def _generate_pdf(self, data, reportid): "Generate PDF's on the fly" logo = os.path.join(config['pylons.paths']['static_files'], 'imgs', 'logo.png') lock.acquire() try: pdfcreator = PDFReport(logo, _('Baruwa mail report')) sortby = REPORTS[reportid]['sort'] if reportid in ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '10']: pieheadings = ('', _('Address'), _('Count'), _('Volume'), '') pdfcreator.add(data, REPORTS[reportid]['title'], pieheadings, sortby) if reportid == '11': totalsheaders = dict(date=_('Date'), mail=_('Mail totals'), spam=_('Spam totals'), virus=_('Virus totals'), volume=_('Mail volume'), totals=_('Totals')) pdfcreator.add(data, _('Message Totals'), totalsheaders, chart='bar') response.headers['Content-Type'] = PDF_HEADER disposition = ('attachment; filename=%s.pdf' % REPORTS[reportid]['title'].replace(' ', '_')) response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = disposition pdfdata = response.headers['Content-Length'] = len(pdfdata) finally: lock.release() return pdfdata
def command(self): "send" self.init() import baruwa pkgname = 'baruwa' here = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(baruwa.__file__))) path = os.path.join(here, 'baruwa', 'templates') logo = os.path.join(here, 'baruwa', 'public', 'imgs', 'logo.png') localedir = os.path.join(here, 'baruwa', 'i18n') cache_dir = os.path.join(self.conf['cache_dir'], 'templates') mako_lookup = TemplateLookup( directories=[path], error_handler=handle_mako_error, module_directory=cache_dir, input_encoding='utf-8', default_filters=['escape'], output_encoding='utf-8', encoding_errors='replace', imports=['from webhelpers.html import escape']) mailer = Mailer(get_conf_options(self.conf)) mailer.start() users = Session\ .query(User)\ .filter( == True)\ .filter(User.send_report == True).all() #localedir = os.path.join(self.conf['here'], 'baruwa', 'i18n') for user in users: host_url = self.conf['baruwa.default.url'] sentry = 0 language = 'en' if user.is_domain_admin: orgs = [ for group in user.organizations] domains = Session\ .query(Domain.site_url, Domain.language)\ .join(domain_owners)\ .filter(Domain.status == True)\ .filter(domain_owners.c.organization_id.in_(orgs))\ .all() if domains: host_url, language = domains.pop(0) if user.is_peleb: domains = [(domain.site_url, domain.language) for domain in if domain.status == True] if domains: host_url, language = domains.pop(0) if language == 'en' and 'domains' in locals() and domains: while domains: _, language = domains.pop(0) if language != 'en': break translator = set_lang(language, pkgname, localedir) _ = translator.ugettext reports = { '1': { 'address': 'from_address', 'sort': 'count', 'title': _('Top Senders by Quantity') }, '2': { 'address': 'from_address', 'sort': 'size', 'title': _('Top Senders by Volume') }, '3': { 'address': 'from_domain', 'sort': 'count', 'title': _('Top Sender Domains by Quantity') }, '4': { 'address': 'from_domain', 'sort': 'size', 'title': _('Top Sender Domains by Volume') }, '5': { 'address': 'to_address', 'sort': 'count', 'title': _('Top Recipients by Quantity') }, '6': { 'address': 'to_address', 'sort': 'size', 'title': _('Top Recipients by Volume') }, '7': { 'address': 'to_domain', 'sort': 'count', 'title': _('Top Recipient Domains By Quantity') }, '8': { 'address': 'to_domain', 'sort': 'size', 'title': _('Top Recipient Domains By Volume') }, '9': { 'address': '', 'sort': '', 'title': _('Spam Score distribution') }, '10': { 'address': 'clientip', 'sort': 'count', 'title': _('Top mail hosts by quantity') }, '11': { 'address': '', 'sort': '', 'title': _('Total messages [ After SMTP ]') } } pieheadings = ('', _('Address'), _('Count'), _('Volume'), '') totalsheaders = dict(date=_('Date'), mail=_('Mail totals'), spam=_('Spam totals'), virus=_('Virus totals'), volume=_('Mail volume'), totals=_('Totals')) pdfcreator = PDFReport(logo, _('Baruwa mail report')) for reportid in ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '10']: sortby = reports[reportid]['sort'] if user.account_type == 3 and reportid in ['7', '8']: data = None else: query = ReportQuery(user, reportid) if int(self.options.days) > 0: a_day = datetime.timedelta(days=self.options.days) startdate = - a_day query = query.get().filter( Message.timestamp > str(startdate)) data = query[:10] else: data = query.get()[:10] if data: sentry += 1 pdfcreator.add(data, reports[reportid]['title'], pieheadings, sortby) query = Session.query(, func.count('mail_total'), func.sum(case([(Message.virusinfected > 0, 1)], else_=0)).label('virus_total'), func.sum(case([(and_(Message.virusinfected == 0, Message.spam > 0), 1)], else_=0))\ .label('spam_total'), func.sum(Message.size)\ .label('total_size')).group_by(\ .order_by(desc( uquery = UserFilter(Session, user, query) query = uquery.filter() data = query.all() if data: if not sentry: sentry += 1 pdfcreator.add(data, _('Message Totals'), totalsheaders, chart='bar') if sentry: template = mako_lookup.get_template('/email/pdfreports.txt') text = template.render(user=user, url=host_url) displayname = '%s %s' % (user.firstname or '', user.lastname or '') email = Msg(author=[(_('Baruwa Reports'), self.conf['baruwa.reports.sender'])], to=[(displayname,], subject=_('Baruwa usage report')) email.plain = text pdf_file = base64.b64encode( email.attach('baruwa-reports.pdf', data=pdf_file, maintype='application/pdf', subtype='application/x-pdf') try: mailer.send(email) except (TransportFailedException, MessageFailedException), err: print >> sys.stderr, ("Error sending to: %s, Error: %s" % (, err))