def test__from_data():
    """ test getters
    assert C2H2CLF_GEO == geom.from_data(
文件: eff.py 项目: sjklipp/autochem
def effective_rotor_count(geo):
    """ Calculate an effective N parameter using the given parametrization.

        :param geo: geometry (Bohr)
        :type geo: automol geometry data structure
        :rtype: float

    # Conver the geo to a graph
    gra = graph(geo)
    symbs = symbols(geo)

    # Count the rotors
    (n_pp, n_ps, n_pt, n_pq, n_ss, n_st, n_sq, n_tt, n_tq, n_qq, n_co, n_oo,
     n_ss_ring, n_rings) = _rotor_counts(gra, symbs)

    print('    - Rotor Counts for N_eff:')
    print('       N_pp:{}, N_ps:{}, N_pt:{}, N_pq:{}'.format(
        n_pp, n_ps, n_pt, n_pq))
    print('       N_ss:{}, N_st:{}, N_sq:{}'.format(n_ss, n_st, n_sq))
    print('       N_tt:{}, N_tq:{}'.format(n_tt, n_tq))
    print('       N_qq:{}'.format(n_qq))
    print('       N_co:{}, N_oo:{}'.format(n_co, n_oo))
    print('       N_ss_ring:{}, N_rings:{}'.format(n_ss_ring, n_rings))

    # Use the rotor counts and the coefficients to calculate Neff
    c_pp_ps_ss, c_pt_st, c_pq_sq = 1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0
    c_tt_tq_qq, c_co_oo, c_ss_ring = 0.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 2.0
    n_eff = 1.0 + (c_pp_ps_ss * (n_pp + n_ps + n_ss) + c_pt_st *
                   (n_pt + n_st) + c_pq_sq * (n_pq + n_sq) + c_tt_tq_qq *
                   (n_tt + n_tq + n_qq) + c_co_oo *
                   (n_co + n_oo) + c_ss_ring * n_ss_ring - n_rings)

    return n_eff
def format_coords(geo):
    """ format the coords section

    # Get the number of atoms
    natoms = len(geo)

    # Get the geometry information
    symbols = geom.symbols(geo)
    coordinates = geom.coordinates(geo)
    masses = geom.masses(geo)

    # Build a string with the formatted coordinates string
    if geom.is_atom(geo):
        geo_str = '{0:<4s}{1:<6d}'.format(symbols[0], masses[0])
        geo_str = '{0} \n'.format(str(natoms))
        for symbol, mass, coords in zip(symbols, masses, coordinates):
            coords = [coord * phycon.BOHR2ANG for coord in coords]
            coords_str = '{0:>14.8f}{1:>14.8f}{2:>14.8f}'.format(
                coords[0], coords[1], coords[2])
            geo_str += '{0:<4s}{1:<6.0f}{2}\n'.format(symbol, mass, coords_str)
        # Remove final newline character from the string
        geo_str = geo_str.rstrip()

    return natoms, geo_str
def test__from_data():
    """ test geom.from_data
    assert C2H2CLF_GEO == geom.from_data(
def format_coords(geo):
    """ format the coords section

    # Get the number of atoms
    natoms = len(geo)

    # Get the geometry information
    symbs = geom.symbols(geo)
    coords = geom.coordinates(geo)
    masses = tuple(round(mass) for mass in geom.masses(geo))

    # Build a string with the formatted coordinates string
    if geom.is_atom(geo):
        geo_str = f'{symbs[0]:<4s}{masses[0]:<6d}'
        geo_str = f'{str(natoms)} \n'
        for symb, mass, xyzs in zip(symbs, masses, coords):
            _xyzs = [x * phycon.BOHR2ANG for x in xyzs]
            xyzs_str = f'{_xyzs[0]:>14.8f}{_xyzs[1]:>14.8f}{_xyzs[2]:>14.8f}'
            geo_str += f'{symb:<4s}{mass:<6.0f}{xyzs_str}\n'
        # Remove final newline character from the string
        geo_str = geo_str.rstrip()

    return natoms, geo_str
def _pairwise_potentials(geo, idx_pair, potential='exp6'):
    """ Calculate the sum of the pairwise potential for a
        given set of atom pairs

    # Get the indexes and symbols
    idx1, idx2 = idx_pair
    if idx1 != idx2:

        # Get the symbols of the atoms
        symbs = symbols(geo)
        symb1, symb2 = symbs[idx1], symbs[idx2]

        # Calculate interatomic distance
        rdist = (distance(geo, idx1, idx2) *
                 qcc.conversion_factor('bohr', 'angstrom'))

