def plot_mixing_matrix_2(plotter: Plotter, iso3: str): fig, axes, _, n_rows, n_cols, _ = plotter.get_figure(n_panels=6) fig.tight_layout() positions = { "all_locations": [0, 0], "home": [0, 1], "work": [0, 2], "other_locations": [1, 1], "school": [1, 2], "none": [1, 0], } for location, position in positions.items(): axis = axes[position[0], position[1]] if location != "none": mixing_matrix = get_country_mixing_matrix(location, iso3) im = axis.imshow(mixing_matrix, cmap="hot", interpolation="none", extent=[0, 80, 80, 0]) axis.set_title(get_plot_text_dict(location), fontsize=12) axis.set_xticks([5, 25, 45, 65]) axis.set_yticks([5, 25, 45, 65]) axis.tick_params(top=True, bottom=False, labeltop=True, labelbottom=False) cbar = axis.figure.colorbar(im, ax=axis, cmap="hot") else: axis.axis("off") plotter.save_figure(fig, filename="mixing-matrix", title_text="Mixing matrix")
def plot_posterior( plotter: Plotter, mcmc_params: List[pd.DataFrame], mcmc_tables: List[pd.DataFrame], burn_in: int, param_name: str, num_bins: int, prior, ): """ Plots the posterior distribution of a given parameter in a histogram. """ vals_df = get_posterior(mcmc_params, mcmc_tables, param_name, burn_in) fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() vals_df.hist(bins=num_bins, ax=axis, density=True) if prior: x_range = workout_plot_x_range(prior) x_values = np.linspace(x_range[0], x_range[1], num=1000) y_values = [calculate_prior(prior, x, log=False) for x in x_values] # Plot the prior axis.plot(x_values, y_values) plotter.save_figure(fig, filename=f"{param_name}-posterior", title_text=f"{param_name} posterior")
def plot_multi_age_distribution(plotter: Plotter, sub_region: [str], iso3: str): fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() legend = [] import streamlit as st # Set age groups agegroup_strata = [int(s) for s in range(0, 100, 5)] if iso3 is "PHL": multi, axes = pyplot.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(30, 30)) i = 0 for x in {0, 1}: for y in {0, 1}: age_distribution = get_population_by_agegroup(agegroup_strata, iso3, sub_region[i]) age_distribution = [each / 10e5 for each in age_distribution] axes[y, x].bar(agegroup_strata, height=age_distribution, width=4, align="edge") if i == 0: axes[y, x].set_title("Philippines").set_fontsize(30) else: axes[y, x].set_title(sub_region[i]).set_fontsize(30) axes[y, x].set_xlabel("Age").set_fontsize(20) axes[y, x].set_ylabel("Millions").set_fontsize(20) axes[y, x].set_ylim(0, 12) axes[y, x].xaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=20) axes[y, x].yaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=20) i += 1 plotter.save_figure(multi, filename="age-distribution", title_text="Age distribution")
def plot_mixing_matrix(plotter: Plotter, location: str, iso3: str): fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() legend = [] mixing_matrix = get_country_mixing_matrix(location, iso3) pyplot.imshow(mixing_matrix, cmap="hot", interpolation="none", extent=[0, 80, 80, 0]) plotter.save_figure(fig, filename="mixing-matrix", title_text="Mixing matrix")
def plot_time_varying_multi_input( plotter: Plotter, tv_key: str, times: List[float], is_logscale: bool, ): """ Plot single simple plot of a function over time """ # Plot requested func names. fig, axes, max_dims, n_rows, n_cols, _ = plotter.get_figure() if is_logscale: axes.set_yscale("log") df = pd.DataFrame(tv_key) df.index = times axes.plot(df.index, df.values) change_xaxis_to_date(axes, REF_DATE) pyplot.legend( df.columns, loc="best", labels=[get_plot_text_dict(location) for location in df.columns] ) if X_MIN is not None and X_MAX is not None: axes.set_xlim((X_MIN, X_MAX)) axes.set_ylim(bottom=0.0) plotter.save_figure( fig, filename=f"time-variant-{'Google mobility'}", title_text="Google mobility" )
