def datetimeformat(context, value, format='shortdatetime'): """ Returns date/time formatted using babel's locale settings. Uses the timezone from """ if not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): # Expecting date value raise ValueError tzinfo = timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE) tzvalue = tzinfo.localize(value) locale = _babel_locale(_contextual_locale(context)) # If within a day, 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400s if format == 'shortdatetime': # Check if the date is today if value.toordinal() == formatted = _lazy(u'Today at %s') % format_time( tzvalue, format='short', locale=locale) else: formatted = format_datetime(tzvalue, format='short', locale=locale) elif format == 'longdatetime': formatted = format_datetime(tzvalue, format='long', locale=locale) elif format == 'date': formatted = format_date(tzvalue, locale=locale) elif format == 'time': formatted = format_time(tzvalue, locale=locale) elif format == 'datetime': formatted = format_datetime(tzvalue, locale=locale) else: # Unknown format raise DateTimeFormatError return jinja2.Markup('<time datetime="%s">%s</time>' % \ (tzvalue.isoformat(), formatted))
def datetimeformat(context, value, format='shortdatetime'): """ Returns a formatted date/time using Babel's locale settings. Uses the timezone from, if the user has not been authenticated. """ if not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): # Expecting date value raise ValueError request = context.get('request') default_tzinfo = convert_tzinfo = timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE) if value.tzinfo is None: value = default_tzinfo.localize(value) new_value = value.astimezone(default_tzinfo) else: new_value = value if 'timezone' not in request.session: if request.user.is_authenticated(): try: convert_tzinfo = request.user.get_profile().timezone or \ default_tzinfo except (Profile.DoesNotExist, AttributeError): pass request.session['timezone'] = convert_tzinfo else: convert_tzinfo = request.session['timezone'] convert_value = new_value.astimezone(convert_tzinfo) locale = _babel_locale(_contextual_locale(context)) # If within a day, 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400s if format == 'shortdatetime': # Check if the date is today today = if convert_value.toordinal() == today: formatted = _lazy(u'Today at %s') % format_time( convert_value, format='short', tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale) else: formatted = format_datetime(convert_value, format='short', tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale) elif format == 'longdatetime': formatted = format_datetime(convert_value, format='long', tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale) elif format == 'date': formatted = format_date(convert_value, locale=locale) elif format == 'time': formatted = format_time(convert_value, tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale) elif format == 'datetime': formatted = format_datetime(convert_value, tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale) else: # Unknown format raise DateTimeFormatError return jinja2.Markup('<time datetime="%s">%s</time>' % \ (convert_value.isoformat(), formatted))
def _get_mime_headers(self): headers = [] headers.append(('Project-Id-Version', '%s %s' % (self.project, self.version))) headers.append(('Report-Msgid-Bugs-To', self.msgid_bugs_address)) headers.append(('POT-Creation-Date', format_datetime(self.creation_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ', locale='en'))) if isinstance(self.revision_date, (datetime, time_) + number_types): headers.append(('PO-Revision-Date', format_datetime(self.revision_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ', locale='en'))) else: headers.append(('PO-Revision-Date', self.revision_date)) headers.append(('Last-Translator', self.last_translator)) if (self.locale is not None) and ('LANGUAGE' in self.language_team): headers.append(('Language-Team', self.language_team.replace('LANGUAGE', str(self.locale)))) else: headers.append(('Language-Team', self.language_team)) if self.locale is not None: headers.append(('Plural-Forms', self.plural_forms)) headers.append(('MIME-Version', '1.0')) headers.append(('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=%s' % self.charset)) headers.append(('Content-Transfer-Encoding', '8bit')) headers.append(('Generated-By', 'Babel %s\n' % VERSION)) return headers
def export2json(export): # TODO: This doesn't actually work, I can't figure out how to get # the corect data out of redis if export.status != 'complete': data = redis.hgetall(export.redis_key) else: data = {} log.debug('info: {}'.format(str(data))) count = len(export.contents) return { 'id':, 'title': localizer.pluralize( _(u'Export containing ${count} item'), _(u'Export containing ${count} items'), count, 'occams', mapping={'count': count}), 'name':, 'status': export.status, 'use_choice_labels': export.use_choice_labels, 'expand_collections': export.expand_collections, 'contents': sorted(export.contents, key=lambda v: v['title']), 'count': data.get('count'), 'total': data.get('total'), 'file_size': (naturalsize(export.file_size) if export.file_size else None), 'download_url': request.route_path('studies.export_download',, 'delete_url': request.route_path('studies.export',, 'create_date': format_datetime(export.create_date, locale=locale), 'expire_date': format_datetime(export.expire_date, locale=locale) }
def pretty_time(dt, allow_relative=True): ago = - dt if allow_relative and ago < datetime.timedelta(hours=24): return template_helpers.simplified_timesince(dt) elif == return format_datetime( datetime=dt, tzinfo=pytz.UTC, format="HH:mm", locale=c.locale, ) elif ago < datetime.timedelta(days=365): return format_datetime( datetime=dt, tzinfo=pytz.UTC, format="dd MMM HH:mm", locale=c.locale, ) else: return format_datetime( datetime=dt, tzinfo=pytz.UTC, format="dd MMM YYYY HH:mm", locale=c.locale, )
def getRSSFeed(items): # XML Header rssContent = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>\r\n' rssContent += '<rss version="2.0">\r\n' rssContent += "\t<channel>\r\n" rssContent += "\t\t<title>XDM RSS Feed - AutoGet-It</title>\r\n" rssContent += "\t\t<link></link>\r\n" rssContent += "\t\t<description>RSS feed generated by XDM to download.</description>\r\n" rssContent += "\t\t<lastBuildDate>%s</lastBuildDate>\r\n" % format_datetime(, "E, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", locale="en_US" ) rssContent += "\t\t<generator>XDM RSS downloader Plugin</generator>\r\n\r\n" # XML Content for item in items: rssContent += "\t\t<item>\r\n" rssContent += "\t\t\t<title>%s</title>\r\n" % item["title"] rssContent += "\t\t\t<link>%s</link>\r\n" % item["link"] rssContent += "\t\t\t<guid>%s</guid>\r\n" % item["guid"] rssContent += "\t\t\t<pubDate>%s</pubDate>\r\n" % format_datetime( item["pubDate"], "E, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", locale="en_US" ) rssContent += "\t\t</item>\r\n" # XML Footer rssContent += "\t</channel>\r\n</rss>\r\n" return rssContent
def _get_mime_headers(self): headers = [] headers.append(('Project-Id-Version', '%s %s' % (self.project, self.version))) headers.append(('Report-Msgid-Bugs-To', self.msgid_bugs_address)) headers.append(('POT-Creation-Date', format_datetime(self.creation_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ', locale='en'))) if self.locale is None: headers.append(('PO-Revision-Date', 'YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE')) headers.append(('Last-Translator', 'FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>')) headers.append(('Language-Team', 'LANGUAGE <*****@*****.**>')) else: headers.append(('PO-Revision-Date', format_datetime(self.revision_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ', locale='en'))) headers.append(('Last-Translator', self.last_translator)) headers.append(('Language-Team', self.language_team.replace('LANGUAGE', str(self.locale)))) headers.append(('Plural-Forms', self.plural_forms)) headers.append(('MIME-Version', '1.0')) headers.append(('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=%s' % self.charset)) headers.append(('Content-Transfer-Encoding', '8bit')) headers.append(('Generated-By', 'Babel %s\n' % VERSION)) return headers
def pretty_time(dt): display_tz = pytz.timezone(c.liveupdate_event.timezone) today = date = dt.astimezone(display_tz).date() if date == today: return format_time( time=dt, tzinfo=display_tz, format="HH:mm z", locale=c.locale, ) elif today - date < datetime.timedelta(days=365): return format_datetime( datetime=dt, tzinfo=display_tz, format="dd MMM HH:mm z", locale=c.locale, ) else: return format_datetime( datetime=dt, tzinfo=display_tz, format="dd MMM YYYY HH:mm z", locale=c.locale, )
def formatDateTime(dateTime, showWeek=False, format=None, locale=None): week = "" locale = str(locale or currentLocale()) if showWeek: week = "EEEE " if not format: return format_datetime(dateTime, week+'d/M/yyyy H:mm', locale=locale).encode('utf-8') else: return format_datetime(dateTime, format, locale=locale).encode('utf-8')
def datetimeformat(context, value, format="shortdatetime"): """ Returns a formatted date/time using Babel's locale settings. Uses the timezone from, if the user has not been authenticated. """ if not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): # Expecting date value raise ValueError("Unexpected value {value} passed to datetimeformat".format(value=value)) request = context.get("request") default_tzinfo = convert_tzinfo = timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE) if value.tzinfo is None: value = default_tzinfo.localize(value) new_value = value.astimezone(default_tzinfo) else: new_value = value if "timezone" not in request.session: if request.user.is_authenticated(): try: convert_tzinfo = Profile.objects.get(user=request.user).timezone or default_tzinfo except (Profile.DoesNotExist, AttributeError): pass request.session["timezone"] = convert_tzinfo else: convert_tzinfo = request.session["timezone"] convert_value = new_value.astimezone(convert_tzinfo) locale = _babel_locale(_contextual_locale(context)) # If within a day, 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400s if format == "shortdatetime": # Check if the date is today today = if convert_value.toordinal() == today: formatted = _lazy(u"Today at %s") % format_time( convert_value, format="short", tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale ) else: formatted = format_datetime(convert_value, format="short", tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale) elif format == "longdatetime": formatted = format_datetime(convert_value, format="long", tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale) elif format == "date": formatted = format_date(convert_value, locale=locale) elif format == "time": formatted = format_time(convert_value, tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale) elif format == "datetime": formatted = format_datetime(convert_value, tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale) else: # Unknown format raise DateTimeFormatError return jinja2.Markup('<time datetime="%s">%s</time>' % (convert_value.isoformat(), formatted))
def test_format_current_moment(monkeypatch): import datetime as datetime_module frozen_instant = datetime.utcnow() class frozen_datetime(datetime): @classmethod def utcnow(cls): return frozen_instant # Freeze time! Well, some of it anyway. monkeypatch.setattr(datetime_module, "datetime", frozen_datetime) assert dates.format_datetime(locale="en_US") == dates.format_datetime(frozen_instant, locale="en_US")
def matches_datetime_format_for_team(value, tz): utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if value.year != utcnow.year: return dates.format_datetime(value, "MMM d',' yyyy 'at' h':'mm a zzz", locale='en_US', tzinfo=pytz.timezone(tz)) return dates.format_datetime(value, "EEE',' MMM d 'at' h':'mm a zzz", locale='en_US', tzinfo=pytz.timezone(tz))
def test_format_datetime(): dt = datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30) assert (dates.format_datetime(dt, locale='en_US') == u'Apr 1, 2007, 3:30:00 PM') full = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'full', tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Paris'), locale='fr_FR') assert full == (u'dimanche 1 avril 2007 à 17:30:00 heure ' u'd\u2019\xe9t\xe9 d\u2019Europe centrale') custom = dates.format_datetime(dt, "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss zzz", tzinfo=timezone('US/Eastern'), locale='en') assert custom == u'2007.04.01 AD at 11:30:00 EDT'
def datetimeformat(context, value, format='shortdatetime', output='html'): """ Returns date/time formatted using babel's locale settings. Uses the timezone from """ if not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): if isinstance(value, # Turn a date into a datetime value = datetime.datetime.combine(value, datetime.datetime.min.time()) else: # Expecting datetime value raise ValueError default_tz = timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE) tzvalue = default_tz.localize(value) user = context['request'].user try: profile = user.get_profile() if user.is_authenticated() and profile.timezone: user_tz = profile.timezone tzvalue = user_tz.normalize(tzvalue.astimezone(user_tz)) except AttributeError: pass locale = _babel_locale(_contextual_locale(context)) # If within a day, 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400s if format == 'shortdatetime': # Check if the date is today if value.toordinal() == formatted = _lazy(u'Today at %s') % format_time( tzvalue, format='short', locale=locale) else: formatted = format_datetime(tzvalue, format='short', locale=locale) elif format == 'longdatetime': formatted = format_datetime(tzvalue, format='long', locale=locale) elif format == 'date': formatted = format_date(tzvalue, locale=locale) elif format == 'time': formatted = format_time(tzvalue, locale=locale) elif format == 'datetime': formatted = format_datetime(tzvalue, locale=locale) else: # Unknown format raise DateTimeFormatError if output == 'json': return formatted return jinja2.Markup('<time datetime="%s">%s</time>' % (tzvalue.isoformat(), formatted))
def format_datetime_local(datetime, format="medium"): """Format the output of a datetime object to a localized string""" from babel.dates import format_datetime from django.conf import settings from django.utils.translation.trans_real import to_locale # See # for customizing the output format. try: result = format_datetime(datetime, format, locale=to_locale(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE)) except ValueError: result = format_datetime(datetime, format, locale="en_US") return result
def get_article(article_id, parse=False): locale = get_locale() contr = ArticleController( article = contr.get(id=article_id) if not article.readed: article['readed'] = True contr.update({'id': article_id}, {'readed': True}) article['category_id'] = article.category_id or 0 feed = FeedController( article['icon_url'] = url_for('icon.icon', url=feed.icon_url) \ if feed.icon_url else None readability_available = bool(current_user.readability_key or conf.PLUGINS_READABILITY_KEY) article['date'] = format_datetime(localize(, locale=locale) article['readability_available'] = readability_available if parse or (not article.readability_parsed and feed.readability_auto_parse and readability_available): try: new_content = readability.parse(, current_user.readability_key or conf.PLUGINS_READABILITY_KEY) except Exception as error: flash("Readability failed with %r" % error, "error") article['readability_parsed'] = False else: article['readability_parsed'] = True article['content'] = clean_urls(new_content, article['link']) new_attr = {'readability_parsed': True, 'content': new_content} contr.update({'id': article['id']}, new_attr) return article
def format_tz(pool, cr, uid, dt, tz=False, format=False, context=None): context = dict(context or {}) if tz: context['tz'] = tz or pool.get('res.users').read(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, uid, ['tz'])['tz'] or "UTC" timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt, tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) ts = openerp.osv.fields.datetime.context_timestamp(cr, uid, timestamp, context) # Babel allows to format datetime in a specific language without change locale # So month 1 = January in English, and janvier in French # Be aware that the default value for format is 'medium', instead of 'short' # medium: Jan 5, 2016, 10:20:31 PM | 5 janv. 2016 22:20:31 # short: 1/5/16, 10:20 PM | 5/01/16 22:20 if context.get('use_babel'): # Formatting available here : from babel.dates import format_datetime return format_datetime(ts, format or 'medium', locale=context.get("lang") or 'en_US') if format: return ts.strftime(format) else: lang = context.get("lang") lang_params = {} if lang: res_lang = pool.get('res.lang') ids =, uid, [("code", "=", lang)]) if ids: lang_params =, uid, ids[0], ["date_format", "time_format"]) format_date = lang_params.get("date_format", '%B-%d-%Y') format_time = lang_params.get("time_format", '%I-%M %p') fdate = ts.strftime(format_date).decode('utf-8') ftime = ts.strftime(format_time) return "%s %s%s" % (fdate, ftime, (' (%s)' % tz) if tz else '')
def test_smoke_dates(locale): locale = Locale.parse(locale) instant = for width in ("full", "long", "medium", "short"): assert dates.format_date(instant, format=width, locale=locale) assert dates.format_datetime(instant, format=width, locale=locale) assert dates.format_time(instant, format=width, locale=locale)
def format_tz(env, dt, tz=False, format=False): record_user_timestamp = env.user.sudo().with_context(tz=tz or env.user.sudo().tz or 'UTC') timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt, tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) ts = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(record_user_timestamp, timestamp) # Babel allows to format datetime in a specific language without change locale # So month 1 = January in English, and janvier in French # Be aware that the default value for format is 'medium', instead of 'short' # medium: Jan 5, 2016, 10:20:31 PM | 5 janv. 2016 22:20:31 # short: 1/5/16, 10:20 PM | 5/01/16 22:20 if env.context.get('use_babel'): # Formatting available here : from babel.dates import format_datetime return format_datetime(ts, format or 'medium', locale=env.context.get("lang") or 'en_US') if format: return pycompat.text_type(ts.strftime(format)) else: lang = env.context.get("lang") langs = env['res.lang'] if lang: langs = env['res.lang'].search([("code", "=", lang)]) format_date = langs.date_format or '%B-%d-%Y' format_time = langs.time_format or '%I-%M %p' fdate = pycompat.text_type(ts.strftime(format_date)) ftime = pycompat.text_type(ts.strftime(format_time)) return u"%s %s%s" % (fdate, ftime, (u' (%s)' % tz) if tz else u'')
def get_bar_graph_datas(self): data = [] today = datetime.strptime(fields.Date.context_today(self), DF) data.append({'label': _('Past'), 'value': 0.0, 'type': 'past'}) day_of_week = int(format_datetime(today, 'e', locale=self._context.get( 'lang') or 'en_US')) first_day_of_week = today + timedelta(days=-day_of_week + 1) for i in range(-1, 4): if i == 0: label = _('This Week') elif i == 3: label = _('Future') else: start_week = first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=i * 7) end_week = start_week + timedelta(days=6) if start_week.month == end_week.month: label = \ str( + '-' + str( + ' ' + \ format_date(end_week, 'MMM', locale=self._context.get( 'lang') or 'en_US') else: label = \ format_date(start_week, 'd MMM', locale=self._context.get('lang') or 'en_US' ) + '-' + format_date( end_week, 'd MMM', locale=self._context.get('lang') or 'en_US') data.append({ 'label': label, 'value': 0.0, 'type': 'past' if i < 0 else 'future'}) select_sql_clause = 'SELECT count(*) FROM helpdesk_ticket AS h ' \ 'WHERE issue_type_id = %(issue_type_id)s' query_args = {'issue_type_id':} query = '' start_date = (first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=-7)) for i in range(0, 6): if i == 0: query += "(" + select_sql_clause + " and start_date < '" + \ start_date.strftime(DF) + "')" elif i == 5: query += " UNION ALL (" + select_sql_clause + \ " and start_date >= '" + \ start_date.strftime(DF) + "')" else: next_date = start_date + timedelta(days=7) query += " UNION ALL (" + select_sql_clause + \ " and start_date >= '" + start_date.strftime(DF) + \ "' and end_date < '" + next_date.strftime(DF) + \ "')" start_date = next_date, query_args) query_results = for index in range(0, len(query_results)): if query_results[index]: data[index]['value'] = query_results[index].get('count') return [{'values': data}]
