    for j in range(0,N):
        for i in range(0,N):
            for k in range(0,N):
                if k>i:
                    if SolvedSudoku[k,j] == SolvedSudoku[i,j]:
                        print(f'Duplicate int in column {j+1}')
                        InvalidSolution = True

    print(f"Is this solution valid? {not InvalidSolution}")

    return InvalidSolution

##### Generate cost function
OptimizationProblem = SudokuProblem(Sudoku9B)

# Choose the solver and parameters --- uncomment if you wish to use a different one
solver = SimulatedAnnealing(workspace, timeout = 120)   
#solver = ParallelTempering(workspace, timeout = 120)
#solver = Tabu(workspace, timeout = 120)
#solver = QuantumMonteCarlo(workspace, sweeps = 2, trotter_number = 10, restarts = 72, seed = 22, beta_start = 0.1, transverse_field_start = 10, transverse_field_stop = 0.1) # QMC is not available parameter-free yet

SolverSolution = solver.optimize(OptimizationProblem)  
SolvedSudoku   = ReadResults(SolverSolution['configuration'], Sudoku9B)

terms = c1 + c2 + c3 + c4

from azure.quantum.optimization import Problem, ProblemType
from azure.quantum.optimization import SimulatedAnnealing  # Change this line to match the Azure Quantum Optimization solver type you wish to use

# Problem type is PUBO in this instance. You could also have chosen to represent the problem in Ising form.
problem = Problem(name="Job shop sample",

# Provide details of your workspace, created at the beginning of this tutorial
# Provide the name of the solver you wish to use for this problem (as imported above)
solver = SimulatedAnnealing(workspace, timeout=100)  # Timeout in seconds

# Run job synchronously
result = solver.optimize(problem)
config = result['configuration']

# Run job asynchronously
# Alternatively, a job can be run asynchronously, as shown below:
## Submit problem to solver
job = solver.submit(problem)

## Get job status

## Get results
result = job.get_results()
                raise RuntimeError('This solution is not valid -- Traveled to a non-starting node more than once')
    print(f"Number of different nodes passed = {NumNodes}. This is valid!") 

    ##### Check if the end node is same as the start node
    if Path[1][1] != Path[-1][1]:
        raise RuntimeError(f'This solution is not valid -- Start node {Path[1][1]} is not equal to end node {Path[-1][1]}')
    print('Start and end node are the same. This is valid!')

    print('Valid route!')

# Generate cost function
OptimizationProblem = OptProblem(CostMatrix)

# Choose the solver and parameters --- uncomment if you wish to use a different one

solver = SimulatedAnnealing(workspace, timeout = 120)   
#solver = ParallelTempering(workspace, timeout = 120)
#solver = Tabu(workspace, timeout = 120)
#solver = QuantumMonteCarlo(workspace, sweeps = 2, trotter_number = 10, restarts = 72, seed = 22, beta_start = 0.1, transverse_field_start = 10, transverse_field_stop = 0.1) # QMC is not available parameter-free yet

route = solver.optimize(OptimizationProblem)                                        # Synchronously submit the optimization problem to the service -- wait until done.

# Call the function to interpret/convert/analyze the optimization results into a more meaningful/understandable format
PathDict = ReadResults(route['configuration'], NodeName, CostMatrix, NumNodes)
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'This solution is not correct -- Traveled to a non-starting node more than once'
    print(f"Number of different nodes passed = {NumNodes}. This is correct!")

    ##### Check if the end nodes is same as the start node
    if Path[1][1] != Path[-1][1]:
        raise RuntimeError(
            f'This solution is not correct -- Start node {Path[1][1]} is not equal to end node {Path[-1][1]}'
    print('Start and end node are the same. This is correct!')

    print('Valid route!')

##### Call the function to interpret/convert/analyze the optimization results into a more meaningful/understandable format
OptimizationProblem = OptProblem(CostMatrix)

#select QIO solver
solver = SimulatedAnnealing(workspace, timeout=120)
#solver = ParallelTempering(workspace, timeout = 120)
#solver = Tabu(workspace, timeout = 120)
#solver = QuantumMonteCarlo(workspace, timeout = 120)

route = solver.optimize(
    OptimizationProblem)  # Solve the optimization problem -- wait until done.

PathDict = ReadResults(route['configuration'], NodeName, CostMatrix, NumNodes)