def assertElasticsearchResultsEqual(self, first, second): """ The ordering of list items in our Elasticsearch responses typically doesn't matter. The comparison done by this method is insensitive to ordering differences in lists. For details see the doc string for sort_frozen() and freeze() """ self.assertEqual(sort_frozen(freeze(first)), sort_frozen(freeze(second)))
def manage_subscriptions(plugin: RepositoryPlugin, dss_client: DSSClient, subscribe=True): response = dss_client.get_subscriptions(replica='aws', subscription_type='elasticsearch') current_subscriptions = freeze(response['subscriptions']) key, key_id = if subscribe: base_url = config.indexer_endpoint() prefix = config.dss_query_prefix new_subscriptions = [ freeze( dict(replica='aws', es_query=query(prefix), callback_url=furl(url=base_url, path=(config.default_catalog, action)), hmac_key_id=key_id)) for query, action in [( plugin.dss_subscription_query, 'add'), (plugin.dss_deletion_subscription_query, 'delete')] ] else: new_subscriptions = [] for subscription in current_subscriptions: # Note the use of <= to allow for the fact that DSS returns subscriptions with additional attributes, more # than were originally supplied. If the subscription returned by DSS is a superset of the subscription we want # to create, we can skip the update. matching_subscription = next( (new_subscription for new_subscription in new_subscriptions if new_subscription.items() <= subscription.items()), None) if matching_subscription:'Already subscribed: %r', thaw(subscription)) new_subscriptions.remove(matching_subscription) else: subscription = thaw(subscription)'Removing stale subscription: %r', subscription) dss_client.delete_subscription(uuid=subscription['uuid'], replica=subscription['replica'], subscription_type='elasticsearch') for subscription in new_subscriptions: subscription = thaw(subscription) response = dss_client.put_subscription(**subscription, hmac_secret_key=key) subscription['uuid'] = response['uuid']'Registered subscription %r.', subscription)
def _derive_manifest_key(self, format_: ManifestFormat, catalog: CatalogName, filters: Filters, content_hash: int ) -> str: """ Return a manifest key deterministically derived from the arguments and the current commit hash. The same arguments will always produce the same return value in one revision of this code. Different arguments should, with a very high probability, produce different return values. """ git_commit = config.lambda_git_status['commit'] manifest_namespace = uuid.UUID('ca1df635-b42c-4671-9322-b0a7209f0235') filter_string = repr(sort_frozen(freeze(filters))) content_hash = str(content_hash) disable_multipart = str(config.disable_multipart_manifests) manifest_key_params = ( git_commit, catalog, format_.value, content_hash, disable_multipart, filter_string ) assert not any(',' in param for param in manifest_key_params[:-1]) return str(uuid.uuid5(manifest_namespace, ','.join(manifest_key_params)))
def threaded_manifests(): def full_run(filters): url = request_manifest(thaw(filters)) resp = requests.get(url) return resp.status_code filterss = set(freeze(generate_filters()) for _ in range(140)) with ThreadPoolExecutor(10) as main_tpe: return set(, filterss))
class Config: """ See `environment` for documentation of these settings. """ @property def environ(self): return ChainMap(os.environ, self._outsourced_environ) @property def owner(self): return self.environ['AZUL_OWNER'] def _boolean(self, value: str) -> bool: if value == "0": return False elif value == "1": return True else: raise ValueError('Expected "0" or "1"', value) @property def debug(self) -> int: debug = int(self.environ['AZUL_DEBUG']) self._validate_debug(debug) return debug @debug.setter def debug(self, debug: int): self._validate_debug(debug) self.environ['AZUL_DEBUG'] = str(debug) def _validate_debug(self, debug): require(debug in (0, 1, 2), "AZUL_DEBUG must be either 0, 1 or 2") _es_endpoint_env_name = 'AZUL_ES_ENDPOINT' @property def es_endpoint(self) -> Optional[Netloc]: try: es_endpoint = self.environ[self._es_endpoint_env_name] except KeyError: return None else: host, _, port = es_endpoint.partition(':') return host, int(port) def es_endpoint_env( self, es_endpoint: Union[Netloc, str], es_instance_count: Union[int, str]) -> Mapping[str, str]: if isinstance(es_endpoint, tuple): host, port = es_endpoint assert isinstance(host, str), host assert isinstance(port, int), port es_endpoint = f'{host}:{port}' elif