def ring_arc_complement_atom_keys(gra, rng):
    """ non-intersecting arcs from a ring that shares segments with a graph
    gra_atm_bnd_dct = atoms_bond_keys(gra)
    rng_atm_bnd_dct = atoms_bond_keys(rng)

    # 1. find divergence points, given by the atom at which the divergence
    # occurs and the bond followed by the ring as it diverges
    div_dct = {}

    for atm_key in atom_keys(gra) & atom_keys(rng):
        div = rng_atm_bnd_dct[atm_key] - gra_atm_bnd_dct[atm_key]
        if div:
            bnd_key, = div
            div_dct[atm_key] = bnd_key

    # 2. cycle through the ring atoms; if you meet a starting divergence, start
    # an arc; extend the arc until you meet an ending divergence; repeat until
    # all divergences are accounted for
    atm_keys = sorted_ring_atom_keys_from_bond_keys(bond_keys(rng))

    arcs = []
    arc = []
    for atm_key, next_atm_key in mit.windowed(itertools.cycle(atm_keys), 2):
        bnd_key = frozenset({atm_key, next_atm_key})

        # if we haven't started an arc, see if we are at a starting divergence;
        # if so, start the arc now and cross the divergence from our list
        if not arc:
            if atm_key in div_dct and div_dct[atm_key] == bnd_key:

        # if we've started an arc, extend it; then, check if we are at an
        # ending divergence; if so, end the arc and cross the divergence from
        # our list; add it to our list of arcs

            if next_atm_key in div_dct and div_dct[next_atm_key] == bnd_key:

                arc = []

        # if no divergences are left, break out of the loop
        if not div_dct:

    arcs = tuple(map(tuple, arcs))
    return arcs
def set_stereo_from_geometry(gra, geo, geo_idx_dct=None):
    """ set graph stereo from a geometry

    (coordinate distances need not match connectivity -- what matters is the
    relative positions at stereo sites)
    gra = without_stereo_parities(gra)
    last_gra = None

    atm_keys = sorted(atom_keys(gra))
    geo_idx_dct = (geo_idx_dct if geo_idx_dct is not None else
                   {atm_key: idx
                    for idx, atm_key in enumerate(atm_keys)})

    # set atom and bond stereo, iterating to self-consistency
    atm_keys = set()
    bnd_keys = set()
    while last_gra != gra:
        last_gra = gra
        gra = _set_atom_stereo_from_geometry(gra, atm_keys, geo, geo_idx_dct)
        gra = _set_bond_stereo_from_geometry(gra, bnd_keys, geo, geo_idx_dct)

    return gra
def _hydrogen_layer(gra):
    """ AMChI hydrogen (h) layer from graph

        :param gra: implicit molecular graph
        :type gra: automol graph data structure
        :returns: the hydrogen layer, without prefix
        :rtype: str
    # Determine hydrogen counts
    nhyd_dct = atom_implicit_hydrogen_valences(gra)
    all_keys = sorted(atom_keys(gra), key=nhyd_dct.__getitem__)
    grps = [(nh, sorted(k + 1 for k in ks))
            for nh, ks in itertools.groupby(all_keys, key=nhyd_dct.__getitem__)
            if nh > 0]

    # Build the hydrogen layer string
    slyrs = []
    for nhyd, keys in grps:
        parts = util.equivalence_partition(keys, lambda x, y: y in
                                           (x - 1, x + 1))
        parts = sorted(map(sorted, parts))
        strs = [
            '{:d}-{:d}'.format(min(p), max(p))
            if len(p) > 1 else '{:d}'.format(p[0]) for p in parts
        if nhyd == 1:
            slyrs.append(','.join(strs) + 'H')
            slyrs.append(','.join(strs) + f'H{nhyd}')

    nhyd_lyr = ','.join(slyrs)
    return nhyd_lyr
def ring_atom_chirality(gra, atm, ring_atms, stereo=False):
    """is this ring atom a chiral center?
    if not stereo:
        gra = without_stereo_parities(gra)
    adj_atms = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)
    keys = []
    for atmi in adj_atms[atm]:
        key = [atm, atmi]
        key = frozenset(key)
        if atmi in ring_atms:
            for atmj in adj_atms[atmi]:
                if atmj in ring_atms:
                    key = [atmj, atmi]
                    key = frozenset(key)
    gras = remove_bonds(gra, keys)
    cgras = connected_components(gras)
    ret_gras = []
    for gra_i in cgras:
        atms_i = atom_keys(gra_i)
        if [x for x in atms_i if x in adj_atms[atm] or x == atm]:
    return ret_gras
def atom_equivalence_class_reps(gra, atm_keys=None, stereo=True, dummy=True):
    """ Identify isomorphically unique atoms, which do not transform into each
    other by an automorphism

    Optionally, a subset of atoms can be passed in to consider class
    representatives from within that list.

