文件: frames.py 项目: mg-meth/awebox
def get_body_axes(q_upper, q_lower):

    tether = q_upper - q_lower

    yhat = vect_op.yhat()

    ehat_z = vect_op.normalize(tether)
    ehat_x = vect_op.normed_cross(yhat, tether)
    ehat_y = vect_op.normed_cross(ehat_z, ehat_x)

    return ehat_x, ehat_y, ehat_z
def get_local_wind_reference_frame(init_options):
    u_hat = vect_op.xhat_np()
    n_rot_hat, y_rot_hat, z_rot_hat = tools_init.get_rotor_reference_frame(init_options)

    if vect_op.norm(u_hat - n_rot_hat) < 1.e-5:
        v_hat = y_rot_hat
        w_hat = z_rot_hat

        w_hat = vect_op.normed_cross(u_hat, n_rot_hat)
        v_hat = vect_op.normed_cross(w_hat, u_hat)
    return u_hat, v_hat, w_hat
文件: tools.py 项目: mg-meth/awebox
def get_rotor_reference_frame(init_options):
    n_rot_hat = get_ehat_tether(init_options)

    n_hat_is_x_hat = vect_op.abs(
        vect_op.norm(n_rot_hat - vect_op.xhat_np())) < 1.e-4
    if n_hat_is_x_hat:
        y_rot_hat = vect_op.yhat_np()
        z_rot_hat = vect_op.zhat_np()
        u_hat = vect_op.xhat_np()
        z_rot_hat = vect_op.normed_cross(u_hat, n_rot_hat)
        y_rot_hat = vect_op.normed_cross(z_rot_hat, n_rot_hat)

    return n_rot_hat, y_rot_hat, z_rot_hat
def get_orbit_cone_parameters(options, model, l_t):

    # get rotation plane axes:
    # zhat is along tether (out)
    # xhat is along earth-fixed yhat
    # yhat is up and out, back towards the wind

    ehat_tether = get_ehat_tether(options)
    ehat_side = vect_op.yhat()
    ehat_up = vect_op.normed_cross(ehat_tether, ehat_side)

    # get radius and height of the cones in use
    # two cone types specified, based on main tether (single kite option) and secondary tether (multi-kite option)
    # radius is dependent on flight velocity
    # height is a dependent
    hypotenuse_list = cas.vertcat(l_t, options['theta']['l_s'])
    [radius, t_f_guess] = estimate_radius_and_flight_time(options, model)

    height_list = []
    for hdx in range(hypotenuse_list.shape[0]):
        hypotenuse = hypotenuse_list[hdx]
        height = (hypotenuse**2. - radius**2.)**0.5
        height_list = cas.vertcat(height_list, height)

    return height_list, radius, ehat_tether, ehat_side, ehat_up
def __get_kite_axis(sstates, node_str, parent_str, grandparent_str,
    """Compute kite axis from states for a specific node

    :type sstates: casadi.struct_symSX
    :param sstates: states and their derivatives

    :type node_str: str
    :param node_str: node index

    :type parent_str: str
    :param parent_str: parent node index

    :type grandparent_str: str
    :param grandparent_str: grandparent node index

    :type trajectory_type: str
    :param trajectory_type: type of trajectory that is being optimized

    :rtype: casadi.SX, casadi.DM, casadi.SX

    if node_str == '10':
        e_hat_3 = vect_op.normalize(sstates['var']['q' + node_str] -
                                    sstates['var']['q' + parent_str])
    elif trajectory_type == 'nominal_landing':
        e_hat_3 = cas.DM([0, 0, 1])
        e_hat_3 = vect_op.normalize(sstates['var']['q' + parent_str] -
                                    sstates['var']['q' + grandparent_str])
    e_hat_1 = -vect_op.normalize(sstates['dvar']['q' + node_str])
    e_hat_2 = vect_op.normed_cross(e_hat_3, e_hat_1)

    return e_hat_1, e_hat_2, e_hat_3
文件: tools.py 项目: mg-meth/awebox
def draw_kite_vertical(ax,

    r_dcm = np.array(cas.reshape(r, (3, 3)))
    ehat_1 = np.reshape(r_dcm[:, 0], (3, 1))
    ehat_3 = np.reshape(r_dcm[:, 2], (3, 1))

    new_ehat1 = ehat_1
    new_ehat2 = ehat_3
    new_ehat3 = np.array(vect_op.normed_cross(new_ehat1, new_ehat2))
    r_new = np.array(cas.horzcat(new_ehat1, new_ehat2, new_ehat3))

    horizontal_space = (3. * length / 4. - c_ref / 3.) * ehat_1
    pos = q + horizontal_space + ehat_3 * height / 2.