isinstance(es_endpoint, str): pass else: assert False, es_endpoint return { self._es_endpoint_env_name: es_endpoint, self._es_instance_count_env_name: str(es_instance_count) } @property def aws_account_id(self) -> str: return self.environ['AZUL_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID'] @property def project_root(self) -> str: return self.environ['project_root'] @property def es_domain(self) -> str: return self.environ['AZUL_ES_DOMAIN'] @property def share_es_domain(self) -> bool: return self._boolean(self.environ['AZUL_SHARE_ES_DOMAIN']) @property def s3_bucket(self) -> str: return self.environ['AZUL_S3_BUCKET'] @property def manifest_expiration(self) -> int: """ Number of days before a manifest will be deleted from the storage bucket """ return 7 @property def manifest_expiration_margin(self) -> float: """ Minimum duration (in seconds) before a manifest in the storage bucket is considered too close to expiration for use """ return 60 * 15 @property def url_redirect_full_domain_name(self) -> str: return self.environ['AZUL_URL_REDIRECT_FULL_DOMAIN_NAME'] @property def url_redirect_base_domain_name(self) -> str: return self.environ['AZUL_URL_REDIRECT_BASE_DOMAIN_NAME'] @property def es_timeout(self) -> int: return int(self.environ['AZUL_ES_TIMEOUT']) @property def data_browser_domain(self): dcp_domain = '' if self.deployment_stage == 'prod': return dcp_domain elif self.deployment_stage in ('integration', 'staging'): return f'{self.deployment_stage}.{dcp_domain}' else: return f'dev.{dcp_domain}' @property def data_browser_name(self): return f'{self.resource_prefix}-data-browser-{self.deployment_stage}' @property def data_portal_name(self): return f'{self.resource_prefix}-data-portal-{self.deployment_stage}' @property def dss_endpoint(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.dss_source is None: return None else: from azul.indexer import ( SimpleSourceSpec, ) return SimpleSourceSpec.parse(self.dss_source).name @property def dss_source(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.environ.get('AZUL_DSS_SOURCE') def sources(self, catalog: CatalogName) -> AbstractSet[str]: return config.catalogs[catalog].sources @property def tdr_allowed_source_locations(self) -> AbstractSet[str]: # FIXME: Eliminate local import # import json return frozenset( json.loads(self.environ['AZUL_TDR_ALLOWED_SOURCE_LOCATIONS'])) @property def tdr_source_location(self) -> str: location = self.environ['AZUL_TDR_SOURCE_LOCATION'] allowed_locations = self.tdr_allowed_source_locations require(location in allowed_locations, f'{location!r} is not one of {allowed_locations!r}') return location @property def tdr_service_url(self) -> str: return self.environ['AZUL_TDR_SERVICE_URL'] @property def sam_service_url(self): return self.environ['AZUL_SAM_SERVICE_URL'] @property def dss_query_prefix(self) -> str: return self.environ.get('AZUL_DSS_QUERY_PREFIX', '') @property def partition_prefix_length(self) -> int: return int(self.environ['AZUL_PARTITION_PREFIX_LENGTH']) # Remove once is resolved def dss_deployment_stage(self, dss_endpoint: str) -> str: """ >>> config.dss_deployment_stage('') 'staging' >>> config.dss_deployment_stage('') 'prod' """ from urllib.parse import ( urlparse, ) user, _, domain = urlparse(dss_endpoint).netloc.rpartition('@') domain = domain.split('.') require(domain[-3:] == ['data', 'humancellatlas', 'org']) require(domain[0] == 'dss') stage = domain[1:-3] assert len(stage) < 2 return 'prod' if stage == [] else stage[0] @property def dss_direct_access(self) -> bool: return self._boolean(self.environ['AZUL_DSS_DIRECT_ACCESS']) def dss_direct_access_role(self, lambda_name: str, stage: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: key = 'AZUL_DSS_DIRECT_ACCESS_ROLE' try: role_arn = self.environ[key] except KeyError: return None else: arn, partition, service, region, account_id, resource = role_arn.split( ':') require(arn == 'arn') require(partition == 'aws') require(service == 'iam') require(region == '') require(account_id) resource_type, resource_id = resource.split('/') require(resource_type == 'role') try: lambda_name_template, default_stage = self.unqualified_resource_name( resource_id) require(lambda_name_template == '*') if stage is None: stage = default_stage role_name = self.qualified_resource_name(lambda_name, stage=stage) return f'arn:aws:iam::{account_id}:role/{role_name}' except RequirementError: # If we fail to parse the role name, we can't parameterize it # and must return the ARN verbatim. return role_arn @property def num_dss_workers(self) -> int: return int(self.environ['AZUL_DSS_WORKERS']) @property def num_tdr_workers(self) -> int: return int(self.environ['AZUL_TDR_WORKERS']) @property def external_lambda_role_assumptors( self) -> MutableMapping[str, List[str]]: try: accounts = self.environ['AZUL_EXTERNAL_LAMBDA_ROLE_ASSUMPTORS'] except KeyError: return {} else: return self._parse_principals(accounts) def _parse_principals(self, accounts) -> MutableMapping[str, List[str]]: # noinspection PyProtectedMember """ >>> from azul import config # Without this import, these doctests fail ... # in Pycharm since the fully qualified ... # class name of the exception would be ... # azul.RequirementError >>> config._parse_principals('123,foo*') {'123': ['foo*']} >>> config._parse_principals('123, foo*: 456,bar ,fubaz') {'123': ['foo*'], '456': ['bar', 'fubaz']} >>> config._parse_principals('') Traceback (most recent call last): ... azul.RequirementError: ('An account ID and at least one role must be specified', '') >>> config._parse_principals(' ') Traceback (most recent call last): ... azul.RequirementError: ('An account ID and at least one role must be specified', ' ') >>> config._parse_principals(':') Traceback (most recent call last): ... azul.RequirementError: ('An account ID and at least one role must be specified', '') >>> config._parse_principals(',') Traceback (most recent call last): ... azul.RequirementError: ('An account ID and at least one role must be specified', ',') >>> config._parse_principals(',:') Traceback (most recent call last): ... azul.RequirementError: ('An account ID and at least one role must be specified', ',') >>> config._parse_principals('123') Traceback (most recent call last): ... azul.RequirementError: ('An account ID and at least one role must be specified', '123') >>> config._parse_principals('123:') Traceback (most recent call last): ... azul.RequirementError: ('An account ID and at least one role must be specified', '123') >>> config._parse_principals('123 ,:') Traceback (most recent call last): ... azul.RequirementError: ('An account ID and at least one role must be specified', '123 ,') """ result = {} for account in accounts.split(':'): account_id, *roles = map(str.strip, account.split(',')) require(account_id and roles and all(roles), 'An account ID and at least one role must be specified', account) result[account_id] = roles return result @property def resource_prefix(self): prefix = self.environ['AZUL_RESOURCE_PREFIX'] self.validate_prefix(prefix) return prefix def qualified_resource_name(self, resource_name, suffix='', stage=None): self._validate_term(resource_name) if stage is None: stage = self.deployment_stage return f"{self.resource_prefix}-{resource_name}-{stage}{suffix}" def unqualified_resource_name(self, qualified_resource_name: str, suffix: str = '') -> Tuple[str, str]: """ >>> config.unqualified_resource_name('azul-foo-dev') ('foo', 'dev') >>> config.unqualified_resource_name('azul-foo') Traceback (most recent call last): ... azul.RequirementError: ['azul', 'foo'] >>> config.unqualified_resource_name('azul-object_versions-dev') ('object_versions', 'dev') >>> config.unqualified_resource_name('azul-object-versions-dev') Traceback (most recent call last): ... azul.RequirementError: ['azul', 'object', 'versions', 'dev'] """ require(qualified_resource_name.endswith(suffix)) if suffix: qualified_resource_name = qualified_resource_name[:-len(suffix)] # FIXME: Eliminate hardcoded separator # components = qualified_resource_name.split('-') require(len(components) == 3, components) prefix, resource_name, deployment_stage = components require(prefix == self.resource_prefix) return resource_name, deployment_stage def subdomain(self, lambda_name): return self.environ['AZUL_SUBDOMAIN_TEMPLATE'].replace( '*', lambda_name) def api_lambda_domain(self, lambda_name: str) -> str: return self.subdomain(lambda_name) + "." + self.domain_name @property def drs_domain(self): return self.environ['AZUL_DRS_DOMAIN_NAME'] def api_lambda_domain_aliases(self, lambda_name): """ Additional alias domain names for the given API lambda """ return [self.drs_domain ] if lambda_name == 'service' and self.drs_domain else [] def lambda_endpoint(self, lambda_name: str) -> str: return "https://" + self.api_lambda_domain(lambda_name) def indexer_endpoint(self) -> str: return self.lambda_endpoint('indexer') def