def plot_multi_targets( plotter: Plotter, scenario: Scenario, output_configs: list, is_logscale=False ): if len(output_configs) == 0: return max_n_col = 2 n_panels = len(output_configs) n_cols = min(max_n_col, n_panels) n_rows = ceil(n_panels / max_n_col) fig = pyplot.figure(constrained_layout=True, figsize=(n_cols * 7, n_rows * 5)) # (w, h) spec = fig.add_gridspec(ncols=n_cols, nrows=n_rows) i_col = 0 i_row = 0 for output_config in output_configs: ax = fig.add_subplot(spec[i_row, i_col]) plot_outputs_single(plotter, scenario, output_config, is_logscale, ax, single_panel=False) ax.set_title(output_config["title"]) i_col += 1 if i_col == max_n_col: i_col = 0 i_row += 1 plotter.save_figure(fig, filename="multi_targets", subdir="outputs", title_text="")
def plot_time_varying_input( plotter: Plotter, tv_key: str, tv_func: Callable[[float], float], times: List[float], is_logscale: bool, ): """ Plot single simple plot of a function over time """ # Plot requested func names. fig, axes, max_dims, n_rows, n_cols, _ = plotter.get_figure() if is_logscale: axes.set_yscale("log") if type(tv_func) is not list: funcs = [tv_func] else: funcs = tv_func for func in funcs: values = list(map(func, times)) axes.plot(times, values) if X_MIN is not None and X_MAX is not None: axes.set_xlim((X_MIN, X_MAX)) plotter.save_figure(fig, filename=f"time-variant-{tv_key}", title_text=tv_key)
def plot_outputs_single( plotter: Plotter, scenario: Scenario, output_config: dict, is_logscale=False, axis=None, single_panel=True, xaxis_date=False, ): """ Plot the model derived/generated outputs requested by the user for a single scenario. """ if single_panel: fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() if is_logscale: axis.set_yscale("log") output_name = output_config["output_key"] target_values = output_config["values"] target_times = output_config["times"] _plot_outputs_to_axis(axis, scenario, output_name) _plot_targets_to_axis(axis, target_values, target_times) if xaxis_date: change_xaxis_to_date(axis, REF_DATE) if X_MIN is not None and X_MAX is not None: axis.set_xlim((X_MIN, X_MAX)) if single_panel: plotter.save_figure(fig, filename=output_name, subdir="outputs", title_text=output_name)
def plot_acceptance_ratio( plotter: Plotter, mcmc_tables: List[pd.DataFrame], burn_in: int, label_font_size=6, dpi_request=300, ): """ Plot the progressive acceptance ratio over iterations. """ fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() full_df = db.load.append_tables(mcmc_tables) n_chains = max(full_df["chain"]) for chain in range(n_chains): chain_mask = full_df["chain"] == chain chain_df = full_df[chain_mask] ratios = collate_acceptance_ratios(chain_df["accept"]) # Plot axis.plot(ratios, alpha=0.8, linewidth=0.7) # Add vertical line for burn-in point if burn_in > 0: axis.axvline(x=burn_in, color=COLOR_THEME[1], linestyle="dotted") axis.set_title("acceptance ratio", fontsize=label_font_size) axis.set_xlabel("iterations", fontsize=label_font_size) axis.set_ylim(bottom=0.0) pyplot.setp(axis.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=label_font_size) pyplot.setp(axis.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=label_font_size) plotter.save_figure(fig, filename=f"acceptance_ratio", dpi_request=dpi_request)
def plot_seroprevalence_by_age( plotter: Plotter, uncertainty_df: pd.DataFrame, scenario_id: int, time: float, ref_date=REF_DATE, axis=None, name="", requested_quantiles=None, ): single_panel = axis is None if single_panel: fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() axis, max_value, df, seroprevalence_by_age = plot_age_seroprev_to_axis( uncertainty_df, scenario_id, time, axis, requested_quantiles, ref_date, name) if single_panel: plotter.save_figure(fig, filename="sero_by_age", subdir="outputs", title_text="") overall_seropos_estimates = df[df["type"] == "proportion_seropositive"][[ "quantile", "value" ]].set_index("quantile") return max_value, seroprevalence_by_age, overall_seropos_estimates