    :param gra: A graph
    :param atm_keys: An optional list of atom keys from which to determine
        equivalence class representatives. If None, the full set of atom keys
        will be used.
    :param stereo: Consider stereo?
    :type stereo: bool
    :param dummy: Consider dummy atoms?
    :type dummy: bool
    :returns: The list of equivalence class reprentatives/unique atoms.
    :rtype: frozenset[int]
    atm_keys = atom_keys(gra) if atm_keys is None else atm_keys

    def _equiv(atm1_key, atm2_key):
        return are_equivalent_atoms(gra, atm1_key, atm2_key, stereo=stereo,

    eq_classes = util.equivalence_partition(atm_keys, _equiv)
    class_reps = frozenset(next(iter(c)) for c in eq_classes)
    return class_reps
def _bond_stereo_corrected_geometry(gra, bnd_ste_par_dct, geo, geo_idx_dct):
    """ correct the bond stereo parities of a geometry, for a subset of bonds
    bnd_keys = list(bnd_ste_par_dct.keys())
    for bnd_key in bnd_keys:
        par = bnd_ste_par_dct[bnd_key]
        curr_par = bond_stereo_parity_from_geometry(gra, bnd_key, geo,

        if curr_par != par:
            xyzs = automol.geom.base.coordinates(geo)

            atm1_key, atm2_key = bnd_key
            atm1_xyz = xyzs[geo_idx_dct[atm1_key]]
            atm2_xyz = xyzs[geo_idx_dct[atm2_key]]

            rot_axis = numpy.subtract(atm2_xyz, atm1_xyz)

            rot_atm_keys = atom_keys(
                branch(gra, atm1_key, {atm1_key, atm2_key}))

            rot_idxs = list(map(geo_idx_dct.__getitem__, rot_atm_keys))

            geo = automol.geom.rotate(geo,

        assert bond_stereo_parity_from_geometry(gra, bnd_key, geo,
                                                geo_idx_dct) == par
        gra = set_bond_stereo_parities(gra, {bnd_key: par})

    return geo, gra
def linear_segments_atom_keys(gra, lin_keys=None):
    """ atom keys for linear segments in the graph
    ngb_keys_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(without_dummy_atoms(gra))

    lin_keys = (linear_atom_keys(gra, dummy=True)
                if lin_keys is None else lin_keys)

    lin_keys = [k for k in lin_keys if len(ngb_keys_dct[k]) <= 2]

    lin_segs = connected_components(subgraph(gra, lin_keys))

    lin_keys_lst = []
    for lin_seg in lin_segs:
        lin_seg_keys = atom_keys(lin_seg)
        if len(lin_seg_keys) == 1:
            key, = lin_seg_keys
            end_key1, end_key2 = sorted([
                for key, ngb_keys in atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(lin_seg).items()
                if len(ngb_keys) == 1
            ngb_keys_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(lin_seg)

            key = None
            keys = [end_key1]
            while key != end_key2:
                key, = ngb_keys_dct[keys[-1]] - set(keys)

    lin_keys_lst = tuple(map(tuple, lin_keys_lst))
    return lin_keys_lst
def _atom_stereo_corrected_geometry(gra, atm_ste_par_dct, geo, geo_idx_dct):
    """ correct the atom stereo parities of a geometry, for a subset of atoms
    ring_atm_keys = set(itertools.chain(*rings_atom_keys(gra)))
    atm_ngb_keys_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)

    atm_keys = list(atm_ste_par_dct.keys())
    for atm_key in atm_keys:
        par = atm_ste_par_dct[atm_key]
        curr_par = atom_stereo_parity_from_geometry(gra, atm_key, geo,

        if curr_par != par:
            atm_ngb_keys = atm_ngb_keys_dct[atm_key]
            # for now, we simply exclude rings from the pivot keys
            # (will not work for stereo atom at the intersection of two rings)
            atm_piv_keys = list(atm_ngb_keys - ring_atm_keys)[:2]
            assert len(atm_piv_keys) == 2
            atm3_key, atm4_key = atm_piv_keys

