    def run_pch(self, project, name, prop_set, sources):
        # Find the header in sources. Ignore any CPP sources.
        header = None
        for s in sources:
            if type.is_derived(s.type(), 'H'):
                header = s

        # Error handling: Base header file name should be the same as the base
        # precompiled header name.
        header_name = header.name()
        header_basename = os.path.basename(header_name).rsplit('.', 1)[0]
        if header_basename != name:
            location = project.project_module
            raise Exception()
            ### errors.user-error "in" $(location)": pch target name `"$(name)"' should be the same as the base name of header file `"$(header-name)"'" ;

        pch_file = Generator.run(self, project, name, prop_set, [header])

        # return result of base class and pch-file property as usage-requirements
        # FIXME: what about multiple results from generator.run?
        return (property_set.create([
            Property('pch-file', pch_file[0]),
            Property('cflags', '-Winvalid-pch')
        ]), pch_file)
    def run_pch(self, project, name, prop_set, sources):
        # Find the header in sources. Ignore any CPP sources.
        header = None
        for s in sources:
            if type.is_derived(s.type, 'H'):
                header = s

        # Error handling: Base header file name should be the same as the base
        # precompiled header name.
        header_name = header.name
        header_basename = os.path.basename(header_name).rsplit('.', 1)[0]
        if header_basename != name:
            location = project.project_module
            raise Exception()
            ### errors.user-error "in" $(location)": pch target name `"$(name)"' should be the same as the base name of header file `"$(header-name)"'" ;

        pch_file = Generator.run(self, project, name, prop_set, [header])

        # return result of base class and pch-file property as usage-requirements
        # FIXME: what about multiple results from generator.run?
        return (property_set.create('<pch-file>' + pch_file[0], '<cflags>-Winvalid-pch'),
 def generated_targets(self, sources, prop_set, project, name = None):
     name = sources[0].name
     return Generator.generated_targets(self, sources,
         prop_set, project, name)
 def generated_targets(self, sources, prop_set, project, name=None):
     name = sources[0].name()
     return Generator.generated_targets(self, sources, prop_set, project,