def post(self): sp_id = self.current_user.supplier_id cate_id = self.get_argument('cate_id', '') # 查出默认的分组ID default_cate_id = self.db.get('select id from member_category where sp_id=%s and name="未分组"', sp_id).id # 微信服务器分组放到0 if self.current_user.sp_props.wx_type == 'service' and self.current_user.sp_props.wx_verified == '1': members = self.db.query('select wx_id from member where sp_id=%s and category_id=%s', sp_id, cate_id) app_id = self.current_user.sp_props.app_id app_secret = self.current_user.sp_props.app_secret for mem in members: body = {"openid": mem.wx_id, "to_groupid": 0} wx = Weixin(db=self.db, sp_id=sp_id, method='groups/members/update', body=json_dumps(body)) wx.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) res = yield wx.fetch() wx.parse_response(res.body) if not wx.is_ok(): logging.error('wx error: %s' % wx.error) # 把要删除组的会员合并入默认分组 self.db.execute('update member set category_id=%s where sp_id=%s and category_id=%s', default_cate_id, sp_id, cate_id) # 删除分组 self.db.execute('update member_category set deleted=1 where id=%s', cate_id) # 返回 self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8') self.write(json_dumps({'ok': True}))
def post(self): self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8') sp_id = self.current_user.supplier_id cate_name = self.get_argument('name', '').encode('utf-8') # 检查是否重复 exist = self.db.query('select * from member_category where sp_id=%s and name=%s and deleted=0', sp_id, cate_name) # 重复组名,返回 if exist: self.write(json_dumps({'ok': False, 'error': '分组名称已经存在'})) return # 更新微信分组 if self.current_user.sp_props.wx_type == 'service' and self.current_user.sp_props.wx_verified == '1': body = json_dumps({"group": {"name": cate_name}}) wx = Weixin(db=self.db, sp_id=sp_id, method='groups/create', body=body) wx.set_app_info(self.current_user.sp_props.app_id, self.current_user.sp_props.app_secret) res = yield wx.fetch() wx.parse_response(res.body) if wx.is_ok(): # 更新本地数据库 last_id = self.db.execute('insert into member_category (sp_id, name, deleted, wx_grp_id) ' 'values (%s, %s, 0, %s)', sp_id, cate_name, self.write(json_dumps({'ok': True, 'cate_id': last_id, 'cate_name': cate_name})) else: logging.error('wx error: %s' % wx.error) self.write(json_dumps({'ok': False, 'error': '添加失败,%s' % wx.error})) else: # 更新本地数据库 last_id = self.db.execute('insert into member_category (sp_id, name, deleted) ' 'values (%s, %s, 0)', sp_id, cate_name) self.write(json_dumps({'ok': True, 'cate_id': last_id, 'cate_name': cate_name}))
def post(self): sp_id = self.current_user.supplier_id cate_id = self.get_argument('cate_id', '') # 新cate id mem_id = self.get_argument('mem_id', '') try: map(int, mem_id.split(',')) except: raise HTTPError(500) # 更新微信服务器 if self.current_user.sp_props.wx_type == 'service' and self.current_user.sp_props.wx_verified == '1': members = self.db.query('select wx_id from member where sp_id=%s and id in (' + mem_id + ')', sp_id) wx_cate_id = self.db.get('select wx_grp_id from member_category where id=%s', cate_id).wx_grp_id app_id = self.current_user.sp_props.app_id app_secret = self.current_user.sp_props.app_secret for mem in members: body = {"openid": mem.wx_id, "to_groupid": int(wx_cate_id)} wx = Weixin(db=self.db, sp_id=sp_id, method='groups/members/update', body=json_dumps(body)) wx.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) res = yield wx.fetch() wx.parse_response(res.body) if not wx.is_ok(): logging.error('wx error: %s' % wx.error) # 更新本地信息 if mem_id and cate_id: sql = 'update member set category_id=%s where sp_id=%s and id in (' + mem_id + ')' self.db.execute(sql, cate_id, sp_id)
