def test_no_generic_or_default_warn_readon(self): # load the default plugin_admin.xml file after having remove the 'generic' setting from section 'warn_reasons' from b3.lib.elementtree import ElementTree as ET root = ET.parse(ADMIN_CONFIG_FILE).getroot() warn_reasons_nodes = [ x for x in root.findall('settings') if x.get('name') == 'warn_reasons' ][0] if len(warn_reasons_nodes): generic_nodes = [ x for x in warn_reasons_nodes[0].findall('set') if x.get('name') == "generic" ] if len(generic_nodes): warn_reasons_nodes[0].remove(generic_nodes[0]) default_nodes = [ x for x in warn_reasons_nodes[0].findall('set') if x.get('name') == "default" ] if len(default_nodes): warn_reasons_nodes[0].remove(default_nodes[0]) self.init(ET.tostring(root)) self.joe.message = Mock( lambda x: sys.stdout.write("message to Joe: " + x + "\n")) self.joe.connects(0) self.joe.says('!warntest') self.joe.message.assert_called_once_with( '^2TEST: ^1WARNING^7 [^31^7]: ^7behave yourself') self.joe.message.reset_mock() self.joe.says('!warntest argue') self.joe.message.assert_called_once_with( '^2TEST: ^1WARNING^7 [^31^7]: ^3Rule #3: No arguing with admins (listen and learn or leave)' )
def test_no_generic_or_default_warn_readon(self): # load the default plugin_admin.xml file after having remove the 'generic' setting from section 'warn_reasons' from b3.lib.elementtree import ElementTree as ET root = ET.parse(ADMIN_CONFIG_FILE).getroot() warn_reasons_nodes = [x for x in root.findall("settings") if x.get("name") == "warn_reasons"][0] if len(warn_reasons_nodes): generic_nodes = [x for x in warn_reasons_nodes[0].findall("set") if x.get("name") == "generic"] if len(generic_nodes): warn_reasons_nodes[0].remove(generic_nodes[0]) default_nodes = [x for x in warn_reasons_nodes[0].findall("set") if x.get("name") == "default"] if len(default_nodes): warn_reasons_nodes[0].remove(default_nodes[0]) self.init(ET.tostring(root)) self.joe.message = Mock(lambda x: sys.stdout.write("message to Joe: " + x + "\n")) self.joe.connects(0) self.joe.says("!warntest") self.joe.message.assert_called_once_with("^2TEST: ^1WARNING^7 [^31^7]: ^7behave yourself") self.joe.message.reset_mock() self.joe.says("!warntest argue") self.joe.message.assert_called_once_with( "^2TEST: ^1WARNING^7 [^31^7]: ^3Rule #3: No arguing with admins (listen and learn or leave)" )
def setXml(self, xml): """\ Read the xml config file from a string """ self._xml = ElementTree.fromstring(xml) self._loadSettings()
def readfp(self, fp): """\ Read the xml config file from a file pointer """ self._xml = ElementTree.parse(fp) self._loadSettings()
def readfp(self, fp): """\ Read the xml config file from a file pointer """ try: self._xml = ElementTree.parse(fp) except ExpatError, e: raise ConfigFileNotValid("%s" % e)
def loadFromString(self, xmlstring): """\ Read the xml config from a string """ self.fileName = None self.fileMtime = time.time() try: self._xml = ElementTree.XML(xmlstring) except ExpatError, e: raise ConfigFileNotValid("%s" % e)
self._checkqueue.put(self._checkqueue_end_token) def _checkClient(self, client): """\ Examine players steam community id and allow/deny connection. """ self.debug('checking %s (%s)', client, client.guid) try: response = self._query_service(client.guid) except Exception, err: self.exception(err) else: if response: try: xml = ElementTree.XML(response) error = xml.findtext('./error', None) if error: self.warning("Steam answered with error : %s", error) else: bandata = xml.findtext('./vacBanned', None) if bandata is None:"cannot tell if banned. received : %s" % response) elif bandata == '0':"%s has no VAC ban", elif bandata == '1':"%s (%s) is banned by VAC",, client.guid) self._takeActionAgainst(client) except ExpatError, e: self.error(e) else: