def main():
  # connect to SQS
  sqs = aws.get_sqs()
  queue_name = aws.SQS_JOB_RESULTS_QUEUE
  queue = aws.get_queue(sqs, queue_name)

  # loop for SQS messages
  while True:
    print("Asking SQS for up to 10 messages...")
    # Get messages
    messages = queue.receive_messages(WaitTimeSeconds=10)

    if len(messages) > 0:
      print("Received {0} messages...".format(str(len(messages))))
      # Iterate each message
      for message in messages:
        # get job data
        job_id = json.loads(json.loads(message.body)['Message'])
        print("Job id: " + str(job_id))

        # connect to the database
        table_name = aws.DYNAMODB_ANNOTATIONS_TABLE
        table = aws.get_table(table_name)

        # get annotation details
        annotation_details = aws.get_annotation_details(table, job_id)

        # send notification using ses
        print("Notifying user job complete...")
        ses = aws.get_ses()
        aws.notify_user(ses, annotation_details)

        # Delete the message from the queue
        print ("Deleting message...")
def main():
    # connect to SQS
    sqs = aws.get_sqs()
    queue_name = aws.SQS_THAW_REQUESTS_QUEUE
    queue = aws.get_queue(sqs, queue_name)

    # loop for SQS messages
    while True:
        print("Asking SQS for up to 10 messages...")
        # Get messages
        messages = queue.receive_messages(WaitTimeSeconds=10)

        if len(messages) > 0:
            print("Received {0} messages...".format(str(len(messages))))
            # Iterate each message
            for message in messages:
                # get user id
                user_id = json.loads(json.loads(message.body)['Message'])
                print("User id: " + str(user_id))

                # get glacier connection
                glacier = aws.get_glacier_client()

                # connect to the database
                table_name = aws.DYNAMODB_ANNOTATIONS_TABLE
                table = aws.get_table(table_name)

                # get annotations for user
                annotations = aws.get_annotations(table, user_id)
                print("Identified annotations in db for user.")

                # loop through each annotation
                for annotation in annotations:
                    # get the job id
                    job_id = annotation['job_id']
                    print('Evaluating job id: ' + str(job_id))

                    # set user role to premium
                    user_role = 'premium_user'
                    aws.set_user_role(table, job_id, user_role)

                    # check if annotation is archived in glacier
                    if annotation['result_file_location'] == 'Glacier':
                        # create a request to thaw
                        print("Data for this job is in Glacier.")
                        archive_id = annotation['results_file_archive_id']
                        tier = 'Expedited'  # will auto-try Standard if Expeditied fails
                        aws.request_restore(glacier, archive_id, tier)

                        # update annotations db - show that file is being restored
                        result_file_location = 'restoring from archive...'
                        aws.set_result_file_location(table, job_id,
                        print("Data for this job is not in Glacier.")

                # Delete the message from the queue (only if processed)
                print("Deleting message...")
def main():
    # connect to SQS
    sqs = aws.get_sqs()
    queue_name = aws.SQS_RESTORE_RESULTS_QUEUE
    queue = aws.get_queue(sqs, queue_name)

    # loop for SQS messages
    while True:
        print("Asking SQS for up to 10 messages...")
        # Get messages
        messages = queue.receive_messages(WaitTimeSeconds=10)

        if len(messages) > 0:
            print("Received {0} messages...".format(str(len(messages))))
            # Iterate each message
            for message in messages:
                # get glacier restore job id
                message_data = json.loads(json.loads(message.body)['Message'])
                restore_job_id = message_data['JobId']
                print("Restore job id: " + restore_job_id)

                # get archive data
                glacier = aws.get_glacier_client()
                archive_data = aws.get_archive_data(glacier, restore_job_id)

                # get original annotation job id - stored as archive description
                job_id = archive_data['archiveDescription']

                # get annotations table
                table_name = aws.DYNAMODB_ANNOTATIONS_TABLE
                table = aws.get_table(table_name)

                # get annotation details for job
                annotation_details = aws.get_annotation_details(table, job_id)

                # put archive data in S3
                s3 = aws.get_s3()
                bucket = aws.S3_RESULTS_BUCKET
                key = annotation_details['s3_key_result_file']
                data = archive_data['body']
                aws.put_data_in_S3(s3, bucket, key, data)

                # update annotations db - set result file location as S3
                result_file_location = 'S3'
                aws.set_result_file_location(table, job_id,

                print("Restore process complete.")

                # Delete the message from the queue (only if processed)
                print("Deleting message...")
    with Timer():

      # get the args: file, folder, key prefix, upload bucket
      file_path = sys.argv[1]
      job_id = sys.argv[2]
      folder = sys.argv[3]
      prefix = sys.argv[4]
      bucket = sys.argv[5]

      # make sure args were passed correctly
      if file_path is None or job_id is None or folder is None or prefix is None or bucket is None:
        print("Check args passed: file path, folder, prefix, bucket.")

      # connect to the database
      table_name = aws.DYNAMODB_ANNOTATIONS_TABLE
      table = aws.get_table(table_name)

      # claim job: returns true if can update status from PENDING to RUNNING
      if aws.claim_annotation_job(table, job_id):

        # run the job, 'vcf')

        # record complete time
        complete_time = int(time.time())

        # get the local files created from the job
        files = get_local_job_files(folder)

        # connect to s3
        s3 = aws.get_s3()
def main():
  # connect to SQS
  sqs = aws.get_sqs()
  queue = aws.get_queue(sqs, queue_name)

  # loop for SQS messages
  while True:
    print("Asking SQS for up to 10 messages...")
    # Get messages
    messages = queue.receive_messages(WaitTimeSeconds=10)

    if len(messages) > 0:
      print("Received {0} messages...".format(str(len(messages))))
      # Iterate each message
      for message in messages:
        # get job id
        job_id = json.loads(json.loads(message.body)['Message'])
        print("Job id: " + str(job_id))

        # connect to the database
        table_name = aws.DYNAMODB_ANNOTATIONS_TABLE
        table = aws.get_table(table_name)

        # get annotation details
        annotation_details = aws.get_annotation_details(table, job_id)

        # make sure user role is still free
        if not is_free_user(annotation_details):
          print("User role is no longer free.")
          # Delete the message from the queue (no need to archive)
          print ("Deleting message...")

        # check if ready to be archived
        elif not is_time_to_archive(annotation_details):
          print("Not enough time has elapsed to archive this file.")
          # claim the archive job
          if aws.claim_archive_job(table, job_id):
            print("Archiving result file...")

            # get s3
            s3 = aws.get_s3()

            # get Glacier vault
            glacier_resource = aws.get_glacier_resource()
            vault = aws.get_vault(glacier_resource)

            # archive the result file
            archive_id = aws.archive_result_file(s3, vault, annotation_details)
            print("Result file archived")

            # update archive status
            result_file_location = 'Glacier'
            aws.set_result_file_location(table, job_id, result_file_location)
            aws.set_archive_id(table, job_id, archive_id)
            print("Archive status updated in annotations database.")

            # delete s3 result file
            bucket = annotation_details['s3_results_bucket']
            key = annotation_details['s3_key_result_file']
            aws.delete_s3_file(s3, bucket, key)
            print("S3 result file deleted")

            # Delete the message from the queue (only if processed)
            print ("Deleting message...")