def basic_sample(self):

        from azure.containerregistry import ContainerRegistryClient
        from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

        # Instantiate the client
        client = ContainerRegistryClient(self.account_url, DefaultAzureCredential())
        with client:
            # Iterate through all the repositories
            for repository_name in client.list_repository_names():
                if repository_name == "hello-world":
                    # Create a repository client from the registry client
                    repository_client = client.get_repository(repository_name)

                    with repository_client:
                        # Show all tags
                        for tag in repository_client.list_tags():

                    # [START delete_repository]
    def basic_sample(self):

        from azure.containerregistry import ContainerRegistryClient
        from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
        account_url = os.environ["CONTAINERREGISTRY_ENDPOINT"]

        # Instantiate the client
        client = ContainerRegistryClient(account_url, DefaultAzureCredential())
        with client:
            # Iterate through all the repositories
            for repository_name in client.list_repository_names():
                if repository_name == "hello-world":
                    # Create a repository object from the registry client
                    container_repository = client.get_repository(

                    with container_repository:
                        # Show all tags
                        for manifest in container_repository.list_manifests():

                    # [START delete_repository]