def outFilteredData(dataList, cyc):

    filDataList = []
    for data in dataList:
        filData = avgFilter(data, cyc)
    return filDataList
def outageFn(dataFileName, tFileName, eventFileName, classInd):
    # use this function to get any sort of data from outage events

    # file objects
    eventList = []
    with open(eventFileName, 'r') as f:
        fileLines ='\n')
        for line in fileLines[1:]:
            if line == '':

    dataFileName = open(
        'rb')  # 'wb' needed to avoid blank space in between lines
    tFileName = open(tFileName, 'rb')

    vReader = csv.reader(dataFileName, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC
                         )  # 'wb' needed to avoid blank space in between lines

    tReader = csv.reader(tFileName, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)

    tme = [row for idx, row in enumerate(tReader) if idx == 0][0]

    listOut = []
    # get the voltage data (and simulate balanced three phase)
    for idx, row in enumerate(vReader):
        eventKey = eventList[idx]
        eventKeyWords = eventKey.split('/')
        currentbus = eventKeyWords[2][1:].strip()

        if currentbus in PMUBuses:
            # add some noise to the outputs
            row = np.array(row) + np.random.normal(
                0, std,
                len(row))  # normal noise with standard deviation of std
            # pass the input through a 6 cycle average filter
            row = avgFilter(row, numcyc)


            for i in range(shiftRange):
                currentList = []
                for bs in range(3):  # simulate three phase
                    for v in row[startind - i:endind - i]:


    eventoutArray = np.array(listOut)
    eventoutTarget = np.array([classInd] * eventoutArray.shape[0])
    # close all files

    return eventoutArray, eventoutTarget
def spike(startTime, endTime, originalSignal, spikeHeight):

    #startTime = 1000
    #endTime = 1001

    # calculate the starting sample and the number of samples needed
    distStart = startTime * 30
    distEnd = endTime * 30
    distSamples = int((distEnd - distStart))

    #numSineWaves = 100
    numSineWaves = 20  # number to sine waves to add to get the final timeseries during the dip
    #dropV = 0.01 # drop in the voltage
    #dropVariance = 0.125 # ratio of variance wrt drop
    dropVariance = 0.5  # ratio of max variance of the sine waves with respect to drop
    frequencyRange = np.linspace(1, 5, 10)
    #frequencyRange = np.linspace(1,20,10)
    #frequencyRange = np.linspace(1,100,10)

    #dist = np.zeros(distSamples)
    #dist = dist - dropV
    spike = np.zeros(distSamples)
    for i in range(numSineWaves):

        freq = random.choice(frequencyRange)
        Fs = distSamples  # sampling frquency
        #sample = 50
        s = np.arange(distSamples)
        y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * freq * s / Fs)
        spike += y

    #waveRange = spike.max() - spike.min()
    spike = spike / spike.max() * spikeHeight
    z = np.zeros(originalSignal.shape[0])
    z[distStart:distStart + spike.shape[0]] = spike
    # apply smoothing on the disturbance and noise
    z = np.array(avgFilter(z, 6))
    z += np.random.normal(0, 0.001, z.shape[0])
    newSignal = originalSignal + z
    return newSignal
print 'Organizing all the data into arrays for the classifier'
for idx, row in enumerate(readerV):
    eventKey = eventList[idx]
    eventKeyWords = eventKey.split('/')
    PL = eventKeyWords[0][1:].strip()
    faultbus = eventKeyWords[1][1:].strip()
    currentbus = eventKeyWords[2][1:].strip()
    faulttype = eventKeyWords[3].strip()
    phase = eventKeyWords[4].strip()
    faultZ = eventKeyWords[5].strip()
    condensedKey = 'R{}/F{}/B{}/{}/{}'.format(PL, faultbus, currentbus,
                                              faulttype, faultZ)

    # pass the input through a 6 cycle average filter
    row = avgFilter(row, numcyc)
    # add some noise to the outputs
    row = np.array(row) + np.random.normal(
        0, std, len(row))  # normal noise with standard deviation of std

    # only get the data if a PMU has been randomly placed at that bus
    if currentbus in PMUBuses and faultbus != currentbus:

        if phase == 'A':
            if faulttype == 'ABCG':
                for i in range(shiftRange):
                    condensedKey += 'S{}'.format(i)
                    list3PHA.append(row[startind - i:endind - i])
EventDict = {}
SignalDict = {}
for idx, row in enumerate(readerV):
    eventKey = eventList[idx]
    eventKeyWords = eventKey.split('/')
    PL = eventKeyWords[0][1:].strip()
    faultbus = eventKeyWords[1][1:].strip()
    currentbus = eventKeyWords[2][1:].strip()
    faulttype = eventKeyWords[3].strip()
    phase = eventKeyWords[4].strip()
    faultZ = eventKeyWords[5].strip()
    eventID = 'R{}/F{}/{}/{}'.format(PL, faultbus, faulttype, faultZ)