def plot_agg_compartments_multi_scenario( plotter: Plotter, scenarios: List[Scenario], compartment_names: List[str], is_logscale=False, ): """ Plot multiple compartments with values aggregated for a multiple scenarios. """ fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() legend = [] for color_idx, scenario in enumerate(scenarios): model = scenario.model values = np.zeros(model.outputs.shape[0]) for compartment_name in compartment_names: comp_idx = model.compartment_names.index(compartment_name) values += model.outputs[:, comp_idx] axis.plot(model.times, values, color=COLOR_THEME[color_idx], alpha=0.7) legend.append( axis.legend(legend) if is_logscale: axis.set_yscale("log") plotter.save_figure(fig, filename="aggregate-compartments", title_text="aggregate compartments")
def plot_multiple_posteriors( plotter: Plotter, mcmc_params: List[pd.DataFrame], mcmc_tables: List[pd.DataFrame], burn_in: int, num_bins: int, title_font_size: int, label_font_size: int, capitalise_first_letter: bool, dpi_request: int, priors: list, parameters: list, file_name="all_posteriors", ): """ Plots the posterior distribution of a given parameter in a histogram. """ # Except not the dispersion parameters - only the epidemiological ones fig, axes, _, n_rows, n_cols, indices = plotter.get_figure(len(parameters)) for i in range(n_rows * n_cols): axis = axes[indices[i][0], indices[i][1]] if i < len(parameters): param_name = parameters[i] vals_df = get_posterior(mcmc_params, mcmc_tables, param_name, burn_in) for i, prior in enumerate(priors): if prior["param_name"] == param_name: prior = priors[i] break x_range = workout_plot_x_range(prior) x_values = np.linspace(x_range[0], x_range[1], num=1000) y_values = [calculate_prior(prior, x, log=False) for x in x_values] # Plot histograms vals_df.hist(bins=num_bins, ax=axis, density=True) # Plot the prior axis.plot(x_values, y_values) axis.set_title( get_plot_text_dict( param_name, capitalise_first_letter=capitalise_first_letter), fontsize=title_font_size, ) pyplot.setp(axis.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=label_font_size) pyplot.setp(axis.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=label_font_size) else: axis.axis("off") fig.tight_layout() plotter.save_figure(fig, filename=file_name, dpi_request=dpi_request)
def plot_multiple_param_traces( plotter: Plotter, mcmc_params: List[pd.DataFrame], burn_in: int, title_font_size: int, label_font_size: int, capitalise_first_letter: bool, dpi_request: int, optional_param_request=None, file_name="all_traces", x_ticks_on=True, ): # Except not the dispersion parameters - only the epidemiological ones parameters = [ param for param in mcmc_params[0].loc[:, "name"].unique().tolist() if "dispersion_param" not in param ] params_to_plot = optional_param_request if optional_param_request else parameters fig, axes, _, n_rows, n_cols, indices = plotter.get_figure( len(params_to_plot), share_xaxis=True, share_yaxis=False) for i in range(n_rows * n_cols): axis = axes[indices[i][0], indices[i][1]] if i < len(params_to_plot): param_name = params_to_plot[i] for i_chain in range(mcmc_params[0]["chain"].iloc[-1]): param_mask = (mcmc_params[0]["chain"] == i_chain) & ( mcmc_params[0]["name"] == param_name) param_values = mcmc_params[0][param_mask].values axis.plot(param_values[:, 3], alpha=0.8, linewidth=0.7) axis.set_title( get_plot_text_dict( param_name, capitalise_first_letter=capitalise_first_letter), fontsize=title_font_size, ) if not x_ticks_on: axis.set_xticks([]) elif indices[i][0] == n_rows - 1: x_label = "Iterations" if capitalise_first_letter else "iterations" axis.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=label_font_size) pyplot.setp(axis.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=label_font_size) pyplot.setp(axis.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=label_font_size) if burn_in > 0: axis.axvline(x=burn_in, color=COLOR_THEME[1], linestyle="dotted") else: axis.axis("off") fig.tight_layout() plotter.save_figure(fig, filename=file_name, dpi_request=dpi_request)