            # get coordinates
            xyzs = automol.geom.base.coordinates(geo)
            atm_xyz = xyzs[geo_idx_dct[atm_key]]
            atm3_xyz = xyzs[geo_idx_dct[atm3_key]]
            atm4_xyz = xyzs[geo_idx_dct[atm4_key]]

            # do the rotation
            rot_axis = util.vec.unit_bisector(atm3_xyz,

            rot_atm_keys = (
                atom_keys(branch(gra, atm_key, {atm_key, atm3_key}))
                | atom_keys(branch(gra, atm_key, {atm_key, atm4_key})))
            rot_idxs = list(map(geo_idx_dct.__getitem__, rot_atm_keys))

            geo = automol.geom.rotate(geo,

        assert atom_stereo_parity_from_geometry(gra, atm_key, geo,
                                                geo_idx_dct) == par
        gra = set_atom_stereo_parities(gra, {atm_key: par})

    return geo, gra
def atom_longest_chains(gra):
    """ longest chains, by atom
    atm_keys = atom_keys(gra)

    long_chain_dct = {atm_key: atom_longest_chain(gra, atm_key)
                      for atm_key in atm_keys}
    return long_chain_dct
def longest_chain(gra):
    """ longest chain in the graph
    atm_keys = atom_keys(gra)

    max_chain = max((atom_longest_chain(gra, atm_key) for atm_key in atm_keys),
    return max_chain
def ring_system_decomposed_atom_keys(rsy, rng_keys=None, check=True):
    """ decomposed atom keys for a polycyclic ring system in a graph

    The ring system is decomposed into a ring and a series of arcs that can
    be used to successively construct the system

    :param rsy: the ring system
    :param rng_keys: keys for the first ring in the decomposition; if None, the
        smallest ring in the system will be chosen
    if rng_keys is None:
        rng = sorted(rings(rsy), key=atom_count)[0]
        rng_keys = sorted_ring_atom_keys(rng)

    # check the arguments, if requested
    if check:
        # check that the graph is connected
        assert is_connected(rsy), "Ring system can't be disconnected."

        # check that the graph is actually a ring system
        assert is_ring_system(rsy), (
            f"This is not a ring system graph:\n{string(rsy):s}")

        # check that rng is a subgraph of rsy
        assert set(rng_keys) <= atom_keys(rsy), (
            f"{string(rsy, one_indexed=False)}\n^ "
            "Rings system doesn't contain ring as subgraph:\n"

    bnd_keys = list(mit.windowed(rng_keys + rng_keys[:1], 2))

    # Remove bonds for the ring
    rsy = remove_bonds(rsy, bnd_keys)
    keys_lst = [rng_keys]
    done_keys = set(rng_keys)

    while bond_keys(rsy):

        # Determine shortest paths for the graph with one more ring/arc deleted
        sp_dct = atom_shortest_paths(rsy)

        # The shortest path will be the next shortest arc in the system
        arc_keys = min(
            (sp_dct[i][j] for i, j in itertools.combinations(done_keys, 2)
             if j in sp_dct[i]), key=len)

        # Add this arc to the list

        # Add these keys to the list of done keys
        done_keys |= set(arc_keys)

        # Delete tbond keys for the new arc and continue to the next iteration
        bnd_keys = list(map(frozenset, mit.windowed(arc_keys, 2)))
        rsy = remove_bonds(rsy, bnd_keys)

    keys_lst = tuple(map(tuple, keys_lst))
    return keys_lst
文件: _rot.py 项目: snelliott/automol
def rotational_bond_keys(gra, lin_keys=None, with_h_rotors=True):
    """ get all rotational bonds for a graph

    :param gra: the graph
    :param lin_keys: keys to linear atoms in the graph
    gra = explicit(gra)
    sym_dct = atom_symbols(gra)
    ngb_keys_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)
    bnd_ord_dct = resonance_dominant_bond_orders(gra)
    rng_bnd_keys = list(itertools.chain(*rings_bond_keys(gra)))

    def _is_rotational_bond(bnd_key):
        ngb_keys_lst = [ngb_keys_dct[k] - bnd_key for k in bnd_key]

        is_single = max(bnd_ord_dct[bnd_key]) <= 1
        has_neighbors = all(ngb_keys_lst)
        not_in_ring = bnd_key not in rng_bnd_keys

        is_h_rotor = any(
            set(map(sym_dct.__getitem__, ks)) == {'H'} for ks in ngb_keys_lst)

        return is_single and has_neighbors and not_in_ring and (
            not is_h_rotor or with_h_rotors)

    rot_bnd_keys = frozenset(filter(_is_rotational_bond, bond_keys(gra)))

    lin_keys_lst = linear_segments_atom_keys(gra, lin_keys=lin_keys)
    dum_keys = tuple(atom_keys(gra, sym='X'))
    for keys in lin_keys_lst:
        bnd_keys = sorted((k for k in rot_bnd_keys if k & set(keys)),

