def load_samples(self, indices): """ Loads input-output data for a set of samples. Should only be called when a particular sample dict is required. Otherwise, samples should be provided by the next_batch function Args: indices: A list of sample indices from the dataset.sample_list to be loaded Return: samples: a list of data sample dicts """ sample_dicts = [] for sample_idx in indices: sample = self.sample_list[sample_idx] sample_name = # Only read labels if they exist if self.has_labels: # Read mini batch first to see if it is empty anchors_info = self.get_anchors_info(sample_name) label_score_2d_path = self.get_score_2d_path(sample_name) with open(label_score_2d_path, 'rb') as file: label_score_2d = np.load(file) file.close() #label_score_2d = np.zeros((12, 39, 2)) if (not anchors_info) and self.train_val_test == 'train' \ and (not self.train_on_all_samples): empty_sample_dict = { constants.KEY_SAMPLE_NAME: sample_name, constants.KEY_ANCHORS_INFO: anchors_info } return [empty_sample_dict] obj_labels = obj_utils.read_labels(self.label_dir, int(sample_name)) # Only use objects that match dataset classes obj_labels = self.kitti_utils.filter_labels(obj_labels) else: obj_labels = None anchors_info = [] label_anchors = np.zeros((1, 6)) label_boxes_3d = np.zeros((1, 7)) label_classes = np.zeros(1) label_score_2d = np.zeros((12, 39, 2)) img_idx = int(sample_name) # Load image (BGR -> RGB) cv_bgr_image = cv2.imread(self.get_rgb_image_path(sample_name)) rgb_image = cv_bgr_image[..., ::-1] image_shape = rgb_image.shape[0:2] image_input = rgb_image cv_bgr_image_r = cv2.imread(self.get_rgb_image_r_path(sample_name)) rgb_image_r = cv_bgr_image_r[..., ::-1] image_r_input = rgb_image_r image_r_shape = rgb_image_r.shape[0:2] # Get ground plane ground_plane = obj_utils.get_road_plane(int(sample_name), self.planes_dir) # Get calibration stereo_calib_p2 = calib_utils.read_calibration( self.calib_dir, int(sample_name)).p2 stereo_calib_p3 = calib_utils.read_calibration( self.calib_dir, int(sample_name)).p3 """ point_cloud = self.kitti_utils.get_point_cloud(self.bev_source, img_idx, image_shape) """ # Augmentation (Flipping) """ if kitti_aug.AUG_FLIPPING in sample.augs: image_input = kitti_aug.flip_image(image_input) image_r_input = kitti_aug.flip_image(image_r_input) image_input, image_r_input = image_r_input, image_input #ipoint_cloud = kitti_aug.flip_point_cloud(point_cloud) obj_labels = [kitti_aug.flip_label_in_3d_only(obj) for obj in obj_labels] ground_plane = kitti_aug.flip_ground_plane(ground_plane) stereo_calib_p2 = kitti_aug.flip_stereo_calib_p2( stereo_calib_p2, image_shape) stereo_calib_p3 = kitti_aug.flip_stereo_calib_p2( stereo_calib_p3, image_r_shape) stereo_calib_p2, stereo_calib_p3 = stereo_calib_p3, stereo_calib_p2 """ # Augmentation (Image Jitter) if kitti_aug.AUG_PCA_JITTER in sample.augs: #print('Jittering') image_input[:, :, 0:3] = kitti_aug.apply_pca_jitter(image_input[:, :, 0:3]) image_r_input[:, :, 0:3] = kitti_aug.apply_pca_jitter( image_r_input[:, :, 0:3]) if obj_labels is not None: label_boxes_3d = np.asarray([ box_3d_encoder.object_label_to_box_3d(obj_label) for obj_label in obj_labels ]) label_classes = [ self.kitti_utils.class_str_to_index(obj_label.type) for obj_label in obj_labels ] label_classes = np.asarray(label_classes, dtype=np.int32) # Return empty anchors_info if no ground truth after filtering if len(label_boxes_3d) == 0: anchors_info = [] if self.train_on_all_samples: # If training without any positive labels, we cannot # set these to zeros, because later on the offset calc # uses log on these anchors. So setting any arbitrary # number here that does not break the offset calculation # should work, since the negative samples won't be # regressed in any case. dummy_anchors = [[-1000, -1000, -1000, 