def test_default(self): """Expects shortdatetime.""" value_test = datetime.fromordinal(733900) value_expected = format_datetime(value_test, format='short', locale=u'en_US') value_returned = datetimeformat(self.context, value_test) eq_(pq(value_returned)('time').text(), value_expected)
def test_format_datetime(self): import datetime from babel.dates import format_datetime from babel.core import UnknownLocaleError api = self.make() first = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 0) self.assertEqual(api.format_datetime(first), format_datetime(first, format="medium", locale="en")) self.assertEqual( api.format_datetime(time.mktime(first.timetuple())), format_datetime(first, format="medium", locale="en") ) self.assertEqual( api.format_datetime(first, format="short"), format_datetime(first, format="short", locale="en") ) api.locale_name = "unknown" self.assertRaises(UnknownLocaleError, api.format_datetime, first)
def format_datetime(self, datetime=None, format=None, rebase=True): """Returns a date and time formatted according to the given pattern and following the current locale and timezone. :param datetime: A ``datetime`` object. If None, the current date and time in UTC is used. :param format: The format to be returned. Valid values are "short", "medium", "long", "full" or a custom date/time pattern. Example outputs: - short: 11/10/09 4:36 PM - medium: Nov 10, 2009 4:36:05 PM - long: November 10, 2009 4:36:05 PM +0000 - full: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 4:36:05 PM World (GMT) Time :param rebase: If True, converts the datetime to the current :attr:`timezone`. :returns: A formatted date and time in unicode. """ format = self._get_format('datetime', format) kwargs = {} if rebase: kwargs['tzinfo'] = self.tzinfo return dates.format_datetime(datetime, format, locale=self.locale, **kwargs)
def when_text(d,t=None): """ Return a string with a concise representation of the given date and time combination. Examples: >>> when_text(,12,25)) u'2013 Dec 25 (Wed)' >>> when_text(,12,25),datetime.time(17,15,00)) u'2013 Dec 25 (Wed) 17:15' >>> when_text(None) u'' """ if d is None: return '' fmt = 'yyyy MMM dd (EE)' if t is None: return format_date(d,fmt,locale=to_locale(translation.get_language())) #~ if d.year == #~ fmt = "%a" + settings.SITE.time_format_strftime #~ else: #~ fmt = "%a %y %b %d" + settings.SITE.time_format_strftime #~ fmt = "%a %Y %b %d " + settings.SITE.time_format_strftime #~ return datetime.datetime.combine(d,t).strftime(fmt) fmt += " HH:mm" return format_datetime(datetime.datetime.combine(d,t),fmt,locale=to_locale(translation.get_language()))
def i_format(loc, s, *a, **kw): if a: a = list(a) for c, f in [(a, enumerate), (kw, dict.items)]: for k, o in f(c): o, wrapper = (o.value, o.wrapper) if isinstance(o, Wrap) else (o, None) if isinstance(o, text_type): pass elif isinstance(o, Decimal): c[k] = format_decimal(o, locale=loc) elif isinstance(o, int): c[k] = format_number(o, locale=loc) elif isinstance(o, Money): c[k] = loc.format_money(o) elif isinstance(o, MoneyBasket): c[k] = loc.format_money_basket(o) elif isinstance(o, Age): c[k] = format_timedelta(o, locale=loc, **o.format_args) elif isinstance(o, timedelta): c[k] = format_timedelta(o, locale=loc) elif isinstance(o, datetime): c[k] = format_datetime(o, locale=loc) elif isinstance(o, date): c[k] = format_date(o, locale=loc) elif isinstance(o, Locale): c[k] = loc.languages.get(o.language) or o.language.upper() elif isinstance(o, Currency): c[k] = loc.currencies.get(o, o) if wrapper: c[k] = wrapper % (c[k],) return s.format(*a, **kw)
def get_traffic(cls, thing, start, end): """Retrieve traffic by interval for a Promoted Link or PromoCampaign.""" history = get_promo_traffic(thing, start, end) interval = cls.get_interval(thing) needs_hour_adjustment = _use_adserver_reporting(thing) promote_hour = promote.promo_datetime_now().hour computed_history = [] for date, data in history: imps = data[0] clicks = data[1] spent = None if len(data) == 2 else data[2] ctr = _clickthrough_rate(imps, clicks) # replace hour to ensure that adserver dates appear correct # since we store them without the promotion hour. if needs_hour_adjustment: date = date.replace(hour=promote_hour) date = date.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) date = date.astimezone(pytz.timezone("EST")) datestr = format_datetime( date, locale=c.locale, format=cls.date_format_by_interval.get(interval), ) values = ((imps, format_number(imps)), (clicks, format_number(clicks)), (ctr, format_number(ctr))) if spent is not None: values = ((spent, format_currency(spent, 'USD', locale=c.locale)),) + values computed_history.append((date, datestr, values)) return computed_history
def asString(self, objValue, objType): ''' @see: Converter.asString ''' assert isinstance(objType, Type), 'Invalid object type %s' % objType if isinstance(objType, TypeModel): # If type model is provided we consider the model property type assert isinstance(objType, TypeModel) container = objType.container assert isinstance(container, Model) objType =[container.propertyId] if objType.isOf(str): return objValue if objType.isOf(bool): return str(objValue) if objType.isOf(Percentage): return bn.format_percent(objValue, self.formats.get(Percentage, None), self.locale) if objType.isOf(Number): return bn.format_decimal(objValue, self.formats.get(Number, None), self.locale) if objType.isOf(Date): return bd.format_date(objValue, self.formats.get(Date, None), self.locale) if objType.isOf(Time): return bd.format_time(objValue, self.formats.get(Time, None), self.locale) if objType.isOf(DateTime): return bd.format_datetime(objValue, self.formats.get(DateTime, None), None, self.locale) raise TypeError('Invalid object type %s for Babel converter' % objType)
def test_locale(self): """Expects shortdatetime in French.""" self.context["request"].locale = u"fr" value_test = datetime.fromordinal(733900) value_expected = format_datetime(value_test, format="short", locale=u"fr") value_returned = datetimeformat(self.context, value_test) eq_(pq(value_returned)("time").text(), value_expected)
def test_longdatetime(self): """Expects long format.""" value_test = datetime.fromordinal(733900) tzvalue = timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE).localize(value_test) value_expected = format_datetime(tzvalue, format="long", locale=u"en_US") value_returned = datetimeformat(self.context, value_test, format="longdatetime") eq_(pq(value_returned)("time").text(), value_expected)
def export_user_data(app_user, data_export_email): human_user, app_id = get_app_user_tuple(app_user) date = format_datetime(, locale='en', format='yyyy_MM_dd') result_path = '/%s/users/%s/%s' % (EXPORTS_BUCKET,, date) def update(): user_data_export_key = UserDataExport.create_key(app_user, date) user_data_export = UserDataExport.get(user_data_export_key) if user_data_export: return user_data_export.data_export_email user_data_export = UserDataExport(key=user_data_export_key) user_data_export.creation_time = now() user_data_export.data_export_email = data_export_email user_data_export.put() counter = ExportUserPipeline(result_path,, app_id, data_export_email) task = counter.start(return_task=True) task.add(queue_name=DATA_EXPORT_QUEUE, transactional=True) redirect_url = "%s/status?root=%s" % (counter.base_path, counter.pipeline_id)"export pipeline url: %s", redirect_url) return None return run_in_transaction(update, xg=True)
def format_datetime_localized(self, dt): """Formats a datetime object to a localized human-readable string based on the current locale.""" return format_datetime(dt, locale=self.__get_env_language_for_babel());
def test_extraction_with_default_mapping(self): self.cmd.copyright_holder = 'FooBar, Inc.' self.cmd.msgid_bugs_address = '*****@*****.**' self.cmd.output_file = 'project/i18n/temp.pot' self.cmd.add_comments = 'TRANSLATOR:,TRANSLATORS:' self.cmd.finalize_options() pot_file = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'project', 'i18n', 'temp.pot') assert os.path.isfile(pot_file) self.assertEqual( r"""# Translations template for TestProject. # Copyright (C) %(year)s FooBar, Inc. # This file is distributed under the same license as the TestProject # project. # FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL@ADDRESS>, %(year)s. # #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: TestProject 0.1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: [email protected]\n" "POT-Creation-Date: %(date)s\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <*****@*****.**>\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Generated-By: Babel %(version)s\n" #. TRANSLATOR: This will be a translator coment, #. that will include several lines #: project/ msgid "bar" msgstr "" #: project/ msgid "foobar" msgid_plural "foobars" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: project/CVS/ msgid "FooBar" msgid_plural "FooBars" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" """ % { 'version': VERSION, 'year': time.strftime('%Y'), 'date': format_datetime(, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ', tzinfo=LOCALTZ, locale='en') }, open(pot_file, 'U').read())
#. that will include several lines #: project/ msgid "bar" msgstr "" #: project/ msgid "foobar" msgid_plural "foobars" msgstr[0] "" """ % { 'version': VERSION, 'date': format_datetime(, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ', tzinfo=LOCALTZ, locale='en') }, open(po_file, 'U').read()) def test_init_more_than_2_plural_forms(self): po_file = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'project', 'i18n', 'lv_LV', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'messages.po') try: + [ 'init', '--locale', 'lv_LV', '-d', os.path.join(self.datadir, 'project', 'i18n'), '-i', os.path.join(self.datadir, 'project', 'i18n', 'messages.pot') ]) except SystemExit, e: self.assertEqual(0, e.code)