    draw_lifting_surface(ax, pos, r_new, height, c_ref, c_ref / 2., c_ref / 4.,
                         kite_color, side, body_cross_sections_per_meter, naca)
文件: tools.py 项目: mg-meth/awebox
def get_rotating_reference_frame(t, init_options, model, node, ret):

    n_rot_hat = get_ehat_tether(init_options)

    ehat_normal = n_rot_hat
    ehat_radial = get_ehat_radial(t, init_options, model, node, ret)
    ehat_tangential = vect_op.normed_cross(ehat_normal, ehat_radial)

    return ehat_normal, ehat_radial, ehat_tangential
文件: tools.py 项目: mg-meth/awebox
def get_velocity_vector_from_psi(init_options, groundspeed, psi):

    n_rot_hat, _, _ = get_rotor_reference_frame(init_options)
    ehat_normal = n_rot_hat
    ehat_radial = get_ehat_radial_from_azimuth(init_options, psi)
    ehat_tangential = vect_op.normed_cross(ehat_normal, ehat_radial)
    sign = get_rotation_direction_sign(init_options)
    velocity = sign * groundspeed * ehat_tangential
    return velocity
文件: tools.py 项目: mg-meth/awebox
def get_kite_dcm(t, init_options, model, node, ret):

    velocity = get_velocity_vector(t, init_options, model, node, ret)
    ehat_normal, ehat_radial, ehat_tangential = get_rotating_reference_frame(
        t, init_options, model, node, ret)

    forwards_speed = cas.mtimes(velocity.T, ehat_tangential)
    forwards_sign = forwards_speed / vect_op.norm(forwards_speed)
    ehat_forwards = forwards_sign * ehat_tangential

    ehat1 = -1. * ehat_forwards
    ehat3 = ehat_normal
    ehat2 = vect_op.normed_cross(ehat3, ehat1)

    kite_dcm = cas.horzcat(ehat1, ehat2, ehat3)

    return kite_dcm
def get_outputs(options, atmos, wind, variables, outputs, parameters,
    parent_map = architecture.parent_map
    kite_nodes = architecture.kite_nodes

    xd = variables['xd']
    u = variables['u']

    elevation_angle = indicators.get_elevation_angle(xd)

    for n in kite_nodes:

        parent = parent_map[n]

        # get relevant variables for kite n
        q = xd['q' + str(n) + str(parent)]
        dq = xd['dq' + str(n) + str(parent)]

        r = cas.reshape(xd['r' + str(n) + str(parent)], (3, 3))
        ehat_span = r[:, 1]
        ehat_chord = r[:, 0]

        # wind parameters
        rho_infty = atmos.get_density(q[2])
        uw_infty = wind.get_velocity(q[2])

        # apparent air velocity
        if options['induction_model'] == 'actuator':
            ua = actuator_disk_flow.get_kite_effective_velocity(
                options, variables, wind, n, parent, architecture)
            ua = uw_infty - dq

        # relative air speed
        norm_ua_squared = cas.mtimes(ua.T, ua)
        ua_norm = norm_ua_squared**0.5

        # angle of attack and sideslip angle
        alpha = indicators.get_alpha(ua, r)
        beta = indicators.get_beta(ua, r)

        if int(options['surface_control']) == 0:
            delta = u['delta' + str(n) + str(parent)]
            omega = xd['omega' + str(n) + str(parent)]
            [CF, CM] = stability_derivatives.stability_derivatives(
                options, alpha, beta, ua, omega, delta, parameters)
        elif int(options['surface_control']) == 1:
            delta = xd['delta' + str(n) + str(parent)]
            omega = xd['omega' + str(n) + str(parent)]
            [CF, CM] = stability_derivatives.stability_derivatives(
                options, alpha, beta, ua, omega, delta, parameters)
            raise ValueError('unsupported surface_control chosen: %i',

        # body-_frameforcecomponents
        # notice that these are unusual because an apparent wind reference coordinate system is in use.
        # see below (get_coeffs_from_control_surfaces) for information
        CA = CF[0]
        CY = CF[1]
        CN = CF[2]