    # implement 6 cycle filter and smoothing
    row = avgFilter(row, 6)
    row = np.array(row) + np.random.normal(
        0, std, len(row))  # normal noise with standard deviation of std
    if eventID not in EventDict:
        EventDict[eventID] = Signals()
    EventDict[eventID].SignalDict['B{}/{}'.format(currentbus, phase)] = row

# arrange all the fault event data into rows sequentially

AllEventList = []
targetList = []
for event in EventDict:
    s = EventDict[event].SignalDict
    # get the event class
    eventKeyWords = event.split('/')
    faulttype = eventKeyWords[2].strip()
eventTargetSLGA = []  # targets for all the single phase fault data at phase A
eventTargetSLGB = []  # SLG phase B
eventTargetSLGC = []  # SLG phase C
print 'Organizing all the data into arrays for the classifier'
for idx, row in enumerate(readerV):
    eventKey = eventList[idx]
    eventKeyWords = eventKey.split('/')
    PL = eventKeyWords[0][1:].strip()
    faultbus = eventKeyWords[1][1:].strip()
    currentbus = eventKeyWords[2][1:].strip()
    faulttype = eventKeyWords[3].strip()
    phase = eventKeyWords[4].strip()
    faultZ = eventKeyWords[5].strip()
    condensedKey = 'R{}/F{}/B{}/{}/{}'.format(PL, faultbus, currentbus,
                                              faulttype, faultZ)
    rowFil = avgFilter(row, 6)
    if phase == 'A':
        if faulttype == 'ABCG':
                rowFil[faultonind:faultoffind])  # 6 cycle filter
            #listSteadyA.append(row[:faultonind-1]) # isolate the steady state part
            steadyKey = condensedKey + '/steady'
            if currentbus == faultbus:
                eventTarget3ph.append(0)  # three phase fault

        elif faulttype == 'AG':

EventDict = {}
SignalDict = {}
for idx, row in enumerate(readerV):
    eventKey = eventList[idx]
    eventKeyWords = eventKey.split('/')
    PL = eventKeyWords[0][1:].strip()
    faultbus = eventKeyWords[1][1:].strip()
    currentbus = eventKeyWords[2][1:].strip()
    faulttype = eventKeyWords[3].strip()
    phase = eventKeyWords[4].strip()
    faultZ = eventKeyWords[5].strip()

    # pass the input through a 6 cycle average filter
    out = avgFilter(row, 6)
    # add some noise to the outputs
    out = np.array(out) + np.random.normal(
        0, 0.01, len(out))  # normal noise with standard deviation of 0.01

    # ignore all faults with relatively high impedance
    #if float(faultZ) > 0.5e-2:
    #    continue
    eventID = 'R{}/F{}/{}/{}'.format(PL, faultbus, faulttype, faultZ)
    if eventID not in EventDict:
        EventDict[eventID] = Signals()
    EventDict[eventID].SignalDict['B{}/{}'.format(currentbus, phase)] = out

# arrange all the fault event data into rows sequentially

AllEventList = []
precontvolt = genoutSample[0]
genoutSample += (1.0 - precontvolt)
sampleLength = genoutSample.shape[0]
# add noise
genoutSample += np.random.normal(0, 0.001, genoutSample.shape[0])
# add smoothing
#genoutSample = avgFilter(genoutSample,6)

startTime = 4000
startSample = startTime * 30

newV[startSample:startSample + sampleLength] = genoutSample
endSample = startSample + sampleLength
# try to smooth the transition
transitionWindow = newV[startSample - 1000:endSample + 1000]
transitionWindow = np.array(avgFilter(transitionWindow, 100))
transitionWindow += np.random.normal(0, 0.001, transitionWindow.shape[0])
#newV[startSample-1000:endSample+1000] = transitionWindow
newV[endSample:endSample + 1000] = transitionWindow[
    -1000:]  # only incorporate the transition after the event ends