def format_datetime(self, datetime=None, format="medium", tzinfo=None) -> Text: """Format datetime according to the locale""" return dates.format_datetime(datetime, format, tzinfo, self.lang)
def _pick_winner(service_user, sln_loyalty_lottery_key): now_ = now() sln_loyalty_lottery = db.get(sln_loyalty_lottery_key) if sln_loyalty_lottery.claimed or sln_loyalty_lottery.redeemed or sln_loyalty_lottery.deleted: return if sln_loyalty_lottery.schedule_loot_time > 0: return service_identity = sln_loyalty_lottery.service_identity service_identity_user = create_service_identity_user_wo_default( service_user, service_identity) sls_key = SolutionLoyaltySettings.create_key(service_user) slls_key = SolutionLoyaltyLotteryStatistics.create_key( service_user, service_identity) sln_settings_key = SolutionSettings.create_key(service_user) sln_loyalty_settings, slls, sln_settings = db.get( [sls_key, slls_key, sln_settings_key]) if sln_loyalty_settings.loyalty_type != SolutionLoyaltySettings.LOYALTY_TYPE_LOTTERY: sln_loyalty_lottery.deleted = True sln_loyalty_lottery.put() return"loyalty lottery loot: %s", service_user) possible_winners = [] if slls: for i, app_user in enumerate(slls.app_users): if app_user not in sln_loyalty_lottery.skip_winners and app_user != sln_loyalty_lottery.winner: for i in xrange(slls.count[i]): possible_winners.append(app_user) logging.debug("possible winners count: %s", len(possible_winners)) if len(possible_winners) == 0: if sln_loyalty_lottery.winner: logging.debug("can not assign winner, keep old") else: logging.debug("can not assign winner, delete lottery") sln_loyalty_lottery.deleted = True sln_loyalty_lottery.put() return else: winner = random.choice(possible_winners) logging.debug("new winner: %s", winner) slvl = SolutionLoyaltyVisitLottery.all() \ .ancestor(parent_key_unsafe(service_identity_user, SOLUTION_COMMON)) \ .filter('redeemed =', False) \ .filter('app_user ='******'t use get_profile_infos profile_info = get_profile_infos([slvl.app_user], allow_none_in_results=True)[0] if not profile_info or profile_info.isServiceIdentity: azzert(False, "profile_info for app_user %s not found!" % winner) else: user_detail = UserDetailsTO.fromUserProfile(profile_info) loot_datetime_tz = datetime.fromtimestamp( sln_loyalty_lottery.end_timestamp, pytz.timezone(sln_settings.timezone)) loot_date_str = format_datetime(loot_datetime_tz, format='medium', locale=sln_settings.main_language or DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) next_datetime_tz = datetime.fromtimestamp( now() + 24 * 3600, pytz.timezone(sln_settings.timezone)) next_date_str = format_datetime(next_datetime_tz, format='medium', locale=sln_settings.main_language or DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) msg_ok = translate(sln_settings.main_language, SOLUTION_COMMON, 'loyalty-lottery-loot-ok',, date_loot=loot_date_str, price=sln_loyalty_lottery.winnings, date=next_date_str) msg_sorry = translate(sln_settings.main_language, SOLUTION_COMMON, 'loyalty-lottery-loot-nok') btn = AnswerTO() = u'%s' % json.dumps({"key": unicode(sln_loyalty_lottery_key)}) btn.type = u'button' btn.caption = translate(sln_settings.main_language, SOLUTION_COMMON, 'Confirm') btn.action = None btn.ui_flags = 0 message_flags = Message.FLAG_ALLOW_DISMISS sln_i_settings = get_solution_settings_or_identity_settings( sln_settings, service_identity) def trans(): sm_data = [] if sln_loyalty_lottery.winner_timestamp != 0: logging.debug("loyalty lottery loot: update winner %s", sln_loyalty_lottery.winner) sim_parent, _ = add_solution_inbox_message( service_user, sln_loyalty_lottery.solution_inbox_message_key, True, None, now_, msg_sorry, mark_as_read=True) if sim_parent.message_key_by_tag: message_key_by_tag = json.loads(sim_parent.message_key_by_tag) if message_key_by_tag.get(u"loyalty_lottery_loot", None): deferred.defer(_messaging_seal, service_user, message_key_by_tag[u"loyalty_lottery_loot"], sim_parent.message_key, sim_parent.message_key, 1, _transactional=True) send_inbox_forwarders_message( service_user, service_identity, None, msg_sorry, { 'if_name':, 'if_email': }, message_key=sim_parent.solution_inbox_message_key, reply_enabled=sim_parent.reply_enabled, send_reminder=False) deferred.defer(send_email_to_user_for_loyalty_update, service_user, service_identity, sln_loyalty_lottery.winner, msg_sorry, False) sm_data.append({ u"type": u"solutions.common.messaging.update", u"message": serialize_complex_value( SolutionInboxMessageTO.fromModel(sim_parent, sln_settings, sln_i_settings, True), SolutionInboxMessageTO, False) }) logging.debug("loyalty lottery loot: new winner %s", winner) sim_parent = create_solution_inbox_message( service_user, service_identity, SolutionInboxMessage.CATEGORY_LOYALTY, unicode(sln_loyalty_lottery_key), True, [user_detail], now_, msg_ok, True, mark_as_read=True) sln_loyalty_lottery.solution_inbox_message_key = sim_parent.solution_inbox_message_key if sln_loyalty_lottery.winner: if not sln_loyalty_lottery.skip_winners: sln_loyalty_lottery.skip_winners = [] sln_loyalty_lottery.skip_winners.append(sln_loyalty_lottery.winner) sln_loyalty_lottery.pending = False sln_loyalty_lottery.winner = winner sln_loyalty_lottery.winner_info = SolutionUser.fromTO( user_detail) if user_detail else None sln_loyalty_lottery.winner_timestamp = now_ sln_loyalty_lottery.put() send_inbox_forwarders_message( service_user, service_identity, None, msg_ok, { 'if_name':, 'if_email': }, message_key=sim_parent.solution_inbox_message_key, reply_enabled=sim_parent.reply_enabled, send_reminder=False, answers=[btn], store_tag=u"loyalty_lottery_loot", flags=message_flags) deferred.defer(send_email_to_user_for_loyalty_update, service_user, service_identity, sln_loyalty_lottery.winner, msg_ok, False, sim_parent.solution_inbox_message_key) sm_data.append({ u"type": u"solutions.common.messaging.update", u"message": serialize_complex_value( SolutionInboxMessageTO.fromModel(sim_parent, sln_settings, sln_i_settings, True), SolutionInboxMessageTO, False) }) sm_data.append({u"type": u"solutions.common.loyalty.lottery.update"}) send_message(service_user, sm_data, service_identity=service_identity) deferred.defer(_continue, service_user, service_identity, sln_loyalty_lottery_key, _transactional=True) xg_on = db.create_transaction_options(xg=True) db.run_in_transaction_options(xg_on, trans)
def get_bar_graph_datas(self): data = [] today = data.append({'label': _('Due'), 'value': 0.0, 'type': 'past'}) day_of_week = int( format_datetime(today, 'e', locale=get_lang(self.env).code)) first_day_of_week = today + timedelta(days=-day_of_week + 1) for i in range(-1, 4): if i == 0: label = _('This Week') elif i == 3: label = _('Not Due') else: start_week = first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=i * 7) end_week = start_week + timedelta(days=6) if start_week.month == end_week.month: label = str( + '-' + str( + ' ' + format_date( end_week, 'MMM', locale=get_lang(self.env).code) else: label = format_date( start_week, 'd MMM', locale=get_lang(self.env).code) + '-' + format_date( end_week, 'd MMM', locale=get_lang(self.env).code) data.append({ 'label': label, 'value': 0.0, 'type': 'past' if i < 0 else 'future' }) # Build SQL query to find amount aggregated by week (select_sql_clause, query_args) = self._get_bar_graph_select_query() query = '' start_date = (first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=-7)) for i in range(0, 6): if i == 0: query += "(" + select_sql_clause + " and invoice_date_due < '" + start_date.strftime( DF) + "')" elif i == 5: query += " UNION ALL (" + select_sql_clause + " and invoice_date_due >= '" + start_date.strftime( DF) + "')" else: next_date = start_date + timedelta(days=7) query += " UNION ALL (" + select_sql_clause + " and invoice_date_due >= '" + start_date.strftime( DF) + "' and invoice_date_due < '" + next_date.strftime( DF) + "')" start_date = next_date, query_args) query_results = is_sample_data = True for index in range(0, len(query_results)): if query_results[index].get('aggr_date') != None: is_sample_data = False data[index]['value'] = query_results[index].get('total') [graph_title, graph_key] = self._graph_title_and_key() if is_sample_data: for index in range(0, len(query_results)): data[index]['type'] = 'o_sample_data' # we use unrealistic values for the sample data data[index]['value'] = random.randint(0, 20) graph_key = _('Sample data') return [{ 'values': data, 'title': graph_title, 'key': graph_key, 'is_sample_data': is_sample_data }]
def format_datetime(self, dt, fmt=None): if fmt is None: fmt = self.S["kotti.datetime_format"] if not isinstance(dt, datetime): dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(dt) return format_datetime(dt, format=fmt, locale=self.locale_name)
def datetimeformat(context, value, format="shortdatetime"): """ Returns a formatted date/time using Babel's locale settings. Uses the timezone from, if the user has not been authenticated. """ if not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): # Expecting date value raise ValueError( "Unexpected value {value} passed to datetimeformat".format( value=value)) request = context.get("request") default_tzinfo = convert_tzinfo = timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE) if value.tzinfo is None: value = default_tzinfo.localize(value) new_value = value.astimezone(default_tzinfo) else: new_value = value if hasattr(request, "session"): if "timezone" not in request.session: if hasattr(request, "user") and request.user.is_authenticated: try: convert_tzinfo = ( Profile.objects.get(user=request.user).timezone or default_tzinfo) except (Profile.DoesNotExist, AttributeError): pass request.session["timezone"] = convert_tzinfo else: convert_tzinfo = request.session["timezone"] or default_tzinfo convert_value = new_value.astimezone(convert_tzinfo) locale = _babel_locale(_contextual_locale(context)) # If within a day, 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400s if format == "shortdatetime": # Check if the date is today today = if convert_value.toordinal() == today: formatted = _lazy("Today at %s") % format_time( convert_value, format="short", tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale) else: formatted = format_datetime(convert_value, format="short", tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale) elif format == "longdatetime": formatted = format_datetime(convert_value, format="long", tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale) elif format == "date": formatted = format_date(convert_value, locale=locale) elif format == "time": formatted = format_time(convert_value, tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale) elif format == "datetime": formatted = format_datetime(convert_value, tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale) elif format == "year": formatted = format_datetime(convert_value, format="yyyy", tzinfo=convert_tzinfo, locale=locale) else: # Unknown format raise DateTimeFormatError return jinja2.Markup('<time datetime="%s">%s</time>' % (convert_value.isoformat(), formatted))