def plot_loglikelihood_boxplots(plotter: Plotter, mcmc_tables: List[pd.DataFrame]): fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() if len(mcmc_tables) > 1: df = pd.concat(mcmc_tables) else: df = mcmc_tables[0] df["-log(-loglikelihood)"] = [-log(-v) for v in df["loglikelihood"]] df.boxplot(column=["-log(-loglikelihood)"], by="chain", ax=axis) plotter.save_figure(fig, filename="loglikelihood-boxplots", title_text="")
def plot_param_vs_param_by_chain( plotter: Plotter, mcmc_params: List[pd.DataFrame], parameters: list, label_font_size: int, label_chars: int, dpi_request: int, ): """ Plot the parameter traces for each MCMC chain with separate colouring. """ fig, axes, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure(n_panels=len(parameters)**2) for chain in range(len(mcmc_params)): for x_idx, x_param_name in enumerate(parameters): x_param_mask = mcmc_params[chain]["name"] == x_param_name for y_idx, y_param_name in enumerate(parameters): y_param_mask = mcmc_params[chain]["name"] == y_param_name # Get axis and turn off ticks axis = axes[x_idx, y_idx] axis.xaxis.set_ticks([]) axis.yaxis.set_ticks([]) # Plot if x_idx > y_idx: axis.scatter( mcmc_params[chain][x_param_mask]["value"].to_list(), mcmc_params[chain][y_param_mask]["value"].to_list(), alpha=0.5, s=0.1, ) elif x_idx == y_idx: axis.hist( mcmc_params[chain][x_param_mask]["value"].to_list()) else: axis.axis("off") # Set labels if y_idx == 0: axis.set_ylabel(x_param_name[:label_chars], rotation=0, fontsize=label_font_size) if x_idx == len(parameters) - 1: axis.set_xlabel(y_param_name[:label_chars], fontsize=label_font_size) # Save plotter.save_figure(fig, filename="parameter_correlation_matrix", dpi_request=dpi_request)
def plot_age_distribution(plotter: Plotter, sub_region: str, iso3: str): fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() legend = [] # Set age groups agegroup_strata = [int(s) for s in range(0, 100, 5)] age_distribution = get_population_by_agegroup(agegroup_strata, iso3, sub_region) age_distribution = [each / 10e5 for each in age_distribution] axis.set_xlabel("Age", fontsize=10) axis.set_ylabel("Millions", fontsize=10), height=age_distribution, width=4, align="edge") plotter.save_figure(fig, filename="age-distribution", title_text="Age distribution")
def plot_calibration_fit( plotter: Plotter, output_name: str, outputs: list, targets, is_logscale=False, ): fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() plot_calibration(axis, output_name, outputs, targets, is_logscale) if is_logscale: filename = f"calibration-fit-{output_name}-logscale" title_text = f"Calibration fit for {output_name} (logscale)" else: filename = f"calibration-fit-{output_name}" title_text = f"Calibration fit for {output_name}" plotter.save_figure(fig, filename=filename, title_text=title_text)
def plot_all_params_vs_loglike( plotter: Plotter, mcmc_tables: List[pd.DataFrame], mcmc_params: List[pd.DataFrame], burn_in: int, title_font_size: int, label_font_size: int, capitalise_first_letter: bool, dpi_request: int, ): # Except not the dispersion parameters - only the epidemiological ones parameters = [ param for param in mcmc_params[0].loc[:, "name"].unique().tolist() if "dispersion_param" not in param ] fig, axes, _, n_rows, n_cols, indices = plotter.get_figure( len(parameters), share_xaxis=False, share_yaxis=True) for i in range(n_rows * n_cols): axis = axes[indices[i][0], indices[i][1]] if i < len(parameters): param_name = parameters[i] plot_param_vs_loglike(mcmc_tables, mcmc_params, param_name, burn_in, axis) axis.set_title( get_plot_text_dict( param_name, capitalise_first_letter=capitalise_first_letter), fontsize=title_font_size, ) if indices[i][0] == n_rows - 1: x_label = "Iterations" if capitalise_first_letter else "iterations" axis.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=label_font_size) pyplot.setp(axis.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=label_font_size) pyplot.setp(axis.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=label_font_size) else: axis.axis("off") fig.tight_layout() plotter.save_figure(fig, filename=f"all_posteriors", dpi_request=dpi_request)
