Landing", "Stabilizing2", ] self.StatesSub3 = [ "A", "A_ghost", "B", "B_ghost", ] self.StatesSub5 = [ "C", "C_ghost", ] self.sub1 = "TakeOff" self.run1 = True self.sub3 = "A_ghost" self.run3 = True self.sub5 = "C_ghost" self.run5 = True def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1,0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 3, 61, 101, 1, 'TakeOff') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 0, 283, 75, 0, 'Stabilizing1') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(3, 0, 497, 130, 0, 'GoFront') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(4, 0, 489, 320, 0, 'Stoping') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(5, 0, 250, 408, 0, 'Landing') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(6, 0, 66, 283, 0, 'Stabilizing2') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((61, 101), (283, 75), (9, 212), 1, 1, 2) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((283, 75), (497, 130), (413, 79), 2, 2, 3) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((497, 130), (489, 320), (570, 239), 3, 3, 4) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((489, 320), (250, 408), (410, 411), 4, 4, 5) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((250, 408), (66, 283), (152, 338), 6, 5, 6) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((66, 283), (61, 101), (9, 212), 1, 6, 1) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) # Creating subAutomata3 guiSubautomata3 = GuiSubautomata(3,1, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(7, 0, 175, 146, 1, 'A') guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(8, 5, 468, 201, 0, 'B') guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((175, 146), (468, 201), (348, 79), 1, 7, 8) guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((468, 201), (175, 146), (303, 215), 2, 8, 7) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata3) # Creating subAutomata5 guiSubautomata5 = GuiSubautomata(5,3, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata5.newGuiNode(9, 0, 70, 146, 1, 'C') guiSubautomata5.newGuiTransition((70, 146), (70, 146), (70, 186), 3, 9, 9) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata5) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False self.run3 = False self.run5 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False hasTakenOff = False hasLanded = False while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if(self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if(hasTakenOff): self.sub1 = "Stabilizing1" print "Going to Stabilizing" self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Stabilizing1') elif(self.sub1 == "Stabilizing1"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 1.5): self.sub1 = "GoFront" t_activated = False print "going to GoFront" self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('GoFront') elif(self.sub1 == "GoFront"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 3): self.sub1 = "Stoping" t_activated = False print "going to Stoping" self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Stoping') elif(self.sub1 == "Stoping"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 3.5): self.sub1 = "Landing" t_activated = False print "going to Land" self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Landing') elif(self.sub1 == "Landing"): if(hasLanded): self.sub1 = "Stabilizing2" self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Stabilizing2') elif(self.sub1 == "Stabilizing2"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > 3): self.sub1 = "TakeOff" t_activated = False print "Restarting" self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('TakeOff') # Actuation if if(self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): print "Taking Off" self.lock.acquire() self.extraPrx.takeoff() self.lock.release() hasTakenOff = True elif(self.sub1 == "Stabilizing1"): print "Stabilizing" elif(self.sub1 == "GoFront"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 1 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() elif(self.sub1 == "Stoping"): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = 0 cmd.linearY = 0 cmd.linearZ = 0 self.lock.acquire() self.cmdPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) self.lock.release() print "Stoping" elif(self.sub1 == "Landing"): print "Landing" self.lock.acquire() self.lock.release() hasLanded = True elif(self.sub1 == "Stabilizing2"): finished() totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata3(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 t_A_max = 0.023 t_B_max = 0.055 