def initialise(input_graph):
    """Initialises the input graph with from a NetworkX graph"""
    all_multigraph = input_graph.is_multigraph()
    anm = autonetkit.anm.NetworkModel(all_multigraph=all_multigraph)

    g_in = anm.initialise_input(input_graph)
    # autonetkit.update_vis(anm)

# set defaults
    if not g_in.data.specified_int_names:
        # if not specified then automatically assign interface names
        g_in.data.specified_int_names = False

    #import autonetkit.plugins.graph_product as graph_product
    # graph_product.expand(g_in)  # apply graph products if relevant

    expand_fqdn = False
    # TODO: make this set from config and also in the input file
    if expand_fqdn and len(ank_utils.unique_attr(g_in, "asn")) > 1:
        # Multiple ASNs set, use label format device.asn
        anm.set_node_label(".", ['label', 'asn'])

    g_in.update(g_in.routers(platform="junosphere"), syntax="junos")
    g_in.update(g_in.routers(platform="dynagen"), syntax="ios")
    g_in.update(g_in.routers(platform="netkit"), syntax="quagga")
    # TODO: is this used?
    g_in.update(g_in.servers(platform="netkit"), syntax="quagga")

    autonetkit.ank.set_node_default(g_in, specified_int_names=None)

    g_graphics = anm.add_overlay("graphics")  # plotting data
    g_graphics.add_nodes_from(g_in, retain=['x', 'y', 'device_type',
                                            'label', 'device_subtype', 'asn'])

    return anm
def initialise(input_graph):
    """Initialises the input graph with from a NetworkX graph"""
    all_multigraph = input_graph.is_multigraph()
    anm = autonetkit.anm.NetworkModel(all_multigraph=all_multigraph)

    g_in = anm.initialise_input(input_graph)
    if g_in.data.igp:
        if g_in.data.profiles:
            node_profiles = g_in.data["profiles"]
            for node in g_in:
                for prof in node_profiles:
                    if node.profile == prof["id"]:
                        if "configs" in prof and "igp" in prof["configs"]:
                            if (
                                "enabled" in prof["configs"]["igp"]
                                and prof["configs"]["igp"]["enabled"] == 1
                                and prof["configs"]["igp"]["igp_prot"]
                                node.igp = prof["configs"]["igp"]["igp_prot"]
        g_in.data.igp = None

    if g_in.data.vxlan_global_config:
        # sharad: right now enable multicast on all nodes by default
        if "multicast" in g_in.data.vxlan_global_config:
            for node in g_in:
                node.multicast = g_in.data.vxlan_global_config["multicast"]

    # autonetkit.update_vis(anm)

    # set defaults
    if not g_in.data.specified_int_names:
        # if not specified then automatically assign interface names
        g_in.data.specified_int_names = False

    # import autonetkit.plugins.graph_product as graph_product
    # graph_product.expand(g_in)  # apply graph products if relevant

    expand_fqdn = False
    # TODO: make this set from config and also in the input file
    if expand_fqdn and len(ank_utils.unique_attr(g_in, "asn")) > 1:
        # Multiple ASNs set, use label format device.asn
        anm.set_node_label(".", ["label", "asn"])

    g_in.update(g_in.routers(platform="junosphere"), syntax="junos")
    if autonetkit.config.settings["Graphml"]["Node Defaults"]["syntax"] == "ios":
        g_in.update(g_in.routers(platform="dynagen"), syntax="ios")
    elif autonetkit.config.settings["Graphml"]["Node Defaults"]["syntax"] == "nx_os":
        g_in.update(g_in.routers(platform="dynagen"), syntax="nx_os")
    g_in.update(g_in.routers(platform="netkit"), syntax="quagga")
    # TODO: is this used?
    g_in.update(g_in.servers(platform="netkit"), syntax="quagga")

    # TODO: check this is needed
    # autonetkit.ank.set_node_default(g_in, specified_int_names=None)

    g_graphics = anm.add_overlay("graphics")  # plotting data
    g_graphics.add_nodes_from(g_in, retain=["x", "y", "device_type", "label", "device_subtype", "asn"])

    return anm
def initialise(input_graph):
    anm = autonetkit.anm.AbstractNetworkModel()

    input_undirected = nx.Graph(input_graph)
    g_in = anm.add_overlay("input", graph=input_undirected)
    anm.add_overlay("input_directed", graph=input_graph, directed=True)

