def _updateB(oldB, B, W, degrees, damping, inds, backinds):  # pragma: no cover
    """belief update function."""
    for j, d in enumerate(degrees):
        kk = inds[j]
        bk = backinds[j]

        if d == 0:
            B[kk, bk] = -np.inf

        belief = W[kk, bk] + W[j]
        oldBj = oldB[j]
        if d == oldBj.shape[0]:
            bth = quickselect(oldBj, d - 1)
            bplus = -1
            bth, bplus = quickselect(oldBj, d - 1, d)

        belief -= np.where(oldBj >= oldBj[bth], oldBj[bplus], oldBj[bth])
        B[kk, bk] = damping * belief + (1 - damping) * oldB[kk, bk]
def b_matching(D, k, max_iter=1000, damping=1, conv_thresh=1e-4, verbose=False):
  "Belief-Propagation for Weighted b-Matchings on Arbitrary Graphs
  and its Relation to Linear Programs with Integer Solutions"
  Bayati et al.

  Finds the minimal weight perfect b-matching using min-sum loopy-BP.

  @param D pairwise distance matrix
  @param k number of neighbors per vertex (scalar or array-like)

  Based on the code at http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~bert/code/bmatching/bdmatch
    INTERVAL = 2
    oscillation = 10
    cbuff = np.zeros(100, dtype=float)
    cbuffpos = 0
    N = D.shape[0]
    assert D.shape[1] == N, "Input distance matrix must be square"
    mask = ~np.eye(N, dtype=bool)  # Assume all nonzero except for diagonal
    W = -D[mask].reshape((N, -1)).astype(float)
    degrees = np.clip(np.atleast_1d(k), 0, N - 1)
    if degrees.size == 1:  # broadcast scalar up to length-N array
        degrees = np.repeat(degrees, N)
        assert degrees.shape == (N,), "Input degrees must have length N"
    # TODO: remove these later
    inds = np.tile(np.arange(N), (N, 1))
    backinds = inds.copy()
    inds = inds[mask].reshape((N, -1))
    backinds = backinds.T.ravel()[: (N * (N - 1))].reshape((N, -1))

    # Run Belief Revision
    change = 1.0
    B = W.copy()
    for n_iter in range(1, max_iter + 1):
        oldB = B.copy()
        updateB(oldB, B, W, degrees, damping, inds, backinds)

        # check for convergence
        if n_iter % INTERVAL == 0:
            # track changes
            c = np.abs(B[:, 0]).sum()
            # c may be infinite here, and that's ok
            with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
                if np.any(np.abs(c - cbuff) < conv_thresh):
                    oscillation -= 1
            cbuff[cbuffpos] = c
            cbuffpos = (cbuffpos + 1) % len(cbuff)

            change = update_change(B, oldB)
            if np.isnan(change):
                    "change is NaN! " "BP will quit but solution could be invalid. " "Problem may be infeasible."
            if change < conv_thresh or oscillation < 1:
        warnings.warn("Hit iteration limit (%d) before converging" % max_iter)

    if verbose:  # pragma: no cover
        if change < conv_thresh:
            print("Converged to stable beliefs in %d iterations" % n_iter)
        elif oscillation < 1:
            print("Stopped after reaching oscillation in %d iterations" % n_iter)
            print("No feasible solution found or there are multiple maxima.")
            print("Outputting best approximate solution. Try damping.")

    # recover result from B
    thresholds = np.zeros(N)
    for i, d in enumerate(degrees):
        Brow = B[i]
        if d >= N - 1:
            thresholds[i] = -np.inf
        elif d < 1:
            thresholds[i] = np.inf
            thresholds[i] = Brow[quickselect(Brow, d - 1)]

    ii, jj = np.where(B >= thresholds[:, None])
    pairs = np.column_stack((ii, inds[ii, jj]))
    return Graph.from_edge_pairs(pairs, num_vertices=N)