while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if ((self.sub3 == "A_ghost") or (self.sub3 == "B_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub3 == "A"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_A_max): self.sub3 = "B" t_activated = False self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('B') t_A_max = 0.023 elif(self.sub3 == "B"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_B_max): self.sub3 = "A" t_activated = False self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('A') t_B_max = 0.055 # Actuation if if(self.sub3 == "A"): print "A" elif(self.sub3 == "B"): print "B" else: if(self.sub3 == "A"): t_A_max = 0.023 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] elif(self.sub3 == "B"): t_B_max = 0.055 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def subautomata5(self): run = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_C_max = 0.567 while(run): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if(self.sub3 == "B"): if ((self.sub5 == "C_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub5.index(self.sub5) self.sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if(self.sub5 == "C"): if(not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if(secs > t_C_max): self.sub5 = "C" t_activated = False self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('C') t_C_max = 0.567 # Actuation if if(self.sub5 == "C"): print "C" else: if(self.sub5 == "C"): t_C_max = 0.567 - (t_fin - t_ini) ghostStateIndex = self.StateSub5.index(self.sub5) + 1 sub5 = self.StatesSub5[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000; if(msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if(msecs < 33 ): time.sleep(33 / 1000); def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = Ice.initialize(sys.argv) # Contact to camera camera = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Camera.Proxy') if(not camera): raise Exception('could not create proxy with camera') self.cameraPrx = CameraPrx.checkedCast(camera) if(not self.cameraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Camera.Proxy') print 'camera connected' # Contact to pose3d pose3d = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Pose3D.Proxy') if(not pose3d): raise Exception('could not create proxy with pose3d') self.pose3dPrx = Pose3DPrx.checkedCast(pose3d) if(not self.pose3dPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Pose3D.Proxy') print 'pose3d connected' # Contact to cmd cmd = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.CMDVel.Proxy') if(not cmd): raise Exception('could not create proxy with cmd') self.cmdPrx = CMDVelPrx.checkedCast(cmd) if(not self.cmdPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.CMDVel.Proxy') print 'cmd connected' # Contact to extra extra = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') if(not extra): raise Exception('could not create proxy with extra') self.extraPrx = ArDroneExtraPrx.checkedCast(extra) if(not self.extraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') print 'extra connected' # Contact to navdata navdata = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Navdata.Proxy') if(not navdata): raise Exception('could not create proxy with navdata') self.navdataPrx = NavdataPrx.checkedCast(navdata) if(not self.navdataPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Navdata.Proxy') print 'navdata connected' def destroyIc(self): if(self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() time.sleep(1) self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() self.t3 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata3) self.t3.start() self.t5 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata5) self.t5.start() def join(self): self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() self.t3.join() self.t5.join()
class Automata(): def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.displayGui = False self.StatesSub1 = [ "TakeOff", "FollowTurtle", "Land", ] self.StatesSub2 = [ "FindTurtle", "FindTurtle_ghost", "FollowTurtle", "FollowTurtle_ghost", ] self.StatesSub3 = [ "LoseTurtle", "LoseTurtle_ghost", "Landing", "Landing_ghost", ] self.sub1 = "TakeOff" self.run1 = True self.sub2 = "FindTurtle_ghost" self.run2 = True self.sub3 = "LoseTurtle_ghost" self.run3 = True def setVelocity(self, vx, vy, vz, yaw): cmd = jderobot.CMDVelData() cmd.linearX = vy cmd.linearY = vx cmd.linearZ = vz cmd.angularZ = yaw cmd.angularX = cmd.angularY = 1.0 self.CMDVelPrx.setCMDVelData(cmd) def getImage(self): img = self.CameraPrx.getImageData("RGB8") height = img.description.height