        # Check whether there are neighboring atoms on either side of the
        # linear segment
        excl_keys = set(keys) | set(dum_keys)

        end_key1 = atom_neighbor_atom_key(gra,

        excl_keys |= {end_key1}
        end_key2 = atom_neighbor_atom_key(gra,

        end_keys = {end_key1, end_key2}
        ngb_keys_lst = [ngb_keys_dct[k] - excl_keys for k in end_keys]
        has_neighbors = all(ngb_keys_lst)

        if not has_neighbors:
            rot_bnd_keys -= set(bnd_keys)
            rot_bnd_keys -= set(bnd_keys[:-1])

    return rot_bnd_keys
def equivalent_atoms(gra, atm_key, stereo=True, dummy=True):
    """ Identify sets of isomorphically equivalent atoms

    Two atoms are equivalent if they transform into each other under an

    :param gra: A graph
    :param atm_key: An atom key for the graph
    :param stereo: Consider stereo?
    :type stereo: bool
    :param dummy: Consider dummy atoms?
    :type dummy: bool
    :returns: Keys to equivalent atoms
    :rtype: frozenset
    assert atm_key in atom_keys(gra), (
        f"{atm_key} not in {atom_keys(gra)}")

    atm_symb_dct = atom_symbols(gra)
    atm_ngbs_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)

    def _neighbor_symbols(key):
        return sorted(map(atm_symb_dct.__getitem__, atm_ngbs_dct[key]))

    # 1. Find atoms with the same symbols
    atm_symb = atm_symb_dct[atm_key]
    cand_keys = atom_keys(gra, sym=atm_symb)

    # 2. Of those, find atoms with the same neighboring atom types
    atm_ngb_symbs = _neighbor_symbols(atm_key)
    cand_keys = [k for k in cand_keys
                 if _neighbor_symbols(k) == atm_ngb_symbs]

    # 3. Find the equivalent atoms from the list of candidates.
    # Strategy: Change the atom symbol to 'Ts' and check for isomorphism.
    # Assumes none of the compounds have element 117.
    atm_keys = []
    for key in cand_keys:
        if are_equivalent_atoms(gra, atm_key, key, stereo=stereo, dummy=dummy):

    return frozenset(atm_keys)
def resonance_dominant_atom_hybridizations(rgr):
    """ resonance-dominant atom hybridizations, by atom
    rgr = without_fractional_bonds(rgr)
    atm_keys = list(atom_keys(rgr))
    atm_hybs_by_res = [
        dict_.values_by_key(atom_hybridizations(dom_rgr), atm_keys)
        for dom_rgr in dominant_resonances(rgr)
    atm_hybs = [min(hybs) for hybs in zip(*atm_hybs_by_res)]
    atm_hyb_dct = dict(zip(atm_keys, atm_hybs))
    return atm_hyb_dct
def nonresonant_radical_atom_keys(rgr):
    """ keys for radical atoms that are not in resonance
    rgr = without_fractional_bonds(rgr)
    atm_keys = list(atom_keys(rgr))
    atm_rad_vlcs_by_res = [
        dict_.values_by_key(atom_unsaturated_valences(dom_rgr), atm_keys)
        for dom_rgr in dominant_resonances(rgr)
    atm_rad_vlcs = [min(rad_vlcs) for rad_vlcs in zip(*atm_rad_vlcs_by_res)]
    atm_rad_keys = frozenset(
        atm_key for atm_key, atm_rad_vlc in zip(atm_keys, atm_rad_vlcs)
        if atm_rad_vlc)
    return atm_rad_keys
def radical_dissociation_products(gra, pgra1):
    """ For a given species, determine the products of a dissociation
        occuring around a radical site. We assume one of the
        dissociation products is known, and we attempt to find the
        corresponding product.