def post(self): params = dict([(name, self.get_argument(name).encode('utf-8')) for name in self.request.arguments if name.startswith('s_menu_item') or name.startswith('m_menu_title')]) main_pos_list = [] main_content_list = [] menu_pos_list = [] menu_content_list = [] for name, content in params.iteritems(): # 只有那些有值的父菜单才能有机会插进数据库 # 循环找到正确的顺序位置,数据库能准确按顺序插入 if name.startswith('m_menu_title') and content.split('--')[0]: name_list = name.split('--') main_temp = (name_list[1], content) if not main_pos_list: main_pos_list.append(name_list[1]) main_content_list.append(main_temp) else: is_insert = False for index, number in enumerate(main_pos_list): if name_list[1] < number: main_pos_list.insert(index, name_list[1]) main_content_list.insert(index, main_temp) is_insert = True break if not is_insert: main_pos_list.append(name_list[1]) main_content_list.append(main_temp) elif name.startswith('s_menu_item'): # 如果二级菜单名为空,则取消增加该行 is_name = content.split('--')[0] if not is_name.strip(): continue menu_list = name.split('--') position = int(menu_list[1]) * 10 + int(menu_list[2]) content_temp = (menu_list[1], content) if not menu_pos_list: menu_pos_list.append(position) menu_content_list.append(content_temp) else: is_insert = False for index, number in enumerate(menu_pos_list): if position < number: menu_pos_list.insert(index, position) menu_content_list.insert(index, content_temp) is_insert = True break if not is_insert: menu_pos_list.append(position) menu_content_list.append(content_temp) else: pass # 以下代码用做后端检验数据的正确性 # is_true = False # for item in menu_content_list: # # pass # if not is_true: # self.redirect(self.reverse_url('menu')) sp_id = self.current_user.supplier_id self.db.execute( 'delete from wx_menu where sp_id = %s and parent_id is not null', sp_id) self.db.execute('delete from wx_menu where sp_id = %s ', sp_id) menu_data = {'button': []} for main_item in main_content_list: print main_content_list m_list = main_item[1].split('--') if len(m_list) == 3: if m_list[1] == '5': md5_content = hashlib.md5(m_list[2]).hexdigest() m_list[2] = md5_content[:12] + m_list[2] self.db.execute( 'insert into wx_menu(sp_id, name, action_type, action) values(%s, %s, %s, %s)', sp_id, m_list[0], m_list[1], m_list[2]) if m_list[1] == '2': # view m_button = { 'type': 'view', 'name': m_list[0], 'url': m_list[2] } elif m_list[1] == '5': m_button = { 'type': 'click', 'name': m_list[0], 'key': action_type_wx_menu[int(m_list[1])] + ':' + md5_content[:12] } else: # click m_button = { 'type': 'click', 'name': m_list[0], 'key': action_type_wx_menu[int(m_list[1])] + ':' + m_list[2] } menu_data['button'].append(m_button) elif len(m_list) == 1: pid = self.db.execute( 'insert into wx_menu(sp_id, name) values(%s, %s)', sp_id, m_list[0]) sub_buttons = [] menu_data['button'].append({ 'name': m_list[0], 'sub_button': sub_buttons }) for menu_item in menu_content_list: if menu_item[0] == main_item[0]: me_list = menu_item[1].split('--') if me_list[1] == '5': md5_content = hashlib.md5(me_list[2]).hexdigest() me_list[2] = md5_content[:12] + me_list[2] self.db.execute( 'insert into wx_menu(sp_id, name, action_type, action, parent_id) ' 'values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', sp_id, me_list[0], me_list[1], me_list[2], pid) if me_list[1] == '5': sub_button = { 'type': 'click', 'name': me_list[0], 'key': action_type_wx_menu[int(me_list[1])] + ':' + md5_content[:12] } elif me_list[1] != '2': # click sub_button = { 'type': 'click', 'name': me_list[0], 'key': action_type_wx_menu[int(me_list[1])] + ':' + me_list[2] } else: # view sub_button = { 'type': 'view', 'name': me_list[0], 'url': me_list[2] } sub_buttons.append(sub_button) else: pass # 如果一级菜单不是直接点击,且它没有对应的二级菜单,则删除 main_menu = self.db.query( 'select id from wx_menu where sp_id = %s and parent_id is null ' 'and (action_type = " " or action_type is null)', sp_id) for item in main_menu: if not self.db.query( 'select id from wx_menu where sp_id = %s and parent_id = %s', sp_id, self.db.execute( 'delete from wx_menu where id = %s and sp_id = %s',, sp_id) #如果类型为图文信息或者图文信息组的时候,且图文信息没有值就删除 check_type = [3, 4, 7] self.db.execute( 'delete from wx_menu where sp_id = %%s and action_type in (%s) and action = "null"' % ','.join(['%s'] * len(check_type)), sp_id, *check_type) wx = Weixin(db=self.db, sp_id=sp_id, method="menu/create", body=json_dumps(menu_data)) app_id = self.current_user.sp_props.app_id app_secret = self.current_user.sp_props.app_secret wx.