def format_datetime(self, datetime=None, format='medium'): return dates.format_datetime(datetime, format, locale=self.locale)
def get_bar_graph_datas(self): data = [] today = datetime.strptime(fields.Date.context_today(self), DF) data.append({'label': _('Past'), 'value': 0.0, 'type': 'past'}) day_of_week = int( format_datetime(today, 'e', locale=self._context.get('lang', 'en_US'))) first_day_of_week = today + timedelta(days=-day_of_week + 1) for i in range(-1, 4): if i == 0: label = _('This Week') elif i == 3: label = _('Future') else: start_week = first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=i * 7) end_week = start_week + timedelta(days=6) if start_week.month == end_week.month: label = str( + '-' + str( + ' ' + format_date( end_week, 'MMM', locale=self._context.get('lang', 'en_US')) else: label = format_date( start_week, 'd MMM', locale=self._context.get( 'lang', 'en_US')) + '-' + format_date( end_week, 'd MMM', locale=self._context.get('lang', 'en_US')) data.append({ 'label': label, 'value': 0.0, 'type': 'past' if i < 0 else 'future' }) # Build SQL query to find amount aggregated by week select_sql_clause = """SELECT sum(residual_company_signed) as total, min(date) as aggr_date from account_invoice where journal_id = %(journal_id)s and state = 'open'""" query = '' start_date = (first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=-7)) for i in range(0, 6): if i == 0: query += "(" + select_sql_clause + " and date < '" + start_date.strftime( DF) + "')" elif i == 6: query += " UNION ALL (" + select_sql_clause + " and date >= '" + start_date.strftime( DF) + "')" else: next_date = start_date + timedelta(days=7) query += " UNION ALL (" + select_sql_clause + " and date >= '" + start_date.strftime( DF) + "' and date < '" + next_date.strftime(DF) + "')" start_date = next_date, {'journal_id':}) query_results = for index in range(0, len(query_results)): if query_results[index].get('aggr_date') != None: data[index]['value'] = query_results[index].get('total') return [{'values': data}]
def fmt_datetime(value, format='short'): if format == 'full': format="EEEE, d. MMMM y 'at' HH:mm" elif format == 'short': format="dd.MM.yyyy" return format_datetime(value, format)
def test_timezone_formats(self): dt = datetime(2016, 1, 13, 7, 8, 35) tz = dates.get_timezone('America/Los_Angeles') dt = tz.localize(dt) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'z', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'PST', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'zz', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'PST', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'zzz', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'PST', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'zzzz', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'Pacific Standard Time', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'Z', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'-0800', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'ZZ', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'-0800', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'ZZZ', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'-0800', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'ZZZZ', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'GMT-08:00', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'ZZZZZ', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'-08:00', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'OOOO', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'GMT-08:00', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'VV', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'America/Los_Angeles', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'VVV', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'Los Angeles', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'X', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'-08', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'XX', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'-0800', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'XXX', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'-08:00', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'XXXX', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'-0800', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'XXXXX', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'-08:00', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'x', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'-08', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'xx', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'-0800', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'xxx', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'-08:00', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'xxxx', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'-0800', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'xxxxx', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'-08:00', formatted_string) dt = datetime(2016, 1, 13, 7, 8, 35) tz = dates.get_timezone('UTC') dt = tz.localize(dt) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'Z', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+0000', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'ZZ', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+0000', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'ZZZ', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+0000', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'ZZZZ', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'GMT+00:00', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'ZZZZZ', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'Z', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'OOOO', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'GMT+00:00', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'VV', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'Etc/UTC', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'VVV', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'UTC', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'X', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'Z', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'XX', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'Z', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'XXX', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'Z', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'XXXX', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'Z', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'XXXXX', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'Z', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'x', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+00', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'xx', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+0000', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'xxx', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+00:00', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'xxxx', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+0000', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'xxxxx', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+00:00', formatted_string) dt = datetime(2016, 1, 13, 7, 8, 35) tz = dates.get_timezone('Asia/Kolkata') dt = tz.localize(dt) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'zzzz', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'India Standard Time', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'ZZZZ', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'GMT+05:30', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'ZZZZZ', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+05:30', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'OOOO', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'GMT+05:30', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'VV', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'Asia/Calcutta', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'VVV', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'Kolkata', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'X', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+0530', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'XX', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+0530', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'XXX', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+05:30', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'XXXX', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+0530', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'XXXXX', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+05:30', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'x', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+0530', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'xx', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+0530', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'xxx', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+05:30', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'xxxx', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+0530', formatted_string) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(dt, 'xxxxx', locale='en') self.assertEqual(u'+05:30', formatted_string)