width = img.description.width imgPixels = numpy.zeros((height, width, 3), numpy.uint8) imgPixels = numpy.frombuffer(img.pixelData, dtype=numpy.uint8) imgPixels.shape = height, width, 3 return imgPixels def getContours(self): img = self.getImage() img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0) hsvImg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) maxValues = numpy.array(self.hmax, self.vmax, self.smax) minValues = numpy.array(self.hmin, self.vmin, self.smin) thresoldImg = cv2.inRange(hsvImg, minValues, maxValues) conts, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresoldImg, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) return conts, hierarchy class PID: def __init__(self, Epsilon=.01, Kp=1, Ki=1, Kd=1, Imax=300, Imin=-300): self.Ep = Epsilon self.Kp = Kp self.Ki = Ki self.Kd = Kd self.Imax = Imax self.Imin = Imin self.lastError = 0 self.cumulativeError = 0 def updateCumulativeError(self, error): self.cumulativeError += error if self.cumulativeError > self.Imax: self.cumulativeError = self.Imax if self.cumulativeError < self.Imin: self.cumulativeError = self.Imin def process(self, error): if -self.Ep < error < self.Ep: return 0 P = self.Kp * error self.updateCumulativeError(error) I = self.Ki * self.cumulativeError D = self.Kd * (error - self.lastError) self.lastError = error vel = P + I + D return vel def startThreads(self): self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata1) self.t1.start() self.t2 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata2) self.t2.start() self.t3 = threading.Thread(target=self.subautomata3) self.t3.start() def createAutomata(self): guiSubautomataList = [] # Creating subAutomata1 guiSubautomata1 = GuiSubautomata(1, 0, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(1, 0, 111, 195, 1, 'TakeOff') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(2, 2, 323, 206, 0, 'FollowTurtle') guiSubautomata1.newGuiNode(3, 3, 531, 229, 0, 'Land') guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((111, 195), (323, 206), (191, 244), 1, 1, 2) guiSubautomata1.newGuiTransition((323, 206), (531, 229), (419, 267), 2, 2, 3) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata1) # Creating subAutomata2 guiSubautomata2 = GuiSubautomata(2, 2, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(4, 0, 118, 156, 1, 'FindTurtle') guiSubautomata2.newGuiNode(5, 0, 410, 171, 0, 'FollowTurtle') guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((118, 156), (410, 171), (276, 101), 3, 4, 5) guiSubautomata2.newGuiTransition((410, 171), (118, 156), (258, 221), 4, 5, 4) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata2) # Creating subAutomata3 guiSubautomata3 = GuiSubautomata(3, 3, self.automataGui) guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(7, 0, 117, 188, 1, 'LoseTurtle') guiSubautomata3.newGuiNode(8, 0, 378, 213, 0, 'Landing') guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((378, 213), (117, 188), (271, 109), 6, 8, 7) guiSubautomata3.newGuiTransition((117, 188), (378, 213), (250, 258), 7, 7, 8) guiSubautomataList.append(guiSubautomata3) return guiSubautomataList def shutDown(self): self.run1 = False self.run2 = False self.run3 = False def runGui(self): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.automataGui = AutomataGui() self.automataGui.setAutomata(self.createAutomata()) self.automataGui.loadAutomata() self.startThreads() app.exec_() def subautomata1(self): self.run1 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 self.heighIters = 0 self.maxIters = 50 self.contours = [] #Filter Values self.hmin = 50 self.hmax = 70 self.vmin = 20 self.vmax = 235 self.smin = 10 self.smax = 245 while (self.run1): totala = time.time() * 1000000 # Evaluation if if (self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > 2.5): self.sub1 = "FollowTurtle" t_activated = False print "Iters:", self.heighIters if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'FollowTurtle') elif (self.sub1 == "FollowTurtle"): if (not t_activated): t_ini = time.time() t_activated = True else: t_fin = time.time() secs = t_fin - t_ini if (secs > 90): self.sub1 = "Land" t_activated = False if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Land') # Actuation if if (self.sub1 == "TakeOff"): self.ExtraPrx.takeoff() #Get some heigh self.setVelocity(0, 0, 1, 0) self.heighIters += 1 elif (self.sub1 == "FollowTurtle"): self.contours, hierarchy = self.getContours() elif (self.sub1 == "Land"): self.contours, hierarchy = self.getContours() totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata2(self): self.run2 