        Cl = CM[0]
        Cm = CM[1]
        Cn = CM[2]

        dynamic_pressure = 1. / 2. * rho_infty * norm_ua_squared
        planform_area = parameters['theta0', 'geometry', 's_ref']
        ftilde_aero = cas.mtimes(r, CF)
        f_aero = dynamic_pressure * planform_area * ftilde_aero

        ehat_drag = vect_op.normalize(ua)
        f_drag = cas.mtimes(cas.mtimes(f_aero.T, ehat_drag), ehat_drag)

        ehat_lift = vect_op.normed_cross(ua, ehat_span)
        f_lift = cas.mtimes(cas.mtimes(f_aero.T, ehat_lift), ehat_lift)

        f_side = f_aero - f_drag - f_lift

        drag_cross_lift = indicators.convert_from_body_to_wind_axes(
            alpha, beta, CF)
        CD = drag_cross_lift[0]
        CS = drag_cross_lift[1]
        CL = drag_cross_lift[2]

        b_ref = parameters['theta0', 'geometry', 'b_ref']
        c_ref = parameters['theta0', 'geometry', 'c_ref']

        reference_lengths = cas.diag(cas.vertcat(b_ref, c_ref, b_ref))
        m_aero = dynamic_pressure * planform_area * cas.mtimes(
            reference_lengths, CM)

        aero_coefficients = {}
        aero_coefficients['CD'] = CD
        aero_coefficients['CS'] = CS
        aero_coefficients['CL'] = CL
        aero_coefficients['CA'] = CA
        aero_coefficients['CN'] = CN
        aero_coefficients['CY'] = CY
        aero_coefficients['Cl'] = Cl
        aero_coefficients['Cm'] = Cm
        aero_coefficients['Cn'] = Cn

        outputs = indicators.collect_kite_aerodynamics_outputs(
            options, atmos, ua, ua_norm, aero_coefficients, f_aero, f_lift,
            f_drag, f_side, m_aero, ehat_chord, ehat_span, r, q, n, outputs,
        outputs = indicators.collect_environmental_outputs(
            atmos, wind, q, n, outputs)
        outputs = indicators.collect_aero_validity_outputs(
            options, xd, ua, n, parent, outputs, parameters)
        outputs = indicators.collect_local_performance_outputs(
            options, atmos, wind, variables, CL, CD, elevation_angle, ua, n,
            parent, outputs, parameters)
        outputs = indicators.collect_power_balance_outputs(
            variables, n, outputs, architecture)

    return outputs
def get_windings(nlp_options, model, V, outputs={}):

    if 'winding' not in list(outputs.keys()):
        outputs['winding'] = {}

    nk = nlp_options['n_k']

    parent_map = model.architecture.parent_map
    kite_nodes = model.architecture.kite_nodes

    ehat_tether_x = 0.
    ehat_tether_y = 0.
    ehat_tether_z = 0.
    total_steps = float(nk)

    # TODO: in case of collocation, include collocation node info weighted with quad_weights
    # TODO: weight with time constant in case of phase fixing!
    for kdx in range(nk):
        local_ehat = vect_op.normalize(V['xd', kdx, 'q10'])
        ehat_tether_x += local_ehat[0] / total_steps
        ehat_tether_y += local_ehat[1] / total_steps
        ehat_tether_z += local_ehat[2] / total_steps

    ehat_tether = vect_op.normalize(
        cas.vertcat(ehat_tether_x, ehat_tether_y, ehat_tether_z))

    outputs['winding']['ehat_tether'] = ehat_tether

    ehat_side_a = vect_op.normed_cross(vect_op.yhat_np(), ehat_tether)
    # right handed coordinate system -> x/re: _a, y/im: _b, z/out: _tether
    ehat_side_b = vect_op.normed_cross(ehat_tether, ehat_side_a)

    # now project the path onto this plane
    for n in kite_nodes:
        parent = parent_map[n]

        theta_start = 0.
        theta_end = 0.

        # find the origin of the plane
        origin = np.zeros((3, 1))
        for kdx in range(nk):
            q = V['xd', kdx, 'q' + str(n) + str(parent)]
            q_in_plane = q - vect_op.dot(q, ehat_tether) * ehat_tether

            origin = origin + q_in_plane / total_steps

        # recenter the plane about origin
        for kdx in range(nk):
            q = V['xd', kdx, 'q' + str(n) + str(parent)]
            q_in_plane = q - vect_op.dot(q, ehat_tether) * ehat_tether
            q_recentered = q_in_plane - origin

            q_next = V['xd', kdx + 1, 'q' + str(n) + str(parent)]
            q_next_in_plane = q_next - vect_op.dot(q_next,
                                                   ehat_tether) * ehat_tether
            q_next_recentered = q_next_in_plane - origin

            delta_q = q_next_recentered - q_recentered

            x = vect_op.dot(q_recentered, ehat_side_a)
            y = vect_op.dot(q_recentered, ehat_side_b)
            r_squared = x**2. + y**2.

            dx = vect_op.dot(delta_q, ehat_side_a)
            dy = vect_op.dot(delta_q, ehat_side_b)

            # dx = vect_op.dot(dq_in_plane, ehat_side_a)
            # dy = vect_op.dot(dq_in_plane, ehat_side_b)

            dtheta = (x * dy - y * dx) / (r_squared + 1.0e-4)
            theta_end += dtheta

        winding = (theta_end - theta_start) / 2. / np.pi
        outputs['winding']['winding' + str(n)] = winding

    return outputs
def guess_values_at_time(t, init_options, model, formulation, tf_guess,
    n_min_0 = ntp_dict['n_min_0']
    d_min_0 = ntp_dict['d_min_0']
    n_min_f = ntp_dict['n_min_f']
    d_min_f = ntp_dict['d_min_f']

    l_s = model.variable_bounds['theta']['l_s']['lb'] * init_options['theta'][
    l_i = model.variable_bounds['theta']['l_i']['lb'] * init_options['theta'][

    ret = {}
    for name in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'xd'):
        ret[name] = 0.0

    parent_map = model.architecture.parent_map
    parent_map[0] = -1
    number_of_nodes = model.architecture.number_of_nodes
    V_0 = formulation.xi_dict['V_pickle_initial']
    V_f = formulation.xi_dict['V_pickle_terminal']
    q_n = {}
    q_0 = {}
    q_f = {}
    phi_0 = {}
    phi_f = {}
    phi_n = {}
    theta_0 = {}
    theta_f = {}
    theta_n = {}
    dphi_n = {}
    dtheta_n = {}
    x_t_0 = {}
    x_t_f = {}
    dq_n = {}

    dl_0 = formulation.xi_dict['V_pickle_initial'][
        'coll_var', n_min_0, d_min_0, 'xd', 'dl_t'] * init_options['xd']['l_t']
    l_0 = formulation.xi_dict['V_pickle_initial'][
        'coll_var', n_min_0, d_min_0, 'xd', 'l_t'] * init_options['xd']['l_t']
    l_f = formulation.xi_dict['V_pickle_terminal'][
        'coll_var', n_min_f, d_min_f, 'xd', 'l_t'] * init_options['xd']['l_t']
    dl_f = formulation.xi_dict['V_pickle_terminal'][
        'coll_var', n_min_f, d_min_f, 'xd', 'dl_t'] * init_options['xd']['l_t']

    c1 = (l_f - l_0 - 0.5 * tf_guess * dl_0 -
          0.5 * tf_guess * dl_f) / (1. / 6. * tf_guess**3 - 0.25 * tf_guess**3)
    c2 = (dl_f - dl_0 - 0.5 * tf_guess**2 * c1) / tf_guess
    c3 = dl_0
    c4 = l_0
    l_t = 1. / 6. * t**3 * c1 + 0.5 * t**2 * c2 + t * c3 + c4
    dl_t = 0.5 * t**2 * c1 + t * c2 + c3
    ddl_t = t**2 * c2 + t * c1

    q_0['q0-1'] = cas.DM([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    q_f['q0-1'] = cas.DM([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    for node in range(1, number_of_nodes):
        parent = parent_map[node]
        node_str = 'q' + str(node) + str(parent)
        q_0[node_str] = V_0['coll_var', n_min_0, d_min_0, 'xd', node_str]
        q_f[node_str] = V_f['coll_var', n_min_f, d_min_f, 'xd', node_str]