def __get_RFC1123_date(self): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return format_datetime(now, self.__RFC1123_FORMAT, locale='en') \ + ' GMT'
def generateDocXReport(month_id, year, lang, film_id): langMap = dict(fr={ 'template': 'template-fr.docx', 'locale': 'fr_FR', 'emptyList': 'Pas Encore.' }, en={ 'template': 'template-en.docx', 'locale': 'en_US', 'emptyList': 'Not yet.' }) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, langMap.get(lang).get('locale')) file_path = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, 'reportTemplate/') currentFilm = Film.objects.get(id=film_id) subList = Submission.objects.filter(dateSubmission__year=year).filter( dateSubmission__month=month_id).filter(film_id=film_id) selectList = Submission.objects.filter(responseDate__year=year).filter( responseDate__month=month_id).filter(film_id=film_id).filter( response__iexact='SELECTIONED') rejectList = Submission.objects.filter(responseDate__year=year).filter( responseDate__month=month_id).filter(film_id=film_id).filter( response__iexact='REFUSED') subOutput, selectOutput, rejectOutput = [], [], [] for item in subList: subOutput.append({'festival': model_to_dict(item.festival)}) if not subOutput: subOutput.append({'festival': {'name': langMap[lang]['emptyList']}}) for item in selectList: selectOutput.append({'festival': model_to_dict(item.festival)}) if not subOutput: selectOutput.append({'festival': {'name': langMap[lang]['emptyList']}}) for item in rejectList: rejectOutput.append({'festival': model_to_dict(item.festival)}) if not subOutput: rejectOutput.append({'festival': {'name': langMap[lang]['emptyList']}}) document = DocxTemplate(file_path + langMap[lang]['template']) dic = { 'INSCRIPTIONS_LIST': subOutput, 'MOVIE_NAME':, 'CURRENT_DATE': format_datetime(, format='dd MMMM YYYY', locale=langMap[lang]['locale']), 'TARGET_MONTH': format_datetime(datetime.datetime(1900, int(month_id), 1), format='MMMM', locale=langMap[lang]['locale']), 'TARGET_YEAR': str(year), 'SELECTIONS_LIST': selectOutput, 'REJECTIONS_LIST': rejectOutput, 'PROJECTIONS_LIST': langMap[lang]['emptyList'] } document.render(dic) document.core_properties.title = + "-" + lang return document
def generate_prospect_export_excel(prospect_ids, do_send_email=True, recipients=None): if not prospect_ids: raise BusinessException('No prospects to export') azzert(not do_send_email or recipients) bold_style = xlwt.XFStyle() bold_style.font.bold = True column_name, column_address, column_city, column_phone, column_status, column_type, column_categories, column_comments = range(8) book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding="utf-8") sheet = book.add_sheet('Prospects') prospects = Prospect.get(map(Prospect.create_key, prospect_ids)) app_id = None sheet.write(0, column_name, 'Name', bold_style) sheet.write(0, column_address, 'Address', bold_style) sheet.write(0, column_city, 'City', bold_style) sheet.write(0, column_phone, 'Phone', bold_style) sheet.write(0, column_status, 'Status', bold_style) sheet.write(0, column_type, 'Type', bold_style) sheet.write(0, column_categories, 'Category', bold_style) sheet.write(0, column_comments, 'Comments', bold_style) for i, prospect in enumerate(prospects): row = i + 1 comments_str = '\n'.join(['* %s' % comment.text for comment in prospect.comments]) sheet.write(row, column_name, formatted_address = format_address(prospect.address) sheet.write(row, column_address, formatted_address[0]) sheet.write(row, column_city, formatted_address[1]) sheet.write(row, column_phone, sheet.write(row, column_status, Prospect.STATUS_TYPES[prospect.status]) sheet.write(row, column_type, ', '.join(prospect.type)) sheet.write(row, column_categories, ', '.join(prospect.categories)) sheet.write(row, column_comments, comments_str) sheet.col(column_name).width = 5000 sheet.col(column_address).width = 5000 sheet.col(column_phone).width = 5000 sheet.col(column_status).width = 5000 sheet.col(column_type).width = 10000 sheet.col(column_categories).width = 10000 sheet.col(column_comments).width = 20000 if not app_id: app_id = prospect.app_id excel = StringIO() excel_string = excel.getvalue() if do_send_email: app = get_app_by_id(app_id) solution_server_settings = get_solution_server_settings() current_date = format_datetime(, locale=DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) subject = 'Exported prospects of %s %s' % (, current_date) from_email = solution_server_settings.shop_export_email to_emails = recipients body_text = 'See attachment for the exported prospects' attachments = [] attachments.append(('Prospects %s %s.xls' % (, current_date), base64.b64encode(excel_string))) send_mail(from_email, to_emails, subject, body_text, attachments=attachments) return excel_string
def convert_datetime(dt): return dates.format_datetime(dt)
def get_datetime_formatted_str(self, ts): """return given timestamp as formated datetime string using locale""" my_datetime = self.get_datetime_from_ts(ts) return format_datetime(my_datetime, format="short", locale=self.locale)
def test_with_float(self): d = datetime(2012, 4, 1, 15, 30, 29, tzinfo=timezone('UTC')) epoch = float(calendar.timegm(d.timetuple())) formatted_string = dates.format_datetime(epoch, format='long', locale='en_US') self.assertEqual(u'April 1, 2012 at 3:30:29 PM UTC', formatted_string)
def from_python(field, value): """Will return the serialised version of the value the given field and value. :field: :class:`.Field` instance :value: Python value :returns: Serialized version. """ serialized = "" locale = field._form._locale ftype = field.get_type() try: if value is None: serialized = u"" elif isinstance(value, basestring): # Special handling for multiple values (multiselect in # checkboxes eg.) which has be converted into a string by # SQLAalchemy automatically. eg the python value "['1', # '2']" will be converted into the _string_ "{1,2,''}". In # this case we need to convert the value back into a list. if value.startswith("{") and value.endswith("}"): serialized = [] for v in value.strip("{").strip("}").split(","): serialized.append(from_python(field, v)) else: serialized = unicode(value) elif isinstance(value, list): vl = [] for v in value: try: vl.append( except AttributeError: vl.append(v) serialized = vl else: try: serialized = except AttributeError: if ftype == "time": td = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(value)) serialized = from_timedelta(td) elif ftype == "interval": serialized = from_timedelta(value) elif ftype == "datetime": value = get_local_datetime(value) if locale == "de": dateformat = "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss" else: dateformat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" serialized = format_datetime(value, format=dateformat) elif ftype == "date": if locale == "de": dateformat = "dd.MM.yyyy" else: dateformat = "yyyy-MM-dd" serialized = format_date(value, format=dateformat) else: serialized = value except AttributeError: log.warning('Can not get value for field "%s". ' 'The field is no attribute of the item' % return serialized
def format_datetime_str(self, my_datetime): """returns formated datetime string for given dt using locale""" return format_datetime(my_datetime, format="short", locale=self.locale)
def td_format(self, content): try: return format_datetime( dateutil.parser.parse(content).replace(microsecond=0), 'short') except: return ''
def formated_date(self): return format_datetime(self.start_time, format=u"d MMM yyyy à HH:MM", locale="fr_CA")
def get_bar_graph_datas(self): data = [] today = datetime.strptime(fields.Date.context_today(self), DF) data.append({'label': _('Past'), 'value': 0.0, 'type': 'past'}) day_of_week = int( format_datetime(today, 'e', locale=self._context.get('lang') or 'en_US')) first_day_of_week = today + timedelta(days=-day_of_week + 1) for i in range(-1, 4): if i == 0: label = _('This Week') elif i == 3: label = _('Future') else: start_week = first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=i * 7) end_week = start_week + timedelta(days=6) if start_week.month == end_week.month: label = str( + '-' + str( + ' ' + format_date( end_week, 'MMM', locale=self._context.get('lang') or 'en_US') else: label = format_date(start_week, 'd MMM', locale=self._context.get('lang') or 'en_US') + '-' + format_date( end_week, 'd MMM', locale=self._context.get('lang') or 'en_US') data.append({ 'label': label, 'value': 0.0, 'type': 'past' if i < 0 else 'future' }) # Build SQL query to find amount aggregated by week (select_sql_clause, query_args) = self._get_bar_graph_select_query() query = '' start_date = (first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=-7)) for i in range(0, 6): if i == 0: query += "(" + select_sql_clause + " and date < '" + start_date.strftime( DF) + "')" elif i == 5: query += " UNION ALL (" + select_sql_clause + " and date >= '" + start_date.strftime( DF) + "')" else: next_date = start_date + timedelta(days=7) query += " UNION ALL (" + select_sql_clause + " and date >= '" + start_date.strftime( DF) + "' and date < '" + next_date.strftime(DF) + "')" start_date = next_date, query_args) query_results = for index in range(0, len(query_results)): if query_results[index].get('aggr_date') != None: data[index]['value'] = query_results[index].get('total') [graph_title, graph_key] = self._graph_title_and_key() return [{'values': data, 'title': graph_title, 'key': graph_key}]
