def test_failed_and_repair_upgrade_from_v2_0_0(clean_app):
    """Test upgrade from an unknown B2SHARE version."""
    with clean_app.app_context():
        ext = clean_app.extensions['invenio-db']
        if db.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            raise pytest.skip('upgrades are not supported on sqlite.')

        # bring db to v2.0.1 state
        result = upgrade_run(clean_app)
        assert result.exception.__class__ == sa.exc.ProgrammingError

        result = upgrade_run(clean_app)
        assert result.exit_code == 0
        # Check that the resulting state is in sync with sqlalchemy's MetaData
        assert not ext.alembic.compare_metadata()

        # check that the migration information have been saved
        migrations = Migration.query.all()
        assert len(migrations) == 1
        mig = migrations[0]
        assert mig.version == current_migration_version
        assert mig.success

        repeat_upgrade(clean_app, ext.alembic)

        validate_metadata(clean_app, ext.alembic)
def test_init_fail_and_retry(clean_app):
    """Test replay first database init after a failure."""
    with clean_app.app_context():
        ext = clean_app.extensions['invenio-db']
        if db.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            raise pytest.skip('upgrades are not supported on sqlite.')

        # create a conflicting table.
        db.engine.execute('CREATE table b2share_community (wrong int);')
        result = upgrade_run(clean_app)
        assert result.exit_code == -1

        # remove the problematic table
        db.engine.execute('DROP table b2share_community;')
        result = upgrade_run(clean_app)
        assert result.exit_code == 0

        # check that the migration information have been saved
        migrations = Migration.query.all()
        assert len(migrations) == 1
        mig = migrations[0]
        assert mig.version == current_migration_version
        assert mig.success

        repeat_upgrade(clean_app, ext.alembic)

        validate_metadata(clean_app, ext.alembic)
def test_upgrade_from_v2_0_0(clean_app):
    """Test upgrading B2Share from version 2.0.0."""
    with clean_app.app_context():
        ext = clean_app.extensions['invenio-db']
        if db.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            raise pytest.skip('upgrades are not supported on sqlite.')
        # bring db to v2.0.1 state

        # Upgrade B2SHARE with `b2share upgrade run`
        result = upgrade_run(clean_app)
        assert result.exit_code == 0

        repeat_upgrade(clean_app, ext.alembic)

        # check that the migration information have been saved
        migrations = Migration.query.all()
        assert len(migrations) == 1
        mig = migrations[0]
        assert mig.version == current_migration_version
        for step in mig.data['steps']:
            assert step['status'] == 'success'
        assert mig.data['error'] is None

        validate_metadata(clean_app, ext.alembic)
def test_init_upgrade(clean_app):
    """Test database upgrade from a clean state."""
    with clean_app.app_context():
        ext = clean_app.extensions['invenio-db']
        if db.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            raise pytest.skip('upgrades are not supported on sqlite.')

        result = upgrade_run(clean_app)
        assert result.exit_code == 0

        # check that the migration information have been saved
        migrations = Migration.query.all()
        assert len(migrations) == 1
        mig = migrations[0]
        assert mig.version == current_migration_version
        assert mig.success

        repeat_upgrade(clean_app, ext.alembic)

        validate_metadata(clean_app, ext.alembic)