    def _execute_work_order(self, input_json_str, ext_data=""):
        Submits request to KME and retrieves the response

        Parameters :
            @param input_json_str - A JSON formatted str of the request
            @param ext_data - Extended data to pass to trusted code
        Returns :
            @returns json_response - A JSON formatted str of the response
                                     received from the enclave
            logger.info("Request sent to enclave %s", input_json_str)
            wo_request = work_order_request.SgxWorkOrderRequest(
                EnclaveType.KME, input_json_str, ext_data)
            wo_response = wo_request.execute()
            logger.info("_execute_work_order Done")
                json_response = json.dumps(wo_response, indent=4)
                logger.info("Response from enclave %s", json_response)
            except Exception as err:
                logger.error("ERROR: Failed to serialize JSON; %s", str(err))

        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("failed to execute work order; %s", str(e))
            wo_response = dict()
            wo_response["error"] = dict()
            wo_response["error"]["code"] = WorkOrderStatus.FAILED
            wo_response["error"]["message"] = str(e)
            json_response = json.dumps(wo_response, indent=4)

        return json_response
    def _execute_wo_in_trusted_enclave(self, input_json_str):
        Submits workorder request to Worker enclave and retrieves the response

        Parameters :
            input_json_str - A JSON formatted str of the request to execute
        Returns :
            json_response - A JSON response received from the enclave. Errors
                            are also wrapped in a JSON str if exceptions have
            pre_proc_output = self._wpe_requester\
                .preprocess_work_order(input_json_str, self.encryption_key)
            if "error" in pre_proc_output:
                # If error in preprocessing response, skip workorder processing
                logger.error("Failed to preprocess at WPE enclave manager.")
                return pre_proc_output

            wo_request = work_order_request.SgxWorkOrderRequest(
                EnclaveType.WPE, input_json_str, pre_proc_output)
            wo_response = wo_request.execute()
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("failed to execute work order; %s", str(e))
            wo_response = dict()
            wo_response["error"] = dict()
            wo_response["error"]["code"] = WorkOrderStatus.FAILED
            wo_response["error"]["message"] = str(e)
            logger.info("unknown enclave type response = %s", wo_response)
        return wo_response
    def _execute_work_order(self, input_json_str, ext_data=""):
        Submits request to KME and retrieves the response

        Parameters :
            @param input_json_str - A JSON formatted str of the request
            @param ext_data - Extended data to pass to trusted code
        Returns :
            @returns json_response - A JSON formatted str of the response
                                     received from the enclave
            logger.info("Request sent to enclave %s", input_json_str)
            wo_request = work_order_request.SgxWorkOrderRequest(
                self._config["EnclaveModule"], input_json_str, ext_data)
            wo_response = wo_request.execute()
                json_response = json.dumps(wo_response, indent=4)
                logger.info("Response from enclave %s", json_response)
            except Exception as err:
                logger.error("ERROR: Failed to serialize JSON; %s", str(err))

        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("failed to execute work order; %s", str(e))

        return json_response
    def _execute_work_order(self, input_json_str):
        Submits workorder request to Worker enclave and retrieves the response

        Parameters :
            input_json_str - A JSON formatted str of the request to execute
        Returns :
            json_response - A JSON formatted str of the response received from
                            the enclave. Errors are also wrapped in a JSON str
                            if exceptions have occurred.
        wo_response = dict()
            wo_request = work_order_request.SgxWorkOrderRequest(
                self._config, input_json_str)
            wo_response = wo_request.execute()

                json_response = json.dumps(wo_response, indent=4)
            except Exception as err:
                wo_response["Response"] = dict()
                logger.error("ERROR: Failed to serialize JSON; %s", str(err))
                wo_response["Response"]["Status"] = WorkOrderStatus.FAILED
                wo_response["Response"]["Message"] = "Failed to serialize JSON"
                json_response = json.dumps(wo_response)

        except Exception as e:
            wo_response["Response"] = dict()
            logger.error("failed to execute work order; %s", str(e))
            wo_response["Response"]["Status"] = WorkOrderStatus.FAILED
            wo_response["Response"]["Message"] = str(e)
            json_response = json.dumps(wo_response)

        return json_response
    def _send_wo_to_process(self, input_json_str, pre_proc_output):
        Send work order request to be processed within enclave.

        Parameters :
            input_json_str - A JSON formatted str of the request to execute
            pre_proc_output - Preprocessing outcome of the work-order request
        Returns :
            response - Response as received after work-order execution
        wo_request = work_order_request.SgxWorkOrderRequest(
            EnclaveType.WPE, input_json_str, pre_proc_output)
        return wo_request.execute()
    def _execute_wo_in_trusted_enclave(self, input_json_str):
        Submits workorder request to Worker enclave and retrieves the response

        Parameters :
            input_json_str - A JSON formatted str of the request to execute
        Returns :
            json_response - A JSON formatted str of the response received from
                            the enclave. Errors are also wrapped in a JSON str
                            if exceptions have occurred.
        wo_request = work_order_request.SgxWorkOrderRequest(
            self._config, input_json_str)
        return wo_request.execute()
    def _execute_wo_in_trusted_enclave(self, input_json_str):
        Submits workorder request to Worker enclave and retrieves the response

        Parameters :
            input_json_str - A JSON formatted str of the request to execute
        Returns :
            json_response - A JSON formatted str of the response received from
                            the enclave. Errors are also wrapped in a JSON str
                            if exceptions have occurred.
            wo_request = work_order_request.SgxWorkOrderRequest(
                EnclaveType.SINGLETON, input_json_str)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception('Failed to initialize SgxWorkOrderRequest; %s',
        return wo_request.execute()
    def _execute_wo_in_trusted_enclave(self, input_json_str):
        Submits workorder request to Worker enclave and retrieves the response

        Parameters :
            input_json_str - A JSON formatted str of the request to execute
        Returns :
            json_response - A JSON response received from the enclave. Errors
                            are also wrapped in a JSON str if exceptions have
        pre_proc_output = self._wpe_requester\
            .preprocess_work_order(input_json_str, self.encryption_key)
        if "error" in pre_proc_output:
            # If error in preprocessing response, skip workorder processing
            logger.error("Failed to preprocess at WPE enclave manager.")
            return pre_proc_output

        wo_request = work_order_request.SgxWorkOrderRequest(
            self._config.get("EnclaveModule"), input_json_str, pre_proc_output)
        return wo_request.execute()
def execute_work_order(enclave_data, input_json_str, indent=4):
    Submits workorder request to Worker enclave and retrieves the response
        wo_request = work_order_request.SgxWorkOrderRequest(
            enclave_data, input_json_str)
        wo_response = wo_request.execute()

            json_response = json.dumps(wo_response, indent=indent)
        except Exception as err:
            logger.error("ERROR: Failed to serialize JSON; %s", str(err))
            wo_response["Response"]["Status"] = WorkOrderStatus.FAILED
            wo_response["Response"]["Message"] = "Failed to serialize JSON"
            json_response = json.dumps(wo_response)

    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("failed to execute work order; %s", str(e))
        wo_response["Response"]["Status"] = WorkOrderStatus.FAILED
        wo_response["Response"]["Message"] = str(e)
        json_response = json.dumps(wo_response)

    return json_response