def _nightly_available_updates(self, request_method, locale): tz = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.timezone if (time.localtime().tm_isdst == 0) else time.altzone) if request_method == "GET": repository_url = _REPOSITORY_API_URL status, commit = self._load_remote_data(repository_url + '/git/refs/heads/master') parents = [] if status['message'] != '': return json.dumps(status) if 'object' not in commit: status['message'] = _(u'Unexpected data while reading update information') return json.dumps(status) if commit['object']['sha'] == status['current_commit_hash']: status.update({ 'update': False, 'success': True, 'message': _(u'No update available. You already have the latest version installed') }) return json.dumps(status) # a new update is available status['update'] = True try: headers = {'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'} r = requests.get(repository_url + '/git/commits/' + commit['object']['sha'], headers=headers) r.raise_for_status() update_data = r.json() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: status['error'] = _(u'HTTP Error') + ' ' + str(e) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: status['error'] = _(u'Connection error') except requests.exceptions.Timeout: status['error'] = _(u'Timeout while establishing connection') except requests.exceptions.RequestException: status['error'] = _(u'General error') if status['message'] != '': return json.dumps(status) if 'committer' in update_data and 'message' in update_data: status['success'] = True status['message'] = _( u'A new update is available. Click on the button below to update to the latest version.') new_commit_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( update_data['committer']['date'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') - tz parents.append( [ format_datetime(new_commit_date, format='short', locale=locale), update_data['message'], update_data['sha'] ] ) # it only makes sense to analyze the parents if we know the current commit hash if status['current_commit_hash'] != '': try: parent_commit = update_data['parents'][0] # limit the maximum search depth remaining_parents_cnt = 10 except IndexError: remaining_parents_cnt = None if remaining_parents_cnt is not None: while True: if remaining_parents_cnt == 0: break # check if we are more than one update behind if so, go up the tree if parent_commit['sha'] != status['current_commit_hash']: try: headers = {'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'} r = requests.get(parent_commit['url'], headers=headers) r.raise_for_status() parent_data = r.json() parent_commit_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( parent_data['committer']['date'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') - tz parent_commit_date = format_datetime( parent_commit_date, format='short', locale=locale) parents.append([parent_commit_date, parent_data['message'].replace('\r\n', '<p>').replace('\n', '<p>')]) parent_commit = parent_data['parents'][0] remaining_parents_cnt -= 1 except Exception: # it isn't crucial if we can't get information about the parent break else: # parent is our current version break status['history'] = parents[::-1] else: status['success'] = False status['message'] = _(u'Could not fetch update information') return json.dumps(status) return ''
def get(self, request, course_id, error=None): """Displays the course mode choice page. Args: request (`Request`): The Django Request object. course_id (unicode): The slash-separated course key. Keyword Args: error (unicode): If provided, display this error message on the page. Returns: Response """ course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) # Check whether the user has access to this course # based on country access rules. embargo_redirect = embargo_api.redirect_if_blocked( course_key, user=request.user, ip_address=get_ip(request), url=request.path) if embargo_redirect: return redirect(embargo_redirect) enrollment_mode, is_active = CourseEnrollment.enrollment_mode_for_user( request.user, course_key) increment('track-selection.{}.{}'.format( enrollment_mode, 'active' if is_active else 'inactive')) increment('track-selection.views') if enrollment_mode is None: 'Rendering track selection for unenrolled user, referred by %s', request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER')) modes = CourseMode.modes_for_course_dict(course_key) ecommerce_service = EcommerceService() # We assume that, if 'professional' is one of the modes, it should be the *only* mode. # If there are both modes, default to non-id-professional. has_enrolled_professional = ( CourseMode.is_professional_slug(enrollment_mode) and is_active) if CourseMode.has_professional_mode( modes) and not has_enrolled_professional: purchase_workflow = request.GET.get("purchase_workflow", "single") verify_url = reverse( 'verify_student_start_flow', kwargs={'course_id': six.text_type(course_key)}) redirect_url = "{url}?purchase_workflow={workflow}".format( url=verify_url, workflow=purchase_workflow) if ecommerce_service.is_enabled(request.user): professional_mode = modes.get( CourseMode.NO_ID_PROFESSIONAL_MODE) or modes.get( CourseMode.PROFESSIONAL) if purchase_workflow == "single" and professional_mode.sku: redirect_url = ecommerce_service.get_checkout_page_url( professional_mode.sku) if purchase_workflow == "bulk" and professional_mode.bulk_sku: redirect_url = ecommerce_service.get_checkout_page_url( professional_mode.bulk_sku) return redirect(redirect_url) course = modulestore().get_course(course_key) # If there isn't a verified mode available, then there's nothing # to do on this page. Send the user to the dashboard. if not CourseMode.has_verified_mode(modes): return redirect(reverse('dashboard')) # If a user has already paid, redirect them to the dashboard. if is_active and (enrollment_mode in CourseMode.VERIFIED_MODES + [CourseMode.NO_ID_PROFESSIONAL_MODE]): # If the course has started redirect to course home instead if course.has_started(): return redirect( reverse('openedx.course_experience.course_home', kwargs={'course_id': course_key})) return redirect(reverse('dashboard')) donation_for_course = request.session.get("donation_for_course", {}) chosen_price = donation_for_course.get(six.text_type(course_key), None) if CourseEnrollment.is_enrollment_closed(request.user, course): locale = to_locale(get_language()) enrollment_end_date = format_datetime(course.enrollment_end, 'short', locale=locale) params = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlencode( {'course_closed': enrollment_end_date}) return redirect('{0}?{1}'.format(reverse('dashboard'), params)) # When a credit mode is available, students will be given the option # to upgrade from a verified mode to a credit mode at the end of the course. # This allows students who have completed photo verification to be eligible # for university credit. # Since credit isn't one of the selectable options on the track selection page, # we need to check *all* available course modes in order to determine whether # a credit mode is available. If so, then we show slightly different messaging # for the verified track. has_credit_upsell = any( CourseMode.is_credit_mode(mode) for mode in CourseMode.modes_for_course(course_key, only_selectable=False)) course_id = text_type(course_key) context = { "course_modes_choose_url": reverse("course_modes_choose", kwargs={'course_id': course_id}), "modes": modes, "has_credit_upsell": has_credit_upsell, "course_name": course.display_name_with_default, "course_org": course.display_org_with_default, "course_num": course.display_number_with_default, "chosen_price": chosen_price, "error": error, "responsive": True, "nav_hidden": True, "content_gating_enabled": ContentTypeGatingConfig.enabled_for_enrollment( user=request.user, course_key=course_key), "course_duration_limit_enabled": CourseDurationLimitConfig.enabled_for_enrollment( user=request.user, course_key=course_key), } context.update( get_experiment_user_metadata_context( course, request.user, )) title_content = '' if enrollment_mode: title_content = _( "Congratulations! You are now enrolled in {course_name}" ).format(course_name=course.display_name_with_default) context["title_content"] = title_content if "verified" in modes: verified_mode = modes["verified"] context["suggested_prices"] = [ decimal.Decimal(x.strip()) for x in verified_mode.suggested_prices.split(",") if x.strip() ] price_before_discount = verified_mode.min_price context["currency"] = verified_mode.currency.upper() context["currency_symbol"] = get_currency_symbol( verified_mode.currency.upper()) context["min_price"] = price_before_discount context["verified_name"] = context["verified_description"] = verified_mode.description if verified_mode.sku: context[ "use_ecommerce_payment_flow"] = ecommerce_service.is_enabled( request.user) context[ "ecommerce_payment_page"] = ecommerce_service.payment_page_url( ) context["sku"] = verified_mode.sku context["bulk_sku"] = verified_mode.bulk_sku context['currency_data'] = [] if waffle.switch_is_active('local_currency'): if 'edx-price-l10n' not in request.COOKIES: currency_data = get_currency_data() try: context['currency_data'] = json.dumps(currency_data) except TypeError: pass return render_to_response("course_modes/choose.html", context)
def format_datetime(self, *a): return format_datetime(*a, locale=self)
def _mails(self, users_and_watches): """Send one kind of mail to the asker and another to other watchers.""" # Cache answer.question, similar to caching solution.question below. self.answer.question = self.instance asker_id = c = { 'answer': self.answer.content, 'answer_html': self.answer.content_parsed, 'answerer': self.answer.creator, 'question_title': self.instance.title, 'host': Site.objects.get_current().domain } @email_utils.safe_translation def _make_mail(locale, user, context): # Avoid circular import issues from kitsune.users.helpers import display_name is_asker = asker_id == if is_asker: subject = _( u'%s posted an answer to your question "%s"' % (display_name(self.answer.creator), self.instance.title)) text_template = 'questions/email/new_answer_to_asker.ltxt' html_template = 'questions/email/new_answer_to_asker.html' else: subject = _(u'Re: %s' % self.instance.title) text_template = 'questions/email/new_answer.ltxt' html_template = 'questions/email/new_answer.html' mail = email_utils.make_mail(subject=subject, text_template=text_template, html_template=html_template, context_vars=context, from_email='Mozilla Support Forum ' '<*****@*****.**>', return mail for u, w in users_and_watches: auth_str = get_auth_str(self.answer.question.creator) c['answer_url'] = self.answer.get_absolute_url() c['helpful_url'] = self.answer.get_helpful_answer_url() c['solution_url'] = self.answer.get_solution_url(watch=w[0]) for k in ['answer_url', 'helpful_url', 'solution_url']: c[k] = add_utm(urlparams(c[k], auth=auth_str), 'questions-reply') c['to_user'] = u c['watch'] = w[0] # TODO: Expose all watches. # u here can be a Django User model or a Tidings EmailUser # model. In the case of the latter, there is no associated # profile, so we set the locale to en-US. if hasattr(u, 'profile'): locale = u.profile.locale tzinfo = u.profile.timezone else: locale = 'en-US' tzinfo = timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE) c['created'] = format_datetime(self.answer.created, tzinfo=tzinfo, locale=locale.replace('-', '_')) yield _make_mail(locale, u, c)