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) result = yield wx() wx.parse_response(result.body) if wx.is_ok():'push menu to weixin sucessfully: %s', wx.message) else: logging.error('push menu to weixin fail: %s', wx.message) self.redirect(self.reverse_url(''))
def event(self, sp_id, msg, mem, sp_props): msg_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(msg.findtext('./CreateTime'))) event = msg.findtext('./Event').lower() wx_id = mem.wx_id # 取消订阅,更新数据库 if event == 'unsubscribe':'user %s un-sub', wx_id) self.db.execute('update member set wx_unfollow_at=%s where id=%s', msg_time, # 更新取消时间 self.write('') # 退订,什么都不返回 return if event == 'subscribe':'user %s subscribe', wx_id) # 查是否存在用户 if mem: # 如果是认证的服务号,去抓取一下用户信息 if sp_props.wx_type == 'service' and sp_props.wx_verified == '1': app_id = sp_props.app_id app_secret = sp_props.app_secret info = Weixin(method='user/info', db=self.db, sp_id=sp_id, body='') info.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) response = info.sync_fetch(openid=wx_id, lang='zh_CN') info.parse_response(response) if info.is_ok(): nickname = info.message.nickname # 暂时数据库未升级至可以存储emoji字符,故使用以下代码,升级数据库后可删除 import re try: # UCS-4 highpoints = re.compile(u'[\U00010000-\U0010ffff]') except re.error: # UCS-2 highpoints = re.compile( u'[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]') nickname = highpoints.sub(u'', nickname) sex = {0: '未知', 1: '男', 2: '女'}.get( follow_at = datetime.fromtimestamp( info.message.subscribe_time) head_img = info.message.headimgurl self.db.execute( 'update member set wx_name = %s, gender = %s, last_active=NOW(), max_msg_id=0,' 'head_img = %s, wx_follow_at = %s, country = %s, province = %s, city = %s ' 'where wx_id = %s and sp_id = %s', nickname, sex, head_img, follow_at,, info.message.province,, wx_id, sp_id)'user %s fetch info successfully', wx_id) else: self.db.execute( 'update member set wx_follow_at=%s, last_active=NOW(), ' 'max_msg_id=0 where id=%s', msg_time,'user %s fetch info failed', wx_id) else: self.db.execute( 'update member set wx_follow_at=%s, last_active=NOW(), ' 'max_msg_id=0 where id=%s', msg_time, # 推送新关注消息 app_msg = self.db.get( 'select wam.* ' 'from supplier_property sp join wx_app_msg wam on sp.value = ' 'where sp.sp_id = %s and name="wx_sub_msg" ', mem.sp_id) if app_msg: response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[ PropDict( title=app_msg.title, description=app_msg.summary, picurl=img_url(app_msg.cover), url='' % (sp_id,, mem.wx_id)) ], ) self.write(response) return else: self.write('') return if event == 'click': event_key = msg.findtext('./EventKey') action_type, action = event_key.split(':', 1) if action_type == 'website': cover = self.db.get( 'select * from supplier_property where sp_id=%s and name="wx_site_cover"', sp_id) cover = json.loads(cover.value, object_hook=json_hook) response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[ PropDict(title=cover.title, description=cover.desc, picurl=img_url(cover.pic), url='' % (sp_id, mem.wx_id)) ], ) self.write(response) return elif action_type == 'app_msg': app_msg = self.db.get( 'select * from wx_app_msg where id=%s and deleted=0', action) if app_msg: response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[ PropDict( title=app_msg.title, description=app_msg.summary, picurl=img_url(app_msg.cover), url='' % (sp_id,, mem.wx_id)) ], ) self.write(response) return else: self.write('') return elif action_type == 'app_msg_group': app_msg_group = self.db.get( 'select * from wx_app_msg_gp where deleted=0 and id=%s', action) if app_msg_group: app_msgs = self.db.query( 'select * from wx_app_msg where deleted=0 and id in (' + app_msg_group.app_msgs + ')') response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[ PropDict( title=app_msg.title, description=app_msg.summary, picurl=img_url(app_msg.cover), url='' % (sp_id,, mem.wx_id)) for app_msg in app_msgs ], ) self.write(response) return self.write('') return elif action_type == 'text': sms = self.db.get( 'select * from wx_menu where action like %s and sp_id = %s limit 1', '%' + action + '%', sp_id) if sms: response = Template(wx_response['text']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), content=sms.action[12:]) self.write(response) return self.write('') return elif action_type == 'member': # 取会员卡封面 cover = self.db.get( 'select * from supplier_property where sp_id=%s and name="wx_mem_cover"', sp_id) if not cover: # 没有会员卡封面,取官网封面 cover = self.db.get( 'select * from supplier_property where sp_id=%s and name="wx_site_cover"', sp_id) cover = json.loads(cover.value, object_hook=json_hook) response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[ PropDict(title=cover.title, description=cover.desc, picurl=img_url(cover.pic), url='' % (sp_id, mem.wx_id)) ], ) self.write(response) return elif action_type == 'book': cover = self.db.get( 'select * from wx_booking_setting where sp_id=%s and id = %s', sp_id, action) if cover: info = json.loads(, object_hook=json_hook) response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[ PropDict( title=info.title, description=info.desc, picurl=img_url(info.pic), url='' % (sp_id,, mem.wx_id)) ], ) self.write(response) return else: self.write('') return elif action_type == 'mall': cover = self.db.get( 'select * from supplier_property where sp_id=%s and name="wx_mall_cover"', sp_id) if not cover: # 没有商城封面,取官网封面 cover = self.db.get( 'select * from supplier_property where sp_id=%s and name="wx_site_cover"', sp_id) cover = json.loads(cover.value, object_hook=json_hook) response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[ PropDict( title=cover.title, description=cover.desc, picurl=img_url(cover.pic), url='' % (sp_id, mem.wx_id)) ], ) self.write(response) return elif action_type == 'activity': cover = self.db.get( 'select * from supplier_property where sp_id = %s and name="wx_activity_cover"', sp_id) if not cover: # 没有商城封面,取官网封面 cover = self.db.get( 'select * from supplier_property where sp_id=%s and name="wx_site_cover"', sp_id) cover = json.loads(cover.value, object_hook=json_hook) response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[ PropDict( title=cover.title, description=cover.desc, picurl=img_url(cover.pic), url='' % (sp_id, mem.wx_id)) ], ) self.write(response) return
def event(self, sp_id, msg, mem, sp_props): msg_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(msg.findtext('./CreateTime'))) event = msg.findtext('./Event').lower() wx_id = mem.wx_id # 取消订阅,更新数据库 if event == 'unsubscribe':'user %s un-sub', wx_id) self.db.execute('update member set wx_unfollow_at=%s where id=%s', msg_time, # 更新取消时间 self.write('') # 退订,什么都不返回 return if event == 'subscribe':'user %s subscribe', wx_id) # 查是否存在用户 if mem: # 如果是认证的服务号,去抓取一下用户信息 if sp_props.wx_type == 'service' and sp_props.wx_verified == '1': app_id = sp_props.app_id app_secret = sp_props.app_secret info = Weixin(method='user/info', db=self.db, sp_id=sp_id, body='') info.