def plot_single_param_loglike( plotter: Plotter, mcmc_tables: List[pd.DataFrame], mcmc_params: List[pd.DataFrame], burn_in: int, param_name: str, ): """ Plots the loglikelihood against parameter values. """ fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() plot_param_vs_loglike(mcmc_tables, mcmc_params, param_name, burn_in, axis) axis.set_xlabel(param_name) axis.set_ylabel("-log(-loglikelihood)") plotter.save_figure( fig, filename=f"likelihood-against-{param_name}", title_text=f"likelihood against {param_name}", )
def plot_mcmc_parameter_trace(plotter: Plotter, mcmc_params: List[pd.DataFrame], burn_in: int, param_name: str): """ Plot the prameter traces for each MCMC run. """ fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() for idx, table_df in enumerate(mcmc_params): param_mask = table_df["name"] == param_name param_df = table_df[param_mask] axis.plot(param_df["run"], param_df["value"], alpha=0.8, linewidth=0.7) if burn_in > 0: axis.axvline(x=burn_in, color=COLOR_THEME[1], linestyle="dotted") axis.set_ylabel(param_name) axis.set_xlabel("MCMC iterations") plotter.save_figure(fig, filename=f"{param_name}-traces", title_text=f"{param_name}-traces")
def plot_multi_cdr_curves(plotter: Plotter, times, detected_proportions, start_date, end_date, rotation, regions): """ Plot multiple sets of CDR curves onto a multi-panel figure """ fig, axes, _, n_rows, n_cols, indices = plotter.get_figure( n_panels=len(regions)) # Loop over models and plot for i_region in range(n_rows * n_cols): axis = axes[indices[i_region][0], indices[i_region][1]] if i_region < len(regions): axis = plot_cdr_to_axis(axis, times, detected_proportions[i_region]) tidy_cdr_axis(axis, rotation, start_date, end_date) axis.set_title(get_plot_text_dict(regions[i_region])) else: axis.axis("off") fig.tight_layout() plotter.save_figure(fig, filename=f"multi_cdr_curves")
def plot_loglikelihood_trace(plotter: Plotter, mcmc_tables: List[pd.DataFrame], burn_in=0): """ Plot the loglikelihood traces for each MCMC run. """ fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() if len(mcmc_tables ) == 1: # there may be multiple chains within a single dataframe table_df = mcmc_tables[0] accept_mask = table_df["accept"] == 1 chain_idx = list(table_df["chain"].unique()) for chain_id in chain_idx: chain_mask = table_df["chain"] == chain_id masked_df = table_df[accept_mask][chain_mask] axis.plot(masked_df["run"], masked_df["loglikelihood"], alpha=0.8, linewidth=0.7) else: # there is one chain per dataframe for idx, table_df in enumerate(mcmc_tables): accept_mask = table_df["accept"] == 1 table_df[accept_mask].loglikelihood.plot.line(ax=axis, alpha=0.8, linewidth=0.7) axis.set_ylabel("Loglikelihood") axis.set_xlabel("MCMC iterations") if burn_in: axis.axvline(x=burn_in, color=COLOR_THEME[1], linestyle="dotted") y_min = min(table_df.loglikelihood[burn_in:]) y_max = max(table_df.loglikelihood[burn_in:]) axis.set_ylim( (y_min - 0.2 * (y_max - y_min), y_max + 0.2 * (y_max - y_min))) plotter.save_figure(fig, filename="loglikelihood-traces", title_text="loglikelihood-traces")
def plot_cdr_curves( plotter: Plotter, times, detected_proportion, end_date, rotation, start_date=1.0, alpha=1.0, line_width=0.7, ): """ Plot a single set of CDR curves to a one-panel figure """ fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() axis = plot_cdr_to_axis(axis, times, detected_proportion, alpha=alpha, line_width=line_width) axis.set_ylabel("proportion symptomatic cases detected") tidy_cdr_axis(axis, rotation, start_date, end_date) plotter.save_figure(fig, filename=f"cdr_curves")