def _formatted_datetime(self, dt): return format_datetime(localtime(dt), locale=get_current_babel_locale())
def create_reseller_invoice_for_legal_entity(legal_entity, start_date, end_date, do_send_email=True): """ Args: legal_entity (LegalEntity) start_date (long) end_date (long) do_send_email (bool) """ if legal_entity.is_mobicage: # To avoid a composite index we don't filter on is_mobicage return solution_server_settings = get_solution_server_settings() from_email = solution_server_settings.shop_no_reply_email to_emails = solution_server_settings.shop_payment_admin_emails mobicage_legal_entity = get_mobicage_legal_entity() 'Exporting reseller invoices for legal entity %s(id %d) from %s(%s) to %s(%s)',,, start_date, time.ctime(start_date), end_date, time.ctime(end_date)) invoices = list(Invoice.all().filter( 'legal_entity_id','paid_timestamp >', start_date).filter( 'paid_timestamp <', end_date).filter('paid', True).filter( 'payment_type IN', (Invoice.PAYMENT_MANUAL, Invoice.PAYMENT_MANUAL_AFTER))) start_time = time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y', time.gmtime(int(start_date))) end_time = time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y', time.gmtime(int(end_date))) if not invoices: message = 'No new invoices for reseller %s for period %s - %s' % (, start_time, end_time) if do_send_email: send_mail(from_email, to_emails, message, message) return items_per_customer = {} customers_to_get = set() products = { p.code: p for p in Product.list_by_legal_entity( } for invoice in invoices: # get all subscription order items order_items = list(OrderItem.list_by_order(invoice.order_key)) for item in reversed(order_items): product = products[item.product_code] # We're only interested in subscription items if product.is_subscription or product.is_subscription_extension or product.is_subscription_discount: if invoice.customer_id not in items_per_customer: items_per_customer[invoice.customer_id] = [] customers_to_get.add( Customer.create_key(invoice.customer_id)) items_per_customer[invoice.customer_id].append(item) else: order_items.remove(item) if not customers_to_get: message = 'No new invoices containing subscriptions for reseller %s for period %s - %s' % (, start_time, end_time) if do_send_email: send_mail(from_email, to_emails, message, message) return customers = { c for c in db.get(customers_to_get)} product_totals = {} for customer_id in items_per_customer: items = items_per_customer[customer_id] for item in items: if item.product_code not in product_totals: product_totals[item.product_code] = { 'count': 0, 'price': int(item.price * legal_entity.revenue_percent) } product_totals[item.product_code]['count'] += item.count total_amount = 0 for product in product_totals: p = product_totals[product] price = p['count'] * p['price'] p['total_price'] = format_currency( price / 100., legal_entity.currency_code, locale=mobicage_legal_entity.country_code) total_amount += price total_amount_formatted = format_currency( total_amount / 100., legal_entity.currency_code, locale=mobicage_legal_entity.country_code) vat_amount = total_amount / mobicage_legal_entity.vat_percent if mobicage_legal_entity.country_code == legal_entity.country_code else 0 vat_amount_formatted = format_currency( vat_amount / 100., legal_entity.currency_code, locale=mobicage_legal_entity.country_code) from_date = format_datetime(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_date), locale=SHOP_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, format='dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm') until_date = format_datetime(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(end_date), locale=SHOP_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, format='dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm') solution_server_settings = get_solution_server_settings() template_variables = { 'products': products, 'customers': customers, 'invoices': invoices, 'items_per_customer': items_per_customer, 'product_totals': product_totals.items(), 'mobicage_legal_entity': mobicage_legal_entity, 'legal_entity': legal_entity, 'language': SHOP_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, 'from_date': from_date, 'until_date': until_date, 'revenue_percent': legal_entity.revenue_percent, 'vat_amount_formatted': vat_amount_formatted, 'total_amount_formatted': total_amount_formatted, 'logo_path': '../html/img/osa_white_en_250.jpg', 'tos_link': '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (solution_server_settings.shop_privacy_policy_url, solution_server_settings.shop_privacy_policy_url) } source_html = SHOP_JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template( 'invoice/reseller_invoice.html').render(template_variables) output_stream = StringIO() pisa.CreatePDF(src=source_html, dest=output_stream, path='%s/invoice' % SHOP_TEMPLATES_FOLDER) invoice_pdf_contents = output_stream.getvalue() output_stream.close() # Create an order, order items, charge and invoice. _now = now() customer = legal_entity.get_or_create_customer() mobicage_team = RegioManagerTeam.get_mobicage() def trans(): to_put = list() order_number = order_key = db.Key.from_path(Order.kind(), order_number, parent=customer.key()) order = Order(key=order_key) order.contact_id = legal_entity.contact_id = _now order.vat_pct = mobicage_legal_entity.vat_percent if legal_entity.country_code == mobicage_legal_entity.country_code else 0 order.amount = int(round(total_amount)) order.vat = int(round(vat_amount)) order.total_amount = int(round(total_amount + vat_amount)) order.is_subscription_order = False order.is_subscription_extension_order = False order.team_id = order.manager = customer.manager order.status = Order.STATUS_SIGNED to_put.append(order) for i, (product_code, item) in enumerate(product_totals.iteritems()): order_item = OrderItem(parent=order_key) order_item.number = i + 1 order_item.comment = products[product_code].default_comment( SHOP_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) order_item.product_code = product_code order_item.count = item['count'] order_item.price = item['price'] to_put.append(order_item) charge_key = Charge.create_key(allocate_id(Charge), order_number, charge = Charge(key=charge_key) = _now charge.type = Charge.TYPE_ORDER_DELIVERY charge.amount = order.amount charge.vat_pct = order.vat_pct charge.vat = order.vat charge.total_amount = order.total_amount charge.manager = order.manager charge.team_id = order.team_id charge.charge_number = charge.currency_code = legal_entity.currency_code to_put.append(charge) invoice_number = invoice = Invoice(key_name=invoice_number, parent=charge, amount=charge.amount, vat_pct=charge.vat_pct, vat=charge.vat, total_amount=charge.total_amount, currency_code=legal_entity.currency_code, date=_now, payment_type=Invoice.PAYMENT_MANUAL_AFTER, operator=charge.manager, paid=False,, pdf=invoice_pdf_contents) charge.invoice_number = invoice_number to_put.append(invoice) put_and_invalidate_cache(*to_put) return order, charge, invoice order, charge, invoice = run_in_xg_transaction(trans) if do_send_email: serving_url = '%s/internal/shop/invoice/pdf?customer_id=%d&order_number=%s&charge_id=%d&invoice_number=%s' % ( get_server_settings().baseUrl,, order.order_number,, invoice.invoice_number) subject = 'New reseller invoice for %s, %s - %s' % (, start_time, end_time) body_text = 'A new invoice is available for reseller %s for period %s to %s here: %s' % (, start_time, end_time, serving_url) send_mail(from_email, to_emails, subject, body_text)
def test_2_num_plurals_checkers(self): # in this testcase we add an extra msgstr[idx], we should be # disregarding it for _locale in [p for p in PLURALS if PLURALS[p][0] == 2]: if _locale in ['nn', 'no']: _locale = 'nn_NO' num_plurals = PLURALS[_locale.split('_')[0]][0] plural_expr = PLURALS[_locale.split('_')[0]][1] else: num_plurals = PLURALS[_locale][0] plural_expr = PLURALS[_locale][1] try: locale = Locale(_locale) date = format_datetime(, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ', tzinfo=LOCALTZ, locale=_locale), except UnknownLocaleError: # Just an alias? Not what we're testing here, let's continue continue po_file = (ur"""\ # %(english_name)s translations for TestProject. # Copyright (C) 2007 FooBar, Inc. # This file is distributed under the same license as the TestProject # project. # FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL@ADDRESS>, 2007. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: TestProject 0.1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: [email protected]\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2007-04-01 15:30+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: %(date)s\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Language-Team: %(locale)s <*****@*****.**>\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=%(num_plurals)s; plural=%(plural_expr)s\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Generated-By: Babel %(version)s\n" #. This will be a translator comment, #. that will include several lines #: project/ msgid "bar" msgstr "" #: project/ msgid "foobar" msgid_plural "foobars" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgstr[2] "" """ % dict(locale=_locale, english_name=locale.english_name, version=VERSION, year=time.strftime('%Y'), date=date, num_plurals=num_plurals, plural_expr=plural_expr)).encode('utf-8') # we should be adding the missing msgstr[0] # This test will fail for revisions <= 406 because so far # catalog.num_plurals was neglected catalog = read_po(StringIO(po_file), _locale) message = catalog['foobar'] checkers.num_plurals(catalog, message)