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) response = info.sync_fetch(openid=wx_id, lang='zh_CN') info.parse_response(response) if info.is_ok(): nickname = info.message.nickname # 暂时数据库未升级至可以存储emoji字符,故使用以下代码,升级数据库后可删除 import re try: # UCS-4 highpoints = re.compile(u'[\U00010000-\U0010ffff]') except re.error: # UCS-2 highpoints = re.compile(u'[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]') nickname = highpoints.sub(u'', nickname) sex = {0: '未知', 1: '男', 2: '女'}.get( follow_at = datetime.fromtimestamp(info.message.subscribe_time) head_img = info.message.headimgurl self.db.execute('update member set wx_name = %s, gender = %s, last_active=NOW(), max_msg_id=0,' 'head_img = %s, wx_follow_at = %s, country = %s, province = %s, city = %s ' 'where wx_id = %s and sp_id = %s', nickname, sex, head_img, follow_at,, info.message.province,, wx_id, sp_id)'user %s fetch info successfully', wx_id) else: self.db.execute('update member set wx_follow_at=%s, last_active=NOW(), ' 'max_msg_id=0 where id=%s', msg_time,'user %s fetch info failed', wx_id) else: self.db.execute('update member set wx_follow_at=%s, last_active=NOW(), ' 'max_msg_id=0 where id=%s', msg_time, # 推送新关注消息 app_msg = self.db.get('select wam.* ' 'from supplier_property sp join wx_app_msg wam on sp.value = ' 'where sp.sp_id = %s and name="wx_sub_msg" ', mem.sp_id) if app_msg: response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[PropDict( title=app_msg.title, description=app_msg.summary, picurl=img_url(app_msg.cover), url='' % (sp_id,, mem.wx_id) )], ) self.write(response) return else: self.write('') return if event == 'click': event_key = msg.findtext('./EventKey') action_type, action = event_key.split(':', 1) if action_type == 'website': cover = self.db.get('select * from supplier_property where sp_id=%s and name="wx_site_cover"', sp_id) cover = json.loads(cover.value, object_hook=json_hook) response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[PropDict( title=cover.title, description=cover.desc, picurl=img_url(cover.pic), url='' % (sp_id, mem.wx_id) )], ) self.write(response) return elif action_type == 'app_msg': app_msg = self.db.get('select * from wx_app_msg where id=%s and deleted=0', action) if app_msg: response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[PropDict( title=app_msg.title, description=app_msg.summary, picurl=img_url(app_msg.cover), url='' % (sp_id,, mem.wx_id) )], ) self.write(response) return else: self.write('') return elif action_type == 'app_msg_group': app_msg_group = self.db.get('select * from wx_app_msg_gp where deleted=0 and id=%s', action) if app_msg_group: app_msgs = self.db.query('select * from wx_app_msg where deleted=0 and id in (' + app_msg_group.app_msgs + ')') response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[PropDict( title=app_msg.title, description=app_msg.summary, picurl=img_url(app_msg.cover), url='' % (sp_id,, mem.wx_id) ) for app_msg in app_msgs], ) self.write(response) return self.write('') return elif action_type == 'text': sms = self.db.get('select * from wx_menu where action like %s and sp_id = %s limit 1', '%' + action + '%', sp_id) if sms: response = Template(wx_response['text']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), content=sms.action[12:] ) self.write(response) return self.write('') return elif action_type == 'member': # 取会员卡封面 cover = self.db.get('select * from supplier_property where sp_id=%s and name="wx_mem_cover"', sp_id) if not cover: # 没有会员卡封面,取官网封面 cover = self.db.get('select * from supplier_property where sp_id=%s and name="wx_site_cover"', sp_id) cover = json.loads(cover.value, object_hook=json_hook) response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[PropDict( title=cover.title, description=cover.desc, picurl=img_url(cover.pic), url='' % (sp_id, mem.wx_id) )], ) self.write(response) return