# set defaults
    if not g_in.data.specified_int_names:
        # if not specified then automatically assign interface names
        g_in.data.specified_int_names = False

    import autonetkit.plugins.graph_product as graph_product
    graph_product.expand(g_in)  # apply graph products if relevant

    expand_fqdn = False
    # TODO: make this set from config and also in the input file
    if expand_fqdn and len(ank_utils.unique_attr(g_in, "asn")) > 1:
        # Multiple ASNs set, use label format device.asn
        anm.set_node_label(".", ['label', 'pop', 'asn'])

        g_in.nodes("is_router", platform="junosphere"), syntax="junos")
    g_in.update(g_in.nodes("is_router", platform="dynagen"), syntax="ios")
    g_in.update(g_in.nodes("is_router", platform="netkit"), syntax="quagga")
    g_in.update(g_in.nodes("is_server", platform="netkit"), syntax="quagga")

    g_graphics = anm.add_overlay("graphics")  # plotting data
    g_graphics.add_nodes_from(g_in, retain=['x', 'y', 'device_type',
                              'device_subtype', 'pop', 'asn'])

    return anm
def initialise(input_graph):
    anm = autonetkit.anm.AbstractNetworkModel()

    input_undirected = nx.Graph(input_graph)
    g_in = anm.add_overlay("input", graph=input_undirected)
    anm.add_overlay("input_directed", graph=input_graph, directed=True)

    # set defaults
    if not g_in.data.specified_int_names:
        # if not specified then automatically assign interface names
        g_in.data.specified_int_names = False

    import autonetkit.plugins.graph_product as graph_product
    graph_product.expand(g_in)  # apply graph products if relevant

    expand_fqdn = False
    # TODO: make this set from config and also in the input file
    if expand_fqdn and len(ank_utils.unique_attr(g_in, "asn")) > 1:
        # Multiple ASNs set, use label format device.asn
        anm.set_node_label(".", ['label', 'pop', 'asn'])

    g_in.update(g_in.nodes("is_router", platform="junosphere"), syntax="junos")
    g_in.update(g_in.nodes("is_router", platform="dynagen"), syntax="ios")
    g_in.update(g_in.nodes("is_router", platform="netkit"), syntax="quagga")
    g_in.update(g_in.nodes("is_server", platform="netkit"), syntax="quagga")

    g_graphics = anm.add_overlay("graphics")  # plotting data
        g_in, retain=['x', 'y', 'device_type', 'device_subtype', 'pop', 'asn'])

    return anm
def initialise(input_graph):
    """Initialises the input graph with from a NetworkX graph"""
    all_multigraph = input_graph.is_multigraph()
    anm = autonetkit.anm.NetworkModel(all_multigraph=all_multigraph)

    g_in = anm.initialise_input(input_graph)
    if g_in.data.igp:
        if g_in.data.profiles:
            node_profiles = g_in.data['profiles']
            for node in g_in:
                for prof in node_profiles:
                    if node.profile == prof['id']:
                        if 'configs' in prof and 'igp' in prof['configs']:
                            if ('enabled' in prof['configs']['igp'] and prof['configs']['igp']['enabled'] == 1 and
                                node.igp = prof['configs']['igp']['igp_prot']
        g_in.data.igp = None

    if g_in.data.vxlan_global_config:
        #sharad: right now enable multicast on all nodes by default
        if 'multicast' in g_in.data.vxlan_global_config:
            for node in g_in:
                node.multicast = g_in.data.vxlan_global_config['multicast']

    # autonetkit.update_vis(anm)

# set defaults
    if not g_in.data.specified_int_names:
        # if not specified then automatically assign interface names
        g_in.data.specified_int_names = False

    #import autonetkit.plugins.graph_product as graph_product
    # graph_product.expand(g_in)  # apply graph products if relevant

    expand_fqdn = False
    # TODO: make this set from config and also in the input file
    if expand_fqdn and len(ank_utils.unique_attr(g_in, "asn")) > 1:
        # Multiple ASNs set, use label format device.asn
        anm.set_node_label(".", ['label', 'asn'])

    g_in.update(g_in.routers(platform="junosphere"), syntax="junos")
    if autonetkit.config.settings['Graphml']['Node Defaults']['syntax'] == 'ios':
        g_in.update(g_in.routers(platform="dynagen"), syntax="ios")
    elif autonetkit.config.settings['Graphml']['Node Defaults']['syntax'] == 'nx_os':
        g_in.update(g_in.routers(platform="dynagen"), syntax="nx_os")
    g_in.update(g_in.routers(platform="netkit"), syntax="quagga")
    # TODO: is this used?
    g_in.update(g_in.servers(platform="netkit"), syntax="quagga")

    #TODO: check this is needed
    #autonetkit.ank.set_node_default(g_in, specified_int_names=None)

    g_graphics = anm.add_overlay("graphics")  # plotting data
    g_graphics.add_nodes_from(g_in, retain=['x', 'y', 'device_type',
                                            'label', 'device_subtype', 'asn'])

    return anm
def initialise(input_graph):
    """Initialises the input graph with from a NetworkX graph"""
    all_multigraph = input_graph.is_multigraph()
    anm = autonetkit.anm.NetworkModel(all_multigraph=all_multigraph)

    g_in = anm.initialise_input(input_graph)