def plot_outputs_multi( plotter: Plotter, scenarios: List[Scenario], output_config: dict, is_logscale=False, x_low=0.0, x_up=1e6, ): """ Plot the model derived/generated outputs requested by the user for multiple single scenarios, on one plot. """ fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() output_name = output_config["output_key"] import streamlit as st legend = [] for idx, scenario in enumerate(reversed(scenarios)): color_idx = len(scenarios) - idx - 1 _plot_outputs_to_axis(axis, scenario, output_name, color_idx=color_idx, alpha=0.7) legend.append( axis.legend(legend) values = output_config["values"] times = output_config["times"] _plot_targets_to_axis(axis, values, times) if is_logscale: axis.set_yscale("log") X_MIN = x_low X_MAX = x_up if X_MIN is not None and X_MAX is not None: axis.set_xlim((X_MIN, X_MAX)) plotter.save_figure(fig, filename=output_name, title_text=output_name)
def plot_multi_compartments_single_scenario( plotter: Plotter, scenario: Scenario, compartments: List[str], is_logscale=False ): """ Plot the selected output compartments for a single scenario. """ model = scenario.model times = model.times fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() legend = [] for color_idx, compartment_name in enumerate(reversed(compartments)): comp_idx = model.compartment_names.index(compartment_name) values = model.outputs[:, comp_idx] axis.plot(times, values, color=COLOR_THEME[color_idx], alpha=0.7) legend.append(compartment_name) if len(legend) < 10: axis.legend(legend) if is_logscale: axis.set_yscale("log") plotter.save_figure(fig, filename="compartments", title_text="compartments")
def plot_single_compartment_multi_scenario( plotter: Plotter, scenarios: List[Scenario], compartment_name: str, is_logscale=False, ): """ Plot the selected output compartment for a multiple scenarios. """ fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() legend = [] for color_idx, scenario in enumerate(scenarios): model = scenario.model comp_idx = model.compartment_names.index(compartment_name) values = model.outputs[:, comp_idx] axis.plot(model.times, values, color=COLOR_THEME[color_idx], alpha=0.7) legend.append( axis.legend(legend) if is_logscale: axis.set_yscale("log") plotter.save_figure(fig, filename=compartment_name, title_text=compartment_name)
def plot_multi_fit( plotter: Plotter, output_names: list, outputs: dict, targets, is_logscale=False, title_font_size=8, label_font_size=8, dpi_request=300, capitalise_first_letter=False, ): fig, axes, _, n_rows, n_cols, indices = plotter.get_figure( len(output_names), share_xaxis=True) for i_output in range(n_rows * n_cols): if i_output < len(output_names): output = output_names[i_output] axis = plot_calibration( axes[indices[i_output][0], indices[i_output][1]], output, outputs[output], targets, is_logscale, ) change_xaxis_to_date(axis, REF_DATE, rotation=0) axis.set_title( get_plot_text_dict( output, capitalise_first_letter=capitalise_first_letter), fontsize=title_font_size, ) filename = f"calibration-fit-{output}" else: axes[indices[i_output][0], indices[i_output][1]].axis("off") fig.tight_layout() plotter.save_figure(fig, filename=filename, dpi_request=dpi_request)
def plot_burn_in(plotter: Plotter, num_iters: int, burn_in: int): """ Plot the trade off been num iters and burn-in for MCMC runs. """ fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() def floor(n): val = num_iters - n return val if val > 0 else 0 values = [floor(i) for i in range(num_iters)] fig, axis, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure() axis.plot(values, color=COLOR_THEME[0]) axis.set_ylabel("Number iters after burn-in") axis.set_xlabel("Burn-in size") axis.set_ylim(bottom=-5, top=num_iters) axis.set_xlim(left=0, right=num_iters) axis.axvline(x=burn_in, color=COLOR_THEME[1], linestyle="dotted") axis.axhline(y=num_iters - burn_in, color=COLOR_THEME[1], linestyle="dotted") plotter.save_figure(fig, filename="burn-in", title_text="burn-in")
