    def _update_aggregate_dataset(self, formula, new_dframe, name, groups,
        """Update the aggregated dataset built for `self` with `calculation`.

        Proceed with the following steps:

            - delete the rows in this dataset from the parent
            - recalculate aggregated dataframe from aggregation
            - update aggregated dataset with new dataframe and add parent id
            - recur on all merged datasets descending from the aggregated

        :param formula: The formula to execute.
        :param new_dframe: The DataFrame to aggregate on.
        :param name: The name of the aggregation.
        :param groups: A column or columns to group on.
        :type group: String, list of strings, or None.
        :param agg_dataset: The DataSet to store the aggregation in.
        # parse aggregation and build column arguments
        aggregation, new_columns = self.make_columns(
            formula, name, new_dframe)

        agg = Aggregator(self.dataset, self.dframe,
                         groups, aggregation, name)
        new_agg_dframe = agg.update(agg_dataset, self, formula, new_columns)

        # jsondict from new dframe
        new_data = new_agg_dframe.to_jsondict()

        for merged_dataset in agg_dataset.merged_datasets:
            # remove rows in child from this merged dataset

            # calculate updates on the child
            merged_calculator = Calculator(merged_dataset)
            call_async(merged_calculator.calculate_updates, merged_calculator,
                       new_data, parent_dataset_id=agg_dataset.dataset_id)