service_endpoint(self) -> str: return self.lambda_endpoint('service') def drs_endpoint(self): if self.drs_domain: return "https://" + self.drs_domain else: return self.service_endpoint() def lambda_names(self) -> List[str]: return ['indexer', 'service'] @property def indexer_name(self) -> str: return self.indexer_function_name() @property def service_name(self) -> str: return self.service_function_name() def indexer_function_name(self, handler_name: Optional[str] = None): return self._function_name('indexer', handler_name) def service_function_name(self, handler_name: Optional[str] = None): return self._function_name('service', handler_name) def _function_name(self, lambda_name: str, handler_name: Optional[str]): if handler_name is None: return self.qualified_resource_name(lambda_name) else: # FIXME: Eliminate hardcoded separator # return self.qualified_resource_name(lambda_name, suffix='-' + handler_name) deployment_name_re = re.compile(r'[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,16}') @classmethod def validate_prefix(cls, prefix): reject( cls.deployment_name_re.fullmatch(prefix) is None, f"Prefix '{prefix}' is to short, too long or contains invalid characters." ) @classmethod def validate_deployment_name(cls, deployment_name): reject( cls.deployment_name_re.fullmatch(deployment_name) is None, f"Deployment name '{deployment_name}' is to short, too long or contains invalid characters." ) @property def deployment_stage(self) -> str: deployment_name = self.environ['AZUL_DEPLOYMENT_STAGE'] self.validate_deployment_name(deployment_name) return deployment_name @property def region(self) -> str: return self.environ['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'] @property def terraform_backend_bucket(self) -> str: return self.versioned_bucket @property def versioned_bucket(self): return self.environ['AZUL_VERSIONED_BUCKET'] @property def enable_monitoring(self) -> bool: return self._boolean(self.environ['AZUL_ENABLE_MONITORING']) @property def disable_monitoring(self) -> bool: return not self.enable_monitoring @property def es_instance_type(self) -> str: return self.environ['AZUL_ES_INSTANCE_TYPE'] _es_instance_count_env_name = 'AZUL_ES_INSTANCE_COUNT' @property def es_instance_count(self) -> int: return int(self.environ[self._es_instance_count_env_name]) @property def es_volume_size(self) -> int: return int(self.environ['AZUL_ES_VOLUME_SIZE']) @property def _index_prefix(self) -> str: return self._term_from_env('AZUL_INDEX_PREFIX') # Because this property is relatively expensive to produce and frequently # used we are applying aggressive caching here, knowing very well that # this eliminates the option to reconfigure the running process by # manipulating os.environ['AZUL_CATALOGS']. # # It also means that mocking/patching would need to be done on this property # and that the mocked property would be inconsistent with the environment # variable. We feel that the performance gain is worth these concessions. @attr.s(frozen=True, kw_only=True, auto_attribs=True) class Catalog: """ >>> plugins = dict(metadata=dict(name='hca'), repository=dict(name='tdr')) >>> kwargs = dict(atlas='', plugins=plugins, sources='') >>> c = Config.Catalog >>> c(name='dcp', internal=False, **kwargs) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Config.Catalog(name='dcp', atlas='', internal=False, plugins={'metadata': {'name': 'hca'}, 'repository': {'name': 'tdr'}}, sources='') >>> c(name='dcp-it', internal=True, **kwargs).is_integration_test_catalog True >>> c(name='foo-bar', internal=False, **kwargs).name 'foo-bar' >>> c(name='foo-bar-it', internal=True, **kwargs).name 'foo-bar-it' >>> c(name='a' * 61 + '-it', internal=True, **kwargs).is_integration_test_catalog True >>> c(name='a' * 62 + '-it', internal=True, **kwargs) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Traceback (most recent call last): ... azul.RequirementError: ('Catalog name is invalid', 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-it') """ @attr.s(frozen=True, kw_only=True, auto_attribs=True) class Plugin: name: str name: str atlas: str internal: bool plugins: Mapping[str, Plugin] sources: AbstractSet[str] _catalog_re = r'([a-z][a-z0-9]*(-[a-z0-9]+)*)' _catalog_re = r'(?=.{1,64}$)' + _catalog_re _it_catalog_suffix: ClassVar[str] = '-it' _it_catalog_re: ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile( _catalog_re + rf'(?