def heartbeat(self, bucket_id: str, event: Event, pulsetime: float, queued: bool=False, commit_interval: Optional[float]=None) -> Optional[Event]:
        from aw_transform.heartbeats import heartbeat_merge
        endpoint = "buckets/{}/heartbeat?pulsetime={}".format(bucket_id, pulsetime)
        commit_interval = commit_interval if commit_interval else self.commit_interval

        if queued:
            if bucket_id not in self.last_heartbeat:
                self.last_heartbeat[bucket_id] = event
                return None

            last_heartbeat = self.last_heartbeat[bucket_id]

            merge = heartbeat_merge(last_heartbeat, event, pulsetime)

            if merge:
                # If last_heartbeat becomes longer than commit_interval
                # then commit, else cache merged.
                diff = (last_heartbeat.duration).total_seconds()
                if diff > commit_interval:
                    data = merge.to_json_dict()
                    self.request_queue.add_request(endpoint, data)
                    self.last_heartbeat[bucket_id] = event
                    self.last_heartbeat[bucket_id] = merge
                data = last_heartbeat.to_json_dict()
                self.request_queue.add_request(endpoint, data)
                self.last_heartbeat[bucket_id] = event

            return None
            return Event(**self._post(endpoint, event.to_json_dict()).json())
    def post(self, bucket_id):
        Where heartbeats are sent.
        logger.debug("Received post request for heartbeat in bucket '{}' and data: {}".format(bucket_id, request.get_json()))

        if bucket_id not in app.db.buckets():
            # NOTE: This "create_bucket" arg is deprecated
            if "create_bucket" in request.args:
                # TODO: How should we pass type, client and hostname? As args? Arg for createbucket could be a JSON object (it would be short).
                    type='unspecified',  # data["type"],
                    client='unknown',  # data["client"],
                    hostname='unknown',  # data["hostname"],
                msg = "There's no bucket named {}".format(bucket_id)
                raise BadRequest("NoSuchBucket", msg)

        if "pulsetime" not in request.args:
            raise BadRequest("MissingParameter", "Missing required parameter pulsetime")

        data = request.get_json()
        pulsetime = float(request.args["pulsetime"])

        if not isinstance(data, dict):
            logger.error("Invalid JSON object")
            raise BadRequest("InvalidJSON", "Invalid JSON object")

        heartbeat = Event(**data)
        events = app.db[bucket_id].get(limit=3)

        # FIXME: The below is needed due to the weird fact that for some reason
        # events[0] turns out to be the *oldest* event,
        # events[1] turns out to be the latest,
        # events[2] the second latest, etc.
        events = sorted(events, key=lambda e: e.timestamp, reverse=True)

        # Uncomment this to verify my above claim:
        #  for e in events:
        #      print(e.timestamp)
        #      print(e.labels)

        if len(events) >= 1:
            last_event = events[0]
            merged = transforms.heartbeat_merge(last_event, heartbeat, pulsetime)
            if merged is not None:
                # Heartbeat was merged into last_event
                return merged.to_json_dict(), 200

        # Heartbeat should be stored as new event
        logger.debug("last event either didn't have identical labels, was too old or didn't exist. heartbeat will be stored as new event")
        return heartbeat.to_json_dict(), 200
    def heartbeat(
        bucket_id: str,
        event: Event,
        pulsetime: float,
        queued: bool = False,
        commit_interval: Optional[float] = None,
    ) -> Optional[Event]:
            bucket_id: The bucket_id of the bucket to send the heartbeat to
            event: The actual heartbeat event
            pulsetime: The maximum amount of time in seconds since the last heartbeat to be merged with the previous heartbeat in aw-server
            queued: Use the aw-client queue feature to queue events if client loses connection with the server
            commit_interval: Override default pre-merge commit interval

        NOTE: This endpoint can use the failed requests retry queue.
              This makes the request itself non-blocking and therefore
              the function will in that case always returns None.

