def message_send(token, channel_id, text):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # check the message <= 1000 characters
    if len(text) > 1000:
        raise ValueError("Message is more than 1000 characters")

    # check if user is an admin, owner or a member of the channel
    channel_deats = channel_utils.channel_details(token, channel_id)
    if u_id not in channel_deats['all_members']:
        raise errors.AccessError(
            "The user isn't authorised to post in this channel")

    # generate a message_id, and post it
    message = message_create(u_id, text, datetime.now())

    # put the message onto a channel
    for channel in data['channels']:
        if channel['channelID'] == channel_id:
    channel['messages'].insert(0, message)


    return message['message_id']
def message_remove(token, message_id):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # find message through channel/list, then channel messages to find the correct message
    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        j = 0
        if u_id in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
            while j < len(data["channels"][i]["messages"]):
                if message_id == data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["message_id"]:
                    if (u_id not in data["channels"][i]['ownersUID']) and \
                        (u_id not in data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]['u_id']):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Neither the original poster of this message or an owner")
                    del data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]
                j += 1
        i += 1

    raise errors.AccessError("Message_id isn't in any channel you have access too")
def message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # check the message <= 1000 characters
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError("Message is more than 1000 characters.")

    # check if user is an admin, owner or a member of the channel
    channel_deats = channel_utils.channel_details(token, channel_id)
    if u_id not in channel_deats['all_members']:
        raise errors.AccessError(
            "The user isn't authorised to post in this channel.")

    # time in the future
    if time_sent < datetime.now():
        raise ValueError("Time sent is in the past.")

    # generate a message_id, and set to post at correct time
    message = message_create(u_id, message, time_sent)

    # put the message into the channel
    for channel in data['channels']:
        if channel['channelID'] == channel_id:
    channel['messages'].insert(0, message)

    return message['message_id']
def message_unpin(token, message_id):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # if the token owner is an owner or an admin (p_id 1 and 2)
    # (search through all users for permission level)
    # look through all channels the user is apart of
    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        j = 0
        while j < len(data["channels"][i]["messages"]):
            if message_id == data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["message_id"]:
                if u_id in data["channels"][i]["ownersUID"]:
                    if data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["is_pinned"] == False:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "This message is already pinned")
                    data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["is_pinned"] = False
                if u_id in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
                    raise ValueError("User isn't an admin")
                raise errors.AccessError("User isn't a member of the channel the message is in")
            j += 1
        i += 1

    raise ValueError("message_id isn't a valid message")
def message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # Valid react_id (Only 1 is currently valid)
    if react_id != 1:
        raise ValueError("not a valid react_id")

    # search through channel/list, then channel messages to find the correct message
    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        j = 0
        if u_id in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
            while j < len(data["channels"][i]["messages"]):
                if message_id == data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["message_id"]:
                    if data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["reacts"][0]['is_this_user_reacted'] == False:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "You haven't reacted to this message with this reaction")
                    data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["reacts"][0]['is_this_user_reacted'] = False
                j += 1
        i += 1

    # check react id's
    raise ValueError("Not a valid message in a channel that the user is apart of")
def standup_start(token, channel_id):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        if data["channels"][i]["channelID"] == channel_id:
            # check if currently running a stand_up
            if data["channels"][i]["standup_time"] >= datetime.datetime.now():
                raise ValueError("This channel already has a standup started")
            elif u_id not in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
                raise errors.AccessError(
                    "This user isn't a member of the channel")
                # return time + 15 mins
                time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)
                data["channels"][i]["standup_time"] = time
                return time
        i += 1

    raise ValueError("Channel ID is not a valid channel")
def standup_send(token, channel_id, message):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # check the message <= 1000 characters
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError("Message is more than 1000 characters.")

    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        if data["channels"][i]["channelID"] == channel_id:
            # check if currently running a stand_up
            if data["channels"][i]["standup_time"] <= datetime.datetime.now():
                raise ValueError("This channel doesn't have a standup")
            elif u_id not in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
                raise errors.AccessError(
                    "This user isn't a member of the channel")
                timesent = data["channels"][i]["standup_time"]
                message_utils.message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message,
        i += 1

    raise ValueError("Channel ID is not a valid channel")
def search(token, query_str):

    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    if len(query_str) > 1000:
        raise ValueError("Messages cannot be more than 1000 characters")

    messages = []

