def test_update_rotating_tables(self): from autopush.db import get_month conf = AutopushConfig(hostname="", resolve_hostname=True) db = DatabaseManager.from_config(conf, resource=autopush.tests.boto_resource) db.create_initial_message_tables() # Erase the tables it has on init, and move current month back one last_month = get_month(-1) db.current_month = last_month.month db.message_tables = [ make_rotating_tablename("message", delta=-1), make_rotating_tablename("message", delta=0) ] # Create the next month's table, just in case today is the day before # a new month, in which case the lack of keys will cause an error in # update_rotating_tables next_month = get_month(1) assert next_month.month not in db.message_tables # Get the deferred back e = Deferred() d = db.update_rotating_tables() def check_tables(result): assert db.current_month == get_month().month assert len(db.message_tables) == 2 d.addCallback(check_tables) d.addBoth(lambda x: e.callback(True)) return e
def test_migrate_user(self): migrate_command = self._makeFUT() # Create a user last_month = make_rotating_tablename("message", delta=-1) user = UserItemFactory(current_month=last_month) uaid = user["uaid"] self.db.router.register_user(user) # Store some messages so we have some channels self._store_messages(UUID(uaid), num=3) # Check that it's there item = self.db.router.get_uaid(uaid) _, channels = self.db.message_tables[last_month].all_channels(uaid) assert item["current_month"] != self.db.current_msg_month assert item is not None assert len(channels) == 3 # Migrate it migrate_command.process( MigrateUser(uaid=uaid, message_month=last_month)) # Check that it's in the new spot item = self.db.router.get_uaid(uaid) _, channels = self.db.message.all_channels(uaid) assert item["current_month"] == self.db.current_msg_month assert item is not None assert len(channels) == 3
def test_message_rotate_table_with_date(self): prefix = "message" + uuid.uuid4().hex future = + timedelta(days=32) tbl_name = make_rotating_tablename(prefix, date=future) m = get_rotating_message_table(prefix=prefix, date=future) eq_(m.table_name, tbl_name)
def update_rotating_tables(self): """This method is intended to be tasked to run periodically off the twisted event hub to rotate tables. When today is a new month from yesterday, then we swap out all the table objects on the settings object. """ today = if today.month == self.current_month: # No change in month, we're fine. returnValue(False) # Get tables for the new month, and verify they exist before we try to # switch over message_table = get_rotating_message_table(self._message_prefix) try: yield deferToThread(message_table.describe) except Exception: tblname = make_rotating_tablename(self._message_prefix) log.err("Unable to locate new message table: %s" % tblname) returnValue(False) # Both tables found, safe to switch-over self.current_month = today.month self.current_msg_month = message_table.table_name self.message_tables[self.current_msg_month] = \ Message(message_table, self.metrics) returnValue(True)
def test_message_rotate_table_with_date(self): prefix = "message" + uuid.uuid4().hex future = ( + timedelta(days=32)).date() tbl_name = make_rotating_tablename(prefix, date=future) m = get_rotating_message_table(prefix=prefix, date=future) assert m.table_name == tbl_name # Clean up the temp table. _drop_table(tbl_name)
class StoreMessageFactory(factory.Factory): class Meta: model = StoreMessages messages = factory.LazyAttribute(webpush_messages) message_month = factory.LazyFunction( lambda: make_rotating_tablename("message")) class Params: message_count = 20 uaid = factory.LazyFunction(lambda: uuid4().hex)
def test_webpush_monthly_rotation_no_channels(self): from autopush.db import make_rotating_tablename client = Client("ws://localhost:9010/", use_webpush=True) yield client.connect() yield client.hello() yield client.disconnect() # Move the client back one month to the past last_month = make_rotating_tablename( prefix=self._settings._message_prefix, delta=-1) yield deferToThread( self._settings.router.update_message_month, client.uaid, last_month ) # Verify the move c = yield deferToThread(self._settings.router.get_uaid, client.uaid) eq_(c["current_month"], last_month) # Verify there's no channels exists, chans = yield deferToThread( self._settings.message.all_channels, client.uaid ) eq_(exists, False) eq_(len(chans), 0) # Connect the client, verify the migration yield client.connect() yield client.hello() # Check that the client is going to rotate the month server_client = self._settings.clients[client.uaid] eq_(, True) # Wait up to 2 seconds for the table rotation to occur start = time.time() while time.time()-start < 2: c = yield deferToThread(self._settings.router.get_uaid, client.uaid) if c["current_month"] == self._settings.current_msg_month: break else: yield deferToThread(time.sleep, 0.2) # Verify the month update in the router table c = yield deferToThread(self._settings.router.get_uaid, client.uaid) eq_(c["current_month"], self._settings.current_msg_month) eq_(, False) yield self.shut_down(client)