    for node in range(1, number_of_nodes):
        parent = parent_map[node]
        grandparent = parent_map[parent]
        tether_str = 'q' + str(node) + str(parent)
        x_t_0[tether_str] = vect_op.normalize(
            q_0['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] -
            q_0['q' + str(parent) + str(grandparent)])
        x_t_f[tether_str] = vect_op.normalize(
            q_f['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] -
            q_f['q' + str(parent) + str(grandparent)])

    vec_plus = vect_op.normalize(q_0['q31'] - q_0['q21'])
    vec_par = vect_op.normalize(x_t_0['q21'] * l_s + 0.5 *
                                (q_0['q31'] - q_0['q21']))
    vec_orth = vect_op.normed_cross(vec_par, vec_plus)

    for node in range(2, number_of_nodes):
        x_0 = cas.mtimes(vec_par.T, l_s * x_t_0['q' + str(node) + str(parent)])
        y_0 = cas.mtimes(vec_plus.T,
                         l_s * x_t_0['q' + str(node) + str(parent)])
        z_0 = cas.mtimes(vec_orth.T,
                         l_s * x_t_0['q' + str(node) + str(parent)])
        theta_0['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] = np.arcsin(z_0 / l_s)
        phi_0['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] = np.arctan2(y_0, x_0)
        x_f = cas.mtimes(vec_par.T, l_s * x_t_f['q' + str(node) + str(parent)])
        y_f = cas.mtimes(vec_plus.T,
                         l_s * x_t_f['q' + str(node) + str(parent)])
        z_f = cas.mtimes(vec_orth.T,
                         l_s * x_t_f['q' + str(node) + str(parent)])
        theta_f['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] = np.arcsin(z_f / l_s)
        phi_f['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] = np.arctan2(y_f, x_f)

    for node in range(2, number_of_nodes):
        parent = parent_map[node]
        phi_n['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] = phi_0['q' + str(node) + str(
            parent)] + t / tf_guess * (phi_f['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] -
                                       phi_0['q' + str(node) + str(parent)])
        dphi_n['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] = 1. / tf_guess * (
            phi_f['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] -
            phi_0['q' + str(node) + str(parent)])
        theta_n['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] = theta_0['q' + str(node) + str(
            parent)] + t / tf_guess * (theta_f['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] -
                                       theta_0['q' + str(node) + str(parent)])
        dtheta_n['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] = 1. / tf_guess * (
            theta_f['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] -
            theta_0['q' + str(node) + str(parent)])

    a = cas.mtimes((q_f['q10'] - q_0['q10']).T, (q_f['q10'] - q_0['q10']))
    b = 2 * cas.mtimes(q_0['q10'].T, (q_f['q10'] - q_0['q10']))
    c = cas.mtimes(q_0['q10'].T, q_0['q10']) - l_t**2
    dc = -2 * l_t * dl_t
    D = b**2 - 4 * a * c
    dD = -4 * a * dc
    x1 = (-b + np.sqrt(D)) / (2 * a)
    x2 = (-b - np.sqrt(D)) / (2 * a)
    s = x2
    ds = -1. / (2 * a) * 1. / (2 * np.sqrt(D)) * dD
    e_t = 1. / l_t * (q_0['q10'] + s * (q_f['q10'] - q_0['q10']))
    de_t = 1. / l_t * (ds * (q_f['q10'] - q_0['q10'])) - 1. / l_t**2 * dl_t * (
        q_0['q10'] + s * (q_f['q10'] - q_0['q10']))
    q_n['q10'] = l_t * e_t
    dq_n['q10'] = dl_t * e_t + l_t * de_t

    for node in range(2, number_of_nodes):
        parent = parent_map[node]
        nstr = 'q' + str(node) + str(parent)
        q_n[nstr] = q_n['q10'] + (
            np.sin(phi_n[nstr]) * np.cos(theta_n[nstr]) * vec_plus +
            np.cos(phi_n[nstr]) * np.cos(theta_n[nstr]) * vec_par +
            np.sin(theta_n[nstr]) * vec_orth) * l_s
        dq_n[nstr] = dq_n['q10'] + (
            -np.cos(phi_n[nstr]) * np.sin(theta_n[nstr]) * dtheta_n[nstr] *
            dphi_n[nstr] * vec_plus + np.sin(phi_n[nstr]) *
            np.sin(theta_n[nstr]) * dtheta_n[nstr] * dphi_n[nstr] * vec_par +
            np.cos(theta_n[nstr]) * dtheta_n[nstr] * vec_orth) * l_s

