def __init__ (self, conf_file, cidr_block):

	#Loads the conf file provided as cmd line argument 
        self.conf = self.__load_conf (conf_file);
        #Extracts CIDR from dictionary
        self.cidr_block = self.conf["cidr"];
        #Create connections
        self.ec2_conn = awsConn.create_ec2_conn_singapore ();
        self.vpc_conn = awsConn.create_vpc_conn_singapore ();
        #Create a private subnet for participant
        self.private_subnet = self.__create_private_subnet ();
        #Extracting Participant ID, CIDR='172.16.[participant_id].0/24'
        self.participant_id = self.conf["cidr"].split(".")[2];
        #Creating instances in private subnet of participant
        self.controller_ip, self.compute_ip, self.cloud_instances =self.__run_cloud_instances ();
        #Creates a dictionary for storing the IDs of instances created                                        
        self.conf_participant = self.__populate_conf_participant();
        #Store the conf in a file
        print '============================================================='
        print '===      AWS machines successfully setup                  ==='
        print '============================================================='
        print '===      Jump Host IP: ', self.conf["eip_address"];
        print '===      Controller IP: ', self.controller_ip;
        print '===      Compute IP: ', self.compute_ip;
        print '============================================================='
    def __init__(self, conf_file, cidr_block):

        #Loads the conf file provided as cmd line argument
        self.conf = self.__load_conf(conf_file)

        #Extracts CIDR from dictionary
        self.cidr_block = self.conf["cidr"]

        #Create connections
        self.ec2_conn = awsConn.create_ec2_conn_singapore()
        self.vpc_conn = awsConn.create_vpc_conn_singapore()

        #Create a private subnet for participant
        self.private_subnet = self.__create_private_subnet()

        #Extracting Participant ID, CIDR='172.16.[participant_id].0/24'
        self.participant_id = self.conf["cidr"].split(".")[2]

        #Creating instances in private subnet of participant
        self.controller_ip, self.compute_ip, self.cloud_instances = self.__run_cloud_instances(

        #Creates a dictionary for storing the IDs of instances created
        self.conf_participant = self.__populate_conf_participant()

        #Store the conf in a file

        print '============================================================='
        print '===      AWS machines successfully setup                  ==='
        print '============================================================='
        print '===      Jump Host IP: ', self.conf["eip_address"]
        print '===      Controller IP: ', self.controller_ip
        print '===      Compute IP: ', self.compute_ip
        print '============================================================='
    def __init__(self, name, expected_participants):
            Dictionary 'conf' holds IDs for VPC resources
            It would be serialized before the script exits
            It could be used to add private subnets to the VPC
            and free-up VPC resources

        self.conf = {
            "name": name
        self.expected_participants = expected_participants

        #Creates connection to the services in singapore region using awsConn
        self.ec2_conn = awsConn.create_ec2_conn_singapore()
        self.vpc_conn = awsConn.create_vpc_conn_singapore()

        #Create VPC
        self.vpc = self.__create_vpc()

        #Create a public subnet for the resources to be connected with internet
        self.public_subnet = self.__create_public_subnet()

        #Creates an Internet Gateway for the VPC
        self.ig = self.__create_attach_internet_gateway()

        #Gets the main Routing table of VPC
        self.main_rtable = self.__get_main_rtable()

        #Creates a custom Routing table for the subnet
        self.custom_rtable, self.custom_rtable_assoc = \

        # Creating security groups for both NAT and private instances and adding rules for the traffic
        self.sg_nat = self.__create_sg_nat()
        self.sg_private = self.__create_sg_private()

        #Starts the NAT instance with the SG created above
        self.nat_instance = self.__run_nat_instance()

        #This will allocate a public IP to our VPC
        self.eip = self.__allocate_eip_nat()

        #This will create a route to NAT such that all traffic from private will go to NAT

        #Add all the ID's in conf dictionary

        #Store the conf dictionary to files
 def __init__ (self, name, expected_participants):
         Dictionary 'conf' holds IDs for VPC resources
         It would be serialized before the script exits
         It could be used to add private subnets to the VPC
         and free-up VPC resources
         self.conf = {"name" : name}; 
         self.expected_participants = expected_participants; 
         #Creates connection to the services in singapore region using awsConn 
         self.ec2_conn = awsConn.create_ec2_conn_singapore(); 
         self.vpc_conn = awsConn.create_vpc_conn_singapore();
         #Create VPC
         self.vpc = self.__create_vpc(); 
         #Create a public subnet for the resources to be connected with internet
         self.public_subnet = self.__create_public_subnet(); 
         #Creates an Internet Gateway for the VPC
         self.ig = self.__create_attach_internet_gateway();
         #Gets the main Routing table of VPC 
         self.main_rtable = self.__get_main_rtable();
         #Creates a custom Routing table for the subnet
         self.custom_rtable, self.custom_rtable_assoc = \
         # Creating security groups for both NAT and private instances and adding rules for the traffic
         self.sg_nat = self.__create_sg_nat();
         self.sg_private = self.__create_sg_private();
         #Starts the NAT instance with the SG created above
         self.nat_instance = self.__run_nat_instance();
         #This will allocate a public IP to our VPC
         self.eip = self.__allocate_eip_nat();
         #This will create a route to NAT such that all traffic from private will go to NAT
         #Add all the ID's in conf dictionary 
         #Store the conf dictionary to files
 def __init__ (self, conf_file):
         with open (conf_file, 'r') as fp:
             self.conf = json.load(fp);
         self.ec2_conn = awsConn.create_ec2_conn_singapore();
         self.vpc_conn = awsConn.create_vpc_conn_singapore();
     except IOError:
         print 'IOError: Conf file not found';
     except KeyError as e:
         print conf_file + " does not contain key " + e.args[0];
         print "Make sure Conf file is valid and contains all resource ids";
    def __init__(self, conf_file):

            with open(conf_file, 'r') as fp:
                self.conf = json.load(fp)
            self.ec2_conn = awsConn.create_ec2_conn_singapore()
            self.vpc_conn = awsConn.create_vpc_conn_singapore()
        except IOError:
            print 'IOError: Conf file not found'
        except KeyError as e:
            print conf_file + " does not contain key " + e.args[0]
            print "Make sure Conf file is valid and contains all resource ids"
    def __init__(self, conf_file):

            with open(conf_file, 'r') as fp:
                self.conf = json.load(fp)
            #Creates the connection to aws EC2 and VPC service
            self.ec2_conn = awsConn.create_ec2_conn_singapore()
            self.vpc_conn = awsConn.create_vpc_conn_singapore()
            #Extract instance and subnet IDS from the config file
            self.instance_ids = self.conf['instance_ids'].split(',')
            self.private_subnet = self.conf['private_subnet']
        except IOError:
            print 'IOError: Participant conf file not found'
        except KeyError as e:
            print conf_file + "does not contain key " + e.args[0]
            print "Make sure Conf file is valid and contains all resource ids"
 def __init__ (self, conf_file):
         with open (conf_file, 'r') as fp:
             self.conf = json.load(fp);
         #Creates the connection to aws EC2 and VPC service    
         self.ec2_conn = awsConn.create_ec2_conn_singapore();
         self.vpc_conn = awsConn.create_vpc_conn_singapore();
         #Extract instance and subnet IDS from the config file   
         self.instance_ids = self.conf['instance_ids'].split(',');
         self.private_subnet = self.conf['private_subnet'];
     except IOError:
         print 'IOError: Participant conf file not found';
     except KeyError as e:
         print conf_file + "does not contain key " + e.args[0];
         print "Make sure Conf file is valid and contains all resource ids";