class UserItemFactory(factory.Factory): class Meta: model = dict uaid = factory.LazyFunction(lambda: uuid4().hex) connected_at = factory.LazyFunction( lambda: int(time.time() * 1000) - 10000) node_id = "http://something:3242/" router_type = "webpush" last_connect = factory.LazyFunction(generate_last_connect) record_version = USER_RECORD_VERSION current_month = factory.LazyFunction( lambda: make_rotating_tablename("message"))
def test_webpush_monthly_rotation(self): from autopush.db import make_rotating_tablename client = yield self.quick_register(use_webpush=True) yield client.disconnect() # Move the client back one month to the past last_month = make_rotating_tablename(prefix=self._settings._message_prefix, delta=-1) lm_message = self._settings.message_tables[last_month] yield deferToThread(self._settings.router.update_message_month, client.uaid, last_month) # Verify the move c = yield deferToThread(self._settings.router.get_uaid, client.uaid) eq_(c["current_month"], last_month) # Verify last_connect is current, then move that back ok_(has_connected_this_month(c)) today = get_month(delta=-1) c["last_connect"] = "%s%s020001" % (today.year, str(today.month).zfill(2)) yield deferToThread(c.partial_save) eq_(False, has_connected_this_month(c)) # Move the clients channels back one month exists, chans = yield deferToThread(self._settings.message.all_channels, client.uaid) eq_(exists, True) eq_(len(chans), 1) yield deferToThread(lm_message.save_channels, client.uaid, chans) # Remove the channels entry entirely from this month yield deferToThread(self._settings.message.table.delete_item, uaid=client.uaid, chidmessageid=" ") # Verify the channel is gone exists, chans = yield deferToThread(self._settings.message.all_channels, client.uaid) eq_(exists, False) eq_(len(chans), 0) # Send in a notification, verify it landed in last months notification # table data = uuid.uuid4().hex yield client.send_notification(data=data) notifs = yield deferToThread(lm_message.fetch_messages, client.uaid) eq_(len(notifs), 1) # Connect the client, verify the migration yield client.connect() yield client.hello() # Pull down the notification result = yield client.get_notification() chan = client.channels.keys()[0] ok_(result is not None) eq_(chan, result["channelID"]) # Check that the client is going to rotate the month server_client = self._settings.clients[client.uaid] eq_(, True) # Acknowledge the notification, which triggers the migration yield client.ack(chan, result["version"]) # Wait up to 2 seconds for the table rotation to occur start = time.time() while time.time() - start < 2: c = yield deferToThread(self._settings.router.get_uaid, client.uaid) if c["current_month"] == self._settings.current_msg_month: break else: yield deferToThread(time.sleep, 0.2) # Verify the month update in the router table c = yield deferToThread(self._settings.router.get_uaid, client.uaid) eq_(c["current_month"], self._settings.current_msg_month) eq_(, False) # Verify the client moved last_connect eq_(True, has_connected_this_month(c)) # Verify the channels were moved exists, chans = yield deferToThread(self._settings.message.all_channels, client.uaid) eq_(exists, True) eq_(len(chans), 1) yield self.shut_down(client)
def test_zero_fill_month(self): from autopush.db import make_rotating_tablename assert 'test_2016_03' == make_rotating_tablename('test', date=datetime( 2016, 3, 15).date())
def __init__(self, crypto_key=None, datadog_api_key=None, datadog_app_key=None, datadog_flush_interval=None, hostname=None, port=None, router_scheme=None, router_hostname=None, router_port=None, endpoint_scheme=None, endpoint_hostname=None, endpoint_port=None, router_conf={}, router_tablename="router", router_read_throughput=5, router_write_throughput=5, storage_tablename="storage", storage_read_throughput=5, storage_write_throughput=5, message_tablename="message", message_read_throughput=5, message_write_throughput=5, statsd_host="localhost", statsd_port=8125, resolve_hostname=False, max_data=4096, # Reflected up from UDP Router wake_timeout=0, env='development', enable_cors=False, s3_bucket=DEFAULT_BUCKET, senderid_expry=SENDERID_EXPRY, senderid_list={}, hello_timeout=0, auth_key=None, ): """Initialize the Settings object Upon creation, the HTTP agent will initialize, all configured routers will be setup and started, logging will be started, and the database will have a preflight check done. """ # Use a persistent connection pool for HTTP requests. pool = HTTPConnectionPool(reactor) self.agent = Agent(reactor, connectTimeout=5, pool=pool) # Metrics setup if datadog_api_key: self.metrics = DatadogMetrics( api_key=datadog_api_key, app_key=datadog_app_key, flush_interval=datadog_flush_interval ) elif statsd_host: self.metrics = TwistedMetrics(statsd_host, statsd_port) else: self.metrics = SinkMetrics() if not crypto_key: crypto_key = [Fernet.generate_key()] if not isinstance(crypto_key, list): crypto_key = [crypto_key] self.update(crypto_key=crypto_key) self.crypto_key = crypto_key if auth_key is None: auth_key = [] if not isinstance(auth_key, list): auth_key = [auth_key] self.auth_key = auth_key self.max_data = max_data self.clients = {} # Setup hosts/ports/urls default_hostname = socket.gethostname() self.hostname = hostname or default_hostname if resolve_hostname: self.hostname = resolve_ip(self.hostname) self.port = port self.endpoint_hostname = endpoint_hostname or self.hostname self.router_hostname = router_hostname or self.hostname self.router_conf = router_conf self.router_url = canonical_url( router_scheme or 'http', self.router_hostname, router_port ) self.endpoint_url = canonical_url( endpoint_scheme or 'http', self.endpoint_hostname, endpoint_port ) # Database objects self.router_table = get_router_table(router_tablename, router_read_throughput, router_write_throughput) self.storage_table = get_storage_table( storage_tablename, storage_read_throughput, storage_write_throughput) self.message_table = get_rotating_message_table( message_tablename) self._message_prefix = message_tablename = Storage(self.storage_table, self.metrics) self.router = Router(self.router_table, self.metrics) # Used to determine whether a connection is out of date with current # db objects self.current_msg_month = make_rotating_tablename(self._message_prefix) self.current_month = self.create_initial_message_tables() # Run preflight check preflight_check(, self.router) # CORS self.cors = enable_cors # Force timeout in idle seconds self.wake_timeout = wake_timeout # Setup the routers self.routers = {} self.routers["simplepush"] = SimpleRouter( self, router_conf.get("simplepush") ) self.routers["webpush"] = WebPushRouter(self, None) if 'apns' in router_conf: self.routers["apns"] = APNSRouter(self, router_conf["apns"]) if 'gcm' in router_conf: self.routers["gcm"] = GCMRouter(self, router_conf["gcm"]) # Env self.env = env self.hello_timeout = hello_timeout
def test_zero_fill_month(self): from autopush.db import make_rotating_tablename eq_('test_2016_03', make_rotating_tablename('test', date=datetime(2016, 3, 15)))
def test_webpush_monthly_rotation_prior_record_exists(self): from autopush.db import make_rotating_tablename client = yield self.quick_register(use_webpush=True) yield client.disconnect() # Move the client back one month to the past last_month = make_rotating_tablename( prefix=self._settings._message_prefix, delta=-1) lm_message = self._settings.message_tables[last_month] yield deferToThread( self._settings.router.update_message_month, client.uaid, last_month ) # Verify the move c = yield deferToThread(self._settings.router.get_uaid, client.uaid) eq_(c["current_month"], last_month) # Verify last_connect is current, then move that back ok_(has_connected_this_month(c)) today = get_month(delta=-1) c["last_connect"] = "%s%s020001" % (today.year, str(today.month).zfill(2)) yield deferToThread(c.partial_save) eq_(False, has_connected_this_month(c)) # Move the clients channels back one month exists, chans = yield deferToThread( self._settings.message.all_channels, client.uaid ) eq_(exists, True) eq_(len(chans), 1) yield deferToThread( lm_message.save_channels, client.uaid, chans ) # Send in a notification, verify it landed in last months notification # table data = uuid.uuid4().hex yield client.send_notification(data=data) notifs = yield deferToThread(lm_message.fetch_messages, client.uaid) eq_(len(notifs), 1) # Connect the client, verify the migration yield client.connect() yield client.hello() # Pull down the notification result = yield client.get_notification() chan = client.channels.keys()[0] ok_(result is not None) eq_(chan, result["channelID"]) # Check that the client is going to rotate the month server_client = self._settings.clients[client.uaid] eq_(, True) # Acknowledge the notification, which triggers the migration yield client.ack(chan, result["version"]) # Wait up to 2 seconds for the table rotation to occur start = time.time() while time.time()-start < 2: c = yield deferToThread(self._settings.router.get_uaid, client.uaid) if c["current_month"] == self._settings.current_msg_month: break else: yield deferToThread(time.sleep, 0.2) # Verify the month update in the router table c = yield deferToThread(self._settings.router.get_uaid, client.uaid) eq_(c["current_month"], self._settings.current_msg_month) eq_(, False) # Verify the client moved last_connect eq_(True, has_connected_this_month(c)) # Verify the channels were moved exists, chans = yield deferToThread( self._settings.message.all_channels, client.uaid ) eq_(exists, True) eq_(len(chans), 1) yield self.shut_down(client)