        Currently, we assume that the input pgra1 is appropriately

        :param gra: species undergoing dissociation
        :type gra: automol.graph object
        :param pgra1: one of the known products of dissociation
        :type pgra1: automol.graph object
        :rtype: tuple(automol.graph.object)

    # Remove gractional bonds for functions to work
    gra = without_fractional_bonds(gra)

    # Attempt to find a graph of product corresponding to pgra1
    pgra2 = None
    for rad in sing_res_dom_radical_atom_keys(gra):
        for adj in atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)[rad]:
            for group in atom_groups(gra, adj, stereo=False):
                if isomorphism(group, pgra1, backbone_only=True):
                    pgra2 = remove_atoms(gra, atom_keys(group))
                    if bond_keys(group) in pgra2:
                        pgra2 = remove_bonds(pgra2, bond_keys(group))

    # If pgra2 is ID'd, rebuild the two product graphs with stereo labels
    if pgra2 is not None:
        keys2 = atom_keys(pgra2)
        idx_gra = to_index_based_stereo(gra)
        idx_pgra2 = subgraph(idx_gra, keys2, stereo=True)
        pgra2 = from_index_based_stereo(idx_pgra2)

    return pgra1, pgra2
def from_graph(gra):
    """ networkx graph object from a molecular graph
    nxg = networkx.Graph()
    networkx.set_node_attributes(nxg, atom_symbols(gra), 'symbol')
    networkx.set_node_attributes(nxg, atom_implicit_hydrogen_valences(gra),
    networkx.set_node_attributes(nxg, atom_stereo_parities(gra),
    networkx.set_edge_attributes(nxg, bond_orders(gra), 'order')
    networkx.set_edge_attributes(nxg, bond_stereo_parities(gra),

    return nxg
def sing_res_dom_radical_atom_keys(rgr):
    """ resonance-dominant radical atom keys,for one resonance

    rgr = without_fractional_bonds(rgr)
    atm_keys = list(atom_keys(rgr))
    atm_rad_vlcs_by_res = [
        dict_.values_by_key(atom_unsaturated_valences(dom_rgr), atm_keys)
        for dom_rgr in dominant_resonances(rgr)
    first_atm_rad_val = [atm_rad_vlcs_by_res[0]]
    atm_rad_vlcs = [max(rad_vlcs) for rad_vlcs in zip(*first_atm_rad_val)]
    atm_rad_keys = frozenset(
        atm_key for atm_key, atm_rad_vlc in zip(atm_keys, atm_rad_vlcs)
        if atm_rad_vlc)
    return atm_rad_keys
def radical_atom_keys(gra, single_res=False, min_valence=1.):
    """ Radical atom keys for this molecular graph

    Radical atoms are based on the lowest-spin resonance structures for this
    graph. If the `single_res` flag is set, a single low-spin resonance
    structure will be chosen when there are multiple such structures.

    This function should eventually replace both
    `resonance_dominant_radical_atom_keys` and
    `sing_res_dom_radical_atom_keys` for a more user-friendly interface.

    Note that this function ignores the bond orders in `gra`. If you wish to
    identify radical atom keys based on the bond orders in `gra`, this can be
    done by using the `atom_unsaturated_valences` function.

    :param gra: the molecular graph
    :param single_res: only include radical keys for a single (arbitrary)
        resonance structure, or include all atoms that are radicals in any of
        the low-spin resonance structures?
    :type single_res: bool
    :param min_valence: optionally, specify that only sites with at least a
        certain number of radical electrons be included
    :type min_valence: int
    :returns: the radical atom keys
    :rtype: frozenset[int]

    gra = without_fractional_bonds(gra)
    atm_keys = list(atom_keys(gra))

    if single_res:
        atm_rad_vlcs = dict_.values_by_key(
            atom_unsaturated_valences(dominant_resonance(gra)), atm_keys)
        atm_rad_vlcs_by_res = [
            dict_.values_by_key(atom_unsaturated_valences(dom_gra), atm_keys)
            for dom_gra in dominant_resonances(gra)
        atm_rad_vlcs = [
            max(rad_vlcs) for rad_vlcs in zip(*atm_rad_vlcs_by_res)

    atm_rad_keys = frozenset(
        atm_key for atm_key, atm_rad_vlc in zip(atm_keys, atm_rad_vlcs)
        if atm_rad_vlc >= min_valence)
    return atm_rad_keys
def radical_dissociation_prods(gra, pgra1):
    """ given a dissociation product, determine the other product
    gra = without_fractional_bonds(gra)