elif action_type == 'book': cover = self.db.get('select * from wx_booking_setting where sp_id=%s and id = %s', sp_id, action) if cover: info = json.loads(, object_hook=json_hook) response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[PropDict( title=info.title, description=info.desc, picurl=img_url(info.pic), url='' % (sp_id,, mem.wx_id) )], ) self.write(response) return else: self.write('') return elif action_type == 'mall': cover = self.db.get('select * from supplier_property where sp_id=%s and name="wx_mall_cover"', sp_id) if not cover: # 没有商城封面,取官网封面 cover = self.db.get('select * from supplier_property where sp_id=%s and name="wx_site_cover"', sp_id) cover = json.loads(cover.value, object_hook=json_hook) response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[PropDict( title=cover.title, description=cover.desc, picurl=img_url(cover.pic), url='' % (sp_id, mem.wx_id) )], ) self.write(response) return elif action_type == 'activity': cover = self.db.get('select * from supplier_property where sp_id = %s and name="wx_activity_cover"', sp_id) if not cover: # 没有商城封面,取官网封面 cover = self.db.get('select * from supplier_property where sp_id=%s and name="wx_site_cover"', sp_id) cover = json.loads(cover.value, object_hook=json_hook) response = Template(wx_response['news']).generate( to_user=mem.wx_id, from_user=sp_props.wx_id, time=int(time.time()), items=[PropDict( title=cover.title, description=cover.desc, picurl=img_url(cover.pic), url='' % (sp_id, mem.wx_id) )], ) self.write(response) return
def main_loop(): redis = common.redis_client() db = common.db_client() args = {'db': db, 'body': ''} while common.running(): sp_id = redis.brpop('q:wx:mem:update')[1] args['sp_id'] = sp_id app_id = db.get( 'select * from supplier_property where name="app_id" and sp_id = %s', sp_id)['value'] app_secret = db.get( 'select * from supplier_property where name="app_secret" and sp_id = %s', sp_id)['value'] wx = Weixin(method='user/get', **args) wx.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) info = Weixin(method='user/info', **args) info.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) next_openid = '' while True: result = yield wx(next_openid=next_openid) wx.parse_response(result.body) if wx.is_ok() and 'data' in wx.message.keys(): count = wx.message.count total = customs = for custom in customs: response = yield info(openid=custom, lang='zh_CN') info.parse_response(response.body) if info.is_ok(): nickname = info.message.nickname # 暂时数据库未升级至可以存储emoji字符,故使用以下代码,升级数据库后可删除 import re try: # UCS-4 highpoints = re.compile(u'[\U00010000-\U0010ffff]') except re.error: # UCS-2 highpoints = re.compile( u'[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]') nickname = highpoints.sub(u'', nickname) # todo =========================未升级前的替代方案=================== sex = {0: '未知', 1: '男', 2: '女'}.get( follow_at = datetime.fromtimestamp( info.message.subscribe_time) openid = info.message.openid head_img = info.message.headimgurl mid = db.query( 'select * from member where wx_id = %s and sp_id = %s', custom, sp_id) if mid: db.execute( 'update member set wx_name = %s, gender = %s,' 'head_img = %s, wx_follow_at = %s, country = %s, province = %s, city = %s ' 'where wx_id = %s and sp_id = %s', nickname, sex, head_img, follow_at,, info.message.province,, custom, sp_id) else: cid = db.query( 'select * from member_category where sp_id = %s and name = "未分组" ', sp_id)[0].id db.execute( 'insert into member set sp_id = %s, wx_id = %s, wx_name = %s, gender = %s,' 'head_img = %s, wx_follow_at = %s, created_at = NOW(),' 'category_id = %s, country = %s, province = %s, city = %s, ' 'source = "微信导入"', sp_id, openid, nickname, sex, head_img, follow_at, cid,, info.message.province,'会员 %s 更新信息成功', custom.encode('utf-8')) else: logging.error('获取 %s 信息失败。失败原因 %s', custom.encode('utf-8'), error_list.get(info.error_code, '')) if count < 10000 or count == total: break else: next_openid = wx.message.next_openid else: logging.error('获取关注者失败.商户 %s, 错误原因 %s', sp_id, error_list.get(wx.error_code, '')) break