    for node in range(1, number_of_nodes):
        parent = parent_map[node]
        ret['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] = q_n['q' + str(node) + str(parent)]
        ret['dq' + str(node) + str(parent)] = dq_n['q' + str(node) +

    ret['l_t'] = l_t
    ret['dl_t'] = dl_t

    return ret
def initial_node_variables_for_standard_path(t,

    trajectory_type = options['type']

    number_of_nodes = model.architecture.number_of_nodes
    parent_map = model.architecture.parent_map
    kite_nodes = model.architecture.kite_nodes
    level_siblings = get_all_level_siblings(options, model)

    ua_norm = options['ua_norm']
    kite_dof = model.kite_dof

    [height_list, radius, ehat_tether, ehat_side,
     ehat_up] = get_orbit_cone_parameters(options, model, ret['l_t'])

    for node in range(1, number_of_nodes):

        parent = parent_map[node]
        if parent == 0:
            parent_position = np.zeros((3, 1))
            grandparent = parent_map[parent]
            parent_position = ret['q' + str(parent) + str(grandparent)]

        if not node in kite_nodes:
            ret['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] = get_tether_node_position(
                options, parent_position, node, ret['l_t'])
            ret['dq' + str(node) + str(parent)] = np.zeros((3, 1))

            if parent == 0:
                height = height_list[0]
                height = height_list[1]

            omega_norm = ua_norm / radius
            omega_vector = ehat_tether * omega_norm

            psi = get_azimuthal_angle(t, level_siblings, node, parent,

            ehat_radial = ehat_side * np.cos(psi) + ehat_up * np.sin(psi)
            tether_vector = ehat_radial * radius + ehat_tether * height

            position = parent_position + tether_vector

            ehat_tangential = -1. * ehat_side * np.sin(psi) + ehat_up * np.cos(
            velocity = ua_norm * ehat_tangential

            ehat1 = -1. * ehat_tangential
            ehat3 = ehat_tether
            ehat2 = vect_op.normed_cross(ehat3, ehat1)

            dcm = cas.horzcat(ehat1, ehat2, ehat3)
            dcm_column = cas.reshape(dcm, (9, 1))

            ret['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] = position
            ret['dq' + str(node) + str(parent)] = velocity

            if int(kite_dof) == 6:
                ret['omega' + str(node) + str(parent)] = omega_vector
                ret['r' + str(node) + str(parent)] = dcm_column

    return ret
def __process_interpolation_Variables(interpolation_variables, configurations,
    """Create casadi functions mapping interpolation variables to states

    :type interpolation_variables: dict
    :param interpolation_variables: variables defining the interpolation

    :type configurations: dict
    :param configurations: parameters defining a given configuration

    :type model: awebox.model_dir.model
    :param model: system model

    :rtype: dict, casadi.struct_symSX

    # initialize dict
    rotation_matrix = {}
    rotation_matrix['q00'] = np.eye(3)
    rotation_matrix['dq00'] = np.zeros([3, 3])

    kite_nodes = model.architecture.kite_nodes
    parent_nodes = model.architecture.parent_map
    parent_nodes[0] = 0
    number_of_nodes = model.architecture.number_of_nodes
    kite_dof = model.kite_dof
    trajectory_type = model.options['trajectory']['type']

    conf_0 = configurations['conf_0']
    conf_f = configurations['conf_f']
    l_s = configurations['l_s']
    l_i = configurations['l_i']

    ## generate casadi expressions

    # generate symbolic variables
    sinterp = __get_sstruct(interpolation_variables)
    sstates = {}
    sstates['var'] = {}
    sstates['var']['q00'] = 0.
    sstates['dvar'] = {}
    sstates['dvar']['q00'] = 0.
    sstates['ddvar'] = {}
    sstates['ddvar']['q00'] = 0.

