def update_request(self, request_id, form): dao = RequestDAO() if not dao.getRequestById(request_id): return jsonify(Error="Post not found."), 404 else: if len(form) != 6: return jsonify(Error="Malformed update request"), 400 else: description = form['description'] unit_price = form['max_unit_price'] needed = form['needed'] address = form['address'] city = form['city'] zip_code = form['zip_code'] if int(needed) < 0: return jsonify( Error="Cannot put negative value in needed"), 400 if description and unit_price and needed: dao.update(request_id, description, needed, unit_price, address, city, zip_code) row = dao.getRequestById(request_id) result = self.build_request_dict(row) return jsonify(Part=result), 200 else: return jsonify( Error="Unexpected attributes in update request"), 400
def delete_request(self, request_id): dao = RequestDAO() if not dao.getRequestById(request_id): return jsonify(Error="Post not found."), 404 else: dao.delete(request_id) return jsonify(DeleteStatus="OK"), 200
def get_request_by_id(self, request_id): dao = RequestDAO() row = dao.getRequestById(request_id) if not row: return jsonify(Error="Post Not Found"), 404 else: result = self.build_request_dict(row) return jsonify(Request_Post=result)