def main_loop(): redis = common.redis_client() db = common.db_client() args = { 'db': db, 'body': '' } while common.running(): sp_id = redis.brpop('q:wx:mem:update')[1] args['sp_id'] = sp_id app_id = db.get('select * from supplier_property where name="app_id" and sp_id = %s', sp_id)['value'] app_secret = db.get('select * from supplier_property where name="app_secret" and sp_id = %s', sp_id)['value'] wx = Weixin(method='user/get', **args) wx.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) info = Weixin(method='user/info', **args) info.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) next_openid = '' while True: result = yield wx(next_openid=next_openid) wx.parse_response(result.body) if wx.is_ok() and 'data' in wx.message.keys(): count = wx.message.count total = customs = for custom in customs: response = yield info(openid=custom, lang='zh_CN') info.parse_response(response.body) if info.is_ok(): nickname = info.message.nickname # 暂时数据库未升级至可以存储emoji字符,故使用以下代码,升级数据库后可删除 import re try: # UCS-4 highpoints = re.compile(u'[\U00010000-\U0010ffff]') except re.error: # UCS-2 highpoints = re.compile(u'[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]') nickname = highpoints.sub(u'', nickname) # todo =========================未升级前的替代方案=================== sex = {0: '未知', 1: '男', 2: '女'}.get( follow_at = datetime.fromtimestamp(info.message.subscribe_time) openid = info.message.openid head_img = info.message.headimgurl mid = db.query('select * from member where wx_id = %s and sp_id = %s', custom, sp_id) if mid: db.execute('update member set wx_name = %s, gender = %s,' 'head_img = %s, wx_follow_at = %s, country = %s, province = %s, city = %s ' 'where wx_id = %s and sp_id = %s', nickname, sex, head_img, follow_at,, info.message.province,, custom, sp_id) else: cid = db.query('select * from member_category where sp_id = %s and name = "未分组" ', sp_id)[0].id db.execute('insert into member set sp_id = %s, wx_id = %s, wx_name = %s, gender = %s,' 'head_img = %s, wx_follow_at = %s, created_at = NOW(),' 'category_id = %s, country = %s, province = %s, city = %s, ' 'source = "微信导入"', sp_id, openid, nickname, sex, head_img, follow_at, cid,, info.message.province,'会员 %s 更新信息成功', custom.encode('utf-8')) else: logging.error('获取 %s 信息失败。失败原因 %s', custom.encode('utf-8'), error_list.get(info.error_code, '')) if count < 10000 or count == total: break else: next_openid = wx.message.next_openid else: logging.error('获取关注者失败.商户 %s, 错误原因 %s', sp_id, error_list.get(wx.error_code, '')) break
def post(self): params = dict([(name, self.get_argument(name).encode('utf-8')) for name in self.request.arguments if name.startswith('s_menu_item') or name.startswith('m_menu_title')]) main_pos_list = [] main_content_list = [] menu_pos_list = [] menu_content_list = [] for name, content in params.iteritems(): # 只有那些有值的父菜单才能有机会插进数据库 # 循环找到正确的顺序位置,数据库能准确按顺序插入 if name.startswith('m_menu_title') and content.split('--')[0]: name_list = name.split('--') main_temp = (name_list[1], content) if not main_pos_list: main_pos_list.append(name_list[1]) main_content_list.append(main_temp) else: is_insert = False for index, number in enumerate(main_pos_list): if name_list[1] < number: main_pos_list.insert(index, name_list[1]) main_content_list.insert(index, main_temp) is_insert = True break if not is_insert: main_pos_list.append(name_list[1]) main_content_list.append(main_temp) elif name.startswith('s_menu_item'): # 如果二级菜单名为空,则取消增加该行 is_name = content.split('--')[0] if not is_name.strip(): continue menu_list = name.split('--') position = int(menu_list[1]) * 10 + int(menu_list[2]) content_temp = (menu_list[1], content) if not menu_pos_list: menu_pos_list.append(position) menu_content_list.append(content_temp) else: is_insert = False for index, number in enumerate(menu_pos_list): if position < number: menu_pos_list.insert(index, position) menu_content_list.insert(index, content_temp) is_insert = True break if not is_insert: menu_pos_list.append(position) menu_content_list.append(content_temp) else: pass # 以下代码用做后端检验数据的正确性 # is_true = False # for item in menu_content_list: # # pass # if not is_true: # self.redirect(self.reverse_url('menu')) sp_id = self.current_user.supplier_id self.db.execute('delete from wx_menu where sp_id = %s and parent_id is not null', sp_id) self.db.execute('delete from wx_menu where sp_id = %s ', sp_id) menu_data = {'button': []} for main_item in main_content_list: print main_content_list m_list = main_item[1].split('--') if len(m_list) == 3: if m_list[1] == '5': md5_content = hashlib.md5(m_list[2]).hexdigest() m_list[2] = md5_content[:12] + m_list[2] self.db.execute('insert into wx_menu(sp_id, name, action_type, action) values(%s, %s, %s, %s)', sp_id, m_list[0], m_list[1], m_list[2]) if m_list[1] == '2': # view m_button = { 'type': 'view', 'name': m_list[0], 'url': m_list[2] } elif m_list[1] == '5': m_button = { 'type': 'click', 'name': m_list[0], 'key': action_type_wx_menu[int(m_list[1])] + ':' + md5_content[:12] } else: # click m_button = { 'type': 'click', 'name': m_list[0], 'key': action_type_wx_menu[int(m_list[1])] + ':' + m_list[2] } menu_data['button'].append(m_button) elif len(m_list) == 1: pid = self.db.execute('insert into wx_menu(sp_id, name) values(%s, %s)', sp_id, m_list[0]) sub_buttons = [] menu_data['button'].append({'name': m_list[0], 'sub_button': sub_buttons}) for menu_item in menu_content_list: if menu_item[0] == main_item[0]: me_list = menu_item[1].split('--') if me_list[1] == '5': md5_content = hashlib.md5(me_list[2]).hexdigest() me_list[2] = md5_content[:12] + me_list[2] self.db.execute('insert into wx_menu(sp_id, name, action_type, action, parent_id) ' 'values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', sp_id, me_list[0], me_list[1], me_list[2], pid) if me_list[1] == '5': sub_button = { 'type': 'click', 'name': me_list[0], 'key': action_type_wx_menu[int(me_list[1])] + ':' + md5_content[:12] } elif me_list[1] != '2': # click sub_button = { 'type': 'click', 'name': me_list[0], 'key': action_type_wx_menu[int(me_list[1])] + ':' + me_list[2] } else: # view sub_button = { 'type': 'view', 'name': me_list[0], 'url': me_list[2] } sub_buttons.append(sub_button) else: pass # 如果一级菜单不是直接点击,且它没有对应的二级菜单,则删除 main_menu = self.db.query('select id from wx_menu where sp_id = %s and parent_id is null ' 'and (action_type = " " or action_type is null)', sp_id) for item in main_menu: if not self.db.query('select id from wx_menu where sp_id = %s and parent_id = %s', sp_id, self.db.execute('delete from wx_menu where id = %s and sp_id = %s',, sp_id) #如果类型为图文信息或者图文信息组的时候,且图文信息没有值就删除 check_type = [3, 4, 7] self.db.execute('delete from wx_menu where sp_id = %%s and action_type in (%s) and action = "null"' % ','.join(['%s'] * len(check_type)), sp_id, *check_type) wx = Weixin(db=self.db, sp_id=sp_id, method="menu/create", body=json_dumps(menu_data)) app_id = self.current_user.sp_props.app_id app_secret = self.current_user.sp_props.app_secret wx.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) result = yield wx() wx.parse_response(result.body) if wx.is_ok():'push menu to weixin sucessfully: %s', wx.message) else: logging.error('push menu to weixin fail: %s', wx.message) self.redirect(self.reverse_url(''))