    # find the channels the user is apart of.
    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        j = 0
        if u_id in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
            while j < len(data["channels"][i]["messages"]):
                if query_str in data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["message"]:
                j += 1
        i += 1

    return messages
def test_message_edit():
    # set up user
    dic1 = authentication.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password1', 'Bob',
    token1 = dic1['token']

    # creat a valid channel in the name of user1
    dic = channel_utils.channels_create(token1, 'name', False)
    channel_id_valid = dic['channel_id']

    # Message to be edited
    message = "Unedited message"
    message_id = message_utils.message_send(token1, channel_id_valid, message)

    # When all of the following isn't true:
    # Meassage with message_id wasn't sent by the authorised user making the request
    # Meassage with message_id was not sent by an owner of this channel
    # Meassage with message_id was not sent by an admin or owner of the slack
    dic2 = authentication.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password2',
                                        'Bobby', 'Jamesy')
    token2 = dic2['token']
    token = token2
    message = "Editted message."
    with pytest.raises(errors.AccessError):
        message_utils.message_edit(token, message_id, message)

    # Message is too long (over 1000 characters).
    token = token1
    message = "0123456789" * 101
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        message_utils.message_edit(token, message_id, message)

    # Message_id is invalid.
    token = token1
    bad_message_id = -99
    message = "Editted message."
    with pytest.raises(errors.AccessError):
        message_utils.message_edit(token, bad_message_id, message)

    # Everything valid.
    token = token1
    message = "Editted message."
    message_utils.message_edit(token, message_id, message)

    # Prove that it worked
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    assert data["channels"][0]['messages'][0] == "Editted message."

def test_standup_start():
    # set up user
    dic1 = authentication.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password1', 'Bob',
    token1 = dic1['token']

    # creat a valid channel in the name of user1
    dic = channel_utils.channels_create(token1, 'name', False)
    channel_id_valid = dic['channel_id']

    # set up 2nd user
    dic2 = authentication.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password11',
                                        'Bobby', 'Jamesy')
    token2 = dic2['token']

    # Valid token, valid channel_id, but no access:
    usertoken = token2
    channel_id = channel_id_valid
    with pytest.raises(errors.AccessError):
        standup.standup_start(usertoken, channel_id)

    # Valid token, valid channel_id:
    usertoken = token1
    channel_id = channel_id_valid
    time = standup.standup_start(usertoken, channel_id)
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    assert time < datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=16)
    assert time > datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=14)
    assert time == data["channels"][0]["standup_time"]

    # invalid token, valid channel_id:
    usertoken = "invalidToken"
    channel_id = channel_id_valid
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        standup.standup_start(usertoken, channel_id)

    # valid token, invalid channel_id:
    usertoken = token1
    channel_id = 9191
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        standup.standup_start(usertoken, channel_id)
def test_standup_send():
    # set up user
    dic1 = authentication.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password1', 'Bob',
    token1 = dic1['token']

    # creat a valid channel in the name of user1
    dic = channel_utils.channels_create(token1, 'name', False)
    channel_id_valid = dic['channel_id']

    # No active standup
    usertoken = token1
    channel_id = channel_id_valid
    message = "No start up"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        standup.standup_send(usertoken, channel_id, message)

    # Start the standup
    standup.standup_start(usertoken, channel_id)

    # Valid token, valid channel_id:
    usertoken = token1
    channel_id = channel_id_valid
    message = "Stand up active"
    standup.standup_send(usertoken, channel_id, message)

    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    assert data["channels"][0]["standup_time"] == data["channels"][0][

    # Error when Channel does not exist
    message = "Hello There"
    usertoken = "mytoken1234"
    channel_id = 12123  # this is an invalid channel
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        standup.standup_send(usertoken, channel_id, message)

    # Error when message > 1000 chars
    message = "H" * 1001
    usertoken = "mytoken1234"
    channel_id = 1
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        standup.standup_send(usertoken, channel_id, message)

    # set up 2nd user, which isn't a member of the channel
    dic2 = authentication.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password12',
                                        'Boby', 'Jamesy')
    token2 = dic2['token']

    # AccessError if the user is authorised, but not a member of the channel
    message = "Hello There"
    usertoken = token2
    channel_id = channel_id_valid
    with pytest.raises(errors.AccessError):
        standup.standup_send(usertoken, channel_id, message)

    # Error if user doesn't exist
    message = "Hello There"
    usertoken = "mytoken1234"
    channel_id = channel_id_valid
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        standup.standup_send(usertoken, channel_id, message)