        from aw_transform.heartbeats import heartbeat_merge

        endpoint = "buckets/{}/heartbeat?pulsetime={}".format(bucket_id, pulsetime)
        commit_interval = (
            commit_interval if commit_interval != None else self.commit_interval

        if queued:
            # Pre-merge heartbeats
            if bucket_id not in self.last_heartbeat:
                self.last_heartbeat[bucket_id] = event
                return None

            last_heartbeat = self.last_heartbeat[bucket_id]

            merge = heartbeat_merge(last_heartbeat, event, pulsetime)

            if merge:
                # If last_heartbeat becomes longer than commit_interval
                # then commit, else cache merged.
                diff = (last_heartbeat.duration).total_seconds()
                if diff >= commit_interval:
                    data = merge.to_json_dict()
                    self.request_queue.add_request(endpoint, data)
                    self.last_heartbeat[bucket_id] = event
                    self.last_heartbeat[bucket_id] = merge
                data = last_heartbeat.to_json_dict()
                self.request_queue.add_request(endpoint, data)
                self.last_heartbeat[bucket_id] = event

            return None
            return Event(**self._post(endpoint, event.to_json_dict()).json())
    def heartbeat(self, bucket_id: str, event: Event, pulsetime: float, queued: bool=False, commit_interval: Optional[float]=None) -> Optional[Event]:
            bucket_id: The bucket_id of the bucket to send the heartbeat to
            event: The actual heartbeat event
            pulsetime: The maximum amount of time in seconds since the last heartbeat to be merged with the previous heartbeat in aw-server
            queued: Use the aw-client queue feature to queue events if client loses connection with the server
            commit_interval: Override default pre-merge commit interval

        NOTE: This endpoint can use the failed requests retry queue.
              This makes the request itself non-blocking and therefore
              the function will in that case always returns None.

        from aw_transform.heartbeats import heartbeat_merge
        endpoint = "buckets/{}/heartbeat?pulsetime={}".format(bucket_id, pulsetime)
        commit_interval = commit_interval if commit_interval else self.commit_interval

        if queued:
            # Pre-merge heartbeats
            if bucket_id not in self.last_heartbeat:
                self.last_heartbeat[bucket_id] = event
                return None

            last_heartbeat = self.last_heartbeat[bucket_id]

            merge = heartbeat_merge(last_heartbeat, event, pulsetime)

            if merge:
                # If last_heartbeat becomes longer than commit_interval
                # then commit, else cache merged.
                diff = (last_heartbeat.duration).total_seconds()
                if diff > commit_interval:
                    data = merge.to_json_dict()
                    self.request_queue.add_request(endpoint, data)
                    self.last_heartbeat[bucket_id] = event
                    self.last_heartbeat[bucket_id] = merge
                data = last_heartbeat.to_json_dict()
                self.request_queue.add_request(endpoint, data)
                self.last_heartbeat[bucket_id] = event

            return None
            return Event(**self._post(endpoint, event.to_json_dict()).json())
 def insert_event(self, bucket_id: str, event: Event) -> Event:
     endpoint = "buckets/{}/events".format(bucket_id)
     data = event.to_json_dict()
     return Event(**self._post(endpoint, data).json())
 def insert_event(self, bucket_id: str, event: Event) -> Event:
     endpoint = "buckets/{}/events".format(bucket_id)
     data = event.to_json_dict()
     return Event(**self._post(endpoint, data).json())
 def test_event(self):
     event = Event(timestamp=valid_timestamp, data={"label": "test"})
 def insert_event(self, bucket_id: str, event: Event) -> None:
     endpoint = f"buckets/{bucket_id}/events"
     data = [event.to_json_dict()]
     self._post(endpoint, data)
 def insert_event(self, bucket_id: str, event: Event) -> None:
     endpoint = "buckets/{}/events".format(bucket_id)
     data = [event.to_json_dict()]
     self._post(endpoint, data)