def plot_vic_seroprevalences( plotter: Plotter, uncertainty_df: pd.DataFrame, scenario_id: int, time: float, ref_date=REF_DATE, name="", requested_quantiles=None, credible_range=50, ): fig, axes, _, _, _, _ = plotter.get_figure(n_panels=2, share_yaxis="all") cluster_axis, age_axis = axes mask = (uncertainty_df["scenario"] == scenario_id) & (uncertainty_df["time"] == time) df = uncertainty_df[mask] quantile_vals = df["quantile"].unique().tolist() seroprevalence_by_cluster = {} sero_outputs = [ output for output in df["type"].unique().tolist() if "proportion_seropositiveXcluster_" in output ] max_value = -10.0 if len(sero_outputs) == 0: cluster_axis.text( 0.0, 0.5, "Cluster-specific seroprevalence outputs are not available for this run" ) else: for output in sero_outputs: output_mask = df["type"] == output cluster = output.split("proportion_seropositiveXcluster_")[1] seroprevalence_by_cluster[cluster] = {} for q in quantile_vals: q_mask = df["quantile"] == q seroprevalence_by_cluster[cluster][q] = [ 100.0 * v for v in df[output_mask][q_mask]["value"].tolist() ] q_keys = requested_quantiles if requested_quantiles else sorted( quantile_vals) num_quantiles = len(q_keys) half_length = num_quantiles // 2 cluster_names = [ get_plot_text_dict(i.split("proportion_seropositiveXcluster_")[1]) for i in sero_outputs ] lower_q_key = (100.0 - credible_range) / 100.0 / 2.0 upper_q_key = 1.0 - lower_q_key x_positions = range(len(seroprevalence_by_cluster)) for i, cluster in enumerate(list(seroprevalence_by_cluster.keys())): cluster_axis.plot( [x_positions[i], x_positions[i]], [ seroprevalence_by_cluster[cluster][lower_q_key], seroprevalence_by_cluster[cluster][upper_q_key], ], "-", color="black", lw=1.0, ) cluster_axis.set_xticklabels(cluster_names, fontsize=10, rotation=90) max_value = max(max_value, seroprevalence_by_cluster[cluster][upper_q_key][0]) if num_quantiles % 2: q_key = q_keys[half_length] label = None if i > 0 else "model" cluster_axis.plot( x_positions[i], seroprevalence_by_cluster[cluster][q_key], "o", color="black", markersize=4, label=label, ) cluster_axis.xaxis.set_ticks(x_positions) cluster_axis.set_ylim(bottom=0.0) cluster_axis.set_ylabel("% previously infected", fontsize=13) _date = ref_date + datetime.timedelta(days=time) axis, max_value, df, seroprevalence_by_age = plot_age_seroprev_to_axis( uncertainty_df, scenario_id, time, age_axis, requested_quantiles, ref_date, name, add_date_as_title=False, add_ylabel=False, ) plotter.save_figure(fig, filename="sero_by_cluster", subdir="outputs", title_text="") overall_seropos_estimates = df[df["type"] == "proportion_seropositive"][[ "quantile", "value" ]].set_index("quantile") return max_value, seroprevalence_by_cluster, overall_seropos_estimates
def plot_multicountry_timeseries_with_uncertainty( plotter: Plotter, uncertainty_df: list, output_name: str, scenarios: list, all_targets: dict, regions: dict, is_logscale=False, x_low=0.0, x_up=2000.0, n_xticks=None, title_font_size=12, label_font_size=10, ):"ggplot") max_n_col = 2 n_panels = len(regions) n_cols = min(max_n_col, n_panels) n_rows = ceil(n_panels / max_n_col) fig = pyplot.figure(constrained_layout=True, figsize=(n_cols * 7, n_rows * 5)) # (w, h) spec = fig.add_gridspec(ncols=n_cols, nrows=n_rows) i_row, i_col = 0, 0 for i_region, region in regions.items(): targets = { k: v for k, v in all_targets[i_region].items() if v["output_key"] == output_name } ax = fig.add_subplot(spec[i_row, i_col]) plot_timeseries_with_uncertainty( plotter, uncertainty_df[i_region], output_name, scenarios, targets, is_logscale, x_low, x_up, ax, n_xticks, title_font_size=title_font_size, label_font_size=label_font_size, ) # Uncomment the following code for the custom titles for the Philippines application plot # if i_region == 0: # ax.set_title("MHS incorporated", fontsize=title_font_size) # elif i_region == 1: # ax.set_title("MHS not incorporated", fontsize=title_font_size) ax.set_title(region, fontsize=title_font_size) i_col += 1 if i_col == max_n_col: i_col = 0 i_row += 1 plotter.save_figure(fig, filename="multi_uncertainty", subdir="outputs", title_text="")