        # Calculate the potential
        if potential == 'exp6':
            params = _read_params(EXP6_DCT, symb1, symb2)
            pot_val = exp6_potential(rdist, *params)
        elif potential == 'lj_12_6':
            params = _read_params(LJ_DCT, symb1, symb2)
            pot_val = lj_potential(rdist, *params)
            pot_val = None

        pot_val = 1e10

    return pot_val
def test__ring_puckering():
    smi = 'CC1CCCCC1'
    ich = smiles.inchi(smi)
    geo = inchi.geometry(ich)
    zma = geom.zmatrix(geo)
    gra = zmat.graph(zma)
    rings_atoms = graph.rings_atom_keys(gra)
    val_dct = zmat.value_dictionary(zma)
    coos = zmat.coordinates(zma)
    geo = zmat.geometry(zma)
    da_names = zmat.dihedral_angle_names(zma)

    for ring_atoms in rings_atoms:
        rotate_hyds = []
        ngbs = graph.atom_sorted_neighbor_atom_keys(gra, ring_atoms[0])
        symbs = geom.symbols(geo)
        for ngb in ngbs:
            if symbs[ngb] == 'H':
        ring_value_dct = {}
        for da_name in da_names:
            da_idxs = list(coos[da_name])[0]
            if len(list(set(da_idxs) & set(ring_atoms))) == 4:
                print(da_name, da_idxs)
                ring_value_dct[da_name] = val_dct[da_name]
        dist_value_dct = {}
        for i, _ in enumerate(ring_atoms):
            dist_value_dct[i] = zmat.distance(zma, ring_atoms[i - 1],

        samp_range_dct = {}
        for key, value in ring_value_dct.items():
            samp_range_dct[key] = (value - numpy.pi / 4, value + numpy.pi / 4)

        print(zmat.samples(zma, 5, samp_range_dct))
def test__is_valid():
    """ test geom.is_valid

    # Check validity
    assert geom.is_valid(C2H2CLF_GEO)
    # with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    #     geom.is_valid(BAD_GEO)

    # Check empty geom returns empty information
    assert not geom.symbols(())
    assert not geom.coordinates(())
def _pairwise_potentials(geo, idx_pair, potential='exp6'):
    """ Calculate the sum of the pairwise potential for a
        given pair of atoms in a geometry.

        :param geo: automol geometry object
        :type geo: tuple(tuple(float))
        :param idx_pair: indices of atoms for which to calculate interaction
        :type idx_pair: tuple(int, int)
        :param potential: potential model of the atomic interactions
        :type potential: str
        :rtype: nd.array

    assert potential in ('exp6', 'lj_12_6'), (
        f'potential {potential} != exp6 or lj_12_6')

    # Get the indexes and symbols
    idx1, idx2 = idx_pair
    if idx1 != idx2:

        # Get the symbols of the atoms
        symbs = symbols(geo)
        symb1, symb2 = symbs[idx1], symbs[idx2]

        # Calculate interatomic distance
        rdist = (distance(geo, idx1, idx2) * phycon.BOHR2ANG)

        # Calculate the potential
        if potential == 'exp6':
            params = dict_.values_by_unordered_tuple(EXP6_DCT, (symb1, symb2))
            pot_val = exp6_potential(rdist, *params)
        elif potential == 'lj_12_6':
            params = dict_.values_by_unordered_tuple(LJ_DCT, (symb1, symb2))
            pot_val = lj_potential(rdist, *params)

        pot_val = 1.0e10

    return pot_val
def test__argunique_coulomb_spectrum():
    """ test geom.argunique_coulomb_spectrum
    ref_idxs = (0, 3, 5, 8)

    geo = C2H2CLF_GEO
    natms = len(geom.symbols(geo))

    geos = []
    for idx in range(10):
        axis = numpy.random.rand(3)
        angle = numpy.random.rand()
        geo = geom.rotate(geo, axis, angle)

        if idx in ref_idxs and idx != 0:
            idx_to_change = numpy.random.randint(0, natms)
            new_xyz = numpy.random.rand(3)
            geo = geom.set_coordinates(geo, {idx_to_change: new_xyz})


    idxs = geom.argunique_coulomb_spectrum(geos)
    assert idxs == ref_idxs
def similar_saddle_point_structure(zma, ref_zma, zrxn):
    """ Perform a series of checks to assess the viability
        of a transition state geometry prior to saving

    # Initialize viable
    viable = True

    # Get the bond dists and calculate the distance of bond being formed
    ref_geo = automol.zmat.geometry(ref_zma)
    cnf_geo = automol.zmat.geometry(zma)
    grxn = relabel_for_geometry(zrxn)

    frm_bnd_keys = forming_bond_keys(grxn)
    brk_bnd_keys = breaking_bond_keys(grxn)

    cnf_dist_lst = []
    ref_dist_lst = []
    bnd_key_lst = []
    cnf_ang_lst = []
    ref_ang_lst = []
    for frm_bnd_key in frm_bnd_keys:
        frm_idx1, frm_idx2 = list(frm_bnd_key)
        cnf_dist = distance(cnf_geo, frm_idx1, frm_idx2)
        ref_dist = distance(ref_geo, frm_idx1, frm_idx2)

    for brk_bnd_key in brk_bnd_keys:
        brk_idx1, brk_idx2 = list(brk_bnd_key)
        cnf_dist = distance(cnf_geo, brk_idx1, brk_idx2)
        ref_dist = distance(ref_geo, brk_idx1, brk_idx2)

    for frm_bnd_key in frm_bnd_keys:
        for brk_bnd_key in brk_bnd_keys:
            for frm_idx in frm_bnd_key:
                for brk_idx in brk_bnd_key:
                    if frm_idx == brk_idx:
                        idx2 = frm_idx
                        idx1 = list(frm_bnd_key - frozenset({idx2}))[0]
                        idx3 = list(brk_bnd_key - frozenset({idx2}))[0]
                        cnf_ang = central_angle(cnf_geo, idx1, idx2, idx3)
                        ref_ang = central_angle(ref_geo, idx1, idx2, idx3)

    # Set the maximum allowed displacement for a TS conformer
    max_disp = 0.6
    # better to check for bond-form length in bond scission with ring forming
    if 'addition' in grxn.class_:
        max_disp = 0.8
    if 'abstraction' in grxn.class_:
        # this was 1.4 - SJK reduced it to work for some OH abstractions
        max_disp = 1.0

    # Check forming bond angle similar to ini config
    if 'elimination' not in grxn.class_:
        for ref_angle, cnf_angle in zip(ref_ang_lst, cnf_ang_lst):
            if abs(cnf_angle - ref_angle) > .44:
                # ioprinter.diverged_ts('angle', ref_angle, cnf_angle)
                viable = False

    symbs = symbols(cnf_geo)
    lst_info = zip(ref_dist_lst, cnf_dist_lst, bnd_key_lst)
    for ref_dist, cnf_dist, bnd_key in lst_info:
        if 'add' in grxn.class_ or 'abst' in grxn.class_:
            bnd_key1, bnd_key2 = min(list(bnd_key)), max(list(bnd_key))
            symb1 = symbs[bnd_key1]
            symb2 = symbs[bnd_key2]

            if bnd_key in frm_bnd_keys:
                # Check if radical atom is closer to some atom
                # other than the bonding atom
                cls = automol.zmat.is_atom_closest_to_bond_atom(
                    zma, bnd_key2, cnf_dist)
                if not cls:
                    # ioprinter.diverged_ts('distance', ref_dist, cnf_dist)
                    print(' - Radical atom now has a new nearest neighbor')
                    viable = False
                # check forming bond distance
                if abs(cnf_dist - ref_dist) > max_disp:
                    # ioprinter.diverged_ts('distance', ref_dist, cnf_dist)
                    viable = False

            # Check distance relative to equi. bond
            equi_bnd = dict_.values_by_unordered_tuple(bnd.LEN_DCT,
                                                       (symb1, symb2),
            displace_from_equi = cnf_dist - equi_bnd
            dchk1 = abs(cnf_dist - ref_dist) > 0.1
            dchk2 = displace_from_equi < 0.2
            if dchk1 and dchk2:
                # ioprinter.bad_equil_ts(cnf_dist, equi_bnd)
                viable = False
            # check forming/breaking bond distance
            # if abs(cnf_dist - ref_dist) > 0.4:
            # max disp of 0.4 causes problems for bond scission w/ ring forming
            # not sure if setting it to 0.3 will cause problems for other cases
            if abs(cnf_dist - ref_dist) > 0.3:
                # ioprinter.diverged_ts('distance', ref_dist, cnf_dist)
                viable = False

    return viable