    pgra2 = None
    rads = sing_res_dom_radical_atom_keys(gra)
    adj_atms = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)
    # adj_idxs = tuple(adj_atms[rad] for rad in rads)
    for rad in rads:
        for adj in adj_atms[rad]:
            for group in atom_groups(gra, adj, stereo=False):
                if isomorphism(group, pgra1, backbone_only=True):
                    pgra2 = remove_atoms(gra, atom_keys(group))
                    # pgra2 = remove_bonds(pgra2, bond_keys(group))
                    if bond_keys(group) in pgra2:
                        pgra2 = remove_bonds(pgra2, bond_keys(group))
    return (pgra1, pgra2)
def resonance_dominant_radical_atom_keys(rgr):
    """ resonance-dominant radical atom keys


    (keys of resonance-dominant radical sites)
    rgr = without_fractional_bonds(rgr)
    atm_keys = list(atom_keys(rgr))
    atm_rad_vlcs_by_res = [
        dict_.values_by_key(atom_unsaturated_valences(dom_rgr), atm_keys)
        for dom_rgr in dominant_resonances(rgr)
    atm_rad_vlcs = [max(rad_vlcs) for rad_vlcs in zip(*atm_rad_vlcs_by_res)]
    atm_rad_keys = frozenset(
        atm_key for atm_key, atm_rad_vlc in zip(atm_keys, atm_rad_vlcs)
        if atm_rad_vlc)
    return atm_rad_keys
def _insert_stereo_hydrogens(gra):
    """ Insert hydrogens necessary for bond stereo into an implicit graph.
        Hydrogens are given negative keys for proper stereo sorting
    bnd_keys = bond_stereo_keys(gra)
    nkeys_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)
    nhyd_dct = atom_implicit_hydrogen_valences(gra)
    next_key = -max(atom_keys(gra)) - 1
    for bnd_key in bnd_keys:
        key1, key2 = bnd_key
        nkey1s = nkeys_dct[key1] - {key2}
        nkey2s = nkeys_dct[key2] - {key1}
        for key, nkeys in [(key1, nkey1s), (key2, nkey2s)]:
            if not nkeys:
                assert nhyd_dct[key] == 1
                gra = add_bonded_atom(gra, 'H', key, next_key)
                gra = set_atom_implicit_hydrogen_valences(gra, {key: 0})

                next_key = next_key - 1

    return gra
def from_graph(gra):
    """ igraph object from a molecular graph
    atm_keys = sorted(atom_keys(gra))
    bnd_keys = sorted(bond_keys(gra), key=sorted)

    atm_vals = dict_.values_by_key(atoms(gra), atm_keys)
    bnd_vals = dict_.values_by_key(bonds(gra), bnd_keys)

    atm_colors = list(itertools.starmap(_encode_vertex_attributes, atm_vals))
    bnd_colors = list(itertools.starmap(_encode_edge_attributes, bnd_vals))

    atm_idx_dct = dict(map(reversed, enumerate(atm_keys)))
    bnd_idxs = [sorted(map(atm_idx_dct.__getitem__, k)) for k in bnd_keys]
    igr = igraph.Graph(bnd_idxs)

    igr.vs['keys'] = atm_keys
    igr.vs['color'] = atm_colors
    igr.es['color'] = bnd_colors

    return igr
def radical_atom_keys_from_resonance(rgr, min_valence=1.):
    """ Radical atom keys for a resonance molecular graph

    Assumes the graph has already been assinged to a resonance structure.

    :param rgr: a resonance-structure molecular graph
    :param min_valence: optionally, specify that only sites with at least a
        certain number of radical electrons be included
    :type min_valence: int
    :returns: the radical atom keys
    :rtype: frozenset[int]

    rgr = without_fractional_bonds(rgr)
    atm_keys = list(atom_keys(rgr))

    atm_rad_vlcs = dict_.values_by_key(atom_unsaturated_valences(rgr),

    atm_rad_keys = frozenset(
        atm_key for atm_key, atm_rad_vlc in zip(atm_keys, atm_rad_vlcs)
        if atm_rad_vlc >= min_valence)
    return atm_rad_keys
def branch_atom_keys(gra, atm_key, bnd_key):
    """ atom keys for branch extending along `bnd_key` away from `atm_key`
    bnch_atm_keys = atom_keys(branch(gra, atm_key, bnd_key))
    return bnch_atm_keys - {atm_key}
def smiles(gra, stereo=True, local_stereo=False, res_stereo=False):
    """ SMILES string from graph