<={re.escape(_it_catalog_suffix)})') _catalog_re: ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile(_catalog_re) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.validate_name( # Import locally to avoid cyclical import from azul.plugins import ( Plugin, ) all_types = set(p.type_name() for p in Plugin.types()) configured_types = self.plugins.keys() require(all_types == configured_types, 'Missing or extra plugin types', all_types.symmetric_difference(configured_types)) if self.internal: assert self.is_integration_test_catalog is True, self @cached_property def is_integration_test_catalog(self) -> bool: if self._it_catalog_re.match( is None: return False else: require(self.internal, 'IT catalogs must be internal', self) return True @cached_property def it_catalog(self) -> CatalogName: if self.is_integration_test_catalog: return else: name = + self._it_catalog_suffix assert self._it_catalog_re.match(name), name return name @classmethod def from_json(cls, name: str, spec: JSON) -> 'Config.Catalog': plugins = { plugin_type: cls.Plugin(**plugin_spec) for plugin_type, plugin_spec in spec['plugins'].items() } return cls(name=name, atlas=spec['atlas'], internal=spec['internal'], plugins=plugins, sources=set(spec['sources'])) @classmethod def validate_name(cls, catalog, **kwargs): reject( cls._catalog_re.fullmatch(catalog) is None, 'Catalog name is invalid', catalog, **kwargs) @cached_property def catalogs(self) -> Mapping[CatalogName, Catalog]: """ A mapping from catalog name to a mapping from plugin type to plugin package name. """ # FIXME: Eliminate local import # import json catalogs = json.loads(self.environ['AZUL_CATALOGS']) require(bool(catalogs), 'No catalogs configured') return { name: self.Catalog.from_json(name, catalog) for name, catalog in catalogs.items() } @property def default_catalog(self) -> CatalogName: return first(self.catalogs) def it_catalog_for(self, catalog: CatalogName) -> Optional[CatalogName]: it_catalog = self.catalogs[catalog].it_catalog assert it_catalog in self.integration_test_catalogs, it_catalog return it_catalog def is_dss_enabled(self, catalog: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: return self._is_plugin_enabled('dss', catalog) def is_tdr_enabled(self, catalog: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: return self._is_plugin_enabled('tdr', catalog) def _is_plugin_enabled(self, plugin: str, catalog: Optional[str]) -> bool: def predicate(catalog): return catalog.plugins['repository'].name == plugin if catalog is None: return any(map(predicate, self.catalogs.values())) else: return predicate(self.catalogs[catalog]) @cached_property def integration_test_catalogs(self) -> Mapping[CatalogName, Catalog]: return { name: catalog for name, catalog in self.catalogs.items() if catalog.is_integration_test_catalog } def es_index_name(self, catalog: CatalogName, entity_type: str, aggregate: bool) -> str: return str( IndexName(prefix=self._index_prefix, version=2, deployment=self.deployment_stage, catalog=catalog, entity_type=entity_type, aggregate=aggregate)) def parse_es_index_name(self, index_name: str) -> 'IndexName': """ Parse the name of an index in the current deployment. """ index_name = IndexName.parse(index_name) assert index_name.prefix == self._index_prefix assert index_name.deployment == self.deployment_stage return index_name def parse_foreign_es_index_name(self, index_name) -> 'IndexName': """ Parse the name of an index in any deployment and from any version of Azul provided that the deployment doesn't override the default index name prefix (AZUL_INDEX_PREFIX). """ return IndexName.parse(index_name, expected_prefix=self._index_prefix) @property def domain_name(self) -> str: return self.environ['AZUL_DOMAIN_NAME'] main_deployments_by_branch: Mapping[str, Sequence[str]] = freeze({ 'develop': ['dev'], 'integration': ['integration'], 'staging': ['staging'], 'prod': ['prod', 'prod2'] }) main_branches_by_deployment: Mapping[str, str] = freeze({ deployment: branch for branch, deployments in main_deployments_by_branch.items() for deployment in deployments }) def is_main_deployment(self, stage: str = None) -> bool: if stage is None: stage = self.deployment_stage return stage in self.main_branches_by_deployment def is_stable_deployment(self, stage=None) -> bool: if stage is None: stage = self.deployment_stage return stage in ('staging', 'prod') @property def _git_status(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: import git repo = git.Repo(config.project_root) return { 