    # generate dict to store functions in
    sstates_functions = {}

    # generate casadi functions: inteprolation variables -> states
    l_t = sinterp['var', 'l_t']
    for node in range(1, number_of_nodes):
        parent_node = parent_nodes[node]
        node_str = str(node) + str(parent_node)
        grandparent_node = parent_nodes[parent_node]
        parent_str = str(parent_node) + str(grandparent_node)
        grandgrandparent_node = parent_nodes[grandparent_node]
        grandparent_str = str(grandparent_node) + str(grandgrandparent_node)

        if (node == 1) and (
                node not in kite_nodes
        ):  # first node parameterized with main tether length
            a = cas.mtimes((conf_f['q' + node_str] - conf_0['q' + node_str]).T,
                           (conf_f['q' + node_str] - conf_0['q' + node_str]))
            if a == 0:
                e_t = vect_op.normalize(conf_0['q' + node_str])
                b = 2 * cas.mtimes(
                    conf_0['q' + node_str].T,
                    (conf_f['q' + node_str] - conf_0['q' + node_str]))
                c = cas.mtimes(conf_0['q' + node_str].T,
                               conf_0['q' + node_str]) - l_t**2
                D = b**2 - 4 * a * c
                x1 = (-b + np.sqrt(D)) / (2 * a)
                x2 = (-b - np.sqrt(D)) / (2 * a)
                #if x2 >= 0:
                #    s = x2
                #    s = x1
                s = x1
                e_t = 1. / l_t * (
                    conf_0['q' + node_str] + s *
                    (conf_f['q' + node_str] - conf_0['q' + node_str]))
            sstates['var']['q' + node_str] = l_t * e_t
            rotation_matrix = compute_rotation_matrices(
                sinterp.prefix['var'], node_str, parent_str, rotation_matrix)

            if (node in kite_nodes):

                if node == 1:
                    tether_length = l_t
                    tether_length = l_s

                Phi = sinterp['var', 'Phi' + node_str]
                Omega = sinterp['var', 'Omega' + node_str]
                parent = sstates['var']['q' + parent_str]
                grandparent = sstates['var']['q' + grandparent_str]

                radius = tether_length * np.sin(Phi)
                l_x = tether_length * np.cos(Phi)

                # define axis of rotation
                if node != 1:
                    axis_of_rot = parent - grandparent
                    axis_of_rot = vect_op.normalize(axis_of_rot)
                    inclination = sinterp['var', 'inclination' + node_str]
                    axis_of_rot = np.zeros([3, 1])
                    axis_of_rot[0] = np.cos(inclination)
                    axis_of_rot[2] = np.sin(inclination)
                e_hat_x = axis_of_rot
                e_hat_y = vect_op.normed_cross(e_hat_x, vect_op.zhat())
                e_hat_z = vect_op.normed_cross(e_hat_y, e_hat_x)
                e_hat_r = e_hat_z * np.sin(Omega) + e_hat_y * np.cos(Omega)

                sstates['var']['q' + node_str] = sstates['var'][
                    'q' + parent_str] + e_hat_r * radius + e_hat_x * l_x

                tether_length = l_i
                rotation_matrix = compute_rotation_matrices(
                    sinterp.prefix['var'], node_str, parent_str,
                tether_vector = vect_op.xhat()
                tether_vector = cas.mtimes(rotation_matrix['q' + node_str],
                sstates['var']['q' + node_str] = sstates['var'][
                    'q' + parent_str] + tether_vector * tether_length

        sstates['dvar']['q' + node_str] = cas.mtimes(
            cas.jacobian(sstates['var']['q' + node_str], sinterp['var']),

        # create rotational kinematics
        if int(kite_dof) == 6:

            # iterate over all kite ndoes
            if node in kite_nodes:

                # get node strings
                parent = parent_nodes[node]
                node_str = str(node) + str(parent)
                grandparent = parent_nodes[parent]
                parent_str = str(parent) + str(grandparent)
                grandgrandparent = parent_nodes[grandparent]
                grandparent_str = str(grandparent) + str(grandgrandparent)

                # compute dcm matrix for node
                e_hat_1, e_hat_2, e_hat_3 = __get_kite_axis(
                    sstates, node_str, parent_str, grandparent_str,
                dcm = ct.horzcat(e_hat_1, e_hat_2, e_hat_3)
                dcm_column = ct.reshape(dcm, (9, 1))

                # compute rotation around axis
                omega_norm = vect_op.norm(
                    sstates['dvar']['q' + node_str]) / radius
                if trajectory_type == 'lift_mode':
                    omega_vector = vect_op.normalize(axis_of_rot) * omega_norm
                elif trajectory_type == 'nominal_landing':
                    omega_vector = cas.DM([0, 0, 0])