        :param gra: molecular graph
        :type gra: automol graph data structure
        :param stereo: Include stereo?
        :type stereo: bool
        :param local_stereo: Is the graph using local stereo assignments? That
            is, are they based on atom keys rather than canonical keys?
        :type local_stereo: bool
        :param res_stereo: allow resonant double-bond stereo?
        :type res_stereo: bool
        :returns: the SMILES string
        :rtype: str
    assert is_connected(gra), (
        "Cannot form connection layer for disconnected graph.")

    if not stereo:
        gra = without_stereo_parities(gra)

    # If not using local stereo assignments, canonicalize the graph first.
    # From this point on, the stereo parities can be assumed to correspond to
    # the neighboring atom keys.
    if not local_stereo:
        gra = canonical(gra)

    # Convert to implicit graph
    gra = implicit(gra)

    # Insert hydrogens necessary for bond stereo
    gra = _insert_stereo_hydrogens(gra)

    # Find a dominant resonance
    rgr = dominant_resonance(gra)

    # Determine atom symbols
    symb_dct = atom_symbols(rgr)

    # Determine atom implicit hydrogens
    nhyd_dct = atom_implicit_hydrogen_valences(rgr)

    # Determine bond orders for this resonance
    bnd_ord_dct = bond_orders(rgr)

    # Find radical sites for this resonance
    rad_atm_keys = radical_atom_keys_from_resonance(rgr)

    # Determine neighbors
    nkeys_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(rgr)

    # Find stereo parities
    atm_par_dct = dict_.filter_by_value(atom_stereo_parities(rgr),
                                        lambda x: x is not None)
    bnd_par_dct = dict_.filter_by_value(bond_stereo_parities(rgr),
                                        lambda x: x is not None)

    # Remove stereo parities if requested
    if not res_stereo:
        bnd_par_dct = dict_.filter_by_key(bnd_par_dct,
                                          lambda x: bnd_ord_dct[x] == 2)
        raise NotImplementedError("Not yet implemented!")

    def _atom_representation(key, just_seen=None, nkeys=(), closures=()):
        symb = ptab.to_symbol(symb_dct[key])
        nhyd = nhyd_dct[key]

        needs_brackets = key in rad_atm_keys or symb not in ORGANIC_SUBSET

        hyd_rep = f'H{nhyd}' if nhyd > 1 else ('H' if nhyd == 1 else '')
        par_rep = ''

        if key in atm_par_dct:
            needs_brackets = True

            skeys = [just_seen]
            if nhyd:
                assert nhyd == 1
            if closures:

            can_par = atm_par_dct[key]
            smi_par = can_par ^ util.is_odd_permutation(skeys, sorted(skeys))
            par_rep = '@@' if smi_par else '@'

        if needs_brackets:
            rep = f'[{symb}{par_rep}{hyd_rep}]'
            rep = f'{symb}'

        return rep

    # Get the pool of stereo bonds for the graph and set up a dictionary for
    # storing the ending representation.
    ste_bnd_key_pool = list(bnd_par_dct.keys())
    drep_dct = {}

    def _bond_representation(key, just_seen=None):
        key0 = just_seen
        key1 = key

        # First, handle the bond order
        if key0 is None or key1 is None:
            rep = ''
            bnd_ord = bnd_ord_dct[frozenset({key0, key1})]
            if bnd_ord == 1:
                rep = ''
            elif bnd_ord == 2:
                rep = '='
            elif bnd_ord == 3:
                rep = '#'
                raise ValueError("Bond orders greater than 3 not permitted.")

        drep = drep_dct[(key0, key1)] if (key0, key1) in drep_dct else ''

        bnd_key = next((b for b in ste_bnd_key_pool if key1 in b), None)
        if bnd_key is not None:
            # We've encountered a new stereo bond, so remove it from the pool

            # Determine the atoms involved
            key2, = bnd_key - {key1}
            nkey1s = set(nkeys_dct[key1]) - {key2}
            nkey2s = set(nkeys_dct[key2]) - {key1}

            nmax1 = max(nkey1s)
            nmax2 = max(nkey2s)

            nkey1 = just_seen if just_seen in nkey1s else nmax1
            nkey2 = nmax2

            # Determine parity
            can_par = bnd_par_dct[bnd_key]
            smi_par = can_par if nkey1 == nmax1 else not can_par

