    def activity(self) -> ba.Activity:
        """The Activity this Actor was created in.

        Raises a ba.ActivityNotFoundError if the Activity no longer exists.
        activity = self._activity()
        if activity is None:
            raise ActivityNotFoundError()
        return activity
    def getactivity(self, doraise: bool = True) -> Optional[ba.Activity]:
        """Return the ba.Activity this Actor is associated with.

        If the Activity no longer exists, raises a ba.ActivityNotFoundError
        or returns None depending on whether 'doraise' is True.
        activity = self._activity()
        if activity is None and doraise:
            raise ActivityNotFoundError()
        return activity
    def autoretain(self: T) -> T:
        """Keep this Actor alive without needing to hold a reference to it.

        This keeps the ba.Actor in existence by storing a reference to it
        with the ba.Activity it was created in. The reference is lazily
        released once ba.Actor.exists() returns False for it or when the
        Activity is set as expired.  This can be a convenient alternative
        to storing references explicitly just to keep a ba.Actor from dying.
        For convenience, this method returns the ba.Actor it is called with,
        enabling chained statements such as:  myflag = ba.Flag().autoretain()
        activity = self._activity()
        if activity is None:
            raise ActivityNotFoundError()
        return self