    # set defaults
    if not g_in.data.specified_int_names:
        # if not specified then automatically assign interface names
        g_in.data.specified_int_names = False

    #import autonetkit.plugins.graph_product as graph_product
    # graph_product.expand(g_in)  # apply graph products if relevant

    expand_fqdn = False
    # TODO: make this set from config and also in the input file
    if expand_fqdn and len(ank_utils.unique_attr(g_in, "asn")) > 1:
        # Multiple ASNs set, use label format device.asn
        anm.set_node_label(".", ['label', 'asn'])

    g_in.update(g_in.routers(platform="junosphere"), syntax="junos")
    g_in.update(g_in.routers(platform="dynagen"), syntax="ios")
    g_in.update(g_in.routers(platform="netkit"), syntax="quagga")
    # TODO: is this used?
    g_in.update(g_in.servers(platform="netkit"), syntax="quagga")

    autonetkit.ank.set_node_default(g_in, specified_int_names=None)

    g_graphics = anm.add_overlay("graphics")  # plotting data
        retain=['x', 'y', 'device_type', 'label', 'device_subtype', 'asn'])

    if g_in.data.Creator == "VIRL":
        # TODO: move this to other module
        # Multiple ASNs set, use label format device.asn
        #anm.set_node_label(".", ['label_full'])

    return anm
def build(input_graph):
    """Main function to build network overlay topologies"""
    anm = autonetkit.anm.AbstractNetworkModel()

    input_undirected = nx.Graph(input_graph)
    g_in = anm.add_overlay("input", graph=input_undirected)
    anm.add_overlay("input_directed", graph=input_graph, directed=True)

    # set defaults
    if not g_in.data.specified_int_names:
        # if not specified then automatically assign interface names
        g_in.data.specified_int_names = False

    import autonetkit.plugins.graph_product as graph_product

    graph_product.expand(g_in)  # apply graph products if relevant

    expand_fqdn = False
    # TODO: make this set from config and also in the input file
    if expand_fqdn and len(ank_utils.unique_attr(g_in, "asn")) > 1:
        # Multiple ASNs set, use label format device.asn
        anm.set_node_label(".", ["label", "pop", "asn"])

    g_in.update(g_in.nodes("is_router", platform="junosphere"), syntax="junos")
    g_in.update(g_in.nodes("is_router", platform="dynagen"), syntax="ios")
    g_in.update(g_in.nodes("is_router", platform="netkit"), syntax="quagga")

    g_graphics = anm.add_overlay("graphics")  # plotting data
    g_graphics.add_nodes_from(g_in, retain=["x", "y", "device_type", "device_subtype", "pop", "asn"])

    g_phy = anm["phy"]

    build_vrf(anm)  # need to do before to add loopbacks before ip allocations
    build_ip(anm)  # ip infrastructure topology

    address_family = g_in.data.address_family or "v4"  # default is v4
    # TODO: can remove the infrastructure now create g_ip seperately
    if address_family in ("v4", "dual_stack"):
        build_ipv4(anm, infrastructure=True)
        g_phy.update(g_phy, use_ipv4=True)
        build_ipv4(anm, infrastructure=False)

    # TODO: Create a collision domain overlay for ip addressing - l2 overlay?
    if address_family in ("v6", "dual_stack"):
        g_phy.update(g_phy, use_ipv6=True)

    default_igp = g_in.data.igp or "ospf"
    non_igp_nodes = [n for n in g_in if not n.igp]
    # TODO: should this be modifying g_in?
    g_in.update(non_igp_nodes, igp=default_igp)  # store igp onto each node


    ank_utils.copy_attr_from(g_in, g_phy, "include_csr")


    return anm
def build(input_graph):
    """Main function to build network overlay topologies"""
    anm = autonetkit.anm.AbstractNetworkModel()

    input_undirected = nx.Graph(input_graph)
    g_in = anm.add_overlay("input", graph=input_undirected)
    anm.add_overlay("input_directed", graph=input_graph, directed=True)

# set defaults
    if not g_in.data.specified_int_names:
        # if not specified then automatically assign interface names
        g_in.data.specified_int_names = False

    import autonetkit.plugins.graph_product as graph_product
    graph_product.expand(g_in)  # apply graph products if relevant

    expand_fqdn = False
    # TODO: make this set from config and also in the input file
    if expand_fqdn and len(ank_utils.unique_attr(g_in, "asn")) > 1:
        # Multiple ASNs set, use label format device.asn
        anm.set_node_label(".", ['label', 'pop', 'asn'])

        g_in.nodes("is_router", platform="junosphere"), syntax="junos")
    g_in.update(g_in.nodes("is_router", platform="dynagen"), syntax="ios")
    g_in.update(g_in.nodes("is_router", platform="netkit"), syntax="quagga")

    g_graphics = anm.add_overlay("graphics")  # plotting data
    g_graphics.add_nodes_from(g_in, retain=['x', 'y', 'device_type',
                              'device_subtype', 'pop', 'asn'])

    g_phy = anm['phy']


    address_family = g_in.data.address_family or "v4"
    allocate_ipv4_infrastructure = False
    if address_family in ("v4", "dual_stack"):
        allocate_ipv4_infrastructure = True
    build_ipv4(anm, infrastructure=allocate_ipv4_infrastructure)

    #TODO: Create a collision domain overlay for ip addressing - l2 overlay?
    allocate_ipv6 = False
    if address_family in ("v6", "dual_stack"):
        allocate_ipv6 = True
        build_ipv4(anm, infrastructure=True)

    for node in g_phy:
        node.use_ipv4 = allocate_ipv4_infrastructure
        node.use_ipv6 = allocate_ipv6

    default_igp = g_in.data.igp or "ospf" 
    non_igp_nodes = [n for n in g_in if not node.igp]
    g_in.update(non_igp_nodes, igp=default_igp)


    ank_utils.copy_attr_from(g_in, g_phy, "include_csr")


    return anm
def build(input_graph_string, timestamp):
    #TODO: move this out of main console wrapper
    anm = autonetkit.anm.AbstractNetworkModel()
        input_graph = graphml.load_graphml(input_graph_string)
    except autonetkit.exception.AnkIncorrectFileFormat:
# try a different reader
            from autonetkit_cisco import load as cisco_load
        except ImportError:
            return # module not present (development module)
        input_graph = cisco_load.load(input_graph_string)
# add local deployment host
        settings['General']['deploy'] = True
        settings['Deploy Hosts']['internal'] = {
                'cisco': {
                    'deploy': True,

    #TODO: make this more explicit than overloading add_overlay - make it load_graph or something similar

#TODO: may need to revisit the collapse to a single directed graph: may need to consider link type, eg physical, when reducing directed to undirected graph
#Note: this may also require stripping edge specific information, such as IP addressing that only applies in one direction for a directed edge
    input_undirected = nx.Graph(input_graph)
    for node in input_graph:
        #del input_graph.node[node]['router config']
        #del input_graph.node[node]['device_subtype']
    #nx.write_graphml(input_graph, "output.graphml")
    G_in = anm.add_overlay("input", graph = input_undirected)
    G_in_directed = anm.add_overlay("input_directed", graph = input_graph, directed = True)

# set defaults
    if not G_in.data.specified_int_names:
        G_in.data.specified_int_names = False # if not specified then automatically assign interface names

    import autonetkit.plugins.graph_product as graph_product
    graph_product.expand(G_in) # apply graph products if relevant
    expand_fqdn = False #TODO: make this set from config and also in the input file
    if expand_fqdn and len(ank.unique_attr(G_in, "asn")) > 1:
        # Multiple ASNs set, use label format device.asn 
        anm.set_node_label(".",  ['label', 'pop', 'asn'])

#TODO: remove, used for demo on nectar
    #for node in G_in:
        #node.platform = "netkit"
        #node.host = "nectar1"
    #G_in.data.igp = "ospf"

# set syntax for routers according to platform
#TODO: make these defaults
    G_in.update(G_in.nodes("is_router", platform = "junosphere"), syntax="junos")
    G_in.update(G_in.nodes("is_router", platform = "dynagen"), syntax="ios")
    G_in.update(G_in.nodes("is_router", platform = "netkit"), syntax="quagga")
    #G_in.update(G_in.nodes("is_router", platform = "cisco"), syntax="ios2")

    G_graphics = anm.add_overlay("graphics") # plotting data
    G_graphics.add_nodes_from(G_in, retain=['x', 'y', 'device_type', 'device_subtype', 'pop', 'asn'])

    igp = G_in.data.igp or "ospf" #TODO: make default template driven
#TODO: make the global igp be set on each node - this way can also support different IGPs per router

# Add overlays even if not used: simplifies compiler where can check for presence in overlay (if blank not present, don't configure ospf etc)

    G_phy = anm['phy']
    ank.copy_attr_from(G_in, G_phy, "include_csr") #TODO: find more elegant passing method from input to compiler

    if igp == "ospf":
    if igp == "isis":

    #TODO: provide an ANM wide function that allocates interfaces
    #TODO: work out why some interfaces in bgp graph in vis have node data....
    for node in G_phy:
        for interface in node:
            interface.speed = 102

    return anm