                # put in state dict
                sstates['omega' + node_str] = omega_vector
                sstates['r' + node_str] = dcm_column

        # generate functions
        sstates_functions['q' + node_str] = cas.Function(
            'q' + node_str, [sinterp], [sstates['var']['q' + node_str]])
        sstates_functions['dq' + node_str] = cas.Function(
            'dq' + node_str, [sinterp], [sstates['dvar']['q' + node_str]])
        if int(kite_dof) == 6 and node in kite_nodes:
            sstates_functions['r' + node_str] = cas.Function(
                'r' + node_str, [sinterp], [sstates['r' + node_str]])
            sstates_functions['omega' + node_str] = cas.Function(
                'omega' + node_str, [sinterp], [sstates['omega' + node_str]])

    return sstates_functions, sinterp
def get_outputs(options, atmos, wind, variables, outputs, parameters,
    parent_map = architecture.parent_map
    kite_nodes = architecture.kite_nodes

    xd = variables['xd']

    elevation_angle = indicators.get_elevation_angle(xd)

    for n in kite_nodes:

        parent = parent_map[n]

        # get relevant variables for kite n
        q = xd['q' + str(n) + str(parent)]
        dq = xd['dq' + str(n) + str(parent)]
        coeff = xd['coeff' + str(n) + str(parent)]

        # wind parameters
        rho_infty = atmos.get_density(q[2])
        uw_infty = wind.get_velocity(q[2])

        # apparent air velocity
        if options['induction_model'] == 'actuator':
            ua = actuator_disk_flow.get_kite_effective_velocity(
                options, variables, wind, n, parent, architecture)
            ua = uw_infty - dq

        # relative air speed
        ua_norm = vect_op.smooth_norm(ua, epsilon=1e-8)
        # ua_norm = mtimes(ua.T, ua) ** 0.5

        # in kite body:
        if parent > 0:
            grandparent = parent_map[parent]
            qparent = xd['q' + str(parent) + str(grandparent)]
            qparent = np.array([0., 0., 0.])

        ehat_r = (q - qparent) / vect_op.norm(q - qparent)
        ehat_t = vect_op.normed_cross(ua, ehat_r)
        ehat_s = vect_op.normed_cross(ehat_t, ua)

        # roll angle
        psi = coeff[1]

        ehat_l = cas.cos(psi) * ehat_s + cas.sin(psi) * ehat_t
        ehat_span = cas.cos(psi) * ehat_t - cas.sin(psi) * ehat_s
        ehat_chord = ua / ua_norm

        # implicit direct cosine matrix (for plotting only)
        r = cas.horzcat(ehat_chord, ehat_span, ehat_l)

        # lift and drag coefficients
        CL = coeff[0]
        CD = parameters['theta0', 'aero', 'CD0'] + 0.02 * CL**2

        # lift and drag force
        f_lift = CL * 1. / 2. * rho_infty * cas.mtimes(
            ua.T, ua) * parameters['theta0', 'geometry', 's_ref'] * ehat_l
        f_drag = CD * 1. / 2. * rho_infty * ua_norm * parameters['theta0',
                                                                 's_ref'] * ua
        f_side = cas.DM(np.zeros((3, 1)))

        f_aero = f_lift + f_drag
        m_aero = cas.DM(np.zeros((3, 1)))

        CA = CD
        CN = CL
        CY = cas.DM(0.)

        aero_coefficients = {}
        aero_coefficients['CD'] = CD
        aero_coefficients['CL'] = CL
        aero_coefficients['CA'] = CA
        aero_coefficients['CN'] = CN
        aero_coefficients['CY'] = CY

        outputs = indicators.collect_kite_aerodynamics_outputs(
            options, atmos, ua, ua_norm, aero_coefficients, f_aero, f_lift,
            f_drag, f_side, m_aero, ehat_chord, ehat_span, r, q, n, outputs,
        outputs = indicators.collect_environmental_outputs(
            atmos, wind, q, n, outputs)
        outputs = indicators.collect_aero_validity_outputs(
            options, xd, ua, n, parent, outputs, parameters)
        outputs = indicators.collect_local_performance_outputs(
            options, atmos, wind, variables, CL, CD, elevation_angle, ua, n,
            parent, outputs, parameters)
        outputs = indicators.collect_power_balance_outputs(
            variables, n, outputs, architecture)

    return outputs