            # Determine bond directions
            drep1 = drep if drep else '/'
            if just_seen in nkey1s:
                drep = drep1
                flip = not smi_par
                drep_dct[(key1, nkey1)] = drep1
                flip = smi_par

            drep2 = _flip_direction(drep1, flip=flip)

            drep_dct[(key2, nkey2)] = drep2

        rep += drep

        # Second, handle directionality (bond stereo)
        return rep

    # Get the pool of rings for the graph and set up a dictionary for storing
    # their tags. As the SMILES is built, each next ring that is encountered
    # will be given a tag, removed from the pool, and transferred to the tag
    # dictionary.
    rng_pool = list(rings_atom_keys(rgr))
    rng_tag_dct = {}

    def _ring_representation_with_nkeys_and_closures(key, nkeys=()):
        nkeys = nkeys.copy()

        # Check for new rings in the ring pool. If a new ring is found, create
        # a tag, add it to the tags dictionary, and drop it from the rings
        # pool.
        for new_rng in rng_pool:
            if key in new_rng:
                # Choose a neighbor key for SMILES ring closure
                clos_nkey = sorted(set(new_rng) & set(nkeys))[0]

                # Add it to the ring tag dictionary with the current key first
                # and the closure key last
                tag = max(rng_tag_dct.values(), default=0) + 1
                assert tag < 10, (
                    f"Ring tag exceeds 10 for this graph:\n{string(gra)}")
                rng = cycle_ring_atom_key_to_front(new_rng, key, clos_nkey)
                rng_tag_dct[rng] = tag

                # Remove it from the pool of unseen rings

        tags = []
        closures = []
        for rng, tag in rng_tag_dct.items():
            if key == rng[-1]:
                # Handle the special case where the last ring bond has stereo
                if (rng[-1], rng[0]) in drep_dct:
                    drep = drep_dct[(rng[-1], rng[0])]
            if key == rng[0]:

        rrep = ''.join(map(str, tags))
        return rrep, nkeys, closures

    # Determine neighboring keys
    nkeys_dct_pool = dict_.transform_values(atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(rgr),

    def _recurse_smiles(smi, lst, key, just_seen=None):
        nkeys = nkeys_dct_pool.pop(key) if key in nkeys_dct_pool else []

        # Remove keys just seen from the list of neighbors, to avoid doubling
        # back.
        if just_seen in nkeys:

        # Start the SMILES string and connection list. The connection list is
        # used for sorting.
        rrep, nkeys, closures = _ring_representation_with_nkeys_and_closures(
            key, nkeys)
        arep = _atom_representation(key, just_seen, nkeys, closures=closures)
        brep = _bond_representation(key, just_seen)
        smi = f'{brep}{arep}{rrep}'
        lst = [key]

        # Now, extend the layer/list along the neighboring atoms.
        if nkeys:
            # Build sub-strings/lists by recursively calling this function.
            sub_smis = []
            sub_lsts = []
            while nkeys:
                nkey = nkeys.pop(0)
                sub_smi, sub_lst = _recurse_smiles('', [], nkey, just_seen=key)


                # If this is a ring, remove the neighbor on the other side of
                # `key` to prevent repetition as we go around the ring.
                if sub_lst[-1] == key:

            # Now, join the sub-layers and lists together.
            # If there is only one neighbor, we joint it as
            #   {arep1}{brep2}{arep2}...
            if len(sub_lsts) == 1:
                sub_smi = sub_smis[0]
                sub_lst = sub_lsts[0]

                # Extend the SMILES string
                smi += f'{sub_smi}'

                # Extend the list
            # If there are multiple neighbors, we joint them as
            #   {arep1}({brep2}{arep2}...)({brep3}{arep3}...){brep4}{arep4}...
                assert len(sub_lsts) > 1

                # Extend the SMILES string
                smi += (''.join(map("({:s})".format, sub_smis[:-1])) +

                # Append the lists of neighboring branches.

        return smi, lst

    # If there are terminal atoms, start from the first one
    atm_keys = atom_keys(rgr)
    term_keys = terminal_atom_keys(gra, heavy=False)
    start_key = min(term_keys) if term_keys else min(atm_keys)

    smi, _ = _recurse_smiles('', [], start_key)

    return smi