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 targetX = 125 targetY = 125 minError = 8 xPid = self.PID(minError, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 5, -5) yPid = self.PID(minError, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 5, -5) while (self.run2): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub1 == "FollowTurtle"): if ((self.sub2 == "FindTurtle_ghost") or (self.sub2 == "FollowTurtle_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub2 == "FindTurtle"): if (self.contours): self.sub2 = "FollowTurtle" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'FollowTurtle') elif (self.sub2 == "FollowTurtle"): if (not self.contours): self.sub2 = "FindTurtle" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'FindTurtle') # Actuation if if (self.sub2 == "FindTurtle"): if self.heighIters <= self.maxIters: self.setVelocity(0, 0, 1, 0) self.heighIters += 1 print "iters:", self.heighIters else: print "max hight reached" elif (self.sub2 == "FollowTurtle"): #We assume there is only one green target on the screen cnt = self.contours[0] #Locate the minimal circle enclosing the contour (x, y), radius = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(cnt) center = (int(x), int(y)) radius = int(radius) xError = targetX - center[0] yError = targetY - center[1] xVel = xPid.process(xError) yVel = yPidprocess(yError) #Control Heigh# self.setVelocity(xVel, yVel, 0, 0) print "xError:", xError, "yError:", yError print "xVel:", xVel, "yVel:", yVel else: if (self.sub2 == "FindTurtle"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) + 1 self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub2 == "FollowTurtle"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub2.index(self.sub2) + 1 self.sub2 = self.StatesSub2[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def subautomata3(self): self.run3 = True cycle = 100 t_activated = False t_fin = 0 while (self.run3): totala = time.time() * 1000000 if (self.sub1 == "Land"): if ((self.sub3 == "LoseTurtle_ghost") or (self.sub3 == "Landing_ghost")): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex - 1] t_ini = time.time() # Evaluation if if (self.sub3 == "LoseTurtle"): if (not self.contours): self.sub3 = "Landing" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive('Landing') elif (self.sub3 == "Landing"): if (self.contours): self.sub3 = "LoseTurtle" if self.displayGui: self.automataGui.notifySetNodeAsActive( 'LoseTurtle') # Actuation if if (self.sub3 == "LoseTurtle"): self.setVelocity(1, 0, 0, 0) elif (self.sub3 == "Landing"): else: if (self.sub3 == "LoseTurtle"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] elif (self.sub3 == "Landing"): ghostStateIndex = self.StatesSub3.index(self.sub3) + 1 self.sub3 = self.StatesSub3[ghostStateIndex] totalb = time.time() * 1000000 msecs = (totalb - totala) / 1000 if (msecs < 0 or msecs > cycle): msecs = cycle else: msecs = cycle - msecs time.sleep(msecs / 1000) if (msecs < 33): time.sleep(33 / 1000) def connectToProxys(self): self.ic = Ice.initialize(sys.argv) # Contact to Extra Extra = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') if (not Extra): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Extra') self.ExtraPrx = ArDroneExtraPrx.checkedCast(Extra) if (not self.ExtraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.ArDroneExtra.Proxy') print 'Extra connected' # Contact to CMDVel CMDVel = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.CMDVel.Proxy') if (not CMDVel): raise Exception('could not create proxy with CMDVel') self.CMDVelPrx = CMDVelPrx.checkedCast(CMDVel) if (not self.CMDVelPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.CMDVel.Proxy') print 'CMDVel connected' # Contact to Camera Camera = self.ic.propertyToProxy('automata.Camera.Proxy') if (not Camera): raise Exception('could not create proxy with Camera') self.CameraPrx = CameraPrx.checkedCast(Camera) if (not self.CameraPrx): raise Exception('invalid proxy automata.Camera.Proxy') print 'Camera connected' def destroyIc(self): if (self.ic): self.ic.destroy() def start(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread = threading.Thread(target=self.runGui) self.guiThread.start() else: self.startThreads() def join(self): if self.displayGui: self.guiThread.join() self.t1.join() self.t2.join() self.t3.join() def readArgs(self): for arg in sys.argv: splitedArg = arg.split('=') if splitedArg[0] == '--displaygui': if splitedArg[1] == 'True' or splitedArg[1] == 'true': self.displayGui = True print 'runtime gui enabled' else: self.displayGui = False print 'runtime gui disabled'