# plt.plot(t,newV)
# plt.grid()
# plt.ylim(0.2,1.1)

### add line outage data
LineOutDict = {}
lineOutDir = 'G:/My Drive/My PhD research/Running TS3ph/LineOut'
vFileName = '{}/vLineOut.csv'.format(
for idx, row in enumerate(readerT):
    tDict[idx] = row

for idx, row in enumerate(readerV):
    vDict[idx] = row

croppedV = []
for idx in tDict:
    t = tDict[idx]
    startInd =  min([ind for ind, val in enumerate(t) if val >=startTime])
    endInd = startInd + numSamples
    v = vDict[idx]

    # add noise and smoothing
    # pass the input through a 6 cycle average filter
    v = avgFilter(v,numcyc)
    # add some noise to the outputs
    v = np.array(v) + np.random.normal(0,std,len(v)) # normal noise with standard deviation of std

    for ts in range(shiftRange):
        lst = []
        for rep in range(3):
            for val in v[startInd-ts:endInd-ts]:

mStartArray = np.array(croppedV)

for i in range(5):
condensedEventKeySteady = []
#condensedset = set()
eventTarget3ph = []  # targets for all the 3 ph fault data
eventTargetSLGA = []  # targets for all the single phase fault data at phase A
eventTargetSLGB = []  # SLG phase B
eventTargetSLGC = []  # SLG phase C
for idx, row in enumerate(readerV):
    eventKey = eventList[idx]
    eventKeyWords = eventKey.split('/')
    PL = eventKeyWords[0][1:].strip()
    faultbus = eventKeyWords[1][1:].strip()
    currentbus = eventKeyWords[2][1:].strip()
    faulttype = eventKeyWords[3].strip()
    phase = eventKeyWords[-1].strip()
    condensedKey = 'R{}/F{}/B{}/{}'.format(PL, faultbus, currentbus, faulttype)
    rowFil = avgFilter(row, 6)
    if phase == 'A':
        if faulttype == 'ABCG':
                rowFil[faultonind:faultoffind])  # 6 cycle filter
            listSteadyA.append(row[:faultonind -
                                   1])  # isolate the steady state part
            steadyKey = condensedKey + '/steady'
            if currentbus == faultbus:  # 3 phase fault at current bus
            else:  # three phase fault at different bus
def outageFn(dataFileName, tFileName, eventFileName, classInd, eventPrefix):
    # use this function to get any sort of data from outage events
    EventDict = {}
    # file objects
    eventList = []
    with open(eventFileName, 'r') as f:
        fileLines ='\n')
        for line in fileLines[1:]:
            if line == '':

    dataFileName = open(
        'rb')  # 'wb' needed to avoid blank space in between lines
    tFileName = open(tFileName, 'rb')

    dataReader = csv.reader(
        dataFileName, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC
    )  # 'wb' needed to avoid blank space in between lines
    tReader = csv.reader(tFileName, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)

    tme = [row for idx, row in enumerate(tReader) if idx == 0][0]

    # make a dictionary where each key corresponds to all measurements available for the event
    for idx, row in enumerate(dataReader):
        eventKey = eventList[idx]
        eventKeyWords = eventKey.split('/')
        PL = eventKeyWords[0][1:].strip()
        stuffout = eventKeyWords[1][1:].strip()
        currentbus = eventKeyWords[2][1:].strip()

        if currentbus in PMUBuses:
            # add some noise to the outputs
            row = np.array(row) + np.random.normal(
                0, std,
                len(row))  # normal noise with standard deviation of std
            # pass the input through a 6 cycle average filter
            row = avgFilter(row, numcyc)

            eventID = 'R{}/{}{}'.format(PL, eventPrefix, stuffout)
            if eventID not in EventDict:
                EventDict[eventID] = []

            for bs in range(3):  # simulate three phase
                for v in row[startind:endind]:

    # now make an array out of the dictionary keys
    EventList = []
    for event in EventDict:

    EventArray = np.array(EventList)

    targetArray = np.array([classInd] * (EventArray.shape[0]))
    return EventArray, targetArray
frequencyRange = np.linspace(1, 5, 10)
distSamples = 1000
dist = np.zeros(distSamples)
dist = dist - suddendrop
wave = np.zeros(distSamples)
for i in range(numSineWaves):

    freq = random.choice(frequencyRange)
    Fs = distSamples  # sampling frquency
    #sample = 50
    s = np.arange(distSamples)
    y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * freq * s / Fs)
    wave += y

waveRange = wave.max() - wave.min()
wave = wave / waveRange * suddendrop * dropVariance
dist += wave
# plt.plot(signal/signal.max()*0.2)
# plt.grid()

z[5000:5000 + dist.shape[0]] = dist

a = x + z
a = np.array(avgFilter(a, 100))
a += np.random.normal(0, 0.001, a.shape[0])
plt.ylim(0.75, 1.1)