    def store(self):
        Stores the Secret in Barbican.  New Secret objects are not persisted
        in Barbican until this method is called.

        :raises: PayloadException
        secret_dict = {
            'name': self.name,
            'algorithm': self.algorithm,
            'mode': self.mode,
            'bit_length': self.bit_length,
            'secret_type': self.secret_type,
            'expiration': self.expiration

        if self.payload == '':
            raise exceptions.PayloadException("Invalid Payload: "
                                              "Cannot Be Empty String")

        if self.payload is not None and not isinstance(
                self.payload, (six.text_type, six.binary_type)):
            raise exceptions.PayloadException("Invalid Payload Type")

        if self.payload_content_type or self.payload_content_encoding:
            Setting the payload_content_type and payload_content_encoding
            manually is deprecated.  This clause of the if statement is here
            for backwards compatibility and should be removed in a future
            secret_dict['payload'] = self.payload
            secret_dict['payload_content_type'] = self.payload_content_type
            secret_dict['payload_content_encoding'] = (
        elif type(self.payload) is six.binary_type:
            six.binary_type is stored as application/octet-stream
            and it is base64 encoded for a one-step POST
            secret_dict['payload'] = (base64.b64encode(
            secret_dict['payload_content_type'] = u'application/octet-stream'
            secret_dict['payload_content_encoding'] = u'base64'
        elif type(self.payload) is six.text_type:
            six.text_type is stored as text/plain
            secret_dict['payload'] = self.payload
            secret_dict['payload_content_type'] = u'text/plain'

        secret_dict = base.filter_null_keys(secret_dict)
        LOG.debug("Request body: {0}".format(
            base.censored_copy(secret_dict, ['payload'])))

        # Save, store secret_ref and return
        response = self._api.post(self._entity, json=secret_dict)
        if response:
            self._secret_ref = response.get('secret_ref')
        return self.secret_ref
    def __init__(self, api, type, status=None, created=None, updated=None,
                 meta=None, order_ref=None, error_status_code=None,
        super(Order, self).__init__()

        self._api = api
        self._type = type
        self._status = status

        if created:
            self._created = parse_isotime(created)
            self._created = None

        if updated:
            self._updated = parse_isotime(updated)
            self._updated = None

        self._order_ref = order_ref

        self._meta = base.filter_null_keys(meta)

        self._error_status_code = error_status_code
        self._error_reason = error_reason

        if 'expiration' in self._meta.keys():
            self._meta['expiration'] = parse_isotime(self._meta['expiration'])
    def __init__(self, api, type, status=None, created=None, updated=None,
                 meta=None, order_ref=None, error_status_code=None,
                 error_reason=None, sub_status=None, sub_status_message=None,
        super(Order, self).__init__()

        self._api = api
        self._type = type
        self._status = status
        self._sub_status = sub_status
        self._sub_status_message = sub_status_message
        self._creator_id = creator_id

        if created:
            self._created = parse_isotime(created)
            self._created = None

        if updated:
            self._updated = parse_isotime(updated)
            self._updated = None

        self._order_ref = order_ref

        self._meta = base.filter_null_keys(meta)

        self._error_status_code = error_status_code
        self._error_reason = error_reason

        if 'expiration' in self._meta.keys():
            self._meta['expiration'] = parse_isotime(self._meta['expiration'])
    def store(self):
        Stores the Secret in Barbican.  New Secret objects are not persisted
        in Barbican until this method is called.

        :raises: PayloadException
        secret_dict = {
            'name': self.name,
            'algorithm': self.algorithm,
            'mode': self.mode,
            'bit_length': self.bit_length,
            'secret_type': self.secret_type,
            'expiration': self.expiration

        if not self.payload:
            raise exceptions.PayloadException("Missing Payload")
        if not isinstance(self.payload, (six.text_type, six.binary_type)):
            raise exceptions.PayloadException("Invalid Payload Type")
        if self.payload_content_type or self.payload_content_encoding:
            Setting the payload_content_type and payload_content_encoding
            manually is deprecated.  This clause of the if statement is here
            for backwards compatibility and should be removed in a future
            secret_dict['payload'] = self.payload
            secret_dict['payload_content_type'] = self.payload_content_type
            secret_dict['payload_content_encoding'] = (
        elif type(self.payload) is six.binary_type:
            six.binary_type is stored as application/octet-stream
            and it is base64 encoded for a one-step POST
            secret_dict['payload'] = (
            secret_dict['payload_content_type'] = u'application/octet-stream'
            secret_dict['payload_content_encoding'] = u'base64'
        elif type(self.payload) is six.text_type:
            six.text_type is stored as text/plain
            secret_dict['payload'] = self.payload
            secret_dict['payload_content_type'] = u'text/plain'

        secret_dict = base.filter_null_keys(secret_dict)

        LOG.debug("Request body: {0}".format(secret_dict))

        # Save, store secret_ref and return
        response = self._api.post(self._entity, json=secret_dict)
        if response:
            self._secret_ref = response.get('secret_ref')
        return self.secret_ref
    def store(self):
        """Store Container in Barbican"""
        secret_refs = self._get_secrets_and_store_them_if_necessary()

        container_dict = base.filter_null_keys({
            'name': self.name,
            'type': self._type,
            'secret_refs': secret_refs

        LOG.debug("Request body: {0}".format(container_dict))

        # Save, store container_ref and return
        response = self._api.post(self._entity, json=container_dict)
        if response:
            self._container_ref = response['container_ref']
        return self.container_ref
    def store(self):
        """Store Container in Barbican"""
        secret_refs = self._get_secrets_and_store_them_if_necessary()

        container_dict = base.filter_null_keys({
            'name': self.name,
            'type': self._type,
            'secret_refs': secret_refs

        LOG.debug("Request body: {0}".format(container_dict))

        # Save, store container_ref and return
        response = self._api.post(self._entity, json=container_dict)
        if response:
            self._container_ref = response['container_ref']
        return self.container_ref