'azul_git_commit': repo.head.object.hexsha, 'azul_git_dirty': str(repo.is_dirty()), } @property def lambda_git_status(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: return { 'commit': self.environ['azul_git_commit'], 'dirty': str_to_bool(self.environ['azul_git_dirty']) } @property def lambda_env(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ A dictionary with the environment variables to be used by a deployed AWS Lambda function or `chalice local`. Only includes those variables that don't need to be outsourced. """ return {**self._lambda_env(outsource=False), **self._git_status} @property def lambda_env_for_outsourcing(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Same as :meth:`lambda_env` but only for variables that need to be outsourced. """ return self._lambda_env(outsource=True) def _lambda_env(self, *, outsource: bool) -> Dict[str, str]: return { k: v for k, v in os.environ.items() if k.startswith('AZUL_') and (len(v) > 128) == outsource } @cached_property def _outsourced_environ(self) -> Dict[str, str]: # FIXME: Eliminate local import # import json try: with open_resource('environ.json') as f: return json.load(f) except NotInLambdaContextException: # An outsourced environment is only defined in a Lambda context, # outside of one the real environment still contains all variables # that would be outsourced in a Lambda context. return {} def contribution_lambda_timeout(self, *, retry: bool) -> int: return (15 if retry else 5) * 60 def aggregation_lambda_timeout(self, *, retry: bool) -> int: return (10 if retry else 1) * 60 # For the period from 05/31/2020 to 06/06/2020, the max was 18s and the # average + 3 standard deviations was 1.8s in the `dev` deployment. # health_lambda_timeout = 10 service_lambda_timeout = 15 * 60 api_gateway_timeout = 29 # The number of seconds to extend the timeout of a Lambda fronted by API Gateway so that API Gateway times out # before the Lambda. We pad the Lambda timeout so we get consistent behaviour. Without this padding we'd have a # race between the Lambda being killed and API Gateway timing out. # api_gateway_timeout_padding = 2 @property def api_gateway_lambda_timeout(self) -> int: return self.api_gateway_timeout + self.api_gateway_timeout_padding # This is set dynamically at runtime lambda_context: Optional[LambdaContext] = None @property def terra_client_timeout(self) -> float: value = os.environ['AZUL_TERRA_TIMEOUT'] short_timeout, long_timeout = map(float, value.split(':')) require(short_timeout <= long_timeout, short_timeout, long_timeout) if self.lambda_context is None: return long_timeout else: remaining = self.lambda_context.get_remaining_time_in_millis() return (short_timeout if remaining <= self.api_gateway_lambda_timeout else long_timeout) term_re = re.compile("[a-z][a-z0-9_]{1,28}[a-z0-9]") def _term_from_env(self, env_var_name: str, optional=False) -> str: value = self.environ.get(env_var_name, default='') if value == '' and optional: return value else: self._validate_term(value, name=env_var_name) return value @classmethod def _validate_term(cls, term: str, name: str = 'Term') -> None: require( cls.term_re.fullmatch(term) is not None, f"{name} is either too short, too long or contains invalid characters: '{term}'" ) @classmethod def validate_entity_type(cls, entity_type: str) -> None: cls._validate_term(entity_type, name='entity_type') def secrets_manager_secret_name(self, *args): return '/'.join(['dcp', 'azul', self.deployment_stage, *args]) def enable_gcp(self): return 'GOOGLE_PROJECT' in self.environ class ServiceAccount(Enum): indexer = '' public = '_public' unregistered = '_unregistered' @property def id(self) -> str: return os.environ['AZUL_GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT' + self.value.upper()] @property def secret_name(self) -> str: return 'google_service_account' + self.value def state_machine_name(self, lambda_name): return config.qualified_resource_name(lambda_name) def _concurrency(self, value: str, retry: bool) -> int: """ >>> config._concurrency('123', False) 123 >>> config._concurrency('123', True) 123 >>> config._concurrency('123/456', False) 123 >>> config._concurrency('123/456', True) 456 >>> config._concurrency('foo', False) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'foo' >>> config._concurrency('123/foo', False) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'foo' >>> config._concurrency('123/', False) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '' >>> config._concurrency('123/456/789', False) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '456/789' """ value, sep, retry_value = value.partition('/') value = int(value) if sep: retry_value = int(retry_value) else: assert not retry_value retry_value = value return retry_value if retry else value def contribution_concurrency(self, *, retry: bool) -> int: return self._concurrency(self.environ['AZUL_CONTRIBUTION_CONCURRENCY'], retry) def aggregation_concurrency(self, *, retry: bool) -> int: return self._concurrency(self.environ['AZUL_AGGREGATION_CONCURRENCY'], retry) @property def bigquery_reserved_slots(self) -> int: """ The number of BigQuery slots to reserve when reindexing a catalog from a repository that stores its data in Google BigQuery. """ # Slots must be purchased in intervals of 100 min_slots = 100 concurrency = self.contribution_concurrency(retry=False) return max(1, round(concurrency / min_slots)) * min_slots @property def bigquery_batch_mode(self) -> bool: return self._boolean(os.environ['AZUL_BIGQUERY_BATCH_MODE']) def notifications_queue_name(self, *, retry=False, fail=False) -> str: name = self.unqual_notifications_queue_name(retry=retry, fail=fail) return self.qualified_resource_name(name) def unqual_notifications_queue_name(self, *, retry=False, fail=False): return self._unqual_queue_name('notifications', retry, fail) def tallies_queue_name(self, *, retry=False, fail=False) -> str: name = self.unqual_tallies_queue_name(retry=retry, fail=fail) return config.qualified_resource_name(name, suffix='.fifo') def unqual_tallies_queue_name(self, *, retry=False, fail=False): return self._unqual_queue_name('tallies', retry, fail) def _unqual_queue_name(self, basename: str, retry: bool, fail: bool) -> str: parts = [basename] if fail: assert not retry parts.append('fail') elif retry: parts.append('retry') return '_'.join(parts) @property def all_queue_names(self) -> List[str]: return self.work_queue_names + self.fail_queue_names @property def fail_queue_names(self) -> List[str]: return [ self.tallies_queue_name(fail=True), self.notifications_queue_name(fail=True) ] @property def work_queue_names(self) -> List[str]: return [ queue_name(retry=retry) for queue_name in (self.notifications_queue_name, self.tallies_queue_name) for retry in (False, True) ] url_shortener_whitelist = [ r'([^.]+\.)*humancellatlas\.org', r'([^.]+\.)*singlecell\.gi\.ucsc\.edu' ] @property def es_refresh_interval(self) -> int: """ Integral number of seconds between index refreshes in Elasticsearch """ return 1 # FIXME: Should depend on ES instance size # # max_chunk_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024 #: The maximum number of contributions to read in a single request during #: aggregation. A value that's too large could cause the response to be #: truncated by AWS, resulting a SerializationError. A value that's too #: small will result in poor performance due to latency accruing from an #: excessive number of requests being made. #: contribution_page_size = 100 @property def terraform_component(self): return self._term_from_env('azul_terraform_component', optional=True) permissions_boundary_name = 'azul-boundary' @property def github_project(self) -> str: return self.environ['azul_github_project'] @property def github_access_token(self) -> str: return self.environ['azul_github_access_token'] @property def portal_db_bucket(self) -> str: return self.versioned_bucket def portal_db_object_key(self, catalog_source: str) -> str: return f'azul/{self.deployment_stage}/portals/{catalog_source}-db.json' @property def lambda_layer_bucket(self) -> str: return self.versioned_bucket @property def lambda_layer_key(self) -> str: return 'lambda_layers' @property def dynamo_object_version_table_name(self) -> str: return self.qualified_resource_name('object_versions') @property def dynamo_sources_cache_table_name(self) -> str: return self.qualified_resource_name('sources_cache_by_auth') @property def reindex_sources(self) -> List[str]: sources = shlex.split(self.environ.get('azul_reindex_sources', '*')) require(sources, 'Sources cannot be empty', sources) return sources terms_aggregation_size = 99999 precision_threshold = 40000 minimum_compression_size = 0 @property def google_oauth2_client_id(self) -> Optional[str]: return os.environ.get('AZUL_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID')
def accumulate(self, value) -> bool: return super().accumulate(freeze(value))