1, 1, 1]] label_anchors = np.asarray(dummy_anchors) dummy_boxes = [[-1000, -1000, -1000, 1, 1, 1, 0]] label_boxes_3d = np.asarray(dummy_boxes) else: label_anchors = np.zeros((1, 6)) label_boxes_3d = np.zeros((1, 7)) label_classes = np.zeros(1) else: label_anchors = box_3d_encoder.box_3d_to_anchor( label_boxes_3d, ortho_rotate=True) # Create BEV maps """ bev_images = self.kitti_utils.create_bev_maps( point_cloud, ground_plane) height_maps = bev_images.get('height_maps') density_map = bev_images.get('density_map') bev_input = np.dstack((*height_maps, density_map)) """ sample_dict = { constants.KEY_LABEL_BOXES_3D: label_boxes_3d, constants.KEY_LABEL_ANCHORS: label_anchors, constants.KEY_LABEL_CLASSES: label_classes, constants.KEY_LABEL_SCORE_2D: label_score_2d, constants.KEY_IMAGE_INPUT: image_input, constants.KEY_IMAGE_R_INPUT: image_r_input, #constants.KEY_BEV_INPUT: bev_input, constants.KEY_ANCHORS_INFO: anchors_info, #constants.KEY_POINT_CLOUD: point_cloud, constants.KEY_GROUND_PLANE: ground_plane, constants.KEY_STEREO_CALIB_P2: stereo_calib_p2, constants.KEY_STEREO_CALIB_P3: stereo_calib_p3, constants.KEY_SAMPLE_NAME: sample_name, constants.KEY_SAMPLE_AUGS: sample.augs } sample_dicts.append(sample_dict) return sample_dicts
def load_samples(self, indices): """ Loads input-output data for a set of samples. Should only be called when a particular sample dict is required. Otherwise, samples should be provided by the next_batch function Args: indices: A list of sample indices from the dataset.sample_list to be loaded Return: samples: a list of data sample dicts """ sample_dicts = [] for sample_idx in indices: sample = self.sample_list[sample_idx] sample_name = # Only read labels if they exist if self.has_labels: # Read mini batch first to see if it is empty anchors_info = self.get_anchors_info(sample_name) if (not anchors_info) and self.train_val_test == 'train' \ and (not self.train_on_all_samples): empty_sample_dict = { constants.KEY_SAMPLE_NAME: sample_name, constants.KEY_ANCHORS_INFO: anchors_info } return [empty_sample_dict] obj_labels = obj_utils.read_labels(self.label_dir, int(sample_name)) # Only use objects that match dataset classes obj_labels = self.kitti_utils.filter_labels(obj_labels) else: obj_labels = None anchors_info = [] label_anchors = np.zeros((1, 6)) label_boxes_3d = np.zeros((1, 7)) label_classes = np.zeros(1) img_idx = int(sample_name) # Load image (BGR -> RGB) cv_bgr_image = cv2.imread(self.get_rgb_image_path(sample_name)) rgb_image = cv_bgr_image[..., ::-1] image_shape = rgb_image.shape[0:2] image_input = rgb_image # Get ground plane ground_plane = obj_utils.get_road_plane(int(sample_name), self.planes_dir) # Get calibration stereo_calib = calib_utils.read_calibration( self.calib_dir, int(sample_name)) stereo_calib_p2 = stereo_calib.p2 point_cloud = self.kitti_utils.get_point_cloud( self.bev_source, img_idx, image_shape) # Augmentation (Flipping) # WZN: the flipping augmentation flips both image(in camera frame), pointcloud (in Lidar frame), and calibration #matrix(between cam and Lidar) so the correspondence is still true. if kitti_aug.AUG_FLIPPING in sample.augs: image_input = kitti_aug.flip_image(image_input) point_cloud = kitti_aug.flip_point_cloud(point_cloud) obj_labels = [ kitti_aug.flip_label_in_3d_only(obj) for obj in obj_labels ] ground_plane = kitti_aug.flip_ground_plane(ground_plane) stereo_calib_p2 = kitti_aug.flip_stereo_calib_p2( stereo_calib_p2, image_shape) # Augmentation (Image Jitter) if kitti_aug.AUG_PCA_JITTER in sample.augs: image_input[:, :, 0:3] = kitti_aug.apply_pca_jitter(image_input[:, :, 0:3]) if obj_labels is not None: label_boxes_3d = np.asarray([ box_3d_encoder.object_label_to_box_3d(obj_label) for obj_label in obj_labels ]) label_classes = [ self.kitti_utils.class_str_to_index(obj_label.type) for obj_label in obj_labels ] label_classes = np.asarray(label_classes, dtype=np.int32) # Return empty anchors_info if no ground truth after filtering if len(label_boxes_3d) == 0: anchors_info = [] if self.train_on_all_samples: # If training without any positive labels, we cannot # set these to zeros, because later on the offset calc # uses log on these anchors. So setting any arbitrary # number here that does not break the offset calculation # should work, since the negative samples won't be # regressed in any case. dummy_anchors = [[-1000, -1000, -1000, 1, 1, 1]] label_anchors = np.asarray(dummy_anchors) dummy_boxes = [[-1000, -1000, -1000, 1, 1, 1, 0]] label_boxes_3d = np.asarray(dummy_boxes) else: label_anchors = np.zeros((1, 6)) label_boxes_3d = np.zeros((1, 7)) label_classes = np.zeros(1) else: label_anchors = box_3d_encoder.box_3d_to_anchor( label_boxes_3d, ortho_rotate=True) # Create BEV maps bev_images = self.kitti_utils.create_bev_maps( point_cloud, ground_plane, output_indices=self.output_indices) #WZN produce input for sparse pooling if self.output_indices: voxel_indices = bev_images[1] pts_in_voxel = bev_images[2] bev_images = bev_images[0] height_maps = bev_images.get('height_maps') density_map = bev_images.get('density_map') bev_input = np.dstack((*height_maps, density_map)) #import pdb #pdb.set_trace() #WZN produce input for sparse pooling if self.output_indices: sparse_pooling_input1 = produce_sparse_pooling_input( gen_sparse_pooling_input_avod( pts_in_voxel, voxel_indices, stereo_calib, [image_shape[1], image_shape[0]], bev_input.shape[0:2]), stride=[1, 1]) #WZN: Note here avod padded the vgg input by 4, so add it bev_input_padded = np.copy(bev_input.shape[0:2]) bev_input_padded[0] = bev_input_padded[0] + 4 sparse_pooling_input2 = produce_sparse_pooling_input( gen_sparse_pooling_input_avod( pts_in_voxel, voxel_indices, stereo_calib, [image_shape[1], image_shape[0]], bev_input_padded), stride=[8, 8]) sparse_pooling_input = [ sparse_pooling_input1, sparse_pooling_input2 ] else: sparse_pooling_input = None sample_dict = { constants.KEY_LABEL_BOXES_3D: label_boxes_3d, constants.KEY_LABEL_ANCHORS: label_anchors, constants.KEY_LABEL_CLASSES: label_classes, constants.KEY_IMAGE_INPUT: image_input, constants.KEY_BEV_INPUT: bev_input, #WZN: for sparse pooling constants.KEY_SPARSE_POOLING_INPUT: sparse_pooling_input, constants.KEY_ANCHORS_INFO: anchors_info, constants.KEY_POINT_CLOUD: point_cloud, constants.KEY_GROUND_PLANE: ground_plane, constants.KEY_STEREO_CALIB_P2: stereo_calib_p2, constants.KEY_SAMPLE_NAME: sample_name, constants.KEY_SAMPLE_AUGS: sample.augs } sample_dicts.append(sample_dict) return sample_dicts
def load_samples_from_file(self, image_path, lidar_path, calib_dir): """ Loads input-output data for a set of samples. Should only be called when a particular sample dict is required. Otherwise, samples should be provided by the next_batch function Args: indices: A list of sample indices from the dataset.sample_list to be loaded Return: samples: a list of data sample dicts """ sample_dicts = [] sample = self.sample_list[0] sample_name = obj_labels = None anchors_info = [] label_anchors = np.zeros((1, 6)) label_boxes_3d = np.zeros((1, 7)) label_classes = np.zeros(1) # Load image (BGR -> RGB) cv_bgr_image = cv2.imread(image_path) rgb_image = cv_bgr_image[..., ::-1] image_shape = rgb_image.shape[0:2] image_input = rgb_image # Get ground plane ground_plane = obj_utils.get_road_plane_from_file(calib_dir) # Get calibration stereo_calib = calib_utils.read_raw_calibration(calib_dir) stereo_calib_p2 = stereo_calib.p2 point_cloud = self.kitti_utils.get_point_cloud_from_file( self.bev_source, stereo_calib, lidar_path, image_shape) # Augmentation (Flipping) if kitti_aug.AUG_FLIPPING in sample.augs: image_input = kitti_aug.flip_image(image_input) point_cloud = kitti_aug.flip_point_cloud(point_cloud) obj_labels = [ kitti_aug.flip_label_in_3d_only(obj) for obj in obj_labels ] ground_plane = kitti_aug.flip_ground_plane(ground_plane) stereo_calib_p2 = kitti_aug.flip_stereo_calib_p2( stereo_calib_p2, image_shape) # Augmentation (Image Jitter) if kitti_aug.AUG_PCA_JITTER in sample.augs: image_input[:, :, 0:3] = kitti_aug.apply_pca_jitter(image_input[:, :, 0:3]) if obj_labels is not None: label_boxes_3d = np.asarray([ box_3d_encoder.object_label_to_box_3d(obj_label) for obj_label in obj_labels ]) label_classes = [ self.kitti_utils.class_str_to_index(obj_label.type) for obj_label in obj_labels ] label_classes = np.asarray(label_classes, dtype=np.int32) # Return empty anchors_info if no ground truth after filtering if len(label_boxes_3d) == 0: anchors_info = [] if self.train_on_all_samples: # If training without any positive labels, we cannot # set these to zeros, because later on the offset calc # uses log on these anchors. So setting any arbitrary # number here that does not break the offset calculation # should work, since the negative samples won't be # regressed in any case. dummy_anchors = [[-1000, -1000, -1000, 1, 1, 1]] label_anchors = np.asarray(dummy_anchors) dummy_boxes = [[-1000, -1000, -1000, 1, 1, 1, 0]] label_boxes_3d = np.asarray(dummy_boxes) else: label_anchors = np.zeros((1, 6)) label_boxes_3d = np.zeros((1, 7)) label_classes = np.zeros(1) else: label_anchors = box_3d_encoder.box_3d_to_anchor( label_boxes_3d, ortho_rotate=True) # Create BEV maps bev_images = self.kitti_utils.create_bev_maps(point_cloud, ground_plane) height_maps = bev_images.get('height_maps') density_map = bev_images.get('density_map') bev_input = np.dstack((*height_maps, density_map)) sample_dict = { constants.KEY_LABEL_BOXES_3D: label_boxes_3d, constants.KEY_LABEL_ANCHORS: label_anchors, constants.KEY_LABEL_CLASSES: label_classes, constants.KEY_IMAGE_INPUT: image_input, constants.KEY_BEV_INPUT: bev_input, constants.KEY_ANCHORS_INFO: anchors_info, constants.KEY_POINT_CLOUD: point_cloud, constants.KEY_GROUND_PLANE: ground_plane, constants.KEY_STEREO_CALIB_P2: stereo_calib_p2, constants.KEY_SAMPLE_NAME: sample_name, constants.KEY_SAMPLE_AUGS: sample.augs } sample_dicts.append(sample_dict) return sample_dicts
def load_samples(self, indices, sin_type=None, sin_level=None, sin_input_name=None, gen_all_sin_inputs=False, list_mask_2d=None): """ Loads input-output data for a set of samples. Should only be called when a particular sample dict is required. Otherwise, samples should be provided by the next_batch function Args: indices: A list of sample indices from the dataset.sample_list to be loaded Return: samples: a list of data sample dicts """ sample_dicts = [] for idx, sample_idx in enumerate(indices): sample = self.sample_list[sample_idx] sample_name = if list_mask_2d: mask_2d = list_mask_2d[idx] else: mask_2d = None # Only read labels if they exist if self.has_labels: # Read mini batch first to see if it is empty anchors_info = self.get_anchors_info(sample_name) if (not anchors_info) and self.train_val_test == 'train' \ and (not self.train_on_all_samples): empty_sample_dict = { constants.KEY_SAMPLE_NAME: sample_name, constants.KEY_ANCHORS_INFO: anchors_info } return [empty_sample_dict] obj_labels = obj_utils.read_labels(self.label_dir, int(sample_name)) # Only use objects that match dataset classes obj_labels = self.kitti_utils.filter_labels(obj_labels) else: obj_labels = None anchors_info = [] label_anchors = np.zeros((1, 6)) label_boxes_3d = np.zeros((1, 7)) label_classes = np.zeros(1) img_idx = int(sample_name) # Load image (BGR -> RGB) cv_bgr_image = cv2.imread(self.get_rgb_image_path(sample_name)) rgb_image = cv_bgr_image[..., ::-1] image_shape = rgb_image.shape[0:2] image_input = rgb_image # Get ground plane ground_plane = obj_utils.get_road_plane(int(sample_name), self.planes_dir) # Get calibration stereo_calib_p2 = calib_utils.read_calibration( self.calib_dir, int(sample_name)).p2 # Read lidar with subsampling (handled before other preprocessing) if (sin_type == 'lowres') and (sin_input_name == 'lidar'): stride_sub = get_stride_sub(sin_level) point_cloud = get_point_cloud_sub(img_idx, self.calib_dir, self.velo_dir, image_shape, stride_sub) elif (sin_type == 'lowres') and gen_all_sin_inputs: stride_sub = get_stride_sub(sin_level) point_cloud = get_point_cloud_sub(img_idx, self.calib_dir, self.velo_dir, image_shape, stride_sub) else: point_cloud = self.kitti_utils.get_point_cloud( self.bev_source, img_idx, image_shape) # Augmentation (Flipping) if kitti_aug.AUG_FLIPPING in sample.augs: image_input = kitti_aug.flip_image(image_input) point_cloud = kitti_aug.flip_point_cloud(point_cloud) obj_labels = [ kitti_aug.flip_label_in_3d_only(obj) for obj in obj_labels ] ground_plane = kitti_aug.flip_ground_plane(ground_plane) stereo_calib_p2 = kitti_aug.flip_stereo_calib_p2( stereo_calib_p2, image_shape) # Augmentation (Image Jitter) if kitti_aug.AUG_PCA_JITTER in sample.augs: image_input[:, :, 0:3] = kitti_aug.apply_pca_jitter(image_input[:, :, 0:3]) # Add Single Input Noise if (sin_input_name in SINFields.SIN_INPUT_NAMES) and ( sin_type in SINFields.VALID_SIN_TYPES): image_input, point_cloud = genSINtoInputs( image_input, point_cloud, sin_type=sin_type, sin_level=sin_level, sin_input_name=sin_input_name, mask_2d=mask_2d, frame_calib_p2=stereo_calib_p2) # Add Input Noise to all if gen_all_sin_inputs: image_input, point_cloud = genSINtoAllInputs( image_input, point_cloud, sin_type=sin_type, sin_level=sin_level, mask_2d=mask_2d, frame_calib_p2=stereo_calib_p2) if obj_labels is not None: label_boxes_3d = np.asarray([ box_3d_encoder.object_label_to_box_3d(obj_label) for obj_label in obj_labels ]) label_classes = [ self.kitti_utils.class_str_to_index(obj_label.type) for obj_label in obj_labels ] label_classes = np.asarray(label_classes, dtype=np.int32) # Return empty anchors_info if no ground truth after filtering if len(label_boxes_3d) == 0: anchors_info = [] if self.train_on_all_samples: # If training without any positive labels, we cannot # set these to zeros, because later on the offset calc # uses log on these anchors. So setting any arbitrary # number here that does not break the offset calculation # should work, since the negative samples won't be # regressed in any case. dummy_anchors = [[-1000, -1000, -1000, 1, 1, 1]] label_anchors = np.asarray(dummy_anchors) dummy_boxes = [[-1000, -1000, -1000, 1, 1, 1, 0]] label_boxes_3d = np.asarray(dummy_boxes) else: label_anchors = np.zeros((1, 6)) label_boxes_3d = np.zeros((1, 7)) label_classes = np.zeros(1) else: label_anchors = box_3d_encoder.box_3d_to_anchor( label_boxes_3d, ortho_rotate=True) # Create BEV maps bev_images = self.kitti_utils.create_bev_maps( point_cloud, ground_plane) height_maps = bev_images.get('height_maps') density_map = bev_images.get('density_map') bev_input = np.dstack((*height_maps, density_map)) sample_dict = { constants.KEY_LABEL_BOXES_3D: label_boxes_3d, constants.KEY_LABEL_ANCHORS: label_anchors, constants.KEY_LABEL_CLASSES: label_classes, constants.KEY_IMAGE_INPUT: image_input, constants.KEY_BEV_INPUT: bev_input, constants.KEY_ANCHORS_INFO: anchors_info, constants.KEY_POINT_CLOUD: point_cloud, constants.KEY_GROUND_PLANE: ground_plane, constants.KEY_STEREO_CALIB_P2: stereo_calib_p2, constants.KEY_SAMPLE_NAME: sample_name, constants.KEY_SAMPLE_AUGS: sample.augs } sample_dicts.append(sample_dict) return sample_dicts